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1. Bromley

Bromley (US$80 per night) is a stately great house owned by the founding family of Walkerswood jerk sauces. A quaint cottage, Lignum Vitae, located next to the great house operates as a bed-and-breakfast, with a large bedroom suite containing a queen-size bed plus an additional twin bedroom with a veranda.


The Bob Marley Mausoleum (9am- 5pm daily, US$25 adults, US$13 ages 5-11) is one of Jamaica’s most popular tourist sites, drawing scores of fans to pay their respects to the late, great King of Reggae. Arriving in Nine Mile, the Cedella Marley basic school looms in red, gold, and green splendor just before the Marley family home.


Fern Gully is a former underground riverbed that was planted with ferns in the 1880s and later paved over to create the main highway (A1) between Spanish Town and the North Coast. Arts-and-crafts stands line a few of the less precarious curves along the steep, lush, and shady road.


This is a series of culture events held in Kingston at Bob Marley Museum and at his birthplace in Nine Mile, St. Ann, paying tribute to the King of Reggae, accompanied by cultural experiences like Nyabinghi drumming, Jankunoo dancers and talented reggae artists.

Laura Facey, one of Jamaica's leading sculptors, grew up between uptown Kingston and Mount Plenty, amid the lush, green hills of St. Ann. There, she maintains an art studio and occasionally hosts exhibitions, as she did in December, 2011 when she turned the estate into a gallery and invited friends and fans to share in an afternoon of art, good company and great food.