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Red Bones Blues Café (noon–11 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 6–11 p.m. Sat., bar menu continues till the last customer leaves) has great albeit pricey food (ranging from US$17 for linguine to US$50 for grilled lobster) and a nice ambience with regular low-key events like fashion shows, poetry readings, and cabaret performances on a cozy stage in the garden.


The HouseBoat Grill (6-11 p.m Tues.-Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m, happy hour 5:30-7 p.m, US$12-26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is owned by Scott Stanley. Reservations are recommended.


Andrea's Seaside Restaurant and Steakhouse (US$20-50) is an open-air restaurant at Marblue, where Andrea's award-winning chef husband, Axel Wichterich, creates dishes of local and international inspiration.