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Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance.


Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (US$113-385 low, US$136-468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair.


The Cliff (USD 325/500 d low/high) is a secluded upscale boutique hotel and villa complex just past Negril's lighthouse. The 33 spacious rooms, 22 located in a hotel block and the balance in villas, wrap around a large open garden peppered with palm trees and criss-crossed by an enormous multi-level swimming pool and meadering paths.