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Holy Trinity Cathedral (Sun. service, weekday mass at  8:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.), presided over by Father Kenneth Richards, replaced the old cathedral on Duke and Sutton, which was destroyed in the earthquake of 1907. Trinity has been center stage for several important national events.


Tuff Gong Recording Studio operates as living proof that a recording artist can own his music and be in control of his product and legacy.


The Parade, also known as St. William Grant Park, was a popular congregation ground for a host of labor leaders, including William Grant, Marcus Garvey, and Alexander Bustamante, who spoke regularly before large audiences in the decades preceding independence.


Kingston Parish Church stands on the corner of South Parade and King Street. It was consecrated in 1911 after having been rebuilt following the earthquake of 1907, which virtually flattened all of downtown. The church was constructed as a replica of the original, with the addition of a clock tower.


Hamlyn Orchids, run by Claude Hamilton, an accredited judge of the American Orchid Society, is the largest commercial grower in Kingston and the number one expert in Jamaica. He has a large nursery (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily), which can be toured (free) by calling ahead to set up a visit.


At the corner of two figures stand resolute, cast in bronze, their bodies thick and steadfast. A strong black man faces a voluptuous woman, their heads proudly lifted to the sky as if at once acknowledging the rectitude of their long struggle for freedom and silently praying for guidance in a new era.


Half Way Tree is the capital of St. Andrew, the parish that envelops Kingston. The bustling commercial area seen today is a far cry from its rural days when it was a popular rest stop for travelers between Kingston and Spanish Town. Several historical sites are wedged between the acres and acres of the concrete, strip mall-covered jungle.


St. Andrew Parish Church (free) also referred to as Half Way Tree Church, is one of the oldest Anglican churches on the island. The present church has a foundation that dates from 1692, when the earthquake destroyed the previous structure (which had stood only for a decade). One of the first U.S. Consuls to Jamaica, Robert Monroe Harrison, brother of U.S.


The Ethiopian Orthodox Church (McDonald Lane) was founded in Jamaica in 1972. This is the original state church of Ethiopia to which Haile Selassie I belonged. The church has an awkward relationship with Rastafarians in Jamaica; many of them have been baptized as Ethiopian Orthodox, including Bob Marley's children.


Kingston's Hindu Temple (114B hagley Park Road Kingdton ) holds events for all the major Hindu holidays including Ganesh Puja and Diwali. Local Hindus attend in heavy numbers on Sunday mornings.


