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Hotel Mocking Bird Hill has pleasantly decorated garden view (US$195/255 low/high season) and sea view (US$235/295 low/high season) rooms with ceiling fans and mosquito nets. Wireless Internet is available in the lounge, where a computer is set up for guest use.


Reggae Falls, located near Seaforth, is a popular spot for locals to come splash around by an old dam on the Morant River and jump off the large rocks along the river. There is a hut nearby where drinks and food are served. A left across the bridge at the intersection in Seaforth leads to Mt.


The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.


Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.


Longboarder Bar & Grill (Tues-Thur 12-8, Fri-Sun 12-9, USD 8-25) serves fresh snapper, lobster and burgers beachfront on a quiet surfing beach in Roselle, St. Thomas between White Horses and Morant Bay.


Fish Cove (11am-11pm daily, US$20) is a roadside bar and restauarant serving fried escoveitch and steamed snapper, as well as other preparations including brown stew and garlic, with the appropriate sides of bammy, water crackers. 

