Jack Sprat (adjacent to Jake's, tel. 876/965-3583, 10 a.m.\10 p.m) is a favorite for fried fish, conch soup, pizza, and Devon House ice cream.

Call or email for assistance planning your trip: +1 (212) 203-0064 | reservations@moonjamaica.com
Jack Sprat (adjacent to Jake's, tel. 876/965-3583, 10 a.m.\10 p.m) is a favorite for fried fish, conch soup, pizza, and Devon House ice cream.
Andrea's Seaside Restaurant and Steakhouse (US$20-50) is an open-air restaurant at Marblue, where Andrea's award-winning chef husband, Axel Wichterich, creates dishes of local and international inspiration.
Atlantis Seafood (Main Rd. just before reaching Junction, next to Lunie's Hot Spot, which is plastered with Heineken posters) serves the best seafood in Junction, with fish, lobster, conch, and shrimp (US$7\1700/pound) on the menu.