Marking the spot where the first Spanish capital of Jamaica was established, Seville Great House (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$5 adults, US$2 children) stands atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the North Coast at the center of rolling lawns.

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Marking the spot where the first Spanish capital of Jamaica was established, Seville Great House (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$5 adults, US$2 children) stands atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the North Coast at the center of rolling lawns.
Just east of the stoplight in Priory, a turnoff leads down to Priory Beach, where an inflatable water slide is set up on Sundays and a sound system blasts dancehall, with selectors from Bass Odyssey entertaining the locals. There are several small cook shops, pan chicken vendors, a pudding shop, and a billiard hall along the stretch of highway running through Priory.
Green Grotto Caves (9 a.m.–4 p.m. daily) is Jamaica's most commercially successful cave attraction, located on a 26-hectare property between Runaway and Discovery bays.
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property.
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station.
Reggae Beach (contact Kavona, cell tel. 876/473-7077, 8 a.m.–6 p.m., 9 a.m.–midnight on Fri.–Sun., admission US$9.50) is a picturesque stretch of sand on an unspoiled cove a few minutes' drive east of Ocho Rios. The beach hosts excellent annual events like Luau and Frenchman's Parties, and an occasional stage show.