FDR Pebbles

Moon Author's Review

FDR Pebbles (next to Time 'N' Place along the old main road, tel. 876/973-5657 or 876/617-2500, US$250) bills itself as an ecofriendly, family-oriented resort. The hotel is by no means exemplary in the environmental department, however, with clear signs of dumping of gray water into the bay and a generally untidy backyard. Pebbles, along with its sister property in Runaway Bay, has created the family-friendly niche by proving nannies for guests. Pebbles' private beach has been sectioned off from the expanse with a pair of stone piers. Nevertheless, guests often hop the fence to get a taste for the authentic Jamaica vibe found next door at Time 'N' Place. All rooms at Pebbles have air-conditioning, ceiling fans, and hot water.


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