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Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery.


Blue Hole on the White River features a series of waterfalls and natural pools found along the White River in an area known locally as Breadfruit Walk.


Turtle River Park (7am-8pm Mon.-Fri., 8am-9pm Sat.-Sun., free) is located near the center of town at the junction of Milford Road, Main Street, and DaCosta Drive. A pedestrian entrance is accessible from Main Street across from Sandcastles. Ponds in the park have koi, butterfly koi, tilapia and turtles.


Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande.


105. Guts River

Guts River is located about five kilometers west of the Canoe Valley Protected Area, or 16 km east along the coast into Manchester from Alligator Pond, the Guts River creates a small pool as it emerges from the rocks with cool, crystal-clear waters said to have medicinal qualities. The deserted beach nearby is great for a stroll.


Castleton Botanical Gardens (free, tip guides) along the main Kingston-to-Annotto Bay road (A3) just over the border from St. Andrew, is still one of the nicest parks in Jamaica, despite having suffered years of neglect and recurring hurricane damage. Castleton was established in the 1860s and planted with 400 species from Kew Gardens in England.


St. George was the official church for the parish of St. George before it became part of Portland in 1867. The present cut-stone structure dates from 1814, but the foundation is much older. Both the church and the courthouse, which is still in use, can be accessed during business hours, and service is held on Sundays.


Hampden Estate is an historic sugarcane plantation and rum distillery that offers tours (Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., cost). The tour of the  Hampden Estate  last for approximately two (2) hours, goups consist of atleast ten (10) persons , however larger groups can be accomodated  by prior  arrangements.


Wata Land Echo Fun Park