Jamnesia Surf Camp caters to budget travelers and surf enthusiasts offering basic accommodations in Bull Bay, where the most active members of the Jamaica Surfing Association tight-knit family congregate.

Call or email for assistance planning your trip: +1 (212) 203-0064 | reservations@moonjamaica.com
Jamnesia Surf Camp caters to budget travelers and surf enthusiasts offering basic accommodations in Bull Bay, where the most active members of the Jamaica Surfing Association tight-knit family congregate.
Holywell National Park provides cabins and tent sites bookable through the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT). Book at least two weeks in advance for a weekend stay in one of three self-contained cabins (two one-bedroom units with open layout for US$50, one two-bedroom unit for US$70; resident rate US$34 for one-bedroom, US$45 for two-bedroom).
Portland Gap has six wooden cabins, lead-tos and camp sites. One cabin one has six bunks sleeping 12, at US$27/night; the second cabin has nine bunks, sleeping 18, for US$40/night; Cabins 3-6 are unenclosed with no beds but space for up to 15 people to on the floor. Foam sleeping mats can be rented for US$1 per night, but hikers should carry their own sleeping bags.
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls.
Blue Hole Gardens Victorian Cottage (starting at US$220/night) sits perched on a hill at the top of 94 steps ascending from a rustic bar that belies the understated luxury of the accommodations above.