Call or email for assistance planning your trip: +1 (212) 203-0064 | reservations@moonjamaica.com
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Maps of The Blue Mountain
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Maps of Jamaica
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Maps of Mandeville
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Maps of Montego Bay
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Maps of Negril
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Maps of Ocho Rios
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Maps of Port Antonio
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Discover Kingston
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Kingston's Best New Restaurant
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Kingston's Best Hotel
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Kingston's Best Attraction
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
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Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
List of Maps
Maps of Jamaica
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Discover Jamaica
chapter divisions map:
The Best of Jamaica:
Metropolitan Kingston:
Downtown Kinston:
Uptown Kingston:
Spanish Town:
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The Blue Mountains
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Port Antonio and the East Coast
Port Antonio and the East Coast:
Port Antonio Coastline:
Northeast Coast:
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Ocho Rios and the Central North Coast
Ocho Rios and the Central North Coast:
Ocho Rios and Vicinity:
Ocho Rios Detail:
Runaway Bay:
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Montego Bay and the Northwest
Montego Bay and the Northwest:
Montego Bay:
Montego Bay Detail:
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Negril and the West
Negril and the West:
Negril Beach:
West End:
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Mandeville and the South Coast
Mandeville and the South Coast:
Treasure Beach:
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Mama Marley's Bar & Grill
Mama Marley's Bar & Grill (50 Main St., tel. 876/795-4803) serves mediocre Jamaican and international dishes. The restaurant was owned by the late Cedella Marley, Bob's mother, known as Mama B.
Lion's Den
Lion's Den (2.4 km west of cruise ship terminal, contact supervisor Joseph Morrison, cell tel. 876/896-1352, US$4–8.50) serves some of the best Jamaican home cooking in the Ocho Rios area, with dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and stewed pork. It makes a great stop for lunch on the way in or out of Ochi.
One Stop Veggie Shop
One Stop Veggie Shop (Shop #9, Simmon's Plaza, 73 Main St., cell tel. 876/877-1315, US$3–5) sells vegetarian food, porridge, soup, pastries, and natural juice.
Healthy Way Vegetarian Kitchen
Healthy Way Vegetarian Kitchen (Shop #54 Ocean Village, tel. 876/974-9229, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$1.50–5) serves escovitch tofu, hominy, or peanut, plus plantain carrot, bulgur porridge, steamed cabbage with banana, and fried dumplings.
Coconut Grove Supermarket and Wholesale
Coconut Grove Supermarket and Wholesale (188 Main St., tel. 876/974-3049) is the best wholesale liquor store in Ochi, also selling a limited range of grocery items.
Liu's Rexo Supermarket
Liu's Rexo Supermarket is located at New Ocho Rios Plaza (tel. 876/974-2328).
DJ Supermarket & Wholesale
DJ Supermarket & Wholesale (80-A Main St., tel. 876/974-3462, 9 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) sells groceries and liquor.
Money's Worth Meat Mart
Money's Worth Meat Mart (128 Main, tel. 876/974-2917) is the best place for fresh meat and imported frozen fish if you have trouble finding the local, fresh variety. Beef, chicken, local pork, snapper, Cornish hens, and imported turkey are sold.
Willy's Variety
Willy's Variety (130 Main St., tel. 876/974-5175, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) sells groceries, liquor, and hardware.
Park 'N' Shop Wholesale Supermarket
Park 'N' Shop Wholesale Supermarket is at 20 Main Street (tel. 876/795-4718).
Golden Loaf Baking Company
Golden Loaf Baking Company (72 Main St., tel. 876/974-2635 or tel. 876/974-5417 for the pizzeria, 8 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) makes bread, pastries, and pizzas, and baked chicken.
Tropical Oven
Tropical Oven (Shop #2, Ocean Village, tel. 876/795-4970) is a bakery selling pastries and breads.
Scoops Unlimited
Scoops Unlimited (9 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Sat and Sun.) is one of the local Devon House I Scream franchises.
St. Ann Chamber of Commerce
The St. Ann Chamber of Commerce (tel. 876/974-2629) has tourist booklets that advertise the area's tourism businesses and attractions.
Freehill Car Rental
Freehill Car Rental (Coconut Grove beside Petcom gas station, manager Cecil Subaran, cell tel. 876/865-3704 or tel. 876/795-4966, www.freehillcarrental.com, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Sat., till 5 p.m. Sun.,) rents Toyota Corollas, RAV-4s, and the Nissan Cube or March (US$60–110/day, US$500–650/week), as well as scooters. The company also offers airport transfers and tours.
Villa Car Rentals
Villa Car Rentals (Shop #7, Coconut Grove Shopping Centre, tel. 876/974-2474, villacarrentalscoltd@msn.com, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Sun.) has the 2006 Toyota Corolla (US$420/week) and 2005 Yaris (US$320/week) plus tax and optional insurance ($50). Linda Mash and Harry Chung are co-owners.
Sunshine Car Rentals
Sunshine Car Rentals (154 Main St., Pineapple Place, tel. 876/974-2980 or 876/974-5025, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Sat.) has 2004 Suzuki Grand Vitaras (US$125/day, US$582/week) and Mitsubishi Lancers (US$149/day, US$700/week).
SunSpree Car Rental
SunSpree Car Rental (tel. 876/974-6258, cell tel. 876/378-5682, fax 876/974-2652) rents Lancers and Corollas (US$70/day, US$378/week).
Caribbean Car Rentals
Caribbean Car Rentals (99-A Main St., tel. 876/974-2513, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–noon Sun.) has 2004 Mitsubishi Lancers, 2005 Suzuki Lianas (US$82/day, US$492/week), and 2006 Toyota Corollas (US$97/day, US$571/week).
Power Plus Computers
Power Plus Computers (Shop #6, Rexo Plaza, Main St., tel. 876/795-4664, powerpluscomputers@yahoo.com, 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., Sat. till 3 p.m.) sells and repairs computers and basic accessories and offers Internet access at eight computer terminals, one with a webcam and microphone. Power Plus charges the Jamaican equivalent of about US$2.25 per hour for Internet access.
Computer Wizz
Computer Wizz (Shop #11, Island Plaza, Main St., tel. 876/974-5844, 8:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m., Mon.–Sat.) sells computers, accessories, service, and repairs and offers Internet access with almost a dozen desktops in use and Wi-Fi access for those who bring their own machine (US$2/half hour, US$3/hour, or J$100/half hour, J$150/hour if paying in local currency).
Jerkin' @ Taj Internet Cafe
Jerkin' @ Taj Internet Cafe (Taj Mahal Centre, tel. 876/795-0862, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has access for US$8 per hour. The restaurant section (10 a.m.–7 p.m.) serves decent jerk; a quarter chicken is US$15.
NCB Bank
NCB Bank is at 40 Main Street next to Island Plaza/BK and across from the craft market (tel. 876/974-2522).
Nancy's Cambio
Nancy's Cambio (Taj Mahal, 4 Main St., tel. 876/974-2414; 50 Main St., tel. 876/795-4285; St. Ann's Bay, tel. 876/972-8842, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) offers slightly better exchange rates than the banks. Travelers' checks are accepted with two forms of ID. Money transfers are also possible at the St. Ann's Bay Moneygram outlet.
Kulkarni Medical Clinic
Kulkarni Medical Clinic (16 Rennie Rd., tel. 876/974-3357, cell tel. 876/990-7726) has a well-respected private practice used by many of the area's better hotels. It's located between RBTT bank and Jamaica National.
St. Ann's Bay Hospital
St. Ann's Bay Hospital (Seville Road, tel. 876/972-2272) is the most important in the region, with people coming from kilometers around. Better service can be obtained at private health centers in Ocho Rios, however.
Ocho Rios Pharmacy
Ocho Rios Pharmacy is in Ocean Village Shopping Centre (Shop #67-A, tel. 876/974-2398, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. daily).
Pinegrove Pharmacy
Pinegrove Pharmacy is east of the clock tower on Main Street (Shop #5, Ocho Rios Mall, tel. 876/974-5586, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Sun.).
Quick Shots Imaging Labs
Quick Shots Imaging Labs (4 DaCosta Dr., tel. 876/974-8498 or 876/974-8498, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) offers one-hour processing and sells film and memory cards.
Bailey's Photo Studio & Colour Lab
Bailey's Photo Studio & Colour Lab offers photo processing and sells a limited range of digital camera products.
Carib Laundro-Mat
Carib Laundro-Mat (Shop #6, Carib Arcade opposite of 112 Main St., tel. 876/974-7631, 7 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) and Express Laundromat (18–20 Pineapple Place, Main St., tel. 876/795-0720 or 876/795-0721, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun.) both offer laundry services.
DHL is at Ocean Village Plaza (Shop #3, tel. 876/974-8001, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.).
Studio Tokyo
Studio Tokyo (Coconut Grove, cell tel. 876/864-3640) offers music recording, mastering, and video production services in a modest studio near Irie FM.
Getting There
Route taxis and buses leave for Kingston and points east and west along the coast from the lot just south of the clock tower in downtown Ocho Rios. Buses go between Ochi and Downtown Kingston (US$4) as well as to Montego Bay (US$4), while route taxis ply every other route imaginable: to Brown's Town (US$3), Moneague (US$1), and east and west along the coast to Oracabessa (US$2) and St. Ann's Bay (US$1.50).
Flights into the Oracabessa Aerodrome, renamed Ian Fleming International Airport in 2010, 15 minutes east of Ochi, can be booked with any of the island's charter operators from Kingston, Montego Bay, Negril, or Port Antonio. All the fixed-wing operators are based in Montego Bay and offer better rates when departing from there.
International AirLink
International Airlink (tel. 876/940-6660, res@intlairlink.com, www.intlairlink.com) offers service from Montego Bay (US$302 one-way paid in cash for two persons), Kingston (US$1,324), and Port Antonio (US$1,575). Airlink passes on bank charges of an additional 5 percent when paying with a credit card.
TimAir (tel. 876/952-2516, timair@usa.net, www.timair.net) also offers service from Montego Bay (US$316 for up to four persons plus tax), Kingston (US$579), Port Antonio (US$549), and Negril (US$566).
Captain John's Island Hoppers
Captain John's Island Hoppers (tel. 876/974-1285, helicopter@mail.infochan.com, www.jamaicahelicopterservices.com, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. daily) offers helicopter airport transfers for up to four passengers from Montego Bay to Ochi (US$970), from Kingston (US$811), and to and from virtually any other points on the island, as well as tours for sightseeing. The company has two Bell Jetranger aircraft.
Getting Around
Route taxis are the most economical way of getting around if you don't mind squeezing in with several other people. Taxis leave from the rank by the clock tower and can also be flagged down by the roadside if there is any room. Route taxis display their destination and origin in painted letters on the side of the cars and are typically white Toyota Corollas. Overcrowding has been somewhat reduced in recent years with increased oversight from the authorities. It is impossible to walk the streets of Ocho Rios without being offered a chartered taxi; bear in mind that these drivers will quote any figure that comes to mind. Haggling is very much a part of hiring a local charter, and be sure not to pay the total in advance if you hope to see your driver stick around.
Day at Green Castle
Another option offered, best for more dedicated birding and exploring, is a Day at Green Castle (self-guided tour is US$10 for half day and $15 for full day; guided is $30 half day and $50 full day), where visitors are allowed to roam the vast estate to count bird species, visit the orchid houses, or just relax and enjoy nature along the many hiking trails and coastline. The birds that frequent Green Castle Estate are as spectacular as the orchids and include 20 of the country's 28 endemic species: the chestnut-bellied cuckoo, Jamaican owl, yellow-billed parrot, red-billed streamertail, Jamaican mango, Jamaican tody, Jamaican woodpecker, rufous-tailed flycatcher, sad flycatcher, Jamaican becard, Jamaican elania, Jamaican pewee, Jamaican crow, white-chinned thrush, Jamaican vireo, Jamaican euphonia, orangequit, yellow-shouldered grassquit, and the Jamaican stripe-headed tanager. In total 120 species have been sighted at Green Castle Estate, including the native and visiting birds.
Jacks Bay Beach
Jacks Bay Beach (US$3 adults, US$1 children) has a bar and restaurant serving fish and Jamaican fare. Jacks Bay is located on the main road from the North Coast highway going into Robin's Bay. It is part of Green Castle Estate but managed independently by Gary Smith and Melicia Clarke (cell tel. 876/394-4982 or 876/360-6341, jacksbayvillage@yahoo.com). Jacks Bay is open daily and is happy to accommodate large groups or special occasions. Stop in for excellent food and drinks (US$8–10) or give Gary a call to make special arrangements for groups.
Sunrise Lawn
Sunrise Lawn (contact the proprietor Sanchez Swaby, cell tel. 876/436-1223, noon–last customer leaves, daily) is one of the coolest chill-out spots in Robin's Bay, with its picket-fenced east-facing lawn overlooking the sea. There are benches for enjoying the view on the lawn, and a cook shop prepares steamed and fried fish and conch soup, based on demand throughout the day (US$5–15). A bar serves white and red rums and beer, with stacks of speakers perpetually warming up for the next session. Try the house drink, "Smooth Sunrise," made with Guinness, Supligen, and Wray & Nephew white rum. It allegedly improves stamina and enhances libido, according to its creator, Sanchez. Gold Label is on special on Thursday nights with DJs spinning dancehall, reggae, R&B, and all sorts of classics.
Robin's Bay Village and Beach Resort
Robin's Bay Village and Beach Resort (tel. 876/968-3031 or cell tel. 876/361-2144, www.robinsbayvillageresort.com, US$75–135) has 43 rooms designed mainly for retreats or romantic getaways. The lower-priced rooms have mountain views with ceiling fans; the more expensive rooms have sea views and air-conditioning. All rooms have private bathrooms and hot water. There is a pool on the roof as well as a restaurant serving Jamaican dishes open to nonguests (US$6.50–21).
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
Strawberry Fields Together
Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages and Adventure Tours (US$90–220) sits on a seven-hectare property with six cottages ranging in comfort level from rustic Hibiscus to seaside honeymoon lavishness in Moonlight Magic. Two small private beaches with fine white sand line idyllic crystalline coves protected by coral reefs. An outdoor dining area has a wood deck, bar, pizza oven, and jerk center for eating and entertainment under the heavens.
Nature excursions based at Strawberry Fields include five-hour ATV tours (US$125 per person) through the bush to waterfalls, mountain biking to a volcanic black-sand beach (US$75), guided hikes to the same black-sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20), and snorkeling on Long Reef (US$50). Jeep tours with Everton in one of his many Land Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be arranged for any of the tours at US$12 per person.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
River Lodge
River Lodge (US$60–80 per room, including breakfast) is located on the site of a refurbished 400-year-old Spanish fort owned by Brigitta Fuchslocher. Rooms inside the fort complement a pair of cottages. From River Lodge there are hectares and hectares of unspoiled wilderness reaching almost all the way along the coast to Port Maria, where waterfalls and black-sand beaches are best reached by boat with the local fishermen. The rustic guest house offers five double occupancy rooms, one at USD 70 per night, two at USD 80 per night and two stand-alone cabins, one for USD 70, the other USD 80.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Green Castle Estate House
Green Castle Estate Great House (US$3,200/3,600 weekly low/high season, for up to four people, inclusive of meals, or US$3,600/4,200 low/high season for up to six with meals) is the fanciest accommodation you're likely to find between Port Maria and Port Antonio. While a weekly rental is preferred, it is also possible to rent a room at the Estate House for as little as three nights (US$260 d. nightly). For those who enjoy nature and an alternative idea of tourism but don't want to sacrifice elegant comfort and old-time Jamaican pace, there's probably no better accommodation option around. The great house has classy colonial furnishings in three spacious bedrooms with private baths, and a fourth room with two twin beds. The swimming pool overlooks gardens with a spectacular view of the coast and Blue Mountains from almost every window and veranda. You're guaranteed to see several species of hummingbird buzzing about, including the red-billed streamertail, the country's national bird. Tennis courts are well maintained. All estate tours are included with the great house rental. Opportunities for farm volunteer work and outreach in the neighboring community of Robin's Bay can be pursued with Angie.
Getting There and Around
The best way to reach Robin's Bay is by route taxi (US$0.75) or private taxi charter (US$7) from Annotto Bay. Getting around in Robin's Bay often requires long waits before a car passes, but the road is only a few kilometers long before it becomes a dirt track and disappears in the wilderness to the west.
Carib Resort
Carib Resort (tel. 876/970-0305, caribochorios@hotmail.com, www.caribochoriosresort.com) has one- (US$80/90) and two-bedroom (US$140/150) apartments, all with hot water and cable TV.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
Kaz Kreol
Kaz Kreol (US$98) is located on a beautiful beach along White River Bay, adjacent to the Shaw Park Beach Hotel (which is run-down and definitely not recommended). Rooms have queen or king beds, cable, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms with hot water.
The only place in town for falafel or a Greek sandwich is Little Santurini Grill (Kaz Kreol, White River, 7am-10pm daily, tel. 876/974-4613, US$10-20). Both are convincingly prepared and affordably served beach- side on a gorgeous stretch of coast by the mouth of the White River.
The Village Hotel
The Village Hotel (54–56 Main St., tel. 876/974-9193, villagehtl@cwjamaica.com, www.villagehoteljamaica.com, US$90 includes breakfast) has standard, deluxe, and suite rooms. All rooms have air-conditioning, kitchenette, cable TV, and ceiling fans. The Village Hotel has a swimming pool on property, and The Village Grill serves a mix of international and Jamaican cuisine (US$10–25).
Turtle Beach Towers
Turtle Beach Towers (Main St., tel. 876/974-2381, turtlebeachtowers@cwjamaica.com, www.turtlebeachvacations.com, US$65–160) is one of the original and less-attractive apartment-style accommodation options, with its cluster of gray towers at the base of Fisherman's Point resembling government housing projects. Do not book here without first seeing the room in person, as individual owners appoint the apartments according to taste (or neglect, as the case may be), and the decor and amenities vary greatly from unit to unit. Reduced rates can be negotiated for longer stays.
Executive Inn
Executive Inn (60 Main St., tel. 876/795-4070, US$100/person) has 20 rooms with one, two, or three beds, and TV, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. It includes continental breakfast in its nightly rate. The Executive Inn also runs Carlito's Cafe, located around back on DaCosta serving typical Jamaican dishes.
Columbus Heights Apartments
Columbus Heights Apartments, managed by Jennifer Llewellyn, is a large condo complex on a hill overlooking Ocho Rios, affording great views. Studios and one- and two-bedroom apartments with air-conditioning and hot water range US$100–200, with a US$20 difference between low and high season. Longer stays afford reduced rates.
Fisherman's Point
Fisherman's Point (Cruise Ship Wharf, contact Charmaine Annikey for bookings, from the US/Canada tel. 877/211-6313, cell tel. 876/798-7647, accounts@selfcateringapartmentsjm.com, www.fishermanspoint.net or www.selfcateringapartmentsjm.com, US$100/125 low/high season) is run as a strata with individual apartment owners pooling their units. These are some of the nicer self-contained units available in Ocho Rios, and while decor and furnishings vary considerably between apartments, there is much better oversight of the conditions than at neighboring Turtle Towers. All units are fully furnished, with hot water, living rooms, equipped kitchens, TV, air-conditioning, and telephones. There is a nice pool at the center of the complex, with Turtle Beach access two minutes away.
Rooms on the Beach
Rooms on the Beach (Turtle Beach, Main St., tel. 876/974-6632, toll-free from U.S. or Jamaica 877/467-8737, info@superclubs.com, www.roomsresort.com, www.superclubs.com, US$105–141) is SuperClubs' answer to the demand for a dependable European-plan option on the beachfront in Ochi. Located in the heart of town, ROOMS is a beachfront property with a pool and all the fixtures of an all-inclusive--without the all-inclusive. The rooms are clean, with TV, air-conditioning, telephones, and hot water. The property is a short walk from all the restaurants and nightlife in downtown Ocho Rios.
Crane Ridge Resort
Crane Ridge Resort (17 DaCosta Dr., tel. 876/974-8051, craneridge@craneridge.net, www.craneridge.net) has 90 units perched on a hill overlooking Ocho Rios off the bypass above Ruins at the Falls. Standard (US$80/133 low/high season) and one-bedroom rooms (US$99/157 low/high season) have private bathrooms with hot water and shared balcony. The two-bedroom suites (US$157/191 low/high season) have a private balcony, whirlpool tub, kitchenette, and living room. The nine three-story buildings surround a large pool with a swim-up bar. Complimentary Wi-Fi is accessible from the lobby and dining room area.
Hibiscus Lodge
Hibiscus Lodge (83 Main St., tel. 876/974-2676, info@hibiscusjamaica.com, www.hibiscusjamaica.com) has comfortable rooms with air-conditioning, TV, and private baths with hot water. Rooms are either garden (US$135/147 low/high season) or ocean view (US$147/159 low/high season), and come with two twins or one queen-size bed. Rates include breakfast. The hotel is within easy walking distance of the heart of Ochi and Mahogany Beach.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn (from US$349/586 d. low/high season) has remained one of the top hotels in the island for decades for good reason. Several features make the 55-unit property unique and charming.
The beach is one of the best in Jamaica, with fine golden sand and crystal clear water that drops off quickly, fringed by low coral bluffs. Thatch umbrellas are planted abundantly across the sand and the bar staff makes regular rounds. Even at full occupancy Jamaica Inn never feels overcrowded.
The rooms themselves have effective fans over the bed and in the living area, which is open on one side to the tropical air. Ensuite bathrooms have marble-topped vanities and bathtub showers with walk-in showers in the larger suites and cottages. The bedrooms are furnished with dark mahogany king-size beds, matching desks and chester drawers. Local paintings and prints adorn the walls, soft white linens and fluffy pillows ensure restful slumber. You won't find clocks or TVs in the bedrooms, deemed wasteful reminders of the rat race in the tropical dimension where Jamaica Inn carved out its identity. Notwithstanding, Wi-Fi coverage is strong throughout the hotel and the library has a large flat screen.
Three room categories differ mainly in size and proximity to the water: The highlight of all rooms is the indoor/outdoor living spaces, overlooking the gardens and croquet pitch in the second-floor Superor Balcony Suites (US$349/586 low/high season), opening right onto the sand in the Deluxe Verandah Suites (US$411/710 low/high season) or sitting at the coral-lined waters edge in the Premiere Verandah Suites (US$493/874).
The most glamorous rooms include the White Suite (US$820/1,760 low/high season), where Winston Churchill stayed, and the slightly more modest Cowdray Suite (US$489/969). Four one-bedroom cottages (US$759/1,459 low/high season) and four two-bedroom cottages (US$919/1,699) step it up a notch with plunge pools, decks and outdoor showers. Three bungalows were added to the inventory in 2017 on an adjacent property that has its own beach but shares the cove with a few other hotels.
The staff at Jamaica Inn strikes the right balance between attentive, courteous and unobtrusive. Meals are served in the dining room or terraces in the Main House. Breakfast offerings range from Jamaican staples like ackee and salt fish accompanied by steamed starchy sides, to continental fare, fresh fruit and pastries. The dinner menu features prix fixe (US$45pp) and a la carte options with daily specials and an extensive wine list. Scrumptious starters like the spicy conch cigar or caprese salad invigorate a dynamic menu executed with home-cooked quality. Entrées range from a catch of the day, always the best bet for seafood, to steak and vegetarian options.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
The Ocean Spa
The Ocean Spa (Mon-Sat 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m – 6 p.m.,) is located beside the cottages at Jamaica Inn along the coral-cliffed waterfront. Massage huts sit atop the lapping waves. A barrel-shaped sauna sits in one corner of the inner courtyard facing the outdoor shower and hydrotheraphy hut. The spa offer massage, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as sauna and hydrotherapy sessions starting at US$70 for the 30-minute head and shoulders massage.
Royal Plantation
Royal Plantation (tel. 876/974-5601 or U.S. tel. 305/284-1300, rpres@jm.royalplantation.com, www.royalplantation.com, US$1,548/1,636 d low season/high season European plan, US$1,978/2,066 d all-inclusive Royal Plan low/high season, stays of three nights or more receive a 65 percent discount) is an upscale property owned by the Sandals group. It's basically a Sandals resort on champagne and caviar, the extra amenities well appreciated by its guests. Royal Plantation gives guests the opportunity to get off the premises and taste a bit of local cuisine, if they so choose, on the European plan. Royal Plantation has three restaurants: One features "Nouveau Caribbean Fusion," Le Papillon is a French restaurant, and La Terrazza serves Mediterranean cuisine.
Royal Plantation has six room categories: deluxe; premium oceanfront junior suite; luxury oceanfront junior suite, with whirlpool tub and French balcony; the honeymoon grand luxe, with a walkout balcony and larger whirlpool bath with separate shower; the honeymoon plantation one-bedroom suite with living and a whirlpool area with separate standing shower; and the one-bedroom suites have two walkout balconies with lounge chairs and a huge living room area with 1.5 baths. Royal Plan guests have greens fees and transportation to the Sandals Golf Course included.
In addition to the rooms in the main building, there's a three-bedroom villa with a private pool. The top of the villa has two bedrooms sleeping 2–4 persons with a third bedroom downstairs that can be added. All bedrooms have king-size beds.
Red Lane Spa
Red Lane Spa (876/670-9015, www.redlanespa.com) is one of the most comprehensive spas on the island, with 14 full-time employees and eight full-time therapists specializing in different treatments. The spa offers a wide variety of services, from hot stone massage to nails and facials. Specially built for the grand opening of Royal Plantation Inn, the European-inspired spa is open to nonguests as well.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
Scotch on the Rocks
Scotch on the Rocks (Pineapple Grove, just east of the junction of Main St. and the Ocho Rios bypass) is one of Jamaica's top five villas in terms of elegance, luxury, and an all-permeating sense of class, while still remaining unpretentious and full of vibes. The five-bedroom house (US$6,535/8,035 low/high season per week, US$7,535/9,535/10,035 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's) is well laid out for privacy but still spacious enough for the whole family. Each bedroom has a private bath and a large balcony overlooking the sea. You won't find more soothing rooms anywhere, with soft linens and delicate white curtains that catch the evening breeze, blurring the lines between heaven and earth. A large pool deck out front overlooks the sea at the top of a staircase down to the picture-perfect dock with a gazebo at its tip. The exquisite meals are served either in the large indoor dining room, or more often outside on the veranda. Scotchie, as the villa is known by those who have become its intimate guests, is situated on Sandy Bay, the equivalent of Ocho Rios' Riviera. The neighbors to the east and west are the most upscale hotels in town, Jamaica Inn and Royal Plantation, respectively, where tennis courts and spa facilities are within a few minutes' walk. The staff at Scotchie is top-notch. By the end of your stay, these exemplary Jamaicans will be family, and if you're wise put the Piña Colada cheesecake on the menu. Minimum seven-night booking in high season, four-night in low season.
SunVillas (contact Alan Marlor, SunVillas, U.S. tel. 888/625-6007, alan@sunvillas.com, www.sunvillas.com) rents a nice assortment of villas across Jamaica varying considerably in price while all having much more than the basic amenities. Scotch on the Rocks in Ocho Rios and Golden Clouds in Oracabessa are definite highlights on the North Coast.
Prendergast Real Estate and Villa Rentals
Prendergast Real Estate and Villa Rentals (7 DaCosta Dr., tel. 876/974-2670, pren@cwjamaica.com), run by Clinece Prendergast and her daughter Jacky, books a large selection of villas, some in the hills overlooking Ochi and others directly on the water in and around town and from Oracabessa to Montego Bay along the North Coast. One of the nicer waterfront properties is Lime Tree, an expansive five-bedroom villa in the heart of Ocho Rios along a choice stretch of coastline just off Main Street. Other highlights include Seven Seas, a four-bedroom property on the beach in Mammee Bay, Four Winds, a five-bedroom villa on the beach in Old Fort Bay, and Golden Clouds, a nine-bedroom villa on a two-acre property seafront in Oracabessa.
Prospect Villas
Prospect Villas (tel. 876/994-1373, ian@prospect-villas.com, www.prospect-villas.com) rents five villas in addition to the Prospect Plantation great house. The villas (US$2,500–14,000 low season, US$3,500–16,500 high season for a weeklong stay) have three or four bedrooms, with a minimum two-night stay (from US$360/500 low/high per night). Part of the Prospect Plantation Estate, formerly owned by Sir Harold Mitchell, Prospect Villas hosted some of the most important political and entertainment figures of the 20th century, including Charlie Chaplin and Henry Kissinger, to name a few. The villas have every amenity imaginable, from DSL to iPod docks to satellite TV, not to mention the private waterfront and full staff.
Jamaica Association of Villas and Apartments
Jamaica Association of Villas and Apartments (JAVA) has its local headquarters at the Pompano Commercial Complex in Tower Isle (tel. 876/975-5504 or 876/975-5643, from the US tel. 773/463-6688 or 800/845-5276, javavillas@aol.com, java-jam-villas@cwjamaica.com, www.villasinjamaica.com) and offers booking services for member villas across the island.
Garden House
Garden House (Shaw Park, across from Coyaba Gardens, tel. 876/974-4481, U.K. tel. for booking +44 1296/614-451, enquiries@gardenhouse-jamaica.com, gardenhouse-jamaica@hotmail.com, www.gardenhouse-jamaica.com, US$4,500/6500 low/high season for up to 19 guests) is a beautiful villa located on a 4.5-acre estate in the hills above Ochi, commanding spectacular views of the city and north coast. The main house has eight guest rooms with air-conditioning and en suite bathrooms, balconies, and walk-in closets. There's a freshwater pool in the garden.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande
Moon Palace Jamaica Grande (rom US$466 low season, US$652 high season) is the most prominent hotel on Turtle Beach, occupying the prime piece of real estate on the point of the bay. Completely refurbished in 2014 and taken over by Mexico-based Palace Resorts, the 705-room hotel boasts its own Dolphin Cove, a surf pool, a discotheque, buffet and à la carte dining. Rooms come in partial sea view and sea view categories, are modern and immaculate with quality toiletries, soft linens and minibars. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and throughout the property.
Sandals Grande Ocho Rios Beach and Villa Resort
Sandals Grande Ocho Rios Beach and Villa Resort (Main St., tel. 876/974-5691, www.sandals.com, US$880 weekly) is a 529-room property covering land on both sides of the bypass. Sandals properties are exclusively for couples. Sandals Grande Ocho Rios features three resorts in one, set amid a 100-plus acre seaside estate. The Ciboney Villas are nestled among lush, tropical foliage, and come with private pools. A small white sand beach hugged by a wraparound pier dotted with gazebos dubbed the Grande Promenade, is the prominent feature at The Riviera. The Manor House is set among sprawling lawns and gardens on the opposite side of the road from The Riviera. All three Sandals Jamaica resorts boast rooms with amenities like four-poster king beds, flat panel TVs, CD players, stocked fridge, en suite bathrooms, and air-conditioning. Internet is available for an additional charge. Guests can choose from 11 restaurants, seven pools, and 22 whirlpools, and are offered complimentary access to the Sandals Ocho Rios Golf Club.
ClubHotel Riu Ocho Rios
ClubHotel Riu Ocho Rios (tel. 876/972-2200, US tel. 888/RIU-4990, clubhotel.ochorios@riu.com, www.riu.com), located in Mamee Bay, is a massive 865-room resort facing the sea. Rooms are clean and well appointed in replica furniture and either one king, a king and a double, or two double beds. Riu is among the least expensive of the all-inclusive hotels, but it's hard to see the value when reservations in one of the three "premier dining" restaurants requires standing in a long line 10 a.m.–noon to secure a reservation, and after all that the cuisine tends to disappoint. In the buffet dining room, where no reservations are required, the food quality is decent, albeit overwhelmingly imported. There is little inside the purple-painted buildings to remind guests that they are in Jamaica. Internet access is offered in the café off the lobby for a whopping US$18 per hour.
Couples (www.couples.com, from US$507/551 low/high season) has two all-inclusive resorts just east of town across the border in Tower Isle, St. Mary: Couples San Souci (White River, tel. 876/994-1353) and Couples Tower Isle (Tower Isle, tel. 876/975-4271), reborn in 2008 after a US$30 million renovation gave the property a sleek South Beach feel.
Couples Resorts are easily at the top of the all-inclusive ranking, first for the quality of the food with a lot of local fruit and produce, a delicious mix of local and international cuisine, details like black pepper grinders at each table, and premium drinks and liquor.
The rooms at Sans Souci, which means "worry-free" in French, are tasteful with simple decor and balconies overlooking a private beach. Couples Tower Isle boasts a private island within swimming distance from the beach, reserved for nudists to hang loose.
Spring Garden Café and Seafood Grill
Spring Garden Café and Seafood Grill (tel. 876/795-3149, 11 a.m.–11 p.m.) serves seafood, steak, and chicken (US$8–30). It's located on the bypass near Irie FM.
Tropical Vibes Seafood and Bar
Tropical Vibes Seafood and Bar (contact Garwin Davis, tel. 876/392-8287 or 876/386-0858, 8 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$6.50–21) is a great breezy bar serving the best fresh escovitch fish and bammy in town, as well as lobster, conch, and shrimp.
A host of other fish shacks, grub shops, and craft vendors line the fishermen's beach area. It's possible to set up informal arrangements to charter one of the fishing boats, known as canoes, but bear in mind shady characters and hustlers tend to congregate in the area as well.
Jack Ruby's
Jack Ruby's (1 James Ave., contact Peter Turner, cell tel. 876/381-3794 or 876/974-7289, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$5–13) serves local fare, such as fried chicken with rice and peas, as well as seafood.
World of Fish
World of Fish (3 James Ave., no phone, 8 a.m.–1 a.m. daily) serves fish, chicken (US$3.50), rice and peas, curry goat (US$5), stew chicken, and fried, roast, or steamed fish with bammy or festival.
Scotchie's Too
Scotchie's Too (Drax Hall, beside the Epping gas station, tel. 876/794-9457, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Sun., US$4–11) is Jamaica's most respected jerk center, consistently grilling up the best jerk the country has to offer, with pork, chicken, and roast fish accompanied by breadfruit, yam, and festival.
Ocho Rios Jerk Centre
Ocho Rios Jerk Centre (16 DaCosta Drive, tel. 876/974-2549, 10 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$5–13) serves pork, whole and half chicken, ribs and fish by the pound, as well as conch, accompanied by breadfruit, sweet potato, bammy, and festival. It's located between Crane Ridge and the stop light at the junction of DaCosta and the road to Fern Gulley.
John Crow's Tavern
John Crow's Tavern (10 Main St., tel. 876/974-5895, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 a.m. daily, later on Fri. and Sat., US$8–14) is a small restaurant and bar on Ochi's main drag, a few steps from the Hard Rock Café. Dishes include club sandwiches, oxtail, escovitch fish, curry conch, curry chicken, jerk chicken, and pasta Alfredo and marinara. The mixed vegetables and dip is very popular, as is the coconut jumbo shrimp. Friday is jerk night, with a sound system and a mixed crowd of locals and tourists, with a little band on Saturday nights as well. There are three 42-inch flat-screen TVs generally showing some kind of sporting event, and free Wi-Fi. Ravi Chatani owns the joint.
The Ruins at the Falls
The Ruins at the Falls (17 DaCosta Dr., tel. 876/974-8888, www.ruinsjamaica.com, noon–10 p.m. daily) has an extensive menu with buffet lunch (US$15) that includes jerk chicken or pork and escovitch fish. Dinner items include Chinese roasted chicken (US$14), grilled lamb chops (US$28), Jamaican-style oxtail, curry goat (US$20), Jamaican Red Stripe butterfly shrimp (US$28), and grilled lobster thermidor (US$35).
An American doctor, Robert Page, created The Ruins in 1960s with bricks brought from a great house in Trelawny. The restaurant is one of the most scenic in Ocho Rios, with its dining room overlooking a natural 12-meter waterfall. The Ruins was once part of a larger property called Eden Bower, which covered much of the hill behind the restaurant, including the plot on which Evita's Italian restaurant sits today. Eden Bower was owned by the Geddes family, one of the founding partners of Red Stripe beer. In 1907 the property was parceled off and sold.
Almond Tree Restaurant
Almond Tree Restaurant (7:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m., noon–2:30 p.m., 6–9:30 p.m. daily) serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes like lobster (US$24), a variety of chicken (US$14), and fish (US$21), pork chops (US$15), lamb chops (US$17), and butterfly shrimp (US$30). A full bar in the restaurant serves the typical Heineken, Guinness, and Red Stripe (US$2.50), as well as mixed drinks. Indoor and outdoor dining areas overlook the water.
Michelle's Pizzeria
Michelle's Pizzeria (tel. 876/974-4322 or 876/974-9484, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. daily) is located at the Pineapple Hotel and has a nice outdoor dining area. Four specialty pizzas are served (10- or 16-inch, US$6–25): Hawaiian delight, seafood sensation, meat lovers, and conscious decision. Other dishes (US$7–8) include lasagna, spaghetti Bolognese, and vegetarian Rasta penne with traditional Jamaican ingredients. Subs are also prepared with smoked ham, jerk pork, fish, or plain cheese.
Evita's (Eden Bower Rd, reached by turning up the hill next to The Ruins, tel. 876/974-2333, 11 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., till 4 a.m. Sun. morning, US$11–30) is an Italian restaurant serving seafood, including lobster, steak, and pasta dishes. While Evita's might lack the upscale edge of Toscanini, the view is excellent and worth a trip.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar
Passage to India Restaurant & Bar (Shop 2, Fisherman's Point Resort, next to Ocho Rios Cruise Ship Pier, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily, US$11–26) serves authentic North Indian cuisine, with dishes like palak paneer, mala kofta, chicken vindaloo, lamb, lobster, and shrimp, as well as South Indian favorites like masala dosai and idli. This is the real deal, as good as India.
A move in 2015 from the restaurant's longstanding location rooftop in Soni's Plaza on Main Street to the breezy waterfront at Fisherman's Point was a welcome relocation, overlooking the town's modest marina where a few fishing, cruising and glass bottom boats await charters and the Moon Palace Hotel can be seen across the bay.
The only Indian restaurant in Ocho Rios for many years, Passage to India remains the best in St. Ann. It shares the same premises with Bottles & Chimney, a fancy Jamaican bar and cookshop operated under the same management.
Hong Kong International Restaurant
Hong Kong International Restaurant (Soni Plaza, 50 Main St., tel. 876/974-0588, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, later on the weekend, from US$8.50) is one of the better places for Chinese food in Ochi, serving chicken, beef, shrimp, seafood, and pork, with noodles and rice. Hong Kong is a bit dodgy in its ambience, making takeout a good option.
Irish Rover
Irish Rover (Greenwich Park, Drax Hall, tel. 876/972-9352, cell tel. 876/573-4933, info@irishroverjamaica.com, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Fri., open later on weekends, starting at US$8.50) lays claim to being Jamaica's first Irish pub. Jamaican Winston Samuels and Irish wife Angela opened the place in 2008. The kitchen offers garlic bread ciabatta, garlic mushrooms, chicken wings, coconut shrimp, soups and salads, sandwiches, burgers, baked potatoes, steaks, shepherd's pie, crab cakes, salmon, and snapper, in addition to more typical Jamaican dishes. Reggae night features a live band on Fridays, Latin night brings out Latin dance enthusiasts on select Saturdays, and there's jazz on Sundays (6–9 p.m.). The bar offers a wide selection of liquor, with bottled domestic brews and Red Stripe on tap.
Bibibip's Bar & Grill
Bibibip's Bar & Grill (93 Main St., tel. 876/974-7438, 9 a.m.–1 a.m. daily, US$7–34) is a nice spot overlooking the water near Mahogany Beach. It features a wide range of seafood, as well as Jamaican and international dishes.
Food at Coconuts (Fisherman's Point, opposite Cruise Ship Pier, tel. 876/795-0064, 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$7–25) ranges from the ménage à trois appetizer (coconut shrimp, chicken samosa, and conch fritters) to jerk chicken quesadillas and wings to a medley of shrimp, conch, and chicken to grilled sirloin strip steak. Coconuts has an all-you-can-drink special (9 a.m.–4 p.m., US$20) that includes house-brand vodka, gin, and Appleton Special rum.
Toscanini Italian Restaurant & Bar
Toscanini Italian Restaurant & Bar (Harmony Hall, Tower Isle, tel. 876/975-4785, US$10.50–24) is the most high-end and best-quality Italian restaurant in town, with tables on the ground floor of a beautifully renovated great house and outside on the patio. Dishes include appetizers like marinated marlin, prosciutto and papaya, and yellowfin tuna tartare and entrées like spaghetti cioppino di mare; the menu changes daily. The food is excellent, but be prepared to pay for it. Toscanini is run by congenial Lella, who is always around the place chatting with customers. Toscanini has been in operation since 1998.
Hard Rock Café
Hard Rock Café (4 Main St., tel. 876/974-3333, hrsales@cwjamaica.com, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Sun.–Thurs., 11 a.m.–midnight Fri.–Sat., US$10–30) opened in November 2006 in Ocho Rios, bringing the world's greatest tourist trap to one of the Caribbean's foremost tourist towns. Dishes are typical Hard Rock fare, from club sandwiches to burgers and steak. Local memorabilia adorning the walls includes Junior Murvin's guitar, used by Bob Marley for recording of the Kaya album, as well as the original handwritten lyrics to "Jammin'." Also on display are a suede jacket worn by Jimi Hendrix and a cap worn by John Lennon.
Ocean's 11 Watering Hole
Ocean's 11 Watering Hole (Cruise Ship Pier, tel. 876/974-8444, manbowen@cwjamaica.com, open when ship in town, closes at midnight at Tues. and Fri.) is a bar and restaurant opened in 2004 on the wharf that services cruise ship passengers primarily. Hours are determined by when the ship is in port (8 a.m.–1 a.m., 4 p.m.–1 a.m. when it's not in port). Much business in Ochi resolves around cruise ship schedules, which tend to change. Call ahead if you're not within sight of the pier to be sure. You can get Red Stripe (US$3) at the bar downstairs; upstairs there's a snack bar, coffee shop, and seafood restaurant with some nice antique coffee equipment that was at one time part of the small coffee museum on-site. Coffee is sold by the cup and by the pound (US$18–26/lb.).
Three Star Restaurant
Three Star Restaurant (Rexo Plaza, tel. 876/795-1320, 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$2–20) serves Chinese food, with dishes like chop suey, sweet and sour chicken, shrimp fried rice, stir fry, and Cantonese lobster.
My Favorite Place Restaurant
My Favorite Place Restaurant (Shop #7, Ocean Village, tel. 876/795-0480, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat., breakfast only on Sun., US$2–6) serves typical Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, escovitch fish, brown stew, and baked chicken; the menu changes daily, apart from the Jamaican staples. Paulette Garvey is the helpful proprietor and manager.
Nice-and-Nuff (Shop #8, Simmon's Plaza, 73 Main St., contact Lesreen Goulbourne, tel. 876/489-2190, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3–4) serves typical Jamaican food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with items like ackee and saltfish, oxtail, curry goat, and fried chicken. Food is served in foam clamshell lunch boxes ready for takeout.
San-Mar Cafe
San-Mar Cafe (Shop #8, Ocean Village Shopping Centre, tel. 876/795-1024, US$2–6) serves local staples and Chinese dishes.
Mom's (7 Evenly St., tel. 876/974-2811, 8 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$4–20), not to be confused with Mother's on Main Street, is located in a blue building across from the police station toward the clock tower. It's a local favorite, with oxtail, brown stew fish, baked or fried chicken, curry goat, stewed peas, and stewed beef.
Amnesia Nightclub
Amnesia (US$3–7, cash only) is Ochi's most authentic, down-market Jamaican nightclub. Thursday is Ladies' Night and gets quite busy, with a regular after-work jam and occasional deejay performances on Fridays. Muddy Mondays features mud wrestling.
Amnesia Nightclub
Amnesia (US$3–7, cash only) is Ochi's most authentic, down-market Jamaican nightclub. Thursday is Ladies' Night and gets quite busy, with a regular after-work jam and occasional deejay performances on Fridays. Muddy Mondays features mud wrestling.
Blitz Nightclub
Blitz Nightclub (4 DaCosta Drive, aka Main St., tel. 876/974-4407 or cell tel. 876/899-5540, 10 p.m.–6 a.m. Tues. and Fri., admission US$7) is open only on Tuesdays for an after party following Ocean 11's karaoke night, and Fridays for ladies night, dubbed Girls Gone Wild, where women pay no cover.
Spinning Wheel Club
Spinning Wheel Club (James Ave., no phone) is a local hangout where men gather any time of day for dominoes. There is no bar; it's basically just a hangout spot where you may be able to get in on a game.
Strawberries Night Club
Strawberries Night Club (James Ave., no phone) is another earthy Jamaican club where blasting music competes with Roof Club across the street.
Nicky's Bar & Games
Nicky's Bar & Games (Old Buckfield Rd., sign says Swingers on the outside) offers cards and dominoes, and domestic beers and rums at local prices (US$1–5.50).
Priory Beach
Priory Beach, a bit farther west, holds a popular dance party on Sunday evenings that last until about 2 a.m. on a good night.
Festivals and Events
Jamaica can be a tough place when it comes to continuity, and some of the more obscure annual events wane with the passing of years, while others regroup and come back stronger than ever. St. Mary hosts a few notable music festivals that are not to be missed should they coincide with a sojourn in the area.
Follow di Arrow
Follow di Arrow is an annual dancehall stage show held at James Bond Beach on the last Saturday in February.
St. Mary Mi Come From
St. Mary Mi Come From is held at James Bond Beach on the first Saturday in August and hosted by conscious reggae icon Capleton, born a short distance away from the venue in Islington. The event showcases some of Jamaica's most popular dancehall artists, many of them inspired Rastas like the fire man himself.
Ocho Rios Jazz Festival
Ocho Rios Jazz Festival (www.ochoriosjazz.com, US tel. 323/857-5358 or 866/649-2137) is held at various venues, from Kingston to Ocho Rios to Port Antonio over the course of seven days, starting around the second week in June. The festival features a few dozen local and international jazz acts.
Other Events
Luau is an annual dance session held at Reggae Beach, also around Easter. Beach J'ouvert, part of the carnival season's festivities, is held at James Bond Beach in Oracabessa in early April, where revelers whine out to soca and throw paint on each other, with after-parties spilling into Ocho Rios.
Farther inland in St. Ann parish, the Marley family hosts an annual concert on the weekend before or after Bob's February 6 birthday, and nearby the Claremont Kite Festival is held on Easter weekend a few months later in a big field, with a stage show in the evening.
Seville Heritage Park hosts a number of excellent events throughout the year, including a Kite Festival on Easter Monday and, the main event of the year, the Emancipation Jubilee held on July 31.
Once a popular annual festival, Reggae Sunsplash has been on ice for several seasons after it was poorly executed and lost money in 2006. Keep your ear to the ground for a potential comeback in the future.
Kampai (baycrestlimited@gmail.com, admission US$50) is one of the best all-inclusive parties held in Ocho Rios over the Easter Weekend put on by BayCrest, a promotions company led by Andrew-David Campbell and Dominic Azan. Held at Enchanted Gardens, or a similar exotic venue, on Easter Sunday, the party features an assortment of food from ribs and beef to pasta and seafood, catered by many of the best Kingston- and Ochi-based restaurants. Bars are plentiful, with sponsoring beverage companies doing their best to impress with creative concoctions, and top-class selectors spinning a mix of soca, dancehall, reggae and hip-hop.
Daydreams (Wright Image Entertainment, US$30) is another popular all-inclusive party, a bit less upscale than Kampai, held on Easter Sunday at an open air venue like the beach at Drax Hall.
Neville Dread International Boutique
Neville Dread International Boutique (Shop #4, Chuck's Plaza, 78 Main St., cell tel. 876/403-2875) sells mix tapes, Rasta-inspired apparel, dress shirts, Rasta-colored tam hats, and name-brand gentlemen's dress shoes, socks, and boxer shorts. The shop is a long-standing institution; it was established in 1980 by proprietor Neville George Ellis.
Ahead of Time
Ahead of Time (77 Main St., tel. 876/974-2358) sells Indonesian furnishings and trinkets like carved chests, moon mirrors, handbags, and ceramics and is worth a visit.
David Simpson's Fine Art Gallery
David Simpson's Fine Art Gallery (11 Old Buckfield Rd., tel. 876/840-1152) sells canvas wood carvings and ceramics. Viewing by appointment only at Simpson's home.
Jewels in Paradise
For the best deals on Jewelry, try Jewels in Paradise (tel. 876/974-6929, avi@jewelsinparadise.com, www.jewelsinparadise.com, Mon.–Sat 9 a.m.–5 a.m.) owned by the affable Avi Doshi who will give you the best deals around on brands like Audemars Piguet, Jaeger le Coultre, Corum, and IWC, duty free. Margaritaville shares the complex with several duty-free, but nonetheless overpriced, jewelry and gift shops. Reggae Xplosion and the Blue Mountain Cafe are also located here and accept dollars exclusively. Nevertheless, it's a decent place to get some real Blue Mountain coffee. Shade Shack (shop #K-4, tel. 876/675-8965) is one of the best places in Ochi to get brand-name sunglasses; it's staffed by owner Jackie Dodson.
Poco Loco Gifts & Souvenirs
Poco Loco Gifts & Souvenirs (4-A Taj Mahal Shopping Centre, tel. 876/974-3429) and Coco-Joe's (12 Burger King Plaza) sell authentic CY Clothing gear, in addition to other brands of T-shirts, clothes, and accessories.
Countless smaller shopping centers vie for the cruise ship dollars farther into the heart of Ochi, most notably in the Taj Mahal complex behind Hard Rock Café. The crafts market on Main Street across from Scotia Bank is definitely worth a visit. There's also another crafts center at Pineapple Place, and a third in Coconut Grove at the eastern junction of Main Street and the Ocho Rios Bypass, across from Royal Plantation, where the best deals can be found.
For clothes and shoes, there are several stores in the downtown area; haute couture will not be featured anywhere. Deals, in Soni's Plaza, is the best place for tight-fitting clothes for clubbing in Jamaican style.
Classic Footwear
Classic Footwear (20 Main St., tel. 876/974-4815) has shoes for both men and women.
The Shoe Works
The Shoe Works (Shop #6, Ocean Village Plaza, tel. 876/974-5415, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has the best service in town for fairly priced name-brand footwear.
Scent of Incense & Things
Scent of Incense & Things (79 Main St., tel. 876/795-0047), run by Janet Gallimore, is a nice shop selling incense, oils, herbs, spiritual products, and a variety of small gift items.
Sandals Golf and Country Club
Sandals Golf and Country Club (tel. 876/975-0119, www.sandals.com, 7 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$100 green fees, US$45 for locals) is a Golf Digest 3.5-star-rated course in the hills above Ochi. The course is compact and very walkable, but carts are also available (US$40). Clubs are also rented (US$30 Wilson/US$45 Calloway), and players are obliged to use a caddy (US$17, plus minimum tip of US$10/person).
A patio restaurant and bar serves burgers, hot dogs, and chicken sandwiches (US$7). The driving range offers baskets of 40 balls for US$4. Sandals guests don't pay greens fees, and special rates apply for guests of several other area accommodations.
Water Sports
From the Marina at Fisherman's Point there are several outfits that offer sailing, snorkeling, and water sports.
Margarita (contact Paul Dadd, cell tel. 876/381-4357, pdadd@cwjamaica.com) is a 12-meter sloop that can be rented for sailboat charters ranging from day sails to multiple-night trips around the island or to neighboring islands. The boat is chartered with a captain and can accommodate up to 15 people for day sails (US$50/person or US$400 for half day, US$800 full day). For overnight charters (US$1,000/day), the boat can sleep eight passengers.
Fantasea Divers
Fantasea Divers (contact Paul Dadd, cell tel. 876/381-4357, pdadd@cwjamaica.com) caters to hotel and especially villa guests along the North Coast. PADI instructors offer lessons and certification. Certifications range from bubble watching for children (US$65) in the swimming pool to PADI dive master (US$680) to assistant instructor certification (US$1,000).
Resort Divers
Resort Divers (Salem Beach, contact Laura or Everett Heron, tel. 876/973-6131 or cell tel. 876/881-5760, heron@resortdivers.com, www.resortdivers.com) is a five-star PADI dive facility, opened in 2007. Resort Divers also operates out of Royal Decameron in Runaway Bay, offering snorkeling, glass-bottom-boat tours, banana boat rides, water skiing, drop-line and deep sea fishing, and parasailing, in addition to its core dive services. Runaway Bay dive highlights include canyons, crevices, and flats, with popular sites being Ricky's Reef, Pocket's Reef, a Spanish Anchor, and wreckages like Reggae Queen, a 100-foot freighter, two airplanes, and a Mercedes Benz car.
From its base in Runaway Bay, Resort Divers will coordinate traditional drop-line fishing excursions with local fishermen. Resort Divers also operates Sharkies Seafood Restaurant at Salem Beach. Resort Divers has been in operation since 1986 with a five-star PADI rating since 1992. Call or visit the website for pricing specific to each activity.
Five Star Watersports
Five Star Watersports (Shop #14, Santa Maria Plaza, 121 Main St., tel. 876/974-2446, toll-free from Jamaica from JA 888/386-7245, toll-free from U.S. and Canada 877/316-6257, redstripecruises@cwjamaica.com or sales@fivestarwatersports.com, www.fivestarwatersports.com) operates three catamarans and a trimaran named some rendition of Cool Runnings. Cruises operate Monday–Saturday to Dunn's River Falls (US$72 plus transfer, 12:30–4 p.m.) and include an open bar, snorkeling gear, and the entrance fee to the falls. A Taste of Jamaica evening cruise (US $59/person, 5–8 p.m. Fridays only) offers an open bar and Jamaican food like jerk pork, chicken, steak, rice and peas, festival, and bammy. Other cruises offered are the Wet and Wild clothing-optional cruise (US$59, 2:30–5 p.m. Thurs., min. 15 persons). The boats depart and return to Mahogany Beach. Drinks at the open bar include Red Stripe, rum punch, rum and Coke, fruit punch, Pepsi, and water.
Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours
Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours (121 Main St., tel. 876/974-7075, info@bmtoursja.com, www.bmtoursja.com, US$93 from Ocho Rios area) runs a popular downhill biking tour which has been somewhat truncated over the past few years due to landslides that blocked the upper reaches of the route. The tour takes passengers to Cascade, above Buff Bay in the Blue Mountains, from where bikers descend for about an hour, have lunch, then descend for another hour to the Fish Dunn waterfall above Charles Town. Brunch is included at a restaurant along with orientation in Spring Hill before starting the ride. The entire excursion lasts 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Rowboat excursions
Rowboat excursions (US$10/person) to spot the manatees and snorkel in the surreal crystal blue waters are offered from the ranger station, a few kilometers south of Milk River. The rangers at the station also offer hikes to remote Taino Caves (rates negotiable). Turtles and alligators also share the waters; swimmers are advised to keep their eyes peeled.
Guts River
Guts River is located about five kilometers west of the Canoe Valley Protected Area, or 16 km east along the coast into Manchester from Alligator Pond, the Guts River creates a small pool as it emerges from the rocks with cool, crystal-clear waters said to have medicinal qualities. The deserted beach nearby is great for a stroll. Getting to Guts River requires chartering a taxi if you don't have your own vehicle, or hiring a boat from Treasure Beach if that's where you're based.
Chukka Caribbean Adventures
Chukka Caribbean Adventures (tel. 876/972-2506, ochorios@chukkacaribbean.com, www.chukkacaribbean.com) offers a host of organized tours, from horseback riding to ATV tours, canopy tours with ziplines through the forest, tubing and kayaking on the White River, the Irie Bus Ride to Nine Mile, and Stingray City at James Bond Beach. This is one of the island's most successful operations; it sees almost as many cruise ship passengers as Dunn's River. Chukka Cove, 15 minutes west of Ocho Rios, is the original flagship base for Chukka Caribbean Adventures, which now has operations all over the Caribbean basin.
H'Evans Scent
H'Evans Scent (Free Hill, cell tel. 876/847-5592 or 876/427-4866, info@hevansscent.com, www.mrmotivator.com, www.hevansscent.com, www.paintsplatjm.com, US$85/person) is an ecotourism outfit run by Derrick Evans, a.k.a. Mr. Motivator, offering ziplines, paintball, ATV tours, nature tours, and an experience where visitors get to mingle with locals 610 meters up in the hills of St. Ann. To get to H'Evans Scent, turn inland along the Bamboo Road in Priory for seven kilometers up the hill. The operation offers transportation from nearby accommodations in Ocho Rios, Runaway Bay, and Discovery Bay.
Strawberry Fields Adventure Tours
Strawberry Fields Adventure Tours (tel. 876/610-8658, cell tel. 876/999-7169 or 876/337-6127, kim@strawberryfieldstogether.com, www.strawberryfieldstogether.com) offers a variety of nature excursions based out of Strawberry Fields Together Beachfront Cottages in Robin's Bay, St. Mary. ATV tours (US$125 per person) last three hours, taking visitors through the bush to waterfalls; mountain biking tours lead to any number of places, among them a volcanic black sand beach (US$75), with guided hikes to the same black sand beach and Kwamen Falls (US$20). Snorkeling trips go to Long Reef (US$50), and Land Rover tours with Everton in one of his many rebuilt classic Rovers can also be arranged. Picnic lunches can be added to any of the tours for US$12 per person. Transportation can be arranged at an additional cost.
Lee's Elite Travel and Tours
Lee's Elite Travel and Tours (85 Main St., tel. 876/974-6234, cell tel. 876/487-6793, sales@leestours.com, www.leestours.com) is focused on airport transfers, accommodations bookings, and wedding planning, but Lee's also sells day cruise tours to Nine Mile, Dunn's River Falls, Dolphin Cove, H'Evans Scent, Hooves, and Green Grotto Caves. Lee's arranges transportation and entrance fees at discounted rates for families and groups and offers customized packages that include an airport transfer. Airport transfers to Kingston (US$140 for 1–4 people) and Montego Bay (US$80 per couple) are available. Leroy Villiers and Norma Lee-Villiers run the travel and tours operation.
The best spas in town are the Kiyara Ocean Spa at the Jamaica Inn (tel. 876/974-2514 or U.S. tel. 800/837-4608, reservations@jamaicainn.com, www.kiyaraspa.com) and the Red Lane Spa at Royal Plantation (tel. 876/974-5601 or U.S. tel. 305/284-1300, rpres@jm.royalplantation.com, www.royalplantation.com). In Tower Isle, Couples (tel. 876/975-4271, www.couples.com) opened a beautiful spa in 2008. All three spas are open to nonguests.
Veronica's Day Spa
Veronica's Day Spa (54–56 Main St. at the Village Hotel, tel. 876/795-3425) offers aromatherapy massages, reflexology, manicures, pedicures, and waxing.
Simanda Villa
Simanda Villa (1 Shaw Park Rd., tel. 876/974-0708, simi@cwjamaica.com) may just have the cheapest rooms in Ochi. The accommodations are basic with air-conditioning (US$25) or fan (US$20). Sun Flower Restaurant on the property serves local dishes like chicken with rice and peas (US$5).
Mahoe Villa Guest House
Mahoe Villa Guest House is a cozy and private guesthouse run by Michael Riley. There are seven basic rooms (US$40-60 depending on size) with either one double or two single beds, fan, TV, and shared bath; plus two slightly larger rooms (US$50) with private bath and private entrance; as well as a master suite (US$80) with standing fan, a component stereo, TV, a whirlpool bath, two walk-in closets, and a private balcony with sea view.
La Penciano Guest House
La Penciano Guest House (3 Short Lane, tel. 876/974-5472), run by Kenneth Thomas, is a relatively decent dive right in the center of town. The rooms are clean with fans, twin beds, TV, and hot water. The more expensive rooms (US$35) have private baths. Meals can be prepared to order. Longer stays can be negotiated. It should be noted La Penciano also gets its share of short-term guests.
Seville Manor Guest House
Seville Manor Guest House (84 Main St., tel. 876/795-2900) is a basic but comfortable guesthouse with queen-size beds in double-occupancy rooms (US$55), as well as triple rooms (US$64) that have a queen and a twin. Amenities include air-conditioning and hot water.
Marine View Hotel
Marine View Hotel (9 James Ave., tel. 876/974-5753) has rooms with either king-size or two double beds with air-conditioning and TV (US$65), one double with air-conditioning (US$45, with TV US$50), and one double bed with ceiling fan (US$35). There is a pool and restaurant at this ocean-view accommodation. Credit cards are accepted.
Little Shaw Park Guest House
Little Shaw Park Guest House (21 Shaw Park Rd., tel. 876/974-2177, littleshawpark@yahoo.com, www.littleshawparkguesthouse.com) is the only place in Ochi to offer camping (US$20) in addition to its 22 basic rooms (US$55 fan, US$65 a/c). Rooms range from standard with cable TV and private bath to studio apartments with kitchenette and living area. The property has been owned and managed since 1977 by Deborah and Trevor Mitchell, who have maintained a laid-back, quiet garden setting in spite of the development boom outside the compound walls. The furnishings inside the rooms have apparently changed little since the guesthouse was opened. There is one triple-occupancy room (US$75). The property is a 10-minute walk to the beach and town.
Pineapple Hotel
Pineapple Hotel (Pineapple Place, Main St., tel. 876/974-2727, fax 876/974-1706, US$60) has 18 basic rooms with hot water, air-conditioning, housekeeping, security, and pool access. Pineapple is one of the closest hotels to Mahogany Beach, a favorite local hangout.
A small community near the highest reaches of Manchester Parish, Christiana is a quiet town with one main drag and a single guest house. The most popular attraction in town is Christiana Bottom, a gorge located within walking distance from the center of the small village. Gourie State Park (contact Trevor Anderson for guiding services, tel. 876/964-5088, cell tel. 876/771-4222 or 876/292-4631, trevormanderson@hotmail.com, US$20 per person) is a recreational area on government land managed by Jamaica's Forestry Department, located between Christiana and Colleyville, about two miles past Christiana. Immediately after passing Bryce United Church, take the first left turn and then the first right until reaching the unmanned Forestry Department station and picnic area. Gourie Cave, the highlight of the park, is not actually inside the park but rather about a quarter mile down the hill to the left of the park entrance. By the cave entrance there's a picnic and camping area with a hut and tables and benches. There is one main trail through the park that leads to the community of Ticky Ticky, with excellent views along the way of the Santa Cruz Mountains, Spur Tree Hill, and the historic Bethany Moravian Church.
Gourie Cave was a hideout for runaway slaves. The cave follows the channels of an underground river about three to four feet deep, depending on how much rain has fallen. If you go north from the entrance and upstream against the current, you end up on the other side of Colleyville Mountain. A different route leads downstream along the underground river, deep into the earth where there are several caverns along the way. If you're going to be exploring in the cave, you should monitor the weather and be aware of any fronts on the horizon. It's not wise to venture into the cave alone. Contact Trevor Anderson for his guide services.
In Christiana Bottom, there's a Blue Hole fed from underground streams with two waterfalls dumping into the pool. There's another waterfall at William Hole farther downstream. To get to Christiana Bottom coming from Mandeville, turn right immediately after the NCB bank on Moravia Road, then take the first left around a blind corner, and then the first right, which leads to Christiana Bottom. Continue past the first left that leads to Tyme Town and park at the entrance to the second left, a wide path that leads down to the river. Ask for Mr. Jones for a guided tour (US$20) of Blue Hole and William Hole and his farm, where he grows ginger, yam, potato, pineapple, bananas, and sugarcane.
Pickapeppa Factory
The Pickapeppa Factory (at base of Shooter's Hill beside Windalco plant, call in advance to arrange a visit, tel. 876/603-3441, fax 876/603-3440, pickapeppa@cwjamaica.com, www.pickapeppajamaica.com, US$3 adults, US$1.50 children) offers a half-hour educational tour (8:30 a.m.\3:30 p.m Mon.\Thurs.) led by Diana Tomlinson or Noel Miller, which covers the company's founding in 1921 and the process involved in the manufacture of its world-famous sauces. The factory is closed for the first two weeks in August and between Christmas and New Year's, but at any other time of year a sampling of the Pickapeppa sauces is included in the tour. The sauces are made with all-natural ingredients, and include mango chutney, jerk seasoning, and mango sauces in hot, spicy, and gingery varieties. The only preservative agents used in Pickapeppa sauces are vinegar and pepper.
Scott's Pass
Scott's Pass (between Toll Gate and Porus) is the headquarters for the Nyabinghi house of Rastafari in Jamaica, with the House of Elders based there. The land was bought by Bob Marley and given to the Binghi for that specific purpose. The community members are for the most part welcoming of visitors, but you may get some evil eyes if you fail to recognize their customs for the Binghi celebrations: women must wear skirts or dresses (no pants) and cover their heads, while men must not cover their heads. To arrange a visit or learn about the birthday celebrations or other Nyabinghi events around the island contact the Rasta in Charge, Paul Reid, known as Iyatolah (cell tel. 876/850-3469) or Charlena McKenzie, known as Daughter Dunan (cell tel. 876/843-3227). Arts and crafts are sold throughout the year at Scott's Pass.
Roy "Ras Carver" Bent
Roy "Ras Carver" Bent (cell tel. 876/866-7745, rascarver@yahoo.com) is a Nyabinghi elder and master drum maker associated with the Scott's Pass order of Rastafari who lives in nearby May Pen. Ras Carver fashions, tunes, repairs, and sells the full line of drums used at Nyabinghi ceremonies.
Other important Binghi celebrations throughout the year include Ethiopian Christmas (January 7), one during Black History Month (a couple of days in February), commemoration of His Majesty's 1966 visit to Jamaica (April 21), All African Liberation Day (May 25), Marcus Garvey's birthday (three nights around August 19), Ethiopian New Year's (3\7 days starting September 11) and Haile Selassie's coronoation (November 2).
To get to Scott's Pass, take the first left heading west of the train line in Clarendon Park where the Juici Patties plant is located. Look out for a small bridge crossing the Milk River before reaching Porus.
Villa Bella
Villa Bella (tel. 876/964-2243, villabella@cwjamaica.com, www.jamaica-southcoast.com/villabella US$65-80) is billed as "Jamaica's original country inn." Located in a cool setting at 914 meters above sea level, you won't find a more comfortably temperate climate on the island. The hotel has a lot of old-world charm in a gorgeous setting. Its allure as an accommodation is somewhat lessened by the tired state of its rooms. Owner Sherryl White-McDowell has initiated efforts to refurbish the property, which will be ongoing. The restaurant serves Jamaican dishes like ackee and saltfish, roast and jerk chicken, and steamed fish (US$6\12).
The second most-populous parish, Clarendon is a major agricultural region with a lively market (Mon.\Sat.) by the square (or triangle) in its capital, May Pen. The parish, like all others in Jamaica, was originally settled by the Tainos, who were later pushed out by Spaniards who favored the area for cattle farming on their hatos or haciendas. Cotton and indigo became important crops during the early British period, before sugar took over later into the British colonial period. The parish developed as British troops settled on land granted to them as rewards for service by Charles II in the 17th century. Cudjoe, the Maroon leader, is said to have been the son of a slave on Sutton Plantation in Clarendon, the site of Jamaica's slave rebellion of 1690. Following emancipation, large numbers of Indian indentured laborers were brought in, forming the basis of a distinct cultural enclave that still exists today.
Visitors to May Pen will find virtually no tourism infrastructure, as the parish has little developed coastline and scarce attractions to excite the imagination of the short-term visitor. The undeveloped coastline can, on the other hand, be an attraction in and of itself, for the adventurous, and it is known to be dotted with caves in the vicinity of Portland Point. The brush-filled landscape in this same area is a favorite place for hunters to shoot birds in season for about five weeks starting in mid-August. The protected areas along the coast are the last place in Jamaica you have a good chance of seeing a manatee--native to the country's waters but severely endangered. The famous bathhouse in the parish, Milk River, warrants a visit if you're an old-school spa buff; if you're into hanging with the locals and taking a dip, try Salt River, where a spring wells up from the earth and sound systems blast music to bathers' delight.
May Pen
Jamaica's second-largest inland town after Spanish Town, May Pen is strictly Jamaican--receiving few foreign visitors compared with other major population centers on the island.
May Pen is the parish capital, with several heritage sites in its vicinity, including Halse Hall Great House, and the birthplace of acclaimed writer and poet Claude McKay, who went on to contribute to the Harlem Renaissance movement after moving to the United States.
May Pen was established on the banks of the Rio Minho and grew thanks to the river, which hampered travelers who took rest in the inns that were established on its banks. In the 1880s a railway station was built, further fueling the town's growth. Clarendon has a disproportionately large population of East Indian descent and is the location for Hosay, a traditional Indian festival that has been Jamaicanized.
The town gets its name from the Reverend William May, who owned the estate that predates the settlement. May served as rector in Kingston, and his son went on to become custos of Clarendon and Vere. The second important annual event held in May Pen is the Denbeigh Agricultural Show, which is a fantastic display of the region's farming prowess.
Halse Hall Great House
Halse Hall Great House (halsehallgreathouse@hotmail.com, http://halsehall.tripod.com) has been owned since 1969 by aluminum mining giant Alcoa. The property was named Hato de Buena Vista (Ranch with a Nice View) by the Spaniards who laid the foundation on which the present structure stands. Major Thomas Halse arrived with the British forces in 1655 and was given the property as a land grant following the British takeover. Halse built the present structure in the fortified style of the time to defend against potential reprisals from the Spanish and their Maroon allies. A second story was added by his heirs in the 1740s. Perhaps the most distinguished owner of the property was Thomas Henry de la Beche, an English geologist who founded the geological survey of Great Britain Royal School of Mines and Mining Record Office and wrote Remarks on the Geology of Jamaica. Ownership passed from the hands of the family in the 1830s to settle debt. Visitors are welcome to pass through to tour the house and grounds with prior notice and approval. Call Vanecia Harris tel. 876/986-2561, extension 4210, to request a visit.
Sweet and Juicy
Sweet and Juicy (Swanzey district at the end of Bustamante Highway, contact Jamie Levy tel. 876/359-6158, 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$3\4.50) serves staples like fried and curried chicken, and curry goat.
Murray's Fish and Jerk Hut
Murray's Fish and Jerk Hut (Toll Gate, tel. 876/987-1111 or 876/987-1684, 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$5\10) is a roadside hut serving roast tilapia caught on the Murray family farm, as well as jerk chicken and pork.
Daily Delicious Restaurant & Sports Bar
Daily Delicious Restaurant & Sports Bar (28 Main St., next door to Island Grill, a Jamaican fast-food joint, tel. 876/986-9842, 8 a.m.\9:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., weekends till 11 p.m, US$2.50\6) serves cow foot, cow head, oxtail, fish, pork, curry goat, and baked, stew, curry, and fried chicken.
Juici Patties
Juici Patties (tel. 876/904-2618) has its factory and an adjacent outlet and drive-through in Clarendon Park.
Versalles Hotel
Versalles Hotel (42 Longbridge Ave., tel. 876/986-2775) is reached by taking the second left from Mineral Lights Roundabouts. Suites with air-conditioning and hot water, cable TV, and king-size bed or two double beds run US$56.
Bridge Palm Hotel
Bridge Palm Hotel (Toll Gate, tel. 876/987-1052, cell tel. 876/819-4332, U.S. tel. 905/963-3251, bridgepalmhotel@yahoo.com, www.bridgepalm.com, US$50\67) has rooms with mini refrigerator, air-conditioning, and ceiling fans. Some rooms have balconies and overlook the swimming pool.
Fyah Side Jerk
Fyah Side Jerk (Toll Gate, 10 a.m.-midnight Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-11 p.m Sun.) serves jerk roadside just past the Bridge Palm Hotel. It's a buzzing local hangout and has grown its clientelle steadily with consistent food and ambiance that mixes loud dancehall, good food, bar and gaming machines.
NCB (876/986-2343) has a branch and ATM located at 41 Main Street, with a Scotiabank (tel. 876/986-2212) branch at 36 Main Street.
Clarendon Parish Library
Clarendon Parish Library (Main St., tel. 876/902-6294 claparlib@cwjamaica.com) offers DSL Internet access (US$1.50/hour).
South of May Pen
The area south of May Pen is the prime agricultural land celebrated in the Denbeigh Agricultural Show each year. The area is dominated by cane production at the Moneymusk Sugar Estate. Few visitors to Jamaica make it to this remote side of Clarendon, and the few who do typically visit the somewhat run-down Milk River Baths. More interesting is the coastal region of Portland, where the Portland Lighthouse stands on the farthest point south on the island, which juts out into the sea. You will need to charter or rent a vehicle to properly explore this remote area.
Jackson Bay
Jackson Bay has some of Jamaica's deepest coastal caves, where legend has it the pirate Morgan stashed booty. The little-explored coastline around Jackson Bay is dotted with such caves, while the beach is a popular spot with locals on weekends and holidays. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is very helpful for heavy exploring along this stretch of coast.
Salt River
Salt River, 10 minutes east of Lionel Town near the coast, has a public mineral spring that is a favorite cooling off spot among locals. Dances are held on weekends for what they call Early Sundays. Seldom visited by tourists, the upkeep is substandard as the locals don't seem to mind the rubbish that litters the grounds, including deceased refrigerators parked at the water's edge and large tires parked beneath the crystalline waters. Nevertheless, it's a great spot to soak up the local scene and eat some fried fish and festival. To get to Salt River, take the left turn before reaching Lionel Town heading south following the sign for Milk River Resort (closed), or take the first left after going through the clocktower square in Old Harbour heading west and continue for about 10 km beyone Longville Park Farm.
Salt River
Salt River, 10 minutes east of Lionel Town near the coast, has a public mineral spring that is a favorite cooling off spot among locals. Dances are held on weekends for what they call Early Sundays. Seldom visited by tourists, the upkeep is substandard as the locals don't seem to mind the rubbish that litters the grounds, including deceased refrigerators parked at the water's edge and large tires parked beneath the crystalline waters. Nevertheless, it's a great spot to soak up the local scene and eat some fried fish and festival. To get to Salt River, take the left turn before reaching Lionel Town heading south following the sign for Milk River Resort (closed), or take the first left after going through the clocktower square in Old Harbour heading west and continue for about 10 km beyone Longville Park Farm.
Salt River
Salt River, 10 minutes east of Lionel Town near the coast, has a public mineral spring that is a favorite cooling off spot among locals. Dances are held on weekends for what they call Early Sundays. Seldom visited by tourists, the upkeep is substandard as the locals don't seem to mind the rubbish that litters the grounds, including deceased refrigerators parked at the water's edge and large tires parked beneath the crystalline waters. Nevertheless, it's a great spot to soak up the local scene and eat some fried fish and festival. To get to Salt River, take the left turn before reaching Lionel Town heading south following the sign for Milk River Resort (closed), or take the first left after going through the clocktower square in Old Harbour heading west and continue for about 10 km beyone Longville Park Farm.
Salt River
Salt River, 10 minutes east of Lionel Town near the coast, has a public mineral spring that is a favorite cooling off spot among locals. Dances are held on weekends for what they call Early Sundays. Seldom visited by tourists, the upkeep is substandard as the locals don't seem to mind the rubbish that litters the grounds, including deceased refrigerators parked at the water's edge and large tires parked beneath the crystalline waters. Nevertheless, it's a great spot to soak up the local scene and eat some fried fish and festival. To get to Salt River, take the left turn before reaching Lionel Town heading south following the sign for Milk River Resort (closed), or take the first left after going through the clocktower square in Old Harbour heading west and continue for about 10 km beyone Longville Park Farm.
Salt River
Salt River, 10 minutes east of Lionel Town near the coast, has a public mineral spring that is a favorite cooling off spot among locals. Dances are held on weekends for what they call Early Sundays. Seldom visited by tourists, the upkeep is substandard as the locals don't seem to mind the rubbish that litters the grounds, including deceased refrigerators parked at the water's edge and large tires parked beneath the crystalline waters. Nevertheless, it's a great spot to soak up the local scene and eat some fried fish and festival. To get to Salt River, take the left turn before reaching Lionel Town heading south following the sign for Milk River Resort (closed), or take the first left after going through the clocktower square in Old Harbour heading west and continue for about 10 km beyone Longville Park Farm.
St. Peter's Church
St. Peter's Church is one of the oldest churches in Jamaica. It was founded in 1671 as the parish church of the former parish of Vere. The present building was erected around 1715 on the foundation of the original. The church bell weighs a quarter ton and was commissioned by the same company that created Big Ben, London's most distinguishing landmark.
Moneymusk Sugar Estate
The original Moneymusk Sugar Estate windmill in nearby Amity Hall is an interesting octagonal brick structure that now houses a branch of the parish library (tel. 876/986-3128, 11 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Fri.); Maxine Reid is the branch assistant. Internet service is offered (US$1.50/hour) on one terminal. The Moneymusk windmill was the only one in Jamaica to be constructed of brick, which raises the question of why the owners went through the trouble of importing such heavy materials from England when other estates were building the structures of locally quarried limestone.
Milk River Hotel and Spa
Milk River Hotel and Spa (tel. 876/902-4657, milkriverhotel@yahoo.com) has three types of rooms. There are rooms with two twin beds and either shared bath (US$110) or private bath (US$117), both of which include breakfast, dinner, and bath access. The third room category has either a king-size or queen-size bed with private bath (US$137) and breakfast, dinner, and bath access. These can also be rented with just bath access included (US$48 shared bath, US$55 private bath, US$75 private bath and queen-size bed). One suite has a king-size and a twin bed (triple occupancy, US$112 room and bath alone, US$206 with bath, breakfast, and dinner). Most rooms have air-conditioning and TV. Rooms without air-conditioning have standing fans.
The Milk River Baths
The Milk River Baths (7 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$4 per 15 minutes for adults, US$2 children 10 and under), located at the hotel, are spring fed with lukewarm water. A bath can be enjoyed whether or not you're staying at the hotel. For curative purposes, a minimum of three baths is recommended, but it is not advisable to stay in the water for longer than an hour because the water is highly radioactive--more so even than the springs at Vichy in France. To get to Milk River, turn south at the roundabout in Toll Gate before reaching Clarendon Park, heading west from May Pen. Continue straight from Toll Gate without turning off until reaching the hotel on the right. Keep heading south in Rest, instead of turning east along the B12 toward Alligator Pond in St. Elizabeth.
Getting There and Around
Route taxis and buses serve May Pen from Kingston and Mandeville. May Pen is located at the western end of Highway 2000, one of Jamaica's best toll roads, making it a quick 45-minute drive from Kingston. From the taxi stand in the square in May Pen, route taxis for points south (like Milk River) leave sporadically as they fill up.
Planning Your Time
Unless your goal is to simply loaf on the beach, or you happen to be staying in a destination resort or villa that's too comfortable to leave, Ocho Rios is not a place to spend more than a few days if you're trying to see other parts of the island in a short period of time. It's the most practical base, however, for a number of key attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, Dolphin Cove, Nine Mile, Walkerswood, Seville Great House, White River Valley, Prospect Plantation, and the Rio Nuevo battle site. Oracabessa is only a half hour away, and there are a couple of good farm tours in that vicinity, in addition to James Bond Beach and Stingray City, which are popular attractions themselves.
Most of these sights are serviced by organized tours that generally consume the better part of a day. If you're driving yourself or have chartered a taxi, however, there's far more flexibility to fit in a string of activities in a day, and there's no reason you can't spend the morning horseback riding at Seville Heritage park and then stop by Dunn's River to cool off and climb the falls on the way back to Ochi. Most developed attractions have factored transportation into their formula, and while they certainly profit by it, it's often worth letting someone else do the driving given the potholed roads and the lack of clear signage. Car rentals in Jamaica are typically very expensive, as is fuel.
Several annual events make a stay in Ocho Rios all the more worthwhile. During Easter, Jamaica's carnival season is in full force with events east and west of Ocho Rios along the coast.
St. Ann figures strongly in Jamaica's early colonial history. Italian explorer Christopher Columbus landed on the shore near Discovery Bay in 1492 while under contract from the Spanish Crown to find a shorter passage to the Far East. Within a few years, the Spanish began to inhabit the island as they systematically wiped out the native Taino population, establishing their capital at Sevilla la Nueva, or New Seville, just west of St. Ann's Bay. Later, after the British seized the island in a carefully executed attack on Santiago de la Vega, or what's now known as Spanish Town, most of the Spaniards who were determined to stay in Jamaica fled to the North Coast, where they regrouped and continued to carry out guerrilla reprisal attacks on the British with the help of Maroon loyalists. But the British had exploited a disorganization that had its roots in a lack of commitment on the part of the Spanish to develop the island as it had done in many other colonies, a neglect many scholars attribute to the absence of gold in Jamaica. The decisive battle that ended any lingering doubt about the fate of Jamaica occurred at the mouth of the Rio Nuevo, just east of present day Ocho Rios. The town was later at the center of Jamaica's slave economy and sugar boom, with vast plantations around the area. Later, Ocho Rios played an important role in the development of Jamaica's chief mineral export, bauxite, and remains an import shipment point today. When tourism grew to overtake bauxite as the country's chief earner of foreign currency, Ocho Rios was again at the center of this transformation, building the cruise ship terminal to attract the massive flows of capital that continue to play a vital role in the local economy.
Fisherman's Beach
Fisherman's Beach (free), adjacent to Island Village, is one of the best spots around to get fresh seafood--at Tropical Vibes restaurant or the other fish shacks set up there. This is not a beach for swimming, but rather for chilling out with some food and a beer.
Irie River
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station. Follow the White River inland until you reach a gate with stone pillars on either side on your left. Drive in past a few houses and down a slope to the parking area.
Local rate: JMD 700 adults, JMD 500 children 12 and under.
Catering is offered with two main course dishes, i.e. fish, chicken, salad and juice for JMD 1600 (entrée can be different – based on request)
If you want to bring food and cook yourself, add JMD 200 to the entrance for adults and children.
Irie River
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station. Follow the White River inland until you reach a gate with stone pillars on either side on your left. Drive in past a few houses and down a slope to the parking area.
Local rate: JMD 700 adults, JMD 500 children 12 and under.
Catering is offered with two main course dishes, i.e. fish, chicken, salad and juice for JMD 1600 (entrée can be different – based on request)
If you want to bring food and cook yourself, add JMD 200 to the entrance for adults and children.
Irie River
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station. Follow the White River inland until you reach a gate with stone pillars on either side on your left. Drive in past a few houses and down a slope to the parking area.
Local rate: JMD 700 adults, JMD 500 children 12 and under.
Catering is offered with two main course dishes, i.e. fish, chicken, salad and juice for JMD 1600 (entrée can be different – based on request)
If you want to bring food and cook yourself, add JMD 200 to the entrance for adults and children.
Irie River
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station. Follow the White River inland until you reach a gate with stone pillars on either side on your left. Drive in past a few houses and down a slope to the parking area.
Local rate: JMD 700 adults, JMD 500 children 12 and under.
Catering is offered with two main course dishes, i.e. fish, chicken, salad and juice for JMD 1600 (entrée can be different – based on request)
If you want to bring food and cook yourself, add JMD 200 to the entrance for adults and children.
Irie River
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station. Follow the White River inland until you reach a gate with stone pillars on either side on your left. Drive in past a few houses and down a slope to the parking area.
Local rate: JMD 700 adults, JMD 500 children 12 and under.
Catering is offered with two main course dishes, i.e. fish, chicken, salad and juice for JMD 1600 (entrée can be different – based on request)
If you want to bring food and cook yourself, add JMD 200 to the entrance for adults and children.
Irie River
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station. Follow the White River inland until you reach a gate with stone pillars on either side on your left. Drive in past a few houses and down a slope to the parking area.
Local rate: JMD 700 adults, JMD 500 children 12 and under.
Catering is offered with two main course dishes, i.e. fish, chicken, salad and juice for JMD 1600 (entrée can be different – based on request)
If you want to bring food and cook yourself, add JMD 200 to the entrance for adults and children.
Irie River
Irie River (US$15) is a beautiful garden park on the banks of the White River southeast of Ochi that makes a great morning or afternoon day trip for a dip or to enjoy a picnic. The gardens host occasional events. To get there, head east out of town, taking a right off the highway opposite the entrance to Jamaica Inn just past the Texaco gas station. Follow the White River inland until you reach a gate with stone pillars on either side on your left. Drive in past a few houses and down a slope to the parking area.
Local rate: JMD 700 adults, JMD 500 children 12 and under.
Catering is offered with two main course dishes, i.e. fish, chicken, salad and juice for JMD 1600 (entrée can be different – based on request)
If you want to bring food and cook yourself, add JMD 200 to the entrance for adults and children.
Reggae Beach
Reggae Beach (contact Kavona, cell tel. 876/473-7077, 8 a.m.–6 p.m., 9 a.m.–midnight on Fri.–Sun., admission US$9.50) is a picturesque stretch of sand on an unspoiled cove a few minutes' drive east of Ocho Rios. The beach hosts excellent annual events like Luau and Frenchman's Parties, and an occasional stage show. A bar and restaurant on the property serves a variety of seafood dishes, including lobster, shrimp, fried fish, and chicken (US$12–25).
Reggae Beach
Reggae Beach (contact Kavona, cell tel. 876/473-7077, 8 a.m.–6 p.m., 9 a.m.–midnight on Fri.–Sun., admission US$9.50) is a picturesque stretch of sand on an unspoiled cove a few minutes' drive east of Ocho Rios. The beach hosts excellent annual events like Luau and Frenchman's Parties, and an occasional stage show. A bar and restaurant on the property serves a variety of seafood dishes, including lobster, shrimp, fried fish, and chicken (US$12–25).
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters is among the most stunning beaches in Jamaica for the gurgling falls spiling onto its fine, golden sand. The beach was made famous in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, where Ursula Andress emerges from the sea singing and echants 007, played by a young Sean Connery. Located just east of Dunn's River Falls around the bend from Pearly Beach, the property is managed by the St. Ann Development Corporation (SADCo) and its parent the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), a government body that owns and operates some of the island's most lucrative toursim attractions, including Dunn's River Falls, in addition to many others that see few visitors, and many more still unrelated to tourism. A protocol residence reserved for state use faces the beach. The beach can be rented by the day to groups of up to 100 (USD 2,000), 150 (USD 2,500), 200 (USD 3,000), 250, or more guests (250+/USD 3,500+), with a USD 500 refundable deposit required. Guests pay 50% plus the security deposit to confirm dates. Balances are due 90 days prior to a confirmed booking.
Blue Hole on the White River
Blue Hole on the White River features a series of waterfalls and natural pools found along the White River in an area known locally as Breadfruit Walk. Once relatively unvisited by tourists, this section of the river has become a hot spot, and locals who keep the banks clean and guide visitors to the different pools suitable for swimming ask for a US$10 per person contribution.
To get to the White River, turn right at the first stoplight you reach heading east out of Ocho Rios along the A3 just after the second gas station. Follow the road for four kilometers and turning left at the intersection in the second community of Lodge, and then make a right along the rough dirt road adjacent to a JPS pump station. Park and cross the footbridge, continuing along the trail up the hill. The first large pool is found on the left with several other pools, some of them suitable for jumping into from considerable heights as you continue upstream.
Blue Hole on the White River
Blue Hole on the White River features a series of waterfalls and natural pools found along the White River in an area known locally as Breadfruit Walk. Once relatively unvisited by tourists, this section of the river has become a hot spot, and locals who keep the banks clean and guide visitors to the different pools suitable for swimming ask for a US$10 per person contribution.
To get to the White River, turn right at the first stoplight you reach heading east out of Ocho Rios along the A3 just after the second gas station. Follow the road for four kilometers and turning left at the intersection in the second community of Lodge, and then make a right along the rough dirt road adjacent to a JPS pump station. Park and cross the footbridge, continuing along the trail up the hill. The first large pool is found on the left with several other pools, some of them suitable for jumping into from considerable heights as you continue upstream.
River Parks & Gardens
Ocho Rios is known for its lush gardens, though some are far better maintained than others. One of the nicest free waterfalls in Ochi, known as Nature Falls, is frequented mostly by locals who come for picnics and to wash off their vehicles in the shade. The river and falls are located just off Shaw Park Road, along a dirt road that branches off the road to Perry Town just past the Y where it splits from Shaw Park Road.
Shaw Park Botanical Garden and Waterfalls
Shaw Park Botanical Garden and Waterfalls (DaCosta Dr., tel. 876/974-2723, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$10) is a nice river garden full of ginger lilies and little cascades. There is a rear entrance accessible from Shaw Park Road when the front entrance is closed. This is a great shady and scenic place to get some natural air conditioning when it's hot. The back entrance to the park can be accessed from the end of Shaw Park Road where a little bridge leads from a parking lot by some abandoned apartment buildings into the park.
Turtle River Park
Turtle River Park (7am-8pm Mon.-Fri., 8am-9pm Sat.-Sun., free) is located near the center of town at the junction of Milford Road, Main Street, and DaCosta Drive. A pedestrian entrance is accessible from Main Street across from Sandcastles. Ponds in the park have koi, butterfly koi, tilapia and turtles. There's a playground with a swing set for the kids and gazebos aplenty. Within easy walking distance from downtown Ochi, Turtle River Park is a pleasant spot for a stroll, to sit and read a book or to carry your picnic.
Turtle River Park
Turtle River Park (7am-8pm Mon.-Fri., 8am-9pm Sat.-Sun., free) is located near the center of town at the junction of Milford Road, Main Street, and DaCosta Drive. A pedestrian entrance is accessible from Main Street across from Sandcastles. Ponds in the park have koi, butterfly koi, tilapia and turtles. There's a playground with a swing set for the kids and gazebos aplenty. Within easy walking distance from downtown Ochi, Turtle River Park is a pleasant spot for a stroll, to sit and read a book or to carry your picnic.
Turtle River Park
Turtle River Park (7am-8pm Mon.-Fri., 8am-9pm Sat.-Sun., free) is located near the center of town at the junction of Milford Road, Main Street, and DaCosta Drive. A pedestrian entrance is accessible from Main Street across from Sandcastles. Ponds in the park have koi, butterfly koi, tilapia and turtles. There's a playground with a swing set for the kids and gazebos aplenty. Within easy walking distance from downtown Ochi, Turtle River Park is a pleasant spot for a stroll, to sit and read a book or to carry your picnic.
Fern Gully
Fern Gully is a former underground riverbed that was planted with ferns in the 1880s and later paved over to create the main highway (A1) between Spanish Town and the North Coast. Arts-and-crafts stands line a few of the less precarious curves along the steep, lush, and shady road.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Konoko Falls
Konoko Falls (8am-5pm daily, admission US$20 adults, US$10 children 12 and under) is a riverine botanical garden on the Milford River, which flows through the park before descending through town and out the storm gulley next to Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Konoko was once a banana stand on Shaw Park Estate before the gardens and waterfalls were developed as an attraction in the early 1990s. Previously known as Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, the attraction was rebranded Konoko in December 2015 under the incoming management of Guardsman Hospitality, which brought endemic and exotic wildlife from the Hope Zoo in Kingston, managed by the same group.
Visitors can see native yellow-billed and black-billed parrots, iguanas, parrots and snakes as well as a pair of American crocodiles, turtle and two couple macaw, among a host of other endemic and exotic birds. Visitors can climb the waterfalls, where unobtrusive guides are on hand to help if needed. Tipping is at. A few small pools have enough space for several persons to be fully submerged and splash around. A Romanesque pavilion next to a bar and restaurant above the falls is used for events and weddings. A small museum features a history of the Taino, Jamaica’s earliest inhabitants, and a display covering the local watershed. Ysassi’s Lookout Point, named after the last Spanish governor of Jamaica, has a view over Ocho Rios and the bay. The entire park can be traversed in about 15 minutes.
To get to Konoko, turn right opposite the Anglican church heading south toward Fern Gully on Milford Road (the A3) keeping right at the Y immediately thereafter following the signs. The park entrance will be on your left. A taxi from the center of Ocho Rios shouldn’t cost more than US$10 for the 10-minute ride.
Reggae Xplosion
Reggae Xplosion (Island Village Plaza, tel. 876/675-8895, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat., US$7 or US$3.50 for locals) is a museum offering an interactive history of reggae music; push a button to listen to tracks at each booth. Along with the shopping center itself, Reggae Xplosion is owned by Island Jamaica, Chris Blackwell's Jamaican venture.
Harmony Hall
Harmony Hall (Tower Isle, tel. 876/975-4222, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Tues.–Sun.) is a beautiful old great house with a gallery on the second floor run by Peter and Anabella Proudlock. It features works by the likes of Susan Shirley and Graham Davis and several other contemporary painters. There is also a nice bookshop in the gallery with cookbooks and works by local authors. A crafts fair is held on Easter weekend in the yard out front, with regular exhibitions during the winter season. Downstairs is Toscanini, the area's best Italian restaurant. The colonial-era building is located five minutes' east of Ochi along the main road.
Rio Nuevo Battle Site
Rio Nuevo Battle Site, just east of Harmony Hall, is the location of the decisive battle that left Jamaica in English hands. After three years of guerrilla warfare and harassment of the British, the last Spanish governor, Don Cristobal de Ysassi, finally received reinforcements from Cuba to help retake the island. The first set of troops arriving from Spain landed at Ocho Rios, where they were soon discovered by the British and quickly defeated. The second detail of 557 men was sent from Cuba and landed at the mouth of the Rio Nuevo. They too were soon discovered by British warships, and the battle that ensued left 300 Spanish soldiers dead for Britain's 50. Ysassi miraculously escaped and continued to wage guerilla attacks with a few remaining loyal bands of Maroons on his side until the treaty of Madrid was signed, officially conceding defeat and leaving Jamaica in British hands. Ysassi finally fled the island in handmade dugout canoes from Don Christopher's Point in Robin's Bay. A plaque mounted by the JNHT at the Rio Nuevo battle site reads: "The stockade that once stood here was captured on the 17th June 1658 by Colonel Edward D'oyley and the English forces under his command after a gallant defense by Don Cristobal de Ysassi the last Spanish governor of Jamaica."
Ocho Rios Fort
Ocho Rios Fort is located beside the Reynolds bauxite installation and the helicopter pad for Island Hoppers. The fort was built in the late 17th century. Like many other forts on the island, it was strengthened in 1780 when a French attack was feared imminent. In 1795, an enemy vessel appeared off Ocho Rios harbor but, fearing the guns there, it made an attack at Mammee Bay. The Ocho Rios Fort was rebuilt by Reynolds Jamaica and contains two of the original guns from Ocho Rios and two of the guns that defended the town of Mammee Bay. The fort is not a managed attraction but is worth a quick stop to have a look around.
White River Valley
White River Valley runs along the St. Ann–St. Mary border, where the White River was an important feature for the Spaniards, who built the first thoroughfare from the South to North Coasts along its banks. The oldest Spanish bridge on the island can still be seen at the river's upper reaches, just above Chukka Caribbean's kayaking and tubing site.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
Yahman Adventure Park
Yahman Adventure Park is located at 405-hectare (1,000-acre) Prospect Plantation, bought by Sir Harold Mitchell in 1936 and still owned by his heirs. Mitchell entertained all manner of dignitaries in the great house and at the estate's luxurious villas. A tradition held that his guests would plant a tree on the grounds to mark their visit. The most notable of these tokens of remembrance is the giant mahogany planted by Winston Churchill in 1953. It stands in the driveway behind the great house. Nestled among the groves of tropical hardwoods below the great house is a beautiful chapel built by Mitchell to mark the passing of his wife, Mary Jane Mitchell Greene, known as Lady Mitchell. The chapel was constructed completely of hardwood and stone found on the plantation. Tours (US$39-196) include cooking lessons and rides on camel, horseback, jitney, Segway, and mud buggies. A tour of the great house is included in each.
H2O (Shop #22, Coconut Grove Shopping Centre, tel. 876/795-1728 or 876/332-0035, 12 p.m.–4 a.m. daily), the brainchild of reggae songstress Tanya Stephens, opened in December 2008 as a cozy bar, restaurant, and music venue. The space is well appointed with wooden pub chairs and tables painted with game boards, an aquarium, and a snake terrarium round out the vibe of the place, which fittingly features live music performances on Thursdays, live band karaoke on Fridays, H20 Flow on Saturdays, featuring local and international artists, and oldies/mento/ska night on Sundays. Live music can also be heard during the week (10 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon. and Wed.) by the H2O Flow house band. The restaurant (serves till 2 a.m.) specializes in local seafood and veggie dishes (US$4–13). Tanya is regularly around and frequently takes to the stage when not performing elsewhere.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Margaritaville Ocho Rios
Margaritaville (9 a.m.–4 a.m. on club nights Mon., Wed., and Sat. and 9 a.m.–10 p.m. on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) is Ochi's most popular club with the tourist crowd. This is one of Jimmy Buffet's chains, and it sees a lot of debauchery--the pool party on Wednesdays attracts a large crowd. It's also a venu for Fame FM's annual road party, which takes radio disc jocks to various venues around the island over the course of several weeks.
Odeon Cineplex
Odeon Cineplex (5 1/2 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/962-1354) is the local movie theater and often the most entertaining venue in town for a night out. Movies are typically shown at 5 p.m and 8 p.m daily
Upper Level
Upper Level (Upper Level Plaza, Caledonia Rd.) is Mandeville's regular nightspot with pool tables.
Shockwave HQ Sports Bar
Shockwave HQ Sports Bar (Willow Gate Plaza, contact owner Mark Haughton, cell tel. 876/866-6216, 10 a.m.till you say when daily) is a bar with a few billiard tables and dancehall music blasting in the speakers. The bar turns on the strobe lights as it heats up into the night.
Manchester Club
Manchester Club (Caledonia Rd., contact Janice Wright, tel. 876/962-2403, manchester_club@hotmail.com) is the oldest golf course in the Western Hemisphere, dating to 1865. It remains the least expensive course in Jamaica (US$30 greens fees, US$12 clubs, US$14 caddy per round), and perhaps in the hemisphere. The nine-hole course is well maintained, even if it is not the bright green of more popular courses on the island. For those staying in the area for a length of time, membership brings the fees down significantly. Beyond golf, the club also offers tennis on three hard courts, the only squash court on the south coast, table tennis, a swimming pool, and the only billiard table with over a hundred years in use. The club also hosts barbecues and luncheons. A golf tournament is held every month where golfers from across the island participate. The All Jamaica Hard Court Tennis Championship is held each summer, attracting over 200 children and adults over a one-week period. There's a resident tennis coach and a golf professional.
Ingleside Wellness & Recreation Centre
Ingleside Wellness & Recreation Centre (Ingleside Dr., tel. 876/961-3632) has tennis courts, badminton, table tennis, weight lifting equipment, and a bar that no longer keeps regular hours. Day membership is available for use of the facilities. Call manager Janice Robinson for more details. Ingleside is the base for the Manchester Table Tennis Association.
Golf View
Golf View (5 1/2 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/962-4471, 876/962-4472, or 876/962-4473, gviewrosi@hotmail.com, www.thegolfviewhotel.com, US$94) is a 62-room hotel near the center of town with basic rooms that have a ceiling fan and private bathrooms with hot water. A deluxe room (US$118) and a one-bedroom suite (US$130) have air-conditioning, while the sole two-bedroom suite (US$148) does not. The central location is probably the best feature of this hotel. The hotel claims the same address as the Odeon Cineplex but is actually not adjacent, sitting a bit farther down Caledonia Road at the top of Golf View Plaza bordering the golf course.
Glenrock Hotel
Glenrock Hotel (3-A Greenvale Rd., tel. 876/961-3278 or 876/961-3279, glenrockhotel@yahoo.com) has a total of 24 rooms, with additional rooms and features in the works. Standard rooms (US$28) have double beds, standing fans, cable TV, and private baths with hot water. Deluxe rooms (US$39) have queen-size beds, and a junior suite (US$50) has a king-size bed, air-conditioning, a small fridge, microwave, and a couch. The family suite (US$56) also has a small fridge, king-size bed, and microwave.
Kariba Kariba Guest House
Kariba Kariba Guest House (tel. 876/962-8006, kariba@cwjamaica.com, US$50) was built about halfway in 1997 and has operated since 1998 without any real appearance or sense of completion inside or out. Dobson the caretaker is friendly enough nonetheless, and the four rooms in operation have TV and ceiling fans with double or queen-size beds and private baths with hot water. Rooms, while not immaculately maintained, are a decent value and come with continental breakfast. Derrick O'Connor is the owner.
Mandeville Hotel
Mandeville Hotel (4 Hotel St., tel. 876/962-2460, reservations@themandevillehotel.com, mandevillehoteljamaica.com, US$77\242) is the oldest hotel operating in Mandeville. It recently underwent a restoration that left it with nice parquet floors and soothing color schemes in many of the rooms, while it seems details in the bathrooms were overlooked. Clean sheets, ceiling fans, air-conditioning, a fridge, cable TV, and hot water round out this comfortable yet quite basic hotel in the heart of town. Bring your own soap and shampoo. Rooms have full-size, queen-size, and king-size beds. There are also junior suites and one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments.
Tropics View Hotel
Tropics View Hotel (Wardville District, off Winston Jones Hwy., tel. 876/625-2452, tropicsview@cwjamaica.com, www.tropicsviewhoteljamaica.com, US$70\98) hotel offers wireless Internet in the lobby. Standard rooms have queen-size beds and private baths with hot water. Two-bedroom suites are also available for US$158, where one room has a king-size and the other a queen-size bed. There is a restaurant and bar on the property by the front gate open 7 a.m.\10 p.m daily. Rooms have ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, but it rarely gets hot in Mandeville.
FJ's Restaurant, Bar and Jerk Center
FJ's Restaurant, Bar and Jerk Center (23 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/961-4380 or 876/360-2082, 10 a.m.\11 p.m Mon.\Sat.) serves seafood and jerk dishes (US$4\6). Faith Joan Miller, from whence the initials are derived, is the proprietor.
Tropics View Hotel
Tropics View Hotel (Wardville District, off Winston Jones Hwy., tel. 876/625-2452, tropicsview@cwjamaica.com, www.tropicsviewhoteljamaica.com, US$70\98) hotel offers wireless Internet in the lobby. Standard rooms have queen-size beds and private baths with hot water. Two-bedroom suites are also available for US$158, where one room has a king-size and the other a queen-size bed. There is a restaurant and bar on the property by the front gate open 7 a.m.\10 p.m daily. Rooms have ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, but it rarely gets hot in Mandeville.
Merv's Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge
Merv's Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge (4-A Caledonia Rd., behind Juici Beef Plaza, tel. 876/961-0742, 8 a.m.\9 p.m Mon.\Sat., until 6 p.m Mon. and Wed., US$3\4) serves cabbage and stewed, baked, and rotisserie chicken. Merv's has a second branch at Midway Mall (tel. 876/961-6378, 8 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Sat.).
Cake, Coffee and Ice Cream
Cake, Coffee and Ice Cream (59 Main St., tel. 876/962-6636, 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily) is the local Devon House franchise, owned and operated by Christopher Bird.
Foodz to Go
Foodz to Go (Shop #8, Elethe Mall, tel. 876/961-8646, 8 a.m.\8 p.m, US$4\6) cooks food for takeout and delivery with dishes like curry, fried, or fricassee chicken, oxtail, brown stew fish, curry goat, and stew peas. Breakfast is served in the mornings with stew chicken, ackee and saltfish, and mackerel rundown.
Sandra's Restaurant
Sandra's Restaurant (Lane Plaza, tel. 876/625-4149, 7 a.m.\midnight daily) serves a changing menu of Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail (US$4\8).
D'Palms Sports Bar & Grill
D'Palms Sports Bar & Grill (just past the roundabout heading out of town toward Spur Tree Hill, tel. 876/622-0490, 11 a.m.\you say when Mon.\Sat., 3 p.m\4 a.m.Sun.) is a jerk center and bar located by the roundabout on the western end of town heading up toward Spur Tree Hill. Occasional stage shows are held in the parking lot. The bar has a billiards table and Wi-Fi. Retro Thursdays features old hits, Appleton Special Fridays offers 2-for-1 deals on small flask-size bottles of Appleton Special rum, and Wednesday night brings karaoke. Menu items include appetizers like mozzarella sticks, quesadillas, and wings; calamari and shrimp tempura, soups, salads, and sandwiches; and seafood, pasta, beef, pork, lamb and jerk dishes (US$4.50\18.50).
Regie's Bistro
Regie's Bistro (37 Main St., entrance on Villa Road, tel. 876/285-6605, 11:30 a.m.\10:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$3.50\40), run by Patrick Adizua, who runs his private medical practice on the ground level, serves creative Jamaican and Caribbean dishes in a cozy second-floor dining room and bar. The top level has a beautiful outdoor bar area suitable for large groups and parties. The menu includes starters like jerk chicken drumsticks, buffalo wings, shrimp bruschetta, seafood chowder, cream of chick pea, and garden or Greek salad. Sumptuous entrèes range from prime aged steaks, chops, and ribs to lobster thermidor and coconut shrimp beignets with pepper jelly dipping sauce. Named after Patrick's mother and daughter, both named Regina, Regie's also has one of the area's best wine lists, which includes French, Spanish, Chilean, Argentine, and North American brands, among them ice wine from Canada.
Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise (1 Brumalia Rd., tel. 876/962-7251, 7 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., 10 a.m.\3:30 p.m Sun. for brunch, 5\10 p.m Sun. for dinner, US$10\50) is an upscale restaurant with marble tables and a sleek bar. It serves a mix of vegetarian and meat dishes with appetizers like calamari al aioli, shrimp margarita, and spring rolls. Entrèes range from snapper cutlet pan fried in caper butter to duckling breast. Bird of Paradise is located in Cobblestone Professional Centre, the first set of buildings on Brumalia Road on the left coming up from Caledonia Road.
The Vineyard Restaurant & Bar
The Vineyard Restaurant & Bar (61 Manchester Rd., tel. 876/625-6113, 2\10:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., noon\10:30 p.m Sat., 5\8 p.m Sun., US$6\12) opened in 2003. It has Jamaican and international cuisine, with dishes including fish, chicken, ribs, shrimp, and lamb chops.
Bloomfield Great House
Bloomfield Great House (noon-10 p.m Mon.-Sat.) is one of the most beautiful colonial-era houses in Mandeville. Bloomfield opened for business in 1997 following a two-year restoration by Aussie Ralph Pearce and his wife, Pamela Grant, whose father became the first Jamaican to own the property when he bought it in the 1960s. The panoramic view over Mandeville is spectacular, and food is excellent, albeit a bit pricey. A good bet is the local snapper, which is prepared in typical Jamaican fashion with onions, pepper, and okra. Bloomfield is a great spot for an evening cocktail and smoked marlin appetizer. There are tentative plans to build rooms off the back.
Bamboo Garden Restaurant
Bamboo Garden Restaurant (35 Ward Ave., tel. 876/962-4515, noon\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., 1\10 p.m Sun., US$7\30) serves Chinese food ranging from sweet and sour chicken to butterfly shrimp to lobster with butter and cola. The restaurant is located upstairs from Cash & Carry Supermarket.
International Chinese
International Chinese (117 Manchester Rd., opposite Guardsman, tel. 876/962-0527, noon\9 p.m Mon.\Thurs., till 9:30 Fri. and Sat., noon\8 p.m Sun., US$6\14) serves items like Cantonese-style lobster, cashew shrimp, and chicken with mushrooms.
Lucky Dragon Restaurant
Lucky Dragon Restaurant (Shops #9-10, 5 1/2 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/961-6544 or 876/867-6720, 11 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., noon\10 p.m Sun., US$2\8) offers dine-in, takeout, and delivery of standard Chinese fare.
Little Ochie Mandeville Seafood Specialist
Little Ochie Mandeville Seafood Specialist (beside Nashville Plaza, cell tel. 876/625-3279, 11 a.m.\11 p.m Mon.\Thurs., 11 a.m.\until you say when Fri.\Sun.) serves fish, conch, and lobster tail (US$7\20) in an urban outpost of the original Little Ochie in Alligator Pond. It's the best place in town for seafood, answering the call locals were making for years for Blacky to bring Little Ochie to them instead of having to make the trek down Spur Tree Hill to the St. Elizabeth coast. Next door a vendor sells roasted breadfruit, a favorite accompaniment for the seafood.
Gran's Seafood and Bar
Gran's Seafood and Bar (tel. 876/603-4254, noon\midnight daily) is located in the Hopeton district between Kingsland and Hatfield going up Spur Tree Hill from Mandeville. Gran's is the best spot on the hill for seafood items including steamed, escovitch, or fried fish, shrimp, and lobster (US$7\17).
Spur Tree Hill
The main road west from Mandeville (A2) rises over Spur Tree Hill, famous for being a dangerous stretch to drive as the road plunges from more than 2,000 feet to near sea level in the span of just a few kilometers, and just as famous for a couple of sumptuous roadside jerk pits and a noteworthy curry goat hut.
From atop Spur Tree Hill, the view of Manchester's lowlands, St. Elizabeth and Westmoreland is spectacular, even if it is dotted with the scarred red earth and smoke stacks of the massive Alumina Partners bauxite processing plant. To the west, the Santa Cruz Mountains can be seen tapering down to the sea.
Claudette's Top Class
Claudette's Top Class (Spur Tree Hill, tel. 876/964-6452, 8 a.m.\4 p.m daily) is a favorite local spot to get curry goat. The little sit-in restaurant is across the highway from Hood Daniel Well Company.
All Seasons Restaurant Bar and Jerk Centre
All Seasons Restaurant Bar and Jerk Centre (8 a.m.-11 p.m daily) is considered by many to be the best jerk spot in Manchester, with other typical Jamaican dishes served as well. Perched on the steep slopes of Spur Tree Hill, All Seasons commands an impressive view of southern Manchester and St. Elizabeth, down to where the sky meets the sea.
Hill View Jerk Centre
Hill View Jerk Centre is farther down Spur Tree Hill, but it still has a decent view. Hill View also serves jerk, while not as highly rated as its cousin farther up the hill.
The Real Thing Health Food
The Real Thing Health Food (Shop #33, Mandeville Shopping Center, tel. 876/962-5664 or 876/625-7703, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat.) sells healthful groceries.
Bookland (Shop 23 Manchester Shopping Centre, 876/926-9051, bookland-mandeville@cwjamaica.com, Mon.\Fri. 9 a.m.\6 p.m, Sat 10 a.m.\5 p.m) has the best selection of Caribbean books, as well as local and international magazines.
SuperPlus has four locations in Mandeville (17 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/961-1624; 16 Manchester Rd., tel. 876/625-2310; 12 Ward Way, tel. 876/961-5702; and 2 Park Crescent, tel. 876/625-0842).
Shoppers Fair
Shoppers Fair supermarket is located at 5 Caledonia Road (tel. 876/962-6217).
Scotia Investments
Scotia Investments has a currency trading desk that sells JMD, USD, GBP, CAD and EUR at competitive rates.
FX Trader
FX Trader also observes fair rates at its Heaven's Texaco location at 2 Manchester Road. It has another location in S&V Cambio at 16 Ward Avenue.
Finishing Touches
Finishing Touches (Shop #2, Midway Mall, tel. 876/961-3217) family grooming center is a convenient place to stop for a haircut.
Express Laundromat
Express Laundromat is located at 30 Hargreaves Avenue (tel. 876/962-6701).
DHL is at Perth Road, Brumalia Town Mall (tel. 876/961-0744, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Fri.).
Gaia Day Spa
Gaia Day Spa (1 Brumalia Road, tel. 876/962-1756, 9 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Sat.) is located at Cobblestone Professional Centre, offering facials, manicures and pedicures, and massage.
Hargreaves Memorial Hospital
Hargreaves Memorial Hospital (Caledonia Ave., tel. 876/961-1589) is a private clinic, with many of its staff also working at Mandeville Regional.
Mandeville Regional Hospital
Mandeville Regional Hospital (32 Hargreaves, tel. 876/962-2067) is the largest hospital for kilometers around, with a good reputation.
Dr. Patrick Adizua
Dr. Patrick Adizua (tel. 876/383-4353) runs a private medical practice in the same building as his Bistro on Villa Road.
Fontana Pharmacy
Fontana Pharmacy has outlets at Mandeville Shopping Centre (tel. 876/962-3129) and SuperPlus (tel. 876/961-3007).
Both NCB (9 Manchester Rd., tel. 876/962-2083; Mandeville Plaza, tel. 876/962-2618) and Scotiabank (1-A Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/962-2035) have bank branches with ATMs in Mandeville.
Manchester Parish Library
Manchester Parish Library (34 Hargreaves Ave., tel. 876/962-2972, manparlib@cwjamica.com, 9:30 a.m.\5:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., until 4 p.m Sat.) offers free Internet access.
Manchester Shopping Centre
Manchester Shopping Centre has an Internet cafè, along with a food court with a lot of hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
Getting There and Around
Mandeville is served by regular buses from Kingston and May Pen and regular route taxis departing from the square for surrounding destinations including May Pen, Christiana, and Santa Cruz (US$2).
One of Jamaica's best thoroughfares is a stretch of toll road known as Highway 2000, or Usain Bolt Highway, as it was renamed in 2009 in post-IAAF World Championship fervor, begins in Portmore and leads west to rejoin the A2 in Free Town at the Clarendon border. From May Pen the A2 climbs to the upper reaches of Manchester, passing Mandeville along the bypass before descending to the South Coast and extending as far west as Negril. To get between Mandeville and the North Coast, the most direct route can be found by following signs for Christiana heading east towards Kingston, and then toward Spaldings, Cave Valley, Alexandria, and Brown's Town, before hitting the coast in Runaway Bay.
From Mandeville, the drive to Kingston takes about 1.5 hours along the toll road from May Pen, with Treasure Beach within 1.5 hours in the opposite direction. Negril, Mobay, and Ocho Rios are all about a 2-hour drive, and Port Antonio is another 1.5 hours east of Ocho Rios along the North Coast.
Great Escape
Great Escape (Fort Charles, tel. 574/707-0132 or 269/641-5451, greatescape@jamaicavilla.com, www.jamaicavilla.com, from US$1,800/2,000 low/high season) is a three-bedroom house well removed from the languid center of Treasure Beach, with queen-size beds in each room. A large pool overlooks the water with a clubhouse area. Great Escape is a good spot for families, with a small private beach and plenty of space to roam about.
Thanks to Treasure Beach's popularity as Jamaica's number one off-the-beaten-track destination, a wide variety of restaurants have popped up. They cater to both a local and tourist market, serving a mix of cautious international dishes and local favorites. Few of these restaurants have landlines, and addresses in Treasure Beach are somewhat relative.
Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat (adjacent to Jake's, tel. 876/965-3583, 10 a.m.\10 p.m) is a favorite for fried fish, conch soup, pizza, and Devon House ice cream.
Sweet Desires
Sweet Desires (10 a.m.\7 p.m daily) serves homemade ice cream and has an Internet cafè.
Hearts of Love Cafè
Hearts of Love Cafè serves fresh baked goods like pineapple upside-down cake, banana bread, baguettes, and chocolate cake, as well as breakfast items like callaloo, cheese omelettes, and fresh juices.
Frenchman's Reef Restaurant & Cocktail Bar
Frenchman's Reef Restaurant & Cocktail Bar (tel. 876/965-3049, Owen's cell tel. 876/428-5048 or Elizabeth's cell tel. 876/861-4917, jeclarke@live.co.uk, 7\11 p.m daily) serves seafood and pizza, as well as burgers and Chinese and Jamaican staples. Natural juices and local and international-style breakfasts are also served. Frenchman's delivers, accepts credit cards, and offers patrons complimentary Wi-Fi.
Smurf's Cafe
Smurf's Cafe (cell tel. 876/483-7523) is named after proprietor Kevin "Smurf" Mills, but his wife Dawn is the cook at this reputable establishment serving Jamaican breakfast and lunch and dinner staples. The roast coffee is excellent.
Pardy's Coffee Shop
Pardy's Coffee Shop (Calabash Bay, cell tel. 876/326-9008, 7 a.m.\7 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$5\20) serves Jamaican breakfast with items like ackee and saltfish, callaloo and saltfish, and continental favorites like a Spanish omelette, callaloo omelette, or any other kind of eggs done to order. Lunch and dinner are prepared to order, with items like fish, lobster, and curry goat. Pardy's serves High Mountain coffee and freshly squeezed OJ in season, and you can also grab a beer anytime.
Diner's Delight
Diner's Delight (across from Swaby's Plaza next to Golden Sands Resort, contact Andrea Wright, tel. 876/839-2586, 9 a.m.\10 p.m, US$3.50\13) serves typical Jamaican dishes including curry goat, peppered steak, brown stew chicken, shrimp, fish, and lobster at reasonable prices. Diner's Delight is a favorite among locals. Takeout is also available.
Natural Vibes
Natural Vibes (no phone) is a restaurant, bar, and souvenir shop in one serving local Jamaican dishes on an outdoor patio or for takeout. It's open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The Gold Coast Restaurant
The Gold Coast Restaurant (Kingfisher Plaza, cell tel. 876/391-2458) serves Jamaican fare like fried chicken, curry goat, and steamed fish. It's open for lunch only.
Oliver's Dutch Pot Restaurant
Oliver's Dutch Pot Restaurant (Lazza Plaza, cell tel. 876/375-5217, 10 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$3\12) serves up Jamaican staples like fried, jerk, and sweet and sour chicken, curry goat, cow foot, oxtail, fish, shrimp, and lobster.
Andrea's Seaside Restaurant
Andrea's Seaside Restaurant and Steakhouse (US$20-50) is an open-air restaurant at Marblue, where Andrea's award-winning chef husband, Axel Wichterich, creates dishes of local and international inspiration.
Jake's Place
Jake's Place (tel. 876/965-3000) is the restaurant at the hipper-than-hip accommodation, Jake's, serving Jamaican and international cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily.
Shantz Eating Place
Shantz Eating Place (toward Billy's Bay, no phone, open for lunch) serves quality, cheap eats with a rotating menu including items like fried chicken, pork, and fish--plus curry goat on Saturdays--out of a little shack-like restaurant. The food is served for takeout in Styrofoam boxes.
Pot Snapper
Pot Snapper is a small restaurant located next to the entrance to Jack Sprat. It prepares excellent fish, Jamaican dishes, and decent pizza at reasonable prices (US$5\15).
Sunset Resort
Sunset Resort (tel. 876/965-0143) serves Jamaican and American fare from steamed fish to pizza, with an all-you-can-eat buffet nights.
M&D Grocery
M&D Grocery (tel. 876/965-0070, 7 a.m.\8 p.m Mon.\Fri., 4 a.m.\until you say when Sat.), named after proprietors Maureen and Delvin Powell, is a small grocery shop and bar good for basic supplies. Jerk chicken and pork as well as conch and mutton soup are prepared on Fridays and Saturdays.
New Dimension Supermarket and Scoop-A-Licious
New Dimension Supermarket and Scoop-A-Licious (Linda's Plaza, tel. 876/965-3875, 6:30 a.m.\7:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., 6:30\10 a.m.and 4\8 p.m Sun.) sells Devon House ice cream (US$2\2.25 cones, US$2\9 container) and basic groceries.
Round the Clock Bar
Round the Clock Bar (Frenchman's Bay, contact owner Charmaine Moxam, cell tel. 876/378-6690, open 24/7) is a small grocery shop and bar good for basic supplies and drinks, located next to Jake's.
Strikie-T Craft & Jerk Centre
Strikie-T Craft & Jerk Centre (Billy's Bay, tel. 876/289-9555, 7 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat.) is run by Christopher Bennett, a.k.a. Strikie-T, with help from Tanice (tel. 876/899-6436). It serves peanut, banana, or hominy porridge until noon, when jerk chicken and pork start coming off the grill.
Post Office
The Calabash Bay post office (five minutes east of Southern Supplies on foot, 10:30 a.m.\4:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., closed for lunch 1\2 p.m) often lacks stamps.
Kingfisher Plaza
Kingfisher Plaza is a small shopping center and home to The Bird's Nest Bar, which has a billiards table, a grocery shop, and a supermarket.
Treasure Beach Meat Mart & Grocery
Treasure Beach Meat Mart & Grocery (Kingfisher Plaza, cell tel. 876/489-3641, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat.), run by Marjorie Henry-Somers, sells fresh fruit, vegetables, ground provisions, and frozen fish and meat.
Southern Supplies
Southern Supplies (eight minutes north of Kingfisher Plaza on foot, just before the ice factory) is the largest supermarket in Treasure Beach, selling among other essentials international phone cards, gift items, and music. The store also has an Internet cafè.
Global Camera Technology
Global Camera Technology (cell tel. 876/384-8197 or 876/965-0657, globalcamtech.videopro@gmail.com), based in nearby Watchwell, offers videography and editing services for weddings, funerals, parties, business events, documentaries, and music videos.
L. H. Malahoo & Nephews Fishing Tackles
L. H. Malahoo & Nephews Fishing Tackles (Kingfisher Plaza, cell tel. 876/409-7305, 10:30 a.m.\2 p.m Mon. and Wed., 10:30 a.m.\1:30 p.m Fri.) is your best bet in the area for fishing gear, but Mr. Malahoo doesn't keep regular hours so it's best to call ahead.
Shirley's Steam Bath
Shirley's Steam Bath (tel. 876/965-3820 or cell tel. 876/827-2447, smgenus@hotmail.com, open daily by appointment) run by Great Bay native herbalist Shirley Genus, is a local institution offering 15-minute herbal steam baths along with 30- or 60-minute massage sessions (US$70\90).
Joshua's Massage & Bodywork
Joshua's Massage & Bodywork (tel. 876/965-0583, cell tel. 876/389-3698, doctorlee85@hotmail.com, US$70\100), run by Joshua Lee Stein, offers deep and light pressure, gentle movement, and sensitive touch massage therapy on location by appointment.
Jake's Driftwood Spa
Jake's Driftwood Spa (Calabash Bay, tel. 876/965-3000, jakes@cwjamaica.com, www.islandoutpost.com, US$75\135) offers a mèlange of techniques and philosophies from around the world, with treatments that include Swedish, aromatherapy, and T'ai Chi energy massages; coffee, wild ginger, and mint scrubs; mocha rum, wild ginger, and lemongrass wraps; and Jake's signature facials.
Getting There and Around
Treasure Beach is serviced by frequent route taxis from Santa Cruz, direct, and via Watchwell (US$2) and from Junction (US$2). If you're driving, there are three routes to get there. From Black River there is a short, direct road along the coast that is a bit iffy in places, but still passable with a two-wheel-drive vehicle. Turn off the main toward the sea on a road just east of the communications tower east of Parottee. To get to Treasure Beach from Mandeville, take a left at the base of Spur Tree Hill, following signs for Little Ochie, and take a right at the first four-way intersection following signs for Alumina Partners. At the first junction take a left and pass the bauxite and alumina plant, followed by a right at the stop sign to continue up the hill, passing straight through Junction. From Santa Cruz, turn south toward the sea about 1.5 kilometers west of the stoplight on the west side of town. The turnoff is marked by a sign for Jack Sprat.
A busy stopover point on the way over the Santa Cruz Mountains, Junction is the closest outpost of civilization to Treasure Beach with supermarkets and banks. Junction Guest House offers basic accommodations, and a few restaurants are worth stopping for.
Pine's Plaza
Pine's Plaza has a few bars that can heat up on weekend nights, namely Cheatah's Sports Bar & Lounge (Shop #34-A) and The Gazebo Lounge and Rushours Night Club.
Atlantis Seafood
Atlantis Seafood (Main Rd. just before reaching Junction, next to Lunie's Hot Spot, which is plastered with Heineken posters) serves the best seafood in Junction, with fish, lobster, conch, and shrimp (US$7\1700/pound) on the menu.
Hot Pot Restaurant
Hot Pot Restaurant (Shop #8, cell tel. 464-0356, 7:15 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat., from US$4) serves Jamaican staples.
Top Hill Chinese Restaurant
Top Hill Chinese Restaurant (Shops #5 and 6, Roye's Plaza, tel. 876/458-1738 or 876/578-1634, 11 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., 1\10 p.m Sun., from US$4) serves strictly Chinese dishes with chicken, pork, beef, and seafood.
Althea's Bar
Althea's Bar (Dunder Hill, tel. 876/340-1460) does great outdoor cookouts with advance notice. Althea prepares excellent curry goat and fish dishes.
Heavy's Bar & Grill
Heavy's Bar & Grill (on the way from Junction to Bull Savannah) is the hottest club in the area.
Junction Guest House
Junction Guest House (tel. 876/965-8668, simplepunkie@yahoo.com, US$25\100) has basic rooms with fan, private bath, TV, and air-conditioning. There's also a suite with a kitchen and veranda.
Devon House I Scream
Devon House I Scream is sold at the Texaco station.
The Shopper's Fair and Intown Super Save Supermarket are the best options for groceries.
NCB (tel. 876/965-8611) and Scotiabank (Shop #1, Tony Rowe Plaza, tel. 876/965-8257) have branches with ATMs, as does Jamaica National.
Oswald's, located on the main fishing beach in Alligator Pond, serves excellent seafood in a setting a few notches up on the rustic pole from Little Ochie just down the beach.
To get to Alligator Pond, turn south at the bottom of Spur Tree Hill (a left coming from Mandeville, a right from Santa Cruz) and keep straight until you reach the coast.
Little Ochie
Little Ochie (9 a.m.until you say when daily, US$10-30) is a seafood paradise, serving a wide range of dishes like jerk and garlic crab, fish, and lobster. Over 75 seafood recipes are utilized on a daily basis, with lobster cooked 15 different ways, the best of which could very well be the garlic lobster. Everald Christian, a.k.a. "Blacky," is the founder who built the place in 1989 in a rustic style reminiscent of the good old days in Ocho Rios on the North Coast. At the inception of Jamaica's tourism economy, before it became dangerously over-developed, Ocho Rios (known locally as Ochi or Ochie) had similar rustic thatch huts on the beach as the ones used today as the restaurant's boat-shaped dining areas. Little Ochie has become wildly popular with uptown Jamaicans, who will drive from Kingston or Mobay just for the spectacular cuisine.
The first or second Sunday in July, Little Ochie hosts the annual Little Ochie Seafood Festival, which draws a good crowd for cultural shows and even more seafood than normal.
Canoe Valley Protected Area
Canoe Valley Protected Area (contact rangers Devon Douglas, cell tel. 876/578-9456, or Ucal Whyte, cell tel. 876/874-1422) is a coastal wetlands area managed by Jamaica's National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) full of diverse plant and animal life. The manatees that live in semi-captivity along the river in the park are the highlight.
Mandeville's historic sights are concentrated around the town square, known as Cecil Charlton Park. These include the Mandeville Courthouse, which was built of limestone using slave labor and finished in 1820. The courthouse housed the town's first school on its ground floor. The Mandeville Jail and Workhouse, also among the first public buildings in town, is now in use as the police station. Adjacent to the courthouse, the Mandeville Rectory is the oldest house of worship and the original Anglican rectory in Mandeville, having once also served as a tavern and guesthouse, to the dismay of many parishioners.
Marshall's Pen
Marshall's Pen (contact owner Ann Sutton, tel. 876/904-5454, asutton@cwjamaica.com) has been a popular spot for serious birding for many years. Birders come especially to see the Jamaican owl, which can often be seen in its favorite easily accessible tree. Of Jamaica's 28 endemic birds, 23 have been spotted at Marshall's Pen, with a total of 110 species recorded on the property over the years.
At this point tourism is not the main business at Marshall's Pen. Only experienced bird-watchers should attempt to visit.
Marshall's Pen was built in 1795 at the latest, the exact date being something of a mystery. Originally the estate was about 809 hectares, whereas today is has dwindled to a still-respectable 121 hectares.
The origin of its name is a bit ambiguous, but it seems it does not refer to an identifiable previous owner. The present owner is Dr. Ann Sutton, widow of the late Robert Sutton, one of Jamaica's foremost ornithologists, who created an audio catalog of Jamaican bird songs that was released by Cornell University's ornithology department. Robert Sutton also co-authored Birds of Jamaica, the island's best bird guide. Dr. Ann Sutton is also an ornithologist, as well as being a conservationist and secretary of the Society for Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds.
Marshall's Pen welcomes serious birders, who find warm hospitality and even accommodation sometimes. It is also possible to tour the great house and extensive gardens (US$10/person, minimum six persons) by appointment; visitors can find orchids, anthuriums, ferns, and other indigenous plantlife. It's not a place to show up unannounced; call ahead to arrange a visit and for directions.
Beaver's Bar and Grill
Beaver's Bar and Grill (contact owner Wayne Wiltshire, tel. 876/469-4922, 4 p.m\close Tues.\Sun.) is the most happening bar/club in Mandeville with a series of weekly theme nights: Seafood Tuesday, Retro Wednesday, Thursday is low key, College Friday (for university students), Beaver's Saturday (a big club night), Classic Sunday (with a live band, attracts an older crowd). Beaver's sometimes charges a US$6 cover. There's a bar menu serving mozzarella sticks, stamp and go fritters, chicken fingers, burgers, and fish (US$2\10).
Toxic Night Club
Toxic Night Club (no phone, Thurs.\Sat.) in Leddister's Plaza is the best spot in town to get your groove on at night should you be stranded in Santa Cruz.
Record Mart
Record Mart (right before Singer in Santa plaza, tel. 876/966-2564) sells both domestic records and imports with plenty of reggae, R&B, and hip-hop.
Chariots Hotel
Chariots Hotel (Leeds, tel. 876/966-3860, US$40\75) has a pool, restaurant, and bar. Heading west through Santa Cruz, turn left at the stoplight onto Coke Drive, pass RBTT bank and then NCB, four kilometers from Santa Cruz on the road to Malvern. The restaurant serves typical Jamaican dishes (US$4\8.50). All rooms have private bath, cable TV, air-conditioning, and floral-print bedcovers on either two double beds or one king-size bed. It's a decent, well-kept place. The more expensive rooms have hot water.
Kool Rooms Guest House
Kool Rooms Guest House (just west of the last stoplight in Santa Cruz, cell tel. 876/312-8735, tel. 876/387-9417, vernonbourne@yahoo.com, US$50) has four rooms with two queen-size or two double beds in each room with air-conditioning, cable TV, and en suite bathrooms with tub and shower. Run by roots rock reggae singer Vernon Bourne, a.k.a. Singing Vernon, the guesthouse is a good place for young travelers looking to unwind and kick back in rural St. Elizabeth. You're likely to "buck up" other popular reggae artists during your stay.
Grills & Frills
Grills & Frills (39 Main St., across from Rapid True Value, tel. 876/966-3515, Mon.\Sat. 10 a.m.\10 p.m, US$3\4.50) serves Boston-style jerk chicken and pork and roast fish, as well as other Jamaican staples.
Miguel's Cafe
Miguel's Cafe (5 Jewel Close, tel. 876/966-4304, 8 a.m.\9:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., until 10 p.m Fri. and Sat., US$2.50\3.75) in the heart of town just below KFC has fried chicken, baked chicken, curry goat, stewed peas, and pork chops.
Hinds Restaurant & Bakery
Hinds Restaurant & Bakery (Santa Cruz Plaza, tel. 876/966-2234, 7:30 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Thurs., until 7 p.m Fri. and Sat., US$4\6) has decent Jamaican dishes liked fried, stewed, and baked chicken, as well as oxtail, curry goat, stew pork, and escovitch fish.
G-Link World Internet Cafe is at Shop #21, Jake's Plaza (tel. 876/966-4497).
NCB (7 Coke Drive, tel. 876/966-2204) and Scotiabank (77 Main St., tel. 876/966-2230) have small branches with ATMs.
Treasure Beach
Isolated from the rest of the island by the Santa Cruz mountains, which create the area's distinct coastal desert environment by capturing the westbound rainfall, Treasure Beach is a catch-all name for a series of bays and fishing villages that extend from Fort Charles at the greater community's western edge, to Billy's Bay, Frenchman's Bay, and Great Bay on the eastern edge of the community. Treasure Beach prides itself on offering a different kind of tourism than that found in Jamaica's more built-up tourist centers. Local ownership of the guesthouses and restaurants is more the rule than the exception, and it's impossible not to interact with Jamaicans in a more substantial context than being served your cocktail.
The earth in St. Elizabeth is a deep red, and the people, thanks to a mix of Scottish and African blood, also have a reddish complexion, often with striking blue or green eyes. These Jamaicans are commonly referred to as "red" by the rest of the island's population, with typical disregard for innuendos or connotations outsiders might deem politically incorrect. In spite of St. Elizabeth receiving the least rainfall on the island, the parish is known as Jamaica's "breadbasket," not for any grain produced there per se, but mainly for vast quantities of vegetables it sends across the island.
Many of the bays have decent swimming areas, but it's best to inquire with locals about the safety of jumping in the water at any particular point until you get accustomed to the area. Remain vigilant of rip tides and strong currents.
The light complexion generally seen in Treasure Beach and St. Elizabeth is said to owe to Scots who had unsuccessfully settled in Darion Point, Panama, and were forced to flee. It is said that William III sent word that the Scots were not to come into any port, so they beached their ships at Treasure Beach. Treasure Beach started to become an offbeat destination in the 1970s, and fortunately developed at a slow pace, giving the area a chance to define for itself an alternate approach that has been far more equitable for the community than other tourist destinations around Jamaica.
As an off-the-beaten-track destination, the main appeal of Treasure Beach is the community itself and the infectious sleepy pace that permeates the area. Despite their laid-back nature, residents of St. Elizabeth pride themselves on being extremely hardworking, from the fishermen who spend days out at sea to the farmers who take great care in mulching and watering their crops to fight the perpetual drought. Despite the lack of differentiable sights of interest along the Treasure Beach coast itself, there are several worthwhile excursions within an hour's drive, many of which are around Black River. East of Treasure Beach along the coast there are also a few notable natural attractions.
Lovers' Leap
Lovers' Leap (Southfield, 9 a.m.\9 p.m daily, closing later on Sun.) is a 480-meter drop to the sea less than 16 kilometers east of Treasure Beach along the coast. According to legend, a slave couple leapt to their deaths to avoid forced separation by their master, who was lusting after the girl. As the legend has it, an old woman who witnessed their leap said the moon caught them up in a golden net and they were last seen holding hands standing on the moon as it sank over the horizon. A lighthouse was built on the point in 1979 and can be seen from 35 kilometers out at sea. Admission is US$3, or support the bar and restaurant in lieu of admission.
Lovers' Leap Guest House
Lovers' Leap Guest House (Southfield, tel. 876/965-6004, US$36 upstairs, US$50 poolside) has decent, basic rooms with double beds and private bath, hot water, air-conditioning, and ceiling fans.
South Jammin'
South Jammin' (contact owner/manager Joe Isaacs, cell tel. 876/291-5364; open daily from 7 a.m. until the last person leaves, US$3\13) is a centrally located restaurant serving as a local hangout and nightspot with darts, billiards, and dominoes. Satellite TV and live music every weekend on Saturday and Sunday (9 p.m\2 a.m.) are strong draws. Ladies' night on Friday (7\10 p.m) avails two-for-one drinks for women.
Fisherman's Bar
Fisherman's Bar (cell tel. 876/379-9780) is a club open nightly with dancehall and roots reggae booming. A pool table and domino area around back are popular with locals, while the restaurant out front serves typical Jamaican fare at reasonable prices. The venue occasionally hosts live music.
Wild Onion
Wild Onion (contact business manager Lurline Rhodes, tel. 876/965-3619, 3 p.m\2 a.m.Tues.\Sun., US$4\7) is a bar and restaurant serving Jamaican lunch and dinner items like rice and fish, curry goat, vegetable pasta, pork, and chicken. As a nightspot Wild Onion contracts a selector on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. In the high season the venue hosts live music once a month.
Brap Bar
Brap Bar (Billy's Bay, 8:30 a.m.\midnight daily) comes alive in the evenings for poker and dominoes; enter the fray if you dare.
Treasure Hunt Craft Shop
Treasure Hunt Craft Shop (9 am-3pm Mon-Fri., 9am-1pm Sat), run by the Treasure Beach Women's Group, makes handcrafted items out of calabash and other local materials. The parent organization holds regular meetings and provides a forum for addressing issues affecting the community's matriarchs. Baskets, gourds, post cards, and the signature Star Light candle holders are other nice gift items sold at the shop. The group hosts a variety of events, from summer camps to bingo to fashion shows.
Callaloo Butik
Callaloo Butik (Frenchman's district, cell tel. 876/390-3949, 9 a.m.\6 p.m daily, www.callaloo-jam.com) is an upscale craft and souvenir shop run by Sophie Eyssautier, selling clothing, bags, jewelry, beach wraps, baby items, ceramics, and home decor, 100 percent of it made in Jamaica.
Sports and Recreation
People come to Treasure Beach to avoid or escape the busy tourist hubs of Ocho Rios, Negril, and Montego Bay. Swimming, fishing, long walks, and yoga may be the most popular recreational activities.
Captain Dennis Adventure
Captain Dennis Adventure, run by Dennis Abrahams (cell tel. 876/435-3779 or tel. 876/965-3084, dennisabrahams@yahoo.com), offers excursions and fishing trips to get to Black River Safari (US$120), Pelican Bar (US$75 for two), or to a white-sand beach called Gallon Beach in Malcolm Bay just past Black River. Dennis also offers fishing (US$60/hour) and excursions to Little Ochie (US$120). Additional passengers can be added for an extra fee (US$45 per person).
Andy Nembhard
Andy Nembhard rents Trek, Raleigh, and Cannondale mountain bikes (US$25 per day), operates two-hour sea kayak tours (US$60 per person), and rents single-person kayaks (US$45 per day). Andy also runs 2\3-hour hiking and biking tours (US$60 per person) to Great Bay, Fort Charles, and Lover's Leap. Snorkeling excursions are also offered for US$65 per person, including equipment and transportation to Font Hill Beach Park near Whitehouse, where the reefs are more colorful and waters calmer than in Treasure Beach.
Wherever you go in the water in Treasure Beach, it's best to have a companion and to inquire with locals to ensure it is safe. Treasure Beach maintains a growing list of locals who have fallen victim to the hungry sea, which can have strong currents and undertows. While Treasure Beach is not sought after specifically for the quality of its beaches (which aren't as suitable for Jamaica Tourist Board posters as those in other parts of the island), the beaches it has are picturesque in an entirely different way and romantic all the same.
Frenchman's Beach
Frenchman's Beach is a great beach for body surfing when the sea is a little rough. There is coral aplenty toward the edges of this beach, even in shallow waters. The safest spot to swim is directly in front of Golden Sands Guest House.
Calabash Bay Beach
Calabash Bay Beach is a fishing beach with a large, clear, sandy area good for swimming. The safest spot to swim is in front of Calabash House before you reach the boats. Great Bay also has a decent beach for a dip.
Bebe's Place
Bebe's Place (www.treasuretours.com, US$50\75) has three cottages, dubbed Yellow House, Blue House, and Brown House, with single and queen-size beds and fans. Occasional dance parties are held next door at Wild Onion.
Ashanti Village
Ashanti Village is a great budget option with a one-bedroom (US$45) and a two-bedroom (US$65) seaview cottage and four additional rooms (US$35) in the main house. The rooms come with a private bath, small fridge, fan, and electric kettles, with screens on the windows. The cottages have equipped kitchens and verandas with sea views. Meals are prepared by request. There's lots of garden space and a play area great for kids. Ashanti is well situated in a very quiet location still within an easy stroll to most restaurants and bars and Frenchman's Beach.
Ital Rest
Ital Rest (contact Frankie and Jean, tel. 876/863-3481, US$40/night, US$250/week) is about as roots as you can get. The property has limited electricity supplied by solar panels to the smart wood cabins, which are an easy walk from several sandy coves. Mosquito nets cover the beds to keep the bugs out at night. No fans or air-conditioning, and a kitchen on the property is available for guest use. Vegetarian food can also be prepared by request.
Nuestra Casa
Nuestra Casa (Billy's Bay, tel. 876/965-0152, roger@billybay.com, www.billysbay.com, US$45/50 low/high season) is a villa-style guesthouse run by Lillian Chamberlain and her son Roger. It rents three rooms, two with a double bed, and a third with two twin beds. One room has a private bath, while the other two share a bathroom. Amenities include ceiling and standing fans and hot water. Dinner is prepared by request. Anika Elliott is the housekeeper.
Wild Pines
Wild Pines (www.treasuretoursjamaica.com, US$65) is a two-bedroom, two-bath wooden cottage near Great Pond set in a charming garden. The two-story building has a bedroom on each floor with a queen-size and a single bed, and a common kitchen at the ground level.
Dolphin's Villa
Dolphin's Villa (US$50 per room, US$70 with air-conditioning, or US$290 for entire house) is a spacious five-bedroom, five-bath villa with en suite bathrooms with hot water, screened windows in rooms with fans, satellite TV and stereo in the common living area, and spacious verandas. The house rents through Treasure Tours.
Villa Mutamba
Villa Mutamba (US$150) is a physical embodiment of the minimalist philosophy of dub poet Mutabaruka, who owns the property. African relics adorn the entrance after one of the longest staircases, dubbed the "stairway to heaven." Inside, simple and tasteful bamboo furnishings complement the funky master bathroom, which has a small window looking out to sea from the colorfully tiled tub.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Calabash House
Calabash House (US$85/95 low/high season per room, or US$340/US$360 low/high season for entire house) is a four-bedroom cottage directly on Calabash Bay. Bedrooms in the main house have standing fans and air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms produced by instant electric water heaters. A housekeeper tidies up during and a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily per person). Three cozy mini-cottages are found in the yard between the main house and the beach (US$85/95 low/high), where there's also a hammock pavillion for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience and runs the Mermaid Gallery on site when in town.
Shakti Home
Shakti Home (books through Treasure Tours, tel. 876/965-0126, treasuretours@cwjamaica.com, www.shaktihomeja.com, US$1,750/1,950 weekly low/high season), "your Om away from home" as its owner, Jamaica's number one yoga proponent, Sharon McConnell puts it, is an airy, well-appointed, and tastefully decorated beach house with mosquito nets and fans in two bedrooms. The house sits beachfront, overlooking Old Wharf and includes a great cook and caretaker/gardener. The chef specializes in vegetarian cuisine in addition to traditional Jamaican food. Shakti Home has a beautiful yoga deck overlooking the sea that comfortably fits six people, with yoga mats provided.
Sunset Resort Hotel
Sunset Resort Hotel (Calabash Bay, tel. 876/965-0143, srv@sunsetresort.com, www.sunsetresort.com, US$90\115 garden view, US$135 oceanview, US$150 honeymoon suites) basically defines "Butu," the Jamaican equivalent of kitsch, with its Jamaican nouveau-riche exaggerated decor. Floral bedcovers with matching curtains and plastic flower arrangements seem to be transplanted straight from the home of a Kingston drug don. Nonetheless, it's hard to overlook the charm and care taken to make everything match so carefully, even if it is sorely lacking in taste.
Perhaps the best deal at Sunset Resort Hotel are the small villas adjacent to the main building, which rent for less (from US$97) and have more basic amenities--with appreciably less gaud strewn about.
Treasure Beach Hotel
Treasure Beach Hotel (Frenchman's Bay, tel. 876/965-0110, US$107/$119 low/high season) is the closest thing you'll find to Sandals in Treasure Beach--with split-system air-conditioning in the tile-floor rooms, private balconies, and floral bedcovers matching the drapes. Rooms have either two singles or one king-size bed.
Taino Cove
Taino Cove (cell 876/845-6103, www.tainocove.com, US$100\150) is an eight-bedroom boutique hotel located at the far eastern corner of Treasure Beach. Bedrooms have queen-size or double beds, overlook the sea and pool area, and have tile flooring, comfortable linens, and wooden ceilings in the suites. Owned by Winnie Hylton, the large property features a common area on the ground floor of the main building and a pool with an adjacent bar and restaurant. Meals are prepared to order.
Taino Cove
Taino Cove (cell 876/845-6103, www.tainocove.com, US$100\150) is an eight-bedroom boutique hotel located at the far eastern corner of Treasure Beach. Bedrooms have queen-size or double beds, overlook the sea and pool area, and have tile flooring, comfortable linens, and wooden ceilings in the suites. Owned by Winnie Hylton, the large property features a common area on the ground floor of the main building and a pool with an adjacent bar and restaurant. Meals are prepared to order.
Marblue Villa Suites
Marblue Villa Suites (US$129-285) is an attractive seafront property located on a quiet, windswept stretch of beach along Calabash Bay offering junior, villa, and honeymoon categories. The well-appointed suites have air-conditioning, CD players, fans, attractive decor, and full, king-size, or queen-size beds. Nice sitting areas with day beds overlook one of two pools on the property from the veranda or pool deck.
Andrea's Seaside Restaurant and Steakhouse is a popular upscale restaurant on property, where fellow hotelier Axel Wichterich whips up creative dishes borrowing from Jamaican and international culinary traditions.
Lyric (www.treasuretoursjamaica.com, US$1,100/1,350 weekly low/high season) is a beautiful, cut-stone, four-bedroom, two-bath house; a stone patio and pool overlooking the beach on Calabash Bay is its distinguishing feature. Two rooms have king-size beds and the others have single beds, making the property ideal for families or small groups.
La Sirena
La Sirena (www.treasuretoursjamaica.com, US$1,200 weekly for two, add US$120 per additional person) is a beautiful, airy, three-bedroom villa with queen-size beds in two rooms and two single beds in last room; all bedrooms have private bath, air-conditioning, and ceiling fans. The villa features a private pool on the sun deck and a stairway leading to Billy's Bay Beach. Amenities include a stereo, Internet, and TV/DVD.
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (US$113-385 low, US$136-468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair. The honeymoon suites have outdoor showers and sunbathing decks on the roof. The most unpretentiously hip accommodation at Jake's is the two-bedroom Jack Sprat (US$177-230 low/high season), located right next to Frenchman's Beach with its iconic buttonwood tree.
The bold and classy architectural style at Jake's owes to the creativity of Sally Henzell, wife of the late Perry Henzell, who became Jamaica's biggest film icon after directing the cult classic The Harder They Come in the early 1970s. Sally Henzell has an aesthetic that blends the old colonial charm found in the island's historic buildings with a windswept rustic edge one might associate more with the Maine coast of New England.
Sometimes described as "shabby shacks," the cottages at Jake's don't neglect the modern essentials, with hot water provided in all the rooms with solar heaters. The Henzells bought the property in 1991 and opened and developed the rooms and cottages little by little. Jake was a pet parrot of the Henzells', but Jake is also a generic term used to call out to a white person.
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (US$113-385 low, US$136-468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair. The honeymoon suites have outdoor showers and sunbathing decks on the roof. The most unpretentiously hip accommodation at Jake's is the two-bedroom Jack Sprat (US$177-230 low/high season), located right next to Frenchman's Beach with its iconic buttonwood tree.
The bold and classy architectural style at Jake's owes to the creativity of Sally Henzell, wife of the late Perry Henzell, who became Jamaica's biggest film icon after directing the cult classic The Harder They Come in the early 1970s. Sally Henzell has an aesthetic that blends the old colonial charm found in the island's historic buildings with a windswept rustic edge one might associate more with the Maine coast of New England.
Sometimes described as "shabby shacks," the cottages at Jake's don't neglect the modern essentials, with hot water provided in all the rooms with solar heaters. The Henzells bought the property in 1991 and opened and developed the rooms and cottages little by little. Jake was a pet parrot of the Henzells', but Jake is also a generic term used to call out to a white person.
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (US$113-385 low, US$136-468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair. The honeymoon suites have outdoor showers and sunbathing decks on the roof. The most unpretentiously hip accommodation at Jake's is the two-bedroom Jack Sprat (US$177-230 low/high season), located right next to Frenchman's Beach with its iconic buttonwood tree.
The bold and classy architectural style at Jake's owes to the creativity of Sally Henzell, wife of the late Perry Henzell, who became Jamaica's biggest film icon after directing the cult classic The Harder They Come in the early 1970s. Sally Henzell has an aesthetic that blends the old colonial charm found in the island's historic buildings with a windswept rustic edge one might associate more with the Maine coast of New England.
Sometimes described as "shabby shacks," the cottages at Jake's don't neglect the modern essentials, with hot water provided in all the rooms with solar heaters. The Henzells bought the property in 1991 and opened and developed the rooms and cottages little by little. Jake was a pet parrot of the Henzells', but Jake is also a generic term used to call out to a white person.
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (US$113-385 low, US$136-468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair. The honeymoon suites have outdoor showers and sunbathing decks on the roof. The most unpretentiously hip accommodation at Jake's is the two-bedroom Jack Sprat (US$177-230 low/high season), located right next to Frenchman's Beach with its iconic buttonwood tree.
The bold and classy architectural style at Jake's owes to the creativity of Sally Henzell, wife of the late Perry Henzell, who became Jamaica's biggest film icon after directing the cult classic The Harder They Come in the early 1970s. Sally Henzell has an aesthetic that blends the old colonial charm found in the island's historic buildings with a windswept rustic edge one might associate more with the Maine coast of New England.
Sometimes described as "shabby shacks," the cottages at Jake's don't neglect the modern essentials, with hot water provided in all the rooms with solar heaters. The Henzells bought the property in 1991 and opened and developed the rooms and cottages little by little. Jake was a pet parrot of the Henzells', but Jake is also a generic term used to call out to a white person.
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (US$113-385 low, US$136-468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair. The honeymoon suites have outdoor showers and sunbathing decks on the roof. The most unpretentiously hip accommodation at Jake's is the two-bedroom Jack Sprat (US$177-230 low/high season), located right next to Frenchman's Beach with its iconic buttonwood tree.
The bold and classy architectural style at Jake's owes to the creativity of Sally Henzell, wife of the late Perry Henzell, who became Jamaica's biggest film icon after directing the cult classic The Harder They Come in the early 1970s. Sally Henzell has an aesthetic that blends the old colonial charm found in the island's historic buildings with a windswept rustic edge one might associate more with the Maine coast of New England.
Sometimes described as "shabby shacks," the cottages at Jake's don't neglect the modern essentials, with hot water provided in all the rooms with solar heaters. The Henzells bought the property in 1991 and opened and developed the rooms and cottages little by little. Jake was a pet parrot of the Henzells', but Jake is also a generic term used to call out to a white person.
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas
Jakes Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (US$113-385 low, US$136-468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair. The honeymoon suites have outdoor showers and sunbathing decks on the roof. The most unpretentiously hip accommodation at Jake's is the two-bedroom Jack Sprat (US$177-230 low/high season), located right next to Frenchman's Beach with its iconic buttonwood tree.
The bold and classy architectural style at Jake's owes to the creativity of Sally Henzell, wife of the late Perry Henzell, who became Jamaica's biggest film icon after directing the cult classic The Harder They Come in the early 1970s. Sally Henzell has an aesthetic that blends the old colonial charm found in the island's historic buildings with a windswept rustic edge one might associate more with the Maine coast of New England.
Sometimes described as "shabby shacks," the cottages at Jake's don't neglect the modern essentials, with hot water provided in all the rooms with solar heaters. The Henzells bought the property in 1991 and opened and developed the rooms and cottages little by little. Jake was a pet parrot of the Henzells', but Jake is also a generic term used to call out to a white person.
Calabash Bay Villa and Cottage
Calabash Bay Villa and Cottage is a spectacular property with a four-bedroom villa and adjacent two-bedroom cottage managed by Jake's. The villa has an industrial kitchen, a beautiful pool, and a lounge area outside with direct access to the beach on Calabash Bay.
Hope House
Hope House, also managed by Jake's and a bit farther to the east, is a new two-story house exquisitely laid out and appointed with aged wood detailing, sleek interiors, and a veranda and plunge pool to die for.
Hope House
Hope House, also managed by Jake's and a bit farther to the east, is a new two-story house exquisitely laid out and appointed with aged wood detailing, sleek interiors, and a veranda and plunge pool to die for.
Hope House
Hope House, also managed by Jake's and a bit farther to the east, is a new two-story house exquisitely laid out and appointed with aged wood detailing, sleek interiors, and a veranda and plunge pool to die for.
Hope House
Hope House, also managed by Jake's and a bit farther to the east, is a new two-story house exquisitely laid out and appointed with aged wood detailing, sleek interiors, and a veranda and plunge pool to die for.
Hope House
Hope House, also managed by Jake's and a bit farther to the east, is a new two-story house exquisitely laid out and appointed with aged wood detailing, sleek interiors, and a veranda and plunge pool to die for.
Hope House
Hope House, also managed by Jake's and a bit farther to the east, is a new two-story house exquisitely laid out and appointed with aged wood detailing, sleek interiors, and a veranda and plunge pool to die for.
Doubloon Villa
Doubloon Villa (US$2950/week) is a comfortable four-bedroom villa with a small pool and deck overlooking the beach on Calabash Bay. One of the area's premier properties, Doubloon amenities include private baths, a well-equipped kitchen, air-conditioning, complimentary Wi-Fi and three full-time staff members.
Blue Marlin
Blue Marlin is a four-bedroom beachfront villa on Great Pedro Bay, the eastern most of a string of coves together known as Treasure Beach. Blue Marlin sits adjacent to Coquina, a three-bedroom villa that can be rented together for larger groups. The villas are located on a 2.5-acre property encompassing a sloped lawn and lovely gardens. The beach on Great Bay is well protected by Pedro Bluff, making it one of the best for swimming on the South Coast. Blue Marlin rents for US$455 per night in the low season, US$560 high season, or US$3,185/3,920 per week, inclusive of taxes. Coquina rents for US$370 per night in the low season, US$445 in the high season, or US$2,590/3,115 weekly. Amenities include Wi-Fi and AC in all the bedrooms and attentive staff who prepare excellent meals.
Blue Marlin
Blue Marlin is a four-bedroom beachfront villa on Great Pedro Bay, the eastern most of a string of coves together known as Treasure Beach. Blue Marlin sits adjacent to Coquina, a three-bedroom villa that can be rented together for larger groups. The villas are located on a 2.5-acre property encompassing a sloped lawn and lovely gardens. The beach on Great Bay is well protected by Pedro Bluff, making it one of the best for swimming on the South Coast. Blue Marlin rents for US$455 per night in the low season, US$560 high season, or US$3,185/3,920 per week, inclusive of taxes. Coquina rents for US$370 per night in the low season, US$445 in the high season, or US$2,590/3,115 weekly. Amenities include Wi-Fi and AC in all the bedrooms and attentive staff who prepare excellent meals.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Kouros Villa
Kouros (from US$580 nightly) is a four-bedroom villa built in the whitewashed style of Greek island homes on a bluff overlooking the sea. The villa has three terraces with sea views and a large outdoor space by the infinity pool and palapa for alfresco dining. Inside, the polished cement floors are etched with wistful spirals and tribalesque markings. Amenities include wicker furnishings, comfortable mattresses, a utilitarian kitchen, WiFi, and an entertainment center in the living room, making Kouros a cozy and welcoming home away from home.
Sparkling Waters
Sparkling Waters (Billy's Bay, tel. 876/927-8020, reservations@sparklingwatersvilla.com, www.sparklingwatersvilla.com, US$250 for up to four people) is an exquisitely decorated collection of three modern, two-bedroom duplex villas: Villa de la Sable, Villa de l'Ocean, and Villa du Soleil (US$200 per night 1\2 guests, US$1,575 weekly 1\2 guests, US$1,750 weekly 3\4 guests). The three villas share the grounds, which contain a pool, whirlpool tub, and a gorgeous private beach. The villas have comfortable and inviting bathrooms with hot water, plus satellite TV, stereos, and air-conditioning in the bedrooms. Spacious and comfortable living and dining rooms are found downstairs along with the kitchen. The bedrooms are on the second floor at the top of a spiral staircase. Wi-Fi is included.
Jake's Jamaican Off-Road Triathlon and Sunset Run
Jake's Jamaican Off-Road Triathlon and Sunset Run organized by BREDs, sponsored by Jake's, and held the last weekend in April, consists of a 500-meter swim, a 15-kilometer mountain bike ride, and a seven-kilometer cross-country run. It draws Jamaicans from across the island as well as international competitors. The winner typically receives a weekend for two at a sponsoring hotel.
BREDS (Kingfisher Plaza, Calabash Bay, contact Sean Chedda, assistant project manager, (9 a.m.-5 p.m Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m Sat.) is a community-based organization engaged in community betterment activities and staging events. The nongovernmental organization (NGO) is currently involved in bringing a couple of benchmarking organizations to test for environmental integrity to keep the community green and sustainable. It is also working to have lifeguards posted along the beaches. The group has already trained lifeguards who are posted at Frenchman's Beach, one of the area's most notorious, which has claimed the lives of many locals. There is no reef protection at Frenchman's Beach, and thus the currents tend to be very strong. Jason Henzell, of Jake's, is the BREDS chairman.
Hook 'n' Line Canoe Tournament
BREDS also organizes the Hook 'n' Line Canoe Tournament held at the Calabash Bay Beach on Heroes weekend in October (second weekend of the month). The popular event starts on Saturday and goes into Sunday, when all the boats come in by noon to weigh in their catch. Whoever gets the largest fish (by weight) wins. Any kind of fish is fair game. Tourists may participate by renting boats. The entry fee is kept low (around US$7 per boat) to ensure that the event remains decidedly local. The top prize ranges from an inflatable boat with an engine (2006) to other fishing-related equipment in past years. Contact the BREDS office (tel. 876/965-0748) for details.
Little Ochie Seafood Festival
Little Ochie Seafood Festival (tel. 876/961-4618, thelkar@cwjamaica.com), held in August, is a definite must and worth traveling from the other side of the island for the lobster, fish, oysters, and cultural activities that range from traditional dance to popular reggae acts.
Black River
The options for staying in Black River are not highly varied. Most visitors come to town just for the day from either nearby Treasure Beach or Negril.
Waterloo Guest House
Waterloo Guest House (44 High St., tel. 876/965-2278, US$29\47) is really the only option in town. Once the home of English racehorse breeder John Leyden, who made the Waterloo the first building to have electricity in 1893, the amenities seem to have changed little since then. Basic rooms have ceiling fans, double beds or two single beds, and private bath. There are also rooms with queen-size beds, TV, and air-conditioning; some rooms have a small fridge and coffeemaker. The guesthouse has a popular restaurant and bar (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$2.50\7) serving chicken, pork, oxtail, fish, and fried rice.
South Shore Guest House Bar & Restaurant
South Shore Guest House Bar & Restaurant (Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-2172) is wedged between the road and the beach with decent basic rooms facing the water (US$21 with fan, no hot water or TV; US$28 with TV, fan, and hot water; US$46 for two double beds, hot water, TV, and air-conditioning). South Shore is owned by Rose Williams.
Bridge House Inn
Bridge House Inn (14 Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-2361, US$21\26) has 13 basic rooms with either fan or air-conditioning. Private bathrooms have hot water. A restaurant on the property (8 a.m.\10 p.m daily) serves chicken, beef, pork chop, curry goat, and fish (US$3.50\6).
Port of Call Hotel
Port of Call Hotel (136 Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-2360, US$31\36) has a variety of rooms, some with one double bed, others with one double and one single. All rooms have private bathroom with hot water and air-conditioning.
Parottee Beach Resort
Parottee Beach Resort (Crane Rd., tel. 876/383-3980) is a no-frills property toward the end of Parottee Point with four two-level buildings that have combinations of two rooms with two single beds or one king-size and two single beds (US$95). One half of the duplex suites can also be rented alone (US$50).
Idlers' Rest Beach Hotel
Idlers' Rest Beach Hotel (Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-9000, US$100 d), owned by attorney Courtney Hamilton, has spacious and well-decorated rooms with king-size beds and all the amenities (air-conditioning, ceiling fans, cable TV, mosquito nets) on a pleasant and quiet beachfront stretch along the road to Parottee Point.
Ocean View Restaurant and Resort Cottages
Ocean View Restaurant and Resort Cottages (74 Crane Rd., tel. 876/634-4602, U.S. tel. 404/402-3257, njgravity@yahoo.com) owned by Neville Jackson, has a restaurant serving fish tea, vegetable soup, steam/escovitch/brown stew/fried fish, shrimp, conch, lobster, chicken, curry goat, and chow mien. Cottages are small and basic (US$50).
Ashton Great House & Hotel
Ashton Great House & Hotel (US$75), located just outside Black River along Central Road in Luana, has 22 rooms with hot water and air-conditioning. Meals are cooked to order for guests. The only negative is the dated linoleum floors in baths. Otherwise there are wood floors throughout, gorgeous views, and a sizable pool near a spacious covered area used for parties and functions. The house was built in the late 1600s by a sea captain, Earle from England, who married a Jamaican woman and raised hogs and cattle.
Northside Jerk Centre
Northside Jerk Centre (5 North St., tel. 876/965-9855, 8 a.m.\7 p.m daily, US$2.50\5) a.k.a. Alvin's Fish & Jerk Pork Center, serves fried curry, stew, jerk chicken, stew jerk pork, curry goat, and steamed, brown stew, and escovitch fish.
Tasty Foods
Tasty Foods (2 Market St., tel. 876/634-4027, 8 a.m.\9 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$2.50\7) serves ackee and saltfish, salt mackerel, chicken (stew, fried, baked, and curry), cabbage, callaloo, oxtail, sliced brown stew fish, whole fish, garlic or curry shrimp, and fries. Eulalee Bennett runs the restaurant.
Tern's Cafe
Tern's Cafe (tel. 876/965-2685 or 876/634-0084, 7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$2\4.50) serves Jamaican dishes like escovitch fish, fried and baked chicken, curry goat, and pork and beans right along the waterfront in the heart of town. Tern's also sells Devon House and Nestle ice cream.
Bayside Restaurant and Pastry
Bayside Restaurant and Pastry (19 North St., tel. 876/634-3663, 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$3.50) serves curry goat, stew pork, and fried chicken. Cakes are also served by the slice (US$1.25) or whole (from US$10). Dahlia is the helpful supervisor.
The Fish Pot Bistro and Indies Irie Pizza
The Fish Pot Bistro and Indies Irie Pizza franchise (riverside on the Black River, adjacent to Riverside Dock, tel. 876/965-2211 or contact Lloyd Linton, cell tel. 876/472-4644; 9:30 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$6\15) predominantly serves fish: escovitch, steamed, and brown stew--fried and cooked back down in a sauce accompanied by rice, festival, or bammy. It also has curried or garlic shrimp, as well as jerk chicken at times, and lobster in season. Pizza is also served at the same establishment (US$6\20). Toppings include pepperoni, ham, ground beef, and pineapple.
Basil's Seafood Restaurant
Basil's Seafood Restaurant (cell tel. 876/369-2565, 7 a.m.\midnight daily, US$6.50\13) in nearby Parottee has good seafood. The restaurant serves excellent fish, conch, and lobster. Basil Bennett is the congenial proprietor.
Yellowtail Restaurant
Yellowtail Restaurant (1 Brigade St., tel. 876/634-1319, tel. 876/887-5160, 8 a.m.\11 p.m Mon.\Sat., noon\9 p.m Sun., US$3\15) serves good Jamaican fare with a menu that includes curry goat, cow foot, fried or curried chicken, stew beef, brown stew, and steamed fish and shrimp.
Cloggy's on the Beach
Cloggy's on the Beach (22 Crane Rd., tel. 876/634-2424, www.cloggys.com, US$3\11) is the quintessential beachfront bar and restaurant, serving a range of dishes from chicken to steamed fish, brown fish stew, fried fish, and lobster. This is a great place to kick back and unwind, even if the beach along this stretch out to Parotee Point is a bit muddied by the mouth of the Black River.
Las Vegas Cafè
Las Vegas Cafè (70 Crane Rd. 504-2396/373-1028, 11 a.m.\midnight, or until last person leaves) serves seafood including conch, shrimp, and lobster and typical Jamaican dishes to order (US$4.50\9).
Pelican Bar
Pelican Bar is the most interesting restaurant around, but it requires a boat ride to reach. It's offshore on a sandbar off Parotee Point. Run by Denever Forbes, known as Floyde (cell tel. 876/354-4218), Pelican Bar serves drinks and cooks up excellent plates of fish (US$10) and lobster (US$15) accompanied by rice, bammy, or festival.
The Barn Jerk Centre & Grill
The Barn Jerk Centre & Grill (107 Main St., thebarnjg@gmail.com, 11 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$4\20) is housed in a barn-like structure--keeping with its name--on the north side of the main road through Whitehouse. Jeffrey Jameison (cell tel. 876/583-9787 or 876/298-6599) opened the place in April 2009. The jerk center serves jerk chicken and pork, grilled shrimp and lobster, steamed and roasted conch and fish, conch soup, spare ribs, BBQ ribs, and jerk sausage.
Queen Diamond Sports Bar & Club
Queen Diamond Sports Bar & Club has a pool table and TV. Peter Tennent keeps the joint open from 3 p.m till you say when Thursday\Sunday, and on select Mondays. A shop next door to the sports bar sells Devon House Ice Cream out of a freezer.
Duke's Mile Post 99
Duke's Mile Post 99 (Main St., contact Boris "Duke" Samuels, cell tel. 876/584-0210, 2 a.m.\midnight daily, US$10\20) sits next to the road on a little rise unmistakably plastered with green Heineken branding. Founded in December 2006, it has a club license so it can go all night and usually goes till around 4 a.m.on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, when selectors are brought in from the greater area to play mostly dancehall. A restaurant specializes in seafood dishes like lobster, shrimp, conch, octopus, and fish. The bar makes for a good pit stop, as Duke welcomes passersby to come in, use the bathroom, and spend some money.
The Post Office
The post office (35 High St., tel. 876/634-3769) is open 8 a.m.\5 p.m Monday\Friday. DHL is at 17 High Street (tel. 876/965-2651, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat.).
Internet Access
The Internet Shop (13 North St., tel. 876/965-2534, 10 a.m.\6 p.m, US$2.25/hour) has DSL Internet access. Surf D Net (12 High St., tel. 876/634-4535, 9:30 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Fri., 10 a.m.\6:30 p.m Sat.) also offers Internet access. The St. Elizabeth Parish Library (64 High St., 8:45 a.m.\5:15 p.m Mon.\Fri., 8:45 a.m.\3 p.m Sat.) also offers Internet service (US$1.50/hour).
The Globe Store
The Globe Store (17 High St., tel. 876/965-2161) sells souvenirs and computer parts.
Both NCB (13 High St., tel. 876/965-2207) and Scotiabank (6 High St., tel. 876/965-2251) have branches with ATMs.
Getting There and Around
Black River is easily reached by route taxi from Sav-la-Mar in Westmoreland (US$3) or from Santa Cruz in St. Elizabeth (US$2). If you're driving, there's a dodgy but interesting road along the coast to Treasure Beach that's much shorter and not too much more potholed than the long way around. To take the coastal route, head over the bridge east of Black River along Crane Road and turn off the main road toward the water after passing the communications tower east of Parottee. A left turn at a Y intersection leads along the coast to Treasure Beach.
Scott's Cove
One of the best road stops along the South Coast, Scott's Cove on the Westmoreland/St. Elizabeth border has several stands with friendly competition between vendors of fried escovitch fish, bammy, conch soup, shrimp, and lobster. Check Ras Collie-Bud for an excellent cup of conch soup or any of the vendors for escoveitch-style fried fish and bammy.
Straddling the Westmoreland\St. Elizabeth border and best accessed by turning inland along the road just east of Whitehouse and just west of the South Sea Park subdivision, Newmarket has the best weekly market in the area, generally held on Mondays. When the incline levels out, turn right to reach Newmarket, passing the striking Carmel Moravian church sitting on a hill. It's well worth stopping to have a look around. The church is in a good state of repair with an impressive organ in its modest interior.
Middle Quarter
Middle Quarters is a favorite motorist stop, where women line the road selling "pepper swimps" (shrimp), and Howie's HQ (contact Howie Salmon, cell tel. 876/860-5733 or 876/860-5396, open 24/7) roadside restaurant serves up typical Jamaican dishes out of huge pots to motorists.
Marcia Williams' Rasta-Colored Roadside Shop
Marcia Williams' Rasta-Colored Roadside Shop (tel. 876/363-7242, 10 a.m.\
7 p.m daily) is an excellent choice for fresh-out-the-pot swimps. Ms. Williams also serves beer at her shop and has a good fruit and vegetable stand out front.
Bubbling Spring
Bubbling Spring (contact proprietor Lincoln Fagan, cell tel. 876/850-1606, 9 a.m.\6 p.m daily, admission US$15) is a natural mineral spring impossible to miss thanks to the bright rainbow colors painted on the compound's outer walls, located along the main road on the western side of Middle Quarters. Patrons can take a dip in a small spring-fed pool of water said to have healthful properties, hang out, and sample food and drinks at the restaurant and bar. Visited predominantly by locals, Bubbling Spring hosts an annual "Swimps" festival in mid-October.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Y.S Falls
Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42 adults, US$20 children) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Bamboo Avenue
One of the most beautiful four-kilometer stretches of road in Jamaica, running from Middle Quarters to West Lacovia, Bamboo Avenue is also known as Holland Bamboo. The stretch is lined with Jamaica's largest bamboo species, the common bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), brought from Haiti by the owners of the neighboring 1,780-hectare Holland sugar estate, which once belonged to John Gladstone (1764\1851). Gladstone went on to father 19th-century British prime minister William Gladstone. Bamboo Avenue provides shade for several jelly coconut and peanut vendors. On the eastern side of Bamboo Avenue is Bamboo Ville, a vibesy jerk center with big pots on open fires.
Just about all that's noteworthy about Lacovia, other than being the turnoff for Maggoty, Accompong, and Appleton Estate, are a few restaurants and a gas station.
Kingmon's Restaurant
Kingmon's Restaurant (tel. 876/966-6705 or cell tel. 876/425-6721, US$3.50\5.50), run by Kingsley and Monica, serves natural juices and Jamaican staples like baked and fried chicken, cow foot, curry chicken, and curry goat.
Tropical Jerk Center
Tropical Jerk Center (contact proprietor Neville Douglas, tel. 876/845-3814, 9 a.m.\10 p.m daily) serves jerk chicken and pork, food, soup, and jerk and steamed fish next to the Texaco station.
Southern Cockpit Country
The interior of St. James, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, and Clarendon parishes is rugged terrain, much of it forming part of Cockpit Country, which blankets pitted limestone hills full of caves and underground rivers. As the impassible interior descends to the sea, ridged hills taper down around lush valleys, which have proved some of the most fertile in Jamaica. The Y.S. and Appleton estates remain prized lands. The Nassau Valley, where Appleton Estate is located, is still heavily planted in sugarcane to feed the healthy rum business.
From Maggoty the main road (B6) heads east, skirting a large wetland area fed by the upper reaches of the Black River before rejoining the main south coast "highway" (A2) just east of Santa Cruz. From Balaclava, a turn to the north (B10) leads deep into the interior to Troy and then Warsop, passing by Ramgoat Cave before hitting Clarks Town, Trelawny. North of Clarks Town the road emerges on the coast in Duncans. For extreme adventure-seekers, the Troy Trail is a challenging traverse of the most rugged part of Cockpit Country. The trail is best accessed with the help of a guide, which can be set up through the Jamaica Caves Organization (info@jamaicancaves.org, www.jamaicancaves.org).
Hiking excursions in the vicinity of Accompong can be arranged by contacting Maroon Colonel Ferron Williams (cell tel. 876/850-9567).
Apple Valley Guest House
Apple Valley Guest House (contact Lucille Lee, cell tel. 876/487-4521 or 876/963-9508) has slightly less basic double-occupancy rooms (US$36) than those at the park, with hot water in private baths and air-conditioning or fans available by request.
Appleton Estate
Appleton Estate offer one of the most popular tours (9 a.m.-3 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$22 admission includes a miniature bottle of rum) on the South Coast, well within reach for those staying anywhere from Montego Bay, to Negril and Treasure Beach. Located in Nassau Valley, it's well worth a visit, both to sample the several grades of rum and to experience the most lush corner of St. Elizabeth with its vast cane fields and rough hillscapes. The distillery at Appleton Estate is owned and operated by Wray and Nephew, which makes Jamaica's best-known rum. To get there, turn inland off the A2 toward Maggoty in West Lacovia after passing through Bamboo Avenue from the west or Lacovia from the east. Where the road splits keep right, following well-marked signs for Appleton Estate.
Santa Cruz
A bustling transportation hub more than a destination of any note, Santa Cruz can get congested during the day; if you're just passing through there is a very useful bypass around the town center that saves a lot of time. Arriving from the east, veer right off the main road at the Y where the road splits at the Total gas station before getting to town. Take the third left to rejoin the main at the stoplight on the western edge of town. Arriving from the west, follow the reverse route: a left at the first stoplight, and then a right until the road meets the main at the Total station on the eastern edge of town. The dusty bus terminal parking lot in the heart of Santa Cruz is a good place to catch a route taxi for Treasure Beach, Black River, or Mandeville.
Lorna's Crafts
Lorna’s Crafts (cell tel. 876/396-9337) has some nice Jamaican crafts, jewelry, and Rastafarian motif goods in the Old Arcade.
East Fest
East Fest (Goodyear Oval, Springfield, St. Thomas) is held annually on Boxing Day (December 24). The event is organized and hosted by the cultural reggae group Morgan Heritage (www.morganheritagemusic.com).
Dave's Place
Dave’s Place (cell tel. 876/461-3103) just past Scotia serves good chicken.
Scotiabank is located at 23 Queen Street (tel. 876/982-2310), and NCB is at 39 Queen Street (tel. 876/982-2225).
The Morant Bay police station
The Morant Bay police station (7 South St., guard office tel. 876/982-2233, crime office tel. 876/734-7111) is located just off the main road through town.
Stony Gut
In Stony Gut, eight kilometers north of Morant Bay, a marker placed by the JNHT indicates Paul Bogle’s birthplace and the place where his Revival Baptist church once stood. To get there, head inland at the center of town to Morant, where a right turn leads to the nondescript hamlet of Stony Gut.
Sunny Hill
Heading straight in Morant leads to Seaforth, a small community along the Morant River. North of the main intersection you soon come to a bridge across the river where the road forks. A right leads farther up the river to Sunny Hill, an important Rastafarian center in St. Thomas where occasional Groundations are held. It is said one of the first Rasta communes was formed in Trinity Ville, near Sunny Hill, as early as 1934. For info on upcoming Rasta-related events, contact St. Thomas native Karl Wilson (cell tel. 876/439-1471). Alternatively, for Rasta events island-wide, including those at Sunny Hill, contact Paul Reid, known as Iyatolah (cell tel. 876/850-3469) or Charlena McKenzie, known as Daughter Dunan (cell tel. 876/843-3227) at Jamaica’s Nyabinghi headquarters in Scott’s Pass, Clarendon.
Reggae Falls
Reggae Falls, located near Seaforth, is a popular spot for locals to come splash around by an old dam on the Morant River and jump off the large rocks along the river. There is a hut nearby where drinks and food are served. A left across the bridge at the intersection in Seaforth leads to Mt. Lebanus, a picturesque district with fruit trees growing along the river, which has lots of pools suitable for swimming.
Reggae Falls
Reggae Falls, located near Seaforth, is a popular spot for locals to come splash around by an old dam on the Morant River and jump off the large rocks along the river. There is a hut nearby where drinks and food are served. A left across the bridge at the intersection in Seaforth leads to Mt. Lebanus, a picturesque district with fruit trees growing along the river, which has lots of pools suitable for swimming.
Reggae Falls
Reggae Falls, located near Seaforth, is a popular spot for locals to come splash around by an old dam on the Morant River and jump off the large rocks along the river. There is a hut nearby where drinks and food are served. A left across the bridge at the intersection in Seaforth leads to Mt. Lebanus, a picturesque district with fruit trees growing along the river, which has lots of pools suitable for swimming.
Port Morant
Overgrown and noticeably forgotten today, Port Morant was at one time busy exporting barrels of sugar, rum, and bananas. Today there is an oyster operation on the eastern side of the harbor bordering the mangroves that reaches down to Bowden across the bay. The oyster-growing zone is protected from fishing and serves as a spawning area as well. Several fishermen keep their boats on the waterfront and can be contracted to tour the mangroves and visit the lighthouse on Point Morant. Karl Wilson (cell tel. 876/439-1471), a director of the St. Thomas Environmental Protection Agency, has been working with fishermen and other local groups to encourage sustainable use of the vast mangrove reserve, one of Jamaica’s last untouched marine wilderness areas. Karl can arrange marine and mountain tours to the best sights in the area.
Morant Point Lighthouse
The Morant Point Lighthouse sits on Jamaica’s easternmost point. Cast of iron in London, the 30-meter-tall lighthouse was erected in 1841 by Kru people, indentured Africans brought to Jamaica in the post-emancipation period. There is a beautiful, desolate beach along Holland Bay just north of Morant Point. To get there, head east from the village of Golden Grove through the Duckenfield Sugar Plantation. Four-wheel-drive is essential in the rainy season, but otherwise it is possible to get through without it.
Stokes Hall Great House
Stokes Hall Great House, located in the parish of St. Thomas near Golden Grove, was built by Luke Stokes. A former governor of the island of Nevis, he came to Jamaica shortly after the conquest of the island by the British. Like many of the early houses it was built in a strategic location and was securely fortified.
Stokes Hall Great House was destroyed by the 1907 earthquake and today stands in ruin. The house is currently owned by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust but not managed by anyone.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island’s elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for GBP 400. In 1731 the government allocated GBP 500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa
Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa offer accommodation in basic rooms with either private or shared bath (US$50 private bath, US$40 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50-10) are served throughout the day with menu items ranging from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
The spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15-20 minutes, not much longer, to derive full benefit.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica’s most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you’re heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Whispering Bamboo Cove Resort
Whispering Bamboo Cove Resort (105 Crystal Dr. Retreat, just east of Morant Bay, tel. 876/982-2912 or 876/982-1788, whispering@cwjamaica.com, US$75/80 mountain view/ocean view) is a decent accommodations option with 15 rooms run by Marcia Bennet. Rooms have TV, private bathrooms with hot water, and air-conditioning, except two mountain-view rooms with fans only (US$60). DSL is available in the lobby, and a restaurant prepares food to order.
West of Morant Bay
The road west of Morant Bay toward Kingston hugs the coast, passing through dusty communities where jerk vendors and a few shops mark the centers of the action. This is an area most people just pass through. There are a few notable stops, however, but few accommodation options (beyond a few quickie joints) before reaching Bull Bay in St. Andrew.
White Horses
Just east of White Horses you arrive at Rozelle Falls, where locals often congregate to wash or cool off. The falls are visible from the main road (A4).
Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church
The Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church (service on Sat.) has its headquarters at Crighton Hall in White Horses just before reaching Yallahs, where it sits on more than 600 hectares of land. To get there, turn inland off the main road (A4) by a set of fruit vendors in the middle of White Horses. Coptic Road is on the left, marked with a sign. Said to be 20 million strong, the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church in Jamaica is led by Everton Shand, chief elder, and spiritual leader Brother Shine. Niah Keith and Brother Love were the founders of the original Coptic Church in Jamaica, while the institution originates in Ethiopia, where it was the official Imperial church for ages from ancient Egypt. A large tablet that dates from 1738 written in Old English was found during excavations and is on display. Many of Jamaica’s roots reggae artists have attended the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church. The White Horses Kumina Group, Upliftment, hosts cultural and sports events in the community on a regular basis.
Sixteen kilometers west of Morant Bay, large salt ponds can be seen along the coast marking the approach to Yallahs. These ponds were once used as a source for salt and are home to brine shrimp and yellow butterflies. The name Yallahs is derived from the surname of a Spanish family that settled there to raise cattle on a ranch known as Hato de Ayala. The road inland from the center of Yallahs leads up along the river to Bethel Gap and from there deeper into the mountains, ultimately reaching Hagley Gap on a poor road traversable only by four-wheel-drive vehicles. Eleven kilometers north of Yallahs across the river from Easington is Judgment Cliff, which collapsed during the earthquake of 1692--burying an entire valley, it is said, in judgment of the Dutchman who maltreated slaves on his plantation. In any case, judgment was not justice, and most of his slaves died alongside him under the weight of a small mountain.
Yallahs River
About 1.5 kilometers west of Yallahs, the broad, washed-out Yallahs River overflows during periods of heavy rain and dries completely for much of the year near its mouth due to dry, pebbly soil along its bed. At 37 kilometers from its source to the sea, it’s one of Jamaica’s longest rivers, starting 1,371 meters up and running down the principal trough along the base of the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains. Along the way, it is fed by several tributaries. Bridges built across the Yallahs have a tendency to disappear during hurricanes and are replaced routinely. For most of the year the riverbed near its mouth can be forded with no sign of water. The Yallahs River feeds the Mona Reservoir next to UWI via an aboveground pipe. Along with the Hope River, it is a major water source for the metropolitan area. There are decent beaches around Yallahs: Bailey’s Beach to the east and Flemarie Beach just west of town.
Links Seafood Restaurant & Lounge
Links Seafood Restaurant & Lounge (cell tel. 876/703-3927, 10 a.m.10 p.m Mon.Sat.) on Fleming Beach is a nice chill-out spot to get some grub on the waterfront.
West of Yallahs
West of Yallahs just shy of the St. Andrew border, Eleven Mile is a small community known as the old stomping ground of legendary Jack Mansong, a.k.a. "Three-Finger Jack." A runaway slave, Three-Finger Jack became a bandit who took justice into his own hands in the vein of a Jamaican Robin Hood. He wreaked terror on the plantocracy and tried to kill a slave trader before ultimately being captured by Maroon leader Quashie, who carried his head to Spanish Town to collect the £300 reward.
Getting There and Around
Points between Kingston and Morant Bay along the coast are served by JUTC buses departing from the Transport Centre in Half Way Tree for around US$1. For points farther east or around the coast, a private driver or route taxis are necessary. Taxis and small buses depart from the square in Morant Bay for Bath and Manchioneel as they fill up, costing less than US$5.
West of Port Antonio
The road west of Port Antonio runs along the coast, cutting inland occasionally through several small towns including St. Margaret’s Bay, Hope Bay, and Buff Bay before reaching the border with St. Mary just east of Annotto Bay. The region is characteristically lush with fruit vendors and roadside shops intermittently along the road. Apart from Somerset Falls on the eastern edge of Hope Bay, the area is void of developed tourist attractions, but the sparsely populated coastline is in itself enticing; for the adventurous looking for secluded beaches, there are great opportunities for exploring around Orange Bay.
From Buff Bay, the B1 heads inland, climbing past Charles Town into the Blue Mountains and affording great views. This is the route on which Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours operates.
St. Margaret's Bay
The quiet seaside village of St. Margaret’s Bay is notable principally as the end point for the rafts coming down the Rio Grande. There are a few accommodation options and a notable craft shop, Jah Tobs Crafts (tel. 876/913-3242) making Rasta-style knits and other craft items including tams, belts, swimsuits, bags, chains, calabash purses, and much more.
Rio Vista Resort Villas
Rio Vista Resort Villas, situated on a hill overlooking the eastern banks of the Rio Grande, has two-bedroom cottages, a one-bedroom honeymoon cottage with a spectacular view up the Rio Grande (US$155), and four single rooms between the main house and two suites. The one-bedroom cottage is suitable for a couple, the two-bedroom cottages can sleep up to four, and the three-bedroom villa (US$270) sleeps up to six on two king-size and two full-size beds. To get there, turn right up the hill just around the corner after crossing the Rio Grande heading east. The "room with a view" is perhaps the nicest cottage, with a private balcony overlooking the river--the view can be appreciated from the inviting king-size bed. The property is run by Sharon, her son Chris and his wife Cyndi, who live on-property.
Rio Vista Resort Villas
Rio Vista Resort Villas, situated on a hill overlooking the eastern banks of the Rio Grande, has two-bedroom cottages, a one-bedroom honeymoon cottage with a spectacular view up the Rio Grande (US$155), and four single rooms between the main house and two suites. The one-bedroom cottage is suitable for a couple, the two-bedroom cottages can sleep up to four, and the three-bedroom villa (US$270) sleeps up to six on two king-size and two full-size beds. To get there, turn right up the hill just around the corner after crossing the Rio Grande heading east. The "room with a view" is perhaps the nicest cottage, with a private balcony overlooking the river--the view can be appreciated from the inviting king-size bed. The property is run by Sharon, her son Chris and his wife Cyndi, who live on-property.
Rio Vista Resort Villas
Rio Vista Resort Villas, situated on a hill overlooking the eastern banks of the Rio Grande, has two-bedroom cottages, a one-bedroom honeymoon cottage with a spectacular view up the Rio Grande (US$155), and four single rooms between the main house and two suites. The one-bedroom cottage is suitable for a couple, the two-bedroom cottages can sleep up to four, and the three-bedroom villa (US$270) sleeps up to six on two king-size and two full-size beds. To get there, turn right up the hill just around the corner after crossing the Rio Grande heading east. The "room with a view" is perhaps the nicest cottage, with a private balcony overlooking the river--the view can be appreciated from the inviting king-size bed. The property is run by Sharon, her son Chris and his wife Cyndi, who live on-property.
Paradise Inn
Paradise Inn (tel. 876/993-5169, paradiseinn295@hotmail.com, US$3560) is a dive located along the main road (A4) with nine rooms lacking charm, each with one or two double beds. Rooms have cable TV, ceiling fans, and hot water come standard. Four rooms have kitchenettes.
Rafter's Rest
Rafter’s Rest (tel. 876/993-5778) is where the bamboo rafts pull in at the end of the 2.5-hour journey down the Rio Grande. There is a restaurant serving Jamaican staples (US$515) and a bar overlooking the river. The river is fit for swimming, and there is a beach where the river meets the sea.
Somerset Falls
Somerset Falls (about 3 km east of Hope Bay, tel. 876/913-0046, info@somersetfallsjamaica.com, www.somersetfallsjamaica.com, 9 a.m.5 p.m daily, US$12 adults, US$6 children, free under age 9) is a great place to stop for a dip. The falls are reached by rowboat through cavernous cliffs surrounding a narrow inlet. A bar and restaurant serves beer, rum, fruit juice, jerk chicken and pork, fish, lobster, shrimp, burgers, hot dogs, and fries (US$725). A games area has billiards, table tennis, and foosball, with water volleyball in the pool. Occasionally, large events are staged at the venue section next door. The park has a number of caged birds and some deer, recaptured after they escaped in a hurricane years ago.
Likkle Porti
Likkle Porti, located across the street by the mouth of the Danny River, is owned by the same management as Somerset, with a seafood grill serving roast, steamed, and fried fish, accompanied by bammy and festival in the style of Little Ochie, a South Coast favorite. There’s bathing access to the river and sea, with rafting and boat rides offered.
Crafts Shop
Pauline Petinaud, a.k.a. "Sista P" (cell tel. 876/426-1957), recently moved her African-Jamaican crafts shop and guest house from Port Antonio to Hope Bay, where she rents two basic rooms with common kitchen and bath for budget-minded travelers (US$30). Sista P, not to be confused with PNP politician Portia Simpson-Miller of the same pet name, is an important figure behind the movement to celebrate the African heritage inherent in Jamaican culture. Her craft shop sells African-inspired Jamaican items as well as a variety of African imports. She is best known for her founding role in the annual African-heritage festival, Fi Wi Sinting, which translates as "something for us."
J&J Natural Food Restaurant
J&J Natural Food Restaurant (contact Juba, cell tel. 876/851-8927) in the heart of Hope Bay on the seaside facing the road, serves Jamaican staples.
I-tal Village
I-tal Village (cell tel. 876/898-5323, info@italvillage.com, www.italvillage.com, US$30/40 low/high season) is a mellow, simplistic, Rasta-inspired living retreat about three kilometers off the main road near Orange Bay. The retreat is near 6.5 kilometers of volcanic beaches that see virtually no outside visitors. Ital (natural) food is served to order.
Buff Bay
Buff Bay is a dusty coastal town along the route between Port Antonio and points west. There is little to keep visitors in the area and few accommodation options. In the hills a few minutes inland along the B1, Charles Town is a Maroon community where a cultural heritage tour with the local Maroon Colonel Frank Lumsden makes a detour away from the coast--worthwhile for a few hours’ visit.
The most impressive structures in Buff Bay are the courthouse and the St. George Anglican Church located across the street. St. George was the official church for the parish of St. George before it became part of Portland in 1867. The present cut-stone structure dates from 1814, but the foundation is much older. Both the church and the courthouse, which is still in use, can be accessed during business hours, and service is held on Sundays.
Charles Town
Some five kilometers above Buff Bay along what used to be an old Maroon Bridle path up the Buff Bay River (now known as the B1) is the Maroon community of Charles Town.
Maroon Museum
The Maroon Museum (free admission) located at Asafu Yard has artifacts and crafts of Maroon heritage. There’s an adjoining commercial kitchen producing Jamaican cassava cakes, a gluten-free staple starch dating to the Taino and known locally as bammy.
Charles Town Maroon Colonel Frank Lumsden (cell tel. 876/445-2861) leads visitors on community tours and hikes (US$20/person) to Sambo Hill, the ruins of an 18th-century coffee plantation, Grandy Hole Cave, or Old Crawford Town, an old Maroon Village where Quao settled his people after the first Maroon War in 1739. The Colonel has a group of drummers who perform Koromanti drumming and dance.
Quao's Village
A traditional country-style lunch (US$12/person) can be arranged at Quao’s Village a bit farther upstream, where Frank’s brother Keith Lumsden (cell tel. 876/440-2200) manages a swimming hole and rustic restaurant attraction. The spot is named after Maroon warrior Captain Quao (The Invisible Hunter), who, alongside Jamaica’s first national hero, Nanny of the Maroons, fought off the British to assert his people’s autonomy from the colonists.
A local chef treats visitors to traditional dishes like crayfish rundown (not to be missed) and saltfish rundown accompanied by boiled green banana and ground provisions (yam, coco, dasheen, pumpkin). There is an area where you can pitch a tent to overnight in Charles Town.
Blueberry Hill Guest House
Blueberry Hill Guest House (Kildare district, near the Digicel phone tower, contact Devon or Doris Williams, cell tel. 876/913-6814, US$2535) has seven rooms with private baths and standing fans. Some rooms have TV with a few channels. Some rooms have a nice view overlooking the sea; otherwise, the common veranda is suitable for enjoying the breeze.
B&G Jerk Centre
B&G Jerk Centre (contact owner Glen Ford, cell tel. 876/859-5107) on the east side of town is the best spot for a roadside bite of jerk pork or chicken (US$4/quarter pound).
Hibiscus Restaurant
Hibiscus Restaurant (adjacent to courthouse, cell tel. 876/466-0946, 9 a.m.11 p.m Mon.Sat., 511 p.m Sun., US$23) serves Jamaican staples like fried chicken, curry goat, and stewed peas.
Buff Bay police station
Buff Bay police station (9 First Ave., tel. 876/996-1497) is located opposite the Adventist Church.
Getting There and Around
Points between Port Antonio and Annotto Bay can be reached via route taxi or microbus for under US$5. Route taxis typically run between the closest population centers, and you will have to string together several legs for longer distances. Most route taxis also offer charter service, where rates are not regulated and have to be negotiated. A chartered car between Port Antonio and Hope Bay shouldn’t cost more than US$20, with a chartered trip from Port Antonio to Buff Bay or Charles Town costing around US$50 for a couple of people.
Lower Black River Morass
The Lower Black River Morass is one of Jamaica's largest wetlands, with 142 square kilometers of mangrove and swamp providing a rich habitat for a variety of animal and plantlife. Turtles and crocodiles are still abundant, while manatees, once relatively common around the mouth of the river, are gone today. It's the largest remaining undisturbed wetland in the English-speaking Caribbean at 7,285 hectares. The Black River Morass has 113 species of plants and 98 species of animals. The Anchovy Pear (Grias cauliflora) of the Brazil Nut family (Lecythidaceae) grows in the morass. Sawgrass, or razor grass (Cladium jamaicensis), first described by botanists in Jamaica and thus given the Latin name jamaicensis, covers about 60 percent of the wetlands area. Sable palm (Sabal jamaicensis), or thatch palm, is another wetland plant abundant in the reserve that was first described in Jamaica.
The crocodiles along the Black River are quite accustomed to being around people, to the point where many tourists think the ones sitting on the river's edge next to the restaurant are tame. While it's not recommended, some people swim in the same water as the crocs, which, according to one seasoned adventurer, are more afraid of us than we are of them. It's best to respect their space, however, and not give them the chance to prove they are anything but friendly.
The Black River and the Lower Black River Morass are best accessed by taking one of the river safari tours that start in the town of Black River, where three tours are offered from the river banks on pontoon boats.
Black River Safari
Charles Swaby's Black River Safari (US$25 adult, US$12 children 3-11), run by parent company South Coast Safari, has a pontoon boat tour up the Black River for 75 minutes with a commentary by the captain. Tours run daily at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m, 2 p.m, and 3:30 p.m Swaby started the tour in 1987. Lunch (not included) is served at the Bridge House Inn and at Riverside Dock.
Black River Safari
Charles Swaby's Black River Safari (US$25 adult, US$12 children 3-11), run by parent company South Coast Safari, has a pontoon boat tour up the Black River for 75 minutes with a commentary by the captain. Tours run daily at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m, 2 p.m, and 3:30 p.m Swaby started the tour in 1987. Lunch (not included) is served at the Bridge House Inn and at Riverside Dock.
Black River Safari
Charles Swaby's Black River Safari (US$25 adult, US$12 children 3-11), run by parent company South Coast Safari, has a pontoon boat tour up the Black River for 75 minutes with a commentary by the captain. Tours run daily at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m, 2 p.m, and 3:30 p.m Swaby started the tour in 1987. Lunch (not included) is served at the Bridge House Inn and at Riverside Dock.
St. Elizabeth Safari
St. Elizabeth Safari (US$16 adults, US$8 children under 12) runs on the opposite side of the river, with local businessman Dr. Bennett operating a virtually identical 75-minute tour up the Black River.
Irie Safari
Irie Safari (8:30 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.\4 p.m Sun.) offers a narrated tour on pontoon boats lasting 75 minutes (US$17 per person, minimum charge of US$40 per boat with two people). Proprietor Lloyd Linton is a wetland biologist who leads many of the tours himself. Irie is the smallest of the three tours, which can help avoid the long wait sometimes found at the competitors, which get more large groups. Irie Safari also offers sportfishing for tarpon and snook. The tour was established in 1993.
Lost River Kayak Adventure Tours
Lost River Kayak Adventure Tours (US$45-80 per person, depending on tour), run by Lloyd Linton from the Irie Safari location, has two three-seater, four two-seater, and two single-seat kayaks. Tours venture into the upper reaches of the Black River, where there are blue holes suitable for swimming, birds that wouldn't be seen from a motorized craft, and no crocodiles, thanks to the fresh water. The tour lasts about two hours at US$40 per person.
Pelican Bar
One of the most exceptional attractions in all of Jamaica, Pelican Bar is a ramshackle structure less than 1.5 kilometers offshore on a sandbar off Parotee Point. Run by the charismatic Denever Forbes, known by everybody as Floyde, Pelican Bar serves drinks and cooks up excellent plates of fish (US$10) and lobster (US$15) accompanied by rice, bammy, or festival. The sandbar is an excellent spot to spend the day relaxing and snorkeling. The best way to reach the bar is by calling Daniel McLenon, known as Dee, who offers round-trip shuttle service in his fishing boat (US$10 per person) from Parotee Point. Dee leaves from near his yard past Basil's, just after some houses with blue roofs. Turn right and park along a little lane that leads to the beach. Call Floyde before heading out to make sure he's around. Generally he keeps hours starting at 9 a.m.until the last customers are ready to leave in the evening. The bar is closed when bad weather requires. The only land tour operator servicing Pelican Bar on a regular basis is Barrett Adventures, which offers transport from Mobay or Negril and can also arrange snorkeling equipment.
Pelican Bar
One of the most exceptional attractions in all of Jamaica, Pelican Bar is a ramshackle structure less than 1.5 kilometers offshore on a sandbar off Parotee Point. Run by the charismatic Denever Forbes, known by everybody as Floyde, Pelican Bar serves drinks and cooks up excellent plates of fish (US$10) and lobster (US$15) accompanied by rice, bammy, or festival. The sandbar is an excellent spot to spend the day relaxing and snorkeling. The best way to reach the bar is by calling Daniel McLenon, known as Dee, who offers round-trip shuttle service in his fishing boat (US$10 per person) from Parotee Point. Dee leaves from near his yard past Basil's, just after some houses with blue roofs. Turn right and park along a little lane that leads to the beach. Call Floyde before heading out to make sure he's around. Generally he keeps hours starting at 9 a.m.until the last customers are ready to leave in the evening. The bar is closed when bad weather requires. The only land tour operator servicing Pelican Bar on a regular basis is Barrett Adventures, which offers transport from Mobay or Negril and can also arrange snorkeling equipment.
Ramtulla';s Supercenter
Ramtulla’s Supercenter (Folly Rd., tel. 876/715-5132) is the most modern supermarket in Port Antonio, with the largest selection of groceries.
Kamlyn's Supermarket and Cambio
For groceries, you can also head to Kamlyn’s Supermarket and Cambio (19 Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2140; 12 West St., tel. 876/993-4292; cambio 8:30 a.m.5 p.m Mon.Thurs., 8:30 a.m.6 p.m Fri., 8:30 a.m.5 p.m Sat., closed Sun.; supermarket 8:30 a.m.7 p.m Mon.Thurs., 8:30 a.m.8:30 p.m Fri., 8:30 a.m.9 p.m Sat.).
Kamal’s (12 West St., tel. 876/993-4292, 8:30 a.m.8 p.m Mon.Sat., 9 a.m.4 p.m Sun.) is a grocery and cambio owned by Mr. Sinclair, who also owns Kamlyn’s.
CC Bakery
CC Bakery is at 1 West Palm Avenue (tel. 876/993-2528).
Portland Parish Library
Portland Parish Library (1 Fort George St., tel. 876/993-2793) offers free Internet access on a set of computers in the junior library and at the computer lab in the adult section.
Don J's Computer Centre
Don J’s Computer Centre (Shop #10, Royal Mall, tel. 876/715-5559, 9 a.m.7 p.m Mon.Sat.) has Internet access (US$1/hr). Faxing and VoIP calling services are also offered.
Scotiabank is headquartered Downtown, Kingston, with branches throughout the city, in New Kingston on Knutsford Boulevard, in Half Way Tree at Constant Spring Road and another branch
Firstcaribbean has a branch on Harbour Street (tel. 876/993-2708).
Ever-Brite Cleaners and Laundromat
Ever-Brite Cleaners and Laundromat (17 West Palm, tel. 876/993-4071, 9 a.m.8 p.m daily.) can take care of your dirty clothes for US$5 per load.
For shipping services, DHL operates through local agent Port Antonio Company (City Centre Plaza, tel. 876/993-9401 or 876/993-3617, 9 a.m.5 p.m Mon.Sat.).
Port Antonio Police is located at 10 Harbor Street (tel. 876/993-2546), whereas San San Police is at the base of San San Hill (tel. 876/993-7315).
Police advice
Police advice in Port Antonio includes all the typical warnings: Don’t sleep with the door wide open, watch your belongings on the beach, don’t use drugs in public, and be wary of thieving prostitutes. Petty theft incidents are reported regularly, but on the whole Port Antonio is relatively crime-free compared to other areas of the island. Constable Brown and Superintendent Bowen are in charge at the Port Antonio constabulary.
Port Antonio Hospital
Port Antonio Hospital (Naylor’s Hill, tel. 876/993-2426) is run by doctors Terry Hall and Jeremy Knight, who have a very good reputation.
Modern Dentistry
Eric Hudecek at Modern Dentistry (9 West Harbour St., tel. 876/715-5896, cell tel. 876/860-3860 or 876/371-2068, info@modern-dentistry.de) is a highly regarded dentist with a smart, well-equipped office overlooking Navy Island. He is sought out by patients from across Jamaica and abroad.
Dr. Lynvale Bloomfield
Dr. Lynvale Bloomfield (32 Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2338) has a private practice in town and also owns City Plaza Pharmacy (City Center Plaza, Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2620).
Getting There
Port Antonio is served by route taxis from Buff Bay (US$1.50) from the west and Boston (US$1.50) and Morant Bay (US$4.50) from the east. Minibuses leave twice daily for these areas from Market Square. Taxis gather in Market Square and in front of the Texaco station on Harbour Street. Most guesthouses and hotels arrange transportation from Kingston or Montego Bay airports, Kingston being the closer international airport at about 2.5 hours away.
Driving from Kingston, the shortest route (B1) passes over Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains before descending to the coast in Buff Bay. From Buff Bay, head east along the coast until you reach Port Antonio. The road over Hardwar Gap is regularly blocked by landslides and is at times impassible for years on end. This route takes about two hours.
The alternate route from Kingston (A3) passes over Stony Hill and then through Castleton, St. Mary, and Junction before hitting the coast around Annotto Bay. When the road through the Blue Mountains is blocked, this is the quickest route between Kingston and Port Antonio, taking about 2.5 hours.
A third route (A4), every bit as scenic, follows the coast east of Kingston along the southern flanks of the Blue Mountains through Morant Bay, turning west at Hector’s River. This route takes 23 hours on decent roads.
The Ken Jones Aerodrome
The Ken Jones Aerodrome, 10 minutes west of Port Antonio, receives flights from Kingston, Oracabessa, Montego Bay, and Negril with charter operators International Airlink (tel. 876/940-6660, res@intlairlink.com, www.intlairlink.com) and Jamaica Air Shuttle.
Getting Around
The town of Port Antonio is compact enough to get around comfortably on foot. For any of the attractions east, west, and south of town, however, it is necessary to jump in a route taxi or hire a private charter. If you’re feeling energetic, traveling along the coast between town and Winnifred Beach or even Boston by bicycle is very feasible. Route taxis congregate by the Texaco station on Harbour Street for points east, and in Market Square for points west and south. It’s easy to flag down route taxis along the main road. Expect to pay around US$1.50 for a ride a few kilometers down the coast as far as Boston.
Richard Dixon (cell tel. 876/312-4743) is a dependable taxi man for charters, as are Indian (cell tel. 876/866-6920); William Reid, a.k.a. Busout (cell tel. 876/849-0867); and Aldwyne (cell tel. 876/358-8086).
Fisher Tours
Fisher Tours (cell tel. 876/852-0177) can give you a lift around for reasonable rates. Driver Andre Thomson will take you from Kingston airport to Port Antonio for US$120, or on excursions to places like Reach Falls from Port Antonio for US$20/person. Andre’s van has a capacity of eight.
Eastern Rent-A-Car
Eastern Rent-A-Car (16 West St., manager Kevin Sudeall tel. 876/993-4364 or cell tel. 876/850-2449, eastcar@cwjamaica.com, www.lugan.com/east.html) has a Toyota Yaris (US$85/day) or Corolla (US$75), Honda Accord (US$120), Toyota RAV4 (US$120), and Mitsubishi Gallant (US$120), Lancer (US$90), or Space Wagon (US$120). Longer-term rentals will be discounted.
Upper Rio Grande Valley
Nestled between the Blue Mountains and the John Crow Mountains are the culturally rich communities of the Upper Rio Grande Valley. These include the farming communities of Millbank and Bowden Pen and the Maroon community of Moore Town. Trails, including Cunha Cunha Pass, lead into the lush rain forest of the park and provide an opportunity to see the endangered Giant Swallowtail, the largest butterfly in the Western Hemisphere. The best way to get to know this area is by contacting the Maroon Council to learn from the people who have staked out this land as their own for centuries.
Rio Grande Rafting
Rio Grande Rafting (9 a.m.4 p.m daily, US$100/raft) is a much-touted attraction controlled by the Tourism Product Development Corporation, operating along the banks of the wide and gentle Rio Grande River. Eighty-three raft captains compete fiercely for clients, who enjoy the sedate relaxation of a 2.5-hour ride down the river on long bamboo rafts. To reach the start of the ride, take Breastworks Road from Port Antonio, keep right on Wayne Road in Breastworks past Fellowship, and keep right following the signs to Berridale. The raft ride ends in St. Margaret’s Bay by the mouth of the river at Rafter’s Rest. Transporation is not included in the cost of rafting. For Moore Town, take a left over the bridge at Fellowship Crossing.
Rio Grande Rafting
Rio Grande Rafting (9 a.m.4 p.m daily, US$100/raft) is a much-touted attraction controlled by the Tourism Product Development Corporation, operating along the banks of the wide and gentle Rio Grande River. Eighty-three raft captains compete fiercely for clients, who enjoy the sedate relaxation of a 2.5-hour ride down the river on long bamboo rafts. To reach the start of the ride, take Breastworks Road from Port Antonio, keep right on Wayne Road in Breastworks past Fellowship, and keep right following the signs to Berridale. The raft ride ends in St. Margaret’s Bay by the mouth of the river at Rafter’s Rest. Transporation is not included in the cost of rafting. For Moore Town, take a left over the bridge at Fellowship Crossing.
Moore Town
The stronghold of Jamaica’s Windward Maroons, led by Colonel Wallace Sterling since 1995, Moore Town is a quiet community located along the banks of the Rio Grande, about an hour’s drive south of Port Antonio. Prior to the election of Colonel Sterling, the Moore Town Maroons were led by Colonel C. L. G. Harris (from 1964), and before him, it was Colonel Ernest Downer (from 1952).
Colonel Wallace Sterling can organize B&B-style homestays (US$30/person) in the community, as well as hikes to Nanny Town farther up into the mountains. It’s a two- to three-day hike round-trip that will cost US$100 per person for guides, food, and shelter. If you don’t bring your own tent, guides will use materials from the bush to make shelter at night. Along the way you’re likely to pick up a few basic Maroon words like medysie (thank you). If you are unable to reach Colonel Sterling, Moore Town Maroon Council Secretary Charmaine Shackleford (cell tel. 876/867-6939) can also help arrange homestay visits and guides.
The Maroons have maintained their customs throughout the years, as well as their language, a mix of West African tongues brought by captured slaves who belonged to the Ahanti, Fanti, Akan, Ibo, Yoruba, and Congo peoples, among others.
Bump Grave
Bump Grave (admission by donation) is the final resting place of Nanny, the legendary Maroon leader and Jamaica’s first national heroine. It’s the principal attraction in Moore Town; a plaque and monument recall her glorious leadership and victory over British forces that tried unsuccessfully to conquer the Maroons. Bump Grave is fenced off, but the gate can be opened by the caretaker of the school located across the road. Call to alert the Colonel (cell tel. 876/898-5714) or Maroon Council Secretary Charmaine Shackleford (cell tel. 876/867-6939) of your arrival to ensure someone is around to open the gate.
Nanny Falls
Nanny Falls is a small waterfall within an easy hour’s walk from Moore Town. Ask any local to indicate where the trail starts, just above Nanny’s grave. There is also an alternate, longer route, about three hours round-trip, if you’re looking for more of a workout. The Colonel can help arrange a guide (US$10).
Moore Town Maroon Cultural Center
The Moore Town Maroon Cultural Center is at time of writing still in the conceptual stages, but there is adequate momentum from the Maroon Council and the Institute of Jamaica to guarantee that the project will develop over the coming years. The concept is to establish a museum and cultural center for the exhibition and preservation of Maroon heritage. Young people will be taught to make and play drums and the abeng, a traditional Maroon horn used to communicate over great distances. The abeng is said to have struck fear into the hearts of the British, who were never able to conquer the Maroons. Craft items, toys, and a whole range of items considered the basis of the Maroon culture are also to be produced, and the center will have an adjoining gift shop and restaurant to accommodate visitors. "We are looking at a living thing rather than strictly an exhibition of the past," Colonel Sterling said about the project. The Maroon Council is currently working with UNESCO and the IOJ in developing the plans and securing funding.
Ambassabeth Cabins
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls. The White River Trail, begins in nearby Millbank, leading to a series of cascades. An unmanned ranger station is maintained by Ambassabeth caretaker Lennette Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas, two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quaco River sacred site and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of nine cabins, which can house up to 30 people in all. Cabins have bunk beds, single beds and double beds with sheets and blankets and towels. Bug dope should be brought along. Most cabins have their own bathrooms with hot water; for the cabin that doesn’t there’s a communal bathroom outside, also with hot water. An indoor dining and recreation area offers traditional Jamaican breakfast with dishes run down, ackee or vegetables (US$5-20).
Millbank is nestled between the Blue and John Crow Mountains 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable about the local biodiversity and cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail is over 500 years old and connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha offers spectacular views.
To get to Ambassabeth, stay right after Odyssey Nighclub after passing Windsor. Ambassabeth is 17 miles from Port Antonio. Moore Town is 10 miles from Port Antonio. The road to Moore Town is passable with a lower vehicle; A 4x4 to reach Ambassabeth. The bridge that was used to walk from Moore Town to Ambassabeth within an hour was washed away in heavy rain. The alternate route is seven miles from Moore to Ambassabeth.
Ambassabeth Cabins
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls. The White River Trail, begins in nearby Millbank, leading to a series of cascades. An unmanned ranger station is maintained by Ambassabeth caretaker Lennette Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas, two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quaco River sacred site and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of nine cabins, which can house up to 30 people in all. Cabins have bunk beds, single beds and double beds with sheets and blankets and towels. Bug dope should be brought along. Most cabins have their own bathrooms with hot water; for the cabin that doesn’t there’s a communal bathroom outside, also with hot water. An indoor dining and recreation area offers traditional Jamaican breakfast with dishes run down, ackee or vegetables (US$5-20).
Millbank is nestled between the Blue and John Crow Mountains 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable about the local biodiversity and cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail is over 500 years old and connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha offers spectacular views.
To get to Ambassabeth, stay right after Odyssey Nighclub after passing Windsor. Ambassabeth is 17 miles from Port Antonio. Moore Town is 10 miles from Port Antonio. The road to Moore Town is passable with a lower vehicle; A 4x4 to reach Ambassabeth. The bridge that was used to walk from Moore Town to Ambassabeth within an hour was washed away in heavy rain. The alternate route is seven miles from Moore to Ambassabeth.
Ambassabeth Cabins
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls. The White River Trail, begins in nearby Millbank, leading to a series of cascades. An unmanned ranger station is maintained by Ambassabeth caretaker Lennette Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas, two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quaco River sacred site and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of nine cabins, which can house up to 30 people in all. Cabins have bunk beds, single beds and double beds with sheets and blankets and towels. Bug dope should be brought along. Most cabins have their own bathrooms with hot water; for the cabin that doesn’t there’s a communal bathroom outside, also with hot water. An indoor dining and recreation area offers traditional Jamaican breakfast with dishes run down, ackee or vegetables (US$5-20).
Millbank is nestled between the Blue and John Crow Mountains 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable about the local biodiversity and cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail is over 500 years old and connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha offers spectacular views.
To get to Ambassabeth, stay right after Odyssey Nighclub after passing Windsor. Ambassabeth is 17 miles from Port Antonio. Moore Town is 10 miles from Port Antonio. The road to Moore Town is passable with a lower vehicle; A 4x4 to reach Ambassabeth. The bridge that was used to walk from Moore Town to Ambassabeth within an hour was washed away in heavy rain. The alternate route is seven miles from Moore to Ambassabeth.
Ambassabeth Cabins
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls. The White River Trail, begins in nearby Millbank, leading to a series of cascades. An unmanned ranger station is maintained by Ambassabeth caretaker Lennette Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas, two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quaco River sacred site and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of nine cabins, which can house up to 30 people in all. Cabins have bunk beds, single beds and double beds with sheets and blankets and towels. Bug dope should be brought along. Most cabins have their own bathrooms with hot water; for the cabin that doesn’t there’s a communal bathroom outside, also with hot water. An indoor dining and recreation area offers traditional Jamaican breakfast with dishes run down, ackee or vegetables (US$5-20).
Millbank is nestled between the Blue and John Crow Mountains 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable about the local biodiversity and cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail is over 500 years old and connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha offers spectacular views.
To get to Ambassabeth, stay right after Odyssey Nighclub after passing Windsor. Ambassabeth is 17 miles from Port Antonio. Moore Town is 10 miles from Port Antonio. The road to Moore Town is passable with a lower vehicle; A 4x4 to reach Ambassabeth. The bridge that was used to walk from Moore Town to Ambassabeth within an hour was washed away in heavy rain. The alternate route is seven miles from Moore to Ambassabeth.
Ambassabeth Cabins
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls. The White River Trail, begins in nearby Millbank, leading to a series of cascades. An unmanned ranger station is maintained by Ambassabeth caretaker Lennette Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas, two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quaco River sacred site and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of nine cabins, which can house up to 30 people in all. Cabins have bunk beds, single beds and double beds with sheets and blankets and towels. Bug dope should be brought along. Most cabins have their own bathrooms with hot water; for the cabin that doesn’t there’s a communal bathroom outside, also with hot water. An indoor dining and recreation area offers traditional Jamaican breakfast with dishes run down, ackee or vegetables (US$5-20).
Millbank is nestled between the Blue and John Crow Mountains 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable about the local biodiversity and cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail is over 500 years old and connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha offers spectacular views.
To get to Ambassabeth, stay right after Odyssey Nighclub after passing Windsor. Ambassabeth is 17 miles from Port Antonio. Moore Town is 10 miles from Port Antonio. The road to Moore Town is passable with a lower vehicle; A 4x4 to reach Ambassabeth. The bridge that was used to walk from Moore Town to Ambassabeth within an hour was washed away in heavy rain. The alternate route is seven miles from Moore to Ambassabeth.
Ambassabeth Cabins
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls. The White River Trail, begins in nearby Millbank, leading to a series of cascades. An unmanned ranger station is maintained by Ambassabeth caretaker Lennette Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas, two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quaco River sacred site and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of nine cabins, which can house up to 30 people in all. Cabins have bunk beds, single beds and double beds with sheets and blankets and towels. Bug dope should be brought along. Most cabins have their own bathrooms with hot water; for the cabin that doesn’t there’s a communal bathroom outside, also with hot water. An indoor dining and recreation area offers traditional Jamaican breakfast with dishes run down, ackee or vegetables (US$5-20).
Millbank is nestled between the Blue and John Crow Mountains 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable about the local biodiversity and cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail is over 500 years old and connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha offers spectacular views.
To get to Ambassabeth, stay right after Odyssey Nighclub after passing Windsor. Ambassabeth is 17 miles from Port Antonio. Moore Town is 10 miles from Port Antonio. The road to Moore Town is passable with a lower vehicle; A 4x4 to reach Ambassabeth. The bridge that was used to walk from Moore Town to Ambassabeth within an hour was washed away in heavy rain. The alternate route is seven miles from Moore to Ambassabeth.
Ambassabeth Cabins
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, from US$70-90 for two; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight), owned and operated by the Bowden Pen Farmers Asssociation, is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from Ambassabeth, as does a trail leading to Bernard Spring Falls. The White River Trail, begins in nearby Millbank, leading to a series of cascades. An unmanned ranger station is maintained by Ambassabeth caretaker Lennette Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas, two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quaco River sacred site and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of nine cabins, which can house up to 30 people in all. Cabins have bunk beds, single beds and double beds with sheets and blankets and towels. Bug dope should be brought along. Most cabins have their own bathrooms with hot water; for the cabin that doesn’t there’s a communal bathroom outside, also with hot water. An indoor dining and recreation area offers traditional Jamaican breakfast with dishes run down, ackee or vegetables (US$5-20).
Millbank is nestled between the Blue and John Crow Mountains 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable about the local biodiversity and cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail is over 500 years old and connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha offers spectacular views.
To get to Ambassabeth, stay right after Odyssey Nighclub after passing Windsor. Ambassabeth is 17 miles from Port Antonio. Moore Town is 10 miles from Port Antonio. The road to Moore Town is passable with a lower vehicle; A 4x4 to reach Ambassabeth. The bridge that was used to walk from Moore Town to Ambassabeth within an hour was washed away in heavy rain. The alternate route is seven miles from Moore to Ambassabeth.
Barrett Adventures
Barrett Adventures offers transportation to and from the Blue and John Crow Mountains, as well as a hiking expedition from the Portland side or from Kingston.
East of Port Antonio
The region east of Port Antonio is dominated by the John Crow Mountains, which run northwest to southeast and butt up against the Blue Mountains, where they meet with steep slopes falling down to the sea near Hector’s River. The John Crow Mountains are some of the less-traversed territory on the island, and even the coast in the area, which varies from fine sandy beaches to windswept bluffs, sees few visitors. A few minutes’ drive east of Port Antonio, Boston is a quiet community that is said to be the original home of jerk. Long Bay is the area’s predominant tourist strip, though it only has a handful of budget accommodations serving a trickle of backpackers and adventurous travelers.
Boston was bustling in the early years of the banana trade, when it took the name of the North American city that made it prosperous for a brief period. Boston is the alleged origin of jerk seasoning, but the Boston Jerk Center that claims this fame has become overrun with hustlers unmindful of the fact that their harassment has damaged the area’s reputation. The jerk center is easily recognizable on the western edge of the community of Boston Bay just before crossing a bridge and going over a rise in the road heading toward Port Antonio. Max (cell tel. 876/435-3013) operates one of the newer stalls and may just be a good bet where integrity is concerned. Many vendors will insist you buy their "noni juice," said to have aphrodisiacal properties and to improve overall performance; others will simply beg for money. Beyond the annoyance, there are also serious inconsistencies in the quality and pricing of food at Boston Jerk Center. Weekends, when it gets busier, are the best time to take a stab if you must eat where jerk is said to have originated, as during the week the meat can sit on the grill until it goes cold before someone comes along to eat it. Fish is also served, but this is not the best place for it. If you do order fish, size it and understand what you will pay before it gets cooked. The best time to eat jerk is during the annual Portland Jerk Festival (July) when the multitudes don’t let the meat sit around for long before eating it up. Based in Boston in years past, the festival relocated recently to Port Antonio’s Folly Oval.
Boston Beach
Boston Beach (free) is located in a picturesque cove with turquoise waters that sees more local than foreign visitors, especially on weekends. Boston Bay can have a decent swell suitable for surfing and is the only place around where you can rent boogie-boards and surfboards.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Great Huts
Great Huts (US$60-400 nightly) is a stylishly rustic accommodation option in the heart of Boston, offering Bedouin-style tents, breezy cottages and tree houses. Great Huts is the brainchild of Brooklyn native Paul Rhodes, who has been shuttling between his medical practice in Washington D.C. and Jamaica since the 1970s, building great hunts, coordinating volunteer work and performing what he calls his 'labor of love'. The progeny of this love are 18 rustic bungalows and tree houses, made of wood, bamboo, zinc and canvas, recreating an African-Amerindian village vibe. Fabrics and masks reminiscent of the sub-continent cover doorways and walls. Structural norms like perfect right angles and level surfaces have been completely ignored in favor of a more Jamaican slant. Modern amenities like fans, mosquito nets, mini-fridges and plumbing bring comfort to the open-air environment, welcome companions even if the reminders of modernity seem awkwardly integrated and out of place. A proud Jewish-American, Rhodes is known to kick off the weekly cultural show on Saturday evenings by serenading guests with the Israeli national anthem and lounge classics from the '50s, before Kumino-inspired drummers and dancers recount Jamaican history from the plantation to the dancehall with energetic rhythms and sensual movements. Royal Hut may be the choicest digs at Great Huts, with a stunning view of Boston Bay from the queen-size bed and bathtub. African Sunrise is ideal for younger folk with its panoramic views out to sea in the cozy quarters accessed up two flights of ladders. Sea Grape is also a great option, with a roomy exterior interior and a private cliff-top bathtub. The property is not for the physically challenged as loose stone pathways and stairs abound.
Boston Jerk Grill
Boston Jerk Grill (cell tel. 876/878-5015 or 876/993-8093, garnetk13@hotmail.com, open 10 a.m.late Mon.Sat., restaurant closed on Sun.) may be a better option than the neighboring Jerk Center. It’s also a good place for local dishes, with friendly management under Garnet King. King can arrange catering as well. Fried chicken, brown stew pork (US$5), and grilled lobster (US$10) represent the range of items on the menu. The bar is open daily.
Long Bay Beach
One of the best swimming beaches if you like big surf. Care must be taken as there are reefs along some sections of the beach and the current is strong. The strip of beach near Chill Out Beach Bar has the best sand without reef. Not ideal for children and weak swimmers.
Long Bay Beach
One of the best swimming beaches if you like big surf. Care must be taken as there are reefs along some sections of the beach and the current is strong. The strip of beach near Chill Out Beach Bar has the best sand without reef. Not ideal for children and weak swimmers.
Blue Heaven Resort
Blue Heaven Resort (cell tel. 876/420-5970, info@blueheavenjamaica.com, www.blueheavenjamaica.com) has two very basic cottages for a total of three rooms on a private cove just west of Long Bay Beach. The two adjoining rooms rent for US$45 per night, while the stand-alone "Sunrise Cottage," which sits closest to the water’s edge, goes for US$80 (all are double occupancy). A kitchen and bathroom adjoin the rooms. Owner/manager Natasha Duncan includes hot breakfast in the nightly rate, and longer stays are open to some price negotiation.
Seadream Villa
Seadream Villa (US$80-200) offers basic accommodations right in the middle of Long Bay Beach. The villa has three bedrooms--two downstairs with two double and two single beds, and one upstairs with two single beds--accommodating up to eight total. Three full baths have hot water. There’s cable TV and a CD player. The library with Internet access is less than five minutes away by foot. The location makes up for the weathered abode.
Seadream Villa
Seadream Villa (US$80-200) offers basic accommodations right in the middle of Long Bay Beach. The villa has three bedrooms--two downstairs with two double and two single beds, and one upstairs with two single beds--accommodating up to eight total. Three full baths have hot water. There’s cable TV and a CD player. The library with Internet access is less than five minutes away by foot. The location makes up for the weathered abode.
Seadream Villa
Seadream Villa (US$80-200) offers basic accommodations right in the middle of Long Bay Beach. The villa has three bedrooms--two downstairs with two double and two single beds, and one upstairs with two single beds--accommodating up to eight total. Three full baths have hot water. There’s cable TV and a CD player. The library with Internet access is less than five minutes away by foot. The location makes up for the weathered abode.
Seadream Villa
Seadream Villa (US$80-200) offers basic accommodations right in the middle of Long Bay Beach. The villa has three bedrooms--two downstairs with two double and two single beds, and one upstairs with two single beds--accommodating up to eight total. Three full baths have hot water. There’s cable TV and a CD player. The library with Internet access is less than five minutes away by foot. The location makes up for the weathered abode.
Likkle Paradise
Likkle Paradise (tel. 876/913-7702, US$40), marked by a small sign across the road from Blazer on the Bay, is owned by Ms. Herlette and run by her family members. Two rooms are available for rent, one with a queen-size bed, kitchen, TV, and adjoining bath, the other a double with a separate bath dedicated for guest use.
Morgan's Glass House Guest House
Morgan’s Glass House Guest House (across from the Texaco gas station on the beach, contact Letecia Cunningham, a.k.a. Mama Lue, cell tel. 876/891-0516, US$4050) is a basic guest house with two rooms downstairs, each with two twin beds and a shared bath and a big kitchen and living room, and three rooms upstairs, two with one double bed each, and one with two twin beds. There is a kitchen upstairs with living room and shared bath. The bigger rooms go for the higher rate.
Glass House Restaurant
The Glass House Restaurant (10 a.m.10 p.m Mon.Sat.), owned by Morgan’s Glass House Guest House and managed by Mama Lue, is located next door and marked with a sign that reads Sweet Daddy. It’s the best place for typical Jamaican dishes at local rates (US$35).
Chill Out Beach Bar & Restaurant
Chill Out Beach Bar & Restaurant (10 a.m.10 p.m daily, US$530) is a popular spot on Long Bay Beach for a bite or a drink. Chill Out hosts dances on special occasions. Local dishes and excellent seafood are served.
Blazer on the Bay Restaurant & Bar
Blazer on the Bay Restaurant & Bar (located where Yahimba used to be, contact Paula, cell tel. 876/421-0646 or 876/407-4416, 8 a.m.10 p.m daily, US$530) serves Jamaican staples like fried and curried chicken, pizza, and shrimp, conch, fish, and lobster. It is located toward the eastern end of Long Bay Beach, just west of Chill Out Beach Bar.
Fisherman's Park
Fisherman’s Park (corner of Pen Lane and the main road, contact manager Wayne, cell tel. 876/350-4815, 7 a.m.9 p.m daily, US$38.50) is an open-air bar and restaurant on the west side of town that serves fish when available, in addition to Jamaican staples.
Portland’s most quintessentially authentic seaside village, Manchioneel sees few visitors; a small anglers’ beach known as Sandshore, at the east end of the community, is the main attraction.
Hotel Jamaican Colors
Hotel Jamaican Colors (Ross Craig district, cell tel. 876/893-5185 or 876/407-4412, hoteljamaicancolors@hotmail.com, www.hoteljamaicancolors.com, US$70) is run by a nice French couple, Martine and Robert Bourseguin, who live on property with their son Romain. Rooms are basic but comfortable in five bungalows and a larger cottage, with private baths and hot water, fans, and TV. Air-conditioning is available in a few rooms. A nice pool and hot tub are located in front of the dining area. Bungalows sleep three (US$100) or four (US$125), and the larger cottage sleeps six (US$135).
Zion Country
Zion Country (Muirton Pen, just east of Manchioneel, contact Free-I, cell tel. 876/451-1737 or 876/871-3623, info@zioncountry.com, www.zioncountry.com, US$55 including breakfast) has four basic rooms that share a sea-view balcony, with standing fans. Each room has two single beds with shared bathrooms. To get there keep straight at the sharp bend in the main road following the signs on the eastern end of Manchioneel.
Uncle Lenny’s
Uncle Lenny’s (Castle, tel. 876/913-1680, 8:30 a.m.9 p.m Mon.Fri., US$2.503) serves tasty local dishes like stewed beef, stewed peas, and fried chicken.
Getting There and Around
Route taxis are the most affordable way to get between Port Antonio and points east along the coast. Route taxis depart Port Antonio from the square and can always be stopped along the road provided they aren’t overflowing with passengers. Otherwise, for day trips to Reach Falls, which is a few kilometers off the main road, it’s best to hire a driver.
Morant Bay
St. Thomas parish holds an important place in Jamaican history. In the early colonial period, its mountainous terrain played an important role in providing sanctuary to the runaway slaves who formed the Maroon settlements of eastern Jamaica. Later, it became an important sugar- and banana-producing region under British rule. And finally, with the slaves freed but not being permitted advancement in society, the parish erupted in a rebellion that gave birth to Jamaica’s labor rights movement.
At the center of what was once some of Jamaica’s prime sugarcane land, Morant Bay is a laid-back town with little action beyond the central market. Between Morant Bay and Port Morant, 11 kilometers to the east, there are a couple of basic accommodation options that make a convenient base for exploring the rivers and valleys that cut across the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains, as well as the isolated beaches and Great Morass on Jamaica’s easternmost tip.
Morant Bay Courthouse
The burning Morant Bay Courthouse played a central role in spurring the Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865, in which disenfranchised poor led by Paul Bogle revolted against the local government and the white planters, sending tremors through the British Empire. A statue of Paul Bogle created by Jamaican art pioneer Edna Manley, wife of Peoples National Party founder Norman Manley, stands in front of the courthouse. The building was in use until early 2007 as the St. Thomas Parish Council offices before it was, once again, gutted by fire. A historic marker by the statue honors the many patriots buried behind the building, "whose sacrifice paved the way for the independence of Jamaica."
Morant Bay Market
The Morant Bay Market on the main road has an excellent stock of produce and a fish market in the back that rivals that of Downtown Kingston. It is a great place to stop for a stroll around to take in a bustling market.
Ocean Crest
Ocean Crest (7 Queen St., tel. 876/993-4024, lydia.j@cwjamaica.com) is located next door to Ivanhoe’s and owned by Lydia Jones, a friendly and warm woman who takes pride in being attentive to her guests. The building is a more typical concrete construction, with tiled floors in the rooms. Ocean Crest rooms range from basic interior (US$35) to two top-floor balcony rooms (US$50 with fan, US$60 with fan/air-conditioning) with a view over the East Harbour. There is an open kitchen (with stove, refrigerator, pots, and utensils) for use by the guests, and Ms. Jones can also prepare breakfast on request (US$5). Ocean Crest is near all the useful conveniences such as ATMs, banks, supermarkets, craft market, restaurants, nightclubs, and public transportation. All the rooms have private bathroom, ceiling fan, hot water, and cable TV. There’s a living and dining room and an open porch. The living room can be used for small conferences or meetings of up to 20 people.
Shadows (West St., cell tel. 876/828-2285, US$40) is a guesthouse and restaurant/bar in the heart of town owned and managed by the amicable Barrington Hamilton. The five small rooms have double beds, cable TV, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water.
Drapers San Guest House
Drapers San Guest House (Drapers, tel. 876/993-7118, carla-51@cwjamaica.com) sits oceanside toward the easternmost end of Drapers district; it’s an excellent budget option. A few rooms have shared baths (US$50, incl. breakfast and GCT) and a few have private baths (US$60). Two newer rooms offer a step up: Rasta Cottage (US$70) is self-contained with a private bath and veranda; the other "high-end" room is in the main building with its own bath and shared veranda (US$60). Drapers San owner Carla Gullotta is an avid reggae fan and can help arrange trips to stage shows and cultural heritage sights and events. She is also a good contact for travelers interested in visiting Culture Yard in Trench Town, Kingston.
Wright's Guest House
Wright’s Guest House (Tipperaire Rd., cell tel. 876/838-2399, US$40) managed by Rohan Lawrance (nephew of the Wrights) has five basic double-occupancy rooms with full-size beds, fans, hot water, and TV. To get there head east of Blue Lagoon 1.2 kilometers, and take the next left after Dragon Bay into the development signed Lower Zion Hill Fairy Hill Gardens; go left again, and you’ll see two apartment buildings in one lot. Winnifred Beach is 20 minutes away on foot.
Search Me Heart
Search Me Heart (Drapers, cell tel. 876/453-7779 or 876/452-7177, info@searchmeheart.com, www.searchmeheart.com, US$60 per room, including breakfast) is a comfortable and clean two-bedroom cottage run as a guesthouse by Culture and his wife Roseanna. Amenities include hot water in private bathrooms and standing fans. The cottage is about a 10-15 minute walk to Frenchman’s Cove, one of Port Antonio’s best beaches. Culture offers tours for guests and nonguests to area attractions.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
The Fan
The Fan (US$160-250) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a king bed and up to three single beds. Excellent meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who should be tipped equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm for villas.
The Fan’s owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Cafè, a small, single unit bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
Bay View Villas
Bay View Villas (Anchovy, tel. 876/993-3118, info@bayviewvillas-ja.com, www.bayviewvillas-ja.com, US$90) has 21 rooms in a large building with a variety of room arrangements. The hotel sits above Turtle Crawle Bay just east of Trident Castle. B&B (US$102) as well as all-inclusive (US$126) packages are offered. Rooms are comfortable and airy with TV, air-conditioning, balconies, and private bathrooms with hot water.
San San Tropez
San San Tropez (San San, tel. 876/993-7213, info@sansantropez.com, www.sansantropez.com, US$75250) is an Italian restaurant and five-bedroom accommodation just east of the San San police station. Rooms are comfortable with cable TV, air-conditioning, ceiling fans, and private bathrooms with hot water. There is a swimming pool on the property. Fabio Federico Favalli is the owner and managing director. The restaurant has eastern Jamaica’s most authentic Italian cuisine, serving freshly prepared pizza and spaghetti, as well as fish, lobster, and meat dishes (US$1030).
Fern Hill Club
Fern Hill Club (tel. 876/993-7374 or 876/993-7375, fernhill@cwjamaica.com, www.fernhillclubhotel.com, US$95182) began as a 31-unit timeshare complex. Owners Carol and Vincent Holgate have been consolidating the rooms over the past decade. There are a handful of villas separate from the main building--some one-bedroom, some two-bedroom--which are a good value, while not by any means state of the art. The property itself covers a hillside and has great views at every elevation level, especially from the open-air dining room and bar area.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (US$125-460, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica’s prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman’s is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower curtain rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, admission US$5). After its opening in 1961, Frenchman’s Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman’s, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman’s Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman’s Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988. The structures are intact, however, though it appears the interiors haven't been updated since the 1970s and the ambiance is less than inviting.
Moon San Villa
Moon San Villa (tel. 876/993-7777, Sansan1999@hotmail.com, www.moonsanvilla.com) is run as a bed-and-breakfast and is the most affordable way to stay next to the Blue Lagoon. The villa has four double-occupancy rooms (US$125165 low season, US$135175 high season) that rent individually. While not directly on the water, Moon San overlooks the Blue Lagoon strip of villas that are among the most luxurious in Jamaica. Guests have easy water access, as well as access to the beach at Frenchman’s Cove. Breakfasts are communal, with a view out to sea. It’s not a place for exclusive privacy, but Moon San makes a good base for excursions and frequent dips in Blue Hole. Owner Greg Naldrett also operates Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours. Complimentary use of the African Star water taxi is included to deliver guests to San San Beach, Blue Hole, and Frenchman’s Cove.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Goblin Hill
Goblin Hill is located at the heart of Port Antonio's most coveted seaside district, San San, which encpompasses a sloping, wooded hillside peppered with villas that meets the aqua-colored Caribbean at Smatt's San San Beach. The hotel offers good value for families and couples. The grounds ave rolling lawns and love seats at romantic intervals, and a swingset for the kids, making the property a Top Pick. The property has a large swimming pool, two tennis courts and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach, Frenchman's Cove and Blue Hole, AKA the Blue Lagoon. Spacious self-contained suites (US$115-195 low season/US$125-265 high) offer spacious living areas and small kitchens perfectly suitable for preparing meals. Each unit is assigned a housekeeper to cook and tidy up and can also take care of shopping. One-bedroom suites have the bedroom on the garden side and the living room opening up to the terrace facing the sea. Two-bedroom duplex suites have large master bedrooms facing the sea and a second bedroom facing the garden upstairs, also with the living area and small kitchen downstairs. The ground level living rooms have sliding doors that open to a rolling lawn with a view of San San Beach, Alligator Head and Pellew Island, also visible from the master bedrooms in the second-floor suites. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions. The interiors of some units that have yet to be renovated appear a bit tired, but upgrades are afoot and notwithstanding its worn edges, Goblin Hill remains a dependable stalwart of old world Port Antonio charm. Complimentary cocktails are offered weekly for mingling with management and other guests.
Jamaica Palace Hotel
Jamaica Palace Hotel (tel. 876/993-7720, pal.hotel@cwjamaica.com, www.jamaicapalace.com, US$170190), just across Turtle Crawle Bay from Trident, is an enormous concrete compound with giant checkerboard-tiled courtyards, a gallery that defines kitsch in the lobby, a swimming pool in the shape of Jamaica surrounded by hot black surface, and stale bedrooms that are shocking for their total lack of regard for the verdant surroundings outside.
Jamaica Palace was built by the late Sigi Fahmi, a baroness who began building Trident Castle before running out of funds and selling it to the architect Earl Levy. Now run by Sigi’s husband Nazar Fahmi, Jamaica Palace was obviously constructed in an attempt to one-up Trident with enormous columns out front that boast of excess. Clearly Fahmi was a dear customer of Carib Cement, as the hotel’s construction gave the company plenty of business. Definitely not an ecotourism lodge, rooms at the Palace are cavernous with old air-conditioning units, private baths with hot water, and TV. It’s the only place in Jamaica that offers a room with a round bed in the middle. The ceilings are very high; the walls are whitewashed concrete and covered in art. Several large caged birds are on the property, and it’s a great place to get a Ken Spencer painting and catch a glimpse of the bold creations of the Baroness herself.
Trident Castle
Trident Castle (www.tridentcastle.com) next door to Jamaica Palace, built by Earl Levy, is also available for rent (US$5,500 nightly low season, US$7,500 high season) and sleeps 1618 people. The castle has a full-time staff of three housekeepers, three waiters, one bartender, one chef, and three gardeners. Many celebrities and nobility have found Trident Castle adequately grandiose for their time in Jamaica.
Hotel Mockingbird Hill
Hotel Mocking Bird Hill has pleasantly decorated garden view (US$195/255 low/high season) and sea view (US$235/295 low/high season) rooms with ceiling fans and mosquito nets. Wireless Internet is available in the lounge, where a computer is set up for guest use. Solar hot-water systems, locally minded purchasing practices, and minimal-waste policies have earned Mocking Bird Hill eco-friendly merits. With stunning views of both the Blue Mountains and Portland’s coast, it’s hard not to love the place. The owners, Barbara Walker and Shireen Aga, keep several large dogs that can often be seen tagging along behind the innkeepers. The hotel is closed every year in September for maintenance. To get to the hotel, take a right immediately after Jamaica Palace and climb for about 200 meters. The entrance will be on your left.
Geejam (US$595/705 low season, US$2,035/2,125 high season) is a recording artists’ paradise where the likes of Les Nubians, No Doubt, India Arie, Amy Winehouse, and Tom Cruise have chosen to take their working vacations. Sitting on a low hill overlooking San San Bay, the property consists of the main house with three bedrooms, three cabins dispersed across the property, and a one-bedroom suite below the recording studio. Inside the huts, more than the basic amenities are covered: TV, Apple home theater systems with DVD, iPod docks, and minibar are included. Wi-Fi covers the entire property. More importantly, the mattresses are comfortable, linens soft and clean, and there’s hot water in the showers. Two cabins and the suite have steam rooms as well. The main house, more of a bona-fide villa, is decorated with contemporary Jamaican art and has a stylish pool out front. The recording studio is located at the lower reaches of the property, a deck with whirlpool tub crowning its roof. The studio has all the latest gear and oversized windows overlooking the water. While the property is specifically designed as the ideal recording retreat for a band-sized group locking down the entire property (US$5,795/6,500 daily low/high season), it is also ideal for couples or other kinds of retreats. The property is located a 10-minute walk from San San Beach, with the Blue Lagoon also a stone’s throw away. Rates include a full staff.
Kanopi House
Kanopi House (US$600-1000 all-inclusive) is the latest addition to Port Antonio’s high-end market. Four self-contained wooden cottages stand on stilts along the jungle-covered slope rising from the eastern bank of the Blue Lagoon. For a Medicine Man rush or even a spoiled-Tarzan kind of feel, there’s no place like Kanopi, and it’s the only accommodation option that actually sits on the lagoon. The most tasteful and simple decor adorns the cottages’ exposed wood interiors. The cottages are naturally cool in the shade of the forest, with ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, and do not have TV. The bathrooms are well laid out, and each cottage has a wide veranda with an outdoor grill. Elaine Williams Galimore is the friendly housekeeper and cook. Kanopi’s entrance branches off the driveway to Dragon Bay. When the project is complete, Kanopi is slated to have 14 one- and two-bedroom cottages with king-size beds.
Kanopi House
Kanopi House (US$600-1000 all-inclusive) is the latest addition to Port Antonio’s high-end market. Four self-contained wooden cottages stand on stilts along the jungle-covered slope rising from the eastern bank of the Blue Lagoon. For a Medicine Man rush or even a spoiled-Tarzan kind of feel, there’s no place like Kanopi, and it’s the only accommodation option that actually sits on the lagoon. The most tasteful and simple decor adorns the cottages’ exposed wood interiors. The cottages are naturally cool in the shade of the forest, with ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, and do not have TV. The bathrooms are well laid out, and each cottage has a wide veranda with an outdoor grill. Elaine Williams Galimore is the friendly housekeeper and cook. Kanopi’s entrance branches off the driveway to Dragon Bay. When the project is complete, Kanopi is slated to have 14 one- and two-bedroom cottages with king-size beds.
Kanopi House
Kanopi House (US$600-1000 all-inclusive) is the latest addition to Port Antonio’s high-end market. Four self-contained wooden cottages stand on stilts along the jungle-covered slope rising from the eastern bank of the Blue Lagoon. For a Medicine Man rush or even a spoiled-Tarzan kind of feel, there’s no place like Kanopi, and it’s the only accommodation option that actually sits on the lagoon. The most tasteful and simple decor adorns the cottages’ exposed wood interiors. The cottages are naturally cool in the shade of the forest, with ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, and do not have TV. The bathrooms are well laid out, and each cottage has a wide veranda with an outdoor grill. Elaine Williams Galimore is the friendly housekeeper and cook. Kanopi’s entrance branches off the driveway to Dragon Bay. When the project is complete, Kanopi is slated to have 14 one- and two-bedroom cottages with king-size beds.
Kanopi House
Kanopi House (US$600-1000 all-inclusive) is the latest addition to Port Antonio’s high-end market. Four self-contained wooden cottages stand on stilts along the jungle-covered slope rising from the eastern bank of the Blue Lagoon. For a Medicine Man rush or even a spoiled-Tarzan kind of feel, there’s no place like Kanopi, and it’s the only accommodation option that actually sits on the lagoon. The most tasteful and simple decor adorns the cottages’ exposed wood interiors. The cottages are naturally cool in the shade of the forest, with ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, and do not have TV. The bathrooms are well laid out, and each cottage has a wide veranda with an outdoor grill. Elaine Williams Galimore is the friendly housekeeper and cook. Kanopi’s entrance branches off the driveway to Dragon Bay. When the project is complete, Kanopi is slated to have 14 one- and two-bedroom cottages with king-size beds.
Kanopi House
Kanopi House (US$600-1000 all-inclusive) is the latest addition to Port Antonio’s high-end market. Four self-contained wooden cottages stand on stilts along the jungle-covered slope rising from the eastern bank of the Blue Lagoon. For a Medicine Man rush or even a spoiled-Tarzan kind of feel, there’s no place like Kanopi, and it’s the only accommodation option that actually sits on the lagoon. The most tasteful and simple decor adorns the cottages’ exposed wood interiors. The cottages are naturally cool in the shade of the forest, with ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, and do not have TV. The bathrooms are well laid out, and each cottage has a wide veranda with an outdoor grill. Elaine Williams Galimore is the friendly housekeeper and cook. Kanopi’s entrance branches off the driveway to Dragon Bay. When the project is complete, Kanopi is slated to have 14 one- and two-bedroom cottages with king-size beds.
Port Antonio’s villas are definitely some of the nicest in Jamaica, and far less pricey than those in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay. Typically these villas either have breathtaking hilltop views over mountains and out to sea, or are directly on the water, like the famous Blue Lagoon Villas--the most coveted real estate in Jamaica, perfectly placed between San San Bay and the Blue Lagoon. Blue Marlin, Nautilus, San Bar, San Cove, and Bonne Amie are among the crème de la crème. A full staff and all the amenities of home come standard in all these villas; the main difference in prices reflect principally the level of opulence you should expect.
Many of the area’s villas book through Villa Vacation (2 West St., tel. 876/993-2668, cell tel. 876/778-3241 or 876/420-9376, yvonne.blakey@cwjamaica.com, www.villavacation.net), run by Yvonne Blakey. Yvonne lives in Port Antonio, represents many of the area owners, and can perfectly tailor your interests with a villa to put you in paradise. Most of the villas are also members of the Jamaica Association of Villas and Apartments (JAVA).
Wilk’s Bay
Wilk’s Bay (contact owners Jim & Mary Lowe, tel. 876/993-7400, cell tel. 876/471-9622, reservations@wilksbay.com, www.wilksbay.com, US$225450 low season, US$275600 high season) has one-, two- and three-bedroom villas, each staffed with its own cook/housekeeper. The recently refurbished property, situated on Wilk’s Bay between Frenchman’s Cove and Alligator Head, is ideal for couples, small groups, or families. Wilk’s boasts a white-sand private beach, a dock, and a swimming pool. Bedrooms have air-conditioning, high ceilings, mahogany woodwork, and louvered windows. Last minute bookings can stay on a B&B plan with no minimum time, based on availability. Plans are afoot to add six stand-alone units and a reception area.
Lolivya (tel. 876/993-7400, cell tel. 876/471-9622, reservations@wilksbay.com, US$500750) is a beautiful four-bedroom villa overlooking Pelew Island, Alligator Head, and San San’s most prized stretch of oceanfront. The villa is owned by Jim and Mary Lowe, thus the name Lo-liv-ya.
Ocean Shell
Ocean Shell (contact Desmond Gouldbourne, tel. 876/993-2144, cell tel. 876/878-4816, desmondgouldbourne@yahoo.com, US$500/550 low/high season) shares a corner of Wilk’s Bay with the Lowes’ property. The four-bedroom villa has king-size beds in three rooms and two twins in the fourth. There’s a private swimming pool, all rooms have air-conditioning, and there’s cable TV in all four bedrooms and the living room. The villa is staffed with a cook, housekeeper, butler, and gardener.
Nautilus (US$900/night/US$6,300 weekly) is a beautiful three-bedroom villa with a large deck extending over the water between Pellew Island and Blue Hole. Perfect for small families or a group of three couples, the villa boasts a modern gas grill, a three-person staff, kayaks, and a comfortable living room upstairs with broadband Internet access, a stereo system with speakers inside and out, and cable TV. The room configuration at Nautilus is ideal for small groups and families, with a king bed in the master and two single beds that can be joined together to make a king in the two other bedrooms.
Nautilus (US$900/night/US$6,300 weekly) is a beautiful three-bedroom villa with a large deck extending over the water between Pellew Island and Blue Hole. Perfect for small families or a group of three couples, the villa boasts a modern gas grill, a three-person staff, kayaks, and a comfortable living room upstairs with broadband Internet access, a stereo system with speakers inside and out, and cable TV. The room configuration at Nautilus is ideal for small groups and families, with a king bed in the master and two single beds that can be joined together to make a king in the two other bedrooms.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
San Cove
San Cove (US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is an adjacent sister property to San Bar which can be annexed to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water’s edge. Amenities afford all the comforts of home, including AC, WiFi, full staff. Swim or kayak over to Pellew Island, the Blue Lagoon and San San Beach, all gems of Eastern Jamaica in their own right.
Gremlin Hill
Gremlin Hill (contact owner Gaia Budhai, tel. 305/534-9807, gaiamylove@yahoo.com, www.gremlinhill.com, US$2,500/3,400 weekly low/high season, two-night minimum stay) has a great vantage point over Pellew Island. The artfully decorated villa has accommodations for eight. Master Chef Linette Bernard’s reputation precedes her. The villa is a popular venue for intimate yoga and other retreats. Bookings can be made either through the owner or locally through Yvonne Blakey’s Villa Vacation.
Norse Hill
Norse Hill (US$6,690/$8190 weekly low/high season, US$1050/1250 daily low/high) was built by Iris and Reidar Johanssen as their winter home. The Johanssens lived amazing lives, jumping across the globe from their home in Hong Kong in the 1930s. The Norwegian-style chalet is accordingly grand and filled with art and antiques from China. Norse Hill is a steadfast, gorgeous, stately structure, with an industrial-size kitchen, three bedrooms and competent staff. The master bedroom and the slightly less showy room on the other end of the chateau both have large tiled bathrooms and oversized mirrors. Verandas look out over the pool and lush gardens and, beyond that, the Caribbean sea in all its splendor. Amenities include Wi-Fi and games. The property itself is arguably the best endowed in Port Antonio, with five acres of carefully planted and maintained gardens atop a hill overlooking San San Bay. An enormous ficus shades the best seat in town, a real contender against Henry Morgan’s Lookout at Firefly for best view of the northeast coast. The gardens have extensive pathways through lush flowerbeds.
Norse Hill
Norse Hill (US$6,690/$8190 weekly low/high season, US$1050/1250 daily low/high) was built by Iris and Reidar Johanssen as their winter home. The Johanssens lived amazing lives, jumping across the globe from their home in Hong Kong in the 1930s. The Norwegian-style chalet is accordingly grand and filled with art and antiques from China. Norse Hill is a steadfast, gorgeous, stately structure, with an industrial-size kitchen, three bedrooms and competent staff. The master bedroom and the slightly less showy room on the other end of the chateau both have large tiled bathrooms and oversized mirrors. Verandas look out over the pool and lush gardens and, beyond that, the Caribbean sea in all its splendor. Amenities include Wi-Fi and games. The property itself is arguably the best endowed in Port Antonio, with five acres of carefully planted and maintained gardens atop a hill overlooking San San Bay. An enormous ficus shades the best seat in town, a real contender against Henry Morgan’s Lookout at Firefly for best view of the northeast coast. The gardens have extensive pathways through lush flowerbeds.
Norse Hill
Norse Hill (US$6,690/$8190 weekly low/high season, US$1050/1250 daily low/high) was built by Iris and Reidar Johanssen as their winter home. The Johanssens lived amazing lives, jumping across the globe from their home in Hong Kong in the 1930s. The Norwegian-style chalet is accordingly grand and filled with art and antiques from China. Norse Hill is a steadfast, gorgeous, stately structure, with an industrial-size kitchen, three bedrooms and competent staff. The master bedroom and the slightly less showy room on the other end of the chateau both have large tiled bathrooms and oversized mirrors. Verandas look out over the pool and lush gardens and, beyond that, the Caribbean sea in all its splendor. Amenities include Wi-Fi and games. The property itself is arguably the best endowed in Port Antonio, with five acres of carefully planted and maintained gardens atop a hill overlooking San San Bay. An enormous ficus shades the best seat in town, a real contender against Henry Morgan’s Lookout at Firefly for best view of the northeast coast. The gardens have extensive pathways through lush flowerbeds.
Norse Point
Norse Point (US$1,400/1,750 low/high season weekly) is the only one-bedroom villa in Port Antonio. The little-sister property to Norse Hill, this quaint cottage lies directly across a short stretch of water from Pellew Island, between San San Beach and Blue Hole.
Alligator Head
Alligator Head (contact manager, David Lee, tel. 876/993-7453, or cell tel. 876/298-5675, david@alligatorhead.net, www.alligatorhead.net, US$2,500 daily for up to eight) rents two villas, one three-bedroom and one four-bedroom, sleeping six and eight respectively, with some 17 staff attending to the peninsular estate, two beaches, several pools, two jet skis, and Wi-Fi across the property included.
Villas with Class
Villas with Class (info@villaswithclass.com, www.villaswithclass.com), run by Nino Sciuto, offers booking services for many of the area’s villas and runs a community-oriented site featuring the attractions and services.
Chateau En Exotica
Chateau En Exotica (contact Henri and Joyce Verne, tel. 561/793-7257 or 561-793-7257, exotica@webtv.net, www.jamaicadreamvillas.com, US$645/745 low/high nightly for up to six) is a spectacular four-bedroom villa perched atop a hill in the San San district. Amenities include a Jacuzzi, pool, and stunning views.
First and Last Bar & Restaurant
First and Last Bar & Restaurant serves up authentic Jamaican dishes including curry goat, oxtail, brown stew fish, chicken, pork, tripe and bean, ackee and saltfish, mackerel, rundown, and callaloo. Howard "Howie" Cover (cell tel. 876/367-7700) owns the bar, and Clement Chambers (cell tel. 876/450-5143) runs the restaurant, with his wife Anna doing the cooking.
East of Kingston
Green Palm Restaurant & Bar (19 1/2 West Palm Ave., tel. 876/715-4482, 8 a.m.5 p.m Mon.Sat.) serves Jamaican staples during the week and seafood dishes like fish, conch, and lobster (US$1020) for Seafood Fridays (4 p.mmidnight).
Chenel's Pizza
Chenel’s Pizza (28-A West St., tel. 876/440-0968, 9 a.m.11 p.m Mon.Sat., US$230) is run by Michael "Mikey" Badarie (cell tel. 876/364-5833), who serves fresh natural juices, hot dogs, burgers, sandwiches, and of course pizza--by the slice or whole 10" and 16" pies with 15 different toppings available.
Yellow Canary
Yellow Canary (1 Harbour St., contact Crissie, cell tel. 876/404-8161, 8 a.m.5 p.mdaily, US$24.50), also known as Bramwell’s Restaurant, serves typical Jamaican fare for breakfast and lunch: ackee and saltfish, liver, corned beef, stew peas, cow foot, curry goat, stewed pork, brown stew fish, and fried chicken.
Nix Nax Centre
Nix Nax Centre (16 Harbour St., across from Texaco, tel. 876/993-2081 or cell tel. 876/329-4414, 8 a.m. 7 p.m Mon.Thurs., 8 a.m.8 p.m Fri.Sat., 28 p.m Sun., US$35) serves Jamaican favorites like fried chicken, curry goat, and stewed pork. Ackee with saltfish and stewed chicken are served for breakfast daily.
Wonderful Palace Fast Food
Wonderful Palace Fast Food (9 Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2169, 9 a.m.9 p.m Mon.Sat., 39 p.m Sun., US$38) has decent Chinese and Jamaican staples.
Dixon’s Corner Store
Dixon’s Corner Store (12 Bridge St., tel. 876/993-3840, 8:30 a.m.6:30 p.m Mon.Fri.) is an Ital restaurant serving excellent vegetarian dishes (US$3) like veggie chunks, veggie steak, fried whole-wheat dumplings, steamed cabbage, and saltfish. Delicious fresh juices (US$1) like sorrel and ginger are also served. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon run the place.
Wi Yard Anna Banana
Anna Banana Restaurant (11 a.m.11 p.m daily) serves seafood and meat items prepared with Jamaican, Caribbean and soul food flair. Fish dishes cost about US$12/pound, with the pepper shrimp (highly recommended) at US$16/pound. There’s a happy hour 6-7 p.m on Fridays, offering a 25 percent discount on all drinks and a selector playing music to keep patrons entertained till closing.
Wi Yard Anna Banana
Anna Banana Restaurant (11 a.m.11 p.m daily) serves seafood and meat items prepared with Jamaican, Caribbean and soul food flair. Fish dishes cost about US$12/pound, with the pepper shrimp (highly recommended) at US$16/pound. There’s a happy hour 6-7 p.m on Fridays, offering a 25 percent discount on all drinks and a selector playing music to keep patrons entertained till closing.
Wi Yard Anna Banana
Anna Banana Restaurant (11 a.m.11 p.m daily) serves seafood and meat items prepared with Jamaican, Caribbean and soul food flair. Fish dishes cost about US$12/pound, with the pepper shrimp (highly recommended) at US$16/pound. There’s a happy hour 6-7 p.m on Fridays, offering a 25 percent discount on all drinks and a selector playing music to keep patrons entertained till closing.
Wi Yard Anna Banana
Anna Banana Restaurant (11 a.m.11 p.m daily) serves seafood and meat items prepared with Jamaican, Caribbean and soul food flair. Fish dishes cost about US$12/pound, with the pepper shrimp (highly recommended) at US$16/pound. There’s a happy hour 6-7 p.m on Fridays, offering a 25 percent discount on all drinks and a selector playing music to keep patrons entertained till closing.
Wi Yard Anna Banana
Anna Banana Restaurant (11 a.m.11 p.m daily) serves seafood and meat items prepared with Jamaican, Caribbean and soul food flair. Fish dishes cost about US$12/pound, with the pepper shrimp (highly recommended) at US$16/pound. There’s a happy hour 6-7 p.m on Fridays, offering a 25 percent discount on all drinks and a selector playing music to keep patrons entertained till closing.
Wi Yard Anna Banana
Anna Banana Restaurant (11 a.m.11 p.m daily) serves seafood and meat items prepared with Jamaican, Caribbean and soul food flair. Fish dishes cost about US$12/pound, with the pepper shrimp (highly recommended) at US$16/pound. There’s a happy hour 6-7 p.m on Fridays, offering a 25 percent discount on all drinks and a selector playing music to keep patrons entertained till closing.
Survival Beach Restaurant
Survival Beach Restaurant (Allan Ave., Oliver Weir cell tel. 876/384-4730, son Everton cell tel. 876/442-5181) is an Ital shack on the beachfront marked by a yellow picket fence on East Harbour. Vegetarian food, jelly coconut, and Ital juices are served at reasonable prices (US$510).
Golden Happiness
Golden Happiness (2 West, tel. 876/993-2329, 10:30 a.m.10 p.m Mon.Sat., 29 p.m Sun.) is the best Chinese food in town, but the place lacks ambience and is best for takeout. The food is good value (US$47).
Cynthia’s (Winnifred Beach, tel. 876/347-7085 or 876/562-4860, 9 a.m.6 p.m daily), run by Cynthia Miller, serves the best fish, lobster, and chicken accompanied by vegetables, rice and peas, roast breadfruit, and festival at the best value (US$715). Painter, Cynthia’s business partner and chef, can be found out back in the kitchen.
Woody's Low Bridge Place
Woody’s Low Bridge Place (10 a.m.10 p.m daily), run by Charles "Woody" Cousins and his charismatic wife Cherry, is definitively the coolest snack bar and restaurant in Port Antonio; it serves what is quite possibly the best burger (US$2.50) in Jamaica. Woody’s Low Bridge Place opened in 1986 but Woody has been in the tourism business since 1963.
Sir P's Cook Shop
Sir P’s Cook Shop (cell tel. 876/787-5514) serves up local dishes like jerk chicken, roast fish and bammy, conch, and natural juices. Peanut porridge and pastries are served in the morning.
Soldier's Camp
Soldier’s Camp (6 p.m.-you say when), better known as Soldji’s, draws a healthy cross-section of locals on Wednesday and especially Friday nights for deliciously seasoned janga, or crayfish, as well as jerk chicken, pork, and curry goat. Special order can be arranged on any other night. The bar is open daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Everold "Soldji" Daley, a former soldier with the U.S. Army, opened the joint in 2003 after returning to Jamaica in 1998 from the US. Entrees run US$6-15.
Soldier's Camp
Soldier’s Camp (6 p.m.-you say when), better known as Soldji’s, draws a healthy cross-section of locals on Wednesday and especially Friday nights for deliciously seasoned janga, or crayfish, as well as jerk chicken, pork, and curry goat. Special order can be arranged on any other night. The bar is open daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Everold "Soldji" Daley, a former soldier with the U.S. Army, opened the joint in 2003 after returning to Jamaica in 1998 from the US. Entrees run US$6-15.
Soldier's Camp
Soldier’s Camp (6 p.m.-you say when), better known as Soldji’s, draws a healthy cross-section of locals on Wednesday and especially Friday nights for deliciously seasoned janga, or crayfish, as well as jerk chicken, pork, and curry goat. Special order can be arranged on any other night. The bar is open daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Everold "Soldji" Daley, a former soldier with the U.S. Army, opened the joint in 2003 after returning to Jamaica in 1998 from the US. Entrees run US$6-15.
Soldier's Camp
Soldier’s Camp (6 p.m.-you say when), better known as Soldji’s, draws a healthy cross-section of locals on Wednesday and especially Friday nights for deliciously seasoned janga, or crayfish, as well as jerk chicken, pork, and curry goat. Special order can be arranged on any other night. The bar is open daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Everold "Soldji" Daley, a former soldier with the U.S. Army, opened the joint in 2003 after returning to Jamaica in 1998 from the US. Entrees run US$6-15.
Soldier's Camp
Soldier’s Camp (6 p.m.-you say when), better known as Soldji’s, draws a healthy cross-section of locals on Wednesday and especially Friday nights for deliciously seasoned janga, or crayfish, as well as jerk chicken, pork, and curry goat. Special order can be arranged on any other night. The bar is open daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Everold "Soldji" Daley, a former soldier with the U.S. Army, opened the joint in 2003 after returning to Jamaica in 1998 from the US. Entrees run US$6-15.
Devon House I Scream
Devon House I Scream (Errol Flynn Marina, tel. 876/993-3825) serves the best ice cream for kilometers around, but avoid the tubs that have thawed and refrozen.
Dickie's Banana
Dickie’s Banana (Bryan’s Bay, about 1.5 km west of town center, cell tel. 876/809-6276, reservations required, hours based on demand, US$25 per person) is also known as "Best Kept Secret" since it was the winner of the Jamaica Observer’s Best Kept Secret award in 2002. It has wonderful food at a great value and even better service. Five courses are served up based on Dickie’s creative culinary magic, with no ordering necessary. Just let him know if there’s something you’d prefer or something you don’t eat and he’ll take care of the rest. For the main course there’s a choice of fish, chicken, goat, lobster, or vegetarian. Dickie Alvin Butler is assisted by his wife Marjorie Edwards (cell tel. 876/869-4391) and their son Dennis (cell tel. 876/809-6276).
Rusalka Restaurant & Bar
Rusalka Restaurant & Bar (upstairs at the Errol Flynn Marina, cell tel. 876/715-5756 or 876/298-8773, 11 a.m.11 p.m daily) specializes in Central Asian and Russian cuisine; the menu changes every few weeks but the most popular dishes are served consistently. Appetizers include grilled feta cheese and beetroot salad served with warm crostinis (US$5), rice pilaf with chicken and raisins (US$15), stroganoff served with olive oil mash and buttered vegetables (US$15), and pelmeni, pork and beef minced and wrapped in dough and served in a clear chicken broth accompanied by olive bread, sour cream and salad, or mayonnaise and grated cheese (US$20). Rusalka also serves veggie dishes like seasonal vegetable stir-fry (US$10). Jamaican classics on offer include steamed yellow snapper in a butter sauce served with parsley white rice (US$1525), chicken curry served with seasonal steamed mixed vegetables, rice and peas (US$9.50), and jerk chicken supreme (US$11). Live entertainment on Fridays and Saturdays features local groups from Portland and musicians from Kingston and Montego Bay.
Norma's at the Marina
Norma’s at the Marina (tel. 876/993-9510, www.normasatthemarina.com, 10 a.m.10 p.m Tues.Sun., US$1027) is the latest of Norma Shirley’s reputable establishments. This is Port Antonio’s only bona fide high-end restaurant, serving dishes like lamb, steak, lobster, pork chops, shrimp, chicken, and pan-seared fish. The food at Norma’s is dependably good, smoked marlin being the famous specialty appetizer.
Mille Fleurs
Mille Fleurs (entrèes run US$25-40 ) is open daily for breakfast (8-10:30 a.m.), lunch (noon-2:30 p.m), and dinner (7-9:00 p.m). Mille Fleur changes its menu on a daily basis, serving creative dishes that emphasize the use of local, fresh ingredients, like jerk meat with papaya salsa or a pimento-roasted steak with rum-honey glaze served alongside grilled banana or pineapple. Reservations strongly recommended. Local jack fruit is also infused into salads and pesto dishes served with cassava flour pasta. One of the best restaurants around, Mille Fleurs features creative dishes fusing elements of Asian, European, and Jamaican cuisine.
Mille Fleurs
Mille Fleurs (entrèes run US$25-40 ) is open daily for breakfast (8-10:30 a.m.), lunch (noon-2:30 p.m), and dinner (7-9:00 p.m). Mille Fleur changes its menu on a daily basis, serving creative dishes that emphasize the use of local, fresh ingredients, like jerk meat with papaya salsa or a pimento-roasted steak with rum-honey glaze served alongside grilled banana or pineapple. Reservations strongly recommended. Local jack fruit is also infused into salads and pesto dishes served with cassava flour pasta. One of the best restaurants around, Mille Fleurs features creative dishes fusing elements of Asian, European, and Jamaican cuisine.
Mille Fleurs
Mille Fleurs (entrèes run US$25-40 ) is open daily for breakfast (8-10:30 a.m.), lunch (noon-2:30 p.m), and dinner (7-9:00 p.m). Mille Fleur changes its menu on a daily basis, serving creative dishes that emphasize the use of local, fresh ingredients, like jerk meat with papaya salsa or a pimento-roasted steak with rum-honey glaze served alongside grilled banana or pineapple. Reservations strongly recommended. Local jack fruit is also infused into salads and pesto dishes served with cassava flour pasta. One of the best restaurants around, Mille Fleurs features creative dishes fusing elements of Asian, European, and Jamaican cuisine.
Chucky's Wholesale
Chucky’s Wholesale (21-A West St., tel. 876/715-4769, 7:30 a.m.8 p.m Mon.Sat.) has groceries.
Shan Shy Beach
Shan Shy Beach on Bryan’s Bay charges no entry fee and is home to a beach complex run by Donovan "Atto" Tracey . An open, covered building has a billiards room with two tables.
One of the less-frequented beaches in Port Antonio, Shan Shy is a good place to take off on snorkeling or fishing excursions, which can be arranged through Atto or Dennis Butler (US$2050 depending on number of passengers and distance. The beach is located five minutes west of town at a sharp curve in the main road.
Around the bend in White River, Lucky Star Cookshop and Bar overlooks a another angler’s beach. It’s a favorite cool-out spot for local men, who are often found in the evenings playing poker and dominos.
Errol Flynn Marina
Errol Flynn Marina has a well-maintained, private beach for guests of the Marina and patrons of Norma’s at the Marina.
Folly Beach
Directly in front of the crumbling Folly Mansion, Folly Beach is a small beach with a narrow strip of sand. It has coral and a rough floor and sees few visitors.
Frenchman's Cove
Frenchman’s Cove (entrance fee US$5) is one of the most picturesque coves in Jamaica. The beach here is well protected and drops off steeply after the first 20 meters.
Dragon Bay
Dragon Bay is a private beach protected by guards. In the near future, however, visitors may be able to gain access to Dragon Bay Resort.
Boston Beach
Boston Beach, in a protected cove a few minutes east of Winnifred, consistently gets the best swells in the area and has a surf shop.
San San Beach
San San Beach (10 a.m.4 p.m daily, US$5) is the most exclusive beach in Port Antonio. It’s located at the base of San San District, where many of the area’s nicer villas are located. The fine-sand beach hugs a cove next to Alligator Head and overlooks Pellew Island, from where a protective reef extends eastward to the mouth of Blue Hole. Unfortunately a beach bar and restaurant has spotty hours and service, but there always seems to be someone by the entrance to called cash for admission to the lovely beach. Snorkeling on the reefs around Pellew Island, a short swim offshore, is worthwhile, but less than stunning.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn’t bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a jut extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Folly Point Lighthouse
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a point extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water’s edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Blue Hole
Blue Hole is also commonly known as the Blue Lagoon thanks to a 1980 Randal Kleiser adventure film of the same name starring a teenage Brooke Shields. This Blue Lagoon has no relation to the film, though locals will make the connection erroneously. Portland’s Blue Hole is Jamaica’s largest underground spring-fed lagoon, of which there are many smaller ones scattered across the island. The Blue Lagoon is made all the more unique by its location in a 55-meter-deep protected cove along the coast, where warm tidal waters gently mix with fresh water welling up from the depths. Some claim Blue Hole has no bottom. At one time, Robin Moore, the author of The French Connection, owned much of the land surrounding the lagoon; today his cottages lie in ruins. A restaurant and bar with a deck overhanging the lagoon has been closed for several years. In 2006 Michael Lee Chin, National Commercial Bank (NCB) chairman and one of Jamaica’s richest men, took over the lease for the land bordering the western edge of the lagoon. A handful of craft vendors line the beach waiting patiently to make a sale. The restaurant was dilapidated and falling into the water, but Geejam co-owner and Trident Hotel manager Jon Baker is understood to be taking over management of the attraction.
Blue Hole is located east of San San Beach and Pellew Island, just past the well-marked turnoff for Goblin Hill heading east. Turn onto the lane off the main road along the Blue Lagoon Villas and continue down to a small parking area along the beach.
Blue Hole
Blue Hole is also commonly known as the Blue Lagoon thanks to a 1980 Randal Kleiser adventure film of the same name starring a teenage Brooke Shields. This Blue Lagoon has no relation to the film, though locals will make the connection erroneously. Portland’s Blue Hole is Jamaica’s largest underground spring-fed lagoon, of which there are many smaller ones scattered across the island. The Blue Lagoon is made all the more unique by its location in a 55-meter-deep protected cove along the coast, where warm tidal waters gently mix with fresh water welling up from the depths. Some claim Blue Hole has no bottom. At one time, Robin Moore, the author of The French Connection, owned much of the land surrounding the lagoon; today his cottages lie in ruins. A restaurant and bar with a deck overhanging the lagoon has been closed for several years. In 2006 Michael Lee Chin, National Commercial Bank (NCB) chairman and one of Jamaica’s richest men, took over the lease for the land bordering the western edge of the lagoon. A handful of craft vendors line the beach waiting patiently to make a sale. The restaurant was dilapidated and falling into the water, but Geejam co-owner and Trident Hotel manager Jon Baker is understood to be taking over management of the attraction.
Blue Hole is located east of San San Beach and Pellew Island, just past the well-marked turnoff for Goblin Hill heading east. Turn onto the lane off the main road along the Blue Lagoon Villas and continue down to a small parking area along the beach.
Blue Hole
Blue Hole is also commonly known as the Blue Lagoon thanks to a 1980 Randal Kleiser adventure film of the same name starring a teenage Brooke Shields. This Blue Lagoon has no relation to the film, though locals will make the connection erroneously. Portland’s Blue Hole is Jamaica’s largest underground spring-fed lagoon, of which there are many smaller ones scattered across the island. The Blue Lagoon is made all the more unique by its location in a 55-meter-deep protected cove along the coast, where warm tidal waters gently mix with fresh water welling up from the depths. Some claim Blue Hole has no bottom. At one time, Robin Moore, the author of The French Connection, owned much of the land surrounding the lagoon; today his cottages lie in ruins. A restaurant and bar with a deck overhanging the lagoon has been closed for several years. In 2006 Michael Lee Chin, National Commercial Bank (NCB) chairman and one of Jamaica’s richest men, took over the lease for the land bordering the western edge of the lagoon. A handful of craft vendors line the beach waiting patiently to make a sale. The restaurant was dilapidated and falling into the water, but Geejam co-owner and Trident Hotel manager Jon Baker is understood to be taking over management of the attraction.
Blue Hole is located east of San San Beach and Pellew Island, just past the well-marked turnoff for Goblin Hill heading east. Turn onto the lane off the main road along the Blue Lagoon Villas and continue down to a small parking area along the beach.
Blue Hole
Blue Hole is also commonly known as the Blue Lagoon thanks to a 1980 Randal Kleiser adventure film of the same name starring a teenage Brooke Shields. This Blue Lagoon has no relation to the film, though locals will make the connection erroneously. Portland’s Blue Hole is Jamaica’s largest underground spring-fed lagoon, of which there are many smaller ones scattered across the island. The Blue Lagoon is made all the more unique by its location in a 55-meter-deep protected cove along the coast, where warm tidal waters gently mix with fresh water welling up from the depths. Some claim Blue Hole has no bottom. At one time, Robin Moore, the author of The French Connection, owned much of the land surrounding the lagoon; today his cottages lie in ruins. A restaurant and bar with a deck overhanging the lagoon has been closed for several years. In 2006 Michael Lee Chin, National Commercial Bank (NCB) chairman and one of Jamaica’s richest men, took over the lease for the land bordering the western edge of the lagoon. A handful of craft vendors line the beach waiting patiently to make a sale. The restaurant was dilapidated and falling into the water, but Geejam co-owner and Trident Hotel manager Jon Baker is understood to be taking over management of the attraction.
Blue Hole is located east of San San Beach and Pellew Island, just past the well-marked turnoff for Goblin Hill heading east. Turn onto the lane off the main road along the Blue Lagoon Villas and continue down to a small parking area along the beach.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Wed-Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it’s sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica’s Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$10 per person is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (cell +1 (876) 891-1061 or +1 (876) 871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell +1 (876) 538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Mandingo Cave
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC’s lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Portland Art Gallery
The Portland Art Gallery (9 a.m.6 p.m Mon.Sat.) is located inside the old Railway Station by the Banana Docks on West Street, about a 10 minutes’ walk from the Main Square. Hopeton Cargill, whose work includes landscape paintings, portraits, and commercial signs, is the gallery director.
Portland Art Gallery
The Portland Art Gallery (9 a.m.6 p.m Mon.Sat.) is located inside the old Railway Station by the Banana Docks on West Street, about a 10 minutes’ walk from the Main Square. Hopeton Cargill, whose work includes landscape paintings, portraits, and commercial signs, is the gallery director.
Portland Art Gallery
The Portland Art Gallery (9 a.m.6 p.m Mon.Sat.) is located inside the old Railway Station by the Banana Docks on West Street, about a 10 minutes’ walk from the Main Square. Hopeton Cargill, whose work includes landscape paintings, portraits, and commercial signs, is the gallery director.
Jamaica Palace Hotel
At the Jamaica Palace Hotel (tel. 876/993-7720, 7 a.m.9 p.m daily), the late Sigi Fahmi established a large collection of Ken Abendana Spencer paintings for sale. A Portland native, the late Ken Spencer was one of the most prolific artists in the country’s history. He captured scenes from Jamaican life with quick, effortless strokes that allowed him to sell his paintings very cheaply and distribute them widely, becoming well recognized. The hotel lobby, while far from inviting, is filled with kitsch art by the late owner. Other artists whose work is represented at the hotel include John Campbell and Ann-Marie Korti. A walk around the hotel is a real trip.
Philip Henry
Philip Henry (tel. 876/993-3162, philartambokle@hotmail.com) is a talented artist who has prints, portraits, and sculpture for sale in his small home studio. Call or email to set up an appointment.
Michael Layne
Michael Layne: considered by many the top ceramist in the parish and has exhibited at galleries in Kingston countless times. Layne was born and raised in Portland, studying at Titchfield High School and then going on to Edna Manley College in Kingston to concentrate in ceramics. Today Layne teaches art at Titchfield High School and works out of his home studio (open by appointment), where he creates works that include large bottles, bowls, and vases assembled with clay slabs, decorated with oxides, and single fired.
Marcia Henry
Marcia Henry is a talented local artist with a home studio.
Carriacou Gallery
Carriacou Gallery (9 a.m.5 p.m daily) features work of co-owner Barbara Walker, in addition to many other local artists.
Entertainments and Events
Port Antonio is not a haven for club-goers by any means, but there are a few good venues that hold regular theme nights throughout the week, as well as occasional live performances. Several times a year, stage shows are set up around the area, Somerset Falls being a favorite venue for concerts and Boston and Long Bay also hosting occasional events. Many of the area’s upscale villa owners and visitors prefer to entertain with dinner parties, which can be quite lavish.
Cristal Night Club
Cristal Night Club (open 5 p.mclose Wed. and Sat.) is Port Antonio’s newest club, reopening in March 2009 after years of dormancy. The club features Ladies’ Night 11 p.m2 a.m.Wednesday with free drinks all night for the ladies, and the Portland Day Rave starting at 5 p.m on Saturday, morphing into the club sessions that go through the night.
Cristal Night Club
Cristal Night Club (open 5 p.mclose Wed. and Sat.) is Port Antonio’s newest club, reopening in March 2009 after years of dormancy. The club features Ladies’ Night 11 p.m2 a.m.Wednesday with free drinks all night for the ladies, and the Portland Day Rave starting at 5 p.m on Saturday, morphing into the club sessions that go through the night.
Roof Club
Roof Club (10 p.m until the last person leaves, US$5) is open for Ladies’ Night on Thursdays, Crazy Saturdays, and occasional special events on Fridays. It’s the longest-standing nightclub in Port Antonio, open for the past 33 years. It generally plays dancehall, reggae, and R&B--in other words the perfect mix for bumping and grinding, or "wining," in local parlance. It’s an earthy, at times seedy, place with old wooden floors, a DJ booth on one side, and the bar opposite with neon lights and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Don’t be surprised if a patron approaches and uses a forward introduction by commanding, "buy mi a drink nuh."
Roof Club
Roof Club (10 p.m until the last person leaves, US$5) is open for Ladies’ Night on Thursdays, Crazy Saturdays, and occasional special events on Fridays. It’s the longest-standing nightclub in Port Antonio, open for the past 33 years. It generally plays dancehall, reggae, and R&B--in other words the perfect mix for bumping and grinding, or "wining," in local parlance. It’s an earthy, at times seedy, place with old wooden floors, a DJ booth on one side, and the bar opposite with neon lights and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Don’t be surprised if a patron approaches and uses a forward introduction by commanding, "buy mi a drink nuh."
Roof Club
Roof Club (10 p.m until the last person leaves, US$5) is open for Ladies’ Night on Thursdays, Crazy Saturdays, and occasional special events on Fridays. It’s the longest-standing nightclub in Port Antonio, open for the past 33 years. It generally plays dancehall, reggae, and R&B--in other words the perfect mix for bumping and grinding, or "wining," in local parlance. It’s an earthy, at times seedy, place with old wooden floors, a DJ booth on one side, and the bar opposite with neon lights and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Don’t be surprised if a patron approaches and uses a forward introduction by commanding, "buy mi a drink nuh."
Roof Club
Roof Club (10 p.m until the last person leaves, US$5) is open for Ladies’ Night on Thursdays, Crazy Saturdays, and occasional special events on Fridays. It’s the longest-standing nightclub in Port Antonio, open for the past 33 years. It generally plays dancehall, reggae, and R&B--in other words the perfect mix for bumping and grinding, or "wining," in local parlance. It’s an earthy, at times seedy, place with old wooden floors, a DJ booth on one side, and the bar opposite with neon lights and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Don’t be surprised if a patron approaches and uses a forward introduction by commanding, "buy mi a drink nuh."
Irie Vibes
Irie Vibes (Shop #10, West Harbour Plaza, by KFC, run by William Saunders, cell tel. 876/375-4495, noonclose Mon.Sat., 4:30 p.mclose Sun. and holidays) bar, pool hall, and gaming lounge is a popular hangout overlooking the West Harbour. Drinks run US$15.
Eye Candy
Eye Candy (Royal Mall, no phone, noon11 p.m weekdays, noon1 a.m.weekends) has a pool table and dominos.
Fi Wi Sinting
Fi Wi Sinting (contact founder Sister P, cell tel. 876/426-1957, www.fiwisinting.com) is a must-see festival celebrating Jamaica’s African heritage. It’s held the third Sunday in February.
Portland All Fest
Portland All Fest (contact Somerset Falls, tel. 876/913-0046, info@somersetfallsjamaica.com, www.somersetfallsjamaica, held mid-March) is a family fun day with food, swimming, and concerts at the open-air venue at the base of Somerset Falls.
Bling Dawg Summer Jam
Bling Dawg Summer Jam (info@somersetfallsjamaica.com, www.visitjamaica.com, held in July) is one of several annual events held at Somerset Falls. Bling Dawg is a well-recognized promoter who brings together an array of dancehall artists for the event. Contact Somerset Falls for more information.
Portland Jerk Festival
Portland Jerk Festival is held on the first Sunday in July and admission tends to be around US$10. Local arts, crafts, and concerts complement every kind of jerk food imaginable. The venue was once in Boston but was relocated to Folly Oval in 2007.
International Blue Marlin Tournament
The International Blue Marlin Tournament (contact Ron DuQuesnay, chair of the Sir Henry Morgan Angling Association, cell tel. 876/909-8818, rondq@mail.infochan.com, US$170 registration) is held out of the Port Antonio Marina each October. The event draws anglers from far and wide and also runs a concurrent 35-canoe folk fishing tournament for local anglers who fight the billfish with hand-held lines and usually bring in a better catch than the expensive big boats.
Flynn Flim Festival
One of the highlights of the annual event calendar is the Flynn Flim Festival (no, that’s not a typo, it’s a play on words) (contact the Errol Flynn marina, cell tel. 876/715-6044) held during the third week in June and featuring Errol Flynn movie screenings, a rafting race down the Rio Grande, a Flynn look-alike contest where patrons dress as Errol or one of his ladies in their favorite Flynn movie. Jazz on the pier in the evenings serves as a continuation of the Ocho Rios Jazz Festival.
Royal Mall
Royal Mall is a surreal building with a mosaic of facades built by the late Sigi Fahmi, who’s also responsible for one of the area’s most atrocious buildings, the Jamaica Palace Hotel. Its construction evokes an assortment of European styles, with several shops inside, a few of them worth checking out.
Sportsman’s Toy Box
Sportsman’s Toy Box (Shop #28, tel. 876/715-4542, 9 a.m.5 p.m Mon.Fri.) sells diving and fishing equipment.
Portland Jerk Festival Office
Portland Jerk Festival Office offers fax and photocopy services when it is in operation, typically the six months prior to the festival.
Hamilton's Bookstore
Hamilton’s Bookstore (24 West St., contact co-owner Avarine Moore, tel. 876/993-9634, 9 a.m.7 p.m Mon.Sat.) has a small but decent selection of Jamaican folk books and cookbooks.
A&G Record Mart
A&G Record Mart (4 Blake St., contact Janet cell tel. 876/488-1593 or 876/427-8766, 10 a.m.9 p.m Mon.Sat.) has a great selection of CDs, DVDs, LP singles and complete albums, 45s, and 33s. Gospel, R&B, dancehall, reggae, soul, soca, and calypso are well represented.
Carder Park
Carder Park is the community football field across the road from East Harbour that comes alive for several family-fun events throughout the year, like the dominos championship.
Folly Oval
Folly Oval is the town’s cricket pitch and where the schools practice sports; it extends along the edge of East Harbour. The large field hosts the annual Portland Jerk Festival.
Island Massage Therapy & Yoga
Island Massage Therapy & Yoga (US$90/per hour for massage) is led by Barbara Gingerich, who is both a certified massage therapist and yoga instructor. Barbara holds sessions in a studio at her house and on her large veranda, which has a stunning view of the sea and gardens. You can also have Barbara come to you for an additional charge if you’re staying in the area. She works between Kingston and Port Antonio; yoga classes are priced based on group size.
Pellew Island
Pellew Island is a private island, given, as the legend has it, by industrial magnate and famed art collector Baron Von Thyssen to supermodel Nina Dyer, one of his many brides, as a wedding gift in 1957. Nina Dyer committed suicide some five years later, and Von Thyssen himself died in 2002. The island is now slated for development of four villas, which are up for sale. While there are no organized tours of the private island, fishermen from the small beach adjacent to Blue Hole can take visitors over for excellent snorkeling along the reefs around the island.
Lady G'Diver
Lady G’Diver (Errol Flynn Marina, contact Steve or Jan Lee Widner, office tel. 876/715-5957, cell tel. 876/995-0246 or 876/452-8241, ladygdiver@cwjamaica.com, www.ladygdiver.com) runs diving excursions from the Marina. Port Antonio’s waters are quieter than those off Ocho Rios or Montego Bay and are less over-fished. Wall diving is especially popular. Lady G’Diver offers a wide range of packages and programs, from basic PADI certification to Master courses. The most basic is the two-dive package (US$84 plus US$7 per person for equipment rental).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Lark Cruises
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2-6 persons, US$900 for 7-8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 26 persons, US$100 per person for 710 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger’s expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Pro Bicycles
Pro Bicycles (3 Love Lane, contact Rohan who runs the shop, cell tel. 876/838-2399 or 876/993-2341, 9 a.m.5:30 p.m daily) has a few basic, all-terrain, 18-speed bicycles (US$10/day). They’re not in the best shape, but you can’t beat the price.
Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours
Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours (121 Main St., Ocho Rios, tel. 876/974-7075, info@bmtoursja.com, www.bmtoursja.com) runs a popular downhill biking tour that has been somewhat truncated over the past few years due to landslides that blocked the upper reaches of the route. While the operation is based in Ocho Rios, people staying in Portland can link up with the bus in Buff Bay before it leaves the coast to ascend the B1 into the Blue Mountains to where the lazy downhill ride starts.
Gold Course
Riding is offered by Gold Course Delroy Course (cell tel. 876/383-1588, Winston (brother) cell tel. 876/485-1773), who hangs out by the driveway to Frenchman’s Cove across from San San Golf waiting on potential customers. Delroy takes groups of up to four persons on a 1.5-hour trip around to San San Beach, or 45 hour trip to Nonesuch Caves, starting at US$20 per person and going up to US$30 for longer trips. A small sign with red letters hangs across from the gate at Frenchman’s Cove, marking Delroy’s outdoor "office."
San San Golf & Country Club
The San San Golf & Country Club (tel. 876/993-7644) located across the street from Frenchman’s Cove, gets very little use nowadays and is officially closed, but people with their own clubs often sneak in to use the driving range or play a few holes--to the chagrin of owner Ernie Smatt.
Goblin Hill Tennis Courts
Goblin Hill (San San) allows nonguests to use the hotel’s two hard-top tennis courts which are, unfortunately, rife with cracks (US$15/hour, US$12 for a pair of rackets). Sadly they're some of the only courts open to the public in the area.
Ivanhoe’s (9 Queen St., tel. 876/993-3043, ivanhoesja@hotmail.com, lornacamburke@hotmail.com, US$3060) is a classic Jamaican wooden house with a red painted zinc roof surrounded by a white picket fence. In the center of the compound is a small courtyard with vines and flowers all about. The rooms are comfortable and airy, and the better ones have good views over the East Harbour. Rooms with a combination of queen-size and single beds all have TV and private baths with hot water. Breakfast and dinner are available to order.
Club Nazz Bar & Restaurant (23 Market St., tel. 876/617-5175, 7 a.m.\11:30 p.m daily) offers customers free Wi-Fi.
For groceries and supplies, try T&W Super-market by the Texaco station.
Next to the courthouse there's a Scotiabank branch built in replica Georgian style, with an ATM.
FX Trader (tel. 888/398-7233) has a branch at Big J's Supermarket on Lower Harbour Street (8:30 a.m.\4:30 p.m Mon.\Wed. and Fri.\Sat., 8:30 a.m.\12:30 p.m Thurs.).
Trelawny Parish Library (Rodney St., with entrance on Pitt St., tel. 876/954-3306, 9 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Fri., till 4 p.m Sat.) offers free DSL Internet.
The Falmouth Police are based along the waterfront on Rodney Street (tel. 876/954-5700).
Martha Brae
The town of Martha Brae was Trelawny's first parish capital, before the mouth of the river silted up and forced the relocation of the port from Rock to Falmouth. Along with several other locations in Jamaica, Martha Brae is thought to have been the location of the first Spanish settlement of Melilla. Until 1790 when the first bridge was constructed across the river, a ferry was in service. Today, with the North Coast Highway, it's possible to speed past without noticing the river at all. Martha Brae is a literal backwater, with little to distract tourists as they pass through on their way to start the rafting trip or to Good Hope Plantation in the Queen of Spain Valley.
The Martha Brae River is one of Jamaica's longest rivers and is navigable for much of its 32 kilometers, extending to the deep interior of Trelawny, from where it wells up out of the earth at Windsor Cave. The river's name is an awkward derivation of Para Matar Tiburon Rio, which translates literally as "to kill shark river." Legends surround the Martha Brae, likely owing to its important role in the early colonial years, when the Spanish used the river to reach the North Coast from their major settlement of Oristan, around present-day Bluefields. The first commercial rafting tour began in 1970.
Just east of Martha Brae, straight inland from Falmouth, the Greenfield Stadium was built for the Caribbean's hosting of Cricket World Cup in 2007. The stadium is now used for sporting events and entertainment, becoming the venue for Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival in 2010.
Martha Brae Rafting
Martha Brae Rafting (9 a.m.-4 p.m daily) is the only organized bamboo rafting attraction in western Jamaica, with 84 CPR-trained and licensed raft captains. Rafts hold two passengers in addition to the raft captain, who guides the vessel down the normally lazy Martha Brae. The five-kilometer (3-mile) raft ride (US$65 per raft for 1 or 2 persons) takes about 90 minutes. The excursion will not get your adrenaline pumping; it’s a relaxing and romantic experience and includes a non-alcoholic welcome drink. Round-trip transportation can be arranged from Mobay (US$15 pp, minimum 4) and from Ochi (US$25 pp, minimum 4) and Negril (US$35 pp minimum of six).
The Luminous Lagoon
The Luminous Lagoon is one of Jamaica's favorite natural phenomena, created from a unicellular dinoflagellate less than 1/500th of an inch in diameter, Pyridium bahamense, which glows when the water is agitated. The organism photosynthesizes sunlight using chlorophyll during the day and then emits the energy at night. Tours of the Luminous Lagoon are offered at Glistening Waters Restaurant & Marina (tel. 876/954-3229, info@glisteningwaters.com, www.glisteningwaters.com) and Fisherman's Inn (tel. 876/954-4078 or 876/954-3427, fishermansinn@cwjamaica.com). The Glistening Waters tour (US$17/person) lasts half an hour, with boats leaving the marina every half hour 7\9 p.m nightly. Fisherman's Inn organizes virtually identical outings (US$15/person) every evening at 7 p.m
Glistening Waters also offers fishing charters from the Marina (US$600) on a 46-foot sport fisher with a capacity of eight people. A smaller, 32-foot boat (US$400/four hours) carries five people. Two complimentary drinks per person are included on fishing excursions. The marina also welcomes visiting yachts (US$1/foot/day) and can accommodate boats of up to 86 feet. Boaters should call ahead for special instructions on entering the lagoon. Longer stays can be negotiated.
Montego Bay Jamaica Fishing Charter and Luminous Lagoon Tours (contact captain David Muschett, cell tel. 876/995-9885, awahoo2@yahoo.com), based at Fisherman's Inn on the Luminous Lagoon, is a one-stop-shop for deep-sea fishing, night excursions on the lagoon, and a variety of water sports activities from parasailing to scuba diving, water skiing, and snorkeling aboard a 38-foot Bertram with an eight-person capacity. Fishing trips chase marlin, kingfish, barracuda, sailfish, wahoo, and a host of other species. Rates range from US$550 for a half day with up to four passengers to US$1,000 for eight hours with up to four passengers, including bait and tackle. Add US$35 per extra person. Paintball and ATV tours are also offered by David Muschett in the Martha Brae vicinity.
Queen of Spain Villa
Queen of Spain Villa (Irwin Towers Estate, Martha Brae, contact Michele Lawrence, cell tel. 876/877-6959, michelelawrence1@yahoo.com, US$40\60 per night) has a total of five rooms available for rent in an owner-managed villa along the Martha Brae River. Three rooms have queen-size beds, and one has two single beds, with a king-size bed in the master room. Wi-Fi and continental breakfast are complimentary. There's a pool on the one-acre property and the river is also suitable for swimming.
Fisherman's Inn
Fisherman's Inn (tel. 876/954-4078 or 876/954-3427, fishermansinn@cwjamaica.com, from US$75) is a hotel and restaurant on the Luminous Lagoon with clean, spacious rooms overlooking the lagoon and a small marina with private baths and hot water, TV, and either fans or air-conditioning. Jean Lewis is the very helpful and accommodating manager.
The inn organizes outings every evening (US$15 per person) at 7 p.m on the lagoon to see the phosphorescent microbes light up the agitated water.
Time 'N' Place
Time 'N' Place (adjacent to Pebbles, call owner Tony Moncrieffe, tel. 876/954-4371, cell tel. 876/843-3625, timenplace@cwjamaica.com, www.mytimenplace.com) is the quintessential laid-back rustic beach spot with an open-air seafood restaurant and beach bar and four cottages planted in the sand (US$80\100). The spot has been a local favorite since it opened in 1988. The cottages are comfortably rustic, with front porches, basic foam queen-size beds, fans or air-conditioning, Jamaican art on the walls, and private bathrooms sectioned off with hot water. Tony offers coffee, fruit, and toast for breakfast. The restaurant (8 a.m.\8 p.m daily) prepares excellent seafood and Jamaican favorites including jerk chicken, coconut shrimp, and grilled lobster, as well as burgers and fries. Wi-Fi covers the entire property.
FDR Pebbles
FDR Pebbles (next to Time 'N' Place along the old main road, tel. 876/973-5657 or 876/617-2500, US$250) bills itself as an ecofriendly, family-oriented resort. The hotel is by no means exemplary in the environmental department, however, with clear signs of dumping of gray water into the bay and a generally untidy backyard. Pebbles, along with its sister property in Runaway Bay, has created the family-friendly niche by proving nannies for guests. Pebbles' private beach has been sectioned off from the expanse with a pair of stone piers. Nevertheless, guests often hop the fence to get a taste for the authentic Jamaica vibe found next door at Time 'N' Place. All rooms at Pebbles have air-conditioning, ceiling fans, and hot water.
Excellence Resorts
Excellence Resorts (www.excellence-resorts.com) is building a 450-room, adults-only, luxury all-inclusive resort on five kilometers of beach adjacent to Time 'N' Place. Construction began in 2007 but completion was delayed when the global economy fell into recession in 2009.
Club Nazz Bar & Restaurant
Club Nazz Bar & Restaurant (23 Market St., tel. 876/617-5175, or contact manager Carlton Cole, cell tel. 876/475-7125, 7 a.m.\11:30 p.m daily, US$4\25) serves good seafood and Jamaican staple dishes and offers customers free Wi-Fi. The food is excellent and a good value. The Upa Level Culture Bar & Grill on the third floor serves food from the same kitchen with a view over town.
Located on the second level, Club Nazz opens Tuesdays\Sundays, from 6 p.m until you say when, playing mostly reggae, dancehall, R&B, and hip-hop. A jazz bar and lounge is located downstairs in the basement.
In the center of Falmouth on the square there is a small Juici Patties kiosk, as well as Spicy Nice (Water Square, tel. 876/954-3197), a bakery that sells patties, breads, pastries, and other baked goods.
Three roads lead off the North Coast Highway into Falmouth, one from the east, where the old highway used to run, the other, Market Street, a straight shot to Martha Brae, and the third, Rodney Street or Foreshore Road, to the west toward Mobay. Along the easternmost road, two restaurants sit adjacent to one another on the Luminous Lagoon in Rock district.
Fisherman's Inn
Fisherman's Inn (tel. 876/954-4078, fishermansinn@cwjamaica.com) is a hotel and restaurant facing the lagoon. The restaurant serves items like callaloo-stuffed chicken breast, stuffed jerk chicken, lobster, and surf and turf (US$13\30).
Glistening Waters Restaurant & Marina
Glistening Waters Restaurant & Marina (tel. 876/954-3229, info@glisteningwaters.com, www.glisteningwaters.com) has food ranging from oyster bay seafood chowder (US$4) to the Falmouth Seafood Platter (US$35), which comes with grilled lobster, shrimp, and snapper.
Aunt Gloria's
Aunt Gloria's (Rock district, 6 a.m.\8:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$3\4.50) serves brown stew fish, fried chicken, curry goat, and brown stew pork. Gloria opens her jerk center on Fridays and sometimes on Saturdays for the best jerk pork and chicken in town. Breakfast items include ackee and saltfish, kidney, dumpling, yam, and banana.
Along the same road toward Falmouth, a jerk center keeps irregular hours, mostly opening on weekends.
Culture Restaurant
Culture Restaurant (Foreshore Road, contact proprietor Pablo Plummer, cell tel. 876/362-4495, 8 a.m.\8 p.m daily, US$4\8) offers a decidedly Rasta experience and takes the cake for original roots value. It's a small restaurant and cultural center where Ital food and juices are served in an atmosphere brimming with black pride and Rastafarian symbolism. Owner Pablo Plummer is as conscious as they come and also incidentally runs independent PADI diving courses with full equipment provided, after spending years as a dive instructor at a number of resorts along the North Coast.
Outameni Experience
Outameni Experience (Coopers Pen opposite Breezes Trelawny, tel. 876/954-4035, cell tel. 876/836-6725 or 876/409-6108, info@outameni.com, www.outameni.com, US$36 adults, US$18 children under 12) is a cultural attraction that takes visitors through Jamaica's history into modern times, from the Taino to Rastafarians. The 90-minute tour, set on a five-acre property, touches on Jamaica's art, music, theater, and dance traditions. A fun village offers children games and a water slide at an additional cost of US$3.
A small community on a hillside overlooking the sea, Duncans has little to interest visitors in the town itself. Just below the population center, however, the coast is lined with fine, white sand, split between two spectacular beaches: Jacob Taylor Public Bathing Beach, and Silver Sands Beach along the waterfront at the gated community of Silver Sands, comprising cottages and villas. Silver Sands charges US$15 per person for day use of the beach and facilities. There's a restaurant and bar and small grocery store, the Villa Mart, at the complex. It's necessary to call ahead (tel. 876/954-2518) to gain access to Silver Sands so they expect you at the gate.
About a kilometer east of Silver Sands, a private estate house lies in ruins facing a small beach, also with fine white sand and crystal waters. To get there, turn off the main road down to Silver Sands through a green gate and drive along a rough, sandy road pocked with coral through the scrub forest until reaching the coast again.
A 20-minute walk farther east along low coral bluffs leads to Mango Point, where one of Jamaica's few remaining virgin beaches is found. Known as Harmony Cove, the area is to be the site of a massive resort development planned for the coming years, with several hotels and casinos envisaged, pending a change in Jamaica's law to allow gambling of this sort. Harmony Cove can also be reached by turning off the North Coast Highway next to a cell phone tower coming from the east; from there, drive toward the coast along a dirt road and turn off along a sandy track that disintegrates at the water's edge. Park and rejoin the road on the other side of the fence, walking the remaining distance. It's about 20 minutes' walk from the east as well. Contact Harmonisation (876/954-2518) for more information on the status of the resort development.
Silver Sands
Silver Sands is a gated community of 44 rental cottages and villas that range considerably in their level of price and comfort, from rustic to opulent. Even at the higher end of the price range, Silver Sands villas are among the best value for your money to be found in Jamaica, on what is considered by many the island's finest beach.
Silver Sands
Silver Sands is a gated community of 44 rental cottages and villas that range considerably in their level of price and comfort, from rustic to opulent. Even at the higher end of the price range, Silver Sands villas are among the best value for your money to be found in Jamaica, on what is considered by many the island's finest beach.
Silver Sands
Silver Sands is a gated community of 44 rental cottages and villas that range considerably in their level of price and comfort, from rustic to opulent. Even at the higher end of the price range, Silver Sands villas are among the best value for your money to be found in Jamaica, on what is considered by many the island's finest beach.
Queen's Cottage
Queen's Cottage (US$275/325 nightly, US$1925/2275 weekly low/high season) is named after the cottage's most illustrious guest, Queen Elizabeth II, who stayed there on a trip to Jamaica, and located directly on the waterfront. It is a three-bedroom villa with a king-size bed in the master, one queen-size bed in the second bedroom and two twins in the third, making it ideal for families or a small group of friends. Bedrooms have ceiling fans, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms. A large wood deck overlooks the sea a few steps off the beach. The villa boasts a large Jacuzzi and is the closest of any at Silver Sands to the water's edge.
Windjammer (US$600/880 nightly low/high season, US$4,200/6,160 weekly) is an inviting, cozy four-bedroom villa with a private pool, broadband, a large veranda with sea view, and barbecue. Two bedrooms have king-size beds, one has a queen, and the fourth has two twins. The gorgeous beach at Silver Sands is a five-minute walk down the steps across the road.
Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach
Located across the compound walls from the gated community at Silver Sands, Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach is a local hot spot where low-key craft vendors sell their goods and anglers park their canoes to while away the days playing dominoes in the shade. The beach itself extends for a few kilometers to the west, and while not immaculately swept and maintained daily like Silver Sands, the sand is fine, the water's clear, and there's no entry fee. You can't miss the entrance to Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach, marked by a large sign by the road that leads downhill toward the sea to the left of the gated entrance to Silver Sands.
The Sober Robin Inn
The Sober Robin Inn (tel. 876/954-2202, soberrobin@gmail.com, US$35 d) is a no-frills accommodation opened in 1979 that rents nine rooms, each with one double or two single beds, air-conditioning, and cable TV. The inn was under expansion in 2010, with additional rooms under construction for a projected total of 23. The inn was once owned by the grandparents of Harry Belafonte, who is said to have spent his childhood there. It is located just past the Silver Sands turnoff heading west out of Duncans, or on the right just after leaving the highway on your way into Duncans from the west.
Sea Rhythm
Sea Rhythm (Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach, contact caretaker Cardella Gilzine, cell tel. 876/857-0119, US$200) is a three-bedroom cottage a few steps from the shore. The master bedroom has a king-size bed and air-conditioning, with a double bed and fan in the second room and two twins in the third. Each room has a private bath with hot water, and there's a fully equipped kitchen. Meals are prepared to order.
Leroy's (cell tel. 876/447-2896, US$3\12) is a local bar and restaurant, located seaside at Jacob Taylor Fisherman's Beach that serves fish and Jamaican staples. Leroy can usually be found in the kitchen, and his step daughter, Cameika "Chin" Wallace, works the bar. The Silver Lights Band performs live reggae on Saturdays starting at 8 p.m late into the night. The no-frills restaurant and bar is notable for its relaxing atmosphere that draws a healthy mix of locals and tourists, appreciably devoid of hustlers to interrupt the quiet seaside landscape.
Leroy's (cell tel. 876/447-2896, US$3\12) is a local bar and restaurant, located seaside at Jacob Taylor Fisherman's Beach that serves fish and Jamaican staples. Leroy can usually be found in the kitchen, and his step daughter, Cameika "Chin" Wallace, works the bar. The Silver Lights Band performs live reggae on Saturdays starting at 8 p.m late into the night. The no-frills restaurant and bar is notable for its relaxing atmosphere that draws a healthy mix of locals and tourists, appreciably devoid of hustlers to interrupt the quiet seaside landscape.
Natural Vibes Gift Shop Bar & Restaurant
Natural Vibes Gift Shop Bar & Restaurant (Long Bay, Greenwood, tel. 876/953-1833, 8 a.m.\10:30 p.m daily) has a mix of seafood and Jamaican favorites like curry lobster (US$25), curry shrimp (US$20), escovitch fish (US$15), jerk chicken (US$10), and jerk pork (US$12\13). The waterfront property is a favorite chill-out spot for Montegonians and tourists alike.
Father Bull Bar, Jerk Centre and Restaurant
Father Bull Bar, Jerk Centre and Restaurant (Greenwood, cell tel. 876/422-3011, 8 a.m.until you say when daily) specializes in jerk chicken and pork, roast fish, seafood, and Jamaican staples, accompanied by breadfruit.
Far Out Fish Hut and Beer Joint
Far Out Fish Hut and Beer Joint (Greenwood, contact owner Ian Dalley, cell tel. 876/954-7155 or 876/816-6376, 10 a.m.\10:30 p.m) serves steamed and roast fish, conch, octopus, and escovitch grilled conch, accompanied by bammy or bread.
Johnnie Reid's Paradise Grill & Restaurant
Johnnie Reid's Paradise Grill & Restaurant (contact Johnnie Reid, cell tel. 876/863-4659, 10 a.m.\close), located in Salt Marsh between Greenwood and Martha Brae, serves Jamaican staples, seafood, and conch (US$5\8), as well as fish and lobster priced according to weight.
Some of the most gorgeous and unexplored countryside in Jamaica lies in the interior of Trelawny, where Cockpit Country, with its myriad caves, sinkholes, and springs, stretches from the St. James border in the west to St. Ann at the heart of the island. Hiking and exploring in this region is unparalleled, but adequate supplies and a good guide are essential. Meanwhile, the Queen of Spain Valley, only a few minutes' drive inland, is one of the most lush and picturesque farming zones in Jamaica, where the morning mist lifts to reveal stunning countryside of magical, lush pitted hills.
Cockpit Country has some of the most unusual landscape on earth, where porous limestone geology created what is known as Karst topography, molded by water and the weathering of time. Cockpit Country extends all the way to Accompong, St. Elizabeth, to the south and Albert Town, Trelawny, to the east. Similar topography continues over the inhospitable interior as far as Cave Valley, St. Ann, even farther east.
There are three principal routes leading into Trelawny's interior and providing access to the northern border of the impassible Cockpit Country. The first few routes lead inland from Martha Brae. To get to Good Hope Plantation, bypass the town of Martha Brae to the right when heading inland from the highway, and take a left less than 1.5 kilometers past the town, following well-marked signs. Continuing on the road past the turnoff to Good Hope ultimately leads to Wakefield, where the B15 heads back west to Montego Bay.
By taking a left at the stop sign in Martha Brae, and then a right after crossing the river, the road leads inland past Perth, Reserve, and Sherwood Content, to where it ultimately peters out near Windsor Caves.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Plantation
Good Hope Plantation located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past. Good Hope hosts a number of adventure tours operated by Chukka Caribbean, the island's leading tour operator. The working farm is an ideal location for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Good Hope Pottery & Gallery
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 a.m.-4 p.m Mon.-Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Located at the farthest accessible point into Cockpit Country, Windsor is a small community. Windsor Great Caves is its main draw. Franklyn (Dango) Taylor is the sanctioned warden for the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT) and the official guide for Windsor Great Caves. The caves are best visited with Dango (US$20), though experienced cavers may prefer to go it alone. All visitors should check in with Dango, and sign the guestbook at the very least, which serves to both monitor efforts and provide some degree of accountability in the case of emergencies. Dango runs a little shop selling drinks and snacks. The source of the Martha Brae River is located nearby, affording a great spot to cool off.
The Windsor Caves are rich in both geological history and animal life, with up to 11 bat species emerging to feed in the evenings in large swarms. The geological formations should not be touched inside the caves, and a minimal-impact policy should be generally observed, which starts with visitors staying on the established path. Shining flashlights on the ceiling is also not advisable, since it disturbs the resting bats. Michael Schwartz, of Windsor Great House located nearby, warns of a chronic respiratory ailment caused by a fungus that grows on bat dung, afflicting cavers.
For more in-depth spelunking of lesser-known attractions, Jamaica Caves Organization (JCO) (info@jamaicancaves.org, www.jamaicancaves.org) is a useful group that knows Cockpit Country literally inside and out. It can arrange guides for hiking as well as caving. There is also a good circuit mapped out on its website to take a driving tour of Cockpit Country for those not interested in exercise. For those with a serious interest in hiking, the Troy Trail is one of the most interesting and arduous hikes in western Jamaica, traversing Cockpit Country from Windsor to Troy. Again, the JCO can provide guides and maps for a reasonable fee that goes toward helping to maintain the organization.
The Last Resort
The Last Resort (Ivor Conolley tel. 876/931-6070, cell tel. 876/700-7128) is the most remote accommodation option in Cockpit Country. It's the headquarters for Jamaica Caves Organization, led by chairman Stefan Stewart. The facilities were recently renovated but remain rustic with 20 bunk beds (US$15 per person) and a common bath. One private room has a queen-size bed. Expect intimacy with the surrounding environment--bug repellent is an essential item.
Windsor Great House
Windsor Great House (cell tel. 876/997-3832, windsor@cwjamaica.com, www.cockpitcountry.com) was built by John Tharp in 1795 to oversee his vast cattle estate, which included most of the land bordering the Martha Brae River. Today the great house is operated by Michael Schwartz and Susan Koenig, who offer rustic accommodation and a weekly "Meet the Scientists" dinner (US$25 for the dinner).
Getting There
To get to Windsor, head inland from Falmouth to Martha Brae, crossing the bridge to the east and turning right to follow the valley south into the hills. On the way, the road passes through the small farming communities of Perth Town and Reserve. Once the road leaves the riverbanks, it heads to Sherwood Content, Coxheath, and finally Windsor. To get to Last Resort, turn right at Dango's shop, continuing for about 1.6 kilometers; a left at Dango's shop leads to Windsor Great House. A vehicle with good clearance is recommended, but the route is traveled frequently by vehicles with low clearance, driven with caution.
Burwood Beach
The small community neighboring SuperClubs Breezes Trelawny has the spectacular Burwood Beach in Bounty Bay, which is also called Mutiny Bay. It's the best spot in Jamaica for windsurfing and kite surfing thanks to its gradual slope and lack of reefs that make these sports perilous in most other areas of the island. Brian Schurton runs Brian's Windsurfing and Kitesurfing (cell tel. 876/586-0900 or 541/490-2047, bws@gorge.net) with an informal windsurfing and kite-surfing school and rental outfit on the beach. With essential equipment like harnesses lacking in most of the all-inclusive resorts, windsurfers will find more professional gear at Brian's. Rates run US$160 for a 2.5-hour kitesurfing lesson. Windsurfing is US$60/day for gear, US$70 for a two-hour lesson. To get there, turn off the highway toward the sea about 1.5 kilometers east of Breezes Trelawny next to a sign for Bounty Bay.
Breezes Trelawny
Breezes Trelawny (Coopers Pen, Falmouth on Burwood Beach, tel. 876/954-2450 or U.S. tel. 800/GO-SUPER (800/467-8737), www.superclubs.com, US$99/139 per person low/high season) is the place to go if you love water slides, video gaming, trapeze acrobatics, and water sports. Rooms come with a stocked fridge, TV, air-conditioning, and CD player, but with all the activities in store, you won't be there much. Starfish is the SuperClubs brand's most budget-friendly and family-oriented property.
Breezes Rio Bueno
Breezes Rio Bueno (tel. 876/954-0000 or U.S. tel. 800/GO-SUPER (800/467-8737), glbreservations@superclubs.com, www.superclubs.com, US$224/349 per person low/high season) is the second all-inclusive in Jamaica, centered on a re-created and much-tamer-than-typical Jamaican village courtyard area, where dinners are served under the stars. Rooms are luxurious by American standards, with spacious suites that have balconies and large sitting areas. All the amenities of home are there, and the fridge is stocked daily with beer and soft drinks. Breezes has a decent beach and large swimming pool areas with the best food of the SuperClubs properties and premium liquors. The hotel sits on a 34-hectare estate. Horseback riding and tennis are some of the more popular activities at the resort, while water sports like scuba, snorkeling, and sailing are also offered.
Braco Stables
Braco Stables (tel. 876/954-0185, bracostables@cwjamaica.com, www.bracostables.com, US$70 with transportation from Mobay or Runaway Bay, US$60 without transport) offers very tame horseback riding tours where riders traverse the Braco estate in single file. Experienced riders may be disappointed, as there is little freedom to roam about and leaving the group is not an option.
Rio Bueno
The first community in Trelawny across the border from St. Ann, Rio Bueno is considered by many experts to have been the actual landing point for Christopher Columbus on his second voyage, while that claim is also made for Discovery Bay. The port at Rio Bueno was an important export point, as can still be seen by the dilapidated warehouses and wharves along the waterfront beside the community's only accommodation, the Rio Bueno Hotel.
The small village is today undergoing somewhat of a renewal, with the new North Coast Highway bypassing the town entirely, which could ultimately enhance its picturesque appeal even while the busy Rio Braco rest stop will be less relevant.
The riverbank along the Rio Bueno is great for a stroll; visitors can see ruins of the Baptist Theological College. The college was the first of its kind in the hemisphere. Other ruins in town include those of Fort Dundas behind the school. The Rio Bueno Baptist Church was originally built in 1832 before being destroyed by the Colonial Church Union, whose mostly Anglican members organized militias to terrorize the abolitionist Baptists, who were upsetting the status quo. The church was quickly rebuilt twice as large in 1834, and the present structure was built in 1901. While the roof is largely missing, services are still held downstairs.
The Rio Bueno Anglican Chuch was built at the water's edge in 1833 and remains there today. The church was petitioned by the community after years of attending service in a rented space.
The extensive Gallery Joe James, on the grounds of the Lobster Bowl and Rio Bueno Hotel, displays artwork by proprietor Joe James, among other selected Jamaican artists. The gallery extends throughout the restaurant, bar, and hotel and makes for a surreal waterfront setting. The restaurant itself is enormous, with outside seating extending out on a dock along the waterfront, as well as inside a large dining hall.
The Rio Bueno Primary School up the road is sometimes used for entertainment and events.
Rio Bueno Hotel
Rio Bueno Hotel (tel. 876/954-0048, galleryjoejames40@hotmail.com, US$100) is a 20-room rustic accommodation with balconies overlooking the sea, ceiling fans, TV, and hot water in private baths. The ground floor rooms are larger and geared toward families, with three double beds.
The Lobster Bowl Restaurant
The Lobster Bowl Restaurant (tel. 876/954-0048, 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$18\40) serves excellent shrimp, chicken, fish, and lobster. The restaurant was founded by Joe James and his wife, Joyce Burke James, over 40 years ago.
Navy Island
Navy Island, originally called Lynch’s Island, is a landmass slightly larger than Titchfield Hill, about 0.75 kilometer long with an area of about two hectares. It protects Port Antonio’s West Harbour with a large sandbar extending off its western side. The island was at one point sited for construction of the town, but the British Navy acquired it instead as a place to beach ships for cleaning and repairs. A naval station was eventually built there, and later Errol Flynn bought the island and turned it into an exclusive resort. Today Navy Island is owned by the Port Authority; it’s meant to be developed at some undetermined future time. A private bid for the land put together by a consortium of local landowners was blocked by the Authority, which seems wary of ceding control in spite of doing nothing with the land for the moment, to the dismay of many local residents.
The island is not serviced by any official tourist operation, but it’s a great place to tromp around and explore, and the Jamaica Defense Force Officers there on patrol are friendly enough to visitors. Dennis Butler (cell tel. 876/809-6276) will take visitors to the island (US$10 per person, US$20 with lunch) from Shan Shy Beach just west of Port Antonio, adjacent to his father’s restaurant, Dickie’s Banana.
Bonnie View
The Bonnie View Hotel (Bonnie View Rd.) is another dilapidated former Errol Flynn property, no longer in operation as a hotel. The view is the best in town. To get there, take the washed-out Richmond Hill Road directly across from the Anglican Church on the corner of West Palm and Bridge streets. Bonnie View is not an organized attraction and there is no cost to have a look around as long as no one is around to make reference to the sign on property that states all sightseers must pay US$3 (J$150), which doesn’t compute for today’s exchange rate and dates the effort. Bonnie View makes a good early-morning walk from town for some aerobic exercise, and if someone asks for money to look at the view, perhaps offering to buy a drink from the nonexistent bar would provide adequate incentive for someone to establish a legitimate business there once again. The hill is passable by car if you drive at a snail’s pace up the steep, potholed road.
Musgrave Market
Musgrave Market (6 a.m.6 p.m Mon.Sat.) is located across from the square in the heart of Port Antonio. The market sells fresh produce toward the front and down a lane on one side. The deeper in you go toward the waterfront, the more the market tends towards crafts, "Jamaica no problem" T-shirts, and Bob Marley plaques. The most authentic artistry can be found at the very back where Rockbottom (cell tel. 876/844-9946), a woodcarver since 1980, has his setup. His nickname comes from his sales pricing, he says. For jewelry, clothing, and other Rasta-inspired crafts, check out Sister Dawn’s (Shop #21, cell tel. 876/486-7516, portlandcraftproducers@yahoo.com).
Boundbrook Wharf
Boundbrook Wharf is the old banana-loading wharf just west of town, behind the old railway station that now serves as the Portland Art Gallery. While not as busy as in the banana-boom days, the wharf continues to be used on occasion. The wharf makes a good 20-minute walk from town. Just north from the entrance to the wharf, a sandy lane leads off the main road to the beach, where fishing boats are tethered in front of the small fishermen’s community.
Winnifred Beach
Winnifred, known as the people’s beach, lies in a wide, shallow, white-sand cove. It is a beautiful, free public beach in the Fairy Hill district just east of San San and the Blue Lagoon. It’s also the best place for conch soup and fried fish. Food and beverages are sold by a slew of vendors, and there’s a nice restaurant.
Named after the daughter of Quaker minister F. B. Brown as a rest place for missionaries, teachers, and the respectable poor, Winnifred has remained decidedly local, thanks perhaps to the trust that once managed the area and had provisions ensuring that locals could access and enjoy the beach. The Urban Development Corporation now controls the land, but local resistance to its being developed has ensured that it remains a local hot spot.
Winnifred Beach
Winnifred, known as the people’s beach, lies in a wide, shallow, white-sand cove. It is a beautiful, free public beach in the Fairy Hill district just east of San San and the Blue Lagoon. It’s also the best place for conch soup and fried fish. Food and beverages are sold by a slew of vendors, and there’s a nice restaurant.
Named after the daughter of Quaker minister F. B. Brown as a rest place for missionaries, teachers, and the respectable poor, Winnifred has remained decidedly local, thanks perhaps to the trust that once managed the area and had provisions ensuring that locals could access and enjoy the beach. The Urban Development Corporation now controls the land, but local resistance to its being developed has ensured that it remains a local hot spot.
Cynthia’s, on the western end of the beach serves excellent fried fish with rice and peas (US$10). Undoubtedly someone will ask for a "contribution," but it’s not necessary. Instead, support the vendors. The rocky road down to the beach has two access points from the main road. The best route goes through the housing development on the ocean side of the road less than 0.75 kilometer east of Dragon Bay. A turn into a housing development across the road from Jamaica Crest, followed by a quick right in front of the Neighborhood Watch sign, allows you avoid the worst part of the road that descends off the main next to the former Mikuzi.
Tandoor (Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m, Sat 12-10 p.m., Sun 12-9:30 p.m. US$10-30) was born out of the ashes of Akbar that once occupied this little piece of real estate in the heart of New Kingston. The restaurant is owned by Pushpa, whose Indian restaurant in Northside Plaza has long been the best in town. The latest edition to Pushpa's empire is spot on, delivering an amazingly elaborate menu of authentic Indian dishes closer to the corporate crowd.
The HouseBoat Grill
The HouseBoat Grill (6-11 p.m Tues.-Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m, happy hour 5:30-7 p.m, US$12-26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is owned by Scott Stanley. Reservations are recommended.
The HouseBoat Grill
The HouseBoat Grill (6-11 p.m Tues.-Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m, happy hour 5:30-7 p.m, US$12-26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is owned by Scott Stanley. Reservations are recommended.
The HouseBoat Grill
The HouseBoat Grill (6-11 p.m Tues.-Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m, happy hour 5:30-7 p.m, US$12-26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is owned by Scott Stanley. Reservations are recommended.
The HouseBoat Grill
The HouseBoat Grill (6-11 p.m Tues.-Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m, happy hour 5:30-7 p.m, US$12-26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is owned by Scott Stanley. Reservations are recommended.
The HouseBoat Grill
The HouseBoat Grill (6-11 p.m Tues.-Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m, happy hour 5:30-7 p.m, US$12-26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is owned by Scott Stanley. Reservations are recommended.
The HouseBoat Grill
The HouseBoat Grill (6-11 p.m Tues.-Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m, happy hour 5:30-7 p.m, US$12-26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is owned by Scott Stanley. Reservations are recommended.
The Groovy Grouper Bar & Grill
The Groovy Grouper Bar & Grill (Doctors Cave Beach, tel. 876/952-8287, fax 876/940-3784, groovynews@islandentertainmentbrands.com, margaritavillecaribbean.com, 9:30 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$10\24) serves excellent food ranging from fish tea to steamed fish and bammy to steak and lobster tail. The setting on Doctors Cave Beach is unbeatable in Montego Bay and is popular with locals and tourists alike. The restaurant holds regular events like its seafood buffet every Friday (7\10 p.m, US$25) and full-moon party every three months (on select Saturdays).
The Twisted Kilt
The Twisted Kilt (tel. 876/952-9488, 11 a.m.\2 a.m.
daily, US$8\25) is a sports bar that opened in 2008, offering "pub & grub." The pub has several big-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi, and a bar menu with wings, fries, fish and conch shamrocks, soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers, and entrèes like fish and chips, steaks, pasta, and sautèed tofu. On Fridays, 2-for-1 martinis are on offer for the ladies 6\9 p.m The bar serves specialty drinks like the twisted mojito, Mackeson Stout, and Olde English Cider in addition to the typical bottled beers found widely in Jamaica.
The Native Restaurant
The Native Restaurant (29 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/979-2769, US$9\12) is easily one of Mobay's best, with an extensive menu including items like smoked marlin appetizer or Caesar salad with spicy shrimp and entrèes like Yard Man steamed or escovitch fish or gingered plantain\stuffed chicken. Vegetarian options include garlic char-grilled vegetables and green vegetable coconut curry. The Boonoonoonos Native sampler platter is a good way to get a taste for a variety of Jamaican dishes in a single sitting. Other creations bring an international flair to traditional cuisine with dishes like ackee and saltfish quesadillas and lobster roll-ups. The restaurant's in-house band performs smooth, live dinner music Tuesday\Saturday. Dinner is served starting at 5:30 p.m, with the last order taken at 10:30 p.m Families are always welcome, and reservations are strongly suggested. Free door-to-door transport is provided to many hotels and villas in the area.
Marguerite's (Gloucester Ave., adjacent to Margaritaville, tel. 876/952-4777, 6\10:30 p.m daily, US$20\50) is the fine dining wing of Mobay's popular Margaritaville, serving dishes ranging from the Caribbean-style chicken to seafood penne and sugarcane-seared drunken lobster tail.
Day-O Plantation
Day-O Plantation (US$16-35) was formerly part of the Fairfield Estate, which at one time encompassed much of Mobay. It is perhaps the most laid-back and classy place to enjoy a delicious dinner. Entrèes range from typical chicken dishes to lobster. A beer costs US$3\5. Day-O is a favorite for weddings and other events that require the finest setting around a gorgeous pool. Owners Jennifer and Paul Hurlock are the most gracious hosts, and on a good day Paul will bring out his guitar and bless diners with his talent. Other professional musicians who have played at the restaurant's dinner shows include guitar legend Ernest Ranglin, jazz artist Martin Hand, and steel pan artist Othello Molineaux.
Day-O Plantation
Day-O Plantation (US$16-35) was formerly part of the Fairfield Estate, which at one time encompassed much of Mobay. It is perhaps the most laid-back and classy place to enjoy a delicious dinner. Entrèes range from typical chicken dishes to lobster. A beer costs US$3\5. Day-O is a favorite for weddings and other events that require the finest setting around a gorgeous pool. Owners Jennifer and Paul Hurlock are the most gracious hosts, and on a good day Paul will bring out his guitar and bless diners with his talent. Other professional musicians who have played at the restaurant's dinner shows include guitar legend Ernest Ranglin, jazz artist Martin Hand, and steel pan artist Othello Molineaux.
Day-O Plantation
Day-O Plantation (US$16-35) was formerly part of the Fairfield Estate, which at one time encompassed much of Mobay. It is perhaps the most laid-back and classy place to enjoy a delicious dinner. Entrèes range from typical chicken dishes to lobster. A beer costs US$3\5. Day-O is a favorite for weddings and other events that require the finest setting around a gorgeous pool. Owners Jennifer and Paul Hurlock are the most gracious hosts, and on a good day Paul will bring out his guitar and bless diners with his talent. Other professional musicians who have played at the restaurant's dinner shows include guitar legend Ernest Ranglin, jazz artist Martin Hand, and steel pan artist Othello Molineaux.
Day-O Plantation
Day-O Plantation (US$16-35) was formerly part of the Fairfield Estate, which at one time encompassed much of Mobay. It is perhaps the most laid-back and classy place to enjoy a delicious dinner. Entrèes range from typical chicken dishes to lobster. A beer costs US$3\5. Day-O is a favorite for weddings and other events that require the finest setting around a gorgeous pool. Owners Jennifer and Paul Hurlock are the most gracious hosts, and on a good day Paul will bring out his guitar and bless diners with his talent. Other professional musicians who have played at the restaurant's dinner shows include guitar legend Ernest Ranglin, jazz artist Martin Hand, and steel pan artist Othello Molineaux.
Pier 1 Restaurant and Marina
Pier 1 Restaurant and Marina (tel. 876/952-2452, 9 a.m.\11 p.m daily, later on weekends) is an excellent restaurant and entertainment venue. The Sunday seafood buffet starting at 3 p.m is a must. Pier 1 hosts a Pier Pressure party on Fridays, a fashion and talent show on Wednesdays, and occasional large events. The grounds just outside the restaurant are a venue for a few nights of Reggae Sumfest. Appetizers include crunchy conch (US$4.50), chicken wings (US$6.25), and shrimp cocktail (US$7.50), while entrèes include chicken and mushrooms (US$10), bracelet steak (US$18), whole snapper (US$16/lb.), and lobster (US$28).
Sugar Mill Restaurant
Sugar Mill Restaurant (6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. daily) located across the highway from Half Moon Shopping Village, is one of the area's high-end establishments with upscale decor and atmosphere. The restaurant specializes in Caribbean fusion cuisine with openers like pumpkin or conch soup (US$7.50), spring rolls, smoked marlin or conch in fritters, salad, or jerked (US$13-15). Entrèes range from coconut-crusted or escovitch fish to lobster tail (US$35-50).
Norma's ( US$15\35) specializes in Caribbean fusion cuisine. Its founder, Norma Shirley, manages several restaurants under her name around the island. The food is on the pricey side and includes entrèes like stuffed chicken breast, oxtail, curried goat with the chef's own mango chutney, lamb chops and lobster. Appetizers include ackee with salt fish, marlin salad, and crab back.
Calypso Gelato
Calypso Gelato (Lot 9, Spring Garden Main Rd., Reading, tel. 876/979-9381, 8 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Fri., 9 a.m.\6 p.m Sat., 10 a.m.\6 p.m Sun.) is the only producer of Italian gelato in Jamaica, with a small retail shop at its factory west of Montego Bay in Reading, just past the turnoff up Long Hill, next door to Ramson Wholesale. Calypso boasts more than 50 flavors of gelato, either milk or water-based, using local fruits. A cone or cup with two scoops costs US$2, medium cups are US$3.50, and large cups are US$5.
Tortuga (www.tortugarumcakes.com) located on the same compound, produces the Caribbean's most commercially successful rum cake and retails the cakes from the same shop.
Devon House I Scream
Devon House I Scream opens 11 a.m.\11 p.m daily and has some of the best ice cream around.
Organized Tours
Most of the major organized tours to attractions across the island run out of Montego Bay and/or Negril, with transportation included as part of a package with entry fees and sometimes a meal. These include Mayfield Falls, Chukka Cove, Rhodes Hall, and Caliche White River Rafting. The farm and plantation tours operate similarly, including transport and food.
The best and most versatile tour operator running, with transport to even the most remote and unheard-of interesting corners of Jamaica, is Barrett Adventures (contact Carolyn Barrett, cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.barrettadventures.com). With personalized service, Barrett Adventures tailors an excursion or even an entire vacation precisely to your interests and likings. Whether it's climbing Blue Mountain Peak, more humbly climbing Reach Falls in Portland, tubing down the YS River, or getting a historical tour of Falmouth, veteran adventurer Carolyn Barrett will get you there and ensure that anything you could want to do gets done in the allotted time-frame--which, if you're lucky, won't be less than a week.
Banks and Money
As elsewhere in Jamaica, the easiest way to get funds is from an ATM with your regular bankcard. Nevertheless, you can get slightly better rates in the cambios, or currency trading houses, that can be found all over town.
NCB has locations at 93 Barnett Street (tel. 876/952-6539), 41 St. James Street (tel. 876/952-6540), and Harbour Street (tel. 876/952-0077), with ATMs at Sangster Airport and at the junction of 92 Kent and Gloucester Avenues.
Scotiabank is at 6\7 Sam Sharpe Square (tel. 876/952-4440), 51 Barnett Street (tel. 876/952-5539), and Westgate shopping plaza (tel. 876/952-5545).
FX Trader is a an exchange house that gives the best rates around. FX has locations at Hometown FSC (19 Church), Medi Mart (Shop #1, St. James Place, Gloucester Ave.) and at Hometown Overton (Shop #9, Overton Plaza, Union St.).
Government Offices
Jamaica Tourist Board (18 Queens Drive, tel. 876/952-4425) has information about attractions in the region.
Internet Access
The best place in Mobay to get online if you have a laptop is Richmond Hill, where there is no charge to use the Wi-Fi, which reaches from the open-air lounge across the veranda and pool area. Richmond Hill has the best view of Mobay's harbor in town. Buy a drink from the bar or a snack in appreciation for the service. Otherwise the Parish Library (Fort St., tel. 876/952-4185, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat.) offers Internet access as well (US$1.50/hour.)
Computer World
Computer World (13 Strand St., tel. 876/952-3464, fax 876/952-3464, cell tel. 876/538-9519, computerworld@cwjamaica.com or earljoel@yahoo.com, 10 a.m.\6:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., 10 a.m.\7 p.m Sat.) offers Internet, copies, and printing as well as making CD compilations. Internet rates run US$1.10 per half hour.
Medical Services
Mobay Hope Medical Center (Half Moon, Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-3981) is considered by many the best private hospital in Jamaica.
Soe-Htwe Medicare (14 Market St., tel. 876/979-3444) is the best private clinic in town.
Adwa (West Gate Plaza) has a wide array of natural foodstuffs like imported organic grains as well as cosmetics products by Tom's of Maine.
Little Jack Horner Health Food Store (2 Barnett St., tel. 876/952-4952) has nice baked goods and pastries.
Parcel Services
Both DHL (34 Queens Dr., tel. 888/225-5345) and FedEx (Queens Dr., tel. 888/GO-FEDEX or 888/463-3339) have operations near the airport. Domestic carrier AirPak Express (tel. 876/952-8647) is located at the domestic airport terminal.
Donald Sangster International Airport
Donald Sangster International Airport (Jamaica Tourist Board information desk, tel. 876/952-2462, airport managers MBJ Ltd., tel. 876/952-3133) is the primary point of entry for most tourists visiting Jamaica. The airport is located by Flankers district a few minutes east of the Hip Strip and about 10 minutes from Downtown or from Rose Hall.
Beyond the national airline, Air Jamaica, Sangster airport is served by many North American and European carriers including US Airways, Delta, United, Air Canada, Northwest, American, Spirit, Continental, Cayman Airways, and Virgin. The domestic airline industry has been challenging historically, with little continuity of service among carriers and a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
The domestic terminal is located separately from the international terminal. To get to the domestic terminal turn left from the main entrance just after coming off the roundabout, before reaching the gas station.
Donald Sangster International Airport
Donald Sangster International Airport (Jamaica Tourist Board information desk, tel. 876/952-2462, airport managers MBJ Ltd., tel. 876/952-3133) is the primary point of entry for most tourists visiting Jamaica. The airport is located by Flankers district a few minutes east of the Hip Strip and about 10 minutes from Downtown or from Rose Hall.
Beyond the national airline, Air Jamaica, Sangster airport is served by many North American and European carriers including US Airways, Delta, United, Air Canada, Northwest, American, Spirit, Continental, Cayman Airways, and Virgin. The domestic airline industry has been challenging historically, with little continuity of service among carriers and a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
The domestic terminal is located separately from the international terminal. To get to the domestic terminal turn left from the main entrance just after coming off the roundabout, before reaching the gas station.
Donald Sangster International Airport
Donald Sangster International Airport is the primary point of entry for most tourists visiting Jamaica. The airport is located by Flankers district a few minutes east of the Hip Strip and about 10 minutes from Downtown or from Rose Hall.
Beyond the national airline, Air Jamaica, Sangster airport is served by many North American and European carriers including US Airways, Delta, United, Air Canada, Northwest, American, Spirit, Continental, Cayman Airways, and Virgin. The domestic airline industry has been challenging historically, with little continuity of service among carriers and a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
The domestic terminal is located separately from the international terminal. To get to the domestic terminal turn left from the main entrance just after coming off the roundabout, before reaching the gas station.
Donald Sangster International Airport
Donald Sangster International Airport is the primary point of entry for most tourists visiting Jamaica. The airport is located by Flankers district a few minutes east of the Hip Strip and about 10 minutes from Downtown or from Rose Hall.
Beyond the national airline, Air Jamaica, Sangster airport is served by many North American and European carriers including US Airways, Delta, United, Air Canada, Northwest, American, Spirit, Continental, Cayman Airways, and Virgin. The domestic airline industry has been challenging historically, with little continuity of service among carriers and a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
The domestic terminal is located separately from the international terminal. To get to the domestic terminal turn left from the main entrance just after coming off the roundabout, before reaching the gas station.
Donald Sangster International Airport
Donald Sangster International Airport is the primary point of entry for most tourists visiting Jamaica. The airport is located by Flankers district a few minutes east of the Hip Strip and about 10 minutes from Downtown or from Rose Hall.
Beyond the national airline, Air Jamaica, Sangster airport is served by many North American and European carriers including US Airways, Delta, United, Air Canada, Northwest, American, Spirit, Continental, Cayman Airways, and Virgin. The domestic airline industry has been challenging historically, with little continuity of service among carriers and a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
The domestic terminal is located separately from the international terminal. To get to the domestic terminal turn left from the main entrance just after coming off the roundabout, before reaching the gas station.
Donald Sangster International Airport
Donald Sangster International Airport is the primary point of entry for most tourists visiting Jamaica. The airport is located by Flankers district a few minutes east of the Hip Strip and about 10 minutes from Downtown or from Rose Hall.
Beyond the national airline, Air Jamaica, Sangster airport is served by many North American and European carriers including US Airways, Delta, United, Air Canada, Northwest, American, Spirit, Continental, Cayman Airways, and Virgin. The domestic airline industry has been challenging historically, with little continuity of service among carriers and a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
The domestic terminal is located separately from the international terminal. To get to the domestic terminal turn left from the main entrance just after coming off the roundabout, before reaching the gas station.
International AirLink
International AirLink (tel. 876/940-6660, tel. 876/971-4601, or from U.S. tel. 954/241-3864, intlairlink01@gmail.com, res@intlairlink.com, www.intlairlink.com) offers charter service from Mobay to Kingston (US$134), Negril (US$134 for two persons), Boscobel, and Port Antonio ($1,575). Airlink passes on bank charges of an additional five percent when paying with a credit card.
Buses and Route Taxis
Buses and route taxis run between Mobay and virtually every other major town in the neighboring parishes, most notably Sav-la-Mar in Westmoreland, Hopewell in Hanover, Falmouth in Trelawny, and Runaway Bay in St. Ann. The bus terminal on Market Street is a dusty and bustling place where it pays to keep your sensibilities about you. Buses to any point on the island, including Kingston, never exceed US$7. Time schedules are not adhered to but you can generally count on a bus moving out to the main destinations at least every 45 minutes.
Real Deal Taxi Service and Tours
Real Deal Taxi Service and Tours (Curtis cell tel. 876/436-5727 or 876/971-8212) will take you wherever you want to go in a comfortable van holding up to eight passengers.
Island Car Rentals
Island Car Rentals (8:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m daily) is Jamaica's largest and most dependable rental-car agency, aligned with Alamo, Enterprise, and National. It has an outlet near the international terminal at Donald Sangster International Airport in Montego bay, at Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston and its head office in New Kingston. Island offers Toyota, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Suzuki vehicles, with sedans, SUVs, and vans at the most competitive rates of any formal car hire agency in the island.
Central Rent-A-Car
Central Rent-A-Car (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-3347, or Sunset Ave., tel. 876/952-7485, toll-free tel. 800/486-2738) rents Mazda, Toyota, Nissan, and Honda sedans, plus Toyota and Mazda minibuses (US$90\115 daily).
Dhana Car Rental & Tours
Dhana Car Rental & Tours (4 Holiday Village Shopping Centre, tel. 876/953-9555) has vehicles ranging from Toyota Starlets to Toyota Noah minivans and gives heavy discounts on the walk-in weekly rates for reserving a month (US$75) or week (US$50) in advance.
Sunsational Car Rental & Tours
Sunsational Car Rental & Tours (Suite #206, Chatwick Centre, 10 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-1212, fax 876/952-5555, sensational@cwjamaica.com, www.sensationalcarrentals.com) is located across from the airport and has decent rates on a variety of Japanese cars (from US$40/55 per day low/high season for a Corolla). The company also offers free cell phones with a minimum two-day rental. The minimum age is 21, with a young driver surcharge until age 25. Maximum age for drivers is 68.
Alex's Car Rental
Alex's Car Rental (1 Claude Clarke Ave., Karen Fletcher, tel. 876/940-6260 alexrental@hotmail.com, www.alexrental.com) has 2001\2005 Corollas, Nissan Xtrail, Suzuki Vitara, and Honda CR-Vs (US$40/50 per day low/high season plus tax and insurance).
Thrifty Car Rental
Thrifty Car Rental (28 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-1126, 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily) has 2003 and 2004 Toyota Corollas (US$92 per day including insurance and tax).
Prospective Car Rentals
Prospective Car Rentals (2 Federal Ave. at Hotel Montego, across from the airport, tel. 876/952-3524, fax 876/952-0112, reservations@jamaicacar.com, 8 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Fri., till 4 p.m Sat.) rents a 2004 Toyota Yaris, Nissan Sunny, Toyota Corolla, and RAV4 (US$45\85 per day plus tax and insurance).
St. James Interior
The St. James Interior extends from the coast inland as far as the Trelawny border, where Cockpit Country begins. The interior can be accessed from Montego Bay along three main thoroughfares: One extends up Long Hill from Reading west of Mobay; the next heads inland from Catherine Hall along the continuation of Fairfield Road, ultimately skirting the western end of Cockpit Country leading into St. Elizabeth; and the third road heads inland due east into Trelawny along the northern flanks of Cockpit Country. This last road (B15) is an alternate scenic route leading to Windsor Caves, even if it does take a few extra hours due to the road's poor quality.
From the western side of town, Long Hill extends from Reading up along the Great River to where it meets the Westmoreland border. Developed tourist attractions in this area consist mainly of a few low-key river rafting operations, Rocklands Bird Sanctuary, and a few plantation tours.
Caliche Rainforest Whitewater Rafting
Caliche Rainforest Whitewater Rafting (tel. 876/940-1745 or 876/940-0163, calicheadventuretours@yahoo.com, www.whitewaterraftingmontegobay.com) is the only true whitewater-river rafting tour in Jamaica, based on the upper reaches of the Great River, which runs along the St. James\Hanover parish border. Rafting excursions (1.5\2 hrs.) depart daily at 10 a.m.and 1 p.m (US$90 per person with transport from Negril or Mobay included). For those with their own transportation (deduct US$10), park at the Caliche office (first building on left above the post office at the base of Long Hill in Reading) and ride up with the group that was picked up from hotels in Mobay or Negril. Caliche also operates on the Rio Bueno in Trelawny. The location in Trelawny affords Class III rapids even during the dry season (Feb.\Apr.) when it's no longer possible to navigate the upper reaches of the Great River. A slower, Class I\II rafting ride (US$80 adults, US$60 children under 12) is geared toward children as well as adrenaline-shy adults. Caliche is an Arawak word meaning "river in the mountain."
Mountain Valley Rafting
Mountain Valley Rafting (Lethe, tel. 876/956-4920 or 876/956-4947, 8:30 a.m.\4:30 p.m daily, US$45 per raft) operates bamboo pole rafts along the Great River for a meandering rather than thrilling ride. To reach the launch site, go up Long Hill, take the second right turn at Cross Roads at the small Les Supermarket, and continue nearly five kilometers from the intersection until you cross the bridge into Hanover. Pickups from hotels in Montego Bay are offered (US$20 per person), as is a tractor-drawn banana plantation tour (US$15).
Great River Rafting
Great River Rafting (US$20) is offered on long bamboo rafts along the lower reaches of the Great River and out onto the tranquil bay where it exits into the sea. Immediately after crossing the Great River, turn inland and back to the river's edge, where several rafts are tied up under the bridge. Ask for Hugh.
Rocklands Bird Sanctuary and Feeding Station
Rocklands Bird Sanctuary and Feeding Station (Anchovy, tel. 876/952-2009, noon\5:30 p.m daily, US$10 per person) was created by the late Lisa Sammons, popularly known as "the bird lady," who died in 2000 at age 96. Sammons had a way with birds, to say the least, summoning them to daily feeding sessions even after going partially blind during the last years of her life. Since her death, the feeding sessions have been upheld and the sanctuary maintained by Fritz, his wife Cynthia, and their son Damian. Visitors are instructed to sit on the patio and hold hummingbird feeders, which entice the birds to come perch on their fingers. There is also a nature trail where the property's 17 species can be sighted. To get to Rocklands, head up Long Hill from Reading and turn left off the main road as indicated by a big green Rocklands Bird Sanctuary sign. Follow one abominable road to the top of the mountain and down the other side, about 100 meters, turning right at the first driveway on the downhill.
Rocklands Cottage
Rocklands Cottage (US$150\200 for up to six people) is a cute three-bedroom on the property that has one king-size bed, one queen-size bed, two twin beds, two bathrooms, and a kitchen with a big living and dining room. The cottage has air-conditioning and hot water.
Northern Cockpit Country
East of Montego Bay proper, Ironshore and Rose Hall cover the coast with hotels and housing developments that range from middle-class to super-luxury before reaching Greenwood, a small community once part of the Barrett estate that sits beside the sea, bordering the parish of Trelawny. The Trelawny coast has a smattering of tourism development concentrated in the area just east of Falmouth along the bay, while the inhabited parts of Trelawny's interior are covered in farming country, where yam, sugarcane, and citrus fruit are major crops. The early morning mist that rises from dew-covered cane fields makes a trip through the interior from Rock, Trelawny, to St. Ann a magical alternative to the coastal route at this time of day.
Trelawny's capital, Falmouth, is today a run-down shadow of its short-lived former Georgian prime. Nevertheless, noble and much-appreciated efforts are under way to dust off years of neglect and shine favor on the town's glorious past by restoring its architectural gems. Falmouth was formed in 1790 when the port of the former capital Martha Brae silted up and shippers needed an export base. The town was laid out in a well-organized grid and named after Falmouth, England, birthplace of then-governor William Trelawny, who lent his name to the parish. The land for the town was acquired from Edward Barrett, who owned Greenwood Estate a few kilometers west. For the town's first 40 years during the height of Jamaica's sugar production, Falmouth experienced a housing boom and was fashionable amongst the island's planter class. But as the sugar industry faded in importance, so too did Falmouth, leaving a virtual ghost town by the late 1800s.
Today, with somewhat decent roads and its close proximity to resort areas in Montego Bay, the town is attracting a growing population once more. Thanks to the efforts of a nongovernmental organization (NGO) known as Falmouth Heritage Renewal (4 Lower Harbour St., tel. 876/617-1060, jmparrent@yahoo.com, www.falmouth-jamaica.org), the town has become a laboratory for architectural restoration. Falmouth Heritage Renewal, directed by James Parrent, has been working for several years to revitalize the architectural heritage of Jamaica's most impressive Georgian town by training local youth in restoration work. The Georgian Society in Kingston (tel. 876/754-5261) has a wealth of information on Falmouth.
Falmouth is famous for its Bend Down Market, held every Wednesday since the town's founding.
Trelawny's capital, Falmouth, is today a run-down shadow of its short-lived former Georgian prime. Nevertheless, noble and much-appreciated efforts are under way to dust off years of neglect and shine favor on the town's glorious past by restoring its architectural gems. Falmouth was formed in 1790 when the port of the former capital Martha Brae silted up and shippers needed an export base. The town was laid out in a well-organized grid and named after Falmouth, England, birthplace of then-governor William Trelawny, who lent his name to the parish. The land for the town was acquired from Edward Barrett, who owned Greenwood Estate a few kilometers west. For the town's first 40 years during the height of Jamaica's sugar production, Falmouth experienced a housing boom and was fashionable amongst the island's planter class. But as the sugar industry faded in importance, so too did Falmouth, leaving a virtual ghost town by the late 1800s.
Today, with somewhat decent roads and its close proximity to resort areas in Montego Bay, the town is attracting a growing population once more. Thanks to the efforts of a nongovernmental organization (NGO) known as Falmouth Heritage Renewal (4 Lower Harbour St., tel. 876/617-1060, jmparrent@yahoo.com, www.falmouth-jamaica.org), the town has become a laboratory for architectural restoration. Falmouth Heritage Renewal, directed by James Parrent, has been working for several years to revitalize the architectural heritage of Jamaica's most impressive Georgian town by training local youth in restoration work. The Georgian Society in Kingston (tel. 876/754-5261) has a wealth of information on Falmouth.
Falmouth is famous for its Bend Down Market, held every Wednesday since the town's founding.
Trelawny's capital, Falmouth, is today a run-down shadow of its short-lived former Georgian prime. Nevertheless, noble and much-appreciated efforts are under way to dust off years of neglect and shine favor on the town's glorious past by restoring its architectural gems. Falmouth was formed in 1790 when the port of the former capital Martha Brae silted up and shippers needed an export base. The town was laid out in a well-organized grid and named after Falmouth, England, birthplace of then-governor William Trelawny, who lent his name to the parish. The land for the town was acquired from Edward Barrett, who owned Greenwood Estate a few kilometers west. For the town's first 40 years during the height of Jamaica's sugar production, Falmouth experienced a housing boom and was fashionable amongst the island's planter class. But as the sugar industry faded in importance, so too did Falmouth, leaving a virtual ghost town by the late 1800s.
Today, with somewhat decent roads and its close proximity to resort areas in Montego Bay, the town is attracting a growing population once more. Thanks to the efforts of a nongovernmental organization (NGO) known as Falmouth Heritage Renewal (4 Lower Harbour St., tel. 876/617-1060, jmparrent@yahoo.com, www.falmouth-jamaica.org), the town has become a laboratory for architectural restoration. Falmouth Heritage Renewal, directed by James Parrent, has been working for several years to revitalize the architectural heritage of Jamaica's most impressive Georgian town by training local youth in restoration work. The Georgian Society in Kingston (tel. 876/754-5261) has a wealth of information on Falmouth.
Falmouth is famous for its Bend Down Market, held every Wednesday since the town's founding.
The Baptist Manse
The Baptist Manse (Market St., cell tel. 876/617-1060) was originally constructed as the town's Masonic Temple in 1780. The building was sold in 1832 to the Baptist Missionary Society, which had lost many buildings in raids of terror and reprisal following the slave rebellion of 1831, in response to the Baptists' fiery abolitionist rhetoric. The building was home to several Baptist missionaries before it was destroyed by fire in the 1950s, to be reconstructed as the William Knibb School in 1961. Today the building serves as headquarters for the Falmouth Heritage Renewal.
Falmouth Courthouse
Falmouth Courthouse was built in 1815 in classic Georgian style, destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in 1926. The building stands prominently on a little square facing the water just off the main square at the center of town.
Trelawny Parish Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Trelawny Parish Church of St. Peter the Apostle (Duke St.) is one of the most impressive Anglican structures in Jamaica, built in typical Georgian style. It was constructed in 1795 on land donated by rich estate owner Edward Barrett, whose descendent, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, would go on to become a well-recognized feminist poet of the Romantic movement. The parish church is the oldest public building in town and the oldest house of worship in the parish.
Other historic churches in Falmouth include the Knibb Memorial Baptist Church (King and George Sts.) named after abolitionist missionary William Knibb, who came to Jamaica in 1825 and established his first chapel on the site of the existing structure, which was erected in 1926, and the Falmouth Presbyterian Church (Rodney and Princess Sts.), which was built by the Scots of the parish in 1832. Knibb's first chapel was destroyed by the nonconformist militia after the Baptist War, a.k.a. Christmas Rebellion of 1831\832. Later structures were destroyed by hurricanes. A sculpture relief inside Knibb Memorial depicts a scene (repeated at several Baptist churches across the island) of a congregation of slaves awaiting the dawn that granted full freedom in 1838.
Falmouth All Age School
Falmouth All Age School sits on the waterfront in a historic building and makes a good destination for a stroll down Queens Street from the square.
Falmouth is by no means a shopping destination. Nevertheless, there is a small mall on Water Square with a few crafts shops to poke around.
For more original crafts, call Isha Tafara (cell tel. 876/610-3292 or 876/377-0505), an artist and craft producer who lives in Wakefield near Falmouth, farther inland from Martha Brae. Tafara makes red, green, and gold crocheted hats, Egyptian-style crafts, handbags, belts, and jewelry with a lot of crochet and fabric-based items. Tafara works from home, which can be visited by appointment, and supplies Things Jamaican, among other retailers.
Chukka Caribbean
Chukka Caribbean (www.chukkacaribbean.com) offers a Ride 'N Swim tour in Sandy Bay, Hanover, about a half-hour drive west of Mobay.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Altamont West
Altamont West (US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Palm Bay Guest House
Palm Bay Guest House (Reading Rd., Bogue, tel. 876/952-2274) has decent, basic rooms (US$48) with air-conditioning and hot water in private bathrooms. While not the most glamorous location in town, opposite Mobay's biggest government housing project--Bogue Village, built to formalize the squatters of Canterbury--Palm Bay is quiet and safe and appreciably well removed from the hustle and bustle along the Hip Strip.
Big Apple Rooms
Big Apple Rooms (18 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-7240, bigapplehotel1@yahoo.com, www.bigapplejamaica.com, US$65) is a no-frills hotel perched on the hill above the airport. The basic rooms have private baths with hot water, air-conditioning, and cable TV. There is a pool deck with a view of the ocean.
Satori Resort & Spa
Satori Resort & Spa (tel. 876/952-6133, www.satorijamaica.com, US$65/85 low/high season) has 21 basic, no-frills, waterfront rooms with air-conditioning, cable TV, and hot water in private bathrooms. The hotel faces Mobay's lagoon from its location west of town in Reading.
Sahara de la Mar
Sahara de la Mar (Reading, tel. 876/952-2366, sahara.hotels@yahoo.com, www.saharahotels.com, US$60) is a 24-room oceanfront property nicely designed to hug the coast and provide a central protected swimming area. Amenities include hot water in private bathrooms, fans, air-conditioning, and TV. Food is prepared to order in the restaurant on the ground level.
Calabash Resorts
Calabash Resorts (5 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-3900 or 876/952-3999, www.calabashresorts.com, US$77\87 low season, US$105\115 high season) has a variety of basic rooms and studios with air-conditioning and hot water in en suite bathrooms. Some rooms command a view of the bay, and the pool has a great view over the city and bay.
Hartley House
Hartley House (contact Sandra Kennedy, tel. 876/956-7101, cell tel. 876/371-3693, sandravkennedy@yahoo.com, US$50/night per person including breakfast) is a lovely B&B located on a two-acre property at Tamarind Hill by the Great River, on the border of Hanover and St. James about 20 minutes from Sangster International Airport. Four rooms in the villa are rented, with the innkeepers living on property. Rooms are appointed in traditional colonial style with four-poster queen-size beds, or two twins in one room, and have sitting areas, ceiling fans and private baths. The stone-cut villa was designed by architect Robert Hartley as a satellite property to Round Hill in 1965. Guests have access to a common area with a library and TV room. Meals can be prepared to order (US$8\12). Wi-Fi, tea, and coffee are complimentary all day long. Guests have a choice of low-calorie, continental, Jamaican, or English breakfast.
Villa Nia
Villa Nia (cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.carolynscaribbeancottages.com/VillaNia/indexnia.htm, US$85\95 per room) is a four-bedroom duplex property owned by Ron Hagler, located right on the water adjacent to Sandals Montego Bay on the opposite side of the airport from the Hip Strip. The rooms rent independently and feature either queen-size or king-size beds with sitting areas, small kitchens, and balconies. Each room has a private bath with hot water.
Richmond Hill
Richmond Hill (US$70/115 low/high season) is located at the highest point in the vicinity of downtown Mobay, with what is easily the best view in town from a large terraced swimming pool area and open-air dining room. While the accommodations fall short of luxurious, the sheets are clean, the restaurant is excellent, and the pool area's unmatched view and free wireless Internet access make Richmond Hill one of the best values in town.
Gloustershire Hotel
Gloustershire Hotel (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4420 or U.S. tel. 877/574-8497, res@gloustershire.com, www.gloustershire.com, US$100/120 low/high season) is well situated across from Doctor's Cave Beach on the Hip Strip. It has a total of 88 rooms, many with balconies with a view of the bay. Other amenities include 27-inch TVs, hot water, and air-conditioning.
El Greco Resort
El Greco Resort (Queens Dr., tel. 876/940-6116 or U.S. tel. 888/354-7326, elgreco4@cwjamaica.com, www.elgrecojamaica.com, US$125/134 low/high season) is a large complex of suites overlooking the bay with a long stairway down to Doctors Cave Beach across Gloucester Avenue. Suites feature living areas with ceiling fans, air-conditioning in the bedrooms, and private baths with hot water. Many of the suites have balconies with sea views.
Wexford Hotel
At the Wexford Hotel (39 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-2854, wexford@cwjamaica.com, www.thewexfordhotel.com, US$144/177 low/high season), most rooms have two double beds, all with private baths and full amenities. Two rooms have king-size beds that can be requested. The hotel has a restaurant, The Rosella restaurant (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily) that does an excellent Sunday Jamaican brunch buffet (US$10), well attended by locals and tourists alike.
Casa Blanca Beach Hotel
Casa Blanca Beach Hotel (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-0720, info@casablancajamaica.com, www.casablancajamaica.com, US$148, cash only) was, in its heyday, one of Mobay's most glamorous hotels. Only around 20 of the hotel's 72-rooms have been in operation over the past years, however, with a construction effort brought under way more recently. The rooms all overlook the water along the prime strip of Gloucester Avenue adjacent to Doctors Cave Beach. Unfortunately, poor maintenance and signs of neglect abound. Nonetheless the hotel sits on the best location in town for bars and nightlife. Norman Pushell is owner/manager. Amenities include private bath with hot water, air-conditioning, waterfront balconies, and cable TV. Guests get free entry to Doctors Cave Beach.
Doctors Cave Beach Hotel
Doctors Cave Beach Hotel (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4355, info@doctorscave.com, www.doctorscave.com, from US$140/190 low/high season) is a no-frills hotel catering to those looking for direct, easy access to Doctors Cave Bathing Club across the street. Amenities include cable TV, air-conditioning, and hot water. Rooms are spacious with either a garden or poolside view. The cozy den-like bar has a Rum Punch Party happy hour with free rum punch 6\7 p.m Tuesday and Saturday, and two-for-one rum punch thereafter.
Coyaba Beach Resort
Coyaba Beach Resort (Rose Hall, US$240/320 low/high season) is one of the most professionally run hotels in Mobay, with impeccably clean and well-appointed rooms with all the amenities of home and pleasantly unobtrusive decor. The hotel grounds are also attractive, with a pool and private beach area. The only drawback to the property is its proximity to the airport and the occasional roar of a departing flight. On the other hand, the proximity is also an advantage for the majority of guests, who tend to be weekend getaway visitors to Jamaica who stay three or four nights on average. Coyaba is located 10 minutes east of the airport and 15 minutes from Mobay's Hip Strip.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Hyatt Ziva & Hyatt Zilara
Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is a 387-room all-inclusive resort catering to families. The best rooms are located at the ground level with swim-out pools from the balconies. Food options include both buffet style and a la carte options, including an Italian restaurant, Di Roza, serving pizzas from a wood-fired oven and Fuzion, an Asian-style restaurant with a chef station as its centerpiece doing noodles in a wok. Calypzo is a beachfront grill, Choicez and indoor/outdoor buffet-style restaurant. Brazil is a churrascaria, Bitez a deli style option, Barefoot Jerkz a beachside grill and Union Jack’z in the style of an English pub. An enormous pool is found in the expansive courtyard of the hotel facing overlooking the beach with two hot tubs.
Hyatt Zilara is 234-room resort adjoining the Hyatt Ziva catering to couples only. The hotel also features swim-up pools in select ground floor suites and two lighted tennis courts that are shared with guests of Hyatt Ziva.
Half Moon Resort
Half Moon Resort (US$250\400 low season, US$1250\1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3\7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
Half Moon Resort
Half Moon Resort (US$250\400 low season, US$1250\1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3\7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
Half Moon Resort
Half Moon Resort (US$250\400 low season, US$1250\1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3\7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
Half Moon Resort
Half Moon Resort (US$250\400 low season, US$1250\1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3\7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
Half Moon Resort
Half Moon Resort (US$250\400 low season, US$1250\1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3\7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
Half Moon Resort
Half Moon Resort (US$250\400 low season, US$1250\1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3\7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
Half Moon Resort
Half Moon Resort (US$250\400 low season, US$1250\1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3\7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach (tel. 876/979-8800, US tel. 800/234-1707, reservations@sunsetmobay.com, www.sunsetbeachresort.com, US$280/320 low/high season) occupies the choice property on the Freeport peninsula, which is also home to the Yacht Club and the cruise ship terminal. Sunset Beach is a 430-room mass-tourism venture and part of the Sunset Resorts group. It is very comparable to the group's property in Ocho Rios in catering to everyone with its motto, "Always for Everyone, Uniquely Jamaican," but especially popular among families on a budget. The rooms are divided between a main building and smaller structures on the other side of a large pool area. Rooms either face out to sea or toward downtown Montego Bay. The hotel has excellent tennis facilities, a popular water park with slides, a great beach, and spa facilities. Food is mass-market American fare with large buffet spreads at Banana Walk, complemented by Italian Botticelli, and pan-Asian Silk Road. Several bars dot the property offering unlimited bottom-shelf product. This is a convenient place to stay for Reggae Sumfest, with a hotel shuttle to the Catherine Hall Entertainment Center a few minutes away. It is not centrally located for walking the Hip Strip, but still within 10 minutes by cab.
Royal DeCameron Montego Beach
Royal DeCameron Montego Beach (2 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4340 or 876/952-4346, ventas.jam@decameron.com, www.decameron.com, US$116/240 per person low/high season) is a budget-minded all-inclusive recently opened as the chain's second property in Jamaica. At times it can be hard to get through for a reservation, but otherwise the property could be a good value when compared to the other all-inclusive prices.
Holiday Inn Sunspree
Holiday Inn Sunspree (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2485, www.montegobayjam.sunspreeresorts.com, US$315/535 low/high season) has the most decidedly mass-market ambience of all the all-inclusive resorts.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Secrets St. James & Secrets Wild Orchid
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (from US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisines.
Sandals Carlyle Montego Bay
Sandals Carlyle Montego Bay (starting at US$334 d all-inclusive), formerly Sandals Inn, is a 52-room property that has been undergoing a transformation over the past few years as its renovations move forward little by little. Located along Dead End Road, steps from Mobay's Hip Strip, this is the most proximate Sandals property to the city's bars and nightlife, with the popular Dead End Beach located across the street. Rooms have balconies looking over the central pool area and out to sea. Tennis and beach volleyball courts are found at the far end of the property. A mix of standard rooms and suites have king-size beds and private baths, all with air-conditioning and cable TV.
Sandals Montego Bay
Sandals Montego Bay (US$970\4,050) was the first Sandals property and remains the group's flagship resort. Located near the end of the runway, guests are encouraged to wave to the planes as they fly overhead. The property boasts the largest private beach in Jamaica with 251 rooms, a Red Lane Spa, butler service in the highest suite category, four pools and four whirlpool tubs, private villa cottages, and a private wedding chapel. The resort has a series of gazebos along the beach, as well as canopy beach beds to rent for an additional charge. Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65 percent.
Sandals Montego Bay
Sandals Montego Bay (US$970\4,050) was the first Sandals property and remains the group's flagship resort. Located near the end of the runway, guests are encouraged to wave to the planes as they fly overhead. The property boasts the largest private beach in Jamaica with 251 rooms, a Red Lane Spa, butler service in the highest suite category, four pools and four whirlpool tubs, private villa cottages, and a private wedding chapel. The resort has a series of gazebos along the beach, as well as canopy beach beds to rent for an additional charge. Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65 percent.
Sandals Montego Bay
Sandals Montego Bay (US$970\4,050) was the first Sandals property and remains the group's flagship resort. Located near the end of the runway, guests are encouraged to wave to the planes as they fly overhead. The property boasts the largest private beach in Jamaica with 251 rooms, a Red Lane Spa, butler service in the highest suite category, four pools and four whirlpool tubs, private villa cottages, and a private wedding chapel. The resort has a series of gazebos along the beach, as well as canopy beach beds to rent for an additional charge. Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65 percent.
Sandals Montego Bay
Sandals Montego Bay (US$970\4,050) was the first Sandals property and remains the group's flagship resort. Located near the end of the runway, guests are encouraged to wave to the planes as they fly overhead. The property boasts the largest private beach in Jamaica with 251 rooms, a Red Lane Spa, butler service in the highest suite category, four pools and four whirlpool tubs, private villa cottages, and a private wedding chapel. The resort has a series of gazebos along the beach, as well as canopy beach beds to rent for an additional charge. Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65 percent.
Sandals Montego Bay
Sandals Montego Bay (US$970\4,050) was the first Sandals property and remains the group's flagship resort. Located near the end of the runway, guests are encouraged to wave to the planes as they fly overhead. The property boasts the largest private beach in Jamaica with 251 rooms, a Red Lane Spa, butler service in the highest suite category, four pools and four whirlpool tubs, private villa cottages, and a private wedding chapel. The resort has a series of gazebos along the beach, as well as canopy beach beds to rent for an additional charge. Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65 percent.
Sandals Royal Caribbean
Sandals Royal Caribbean (starting at US$473 d with a minimum three-night stay) is the most opulent Sandals hotel in Montego Bay, with 197 rooms and suites well deserving of the chain's "Luxury Included" motto. The suites are over-the-top with wood paneling, large flat-panel TVs, and tiled baths with standing showers and tubs. Balconies look over the courtyard and out to sea, with steps off ground floor suites leading directly into a large pool. The private island at Sandals Royal Caribbean is the trademark feature, where boats shuttle guests out for dinner or to laze away the days on the fine-sand beach. Gazebos are spaced across the property at the end of piers, favorite locations for wedding vows.
Sandals Royal Caribbean
Sandals Royal Caribbean (starting at US$473 d with a minimum three-night stay) is the most opulent Sandals hotel in Montego Bay, with 197 rooms and suites well deserving of the chain's "Luxury Included" motto. The suites are over-the-top with wood paneling, large flat-panel TVs, and tiled baths with standing showers and tubs. Balconies look over the courtyard and out to sea, with steps off ground floor suites leading directly into a large pool. The private island at Sandals Royal Caribbean is the trademark feature, where boats shuttle guests out for dinner or to laze away the days on the fine-sand beach. Gazebos are spaced across the property at the end of piers, favorite locations for wedding vows.
Riu Montego Bay
Riu Montego Bay (tel. 876/940-8010, www.riu.com, US$115/160) is a 680-room all-inclusive resort with standard double and suite rooms and an immense swimming pool. Suites have hydro-massage tubs and lounge areas. All rooms have a mini-bar, satellite TV, air-conditioning, balconies, and en suite baths. The resort offers a host of activities, including water sports and tennis on two hard-surface courts. The gym has a weight room, sauna, and Jacuzzi. The resort is located in Ironshore, near the end of the runway for Donald Sangster International Airport, next door to Sandals Royal Caribbean.
Rose Hall Resort & Spa
Rose Hall Resort & Spa (starting at US$149\199 d low season, US$169\219 d high season for room only, US$289\339 d low season, US$309\359 all-inclusive high season), a Hilton Resort, is a 489-room, seven-floor property built in 1974. The hotel underwent a US$40 million renovation in 2008 after being bought by Hilton and boasts a sleek South Beach design. Food is excellent, with indoor and outdoor seating in buffet and à la carte formats, and a seaside bar and grill by the Olympic-size pool directly in front of the hotel. The Sugar Mill Falls Water Park on property boasts a 280-foot water slide for a thrilling ride on tubes, spilling into a freeform pool with a swim-up bar, lazy river, waterfalls, and hot tubs in a lush garden setting. The beach, located below the main pool and grill area, has fine white sand along a respectable stretch of coast.
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with ample living areas, day beds, private balconies featuring a swinging chair for two and a couch. In the plush bathrooms, whirlpool tubs and separate rainwater showers delight. Mini-bars are stocked daily with premium beverages. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is top notch, with buffet and a la carte dining options featuring well prepared dishes...
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Hammerstein Highland House
Hammerstein Highland House (US$7,500/9,500 weekly, low/high season, four-night minimum) is a six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre estate overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content that once belonged to American musical theater director Oscar Hammerstein II, who wrote the score to The Sound of Music while at the property. Hammerstein bought the retreat from its original owner, English actress Gladys Cooper, who built the villa in the 1940s. With its open design and countless areas for socializing and relaxing, it's easy to imagine the kind of parties hosted at HHH by its former owners. Smaller groups can opt to as few as four bedrooms at a reduced rate (US$6,500/8,500 weekly, low/high season). Two rooms have king-size beds. Another room has a queen-size bed and the best view of Montego Bay in the house. Three rooms have two twin beds each, which can be converted to king-size beds when preferred. Amenities include WiFi throughout, a 35-foot pool and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have antique furnishings, AC and satellite TV. The elevation, cool breeze and louvered, screened windows contribute to perfect temperatures inside and out without needing to turn on the AC. The lounge has a fireplace and plush couches, flat-panel TV and conga drums. There's no shortage of relaxing nooks and dining areas around the pool and on the balcony overlooking the sloping lawn, broad cotton tree, organic farm and harbor. There's also a billiards table, dart board and bar on the lower level. A short walk down a wooded staircase leads to a screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults, making the property a favorite for yoga retreats. A housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener and farmers are attentive and take care of every need. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies fresh produce to villa guests for delicious farm-to-table salads and also provides produce to Round Hill Hotel and supports schools in the surrounding community as part of the owner's One Love Learning Foundation (www.onelovelearningfoundation.org) with its focus on "Soil, Soul and Society". It's a worthy non-profit that supports schools in Atlanta, the current owner Brenda Isaac's hometown, Jamaica and South Africa.
Spyglass Hill
Spyglass Hill (contact Paul Taylor tel. 876/601-6456, or cell tel. 876/871-8454, spyglass@cwjamaica.com, www.spyglasshilljamaica.com, 1\4 br US$5,000/5,950; 5\6 br US$7,000/8,950; 7\8 br US$9,300/11,500) is an eight-bedroom, 6,500-square-foot former plantation house set on 10 acres of lush lawns and gardens and named for its breathtaking view over the St. James and Hanover coastline. The property can accommodate up to 18 guests and boasts a 20- by 40-foot pool, as well as a 24-inch wading pool for children. No amenities are left out, with a component stereo system and DVD player in the living room and TVs in all eight bedrooms, seven of which have air-conditioning. DSL Internet and fax are available for guests. The staff includes a cook, butler, housekeepers, laundress, pool maintenance person, gardeners, night watchman, and driver. A gazebo with a stunning oceanview backdrop makes the property a favorite for weddings. Rooms have en suite bathrooms and comfortable furnishings with king-size or queen-size beds, spread across the main house and three outlying buildings located a across the lawn: Tree House, Garden Room, and the two-bedroom River House, the latter with a 10- by 13-foot plunge pool.
SunVillas (contact Alan Marlor, SunVillas, U.S. tel. 888/625-6007, alan@sunvillas.com, www.sunvillas.com) rents a nice assortment of villas across Jamaica, varying considerably in price while all having much more than the basic amenities. Highlights in the Mobay area include the four-bedroom Afimi property on the Bogue Lagoon in Freeport, the glamorous 10-bedroom Silent Waters villa on the Great River along the St. James\Hanover border, and the six-bedroom Endless Summer and Greatview properties in the auspicious Spring Farm neighborhood, as well as several of the most luxurious villas at Round Hill and Tryall Club.
Original Madourie Fast Food
Original Madourie Fast Food (7 a.m.-midnight Mon.-Sat., US$3-5) has been a local favorite for staple Jamaican fare since it was founded in 1976. Specialties include fry chicken, curry goat, oxtail, and brown stew fish. Madourie's is always packed with a clientele that's almost exclusively Jamaican, a testimony to the good food that's reasonably priced.
Original Madourie Fast Food
Original Madourie Fast Food (7 a.m.-midnight Mon.-Sat., US$3-5) has been a local favorite for staple Jamaican fare since it was founded in 1976. Specialties include fry chicken, curry goat, oxtail, and brown stew fish. Madourie's is always packed with a clientele that's almost exclusively Jamaican, a testimony to the good food that's reasonably priced.
Musiq (72 Gloucester Ave., 5 p.m\1 a.m. daily) was opened in July 2009 by Pork Pit owner Uhma Williams as a musically focused bar located next door to her original establishment. The bar features an in-house DJ from Thursday to Sunday playing R&B, hip-hop, reggae, and dancehall. A chic setting with musical motif lends itself to chilling out and watching passersby along the Hip Strip. The bar food is very reasonably priced compared to other establishments along the Strip, with 10 chicken wings going for US$8, a slew of burgers with a variety of seasonings for US$8\12, and soups (US$3) and salads (US$6\9).
Dragon Lounge
Dragon Lounge (Whitehouse, tel. 876/952-1578, 7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$8.50\14), run by Sebil and Peter Tebert, serves excellent seafood dishes, including shrimp, conch, and lobster, in a gritty and rootsy Jamaican bar environment with a dining room out back by the kitchen.
Adwa Nutrition for Life
Adwa Nutrition for Life is the best place in town for natural food. It has three locations, including one full-service, sit-down restaurant (Shops #158\160, City Center, tel. 876/940-7618) and two stores (Shop #7, West F&S Complex, 29\31 Union St., tel. 876/952-2161; and Shop #2, West Gate Plaza, tel. 876/952-6554) with imported and domestic products and delis serving freshly made foods and juice blends. Dishes (US$1\4.50) include curried tofu, peppered veggie steak, and red pea sip, with beverages like cane juice, fruit smoothies, and carrot juice also served.
Ruby Restaurant
Ruby Restaurant (Shop #3, Westgate Shopping Centre, tel. 876/952-3199, 8 a.m.\8:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$3.50\11) has Jamaican breakfast dishes like callaloo and codfish, ackee and saltfish, kidney and onion, and brown stew chicken, as well as more international standards like eggs and bacon, French toast, and ham and bacon omelettes. The lunch menu ranges from curry goat to escovitch fish. More expensive dishes include shrimp plates and steamed fish. Sui mein, foo yong, and chow mein are also available.
Mobay Proper
Mobay Proper, (44 Fort St., tel. 876/940-1233, noon\2 a.m. daily, US$3.50\14) is the in spot for Mobay's party-hearty youth and fashionable businesspeople alike. The food is excellent and a great value, with dishes like fried or jerk chicken, fish done to order, curry goat, roast beef, and steamed, escovitch, or brown stew fish. This is the best place to get a beer (US$2) and play some billiards (US$1 per game).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Pelican Grill
The Pelican (7 a.m.-11 p.m daily, US$10-40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
Montego Bay Yacht Club
The Montego Bay Yacht Club (Freeport, tel. 876/979-8038, 10 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$6\25) has a good menu with burgers, sandwiches, salads, and entrèes like lobster and shrimp thermidor, snapper, lamb chops, seafood pasta, coconut curry chicken, and zucchini pasta in a pleasant waterfront setting. A popular buffet dinner (US$14) with a rotating menu is served on Fridays.
Scotchie's (11 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$4\11) is easily the best jerk in Jamaica, serving pork, chicken, and steamed fish. Sides include breadfruit, festival, and yam. Scotchie's was forced to move back from the expanded highway and took the opportunity to redesign the dining area, adding a nice bar in the open-air courtyard. Scotchie's founder Tony Rerrie used to have parties where he would bring a master jerk chef from Boston Bay in Portland, where locals claim jerk originated, and patrons would beg him to make the jerk offering a regular thing. He started his first jerk center on the roadside in Montego Bay with a few cinder blocks, some bamboo poles, and a few sheets of zinc roofing.
Scotchie's (11 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$4\11) is easily the best jerk in Jamaica, serving pork, chicken, and steamed fish. Sides include breadfruit, festival, and yam. Scotchie's was forced to move back from the expanded highway and took the opportunity to redesign the dining area, adding a nice bar in the open-air courtyard. Scotchie's founder Tony Rerrie used to have parties where he would bring a master jerk chef from Boston Bay in Portland, where locals claim jerk originated, and patrons would beg him to make the jerk offering a regular thing. He started his first jerk center on the roadside in Montego Bay with a few cinder blocks, some bamboo poles, and a few sheets of zinc roofing.
Scotchie's (11 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$4\11) is easily the best jerk in Jamaica, serving pork, chicken, and steamed fish. Sides include breadfruit, festival, and yam. Scotchie's was forced to move back from the expanded highway and took the opportunity to redesign the dining area, adding a nice bar in the open-air courtyard. Scotchie's founder Tony Rerrie used to have parties where he would bring a master jerk chef from Boston Bay in Portland, where locals claim jerk originated, and patrons would beg him to make the jerk offering a regular thing. He started his first jerk center on the roadside in Montego Bay with a few cinder blocks, some bamboo poles, and a few sheets of zinc roofing.
Scotchie's (11 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$4\11) is easily the best jerk in Jamaica, serving pork, chicken, and steamed fish. Sides include breadfruit, festival, and yam. Scotchie's was forced to move back from the expanded highway and took the opportunity to redesign the dining area, adding a nice bar in the open-air courtyard. Scotchie's founder Tony Rerrie used to have parties where he would bring a master jerk chef from Boston Bay in Portland, where locals claim jerk originated, and patrons would beg him to make the jerk offering a regular thing. He started his first jerk center on the roadside in Montego Bay with a few cinder blocks, some bamboo poles, and a few sheets of zinc roofing.
Scotchie's (11 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$4\11) is easily the best jerk in Jamaica, serving pork, chicken, and steamed fish. Sides include breadfruit, festival, and yam. Scotchie's was forced to move back from the expanded highway and took the opportunity to redesign the dining area, adding a nice bar in the open-air courtyard. Scotchie's founder Tony Rerrie used to have parties where he would bring a master jerk chef from Boston Bay in Portland, where locals claim jerk originated, and patrons would beg him to make the jerk offering a regular thing. He started his first jerk center on the roadside in Montego Bay with a few cinder blocks, some bamboo poles, and a few sheets of zinc roofing.
The Pork Pit
The Pork Pit (27 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/940-3008, US$5\11) has jerk by the pound: pork, chicken, ribs, and shrimp.
Jerky's (29 Alice Eldemire Dr., tel. 876/684-9101 or 876/684-9102, 11 a.m.\midnight Sun.\Fri., open later on Sat. for karaoke, US$3\10) has jerk chicken, steamed fish, escovitch fish, ribs, conch, shrimp, and fried fish. There is a large bar where a beer costs US$1.75.
Nyam 'n' Jam
Nyam 'n' Jam (17 Harbour St., tel. 876/952-1922, 7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$3\4.50) has a variety of Jamaican staples like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail. Breakfast items include ackee and saltfish, calaloo and saltfish, brown stew chicken, yam, boiled bananas, and fried dumpling.
Nyam 'n' Jam Jerk Centre
Nyam 'n' Jam Jerk Centre (just before descending the hill into Mobay from "top road," a.k.a. Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-1713, 7 a.m.\11 p.m) has local dishes as well as decent jerk under the same ownership. The jerk center offers delivery in addition to having a small dining area.
Palm Bay Guest House
Palm Bay Guest House (Bogue Main Rd., 7 a.m.\10 p.m, US$4\6.50) has a small restaurant serving local dishes like curry goat, stew pork, fried chicken, and oxtail, as well as an outdoor jerk center (noon\midnight daily) that serves decent Boston-style jerk.
Dragon Court
Dragon Court ( 11:30 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$5\18) has good dim sum every day. The shrimp dumplings are a favorite.
Canton Express Restaurant
Canton Express Restaurant (43 St. James St., tel. 876/952-6173, 10:30 a.m.\7 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$3.50\7.50) has roast chicken, oxtail, shrimp, chicken chow mein, and shrimp fried rice.
China House Restaurant
China House Restaurant (32 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/979-0056, 10 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$2.25\22.50) serves Chinese, Mongolian, Thai, and Jamaican cuisine, as does its neighbor, Golden Dynasty Chinese Restaurant (39 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/971-0459, 11 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., noon\10 p.m Sun., US$2\20). China House serves dim sum on Sundays.
Bob Marley School of the Arts Institute
Bob Marley School of the Arts Institute (Flamingo Beach, Ras Astor Black, cell tel. 876/327-9991, tel. 876/861-5233, or 847/571-5804, astor@bobartsinstitute.com, www.bobartsinstitute.edu), located in Greenwood on a hill above the highway marked by waving Rasta-colored flags, is a bold project dreamed up by Ras Astor Black to draw Jamaica's youth into a technologically focused education in the arts, with music and production courses. As an annex to the school, the vision includes a Reggae Walk of Fame, where artists deemed honorable will be inducted once per month. Black lives up on a hill between Falmouth and Greenwood, where he has created the Reggae Village. He intends to host regular live concerts to appeal to the masses of tourists who arrive expecting to see more in the way of live reggae music, like they are accustomed to seeing in the United States and Europe.
Plantation Tours
Several plantations in the area offer visitors a chance to learn about Jamaica's principal agricultural products--from those that were important historically to crops adapted to the modern economy. These include Croydon, John's Hall, and Mountain Valley Rafting, which offers a basic banana plantation tour.
Croydon Plantation
Croydon Plantation (contact Tony Henry, tel. 876/979-8267, tlhenry20@hotmail.com, www.croydonplantation.com, open Tues., Thurs., and Fri., as well as other days when cruise ships are in port) is a pineapple and coffee plantation located at the base of the Catadupa Mountains and was the birthplace of slave rebellion leader and national hero Sam Sharpe. The walking tour takes visitors through a working section of the plantation with an accompanying narrative, with three refreshment stops allowing visitors to sample some of the 12 different kinds of pineapple grown on the estate, in addition to other crops like jackfruit, sugarcane, and Otaheite apple, depending on what's in season. The tour includes a typical Jamaican country lunch. Total tour time from pickup to return is six hours, and the cost (US$65 per person) includes transportation, refreshments, and lunch. Croydon Plantation has the only privately owned forest reserve in the country. The 53-hectare estate is owned by Dalkeith Hanna, with Tony Henry, a partner in the tour operation.
John's Hall Adventure Tour
John's Hall Adventure Tour (tel. 876/971-7776, relax.resort@cwjamaica.com, www.johnshalladventuretour.com) offers a plantation tour (US$70 per person inclusive of jerk lunch and fruits) with a historical and contextual commentary by the guides. Stops along the way include the Parish Church, Sam Sharpe Square, and Mt. Olive Basic School. John's Hall Adventure Tour also operates the Jamaica Rhythm Tour (6\9 p.m Wed. and Sun., US$80 inclusive of dinner), a musical show held at John's Hall featuring old-time heritage (from Maypole dancing and limbo to mento). Both tours include transportation from Mobay area hotels.
Walter Fletcher Beach
Walter Fletcher Beach is the location of Aquasol Theme Park, where go-carts, bumper boats, water sports, and two tennis courts heighten the entertainment inherent in the small strip of sand facing Mobay's harbor. The beach is located on the Hip Strip across from The Pork Pit.
Cornwall Beach
Cornwall Beach (US$5, 8 a.m.\6 p.m daily, tel. 876/979-0102) is wedged between the beaches for what was Breezes Montego Bay and DeCameron. The beach is owned by the St. James Parish Council and managed by David Chung. It was renovated in 2009 with clean restrooms, changing rooms, and showers, and there's a restaurant and beach bar. "Irie Mon" beach parties including a lunch buffet and open bar (US$80/person), with live music and entertainment are held on Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.\3:30 p.m when a Carnival cruise ship delivers partygoers.
Tropical Beach
Tropical Beach is a decent, narrow strip of sand on the far side of the airport with the best windsurfing and Jet Ski rental outfit in Mobay. The beach isn't a bad spot for a dip, but it's not a destination for spending the whole day unless you're there for the water sports. To get to Tropical Beach turn left after the airport, heading east toward Ironshore and Rose Hall.
Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach (10 a.m.\6 p.m, US$60 adult, US$40 children for all-inclusive day pass) is the private beach for Sunset Beach Resort (tel. 876/979-8800 or U.S. tel 800/234-1707, www.sunsetbeachresort.com), which occupies the tip of the peninsula known as Freeport. The resort has a small water park with large pools and slides, as well as excellent tennis facilities. The day pass includes food and drink at the main buffet-style restaurant and several bars scattered throughout the property. To get to Sunset Beach continue past the cruise ship terminal on Southern Cross Boulevard.
Dead End Beach
Dead End Beach is the best free public beach in close proximity to the Hip Strip at the heart of Mobay's tourism scene. Sandals Carlyle faces the beach, which borders the end of the runway at Donald Sangster International Airport. The beach is located on Kent Avenue, better known as Dead End Road.
One Man Beach and Dump-Up Beach
One Man Beach and Dump-Up Beach, located across from KFC and Mobay's central roundabout, are venues for occasional events and horse grazing. The beach here is no good for swimming however, as the city's effluent emerges from a neighboring gulley.
Old Steamer Beach
Old Steamer Beach (free and open to the public) is located 100 yards past the Shell gas station heading west out of Hopewell, Hanover. An embankment leads down to the skeleton of the U.S.S. Caribou, a steamer dating from 1887 that washed off its mooring from Mobay. You can hang your towel on the skeleton ship and take a swim at one of the nicest beaches around, which only gets busy on weekends when locals come down in droves to stir the crystal clear waters.
Old Steamer Beach
Old Steamer Beach (free and open to the public) is located 100 yards past the Shell gas station heading west out of Hopewell, Hanover. An embankment leads down to the skeleton of the U.S.S. Caribou, a steamer dating from 1887 that washed off its mooring from Mobay. You can hang your towel on the skeleton ship and take a swim at one of the nicest beaches around, which only gets busy on weekends when locals come down in droves to stir the crystal clear waters.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Doctors Cave Bathing Club
Doctor;s Cave Bathing Club (US$6 adults, US$3 children) is centrally located along the Hip Strip. The beach is a favorite for tourists as well as the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events. The Groovy Grouper, to one side of the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare (US$10-30). Doctor's Cave Beach rivals cornwall beach for its crystalline waters and fine, white sand.
Bars and Clubs
For an early evening drink, the Montego Bay Yacht Club (10 a.m.\10 p.m daily) is a popular spot among the uptown crowd, especially on Fridays. The HouseBoat Bar is also a popular early evening spot, while Mobay Proper (44 Fort St., tel. 876/940-1233, noon\2 a.m.daily) has the most consistently happening local scene every night of the week.
Hilites Cafe, Bar and Gift Shop
Hilites Cafe, Bar and Gift Shop (19 Queens Dr., tel. 876/979-9157, jamaica_flamingo_ltd@hotmail.com, 8:30 a.m.\6 p.m daily) has a great view over the harbor and airport and is another great spot for an early evening drink or to watch the planes take off and land from Sangster Airport.
Margaritaville (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4777, 11 a.m.\you say when daily, US$10) is a wildly popular restaurant and bar with a water slide dropping off into the sea and giant trampoline inner tubes just offshore for use by customers. The restaurant serves dishes like cheeseburgers, jerk chicken and pork, and lobster (US$9\28), while almost every night of the week has a different theme: Tuesday is Caribbean night, which shifts each week to a different cultural theme--Latin, soca, etc.; Wild Wednesdays features wet T-shirt contests and Jell-O wrestling; Thursday is ladies' night, where women enter free till midnight; on Fridays there is a rotating guest selector or featured artist; and Saturday is World Beat Night with a sound system.
Margaritaville is the brainchild of a Jamaican partnership between Ian Dear and Brian Jardim, who struck a deal with Jimmy Buffet to carry his franchise in the Caribbean. In 10 years the pair has grown a business venture that is today a fixture in the three major tourism hubs: Ocho Rios, Negril, and Mobay, now with a branch at Sangster Airport as well.
Blue Beat
Blue Beat (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4777, 6 p.m\2 a.m.daily, free entry) is Margaritaville's more sophisticated and upscale cousin, located at the same property under the same ownership. The laid-back club features a resident DJ every night and live jazz Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday 10 p.m\2 a.m.Jamaican Bobsled Cafe (69 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/940-7009) is a popular bar serving bar food and pizza, and it offers delivery. The bar is at the center of the action on the Hip Strip.
Royal Stocks
Royal Stocks (Half Moon Shopping Village, tel. 876/953-9770) is an English pub\style bar and restaurant, serving pricey international cuisine. The air-conditioned bar is a great place to go when missing the cool of England, though the beer selection is not the same as back home: Guinness, Red Stripe, and Heineken are the only brews on offer.
The Keg
The Keg (across from the fire station, no phone) is a local dive bar and a good place to soak up the local scene and listen to oldies.
Mobay Proper
Mobay Proper (44 Fort St., tel. 876/940-1233, noon\2 a.m. daily) is the best place to grab a beer (US$2) and play some billiards (US$1 per game).
Rehab Pool Bar & Lounge
Rehab Pool Bar & Lounge (contact proprietor Gary Rose, cell tel. 876/409-1130, 6 p.m\2 a.m.daily ), located across from Lover's Park, next door to China House Restaurant, offers billiards (US$5/45 minutes or US$1 per game in the more spacious room with a/c) at seven tables; this place opened in February 2009.
Live Music
Unfortunately, live music in Mobay is hard to come by--in sharp contrast to decades past when there was an active regular music scene. Today, the all-inclusive resorts have house bands that entertain the hotel guests, who are often discouraged from leaving the compound. Nevertheless, there is often live jazz at Day-O Plantation, as well as at Blue Beat, and Margaritaville. Of course if you want world-class music the best time to visit is during Reggae Sumfest (July) or the Jazz and Blues Festival (January). Catherine Hall Entertainment Center, the main venue for Sumfest, also holds occasional stage show concerts throughout the year.
Festivals and Events
Several annual festivals draw thousands from around the island and abroad, chief among them being Jamaica Jazz and Blues (www.airjamaicajazzandblues.com) and Reggae Sumfest (www.reggaesumfest.com). The Montego Bay Yacht Club (tel. 876/979-8038, fax 876/979-8262, mbyc@cwjamaica.com, www.mobayyachtclub.com) has its share of events, including annual and biannual yacht races and a Marlin Festival. In Albert Town, Trelawny, the highlight of the year is the Yam Festival (www.stea.net/yam.htm), which is a family fun day centered on one of the island's most important staple foods, with tugs of war, beauty competitions, and, of course, music. Jamaica's Carnival season also brings at least one night of events to Mobay, with a free concert at Dump-Up Beach.
In the hills above Mobay, the Rastafarian community of Pitfour hosts annual Nyabinghi sessions, lasting for days to commemorate the coronation of the late Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, as well as to commemorate the Coral Gardens Massacre on Good Friday. Sadly, the area has fallen into disrepute over the last few years due to crime and violence. Visitors to Pitfour should proceed with caution.
Alpha Arts
Alpha Arts (tel. 876/979-3479, cell tel. 876/605-9130, alphaarts@hotmail.com, www.alphaarts.com), adjacent to Sahara de la Mar resort in Reading, produces and sells on-site a variety of colorful ceramics.
Fairfield Theatre
Fairfield Theatre (US$10) is the only venue in the Mobay area for small, amateur theatrical productions that strive to uphold professional standards. Performances are generally held on weekends. Fairfield Theatre was originally founded as Montego Bay Little Theatre Movement in 1975 by Paul Methuen and Henry and Greta Fowler. The theatrical company was named after the Little Theatre Movement in Kingston, which was formed by Jamaican cultural icons like Louise Bennett. Call the theater directly for performance schedules.
Mostly contemporary works from the best Jamaican and Caribbean writers are performed at the Fairfield Theatre, but the company produces works from a wide range of playwrights from Shakespeare to Noel Coward, Peter Schaeffer, Lorraine Hansbury, and Neil Simon. Caribbean writers such as Derek Walcott, Errol Hill, and Douglas Archibald have been produced to critical acclaim, but greater audience appeal has been found with the current crop of Jamaican playwrights that include Basil Dawkins, Trevor Rhone, Patrick Brown, and David Heron.
Fairfield Theatre
Fairfield Theatre (US$10) is the only venue in the Mobay area for small, amateur theatrical productions that strive to uphold professional standards. Performances are generally held on weekends. Fairfield Theatre was originally founded as Montego Bay Little Theatre Movement in 1975 by Paul Methuen and Henry and Greta Fowler. The theatrical company was named after the Little Theatre Movement in Kingston, which was formed by Jamaican cultural icons like Louise Bennett. Call the theater directly for performance schedules.
Mostly contemporary works from the best Jamaican and Caribbean writers are performed at the Fairfield Theatre, but the company produces works from a wide range of playwrights from Shakespeare to Noel Coward, Peter Schaeffer, Lorraine Hansbury, and Neil Simon. Caribbean writers such as Derek Walcott, Errol Hill, and Douglas Archibald have been produced to critical acclaim, but greater audience appeal has been found with the current crop of Jamaican playwrights that include Basil Dawkins, Trevor Rhone, Patrick Brown, and David Heron.
Fairfield Theatre
Fairfield Theatre (US$10) is the only venue in the Mobay area for small, amateur theatrical productions that strive to uphold professional standards. Performances are generally held on weekends. Fairfield Theatre was originally founded as Montego Bay Little Theatre Movement in 1975 by Paul Methuen and Henry and Greta Fowler. The theatrical company was named after the Little Theatre Movement in Kingston, which was formed by Jamaican cultural icons like Louise Bennett. Call the theater directly for performance schedules.
Mostly contemporary works from the best Jamaican and Caribbean writers are performed at the Fairfield Theatre, but the company produces works from a wide range of playwrights from Shakespeare to Noel Coward, Peter Schaeffer, Lorraine Hansbury, and Neil Simon. Caribbean writers such as Derek Walcott, Errol Hill, and Douglas Archibald have been produced to critical acclaim, but greater audience appeal has been found with the current crop of Jamaican playwrights that include Basil Dawkins, Trevor Rhone, Patrick Brown, and David Heron.
Fairfield Theatre
Fairfield Theatre (US$10) is the only venue in the Mobay area for small, amateur theatrical productions that strive to uphold professional standards. Performances are generally held on weekends. Fairfield Theatre was originally founded as Montego Bay Little Theatre Movement in 1975 by Paul Methuen and Henry and Greta Fowler. The theatrical company was named after the Little Theatre Movement in Kingston, which was formed by Jamaican cultural icons like Louise Bennett. Call the theater directly for performance schedules.
Mostly contemporary works from the best Jamaican and Caribbean writers are performed at the Fairfield Theatre, but the company produces works from a wide range of playwrights from Shakespeare to Noel Coward, Peter Schaeffer, Lorraine Hansbury, and Neil Simon. Caribbean writers such as Derek Walcott, Errol Hill, and Douglas Archibald have been produced to critical acclaim, but greater audience appeal has been found with the current crop of Jamaican playwrights that include Basil Dawkins, Trevor Rhone, Patrick Brown, and David Heron.
Fairfield Theatre
Fairfield Theatre (US$10) is the only venue in the Mobay area for small, amateur theatrical productions that strive to uphold professional standards. Performances are generally held on weekends. Fairfield Theatre was originally founded as Montego Bay Little Theatre Movement in 1975 by Paul Methuen and Henry and Greta Fowler. The theatrical company was named after the Little Theatre Movement in Kingston, which was formed by Jamaican cultural icons like Louise Bennett. Call the theater directly for performance schedules.
Mostly contemporary works from the best Jamaican and Caribbean writers are performed at the Fairfield Theatre, but the company produces works from a wide range of playwrights from Shakespeare to Noel Coward, Peter Schaeffer, Lorraine Hansbury, and Neil Simon. Caribbean writers such as Derek Walcott, Errol Hill, and Douglas Archibald have been produced to critical acclaim, but greater audience appeal has been found with the current crop of Jamaican playwrights that include Basil Dawkins, Trevor Rhone, Patrick Brown, and David Heron.
Palace Multiplex
Palace Multiplex (Eldemire Dr., next to Jerky's, tel. 876/971-5550, movie times tel. 876/979-8624) is a cinema showing standard Hollywood films.
Montego Bay is full of duty-free stores and gift shops.
Klass Traders
Klass Traders (Fort St., tel. 876/952-5782) produces attractive handmade leather sandals from a workshop adjacent to Mobay Proper. Leroy Thompson (cell tel. 876/546-8657) is the head craftsman.
Rastafari Art
Rastafari Art (42 Hart St., tel. 876/885-7674 or 876/771-7533) has a variety of red, gold, and green items, including flags, belts, T-shirts, bags, and friendship bands that make inexpensive, authentic, and lightweight gifts and souvenirs.
For clothes, try Lloyd's (26 St. James St., tel. 876/952-3172), which has a great selection of trendy urban and roots wear and carries the CY Evolution brand.
Craft centers
Craft centers abound in Mobay, from Harbour Street to Kent Avenue to Charles Gordon Market and Montego Bay Craft Market. A discriminating eye is required at all these markets to sift out the junk from the quality Jamaica-produced crafts.
Freeport Cruise Ship Terminal
Freeport Cruise Ship Terminal has several shops, most of which carry overpriced souvenirs and mass-produced crafts items of little inherent value.
Duty-free shops
Duty-free shops are found anywhere you glance in Mobay, concentrated around City Centre Complex, the Hip Strip, and at the Half Moon Shopping Village east of town. The new Rose Hall Shopping Complex also has its share of duty-free items.
Bookland (34 Union St., 876/940-6185, bookland-mobay@cwjamaica.com, Mon.\Fri. 9 a.m.\6 p.m, Sat. 10 a.m.\5 p.m) has the best selection of Caribbean books, as well as local and international magazines.
Sangster's Bookstore
Sangster's Bookstore is at 2 St. James Street (tel. 876/952-0319).
Habanos Gift Shop
Habanos Gift Shop (Shop #1, Casa Blanca Building, Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/940-4139, cell tel. 876/884-8656, habanoscigars1492@yahoo.com), run by Raj Jeswani, sells Cuban and Jamaican cigars out of a walk-in humidor, plus rum, spices, coffee, and a full array of "Jamaica no problem mon" T-shirts, trinkets, and souvenirs.
Tad's International Records
Tad's International Records (retail outlet in the departure lounge at Sangster International Airport) has an extensive catalog of reggae.
Great River Studios
Great River Studios (contact Paul Taylor, cell tel. 876/609-6266) is a recording studio operated by the owners of Spyglass Hill and located on the same estate as the villa. The studio rents for US$30\50 per hour with Pro Tools, voicing and live band rooms, and a two-inch analog tape. Led by studio musician, Palma Taylor, it's based just outside Hopewell.
Tropical Beach Fitness
Tropical Beach Fitness (tel. 876/952-6510, tropicalfitness@hotmail.com, Mon.\Thurs., 6 a.m.\10 p.m, Fri. 6 a.m.\9 p.m, Sat. 9 a.m.\4 p.m, Sun. 9 a.m.\2 p.m) is a decent beachfront gym with free weights, treadmills, bicycles, stair steppers, and weight benches. Membership is offered by the day (US$5) and month (US$30). The club has about 200 local members, with two trainers available for an extra fee.
The Montego Bay Yacht Club
The Montego Bay Yacht Club was refurbished in 2006 with a new building, landscaped grounds, and a small swimming pool. The club is a warm and friendly family environment with a great bar and restaurant, making it the place in western Jamaica for sailing, fishing, or just to hang out and make friends. Entertainment at the club is facilitated by pool tables, foosball, and table tennis. Every Friday, the club hosts a buffet dinner. Social and sailing membership is available by the day (US$5) or by the year (US$150). The annual fee grants members access to the Royal Jamaica Yacht Club in Kingston as well.
The Mobay Yacht Club is the final destination of the famous Pineapple Cup Race (www.montegobayrace.com), which covers 1,305 kilometers of water from its starting point in Fort Lauderdale. This classic race--a beat, a reach, and a run--is held in February of every odd year. Other events include the annual J-22 International Regatta held every December, and the Great Yacht Race, which precedes every Easter Regatta, a fun-filled, friendly, and competitive multi-class regatta. The International Marlin Fishing Tournament is held every fall. Sailing camps for children are held during the summer and courses offered to adults based on demand.
If you arrive in Jamaica on a private vessel, the Mobay Yacht Club has some of the lowest docking fees anywhere (US$0.87 per foot 1\7 days), which are reduced even further for longer stays (US$0.50 per foot for 8\30 days). Utilities are metered and charged accordingly, while boats at anchor can use the club facilities for the regular daily membership fee (US$5 per person). Mobay's mangrove areas in the Bogue Lagoon are often used as a hurricane hole for small vessels. All charges carry 16.50 percent tax.
Tropical Beach Water Sports
Tropical Beach Water Sports (tel. 876/940-0836, 9 a.m.\5 p.m daily) is run by Chaka Brown with professional-quality equipment, including windsurfing sailboards (US$45/hour) and Jet Skis (US$75/half-hour, US$130/hour). Bogue Lagoon excursions are also offered (US$220/hour for up to six people).
Ezee Fishing
Ezee Fishing (Denise Taylor, cell tel. 876/381-3229 or 876/995-2912, chokey@reggaefemi.com, dptgonefishing@hotmail.com, www.montego-bay-jamaica.com/ajal/noproblem, US$450 half day, US$890 full day) operates a 39-foot Phoenix Sport Fisher for deep-sea expeditions, offering a good chance of catching big game like wahoo, blue marlin, or dorado (depending on time of year). Ezee also offers sailing charters (www.jamaicawatersports.com) on catamaran Suncat and trimaran Freestyle vessels (US$400 for two-hour sails for up to 10 people).
Rapsody Tours, Cruises & Charters
Rapsody Tours, Cruises & Charters operates the Dreamer Catamaran Cruises (contact Donna Lee, tel. 876/979-0102, reservations@dreamercatamarans.com, 10 a.m.\1 p.m and 3 p.m\6 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$65 per person, reservations required) with two daily three-hour cruises on its two 53-foot catamarans and one 65-foot catamaran. The catamarans depart from Cornwall Beach for morning and afternoon cruises at 10 a.m.and 3 p.m, and an evening cruise on Thursdays and Saturdays leaves from Doctors Cave Beach a 5 p.m The excursion includes an open bar and use of snorkeling gear.
Two-hour Calico Sunset Cruises (5\7 p.m Tues.\Sun., US$40 adults, US$20 children 3\11) are offered on the same Calico sailboat, with an optional dinner package (US$65) that includes a four-course meal at the Town House Restaurant following the sail.
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures (contact Captain Carolyn Barrett, Barrett Adventures, cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.barrettadventures.com) operates half-day (US$400) and full-day (US$600) cruises out of Mobay for up to three passengers, with snorkeling and a Jamaican lunch included (US$100 for each additional person up to 10). Weekly charters are also offered (US$3,000 for up to six, plus provisions), inclusive of captain and cook. Charter cruise options include excursions to Negril, Port Antonio, or even Cuba, contingent upon favorable weather conditions.
Montego Bay is the best base for golfing in Jamaica, with the highest concentration of courses on a nice variety of terrains, some with gorgeous rolling hills, others seaside, all within the immediate vicinity.
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
White Witch Golf Course
White Witch Golf Course (6:30am-9pm daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m). The last tee time is at 4:30pm. The clubhouse features spectacular views and a pro shop.
Greens Fees:
16 Dec – 30 Apr:
Rack Rate: US$159
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$139
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$139
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$ 149
1 May – 31 Oct:
Rack Rate: US$129
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$109
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$89
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$109
1 Nov - 15 Dec:
Rack Rate: US$149
Midday Rate: (after 10:30am): US$129
Twilight / 9 hole (after 1:30pm): US$99
Group Rates: (12+ players): US$119
Clubs: US$55 incl. tax per 18 Hole - complimentary sleeve of Nike balls included / US$30 incl. tax per 9 Hole
Available in both men's & women's right & left handed.
Shoes: US$20 + tax per pair of Nikes (ladies and men).
Cinnamon Hill Golf Course
Cinnamon Hill Golf Course (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2650) is operated by Rose Hall Resort and offers special rates to in-house guests (US$141, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fees--extended to Half Moon and Sandals guests). The club also offers a Twilight Special (US$99 after 1:30 p.m), in addition to the standard rack rate (US$160 inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fees) with club rental an additional charge (US$40\50). Recommended caddy tip is US$10\15 per player. Cinnamon Hill is the only course in Jamaica that's on the coast. Holes five and six are directly at the water's edge. There is a gorgeous waterfall at the foot of Cinnamon Hill great house, which was owned by Johnny Cash until his death.
Half Moon Golf Course
Half Moon Golf Course (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2560, www.halfmoongolf.com) is a Robert Trent Jones Jr.\designed course, with reduced rates for Half Moon Guests (US$75 for nine holes, US$105 for 18 holes). Rates for nonguests are US$90/150 for 9/18 holes, US$12/20 for caddy, US$40/50 for club rental, and US$25/35 for cart. Half Moon is a walkable course.
SuperClubs Golf Course at Iron Shore
SuperClubs Golf Course at Iron Shore (tel. 876/953-3682) is a very respectable 18-hole course, with regular greens fees (US$50) waived for SuperClubs hotel guests. Caddy (US$11/16 for 9/18 holes) and cart (US$17/35 for 9/18 holes) fees are the lowest in Mobay; many prefer the course, in spite of it never having hosted a PGA tournament. Shelly Clifford is the friendly golf course manager.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Half Moon Equestrian Centre
Half Moon Equestrian Centre has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
The stretch of coast around Bluefields has a rich history. One of the three earliest Spanish settlements, named Oristan, which was initially based in Parottee, St. Elizabeth, and later moved to present-day Bluefields. Oristan was connected by road to Sevilla la Nueva, the Spanish capital just west of present-day St. Ann's Bay, as well as to Santiago de la Vega, in present-day Spanish Town. The area was favored by the Spanish under early colonial rule, and later, the pirate Henry Morgan departed from Bluefields Bay to sack Panama in 1670. Still later, it was the spot Captain Bligh landed after finally successfully completing his charge of bringing breadfruit to the island from Tahiti. What is said to be the original breadfruit tree in Jamaica was taken down by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and sits in a pile of cut-up pieces on one side of the lawn at Bluefields Great House. Pimento, or allspice as it's known in many places, was an important cash crop in the area, at some point having been replaced by marijuana in importance for the local economy.
Bluefields Beach
Bluefields Beach is a popular local hangout and sees very few tourists. It has fine white sand and is lined with vendors. Music is often blasted on weekends when the beach fills up.
Bluefields Beach
Bluefields Beach is a popular local hangout and sees very few tourists. It has fine white sand and is lined with vendors. Music is often blasted on weekends when the beach fills up.
Bluefields Great House
Bluefields Great House, located about 0.4 kilometer inland from the police station, on the road to Brighton, was the home of many of the area's most distinguished temporary inhabitants, including Philip Henry Goss, an English ornithologist who resided in Jamaica 1844-1846, subsequently completing the work Birds of Jamaica, a Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica.
Bluefields Great House
Bluefields Great House, located about 0.4 kilometer inland from the police station, on the road to Brighton, was the home of many of the area's most distinguished temporary inhabitants, including Philip Henry Goss, an English ornithologist who resided in Jamaica 1844-1846, subsequently completing the work Birds of Jamaica, a Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica.
Peter Tosh Memorial Garden
The Peter Tosh Memorial Garden, where the remains of this original Wailer lie, is worth a quick stop, if only to pause amid the ganja seedlings to remember one of the world's greatest reggae artists. An entrance fee is assessed (US$5) when there's someone around to collect it. Otherwise the gate is unlocked and a quick visit usually goes unnoticed. In mango season the yard is full of locals fighting over the heavily laden branches. Peter Tosh was born in nearby Grange Hill before making his way to Kingston, where he became one of the original three Wailers along with Bob Marley and Bunny Livingston. His mother still lives in Belmont.
The Bluefields area is the perfect place for activities like hiking, swimming, snorkeling, and relaxing. Nobody is touting parasailing or Jet Skis, and the most activity you will see on the water are catamarans crossing Parker's Bay off the Culloden shoreline from Sandals Whitehouse. There's a good horseback riding operation within a 15-minute drive at the expansive beachside Paradise Park estate (tel. 876/955-2675, paradise1@cwjamaica.com, US$40 per person) to the west in Ferris Cross.
Roots Cottage
Brian Wedderburn has a Roots Cottage (cell tel. 876/384-6610, US$30) at his yard in Belmont with a little fridge, fan, and bathroom with cold water.
Belmont Garden Cottages
Belmont Garden Cottages (contact Damian "Juicy" Forrester, cell tel. 876/425-2387 or tel. 876/955-8143, US$30) has six cottages, with private baths, one with hot water. All have standing fans, TV, stove, fridge, and microwave.
Rainbow Villas
Rainbow Villas (tel. 876/955-8078, cell tel. 876/872-9080 or 876/378-7853, info@rainbowvillas-jamaica.com or rainbowvillas@cwjamaica.com, www.rainbowvillas-jamaica.com, US$25 s, US$45 d), owned and managed by the stunning Carlene and her German husband Ralph, is located across the road from the water along a little lane adjacent to Sunset Paradise Bar & Grill. The spacious and clean rooms have ceiling fans and kitchenettes, hot water, and air-conditioning. Carlene has a spa on property specializing in deep tissue and Swedish massage and reflexology (US$60/hour).
Shafston Great House
Shafston Great House is one of the few plantation great houses that you can actually stay in. Set on a hill overlooking Bluefields Bay, Shaftson has a large pool and rooms that range from basic with shared bath (US$140 d) in the side building, to suites in the Great House with hot water in private baths (US$180 d). Rates include meals and drinks. Frank also offers transfers from the airport in Mobay (US$75).
Shafston Great House
Shafston Great House is one of the few plantation great houses that you can actually stay in. Set on a hill overlooking Bluefields Bay, Shaftson has a large pool and rooms that range from basic with shared bath (US$140 d) in the side building, to suites in the Great House with hot water in private baths (US$180 d). Rates include meals and drinks. Frank also offers transfers from the airport in Mobay (US$75).
Shafston Great House
Shafston Great House is one of the few plantation great houses that you can actually stay in. Set on a hill overlooking Bluefields Bay, Shaftson has a large pool and rooms that range from basic with shared bath (US$140 d) in the side building, to suites in the Great House with hot water in private baths (US$180 d). Rates include meals and drinks. Frank also offers transfers from the airport in Mobay (US$75).
Horizon Cottages
Horizon Cottages (US$125/150 each cottage, nightly, low/high, three-night min) define rustic chic, with two waterfront cozy wooden cottages, Sea Ranch and Rasta Ranch on Bluefields Bay in Belmont. Each cottage is tastefully decorated with local artwork and has classic wooden louvered windows, queen-size beds, soft linens, attached bath with private outdoor showers, and cute, functional kitchens. A gazebo and jetty extend off the manicured lawn, an ideal open-air dining room and cocktail bar for enjoying colorful sunsets over Bluefields Bay.
Sea Ranch has one queen bed and is situated at the water's edge, with the waves lapping just beyond the portch. Steps off the porch descend to the small, private, white-sand beach.
Rasta Ranch is a slightly larger cottage set behind Sea Ranch a bit further back into the yard. It has a queen bed and a single bed.
Kayaks and snorkeling gear are on-hand for excursions to the reef just offshore.
Horizon's two-bedroom Main House (USD 250/night), which can also be rented separately for larger parties, was the first built on the waterfront in the area.
Creature comforts like wireless Internet, soft sheets, hot water, specatular sunsets and gentle waves make Horizon a hard place to leave. Meals are self-catering or prepared to order by the caretaker, who doubles as fisherman and watchman, aided of course by the requisite yard dog, in this case a beautiful German Shepherd.
A handful of local cook shops can be found along the main road through Belmont, a community characterized by startling blue Caribbean waters, low key attractions like Bluefields Beach and the unimpressive Peter Tosh Memorial Garden, and a back country, lazy vibe ideal especially conducive to deep relaxation.
Horizon Cottages
Horizon Cottages (US$125/150 each cottage, nightly, low/high, three-night min) define rustic chic, with two waterfront cozy wooden cottages, Sea Ranch and Rasta Ranch on Bluefields Bay in Belmont. Each cottage is tastefully decorated with local artwork and has classic wooden louvered windows, queen-size beds, soft linens, attached bath with private outdoor showers, and cute, functional kitchens. A gazebo and jetty extend off the manicured lawn, an ideal open-air dining room and cocktail bar for enjoying colorful sunsets over Bluefields Bay.
Sea Ranch has one queen bed and is situated at the water's edge, with the waves lapping just beyond the portch. Steps off the porch descend to the small, private, white-sand beach.
Rasta Ranch is a slightly larger cottage set behind Sea Ranch a bit further back into the yard. It has a queen bed and a single bed.
Kayaks and snorkeling gear are on-hand for excursions to the reef just offshore.
Horizon's two-bedroom Main House (USD 250/night), which can also be rented separately for larger parties, was the first built on the waterfront in the area.
Creature comforts like wireless Internet, soft sheets, hot water, specatular sunsets and gentle waves make Horizon a hard place to leave. Meals are self-catering or prepared to order by the caretaker, who doubles as fisherman and watchman, aided of course by the requisite yard dog, in this case a beautiful German Shepherd.
A handful of local cook shops can be found along the main road through Belmont, a community characterized by startling blue Caribbean waters, low key attractions like Bluefields Beach and the unimpressive Peter Tosh Memorial Garden, and a back country, lazy vibe ideal especially conducive to deep relaxation.
Horizon Cottages
Horizon Cottages (US$125/150 each cottage, nightly, low/high, three-night min) define rustic chic, with two waterfront cozy wooden cottages, Sea Ranch and Rasta Ranch on Bluefields Bay in Belmont. Each cottage is tastefully decorated with local artwork and has classic wooden louvered windows, queen-size beds, soft linens, attached bath with private outdoor showers, and cute, functional kitchens. A gazebo and jetty extend off the manicured lawn, an ideal open-air dining room and cocktail bar for enjoying colorful sunsets over Bluefields Bay.
Sea Ranch has one queen bed and is situated at the water's edge, with the waves lapping just beyond the portch. Steps off the porch descend to the small, private, white-sand beach.
Rasta Ranch is a slightly larger cottage set behind Sea Ranch a bit further back into the yard. It has a queen bed and a single bed.
Kayaks and snorkeling gear are on-hand for excursions to the reef just offshore.
Horizon's two-bedroom Main House (USD 250/night), which can also be rented separately for larger parties, was the first built on the waterfront in the area.
Creature comforts like wireless Internet, soft sheets, hot water, specatular sunsets and gentle waves make Horizon a hard place to leave. Meals are self-catering or prepared to order by the caretaker, who doubles as fisherman and watchman, aided of course by the requisite yard dog, in this case a beautiful German Shepherd.
A handful of local cook shops can be found along the main road through Belmont, a community characterized by startling blue Caribbean waters, low key attractions like Bluefields Beach and the unimpressive Peter Tosh Memorial Garden, and a back country, lazy vibe ideal especially conducive to deep relaxation.
Bluefields Villas
Bluefields Villas are easily the area's most luxurious accommodation option, and among the most scrupulously maintained villas in Jamaica. If you've ever had the desire to feel like royalty, there is no better place than The Hermitage (US$5,600/8,400 weekly low/high season). Antique furniture and four-poster beds, seamlessly integrated with the classic design of the spacious villa, seem to have been specially created for a neocolonialist emperor. A large sundeck off the dining room looks over the sea, while the next dining room door opens over a tiled pool. The "silent butler" is never far off to deliver anything you might require, and delicious food is served at mealtimes with the utmost attention to presentation and form.
Bluefields Villas
Bluefields Villas are easily the area's most luxurious accommodation option, and among the most scrupulously maintained villas in Jamaica. If you've ever had the desire to feel like royalty, there is no better place than The Hermitage (US$5,600/8,400 weekly low/high season). Antique furniture and four-poster beds, seamlessly integrated with the classic design of the spacious villa, seem to have been specially created for a neocolonialist emperor. A large sundeck off the dining room looks over the sea, while the next dining room door opens over a tiled pool. The "silent butler" is never far off to deliver anything you might require, and delicious food is served at mealtimes with the utmost attention to presentation and form.
Bluefields Villas
Bluefields Villas are easily the area's most luxurious accommodation option, and among the most scrupulously maintained villas in Jamaica. If you've ever had the desire to feel like royalty, there is no better place than The Hermitage (US$5,600/8,400 weekly low/high season). Antique furniture and four-poster beds, seamlessly integrated with the classic design of the spacious villa, seem to have been specially created for a neocolonialist emperor. A large sundeck off the dining room looks over the sea, while the next dining room door opens over a tiled pool. The "silent butler" is never far off to deliver anything you might require, and delicious food is served at mealtimes with the utmost attention to presentation and form.
Bluefields Villas
Bluefields Villas are easily the area's most luxurious accommodation option, and among the most scrupulously maintained villas in Jamaica. If you've ever had the desire to feel like royalty, there is no better place than The Hermitage (US$5,600/8,400 weekly low/high season). Antique furniture and four-poster beds, seamlessly integrated with the classic design of the spacious villa, seem to have been specially created for a neocolonialist emperor. A large sundeck off the dining room looks over the sea, while the next dining room door opens over a tiled pool. The "silent butler" is never far off to deliver anything you might require, and delicious food is served at mealtimes with the utmost attention to presentation and form.
Bluefields Villas
Bluefields Villas are easily the area's most luxurious accommodation option, and among the most scrupulously maintained villas in Jamaica. If you've ever had the desire to feel like royalty, there is no better place than The Hermitage (US$5,600/8,400 weekly low/high season). Antique furniture and four-poster beds, seamlessly integrated with the classic design of the spacious villa, seem to have been specially created for a neocolonialist emperor. A large sundeck off the dining room looks over the sea, while the next dining room door opens over a tiled pool. The "silent butler" is never far off to deliver anything you might require, and delicious food is served at mealtimes with the utmost attention to presentation and form.
San Michele
San Michele (a Bluefields Villas property), 1.5 kilometers down the coast, is another gorgeous villa from the set. It has a small island perfect for enjoying the area's spectacular sunsets with cocktail in hand, connected to the lawn by a narrow bridge.
Judge Beer Joint
Judge Beer Joint (just west of Kd's, tel. 876/385-5184), run by Eugene "Judge" Stephenson, serves steamed or roast fish (US$6\7/lb.), and fish tea (US$1 per cup).
Sunset Paradise Bar & Grill
Sunset Paradise Bar & Grill (across from Kd's, tel. 876/955-8164) is owned by Quashi and serves drinks around a nice rustic bar, as well as Jamaican staples like stewed chicken (US$3). Quashi's cousin Patrice can usually be found behind the bar.
Kd's Fish Pot
Kd's Fish Pot (on the water 50 meters east of the Peter Tosh Memorial Garden) has been in business since 1973. Opening hours are not regular. Kd died in 2008, but his girlfriend still runs the place and cooks in the afternoons, depending on supply of fish and demand from customers. A small stage setup on the waterfront is sometimes used for events.
Fresh Touch Restaurant
Fresh Touch Restaurant (Bluefields Beach Park, contact owner Otis Wright, cell tel. 876/870-6303, or manager Pearl Stephenson, cell tel. 876/357-0875, 6:30 a.m.\10 p.m daily) serves steamed, roasted, and fried fish, as well as other coastal staples like fish tea, lobster, fried chicken, and curry goat, all served with a side of rice and peas. On Sundays and holidays Bluefields Beach Park is the most happening scene on the South Coast.
A quiet seaside community, Whitehouse has developed into a favored community for Jamaicans returning after years of working abroad, thanks to a few developers who've built subdivisions and sold off lots and homes. The nicest beach in the area, Whitehouse Beach, was cordoned off and annexed by the last Sandals to be built in Jamaica.
Brian "Bush Doctor" Wedderburn (cell tel. 876/384-6610), also known locally as Rasta Brian, leads hiking excursions (US$10 per person) into the hills to learn about local flora and fauna.
Fishing excursions can be organized by Lagga or Trevor, who can be contacted through Carolyn Barrett, manager of Horizon Cottages and owner of Barrett Adventures (tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com).
Reliable Adventures Jamaica
Reliable Adventures Jamaica (tel. 876/955-8834, cell tel. 876/421-7449, wolde99@yahoo.com, www.jamaicabirding.com) organizes community tours as well as birding, hiking, and marine excursions with local fisherman, led by Wolde Kristos. One-day bird tours run US$85 per person including lunch.
Natania's (tel. 876/963-5349, cell tel. 876/883-3009, nataniasjamaica@yahoo.com, www.nataniasjamaica.com, US$80\100) is run B&B-style with eight double-occupancy rooms, some facing inland, the others out to sea. Rooms have either two single beds or one king-size. Owner Veronica Probst took the name Natania from the names of her two daughters, Natalie and Tania. Veronica has run the place since 1983. The property sits on the waterfront overlooking Parker's Bay. Food is prepared to order. Amenities include direct TV, a pool, and sandy ocean access with a seaside gazebo.
Culloden by the Sea
Culloden by the Sea is a large subdivision development just west of Whitehouse. Several repatriated Jamaicans have built houses there to retire to and a few of them rent as nice, low-key guesthouses. Sierra-la-Mar Villa (Lot #150, Culloden-by-the-Sea, contact Garth Lee at tel. 876/963-5922, cell tel. 876/841-2299, garthlee1@cwjamaica.com, www.sierralamar.com, US$1,790 weekly for up to 12 people or US$900 weekly for exclusive rental of the entire house for two guests) is a nice six-bedroom villa perched high on the hill overlooking Whitehouse. Sierra-la-Mar has a three-day minimum year-round. Amenities include satellite TV, washer/dryer, fully equipped kitchen, air-conditioning in bedrooms, private pool and deck with a beautiful view, and Wi-Fi.
FantaSea (Culloden by the Sea, contact manager Marcia Laird, cell tel. 876/383-5347, or owner Rudy Miller, U.S. tel. 973/214-1423, www.fantaseavilla.com, US$1,600 weekly for up to four adults) is a five-bedroom, four-bath hilltop villa with a little swimming pool, a wrap-around kitchen bar/counter, and verandas that take full advantage of the breathtaking views. The villa can sleep a maximum of 12 people with a US$100 per week surcharge added for each additional adult. Bedrooms have air-conditiong, and the villa has internet and offers unlimited calls to the U.S. and Canada.
Ocean Air Guest House
Ocean Air Guest House (84 South Sea Park Drive, contact owner/manager Marcia Palmer, tel. 876/389-9155, oceanairguesthouse@yahoo.com, US$43\71) has eight standard rooms and a suite with four queen-size beds. Rooms have queen-size beds, air-conditioning, and local TV. The pool overlooks the waterfront, and there is a small beach below the house. Meals can be arranged to order (US$5\20/person).
South Sea View Guest House
South Sea View Guest House (tel. 876/963-5172, run by Norman Forrester, cell tel. 876/404-6040, southseaview@yahoo.com, www.southseaviewjamaica.com, US$75\85) is a seaside guest house with king-size beds, air-conditioning, TV, and private bath. Much of the food served in the restaurant is grown on Norman's organic farm.
Sandals Whitehouse
Sandals Whitehouse (U.S. tel. 800/726-3257, starting at US$790) took about 15 years to complete at a total cost of around US$110 million--among the most expensive hotels ever built and nearly double the initial budget estimates. At the high end of Sandals' many properties island-wide, the four-star Sandals Whitehouse features premium drinks, a variety of dining options, and a beautiful cabaret bar. Rooms have all the amenities you could ask for. The property is stunningly grand, designed like a European village with a large central courtyard and enormous pool with a wet bar. The beach is one of the best in the area. Day passes (US$85, good until 6 p.m) and evening passes (US$80, 6 p.m\2 a.m.) are also available, and the hotel also offers a full-day pass (US$130, 10 a.m.\2 a.m.). There's a two-night minimum stay.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Culloden Cove
Culloden Cove (US$3,300-4,200/week low season for 2-5 bedrooms, US$3,950-5,100 high season), located at the former home of the Culloden Cafè, received a complete refurbishment under new ownership in 2008, leaving the property in the immaculate condition of a top-notch villa. The property sleeps up to 10, six in the villa and four in a separate cottage. An infinity pool is located seaside, at the bottom of a sloping lawn extending from the main house, with a gazebo at the water's edge. You won't find better value in Jamaica. Mosquitos can be an issue seasonally, but shouldn't be a deterrent since there screens on the windows and nets over the beds, as well as A/C.
Box Video Rental and Cook Shop
Box Video Rental and Cook Shop (Whitehouse Square, cell tel. 876/363-0091, 9 a.m.\3 p.m daily, rent videos until 8 p.m; food US$2\4) is a great food joint run out of a shipping container by enterprising Raquel "Keisha" Smith. Chicken and pork dishes come in three sizes. Fish is also cooked when it's available.
Ruby's 24/7
Ruby's 24/7 (Whitehouse Square, tel. 876/453-0003) serves typical Jamaican dishes around the clock, in a box to go or to stay.
Becky's (8:30 a.m.\11 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$3\6), located about 100 meters farther west, serves typical Jamaican dishes like oxtail, fish, pork, curry goat, and fried chicken, as well as burgers and fries.
Jimmyz Restaurant and Bar
Jimmyz Restaurant and Bar (tel. 876/390-3477, Mon.\Sat. 6 a.m.\7 p.m, US$3.50\11) located at the local fishing beach and run by George "Jimmy" Williams, serves Jamaican breakfast items like ackee and saltfish accompanied by yam and boiled banana, with lunch and dinner dishes that include chicken and seafood staples. Fresh juices are also served.
Getting There and Around
Route taxis ply the coast all day long from Sav-la-Mar (US$2) and Black River (US$2) to Whitehouse. Karl (cell tel. 876/368-0508) is a JUTA-licensed driver based in the area who offers tours and taxi service.
Mandeville and the South Coast - Jhana copy
Mandeville and the South Coast
The parishes of Clarendon, Manchester, and St. Elizabeth make up the south-central part of Jamaica. It's the place to get away from the tourist hubs and see some of the country's farmland and less-frequented coastline. Locals in these parishes are less dependent on tourism and accordingly less pushy in soliciting business. While the region doesn't boast grandiose or glitzy resorts, the accommodations often make up for it with their rootsy charm, and there's still plenty of comfortable lodging options, especially in Treasure Beach, where villas and cottages range from rustic to unpretentious luxury. Languid fishing villages dot the St. Elizabeth coast, the most popular of which are found in Treasure Beach, and farther east in Alligator Pond, which straddles the St. Elizabeth\Manchester border. High above the plains, the cool air of Mandeville has been a draw in the heat of summer for centuries and is often referred to as the "retirement capital of Jamaica" for the number of repatriating Jamaicans who settle here. Over the past 50 years the bauxite industry gave Mandeville a strong economic base, while the 1970s saw the flight of many of the town's gentry during the Manley administration, when the prime minister's socialist lean drove fear into the wealthy class. The old moneyed families in Mandeville were somewhat replaced by an influx of nouveau riche, some allegedly owing to drug money, who have arrived over the past few decades to fill uptown neighborhoods with conspicuous concrete mansions. A lull in Jamaica's bauxite industry hit Mandeville especially hard after half the country's production ceased in early 2009. As the global economy recuperates and the world market price of aluminum rebounds, so too will Mandeville's economy. Independent of cash-flow considerations, the town's temperate climate and relatively well-developed infrastructure make it easy to forget you're in Jamaica. Mandeville boasts several noteworthy restaurants, making it a worthwhile place to stop for a bite on trips between Kingston and the South Coast. Other than that, it's not a place that keeps many tourists for any length of time, which makes it an attraction in itself for those seeking the "normal" Jamaican experience, not found so readily in Negril or Ochi where tourism dominates the economy.
If your goal is to hit the main sights and take in a bit of the South Coast culture, a night or two in Black River, a few days in Treasure Beach, and a night in Mandeville is probably sufficient. Treasure Beach is one of those places where a certain type of person falls into the groove immediately and finds it very difficult to leave. Others find that the area is too popularly off-the-beaten path and prefer seafront communities that are even more sedate, like Black River, a few kilometers away, or Belmont and Little Bay in Westmoreland. What is certain is that Treasure Beach has a unique feel with a land and people unto itself and the length of time visitors deem sufficient depends on how easy they are entertained by the rough-edged natural beauty that gives the area its charm. The immediate surroundings of Treasure Beach lend themselves to long walks, hiking in the Santa Cruz Mountains, boat rides, and cautious swimming.
Most people visiting the South Coast choose Treasure Beach as a base, making easy day trips to surrounding attractions. This is probably the best option with the most varied accommodation options, a hip-cum-chic vibe, and several beaches and unique scenery to enjoy. Decent accommodation options are also available in Black River farther west, but it's not a magnetic destination for most. Mandeville also has a smattering of decent hotels, and for those set on getting as much curative power as possible from the hot baths at Milk River, the hotel on-site has basic affordable rooms. Clarendon's capital, May Pen, also has a few decent hotels, but there is little here that draws visitors.
Both Treasure Beach and Black River make convenient bases for exploring the interior with attractions like Accompong Town, Appleton Estate, and Y.S. Falls all within about an hour's drive. Apart from laying low with the alligators and hanging out at Pelican Bar, there's little to keep visitors long in Black River.
Thankfully, Jamaica's South Coast is a welcome respite from the hustling that goes on in virtually every other area of the island that participates in the tourism industry. The most important dangers and annoyances in the region are accordingly more nature-oriented than human-related. Beaches along the South Coast are commonly deserted, and swimming alone is therefore not the safest activity, especially in Treasure Beach, where every year the list of drowned anglers seems to grow. The current and undertow in all the bays of Treasure Beach can be quite dangerous, and it's wise to ask the locals about conditions before getting too comfortable in the water.
Also related to the sea, there are times when jackfish contains high levels of toxins. It is better to avoid this fish altogether to be safe. Lobster is widely available on the South Coast and is the specialty at Little Ochie restaurant. Nevertheless, spiny lobster has a designated closed season (Apr.\June), established to protect the species from over-harvesting. The ban on lobster fishing during this time should be acknowledged and supported first and foremost by visitors to discourage any potential breach of the seasonal ban by fishermen--who ultimately are more prone to respond to the market rather than government regulations. It is illegal to land lobsters smaller than 76.2 millimeters, the established minimum size for a mature female.
Black River to Parottee
An important economic center in years past, especially for the export of logwood and mahogany, Black River is today a quiet literal and littoral backwater parish capital, with the main tourist attraction being the river at the heart of town that serves as the entry point into the Great Morass. There are a few popular tourism attractions within a half-hour's drive and plenty of forlorn stretches of mediocre beach just east of town along the coast toward Parottee. A few minutes west, Font Hill offers great swimming on a beautiful small tract of sand surrounded by coral reef. A few interesting buildings around town are worth a look, most notably Invercauld Great House.
Invercauld Great House along the waterfront between town and the hospital is the most striking structure in Black River, with well-preserved Georgian architecture. The great house was built in 1894 by Patrick Leydon. It was for many years a hotel but has fallen out of use and sits idle within its gated compound.
Luana Orchid Farm (contact Dr. Bennett, cell tel. 876/361-3252, admission US$5) offers formal tours by appointment only to check out the 150,000-odd local and foreign orchid plants at the 1.5-acre farm. Dr. Bennett has bred several new varieties himself. The farm is located on the northern outskirts of Black River along the road between Black River and Middle Quarters, opposite Luana Sports Club and quarry.
Lower Black River Morass
The Lower Black River Morass is one of Jamaica's largest wetlands, with 142 square kilometers of mangrove and swamp providing a rich habitat for a variety of animal and plantlife. Turtles and crocodiles are still abundant, while manatees, once relatively common around the mouth of the river, are gone today. It's the largest remaining undisturbed wetland in the English-speaking Caribbean at 7,285 hectares. The Black River Morass has 113 species of plants and 98 species of animals. The Anchovy Pear (Grias cauliflora) of the Brazil Nut family (Lecythidaceae) grows in the morass. Sawgrass, or razor grass (Cladium jamaicensis), first described by botanists in Jamaica and thus given the Latin name jamaicensis, covers about 60 percent of the wetlands area. Sable palm (Sabal jamaicensis), or thatch palm, is another wetland plant abundant in the reserve that was first described in Jamaica.
The crocodiles along the Black River are quite accustomed to being around people, to the point where many tourists think the ones sitting on the river's edge next to the restaurant are tame. While it's not recommended, some people swim in the same water as the crocs, which, according to one seasoned adventurer, are more afraid of us than we are of them. It's best to respect their space, however, and not give them the chance to prove they are anything but friendly.
The Black River and the Lower Black River Morass are best accessed by taking one of the river safari tours that start in the town of Black River, where three tours are offered from the river banks on pontoon boats.
Black River Safaris
Charles Swaby's Black River Safari (tel. 876/965-2513 or 876/965-2086, jcsafari@hotmail.com, www.jamaica-southcoast.com/blackriver, US$16.50 adult, US$8.25 children), run by parent company South Coast Safari, has a pontoon boat tour up the Black River for 75 minutes with a commentary by the captain. Tours run daily at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m, 2 p.m, and 3:30 p.m Swaby started the tour in 1987. Lunch is served at the Bridge House Inn and at Riverside Dock.
St. Elizabeth Safari (tel. 876/965-2374 or 876/361-3252, donovan.bennett07@yahoo.com, US$16 adults, US$8 children under 12) runs on the opposite side of the river, with local businessman Dr. Bennett operating a virtually identical 75-minute tour up the Black River.
Irie Safari (12 High St., tel. 876/965-2211, lintonirie@hotmail.com, 8:30 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat., 9 a.m.\4 p.m Sun.) offers a narrated tour on pontoon boats lasting 75 minutes (US$17 per person, minimum charge of US$40 per boat with two people). Proprietor Lloyd Linton is a wetland biologist who leads many of the tours himself. Irie is the smallest of the three tours, which can help avoid the long wait sometimes found at the competitors, which get more large groups. Irie Safari also offers sportfishing for tarpon and snook. The tour was established in 1993.
Lost River Kayak Adventures (www.lostriverkayak.com), also run by Lloyd Linton from the Irie Safari location, has two three-seater, four two-seater, and two single-seat kayaks. Tours venture into the upper reaches of the Black River, where there are blue holes suitable for swimming, birds that wouldn't be seen from a motorized craft, and no crocodiles, thanks to the fresh water. The tour lasts about two hours at US$40 per person.
Pelican Bar
One of the most exceptional attractions in all of Jamaica, Pelican Bar is a ramshackle structure less than 1.5 kilometers offshore on a sandbar off Parotee Point. Run by the charismatic Denever Forbes, known by everybody as Floyde (cell tel. 876/354-4218), Pelican Bar serves drinks and cooks up excellent plates of fish (US$10) and lobster (US$15) accompanied by rice, bammy, or festival. The sandbar is an excellent spot to spend the day relaxing and snorkeling. The best way to reach the bar is by calling Daniel McLenon, known as Dee (cell tel. 876/860-7277), who offers round-trip shuttle service in his fishing boat (US$10 per person) from Parotee. Dee leaves from near his yard past Basil's, just after some houses with blue roofs. Turn right and park along a little lane that leads to the beach. Call Floyde before heading out to make sure he's around. Generally he keeps hours starting at 9 a.m.until the last customers are ready to leave in the evening. The bar is closed when bad weather requires. The only land tour operator servicing Pelican Bar on a regular basis is Barrett Adventures (contact Carolyn Barrett, cell tel. 876/382-6384), which offers transport from Mobay or Negril and can also arrange snorkeling equipment.
Calabash Literary Festival (www.calabashfestival.org) is a fun, free event held the last weekend in May at Jake's in Treasure Beach (tel. 876/965-0635, 800/OUTPOST (800/688-7678), jakes@cwjamaica.com, www.islandoutpost.com/jakes) that draws writers and attendees from across the Caribbean and African diaspora, as well as featuring some of Jamaica's own lyricists and authors.
Jake's Jamaican Off-Road Triathlon and Sunset Run (contact Tamesha Dyght, tel. 876/965-0748 or cell tel. 876/564-6319), organized by BREDs, sponsored by Jake's, and held the last weekend in April, consists of a 500-meter swim, a 15-kilometer mountain bike ride, and a seven-kilometer cross-country run. It draws Jamaicans from across the island as well as international competitors. The winner typically receives a weekend for two at a sponsoring hotel.
BREDS (Kingfisher Plaza, Calabash Bay, contact Sean Chedda, assistant project manager, tel. 876/965-0748, info@breds.org, www.breds.org, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Fri., 9 a.m.\1 p.m Sat.) is a community-based organization engaged in community betterment activities and staging events. The nongovernmental organization (NGO) is currently involved in bringing a couple of benchmarking organizations to test for environmental integrity to keep the community green and sustainable. It is also working to have lifeguards posted along the beaches. The group has already trained lifeguards who are posted at Frenchman's Beach, one of the area's most notorious, which has claimed the lives of many locals. There is no reef protection at Frenchman's Beach, and thus the currents tend to be very strong. Jason Henzell, of Jake's, is the BREDS chairman.
BREDS also organizes the Hook 'n' Line Canoe Tournament held at the Calabash Bay Beach on Heroes weekend in October (second weekend of the month). The popular event starts on Saturday and goes into Sunday, when all the boats come in by noon to weigh in their catch. Whoever gets the largest fish (by weight) wins. Any kind of fish is fair game. Tourists may participate by renting boats. The entry fee is kept low (around US$7 per boat) to ensure that the event remains decidedly local. The top prize ranges from an inflatable boat with an engine (2006) to other fishing-related equipment in past years. Contact the BREDS office (tel. 876/965-0748) for details.
Little Ochie Seafood Festival (tel. 876/961-4618, thelkar@cwjamaica.com), held in August, is a definite must and worth traveling from the other side of the island for the lobster, fish, oysters, and cultural activities that range from traditional dance to popular reggae acts.
Black River
The options for staying in Black River are not highly varied. Most visitors come to town just for the day from either nearby Treasure Beach or Negril.
Waterloo Guest House (44 High St., tel. 876/965-2278, US$29\47) is really the only option in town. Once the home of English racehorse breeder John Leyden, who made the Waterloo the first building to have electricity in 1893, the amenities seem to have changed little since then. Basic rooms have ceiling fans, double beds or two single beds, and private bath. There are also rooms with queen-size beds, TV, and air-conditioning; some rooms have a small fridge and coffeemaker. The guesthouse has a popular restaurant and bar (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$2.50\7) serving chicken, pork, oxtail, fish, and fried rice.
East Toward Parottee Point
South Shore Guest House Bar & Restaurant (Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-2172) is wedged between the road and the beach with decent basic rooms facing the water (US$21 with fan, no hot water or TV; US$28 with TV, fan, and hot water; US$46 for two double beds, hot water, TV, and air-conditioning). South Shore is owned by Rose Williams.
Bridge House Inn (14 Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-2361, US$21\26) has 13 basic rooms with either fan or air-conditioning. Private bathrooms have hot water. A restaurant on the property (8 a.m.\10 p.m daily) serves chicken, beef, pork chop, curry goat, and fish (US$3.50\6).
Port of Call Hotel (136 Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-2360, US$31\36) has a variety of rooms, some with one double bed, others with one double and one single. All rooms have private bathroom with hot water and air-conditioning.
Parottee Beach Resort (Crane Rd., tel. 876/383-3980) is a no-frills property toward the end of Parottee Point with four two-level buildings that have combinations of two rooms with two single beds or one king-size and two single beds (US$95). One half of the duplex suites can also be rented alone (US$50).
Idlers' Rest Beach Hotel (Crane Rd., tel. 876/965-9000, US$100 d), owned by attorney Courtney Hamilton, has spacious and well-decorated rooms with king-size beds and all the amenities (air-conditioning, ceiling fans, cable TV, mosquito nets) on a pleasant and quiet beachfront stretch along the road to Parottee Point.
Ocean View Restaurant and Resort Cottages (74 Crane Rd., tel. 876/634-4602, U.S. tel. 404/402-3257, njgravity@yahoo.com) owned by Neville Jackson, has a restaurant serving fish tea, vegetable soup, steam/escovitch/brown stew/fried fish, shrimp, conch, lobster, chicken, curry goat, and chow mien. Cottages are small and basic (US$50).
North Toward Middle Quarters
Ashton Great House & Hotel (tel. 876/965-2036, US$75), located just outside Black River along Central Road in Luana, has 22 rooms with hot water and air-conditioning. Meals are cooked to order for guests. The only negative is the dated linoleum floors in baths. Otherwise there are wood floors throughout, gorgeous views, and a sizable pool near a spacious covered area used for parties and functions. The house was built in the late 1600s by a sea captain, Earle from England, who married a Jamaican woman and raised hogs and cattle.
West Toward Whitehouse
Font Hill Villas Guest House (contact guesthouse manager Ian Blair, tel. 876/462-9011, US$40) has comfortable and well-appointed rooms, all of which have hot water, air-conditioning, and a kitchenette. Some have ceiling fans. This is a great place to get away from it all on the grounds of the expansive Font Hill Estate, with ample room for walking and hiking. The Font Hill Beach Park is just minutes away. The guesthouse was temporarily closed in 2009 and no reopening date is yet on the horizon.
Northside Jerk Centre (5 North St., tel. 876/965-9855, 8 a.m.\7 p.m daily, US$2.50\5) a.k.a. Alvin's Fish & Jerk Pork Center, serves fried curry, stew, jerk chicken, stew jerk pork, curry goat, and steamed, brown stew, and escovitch fish.
Tasty Foods (2 Market St., tel. 876/634-4027, 8 a.m.\9 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$2.50\7) serves ackee and saltfish, salt mackerel, chicken (stew, fried, baked, and curry), cabbage, callaloo, oxtail, sliced brown stew fish, whole fish, garlic or curry shrimp, and fries. Eulalee Bennett runs the restaurant.
Tern's Cafe (tel. 876/965-2685 or 876/634-0084, 7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$2\4.50) serves Jamaican dishes like escovitch fish, fried and baked chicken, curry goat, and pork and beans right along the waterfront in the heart of town. Tern's also sells Devon House and Nestle ice cream.
Bayside Restaurant and Pastry (19 North St., tel. 876/634-3663, 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$3.50) serves curry goat, stew pork, and fried chicken. Cakes are also served by the slice (US$1.25) or whole (from US$10). Dahlia is the helpful supervisor.
The Fish Pot Bistro and Indies Irie Pizza franchise (riverside on the Black River, adjacent to Riverside Dock, tel. 876/965-2211 or contact Lloyd Linton, cell tel. 876/472-4644; 9:30 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$6\15) predominantly serves fish: escovitch, steamed, and brown stew--fried and cooked back down in a sauce accompanied by rice, festival, or bammy. It also has curried or garlic shrimp, as well as jerk chicken at times, and lobster in season. Pizza is also served at the same establishment (US$6\20). Toppings include pepperoni, ham, ground beef, and pineapple.
Basil's Seafood Restaurant (cell tel. 876/369-2565, 7 a.m.\midnight daily, US$6.50\13) in nearby Parottee has good seafood. The restaurant serves excellent fish, conch, and lobster. Basil Bennett is the congenial proprietor.
Yellowtail Restaurant (1 Brigade St., tel. 876/634-1319, tel. 876/887-5160, 8 a.m.\11 p.m Mon.\Sat., noon\9 p.m Sun., US$3\15) serves good Jamaican fare with a menu that includes curry goat, cow foot, fried or curried chicken, stew beef, brown stew, and steamed fish and shrimp.
Cloggy's on the Beach (22 Crane Rd., tel. 876/634-2424, www.cloggys.com, US$3\11) is the quintessential beachfront bar and restaurant, serving a range of dishes from chicken to steamed fish, brown fish stew, fried fish, and lobster. This is a great place to kick back and unwind, even if the beach along this stretch out to Parotee Point is a bit muddied by the mouth of the Black River.
Las Vegas Cafè (70 Crane Rd. 504-2396/373-1028, 11 a.m.\midnight, or until last person leaves) serves seafood including conch, shrimp, and lobster and typical Jamaican dishes to order (US$4.50\9).
Pelican Bar is the most interesting restaurant around, but it requires a boat ride to reach. It's offshore on a sandbar off Parotee Point. Run by Denever Forbes, known as Floyde (cell tel. 876/354-4218), Pelican Bar serves drinks and cooks up excellent plates of fish (US$10) and lobster (US$15) accompanied by rice, bammy, or festival.
The Barn Jerk Centre & Grill (107 Main St., thebarnjg@gmail.com, 11 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$4\20) is housed in a barn-like structure--keeping with its name--on the north side of the main road through Whitehouse. Jeffrey Jameison (cell tel. 876/583-9787 or 876/298-6599) opened the place in April 2009. The jerk center serves jerk chicken and pork, grilled shrimp and lobster, steamed and roasted conch and fish, conch soup, spare ribs, BBQ ribs, and jerk sausage.
Queen Diamond Sports Bar & Club has a pool table and TV. Peter Tennent keeps the joint open from 3 p.m till you say when Thursday\Sunday, and on select Mondays. A shop next door to the sports bar sells Devon House Ice Cream out of a freezer.
Duke's Mile Post 99 (Main St., contact Boris "Duke" Samuels, cell tel. 876/584-0210, 2 a.m.\midnight daily, US$10\20) sits next to the road on a little rise unmistakably plastered with green Heineken branding. Founded in December 2006, it has a club license so it can go all night and usually goes till around 4 a.m.on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, when selectors are brought in from the greater area to play mostly dancehall. A restaurant specializes in seafood dishes like lobster, shrimp, conch, octopus, and fish. The bar makes for a good pit stop, as Duke welcomes passersby to come in, use the bathroom, and spend some money.
The post office (35 High St., tel. 876/634-3769) is open 8 a.m.\5 p.m Monday\Friday. DHL is at 17 High Street (tel. 876/965-2651, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat.).
The Internet Shop (13 North St., tel. 876/965-2534, 10 a.m.\6 p.m, US$2.25/hour) has DSL Internet access. Surf D Net (12 High St., tel. 876/634-4535, 9:30 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Fri., 10 a.m.\6:30 p.m Sat.) also offers Internet access. The St. Elizabeth Parish Library (64 High St., 8:45 a.m.\5:15 p.m Mon.\Fri., 8:45 a.m.\3 p.m Sat.) also offers Internet service (US$1.50/hour).
The Globe Store (17 High St., tel. 876/965-2161) sells souvenirs and computer parts.
Both NCB (13 High St., tel. 876/965-2207) and Scotiabank (6 High St., tel. 876/965-2251) have branches with ATMs.
Black River is easily reached by route taxi from Sav-la-Mar in Westmoreland (US$3) or from Santa Cruz in St. Elizabeth (US$2). If you're driving, there's a dodgy but interesting road along the coast to Treasure Beach that's much shorter and not too much more potholed than the long way around. To take the coastal route, head over the bridge east of Black River along Crane Road and turn off the main road toward the water after passing the communications tower east of Parottee. A left turn at a Y intersection leads along the coast to Treasure Beach.
Scott's Cove
One of the best road stops along the South Coast, Scott's Cove on the Westmoreland\St. Elizabeth border has several stands with friendly competition between vendors of fried escovitch fish, conch soup, shrimp, and lobster. Check Ras Collie-Bud for an excellent cup of conch soup or any of the vendors for escoveitch-style fried fish and bammy.
Font Hill Beach Park and Wildlife Sanctuary
Owned and operated by the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), Font Hill has a beautiful little coral-lined sandy beach (Ian cell tel. 876/462-9011, 9 a.m.\5 p.m daily, visitors can stay later, but no one is admitted after 5 p.m and lifeguards are not on duty, US$5 adults, US$3 children) with picnic tables, grills, and bathroom facilities. The beach attracts a predominantly local crowd and is busy on weekends. Across the road, the Font Hill estate extends deep inland.
The nature reserve is not officially open to the public and the PCJ makes clear that those who enter do so at their own risk. In addition to the healthy birdlife found in the sanctuary, there's quite a crocodile population. Not long ago, a scientist member of a research team, with years of observing the area's crocodiles under his belt, inadvertently stepped on one and received severe gashes to his leg. Crocodiles are not generally aggressive, but avoid stepping on them at all costs.
Straddling the Westmoreland\St. Elizabeth border and best accessed by turning inland along the road just east of Whitehouse and just west of the South Sea Park subdivision, Newmarket has the best weekly market in the area, generally held on Mondays. When the incline levels out, turn right to reach Newmarket, passing the striking Carmel Moravian church sitting on a hill. It's well worth stopping to have a look around. The church is in a good state of repair with an impressive organ in its modest interior.
Middle Quarters is a favorite motorist stop, where women line the road selling "pepper swimps" (shrimp), and Howie's HQ (contact Howie Salmon, cell tel. 876/860-5733 or 876/860-5396, open 24/7) roadside restaurant serves up typical Jamaican dishes out of huge pots to motorists.
Marcia Williams' Rasta-Colored Roadside Shop (tel. 876/363-7242, 10 a.m.\
7 p.m daily) is an excellent choice for fresh-out-the-pot swimps. Ms. Williams also serves beer at her shop and has a good fruit and vegetable stand out front.
Bubbling Spring (contact proprietor Lincoln Fagan, cell tel. 876/850-1606, 9 a.m.\6 p.m daily, admission US$15) is a natural mineral spring impossible to miss thanks to the bright rainbow colors painted on the compound's outer walls, located along the main road on the western side of Middle Quarters. Patrons can take a dip in a small spring-fed pool of water said to have healthful properties, hang out, and sample food and drinks at the restaurant and bar. Visited predominantly by locals, Bubbling Spring hosts an annual "Swimps" festival in mid-October.
Y.S. Falls
Y.S. Falls (ysfalls@cwjamaica.com, www.ysfalls.com, 9:30 a.m.\3:30 p.m Tues.\Sun., US$15 adults, US$7.50 children 3\15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6). There is a bar and grill on the property, as well as gift shops with an excellent array of books, crafts, and Jamaica-inspired clothing. There is also a swimming pool just below the falls.
A series of ziplines traverse over the falls (US$42) and is operated by Chukka Caribbean Adventures. It is a rush, to say the least, and perhaps the most exhilarating of Chukka's three canopy tours in Jamaica.
The origin of the name "Y.S." is somewhat disputed: one version is that it comes from the Gaelic word "wyess," meaning winding and twisting. The second version is that it comes from the last names of the two men who ran the estate in 1684, John Yates and Richard Scott, who branded the cattle and hogshead of sugar with "Y.S." The 3,238-hectare property was bought out of bankruptcy from the list of Encumbered Estates in London by Simon's great uncle, John Browne, in 1887 for £4,000--without Browne ever having seen the estate. Some of the land was sold, leaving 809 hectares today where champion thoroughbred racehorses are bred and Pedigree Red Poll cattle graze the Guango tree\lined fields. Sugarcane production was discontinued in the 1960s.
The Y.S. River originates in Cockpit Country and is fed by many springs on its course to where it meets the Black River. A spring on the estate is the original source of water for the town of Black River, 13 kilometers downstream.
Bamboo Avenue
One of the most beautiful four-kilometer stretches of road in Jamaica, running from Middle Quarters to West Lacovia, Bamboo Avenue is also known as Holland Bamboo. The stretch is lined with Jamaica's largest bamboo species, the common bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), brought from Haiti by the owners of the neighboring 1,780-hectare Holland sugar estate, which once belonged to John Gladstone (1764\1851). Gladstone went on to father 19th-century British prime minister William Gladstone. Bamboo Avenue provides shade for several jelly coconut and peanut vendors. On the eastern side of Bamboo Avenue is Bamboo Ville, a vibesy jerk center with big pots on open fires.
Just about all that's noteworthy about Lacovia, other than being the turnoff for Maggoty, Accompong, and Appleton Estate, are a few restaurants and a gas station.
Kingmon's Restaurant (tel. 876/966-6705 or cell tel. 876/425-6721, US$3.50\5.50), run by Kingsley and Monica, serves natural juices and Jamaican staples like baked and fried chicken, cow foot, curry chicken, and curry goat.
Tropical Jerk Center (contact proprietor Neville Douglas, tel. 876/845-3814, 9 a.m.\10 p.m daily) serves jerk chicken and pork, food, soup, and jerk and steamed fish next to the Texaco station.
Southern Cockpit Country
The interior of St. James, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, and Clarendon parishes is rugged terrain, much of it forming part of Cockpit Country, which blankets pitted limestone hills full of caves and underground rivers. As the impassible interior descends to the sea, ridged hills taper down around lush valleys, which have proved some of the most fertile in Jamaica. The Y.S. and Appleton estates remain prized lands. The Nassau Valley, where Appleton Estate is located, is still heavily planted in sugarcane to feed the healthy rum business.
From Maggoty the main road (B6) heads east, skirting a large wetland area fed by the upper reaches of the Black River before rejoining the main south coast "highway" (A2) just east of Santa Cruz. From Balaclava, a turn to the north (B10) leads deep into the interior to Troy and then Warsop, passing by Ramgoat Cave before hitting Clarks Town, Trelawny. North of Clarks Town the road emerges on the coast in Duncans. For extreme adventure-seekers, the Troy Trail is a challenging traverse of the most rugged part of Cockpit Country. The trail is best accessed with the help of a guide, which can be set up through the Jamaica Caves Organization (info@jamaicancaves.org, www.jamaicancaves.org).
Hiking excursions in the vicinity of Accompong can be arranged by contacting Maroon Colonel Ferron Williams (cell tel. 876/850-9567).
Apple Valley Park (contact Lucille Lee, cell tel. 876/487-4521 or 876/963-950, or Andrea, cell tel. 876/449-7718, www.applevalleypark.com, 10:30 a.m.\5 p.m daily, reservations are imperative as the park is closed when none have been made) is one of those places where even locals aren't entirely sure whether it's open or not. Nonetheless, pedal-boating around a man-made pond, swimming pools, a cold-water whirlpool tub, rope swing, and picnic area make it a potentially entertaining affair. The park offers a tractor tour and meals. Admission is US$8.50 adults, US$7 children under 12 with a jerk or fried chicken lunch included or US$5 adult, US$3.50 children for admission alone. Visitors may bring their own food. Four cabins on the property (US$14) offer basic accommodation for up to three persons with private baths and cold water.
Apple Valley Guest House (contact Lucille Lee, cell tel. 876/487-4521 or 876/963-9508) has slightly less basic double-occupancy rooms (US$36) than those at the park, with hot water in private baths and air-conditioning or fans available by request.
Home of the Leeward or Trelawny Maroons, Accompong (derived from Achumpun, or Acheumpun, from the Twi language of Ghana) was named after a brother of the famous leader Cudjoe (Kojo) who signed a peace treaty with Great Britain that granted his people autonomy from the crown on March 1, 1738. In exchange for their sovereignty, granted 100 years before emancipation, and freedom for the rest of the black population, the Maroons were called on repeatedly by the British to assist in the suppression of slave rebellions and to help capture runaways. Accompong falls within the borders of St. Elizabeth Parish, but it's really outside the confines of any parish--the land occupied by the Maroons predates the establishment of parishes by the British. Today Accompong is led by Colonel Ferron Williams (cell tel. 876/850-9567), a police inspector with the Jamaica Constabulary Force elected for his first five-year term in 2009. It's best to check in with the colonel so he can anticipate your arrival, as he'll help with the logistics and ensure fair treatment by representatives of the community.
The best time to visit is for the annual Accompong Maroon Festival (Jan. 5\6), when the village comes alive with traditional Maroon music and dance as well as stage shows more typical of the rest of Jamaica. During the rest of the year it's a great destination for getting some fresh air and spectacular views of a seldom-visited corner of St. Elizabeth. Guides from the community are available to take visitors to the cave (US$10/person) where the famous treaty was signed, as well to a few other important sights in the community, like a burial ground and the church where English names were given to the Maroons after emancipation.
Appleton Estate (tel. 876/963-9215 or 876/963-9217, fax 876/963-9218, appleton@infochan.com, www.appletonrum.com, tour hours 9 a.m.\3 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$22 admission includes a miniature bottle of rum) in Nassau Valley is one of the most popular tours in Jamaica and well worth a visit, both to sample the several grades of rum and to experience the most lush corner of St. Elizabeth and its impressive topography. The distillery at Appleton Estate is run by Wray and Nephew, which makes Appleton's, Jamaica's best-known rum. To get there, turn inland off the A2 toward Maggoty in West Lacovia after passing through Bamboo Avenue from the west or Lacovia from the east. Where the road splits keep right, following well-marked signs for Appleton Estate.
A bustling transportation hub more than a destination of any note, Santa Cruz can get congested during the day; if you're just passing through there is a very useful bypass around the town center that saves a lot of time. Arriving from the east, veer right off the main road at the Y where the road splits at the Total gas station before getting to town. Take the third left to rejoin the main at the stoplight on the western edge of town. Arriving from the west, follow the reverse route: a left at the first stoplight, and then a right until the road meets the main at the Total station on the eastern edge of town. The dusty bus terminal parking lot in the heart of Santa Cruz is a good place to catch a route taxi for Treasure Beach, Black River, or Mandeville.
Entertainment and Shopping
Toxic Night Club (no phone, Thurs.\Sat.) in Leddister's Plaza is the best spot in town to get your groove on at night should you be stranded in Santa Cruz.
Record Mart (right before Singer in Santa plaza, tel. 876/966-2564) sells both domestic records and imports with plenty of reggae, R&B, and hip-hop.
Chariots Hotel (Leeds, tel. 876/966-3860, US$40\75) has a pool, restaurant, and bar. Heading west through Santa Cruz, turn left at the stoplight onto Coke Drive, pass RBTT bank and then NCB, four kilometers from Santa Cruz on the road to Malvern. The restaurant serves typical Jamaican dishes (US$4\8.50). All rooms have private bath, cable TV, air-conditioning, and floral-print bedcovers on either two double beds or one king-size bed. It's a decent, well-kept place. The more expensive rooms have hot water.
Kool Rooms Guest House (just west of the last stoplight in Santa Cruz, cell tel. 876/312-8735, tel. 876/387-9417, vernonbourne@yahoo.com, US$50) has four rooms with two queen-size or two double beds in each room with air-conditioning, cable TV, and en suite bathrooms with tub and shower. Run by roots rock reggae singer Vernon Bourne, a.k.a. Singing Vernon, the guesthouse is a good place for young travelers looking to unwind and kick back in rural St. Elizabeth. You're likely to "buck up" other popular reggae artists during your stay.
Grills & Frills (39 Main St., across from Rapid True Value, tel. 876/966-3515, Mon.\Sat. 10 a.m.\10 p.m, US$3\4.50) serves Boston-style jerk chicken and pork and roast fish, as well as other Jamaican staples.
Miguel's Cafe (5 Jewel Close, tel. 876/966-4304, 8 a.m.\9:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., until 10 p.m Fri. and Sat., US$2.50\3.75) in the heart of town just below KFC has fried chicken, baked chicken, curry goat, stewed peas, and pork chops.
Hinds Restaurant & Bakery (Santa Cruz Plaza, tel. 876/966-2234, 7:30 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Thurs., until 7 p.m Fri. and Sat., US$4\6) has decent Jamaican dishes liked fried, stewed, and baked chicken, as well as oxtail, curry goat, stew pork, and escovitch fish.
G-Link World Internet Cafe is at Shop #21, Jake's Plaza (tel. 876/966-4497).
NCB (7 Coke Drive, tel. 876/966-2204) and Scotiabank (77 Main St., tel. 876/966-2230) have small branches with ATMs.
Treasure Beach
Isolated from the rest of the island by the Santa Cruz mountains, which create the area's distinct coastal desert environment by capturing the westbound rainfall, Treasure Beach is a catch-all name for a series of bays and fishing villages that extend from Fort Charles at the greater community's western edge, to Billy's Bay, Frenchman's Bay, and Great Bay on the eastern edge of the community. Treasure Beach prides itself on offering a different kind of tourism than that found in Jamaica's more built-up tourist centers. Local ownership of the guesthouses and restaurants is more the rule than the exception, and it's impossible not to interact with Jamaicans in a more substantial context than being served your cocktail.
The earth in St. Elizabeth is a deep red, and the people, thanks to a mix of Scottish and African blood, also have a reddish complexion, often with striking blue or green eyes. These Jamaicans are commonly referred to as "red" by the rest of the island's population, with typical disregard for innuendos or connotations outsiders might deem politically incorrect. In spite of St. Elizabeth receiving the least rainfall on the island, the parish is known as Jamaica's "breadbasket," not for any grain produced there per se, but mainly for vast quantities of vegetables it sends across the island.
Many of the bays have decent swimming areas, but it's best to inquire with locals about the safety of jumping in the water at any particular point until you get accustomed to the area. Remain vigilant of rip tides and strong currents.
The light complexion generally seen in Treasure Beach and St. Elizabeth is said to owe to Scots who had unsuccessfully settled in Darion Point, Panama, and were forced to flee. It is said that William III sent word that the Scots were not to come into any port, so they beached their ships at Treasure Beach. Treasure Beach started to become an offbeat destination in the 1970s, and fortunately developed at a slow pace, giving the area a chance to define for itself an alternate approach that has been far more equitable for the community than other tourist destinations around Jamaica.
As an off-the-beaten-track destination, the main appeal of Treasure Beach is the community itself and the infectious sleepy pace that permeates the area. Despite their laid-back nature, residents of St. Elizabeth pride themselves on being extremely hardworking, from the fishermen who spend days out at sea to the farmers who take great care in mulching and watering their crops to fight the perpetual drought. Despite the lack of differentiable sights of interest along the Treasure Beach coast itself, there are several worthwhile excursions within an hour's drive, many of which are around Black River. East of Treasure Beach along the coast there are also a few notable natural attractions.
Lovers' Leap (Southfield, 9 a.m.\9 p.m daily, closing later on Sun.) is a 480-meter drop to the sea less than 16 kilometers east of Treasure Beach along the coast. According to legend, a slave couple leapt to their deaths to avoid forced separation by their master, who was lusting after the girl. As the legend has it, an old woman who witnessed their leap said the moon caught them up in a golden net and they were last seen holding hands standing on the moon as it sank over the horizon. A lighthouse was built on the point in 1979 and can be seen from 35 kilometers out at sea. Admission is US$3, or support the bar and restaurant in lieu of admission.
Lovers' Leap Guest House (Southfield, tel. 876/965-6004, US$36 upstairs, US$50 poolside) has decent, basic rooms with double beds and private bath, hot water, air-conditioning, and ceiling fans.
If you're looking for wild all-night parties, Treasure Beach is probably not the best destination. Romantic sunsets and quiet nights are more the norm than live music. Nonetheless, a few venues see regular activity on weekends. Most of these venues operate as restaurants as much as nightspots.
Treasure Beach comes alive for annual events like Calabash Literary Festival and the Hook 'n' Line Fishing Tournament, with bonfires on the beach and roots reggae pumping from sound systems well into the night. Rebel Salute, a massive reggae concert held annually in mid-February in nearby Port Kaiser, is another exception to the rule of calm and quiet nights along the South Coast.
South Jammin' (contact owner/manager Joe Isaacs, cell tel. 876/291-5364; open daily from 7 a.m. until the last person leaves, US$3\13) is a centrally located restaurant serving as a local hangout and nightspot with darts, billiards, and dominoes. Satellite TV and live music every weekend on Saturday and Sunday (9 p.m\2 a.m.) are strong draws. Ladies' night on Friday (7\10 p.m) avails two-for-one drinks for women.
Fisherman's Bar (cell tel. 876/379-9780) is a club open nightly with dancehall and roots reggae booming. A pool table and domino area around back are popular with locals, while the restaurant out front serves typical Jamaican fare at reasonable prices. The venue occasionally hosts live music.
Wild Onion (contact business manager Lurline Rhodes, tel. 876/965-3619, 3 p.m\2 a.m.Tues.\Sun., US$4\7) is a bar and restaurant serving Jamaican lunch and dinner items like rice and fish, curry goat, vegetable pasta, pork, and chicken. As a nightspot Wild Onion contracts a selector on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. In the high season the venue hosts live music once a month.
Brap Bar (Billy's Bay, 8:30 a.m.\midnight daily) comes alive in the evenings for poker and dominoes; enter the fray if you dare.
Treasure Hunt Craft Shop (Old Wharf Road, tel. 876/965-3878, 9 a.m.\3 p.m Mon.\Fri., 9 a.m.\1 p.m Sat.), run by the Treasure Beach Women's Group, makes handcrafted items out of calabash and other local materials. The parent organization holds regular meetings and provides a forum for addressing issues affecting the community's matriarchs. Baskets, gourds, post cards, and the signature Star Light candle holders are other nice gift items sold at the shop. The group hosts a variety of events, from summer camps to bingo to fashion shows.
Callaloo Butik (Frenchman's district, cell tel. 876/390-3949, 9 a.m.\6 p.m daily, www.callaloo-jam.com) is an upscale craft and souvenir shop run by Sophie Eyssautier, selling clothing, bags, jewelry, beach wraps, baby items, ceramics, and home decor, 100 percent of it made in Jamaica.
People come to Treasure Beach to avoid or escape the busy tourist hubs of Ocho Rios, Negril, and Montego Bay. Swimming, fishing, long walks, and yoga may be the most popular recreational activities.
Captain Dennis Adventure, run by Dennis Abrahams (cell tel. 876/435-3779 or tel. 876/965-3084, dennisabrahams@yahoo.com), offers excursions and fishing trips to get to Black River Safari (US$120), Pelican Bar (US$75 for two), or to a white-sand beach called Gallon Beach in Malcolm Bay just past Black River. Dennis also offers fishing (US$60/hour) and excursions to Little Ochie (US$120). Additional passengers can be added for an extra fee (US$45 per person).
Andy Nembhard (cell tel. 876/438-1311, andytours@yahoo.com) rents Trek, Raleigh, and Cannondale mountain bikes (US$25 per day), operates two-hour sea kayak tours (US$60 per person), and rents single-person kayaks (US$45 per day). Andy also runs 2\3-hour hiking and biking tours (US$60 per person) to Great Bay, Fort Charles, and Lover's Leap. Snorkeling excursions are also offered for US$65 per person, including equipment and transportation to Font Hill Beach Park near Whitehouse, where the reefs are more colorful and waters calmer than in Treasure Beach.
Wherever you go in the water in Treasure Beach, it's best to have a companion and to inquire with locals to ensure it is safe. Treasure Beach maintains a growing list of locals who have fallen victim to the hungry sea, which can have strong currents and undertows. While Treasure Beach is not sought after specifically for the quality of its beaches (which aren't as suitable for Jamaica Tourist Board posters as those in other parts of the island), the beaches it has are picturesque in an entirely different way and romantic all the same.
Frenchman's Beach is a great beach for body surfing when the sea is a little rough. There is coral aplenty toward the edges of this beach, even in shallow waters. The safest spot to swim is directly in front of Golden Sands Guest House.
Calabash Bay Beach is a fishing beach with a large, clear, sandy area good for swimming. The safest spot to swim is in front of Calabash House before you reach the boats. Great Bay also has a decent beach for a dip.
The popularity of Treasure Beach as an off-the-beaten-track destination has led to a blossoming in the accommodations market. Most of the guesthouses are remarkably affordable when compared with other tourist areas, with comfortable accommodations for two starting around US$30 per night. Even villas rent for considerably less than in other areas of Jamaica, with rates starting at around US$1,200\2,600 per week for 2\8 people.
The only time of year it becomes hard to find a room is during Calabash Literary Festival, when those who haven't booked well in advance happily settle for whatever's available, even staying in Black River, Junction, or as far away as Mandeville if necessary. Rebecca Wiersma has over the past decade created a great online presence with her Treasure Tours website (tel. 876/965-0126, treasuretours@cwjamaica.com, www.treasuretoursjamaica.com), subscribed to by most of the accommodations in the area with prices and amenities listed (www.treasurebeach.net). Unless otherwise noted, all the accommodations listed can be booked through Treasure Tours.
Under US$100
Bebe's Place (www.treasuretours.com, US$50\75) has three cottages, dubbed Yellow House, Blue House, and Brown House, with single and queen-size beds and fans. Occasional dance parties are held next door at Wild Onion.
Ashanti Village (Frenchman's Bay area, contact Alieda Ebanks, cell tel. 876/433-1593 or 876/387-4887) is a great budget option with a one-bedroom (US$45) and a two-bedroom (US$65) seaview cottage and four additional rooms (US$35) in the main house. The rooms come with a private bath, small fridge, fan, and electric kettles, with screens on the windows. The cottages have equipped kitchens and verandas with sea views. Meals are prepared by request. There's lots of garden space and a play area great for kids. Ashanti is well situated in a very quiet location still within an easy stroll to most restaurants and bars and Frenchman's Beach.
Ital Rest (contact Frankie and Jean, tel. 876/863-3481, US$40/night, US$250/week) is about as roots as you can get. The property has limited electricity supplied by solar panels to the smart wood cabins, which are an easy walk from several sandy coves. Mosquito nets cover the beds to keep the bugs out at night. No fans or air-conditioning, and a kitchen on the property is available for guest use. Vegetarian food can also be prepared by request.
Nuestra Casa (Billy's Bay, tel. 876/965-0152, roger@billybay.com, www.billysbay.com, US$45/50 low/high season) is a villa-style guesthouse run by Lillian Chamberlain and her son Roger. It rents three rooms, two with a double bed, and a third with two twin beds. One room has a private bath, while the other two share a bathroom. Amenities include ceiling and standing fans and hot water. Dinner is prepared by request. Anika Elliott is the housekeeper.
Wild Pines (www.treasuretoursjamaica.com, US$65) is a two-bedroom, two-bath wooden cottage near Great Pond set in a charming garden. The two-story building has a bedroom on each floor with a queen-size and a single bed, and a common kitchen at the ground level.
Dolphin's Villa (US$50 per room, US$70 with air-conditioning, or US$290 for entire house) is a spacious five-bedroom, five-bath villa with en suite bathrooms with hot water, screened windows in rooms with fans, satellite TV and stereo in the common living area, and spacious verandas. The house rents through Treasure Tours.
Villa Mutamba (tel. 876/920-8194, cell tel. 876/868-4658, mutabarukax@hotmail.com, www.villamutamba.com, US$150) is a physical embodiment of the minimalist philosophy of dub poet Mutabaruka, who owns the property. African relics adorn the entrance after one of the longest staircases, dubbed the "stairway to heaven." Inside, simple and tasteful bamboo furnishings complement the funky master bathroom, which has a small window looking out to sea from the colorfully tiled tub.
Calabash House (Calabash Bay, tel. 876/965-0126, US$75/85 low/high season per room or US$200/US$250 low/high season for house) is a four-bedroom villa right on Calabash Bay, one of the best spots for swimming in Treasure Beach. Bedrooms have air-conditioning, with hot water in the bathrooms. A housekeeper tidies up during the day while a cook can be arranged to prepare breakfast and dinner (additional US$25 daily for four persons). Two cute mini-cottages were recently added to the yard, where there's also a hammock for lazing the days away and watching the fishermen bring in their catch. Owner Elizabeth Seltzer is an artist who brings a creative vibe to the house and its ambience.
Shakti Home (books through Treasure Tours, tel. 876/965-0126, treasuretours@cwjamaica.com, www.shaktihomeja.com, US$1,750/1,950 weekly low/high season), "your Om away from home" as its owner, Jamaica's number one yoga proponent, Sharon McConnell puts it, is an airy, well-appointed, and tastefully decorated beach house with mosquito nets and fans in two bedrooms. The house sits beachfront, overlooking Old Wharf and includes a great cook and caretaker/gardener. The chef specializes in vegetarian cuisine in addition to traditional Jamaican food. Shakti Home has a beautiful yoga deck overlooking the sea that comfortably fits six people, with yoga mats provided.
Sunset Resort Hotel (Calabash Bay, tel. 876/965-0143, srv@sunsetresort.com, www.sunsetresort.com, US$90\115 garden view, US$135 oceanview, US$150 honeymoon suites) basically defines "Butu," the Jamaican equivalent of kitsch, with its Jamaican nouveau-riche exaggerated decor. Floral bedcovers with matching curtains and plastic flower arrangements seem to be transplanted straight from the home of a Kingston drug don. Nonetheless, it's hard to overlook the charm and care taken to make everything match so carefully, even if it is sorely lacking in taste.
Perhaps the best deal at Sunset Resort Hotel are the small villas adjacent to the main building, which rent for less (from US$97) and have more basic amenities--with appreciably less gaud strewn about.
Treasure Beach Hotel (Frenchman's Bay, tel. 876/965-0110, US$107/$119 low/high season) is the closest thing you'll find to Sandals in Treasure Beach--with split-system air-conditioning in the tile-floor rooms, private balconies, and floral bedcovers matching the drapes. Rooms have either two singles or one king-size bed.
Taino Cove (tel. 876/965.3893, cell tel. 876/845-6103, frontdesk@tainocove.com, www.tainocove.com, US$100\150) is an eight-bedroom boutique hotel located at the far eastern corner of Treasure Beach. Bedrooms have queen-size or double beds, overlook the sea and pool area, and have tile flooring, comfortable linens, and wooden ceilings in the suites. Owned by Winnie Hylton, the large property features a common area on the ground floor of the main building and a pool with an adjacent bar and restaurant. Meals are prepared to order.
Marblue Villa Suites (tel. 876/965-3408, info@marblue.com, www.marblue.com, US$129-285) is an attractive seafront property located on a quiet, windswept stretch of beach along Calabash Bay offering junior, villa, and honeymoon categories. The well-appointed suites have air-conditioning, CD players, fans, attractive decor, and full, king-size, or queen-size beds. Nice sitting areas with day beds overlook one of two pools on the property from the veranda or pool deck.
Andrea's Seaside Restaurant and Steakhouse is a popular upscale restaurant on property, where fellow hotelier Axel Wichterich whips up creative dishes borrowing from Jamaican and international culinary traditions.
Lyric (www.treasuretoursjamaica.com, US$1,100/1,350 weekly low/high season) is a beautiful, cut-stone, four-bedroom, two-bath house; a stone patio and pool overlooking the beach on Calabash Bay is its distinguishing feature. Two rooms have king-size beds and the others have single beds, making the property ideal for families or small groups.
La Sirena (www.treasuretoursjamaica.com, US$1,200 weekly for two, add US$120 per additional person) is a beautiful, airy, three-bedroom villa with queen-size beds in two rooms and two single beds in last room; all bedrooms have private bath, air-conditioning, and ceiling fans. The villa features a private pool on the sun deck and a stairway leading to Billy's Bay Beach. Amenities include a stereo, Internet, and TV/DVD.
Over US$250
Jake's Boutique Resort and Beachside Villas (tel. 876/965-0635 or 800/OUTPOST (800/688-7678), jakes@cwjamaica.com, www.islandoutpost.com/jakes, US$113\385 low, US$136\468 high season) has taken rustic chic to a new level, pouring on the kind of details sought out by those members of the jet set always on the prowl for the next "in" spot. To call Jake's rustic is to ignore the posh bedding and elaborate detailing reminiscent of an Arabian love lair. The honeymoon suites have outdoor showers and sunbathing decks on the roof. The most unpretentiously hip accommodation at Jake's is the two-bedroom Jack Sprat (US$177/230 low/high season), located right next to Frenchman's Beach with its iconic buttonwood tree.
The bold and classy architectural style at Jake's owes to the creativity of Sally Henzell, wife of the late Perry Henzell, who became Jamaica's biggest film icon after directing the cult classic The Harder They Come in the early 1970s. Sally Henzell has an aesthetic that blends the old colonial charm found in the island's historic buildings with a windswept rustic edge one might associate more with the Maine coast of New England.
Sometimes described as "shabby shacks," the cottages at Jake's don't neglect the modern essentials, with hot water provided in all the rooms with solar heaters. The Henzells bought the property in 1991 and opened and developed the rooms and cottages little by little. Jake was a pet parrot of the Henzells', but Jake is also a generic term used to call out to a white person.
Calabash Bay Villa and Cottage is a spectacular property with a four-bedroom villa and adjacent two-bedroom cottage managed by Jake's. The villa has an industrial kitchen, a beautiful pool, and a lounge area outside with direct access to the beach on Calabash Bay.
Hope House, also managed by Jake's and a bit farther to the east, is a new two-story house exquisitely laid out and appointed with aged wood detailing, sleek interiors, and a veranda and plunge pool to die for.
Cave Canem is a four-bedroom property, also rented through Jake's, built in a Mediterranean style reminiscent of Morocco or southern Spain, with whitewashed walls and curvy architecture. Several balconies and terraces help make the most of the serene sea views, while an infinity pool graces the front of the property overhanging the beach. Amenities include four-poster king-size beds, flat-panel TVs, Wi-Fi, a fully equipped kitchen, and housekeeper.
Doubloon Villa (tel. +44 (0) 1543 480612, judy@doubloonvilla.com, www.doubloonvilla.com, or book through Treasure Tours, www.treasuretoursjamaica.com) is a comfortable four-bedroom villa with a small pool and deck overlooking the beach on Calabash Bay. One of the area's premier properties, Doubloon amenities include private baths, a well-equipped kitchen, air-conditioning, complimentary Wi-Fi and three full-time staff members.
Blue Marlin Villas (contact Sandy Tatham, tel. 876/965-3311, cell tel. 876/855-1122, bluemarlinvillas@cwjamaica.com, www.bluemarlinvillas.com) comprises two villas, Blue Marlin and Coquina, located on a 2.5-acre beachfront property at the western side of the beach in Great Pedro Bay. The villas can be rented together or separately. Wi-Fi covers the property.
Blue Marlin (US$1,700 for 1\4 guests, US$2,000 for 5\8 guests low season, US$1,900/2,500 high season) is a four-bedroom, three bathroom, single-story villa with air-conditioning and ceiling fans in the bedrooms. Coquina (US$1,700 for 1\4 guests, US$1,900 for 5\8 guests low season, US$1,900/2,300 high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bathroom two-story villa with ceiling fans. Staff for both villas includes a cook/housekeeper, housemaid, and gardener.
Kouros Villa (US$2,500/week for up to four people, minimum three-night stay) is a four-bedroom villa built adjacent to and in a similar style as Cave Canem, with a whitewashed finish and a pool area overlooking the sea. Kouros books through Treasure Tours (www.treasuretoursjamaica.com).
Sparkling Waters (Billy's Bay, tel. 876/927-8020, reservations@sparklingwatersvilla.com, www.sparklingwatersvilla.com, US$250 for up to four people) is an exquisitely decorated collection of three modern, two-bedroom duplex villas: Villa de la Sable, Villa de l'Ocean, and Villa du Soleil (US$200 per night 1\2 guests, US$1,575 weekly 1\2 guests, US$1,750 weekly 3\4 guests). The three villas share the grounds, which contain a pool, whirlpool tub, and a gorgeous private beach. The villas have comfortable and inviting bathrooms with hot water, plus satellite TV, stereos, and air-conditioning in the bedrooms. Spacious and comfortable living and dining rooms are found downstairs along with the kitchen. The bedrooms are on the second floor at the top of a spiral staircase. Wi-Fi is included.
Great Escape (Fort Charles, tel. 574/707-0132 or 269/641-5451, greatescape@jamaicavilla.com, www.jamaicavilla.com, from US$1,800/2,000 low/high season) is a three-bedroom house well removed from the languid center of Treasure Beach, with queen-size beds in each room. A large pool overlooks the water with a clubhouse area. Great Escape is a good spot for families, with a small private beach and plenty of space to roam about.
Thanks to Treasure Beach's popularity as Jamaica's number one off-the-beaten-track destination, a wide variety of restaurants have popped up. They cater to both a local and tourist market, serving a mix of cautious international dishes and local favorites. Few of these restaurants have landlines, and addresses in Treasure Beach are somewhat relative.
Jack Sprat (adjacent to Jake's, tel. 876/965-3583, 10 a.m.\10 p.m) is a favorite for fried fish, conch soup, pizza, and Devon House ice cream.
Sweet Desires (10 a.m.\7 p.m daily) serves homemade ice cream and has an Internet cafè.
Hearts of Love Cafè serves fresh baked goods like pineapple upside-down cake, banana bread, baguettes, and chocolate cake, as well as breakfast items like callaloo, cheese omelettes, and fresh juices.
Frenchman's Reef Restaurant & Cocktail Bar (tel. 876/965-3049, Owen's cell tel. 876/428-5048 or Elizabeth's cell tel. 876/861-4917, jeclarke@live.co.uk, 7\11 p.m daily) serves seafood and pizza, as well as burgers and Chinese and Jamaican staples. Natural juices and local and international-style breakfasts are also served. Frenchman's delivers, accepts credit cards, and offers patrons complimentary Wi-Fi.
Smurf's Cafe (cell tel. 876/483-7523) is named after proprietor Kevin "Smurf" Mills, but his wife Dawn is the cook at this reputable establishment serving Jamaican breakfast and lunch and dinner staples. The roast coffee is excellent.
Pardy's Coffee Shop (Calabash Bay, cell tel. 876/326-9008, 7 a.m.\7 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$5\20) serves Jamaican breakfast with items like ackee and saltfish, callaloo and saltfish, and continental favorites like a Spanish omelette, callaloo omelette, or any other kind of eggs done to order. Lunch and dinner are prepared to order, with items like fish, lobster, and curry goat. Pardy's serves High Mountain coffee and freshly squeezed OJ in season, and you can also grab a beer anytime.
Diner's Delight (across from Swaby's Plaza next to Golden Sands Resort, contact Andrea Wright, tel. 876/839-2586, 9 a.m.\10 p.m, US$3.50\13) serves typical Jamaican dishes including curry goat, peppered steak, brown stew chicken, shrimp, fish, and lobster at reasonable prices. Diner's Delight is a favorite among locals. Takeout is also available.
Natural Vibes (no phone) is a restaurant, bar, and souvenir shop in one serving local Jamaican dishes on an outdoor patio or for takeout. It's open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The Gold Coast Restaurant (Kingfisher Plaza, cell tel. 876/391-2458) serves Jamaican fare like fried chicken, curry goat, and steamed fish. It's open for lunch only.
Oliver's Dutch Pot Restaurant (Lazza Plaza, cell tel. 876/375-5217, 10 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$3\12) serves up Jamaican staples like fried, jerk, and sweet and sour chicken, curry goat, cow foot, oxtail, fish, shrimp, and lobster.
Andrea's Seaside Restaurant and Steakhouse (Calabash Bay, tel. 876/965-3408, US$20\50) is an open-air restaurant at Marblue, where Andrea's award-winning chef husband, Axel Wichterich, creates dishes of local and international inspiration.
Jake's Place (tel. 876/965-3000) is the restaurant at the hipper-than-hip accommodation, Jake's, serving Jamaican and international cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily.
Shantz Eating Place (toward Billy's Bay, no phone, open for lunch) serves quality, cheap eats with a rotating menu including items like fried chicken, pork, and fish--plus curry goat on Saturdays--out of a little shack-like restaurant. The food is served for takeout in Styrofoam boxes.
Pot Snapper is a small restaurant located next to the entrance to Jack Sprat. It prepares excellent fish, Jamaican dishes, and decent pizza at reasonable prices (US$5\15).
Sunset Resort (tel. 876/965-0143) serves Jamaican and American fare from steamed fish to pizza, with an all-you-can-eat buffet nights.
M&D Grocery (tel. 876/965-0070, 7 a.m.\8 p.m Mon.\Fri., 4 a.m.\until you say when Sat.), named after proprietors Maureen and Delvin Powell, is a small grocery shop and bar good for basic supplies. Jerk chicken and pork as well as conch and mutton soup are prepared on Fridays and Saturdays.
New Dimension Supermarket and Scoop-A-Licious (Linda's Plaza, tel. 876/965-3875, 6:30 a.m.\7:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., 6:30\10 a.m.and 4\8 p.m Sun.) sells Devon House ice cream (US$2\2.25 cones, US$2\9 container) and basic groceries.
Round the Clock Bar (Frenchman's Bay, contact owner Charmaine Moxam, cell tel. 876/378-6690, open 24/7) is a small grocery shop and bar good for basic supplies and drinks, located next to Jake's.
Strikie-T Craft & Jerk Centre (Billy's Bay, tel. 876/289-9555, 7 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat.) is run by Christopher Bennett, a.k.a. Strikie-T, with help from Tanice (tel. 876/899-6436). It serves peanut, banana, or hominy porridge until noon, when jerk chicken and pork start coming off the grill.
The Calabash Bay post office (five minutes east of Southern Supplies on foot, 10:30 a.m.\4:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., closed for lunch 1\2 p.m) often lacks stamps.
Kingfisher Plaza is a small shopping center and home to The Bird's Nest Bar, which has a billiards table, a grocery shop, and a supermarket.
Treasure Beach Meat Mart & Grocery (Kingfisher Plaza, cell tel. 876/489-3641, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat.), run by Marjorie Henry-Somers, sells fresh fruit, vegetables, ground provisions, and frozen fish and meat.
Southern Supplies (eight minutes north of Kingfisher Plaza on foot, just before the ice factory) is the largest supermarket in Treasure Beach, selling among other essentials international phone cards, gift items, and music. The store also has an Internet cafè.
Global Camera Technology (cell tel. 876/384-8197 or 876/965-0657, globalcamtech.videopro@gmail.com), based in nearby Watchwell, offers videography and editing services for weddings, funerals, parties, business events, documentaries, and music videos.
L. H. Malahoo & Nephews Fishing Tackles (Kingfisher Plaza, cell tel. 876/409-7305, 10:30 a.m.\2 p.m Mon. and Wed., 10:30 a.m.\1:30 p.m Fri.) is your best bet in the area for fishing gear, but Mr. Malahoo doesn't keep regular hours so it's best to call ahead.
Shirley's Steam Bath (tel. 876/965-3820 or cell tel. 876/827-2447, smgenus@hotmail.com, open daily by appointment) run by Great Bay native herbalist Shirley Genus, is a local institution offering 15-minute herbal steam baths along with 30- or 60-minute massage sessions (US$70\90).
Joshua's Massage & Bodywork (tel. 876/965-0583, cell tel. 876/389-3698, doctorlee85@hotmail.com, US$70\100), run by Joshua Lee Stein, offers deep and light pressure, gentle movement, and sensitive touch massage therapy on location by appointment.
Jake's Driftwood Spa (Calabash Bay, tel. 876/965-3000, jakes@cwjamaica.com, www.islandoutpost.com, US$75\135) offers a mèlange of techniques and philosophies from around the world, with treatments that include Swedish, aromatherapy, and T'ai Chi energy massages; coffee, wild ginger, and mint scrubs; mocha rum, wild ginger, and lemongrass wraps; and Jake's signature facials.
Treasure Beach is serviced by frequent route taxis from Santa Cruz, direct, and via Watchwell (US$2) and from Junction (US$2). If you're driving, there are three routes to get there. From Black River there is a short, direct road along the coast that is a bit iffy in places, but still passable with a two-wheel-drive vehicle. Turn off the main toward the sea on a road just east of the communications tower east of Parottee. To get to Treasure Beach from Mandeville, take a left at the base of Spur Tree Hill, following signs for Little Ochie, and take a right at the first four-way intersection following signs for Alumina Partners. At the first junction take a left and pass the bauxite and alumina plant, followed by a right at the stop sign to continue up the hill, passing straight through Junction. From Santa Cruz, turn south toward the sea about 1.5 kilometers west of the stoplight on the west side of town. The turnoff is marked by a sign for Jack Sprat.
A busy stopover point on the way over the Santa Cruz Mountains, Junction is the closest outpost of civilization to Treasure Beach with supermarkets and banks. Junction Guest House offers basic accommodations, and a few restaurants are worth stopping for.
Pine's Plaza has a few bars that can heat up on weekend nights, namely Cheatah's Sports Bar & Lounge (Shop #34-A) and The Gazebo Lounge and Rushours Night Club.
Atlantis Seafood (Main Rd. just before reaching Junction, next to Lunie's Hot Spot, which is plastered with Heineken posters, contact Shay tel. 876/409-3373 or Ms. Lunie tel. 876/436-1057) serves the best seafood in Junction, with fish, lobster, conch, and shrimp (US$700\1700/pound) on the menu.
Hot Pot Restaurant (Shop #8, cell tel. 464-0356, 7:15 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat., from US$4) serves Jamaican staples.
Top Hill Chinese Restaurant (Shops #5 and 6, Roye's Plaza, tel. 876/458-1738 or 876/578-1634, 11 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., 1\10 p.m Sun., from US$4) serves strictly Chinese dishes with chicken, pork, beef, and seafood.
Althea's Bar (Dunder Hill, tel. 876/340-1460) does great outdoor cookouts with advance notice. Althea prepares excellent curry goat and fish dishes.
Heavy's Bar & Grill (on the way from Junction to Bull Savannah) is the hottest club in the area.
Junction Guest House (tel. 876/965-8668, simplepunkie@yahoo.com, US$25\100) has basic rooms with fan, private bath, TV, and air-conditioning. There's also a suite with a kitchen and veranda.
Devon House I Scream is sold at the Texaco station.
The Shopper's Fair and Intown Super Save Supermarket are the best options for groceries.
NCB (tel. 876/965-8611) and Scotiabank (Shop #1, Tony Rowe Plaza, tel. 876/965-8257) have branches with ATMs, as does Jamaica National.
Alligator Pond
One of the busiest fishing villages on the South Coast, Alligator Pond has as its central attraction the seafood restaurant Little Ochie, and the nearby Manatee Hole.
Oswald's, located on the main fishing beach in Alligator Pond, serves excellent seafood in a setting a few notches up on the rustic pole from Little Ochie just down the beach.
To get to Alligator Pond, turn south at the bottom of Spur Tree Hill (a left coming from Mandeville, a right from Santa Cruz) and keep straight until you reach the coast.
Little Ochie
Little Ochie (cell tel. 876/382-3375, tel. 876/610-6567 or 876/610-6568, littleochie@cwjamaica.com, www.littleochie.com, 9 a.m.until you say when daily, US$10\30) is a seafood paradise, serving a wide range of dishes like jerk and garlic crab, fish, and lobster. Over 75 seafood recipes are utilized on a daily basis, with lobster cooked 15 different ways, the best of which could very well be the garlic lobster. Everald Christian, a.k.a. "Blacky," is the founder who built the place in 1989 in a rustic style reminiscent of the good old days in Ocho Rios on the North Coast. At the inception of Jamaica's tourism economy, before it became dangerously over-developed, Ocho Rios (known locally as Ochi or Ochie) had similar rustic thatch huts on the beach as the ones used today as the restaurant's boat-shaped dining areas. Little Ochie has become wildly popular with uptown Jamaicans, who will drive from Kingston or Mobay just for the spectacular cuisine.
The first or second Sunday in July, Little Ochie hosts the annual Little Ochie Seafood Festival, which draws a good crowd for cultural shows and even more seafood than normal.
Canoe Valley Protected Area (contact rangers Devon Douglas, cell tel. 876/578-9456, or Ucal Whyte, cell tel. 876/874-1422) is a coastal wetlands area managed by Jamaica's National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) full of diverse plant and animal life. The manatees that live in semi-captivity along the river in the park are the highlight. Rowboat excursions (US$10/person) to spot the manatees and snorkel in the surreal crystal blue waters are offered from the ranger station, a few kilometers south of Milk River. The rangers at the station also offer hikes to remote Taino Caves (rates negotiable). Turtles and alligators also share the waters; swimmers are advised to keep their eyes peeled.
About five kilometers west of the Canoe Valley Protected Area, or 16 km east along the coast into Manchester from Alligator Pond, the Guts River creates a small pool as it emerges from the rocks with cool, crystal-clear waters said to have medicinal qualities. The deserted beach nearby is great for a stroll. Getting to Guts River requires chartering a taxi if you don't have your own vehicle, or hiring a boat from Treasure Beach if that's where you're based.
Manchester is Jamaica's sixth-largest parish, much of its land located at relatively high altitudes with three mountain ranges: the May Day Mountains, the Don Figuerero Mountains, and the Carpenters Mountains, where the highest peak in the parish stands at 844 meters. Any approach to Mandeville, the parish capital, entails steep climbs, which fortunately feature some of Jamaica's most well-maintained roads.
Manchester has been at the center of Jamaica's bauxite industry, led by Jamalco (Alcoa-Jamaican government joint venture), which has massive mines around Mandeville. It also has processing facilities across the border in Clarendon, as well as in St. Elizabeth, where Port Kaiser along the coast west of Little Ochie is an important export terminal.
The parish was named by the Duke of Manchester, who served as Governor General 1813\1821, after his eldest son, William de Mandeville. The small city of Mandeville was at one time a British enclave where colonial government officials preferred to spend their summers in the high altitude's relatively cool climate.
The 1970s destroyed Mandeville as the gentry left when Manley came into power (they were scared off by his socialist lean). Bauxite has benefited the local economy and has created an income for skilled workers since the industry was established in the 1950s. The bauxite industry has trained and paid many Jamaicans while the lucky were educated at the Belair School, which remains one of Jamaica's best preparatory institutions.
Mandeville's historic sights are concentrated around the town square, known as Cecil Charlton Park. These include the Mandeville Courthouse, which was built of limestone using slave labor and finished in 1820. The courthouse housed the town's first school on its ground floor. The Mandeville Jail and Workhouse, also among the first public buildings in town, is now in use as the police station. Adjacent to the courthouse, the Mandeville Rectory is the oldest house of worship and the original Anglican rectory in Mandeville, having once also served as a tavern and guesthouse, to the dismay of many parishioners.
Marshall's Pen
Marshall's Pen (contact owner Ann Sutton, tel. 876/904-5454, asutton@cwjamaica.com) has been a popular spot for serious birding for many years. Birders come especially to see the Jamaican owl, which can often be seen in its favorite easily accessible tree. Of Jamaica's 28 endemic birds, 23 have been spotted at Marshall's Pen, with a total of 110 species recorded on the property over the years.
At this point tourism is not the main business at Marshall's Pen. Only experienced bird-watchers should attempt to visit.
Marshall's Pen was built in 1795 at the latest, the exact date being something of a mystery. Originally the estate was about 809 hectares, whereas today is has dwindled to a still-respectable 121 hectares.
The origin of its name is a bit ambiguous, but it seems it does not refer to an identifiable previous owner. The present owner is Dr. Ann Sutton, widow of the late Robert Sutton, one of Jamaica's foremost ornithologists, who created an audio catalog of Jamaican bird songs that was released by Cornell University's ornithology department. Robert Sutton also co-authored Birds of Jamaica, the island's best bird guide. Dr. Ann Sutton is also an ornithologist, as well as being a conservationist and secretary of the Society for Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds.
Marshall's Pen welcomes serious birders, who find warm hospitality and even accommodation sometimes. It is also possible to tour the great house and extensive gardens (US$10/person, minimum six persons) by appointment; visitors can find orchids, anthuriums, ferns, and other indigenous plantlife. It's not a place to show up unannounced; call ahead to arrange a visit and for directions.
Beaver's Bar and Grill (contact owner Wayne Wiltshire, tel. 876/469-4922, 4 p.m\close Tues.\Sun.) is the most happening bar/club in Mandeville with a series of weekly theme nights: Seafood Tuesday, Retro Wednesday, Thursday is low key, College Friday (for university students), Beaver's Saturday (a big club night), Classic Sunday (with a live band, attracts an older crowd). Beaver's sometimes charges a US$6 cover. There's a bar menu serving mozzarella sticks, stamp and go fritters, chicken fingers, burgers, and fish (US$2\10).
Odeon Cineplex (5 1/2 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/962-1354) is the local movie theater and often the most entertaining venue in town for a night out. Movies are typically shown at 5 p.m and 8 p.m daily.
Upper Level (Upper Level Plaza, Caledonia Rd.) is Mandeville's regular nightspot with pool tables.
Shockwave HQ Sports Bar (Willow Gate Plaza, contact owner Mark Haughton, cell tel. 876/866-6216, 10 a.m.till you say when daily) is a bar with a few billiard tables and dancehall music blasting in the speakers. The bar turns on the strobe lights as it heats up into the night.
Manchester Club (Caledonia Rd., contact Janice Wright, tel. 876/962-2403, manchester_club@hotmail.com) is the oldest golf course in the Western Hemisphere, dating to 1865. It remains the least expensive course in Jamaica (US$30 greens fees, US$12 clubs, US$14 caddy per round), and perhaps in the hemisphere. The nine-hole course is well maintained, even if it is not the bright green of more popular courses on the island. For those staying in the area for a length of time, membership brings the fees down significantly. Beyond golf, the club also offers tennis on three hard courts, the only squash court on the south coast, table tennis, a swimming pool, and the only billiard table with over a hundred years in use. The club also hosts barbecues and luncheons. A golf tournament is held every month where golfers from across the island participate. The All Jamaica Hard Court Tennis Championship is held each summer, attracting over 200 children and adults over a one-week period. There's a resident tennis coach and a golf professional.
Ingleside Wellness & Recreation Centre (Ingleside Dr., tel. 876/961-3632) has tennis courts, badminton, table tennis, weight lifting equipment, and a bar that no longer keeps regular hours. Day membership is available for use of the facilities. Call manager Janice Robinson for more details. Ingleside is the base for the Manchester Table Tennis Association.
Under US$100
Golf View (5 1/2 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/962-4471, 876/962-4472, or 876/962-4473, gviewrosi@hotmail.com, www.thegolfviewhotel.com, US$94) is a 62-room hotel near the center of town with basic rooms that have a ceiling fan and private bathrooms with hot water. A deluxe room (US$118) and a one-bedroom suite (US$130) have air-conditioning, while the sole two-bedroom suite (US$148) does not. The central location is probably the best feature of this hotel. The hotel claims the same address as the Odeon Cineplex but is actually not adjacent, sitting a bit farther down Caledonia Road at the top of Golf View Plaza bordering the golf course.
Glenrock Hotel (3-A Greenvale Rd., tel. 876/961-3278 or 876/961-3279, glenrockhotel@yahoo.com) has a total of 24 rooms, with additional rooms and features in the works. Standard rooms (US$28) have double beds, standing fans, cable TV, and private baths with hot water. Deluxe rooms (US$39) have queen-size beds, and a junior suite (US$50) has a king-size bed, air-conditioning, a small fridge, microwave, and a couch. The family suite (US$56) also has a small fridge, king-size bed, and microwave.
Astra Country Inn (62 Ward Ave., tel. 876/962-7758, or cell tel. 876/585-8600 or 876/488-7207, skype: diamite1, countrystyle@mail.infochan.com or countrystyletourism@yahoo.com, www.countrystylejamaica.com, US$50\60) offers rooms in a homestay setting. The 10 rooms have cable TV, fans, private bathrooms with hot water, and either two double beds or one king-size bed. The Astra is home to Country Style Tourism, run by Diana McIntyre-Pike, which places visitors in homestays around the island and offers community village tours all over the island. Diana markets the Mandeville Hotel, run by her family, as an alternative to the community tour experience. Wi-Fi is offered free to Astra guests, and there's also a small business center with a computer and office equipment available.
Kariba Kariba Guest House (tel. 876/962-8006, kariba@cwjamaica.com, US$50) was built about halfway in 1997 and has operated since 1998 without any real appearance or sense of completion inside or out. Dobson the caretaker is friendly enough nonetheless, and the four rooms in operation have TV and ceiling fans with double or queen-size beds and private baths with hot water. Rooms, while not immaculately maintained, are a decent value and come with continental breakfast. Derrick O'Connor is the owner.
Mandeville Hotel (4 Hotel St., tel. 876/962-2460, reservations@themandevillehotel.com, mandevillehoteljamaica.com, US$77\242) is the oldest hotel operating in Mandeville. It recently underwent a restoration that left it with nice parquet floors and soothing color schemes in many of the rooms, while it seems details in the bathrooms were overlooked. Clean sheets, ceiling fans, air-conditioning, a fridge, cable TV, and hot water round out this comfortable yet quite basic hotel in the heart of town. Bring your own soap and shampoo. Rooms have full-size, queen-size, and king-size beds. There are also junior suites and one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments.
Tropics View Hotel (Wardville District, off Winston Jones Hwy., tel. 876/625-2452, tropicsview@cwjamaica.com, www.tropicsviewhoteljamaica.com, US$70\98) hotel offers wireless Internet in the lobby. Standard rooms have queen-size beds and private baths with hot water. Two-bedroom suites are also available for US$158, where one room has a king-size and the other a queen-size bed. There is a restaurant and bar on the property by the front gate open 7 a.m.\10 p.m daily. Rooms have ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, but it rarely gets hot in Mandeville.
Jerk, Jamaican, and Fast Food
FJ's Restaurant, Bar and Jerk Center (23 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/961-4380 or 876/360-2082, 10 a.m.\11 p.m Mon.\Sat.) serves seafood and jerk dishes (US$4\6). Faith Joan Miller, from whence the initials are derived, is the proprietor.
Merv's Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge (4-A Caledonia Rd., behind Juici Beef Plaza, tel. 876/961-0742, 8 a.m.\9 p.m Mon.\Sat., until 6 p.m Mon. and Wed., US$3\4) serves cabbage and stewed, baked, and rotisserie chicken. Merv's has a second branch at Midway Mall (tel. 876/961-6378, 8 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Sat.).
Cake, Coffee and Ice Cream (59 Main St., tel. 876/962-6636, 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily) is the local Devon House franchise, owned and operated by Christopher Bird.
Foodz to Go (Shop #8, Elethe Mall, tel. 876/961-8646, 8 a.m.\8 p.m, US$4\6) cooks food for takeout and delivery with dishes like curry, fried, or fricassee chicken, oxtail, brown stew fish, curry goat, and stew peas. Breakfast is served in the mornings with stew chicken, ackee and saltfish, and mackerel rundown.
Sandra's Restaurant (Lane Plaza, tel. 876/625-4149, 7 a.m.\midnight daily) serves a changing menu of Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail (US$4\8).
D'Palms Sports Bar & Grill (just past the roundabout heading out of town toward Spur Tree Hill, tel. 876/622-0490, 11 a.m.\you say when Mon.\Sat., 3 p.m\4 a.m.Sun.) is a jerk center and bar located by the roundabout on the western end of town heading up toward Spur Tree Hill. Occasional stage shows are held in the parking lot. The bar has a billiards table and Wi-Fi. Retro Thursdays features old hits, Appleton Special Fridays offers 2-for-1 deals on small flask-size bottles of Appleton Special rum, and Wednesday night brings karaoke. Menu items include appetizers like mozzarella sticks, quesadillas, and wings; calamari and shrimp tempura, soups, salads, and sandwiches; and seafood, pasta, beef, pork, lamb and jerk dishes (US$4.50\18.50).
Fine Dining
Regie's Bistro (37 Main St., entrance on Villa Road, tel. 876/285-6605, 11:30 a.m.\10:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$3.50\40), run by Patrick Adizua, who runs his private medical practice on the ground level, serves creative Jamaican and Caribbean dishes in a cozy second-floor dining room and bar. The top level has a beautiful outdoor bar area suitable for large groups and parties. The menu includes starters like jerk chicken drumsticks, buffalo wings, shrimp bruschetta, seafood chowder, cream of chick pea, and garden or Greek salad. Sumptuous entrèes range from prime aged steaks, chops, and ribs to lobster thermidor and coconut shrimp beignets with pepper jelly dipping sauce. Named after Patrick's mother and daughter, both named Regina, Regie's also has one of the area's best wine lists, which includes French, Spanish, Chilean, Argentine, and North American brands, among them ice wine from Canada.
Bird of Paradise (1 Brumalia Rd., tel. 876/962-7251, 7 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., 10 a.m.\3:30 p.m Sun. for brunch, 5\10 p.m Sun. for dinner, US$10\50) is an upscale restaurant with marble tables and a sleek bar. It serves a mix of vegetarian and meat dishes with appetizers like calamari al aioli, shrimp margarita, and spring rolls. Entrèes range from snapper cutlet pan fried in caper butter to duckling breast. Bird of Paradise is located in Cobblestone Professional Centre, the first set of buildings on Brumalia Road on the left coming up from Caledonia Road.
The Vineyard Restaurant & Bar (61 Manchester Rd., tel. 876/625-6113, 2\10:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., noon\10:30 p.m Sat., 5\8 p.m Sun., US$6\12) opened in 2003. It has Jamaican and international cuisine, with dishes including fish, chicken, ribs, shrimp, and lamb chops.
Bloomfield Great House (tel. 876/962-7130 or 876/383-7130 bloomfield.g.h@cwjamaica.com, noon\10 p.m Mon.\Sat.) is one of the most beautiful colonial-era houses in Mandeville. Bloomfield opened for business in 1997 following a two-year restoration by Aussie Ralph Pearce and his wife, Pamela Grant, whose father became the first Jamaican to own the property when he bought it in the 1960s. The panoramic view over Mandeville is spectacular, and food is excellent, albeit a bit pricey. A good bet is the local snapper, which is prepared in typical Jamaican fashion with onions, pepper, and okra. Bloomfield is a great spot for an evening cocktail and smoked marlin appetizer. There are tentative plans to build rooms off the back.
Bamboo Garden Restaurant (35 Ward Ave., tel. 876/962-4515, noon\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., 1\10 p.m Sun., US$7\30) serves Chinese food ranging from sweet and sour chicken to butterfly shrimp to lobster with butter and cola. The restaurant is located upstairs from Cash & Carry Supermarket.
International Chinese (117 Manchester Rd., opposite Guardsman, tel. 876/962-0527, noon\9 p.m Mon.\Thurs., till 9:30 Fri. and Sat., noon\8 p.m Sun., US$6\14) serves items like Cantonese-style lobster, cashew shrimp, and chicken with mushrooms.
Lucky Dragon Restaurant (Shops #9-10, 5 1/2 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/961-6544 or 876/867-6720, 11 a.m.\10 p.m Mon.\Sat., noon\10 p.m Sun., US$2\8) offers dine-in, takeout, and delivery of standard Chinese fare.
Little Ochie Mandeville Seafood Specialist (beside Nashville Plaza, cell tel. 876/625-3279, 11 a.m.\11 p.m Mon.\Thurs., 11 a.m.\until you say when Fri.\Sun.) serves fish, conch, and lobster tail (US$7\20) in an urban outpost of the original Little Ochie in Alligator Pond. It's the best place in town for seafood, answering the call locals were making for years for Blacky to bring Little Ochie to them instead of having to make the trek down Spur Tree Hill to the St. Elizabeth coast. Next door a vendor sells roasted breadfruit, a favorite accompaniment for the seafood.
Gran's Seafood and Bar (tel. 876/603-4254, noon\midnight daily) is located in the Hopeton district between Kingsland and Hatfield going up Spur Tree Hill from Mandeville. Gran's is the best spot on the hill for seafood items including steamed, escovitch, or fried fish, shrimp, and lobster (US$7\17).
Spur Tree Hill
The main road west from Mandeville (A2) rises over Spur Tree Hill, famous for being a dangerous stretch to drive as the road plunges from more than 2,000 feet to near sea level in the span of just a few kilometers, and just as famous for a couple of sumptuous roadside jerk pits and a noteworthy curry goat hut.
From atop Spur Tree Hill, the view of Manchester's lowlands, St. Elizabeth and Westmoreland is spectacular, even if it is dotted with the scarred red earth and smoke stacks of the massive Alumina Partners bauxite processing plant. To the west, the Santa Cruz Mountains can be seen tapering down to the sea.
Claudette's Top Class (Spur Tree Hill, tel. 876/964-6452, 8 a.m.\4 p.m daily) is a favorite local spot to get curry goat. The little sit-in restaurant is across the highway from Hood Daniel Well Company.
All Seasons Restaurant Bar and Jerk Centre (tel. 876/965-4030, 8 a.m.\11 p.m daily) is considered by many to be the best jerk spot in Manchester, with other typical Jamaican dishes served as well. Perched on the steep slopes of Spur Tree Hill, All Seasons commands an impressive view of southern Manchester and St. Elizabeth, down to where the sky meets the sea.
Hill View Jerk Centre is farther down Spur Tree Hill, but it still has a decent view. Hill View also serves jerk, while not as highly rated as its cousin farther up the hill.
Diana McIntyre-Pike heads up Countrystyle Jamaica (Astra Inn, 62 Ward Ave., cell tel. 876/488-7207, tel. 876/962-7758, diana@countrystylejamaica.com, www.countrystylejamaica.com), a community tourism outfit that sells "the real Jamaica," organizing community visits and homestays across the island.
The Real Thing Health Food (Shop #33, Mandeville Shopping Center, tel. 876/962-5664 or 876/625-7703, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Sat.) sells healthful groceries.
Bookland (Shop 23 Manchester Shopping Centre, 876/926-9051, bookland-mandeville@cwjamaica.com, Mon.\Fri. 9 a.m.\6 p.m, Sat 10 a.m.\5 p.m) has the best selection of Caribbean books, as well as local and international magazines.
SuperPlus has four locations in Mandeville (17 Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/961-1624; 16 Manchester Rd., tel. 876/625-2310; 12 Ward Way, tel. 876/961-5702; and 2 Park Crescent, tel. 876/625-0842).
Shoppers Fair supermarket is located at 5 Caledonia Road (tel. 876/962-6217).
Scotia DBG pays an honest exchange rate at its branch on 6 Park Crescent (tel. 876/962-6000 or 876/962-6001).
FX Trader also observes fair rates at its Heaven's Texaco location at 2 Manchester Road. It has another location in S&V Cambio at 16 Ward Avenue.
Finishing Touches (Shop #2, Midway Mall, tel. 876/961-3217) family grooming center is a convenient place to stop for a haircut.
Express Laundromat is located at 30 Hargreaves Avenue (tel. 876/962-6701).
DHL is at Perth Road, Brumalia Town Mall (tel. 876/961-0744, 9 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Fri.).
Gaia Day Spa (1 Brumalia Road, tel. 876/962-1756, 9 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Sat.) is located at Cobblestone Professional Centre, offering facials, manicures and pedicures, and massage.
Hargreaves Memorial Hospital (Caledonia Ave., tel. 876/961-1589) is a private clinic, with many of its staff also working at Mandeville Regional.
Mandeville Regional Hospital (32 Hargreaves, tel. 876/962-2067) is the largest hospital for kilometers around, with a good reputation.
Dr. Patrick Adizua (tel. 876/383-4353) runs a private medical practice in the same building as his Bistro on Villa Road.
Fontana Pharmacy has outlets at Mandeville Shopping Centre (tel. 876/962-3129) and SuperPlus (tel. 876/961-3007).
Both NCB (9 Manchester Rd., tel. 876/962-2083; Mandeville Plaza, tel. 876/962-2618) and Scotiabank (1-A Caledonia Rd., tel. 876/962-2035) have bank branches with ATMs in Mandeville.
Manchester Parish Library (34 Hargreaves Ave., tel. 876/962-2972, manparlib@cwjamica.com, 9:30 a.m.\5:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., until 4 p.m Sat.) offers free Internet access.
Manchester Shopping Centre has an Internet cafè, along with a food court with a lot of hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
Mandeville is served by regular buses from Kingston and May Pen and regular route taxis departing from the square for surrounding destinations including May Pen, Christiana, and Santa Cruz (US$2).
One of Jamaica's best thoroughfares is a stretch of toll road known as Highway 2000, or Usain Bolt Highway, as it was renamed in 2009 in post-IAAF World Championship fervor, begins in Portmore and leads west to rejoin the A2 in Free Town at the Clarendon border. From May Pen the A2 climbs to the upper reaches of Manchester, passing Mandeville along the bypass before descending to the South Coast and extending as far west as Negril. To get between Mandeville and the North Coast, the most direct route can be found by following signs for Christiana heading east towards Kingston, and then toward Spaldings, Cave Valley, Alexandria, and Brown's Town, before hitting the coast in Runaway Bay.
From Mandeville, the drive to Kingston takes about 1.5 hours along the toll road from May Pen, with Treasure Beach within 1.5 hours in the opposite direction. Negril, Mobay, and Ocho Rios are all about a 2-hour drive, and Port Antonio is another 1.5 hours east of Ocho Rios along the North Coast.
A small community near the highest reaches of Manchester Parish, Christiana is a quiet town with one main drag and a single guest house. The most popular attraction in town is Christiana Bottom, a gorge located within walking distance from the center of the small village. Gourie State Park (contact Trevor Anderson for guiding services, tel. 876/964-5088, cell tel. 876/771-4222 or 876/292-4631, trevormanderson@hotmail.com, US$20 per person) is a recreational area on government land managed by Jamaica's Forestry Department, located between Christiana and Colleyville, about two miles past Christiana. Immediately after passing Bryce United Church, take the first left turn and then the first right until reaching the unmanned Forestry Department station and picnic area. Gourie Cave, the highlight of the park, is not actually inside the park but rather about a quarter mile down the hill to the left of the park entrance. By the cave entrance there's a picnic and camping area with a hut and tables and benches. There is one main trail through the park that leads to the community of Ticky Ticky, with excellent views along the way of the Santa Cruz Mountains, Spur Tree Hill, and the historic Bethany Moravian Church.
Gourie Cave was a hideout for runaway slaves. The cave follows the channels of an underground river about three to four feet deep, depending on how much rain has fallen. If you go north from the entrance and upstream against the current, you end up on the other side of Colleyville Mountain. A different route leads downstream along the underground river, deep into the earth where there are several caverns along the way. If you're going to be exploring in the cave, you should monitor the weather and be aware of any fronts on the horizon. It's not wise to venture into the cave alone. Contact Trevor Anderson for his guide services.
In Christiana Bottom, there's a Blue Hole fed from underground streams with two waterfalls dumping into the pool. There's another waterfall at William Hole farther downstream. To get to Christiana Bottom coming from Mandeville, turn right immediately after the NCB bank on Moravia Road, then take the first left around a blind corner, and then the first right, which leads to Christiana Bottom. Continue past the first left that leads to Tyme Town and park at the entrance to the second left, a wide path that leads down to the river. Ask for Mr. Jones for a guided tour (US$20) of Blue Hole and William Hole and his farm, where he grows ginger, yam, potato, pineapple, bananas, and sugarcane.
The Pickapeppa Factory (at base of Shooter's Hill beside Windalco plant, call in advance to arrange a visit, tel. 876/603-3441, fax 876/603-3440, pickapeppa@cwjamaica.com, www.pickapeppajamaica.com, US$3 adults, US$1.50 children) offers a half-hour educational tour (8:30 a.m.\3:30 p.m Mon.\Thurs.) led by Diana Tomlinson or Noel Miller, which covers the company's founding in 1921 and the process involved in the manufacture of its world-famous sauces. The factory is closed for the first two weeks in August and between Christmas and New Year's, but at any other time of year a sampling of the Pickapeppa sauces is included in the tour. The sauces are made with all-natural ingredients, and include mango chutney, jerk seasoning, and mango sauces in hot, spicy, and gingery varieties. The only preservative agents used in Pickapeppa sauces are vinegar and pepper.
Scott's Pass (between Toll Gate and Porus) is the headquarters for the Nyabinghi house of Rastafari in Jamaica, with the House of Elders based there. The land was bought by Bob Marley and given to the Binghi for that specific purpose. The community members are for the most part welcoming of visitors, but you may get some evil eyes if you fail to recognize their customs for the Binghi celebrations: women must wear skirts or dresses (no pants) and cover their heads, while men must not cover their heads. To arrange a visit or learn about the birthday celebrations or other Nyabinghi events around the island contact the Rasta in Charge, Paul Reid, known as Iyatolah (cell tel. 876/850-3469) or Charlena McKenzie, known as Daughter Dunan (cell tel. 876/843-3227). Arts and crafts are sold throughout the year at Scott's Pass.
Roy "Ras Carver" Bent (cell tel. 876/866-7745, rascarver@yahoo.com) is a Nyabinghi elder and master drum maker associated with the Scott's Pass order of Rastafari who lives in nearby May Pen. Ras Carver fashions, tunes, repairs, and sells the full line of drums used at Nyabinghi ceremonies.
Other important Binghi celebrations throughout the year include Ethiopian Christmas (January 7), one during Black History Month (a couple of days in February), commemoration of His Majesty's 1966 visit to Jamaica (April 21), All African Liberation Day (May 25), Marcus Garvey's birthday (three nights around August 19), Ethiopian New Year's (3\7 days starting September 11) and Haile Selassie's coronoation (November 2).
To get to Scott's Pass, take the first left heading west of the train line in Clarendon Park where the Juici Patties plant is located. Look out for a small bridge crossing the Milk River before reaching Porus.
Villa Bella (tel. 876/964-2243, villabella@cwjamaica.com, www.jamaica-southcoast.com/villabella US$65-80) is billed as "Jamaica's original country inn." Located in a cool setting at 914 meters above sea level, you won't find a more comfortably temperate climate on the island. The hotel has a lot of old-world charm in a gorgeous setting. Its allure as an accommodation is somewhat lessened by the tired state of its rooms. Owner Sherryl White-McDowell has initiated efforts to refurbish the property, which will be ongoing. The restaurant serves Jamaican dishes like ackee and saltfish, roast and jerk chicken, and steamed fish (US$6\12).
The second most-populous parish, Clarendon is a major agricultural region with a lively market (Mon.\Sat.) by the square (or triangle) in its capital, May Pen. The parish, like all others in Jamaica, was originally settled by the Tainos, who were later pushed out by Spaniards who favored the area for cattle farming on their hatos or haciendas. Cotton and indigo became important crops during the early British period, before sugar took over later into the British colonial period. The parish developed as British troops settled on land granted to them as rewards for service by Charles II in the 17th century. Cudjoe, the Maroon leader, is said to have been the son of a slave on Sutton Plantation in Clarendon, the site of Jamaica's slave rebellion of 1690. Following emancipation, large numbers of Indian indentured laborers were brought in, forming the basis of a distinct cultural enclave that still exists today.
Visitors to May Pen will find virtually no tourism infrastructure, as the parish has little developed coastline and scarce attractions to excite the imagination of the short-term visitor. The undeveloped coastline can, on the other hand, be an attraction in and of itself, for the adventurous, and it is known to be dotted with caves in the vicinity of Portland Point. The brush-filled landscape in this same area is a favorite place for hunters to shoot birds in season for about five weeks starting in mid-August. The protected areas along the coast are the last place in Jamaica you have a good chance of seeing a manatee--native to the country's waters but severely endangered. The famous bathhouse in the parish, Milk River, warrants a visit if you're an old-school spa buff; if you're into hanging with the locals and taking a dip, try Salt River, where a spring wells up from the earth and sound systems blast music to bathers' delight.
Jamaica's second-largest inland town after Spanish Town, May Pen is strictly Jamaican--receiving few foreign visitors compared with other major population centers on the island.
May Pen is the parish capital, with several heritage sites in its vicinity, including Halse Hall Great House, and the birthplace of acclaimed writer and poet Claude McKay, who went on to contribute to the Harlem Renaissance movement after moving to the United States.
May Pen was established on the banks of the Rio Minho and grew thanks to the river, which hampered travelers who took rest in the inns that were established on its banks. In the 1880s a railway station was built, further fueling the town's growth. Clarendon has a disproportionately large population of East Indian descent and is the location for Hosay, a traditional Indian festival that has been Jamaicanized.
The town gets its name from the Reverend William May, who owned the estate that predates the settlement. May served as rector in Kingston, and his son went on to become custos of Clarendon and Vere. The second important annual event held in May Pen is the Denbeigh Agricultural Show, which is a fantastic display of the region's farming prowess.
Halse Hall Great House (halsehallgreathouse@hotmail.com, http://halsehall.tripod.com) has been owned since 1969 by aluminum mining giant Alcoa. The property was named Hato de Buena Vista (Ranch with a Nice View) by the Spaniards who laid the foundation on which the present structure stands. Major Thomas Halse arrived with the British forces in 1655 and was given the property as a land grant following the British takeover. Halse built the present structure in the fortified style of the time to defend against potential reprisals from the Spanish and their Maroon allies. A second story was added by his heirs in the 1740s. Perhaps the most distinguished owner of the property was Thomas Henry de la Beche, an English geologist who founded the geological survey of Great Britain Royal School of Mines and Mining Record Office and wrote Remarks on the Geology of Jamaica. Ownership passed from the hands of the family in the 1830s to settle debt. Visitors are welcome to pass through to tour the house and grounds with prior notice and approval. Call Vanecia Harris tel. 876/986-2561, extension 4210, to request a visit.
Clarendon Park Garden (managed by Alfred Gayle) is a well-maintained park right across the street from Alcojuice and next to the Juici Patties factory. This is a good place for a picnic and break from the road.
Sweet and Juicy (Swanzey district at the end of Bustamante Highway, contact Jamie Levy tel. 876/359-6158, 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$3\4.50) serves staples like fried and curried chicken, and curry goat.
Murray's Fish and Jerk Hut (Toll Gate, tel. 876/987-1111 or 876/987-1684, 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$5\10) is a roadside hut serving roast tilapia caught on the Murray family farm, as well as jerk chicken and pork.
Alcojuice Restaurant & Bar (Clarendon Park, tel. 876/987-1029, alcojuice@netcomm-ja.com, 6:45 a.m.\8 p.m daily, until 9 p.m on weekends), managed by Madge Bowen (cell tel. 876/876-6250), across from the Juici Patties factory, has excellent juices and typical Jamaican dishes (US$2.50\6.50). Soups are also served (US$0.75\2.50).
Daily Delicious Restaurant & Sports Bar (28 Main St., next door to Island Grill, a Jamaican fast-food joint, tel. 876/986-9842, 8 a.m.\9:30 p.m Mon.\Sat., weekends till 11 p.m, US$2.50\6) serves cow foot, cow head, oxtail, fish, pork, curry goat, and baked, stew, curry, and fried chicken.
Juici Patties (tel. 876/904-2618) has its factory and an adjacent outlet and drive-through in Clarendon Park.
Versalles Hotel (42 Longbridge Ave., tel. 876/986-2775) is reached by taking the second left from Mineral Lights Roundabouts. Suites with air-conditioning and hot water, cable TV, and king-size bed or two double beds run US$56.
Bridge Palm Hotel (Toll Gate, tel. 876/987-1052, cell tel. 876/819-4332, U.S. tel. 905/963-3251, bridgepalmhotel@yahoo.com, www.bridgepalm.com, US$50\67) has rooms with mini refrigerator, air-conditioning, and ceiling fans. Some rooms have balconies and overlook the swimming pool.
Fyah Side Jerk (Toll Gate, contact David Tapper, tel. 876/384-6703, 10 a.m.\midnight Mon.\Sat., 10 a.m.\11 p.m Sun.) serves jerk roadside just past the Bridge Palm Hotel.
NCB (876/986-2343) has a branch and ATM located at 41 Main Street, with a Scotiabank (tel. 876/986-2212) branch at 36 Main Street.
Clarendon Parish Library (Main St., tel. 876/902-6294 claparlib@cwjamaica.com) offers DSL Internet access (US$1.50/hour).
The area south of May Pen is the prime agricultural land celebrated in the Denbeigh Agricultural Show each year. The area is dominated by cane production at the Moneymusk Sugar Estate. Few visitors to Jamaica make it to this remote side of Clarendon, and the few who do typically visit the somewhat run-down Milk River Baths. More interesting is the coastal region of Portland, where the Portland Lighthouse stands on the farthest point south on the island, which juts out into the sea. You will need to charter or rent a vehicle to properly explore this remote area.
Alley was the capital of the former parish of Vere and remains the sugarcane-producing heartland of Clarendon. The area was once dominated by the Moneymusk Estate and is still largely covered in cane fields that feed the factory, now located closer to Lionel Town.
Lionel Town is the largest and most bustling community in the region and the starting point during Hosay, which celebrates Jamaica's East Indian heritage with a procession all the way to May Pen.
Jackson Bay has some of Jamaica's deepest coastal caves, where legend has it the pirate Morgan stashed booty. The little-explored coastline around Jackson Bay is dotted with such caves, while the beach is a popular spot with locals on weekends and holidays. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is very helpful for heavy exploring along this stretch of coast.
At Salt River, 10 minutes east of Lionel Town near the coast, there is a public mineral spring that is a favorite among locals. Dances are held on weekends for what they call Early Sundays. This is a far more popular bath spot than Milk River, although it's seldom visited by tourists. Unfortunately the lack of tourists also means upkeep is substandard, as the locals don't seem to mind the rubbish that litters the place. Nevertheless, it's a great spot to soak up the up the scene and eat some fried fish and festival. To get to Salt River, take the left turn before reaching Lionel Town heading south, or a left at the T junction after passing through Lionel Town. When the road splits in a Y about a kilometer from the junction, keep left, and then keep left at the following junction. Salt River will be on your right.
St. Peter's Church is one of the oldest churches in Jamaica. It was founded in 1671 as the parish church of the former parish of Vere. The present building was erected around 1715 on the foundation of the original. The church bell weighs a quarter ton and was commissioned by the same company that created Big Ben, London's most distinguishing landmark.
The original Moneymusk Sugar Estate windmill in nearby Amity Hall is an interesting octagonal brick structure that now houses a branch of the parish library (tel. 876/986-3128, 11 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Fri.); Maxine Reid is the branch assistant. Internet service is offered (US$1.50/hour) on one terminal. The Moneymusk windmill was the only one in Jamaica to be constructed of brick, which raises the question of why the owners went through the trouble of importing such heavy materials from England when other estates were building the structures of locally quarried limestone.
Milk River Hotel and Spa (tel. 876/902-4657, milkriverhotel@yahoo.com) has three types of rooms. There are rooms with two twin beds and either shared bath (US$110) or private bath (US$117), both of which include breakfast, dinner, and bath access. The third room category has either a king-size or queen-size bed with private bath (US$137) and breakfast, dinner, and bath access. These can also be rented with just bath access included (US$48 shared bath, US$55 private bath, US$75 private bath and queen-size bed). One suite has a king-size and a twin bed (triple occupancy, US$112 room and bath alone, US$206 with bath, breakfast, and dinner). Most rooms have air-conditioning and TV. Rooms without air-conditioning have standing fans.
The Milk River Baths (7 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$4 per 15 minutes for adults, US$2 children 10 and under), located at the hotel, are spring fed with lukewarm water. A bath can be enjoyed whether or not you're staying at the hotel. For curative purposes, a minimum of three baths is recommended, but it is not advisable to stay in the water for longer than an hour because the water is highly radioactive--more so even than the springs at Vichy in France. To get to Milk River, turn south at the roundabout in Toll Gate before reaching Clarendon Park, heading west from May Pen. Continue straight from Toll Gate without turning off until reaching the hotel on the right. Keep heading south in Rest, instead of turning east along the B12 toward Alligator Pond in St. Elizabeth.
Getting There and Around
Route taxis and buses serve May Pen from Kingston and Mandeville. May Pen is located at the western end of Highway 2000, one of Jamaica's best toll roads, making it a quick 45-minute drive from Kingston. From the taxi stand in the square in May Pen, route taxis for points south (like Milk River) leave sporadically as they fill up.
Planning Your Time
Given the proximity of Negril, Jamaica's most developed beach town, as well as the mountains of the Dolphin Head range in Hanover, the interior and South Coast of neighboring Westmoreland, and Cockpit Country in St. James and Trelawny, there are plenty of opportunities for recreation and relaxation from a base in Montego Bay without being on the road for more than a couple hours. Closer to town there are several estate great house tours and plantation tours that make excellent half-day outings. Should you wish to hit the beach, there are plenty of options right in town, while Trelawny also has its share of good beaches.
Mobay makes a convenient base thanks to Sangster International Airport on the eastern side of town. As a point of entry, Mobay is probably the best option, and a night or two in the city, especially if you arrive on the weekend, can be a good way to catch the Jamaican vibe before heading off to a more tranquil corner of the island. But Mobay shouldn't be the only area you visit on a trip to Jamaica. Ideally the area deserves around five days, splitting your time between the beach or another natural attraction, and a visit to a historical site, with some fine dining around the city.
Historical places of interest include Sam Sharpe Square in downtown Mobay, Bellefield, Rose Hall and Greenwood great houses--at least one of which should be seen on a trip to Jamaica--and the Georgian town of Falmouth. All of these make good half-day visits, while Falmouth can easily consume the better part of an unhurried day. Natural attractions in the region include the Martha Brae River, Cockpit Country caves, Mayfield Falls, the Great River, and a handful of working plantations that offer tours. Organized tour operators on the western side of Jamaica usually include transportation to and from Montego Bay or Negril hotels. A few decent beaches along the Hip Strip, on Dead End Road, and at the resorts farther east along the coast make Mobay a good place to hang out and catch some sun, but the city is by no means the place to go for secluded stretches of sand or unspoiled wilderness.
A few times a year, Mobay comes alive for music festivals that are, for many people, reason enough to travel to Jamaica. These include the island's premier music festival, Reggae Sumfest, held in July, and Jazz and Blues Festival (www.jamaicajazzandblues.com), held each January.
Montego Bay
Jamaica's "vibes city," Mobay has been the principal hub of the island's tourism industry since the 1950s, with the country's most well-heeled duty-free shops and beaches. The close proximity of the area's hotels to the Montego Bay airport makes it a convenient destination for long-weekenders visiting from the United States and those looking to take advantage of the proximity of destinations on the western side of the island. Sangster International Airport receives most of Jamaica's three million annual tourists, and the surrounding region offers plenty of activities for day trips out of town, making the Mobay area the most popular place for visitors to Jamaica to find lodging. But the picture is not entirely pretty, and plenty of strife plagues the city, not least of which derives from growing squatter communities in and around town. Many visitors find in Montegonians, also known as "bawn a bays," a hard-edged, matter-of-fact idiosyncrasy that reflects the dual worlds coexisting in the energetic city. Perhaps a tumultuous history kept fresh by perpetuating injustices leads the city's inhabitants to despise the subservience inherent in a tourism-based economy out of pride, even if it is tourism that sustains the town. Montego Bay has been at the center of the island's economic picture since the days of the Spanish, and it is not lost on the local population that the city remains an economic powerhouse with its booming service economy.
Old timers recall the golden years of 1960s Mobay, when clubs like the Yellow Bird on Church Street, Club 35 on Union Street, and Cats Corner were brimming with tourists and locals alike. Taxis would carry guests from the hotels to the city center, where they would await patrons into the early morning hours to emerge from smoky cabarets bursting with live music. The Michael Manley era, which began in 1972, ushered in a socialism scare that destabilized Jamaica, affecting the tourism market directly with travel advisories warning would-be visitors to stay away. Nowhere was the impact more severe than in Montego Bay, which was the most-developed resort destination in Jamaica at the time. It was during the 1970s that all-inclusive tourism became a phenomenon, and gated resorts became the norm. The overwhelming dominance of all-inclusive hotels in recent years has led fewer visitors to leave the hotel compounds to explore the city, stifling business for restaurants and bars, the more successful of which cater as much to the local market as to tourists. Today Mobay comes alive on certain nights of the week and gets especially lively for several notable annual festivals, like Jazz and Blues Festival and Reggae Sumfest.
Commercially Montego Bay is organized like many U.S. cities. Large shopping centers dot the urban landscape, with KFC and Burger King dominating two strong poles of the quasi-modern city--only quasi-modern because Mobay contains in a small space some of Jamaica's roughest areas (there have been weeks in recent memory that saw several police-inflicted killings in some of Mobay's worse districts). But along Mobay's Hip Strip in the vicinity of Doctors Cave, Cornwall, and Dead End Beaches, the mood is as outwardly genteel as during the early British colonial period.
Mobay has been crucial to the island since the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores. The name Montego is said to have its origin in the Spanish word manteca (lard), referring to the use of the bay as an export center for wild hog products, namely lard. The city was previously named Golfo de Buen Tiempo (Bay of Good Weather) by Christopher Columbus.
Montego Bay has distinct tourist zones, well separated from the bustling and raucous downtown area. The main tourist area is the Hip Strip along Gloucester Avenue, where most of the bars, restaurants, and hotels catering to tourists are located. Extending off the strip is Kent Avenue, a.k.a. Dead End Road, which terminates at the end of the airport runway. Queens Drive passes along the hill above the Hip Strip with several budget hotels, many of them frequented by locals seeking privacy with their special someone.
Downtown Montego Bay is centered on Sam Sharpe Square, where a statue of the slave rebellion leader stands in one corner. The peninsula of Freeport sticks out into the Bogue Lagoon and the Montego Bay Marine Park just west of downtown, with the cruise ship terminal, the yacht club, Sunset Beach and Secrets resorts located there.
East of the airport, Ironshore is a middle class area that covers a large swath of hill in subdivisions and oversized concrete houses. East of Ironshore, Spring Garden is the most exclusive residential neighborhood in Mobay, bordering Rose Hall Estate where many of the area's all-inclusive resorts are wedged between the main road and the sea. Half Moon Resort, the Ritz Carlton, and Palmyra are the most luxurious of Mobay's accommodation options. Also nearby is Rose Hall Resort (a Hilton hotel), Sea Castles, a former resort now rented as apartment units, and three Iberostar hotels in a large complex a few kilometers further to the east down the coast.
Richmond Hill
Whether or not you choose to stay at this well situated hilltop property, a sunset cocktail from the beautiful poolside terrace will remain a romantic memory indefinitely.
The hotel has an illustrious history. Columbus apparently stayed here for a year while he was stranded in Jamaica, and it was once part of Annie Palmer's Rose Hall Estate. Later, in 1838, the property was acquired and built into a palatial abode by the Dewar family of Scotch whisky fame. Today the hotel is owned and operated with charm by Stefanie Chin and daughters Gracie and Gale, Austrian expatriates in Jamaica since 1968.
Montego Bay Marine Park
Montego Bay Marine Park encompasses the entire bay from high-tide mark on land to 100-meter depth from Reading on Mobay's western edge to just east of the airport on the eastern side. The marine park contains diverse ecosystems that include mangrove forest, islands, beaches, estuaries, sea-grass beds, and corals. The best way to see the marine park is with a licensed tour operator for a snorkeling trip or with a glass-bottomed boat tour. Tropical Beach and Aquasol both operate glass-bottomed boat tours, the former including snorkeling.
Montego Bay Marine Park
Montego Bay Marine Park encompasses the entire bay from high-tide mark on land to 100-meter depth from Reading on Mobay's western edge to just east of the airport on the eastern side. The marine park contains diverse ecosystems that include mangrove forest, islands, beaches, estuaries, sea-grass beds, and corals. The best way to see the marine park is with a licensed tour operator for a snorkeling trip or with a glass-bottomed boat tour. Tropical Beach and Aquasol both operate glass-bottomed boat tours, the former including snorkeling.
Pitfour Rasta Settlement
Pitfour (contact Sister Norma, cell tel. 876/882-6376) is a Rastafarian settlement in the Granville district in the hills above Montego Bay. A Nyabinghi ceremony lasting more than a week begins every November 1 to celebrate the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, revered by Rastafarians as their God. On Good Friday of every year, a Nyabinghi vigil known as the Coral Gardens Groundation is held to commemorate the murder of Rastafarians by the Jamaican authorities in the early years of the movement. When events are held, Rastas come from across Jamaica to participate. Otherwise the settlement is very sleepy, with little happening beyond perhaps a reasoning between bredren over a burning chalice. To get to Pitfour head inland from Catherine Hall along Fairfield Road, taking a right after the Fairfield Theatre, passing Day-O Plantation. Take the first right after the police station in the square, then continue straight, and then take the first left in Granville. By the gate to Pitfour you will see Bongo Manny and Daughter Norma Ital food shop.
National Gallery West
Montego Bay Cultural Centre, a re-branding of the former Civic Centre (9 a.m.-5 p.m Mon.-Fri., US$2 adults, US$0.75 children) houses the National Gallery West, featuring a history of St. James as part of the permanent exhibit and temporary exhibits. The small collection of artifacts in the permanent collection spans the Taino period to the present day. The museum is under the management of the Institute of Jamaica, with assistant curator Leanne Rodney offering 30-minute tours throughout the day. Arrangements can be made for the museum to be open on weekends for 10 or more visitors by calling during the week to make a request.
The Cage
The Cage, also in Sam Sharpe Square, was once used to lock up misbehaving slaves and sailors.
St. James Parish Church
St. James Parish Church (Church St., tel. 876/971-2564) is one of the most attractive buildings in town. It's set amongst large grounds that house a small cemetery.
Burchell Baptist Church
Burchell Baptist Church (Market St., tel. 876/971-9141) is a more humble church where Sam Sharpe used to preach. His remains are interred there.
Gallery of West Indian Art
One of the most diverse galleries in Jamaica--as far as carrying both Jamaican art and pieces from neighboring islands, especially Haiti and Cuba. The gallery is owned and operated by Nicki and Steffan, who make quality pieces accessible with very reasonable pricing. Look out for work by Jamaican artists Delores Anglin and Gene Pearson, a sculptor specializing in bronze heads.
Gallery of West Indian Art
One of the most diverse galleries in Jamaica--as far as carrying both Jamaican art and pieces from neighboring islands, especially Haiti and Cuba. The gallery is owned and operated by Nicki and Steffan, who make quality pieces accessible with very reasonable pricing. Look out for work by Jamaican artists Delores Anglin and Gene Pearson, a sculptor specializing in bronze heads.
Mount Zion
Mount Zion is a quaint community that overlooks Rose Hall, with excellent panoramic views of the coast northeast of Mobay. A small church forms the centerpiece of the village, where views over Cinnamon Hill Golf Course and along the coast of Iron Shore and Rose Hall are unmatched. To get to Mount Zion, turn inland on an uncommonly well-paved road (no name) just past the small bridge that crosses Little River heading east from the Ritz-Carlton. The road heads up a steep hill toward the community of Cornwall. As the hill tapers off toward the top, a right turn leads farther up to the community of Zion Hill. Heading straight at the junction leads to Cornwall.
Estate Great Houses
Each of the area's estate great houses is worth visiting and quite distinct from the others. A visit to one or all of these historic properties is like traveling back in time--a great way to catch a glimpse of the island's glorious and tumultuous past.
Bellefield Great House
Bellefield Great House (tel. 876/952-2382, www.bellefieldgreathouse.com), five minutes from Mobay at Barnett Estate, offers a lunch tour Wednesdays and Thursdays (10:30 a.m.\2 p.m, US$40). It consists of a 45-minute visit through the great house and gardens, and a one-hour lunch serving well-prepared Jamaican dishes. The tour can be arranged on any day of the week for parties of 10 people or more. A basic tour, without the delicious lunch, is also offered (US$20). Bellefield belongs to the Kerr-Jarretts, a family that at one point controlled much of the land in and around Mobay as part of Fairfield Estate. The tour is operated by Nicky and David Farquharson, who are also behind the production of the exquisite meal. To get to Bellefield, take Fairfield Road from Catherine Hall, staying right where the road splits on to Chambers Drive until you reach the Granville Police Station. Take a right on Bellefield Road at the police station and go until you see the great house on the left.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Greenwood Great House
Greenwood Great House (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, US$14) is the best example of a great house kept alive by the owners, Bob and Ann Betton, who live on property and manage the low-key tour operation. Built in the late 1600s by one of the wealthiest families of the British colonial period, the Barretts first landed in Jamaica on Cromwell's voyage of conquest, when the island was captured from the Spanish in 1655. Land grants immediately made the family a major landholder, and its plantations grew over the next 179 years to amass 2,000 slaves on seven estates by the time of emancipation. Greenwood Great House boasted the best stretch of road in Jamaica as its driveway. Little upkeep has been performed over the past four centuries, apparently, and today the 1.5-kilometer-long road requires slow going, but the panoramic view from the house and grounds are still as good as ever.
Interesting relics like hand-pump fire carts and old wagon wheels adorn the outside of the building. Inside the house is the best collection of colonial-era antiques in Jamaica, including obscure musical instruments, Flemish thrones, and desks with secret compartments from the 17th century. An inlaid rosewood piano belonged to King Edward VII, and a portrait of poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cousin hangs on the wall. Another historical treasure at the great house is the will of Reverend Thomas Burchell, who was arrested for his alleged role in the Christmas Rebellion.
Farther inland from Greenwood lie the ruins of Barrett Hall, the family's primary residence.
Greenwood Great House
Greenwood Great House (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, US$14) is the best example of a great house kept alive by the owners, Bob and Ann Betton, who live on property and manage the low-key tour operation. Built in the late 1600s by one of the wealthiest families of the British colonial period, the Barretts first landed in Jamaica on Cromwell's voyage of conquest, when the island was captured from the Spanish in 1655. Land grants immediately made the family a major landholder, and its plantations grew over the next 179 years to amass 2,000 slaves on seven estates by the time of emancipation. Greenwood Great House boasted the best stretch of road in Jamaica as its driveway. Little upkeep has been performed over the past four centuries, apparently, and today the 1.5-kilometer-long road requires slow going, but the panoramic view from the house and grounds are still as good as ever.
Interesting relics like hand-pump fire carts and old wagon wheels adorn the outside of the building. Inside the house is the best collection of colonial-era antiques in Jamaica, including obscure musical instruments, Flemish thrones, and desks with secret compartments from the 17th century. An inlaid rosewood piano belonged to King Edward VII, and a portrait of poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cousin hangs on the wall. Another historical treasure at the great house is the will of Reverend Thomas Burchell, who was arrested for his alleged role in the Christmas Rebellion.
Farther inland from Greenwood lie the ruins of Barrett Hall, the family's primary residence.
Greenwood Great House
Greenwood Great House (9 a.m.-5 p.m daily, US$14) is the best example of a great house kept alive by the owners, Bob and Ann Betton, who live on property and manage the low-key tour operation. Built in the late 1600s by one of the wealthiest families of the British colonial period, the Barretts first landed in Jamaica on Cromwell's voyage of conquest, when the island was captured from the Spanish in 1655. Land grants immediately made the family a major landholder, and its plantations grew over the next 179 years to amass 2,000 slaves on seven estates by the time of emancipation. Greenwood Great House boasted the best stretch of road in Jamaica as its driveway. Little upkeep has been performed over the past four centuries, apparently, and today the 1.5-kilometer-long road requires slow going, but the panoramic view from the house and grounds are still as good as ever.
Interesting relics like hand-pump fire carts and old wagon wheels adorn the outside of the building. Inside the house is the best collection of colonial-era antiques in Jamaica, including obscure musical instruments, Flemish thrones, and desks with secret compartments from the 17th century. An inlaid rosewood piano belonged to King Edward VII, and a portrait of poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cousin hangs on the wall. Another historical treasure at the great house is the will of Reverend Thomas Burchell, who was arrested for his alleged role in the Christmas Rebellion.
Farther inland from Greenwood lie the ruins of Barrett Hall, the family's primary residence.
Hopewell to Tryall
Just west of Montego Bay, the Great River marks the border of St. James and Hanover, which represents Jamaica's high-end tourism. Before arriving at Round Hill, one of Jamaica's most exclusive club hotels, Tamarind Hill and its surrounding coastline are strewn with luxurious villas, most of which fetch upwards of US$10,000 per week during the high season.
The town of Hopewell is not especially remarkable beyond its present status as a somewhat active fishing community. There's a Scotiabank ATM, a small grocery store, and a few hole-in-the-wall restaurants for typical Jamaican fare in the heart of town. There is generally a sound system slowing traffic through town on Friday evenings, which precedes a busy market day on Saturday; if you're staying in the vicinity, it's worth a stop.
A few kilometers farther west of Round Hill and Hopewell is Tryall, a former sugarcane plantation destroyed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831\1832. The old water wheel, fed by an aqueduct from the Flint River, can be seen as you round the bend approaching Tryall from the east, but little else remains as a reminder of its past as a sugar estate. Today the hotel and villa complex, which fans out from the historic great house, sits on one of the Caribbean's premier golf courses; its winter residents include boxing champion Lennox Lewis.
Bordering Tryall to the west is a burgeoning bedroom community, Sandy Bay, where new housing developments are rapidly springing up. Still farther west, the highway wraps around Mosquito Cove, where sailboats create a flotilla to party the night away before Easter weekend in preparation for a morning race back to Mobay every year.
Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance. A host of returning guest luminaries has sealed Round Hill's well-deserved reputation for excellence. Manager Joseph Forstmeyer runs a tight ship and has led the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association.
Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance. A host of returning guest luminaries has sealed Round Hill's well-deserved reputation for excellence. Manager Joseph Forstmeyer runs a tight ship and has led the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association.
Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance. A host of returning guest luminaries has sealed Round Hill's well-deserved reputation for excellence. Manager Joseph Forstmeyer runs a tight ship and has led the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association.
Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance. A host of returning guest luminaries has sealed Round Hill's well-deserved reputation for excellence. Manager Joseph Forstmeyer runs a tight ship and has led the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association.
Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance. A host of returning guest luminaries has sealed Round Hill's well-deserved reputation for excellence. Manager Joseph Forstmeyer runs a tight ship and has led the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association.
Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance. A host of returning guest luminaries has sealed Round Hill's well-deserved reputation for excellence. Manager Joseph Forstmeyer runs a tight ship and has led the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association.
Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Round Hill Hotel and Villas (suites US$419-843 nightly low season, US$631-1,261 high season), just over the Great River, is an exclusive hotel and club on meticulously manicured grounds. The hotel's main Pineapple Suites, featuring plush lounge furniture, were designed by Ralph Lauren and boast an atmosphere of stately, oceanfront elegance. A host of returning guest luminaries has sealed Round Hill's well-deserved reputation for excellence. Manager Joseph Forstmeyer runs a tight ship and has led the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association.
The Pineapple Suites
In the Pineapple Suites, a series of hinged louvered windows open to overlook an infinity pool and the sea beyond, perfectly aligned for dreamy sunsets. The bathrooms feature rainwater showerheads above glass enclosures and large bathtubs. Just above the hotel suites, villas are strewn across the hillside, each surrounded by a maze of shrubs and flowers, ensuring the utmost privacy. Next to the small, calm beach there's a charming library with a huge TV (to make up for their absence in the suites) and an open-air dining area; a short walk down the coast leads to the spa, based in a renovated plantation great house. Villas at Round Hill (US$875\2,875 nightly low season, US$1,250\4,100 high) can be booked through the hotel office. Round Hill rents a total of 27 villas.
Tryall Club
Tryall Club (tel. 876/956-5660, U.S. tel. 800/238-5290, reservation@tryallclub.com, www.tryallclub.com, one-bedroom suites from US$395/550 low/high season) has private suites adjoining the main house, as well as villas scattered throughout the property that are pooled and rented through the club reservation office.
Tryall Villas
Tryall Villas rent for US$630\785 low season, US$1,185/1,570 high, for superior or deluxe category, respectively. They come fully staffed with excellent cooks who prepare delectable Jamaican favorites and are adept at international cuisine. Most suites and villas have a one-week minimum stay during the high season, reduced to three or four days during the low season. Given the villas are privately owned, certain owners establish their own low and high season dates and discounts, so these can vary.
Tryall has one of the top golf courses in the Caribbean; it sits on an 890-hectare estate that extends deep into the Hanover interior. Tennis and golf are offered to nonmembers (greens fees are US$125 daily plus tax, carts are US$30 plus tax, and a caddy is US$30, plus a customary US$20 tip). Tryall guests pay substantially less (greens fees US$70/100 plus tax low/high season). There are nine tennis courts, two with lights. The cushioned courts are less slippery than the faux clay. Courts are for members and guests only and included in the stay. Related fees include US$23/hour for hitting partner, US$48 to play with a club pro, and US$7 per hour for a ball boy. At night, courts cost US$20 per hour for the lights.
The food at Tryall is an excellent value, while far from inexpensive, with Master Chef Herbert Baur demonstrating his wealth of experience in overseeing day-to-day operations. Meals are kept interesting with the Jamaican barbecue dinner on Wednesday, seafood buffet dinner on the beach on Friday, and open-air à la carte dining on the veranda of the main house on other evenings (7\9:30 p.m). Tryall sources 95 percent of the produce it serves locally, as well as 100 percent of the chicken and pork.
Charis Restaurant
Charis Restaurant (just before the entrance to Round Hill heading west, opens Mon-Sat 9 a.m.\6 p.m, US$5\10) serves jerk chicken and pork, curry chicken and goat, a variety of pasta dishes including alfredo sauce, shrimp and chicken, or Rasta pasta with ackee, in season. Steamed, grilled, or fried fish is done to order. The restaurant reopened in January 2009 under the new ownership of two local couples, Geoffrey and Jackry Harris, and Marcine and Oniel Brown.
Sea Shells
Sea Shells (9 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$7\21), just west of Hopewell, is run by Lorna Williams and serves chicken, pork, fish, and lobster dishes. The restaurant has a rootsy vibe, with the dining area right next to the water and a bar by the roadside.
Dervy's Lobster Trap
Dervy's Lobster Trap (open by reservation daily, US$18\30), owned by the charismatic Dervent Wright, and operated by the whole family, including his wife Gem, daughter Tiffany, and son, Junior. Dervy's has some of the island's best lobster, plus a great view of Round Hill from its vantage point on the waterfront. Be sure to call ahead to make reservations. Reach it by taking the second right in Hopewell, heading west down Sawyer's Road to the sea's edge. A sign for Lobster Trap indicates the turnoff from the main road.
Lucea to Green Island
Hanover's capital, Lucea is a quiet town that occasionally comes alive for special events like Independence Day, when the town hosts a talent show. Lucea's Fort Charlotte, which sits at the mouth of the harbor, was never used. The town was busier than Montego Bay at the height of the colonial period following emancipation and would become important for the export of molasses, bananas, and yams. The large Lucea yam, exported to Jamaican laborers in Cuba and Panama during the construction of railroads and the canal, is still an important product from the area today. The clock tower atop the historic 19th-century courthouse was originally destined for St. Lucia, but the town's residents liked it so much they refused to give it up in favor of the less ornate version they had commissioned by the same manufacturer in Great Britain.
Hanover Museum
Fort Charlotte houses the Hanover Museum (admission US$5), located on the western point of Lucea Harbor. It's the most intact fort in western Jamaica, with three cannons in good condition sitting on the battlements. It was built by the British in 1756, with 23 cannon openings to defend their colony from any challenge from the sea. Originally named Fort Lucea, it was renamed during the reign of King George III after his Queen Charlotte. The Barracks, a large rectangular Georgian building next to the fort, was built in 1843 to house soldiers stationed at Fort Charlotte. It was given to the people of Jamaica in 1862 by the English War Office; it became the town's education center and is now part of the high school complex.
Hanover Museum
Fort Charlotte houses the Hanover Museum (admission US$5), located on the western point of Lucea Harbor. It's the most intact fort in western Jamaica, with three cannons in good condition sitting on the battlements. It was built by the British in 1756, with 23 cannon openings to defend their colony from any challenge from the sea. Originally named Fort Lucea, it was renamed during the reign of King George III after his Queen Charlotte. The Barracks, a large rectangular Georgian building next to the fort, was built in 1843 to house soldiers stationed at Fort Charlotte. It was given to the people of Jamaica in 1862 by the English War Office; it became the town's education center and is now part of the high school complex.
Hanover Museum
Fort Charlotte houses the Hanover Museum (admission US$5), located on the western point of Lucea Harbor. It's the most intact fort in western Jamaica, with three cannons in good condition sitting on the battlements. It was built by the British in 1756, with 23 cannon openings to defend their colony from any challenge from the sea. Originally named Fort Lucea, it was renamed during the reign of King George III after his Queen Charlotte. The Barracks, a large rectangular Georgian building next to the fort, was built in 1843 to house soldiers stationed at Fort Charlotte. It was given to the people of Jamaica in 1862 by the English War Office; it became the town's education center and is now part of the high school complex.
Hanover Museum
Fort Charlotte houses the Hanover Museum (admission US$5), located on the western point of Lucea Harbor. It's the most intact fort in western Jamaica, with three cannons in good condition sitting on the battlements. It was built by the British in 1756, with 23 cannon openings to defend their colony from any challenge from the sea. Originally named Fort Lucea, it was renamed during the reign of King George III after his Queen Charlotte. The Barracks, a large rectangular Georgian building next to the fort, was built in 1843 to house soldiers stationed at Fort Charlotte. It was given to the people of Jamaica in 1862 by the English War Office; it became the town's education center and is now part of the high school complex.
Hanover Museum
Fort Charlotte houses the Hanover Museum (admission US$5), located on the western point of Lucea Harbor. It's the most intact fort in western Jamaica, with three cannons in good condition sitting on the battlements. It was built by the British in 1756, with 23 cannon openings to defend their colony from any challenge from the sea. Originally named Fort Lucea, it was renamed during the reign of King George III after his Queen Charlotte. The Barracks, a large rectangular Georgian building next to the fort, was built in 1843 to house soldiers stationed at Fort Charlotte. It was given to the people of Jamaica in 1862 by the English War Office; it became the town's education center and is now part of the high school complex.
Hanover Historical Museum
Hanover Historical Museum (US$1.50 adults, US$0.50 children) is housed in the old police barracks and gaol (jail). It opened in 1989 and was at one point expanded to include artifacts from excavated Arawak middens (refuse piles) found in Hanover. The community museum has displays covering the history of Hanover from the Tainos to the present.
Kenilworth is one of Jamaica's most impressive great houses, located on the former Maggoty Estate. Currently the property is home to the HEART Academy, a training skills institute. To get there, pass Tryall and then Sandy Bay, then Chukka Blue; turn right after crossing a bridge over the Maggoty River in the community of Barbican and look for the sign for HEART Trust NTA Kenilworth on the left. Turn in and look for the ruins behind the institute, which is painted blue and white.
Dolphin Head Mountain
Dolphin Head Mountain and the Dolphin Head Forest Reserve contain some of Jamaica's few remaining pockets of biodiversity and high endemism. A Nature Trail and Living Botanical Museum were developed over the past several years and are currently maintained by Jamaica's Forestry Department
To reach the Dolphin Head Nature Trail and Live Botanical Museum, take the B9 inland from Lucea toward Glasgow. The trail starts in Riverside on the east side of the road a few kilometers before reaching Glagow. The trail was opened in February 2007 and leads along Retirement and Rugland mountains on the western flank of the Dolphin Head range. A second trail starts from Kingsvale leading into the forest reserve.
Dolphin Head Mountain
Dolphin Head Mountain and the Dolphin Head Forest Reserve contain some of Jamaica's few remaining pockets of biodiversity and high endemism. A Nature Trail and Living Botanical Museum were developed over the past several years and are currently maintained by Jamaica's Forestry Department
To reach the Dolphin Head Nature Trail and Live Botanical Museum, take the B9 inland from Lucea toward Glasgow. The trail starts in Riverside on the east side of the road a few kilometers before reaching Glagow. The trail was opened in February 2007 and leads along Retirement and Rugland mountains on the western flank of the Dolphin Head range. A second trail starts from Kingsvale leading into the forest reserve.
Fiesta Group
The Fiesta Group, a Spain-based hotel chain, opened the 2,000-room Fiesta Paladium Palace (tel. 876/620-0000, www.fiestahotelgroup.com), a massive all-inclusive hotel just west of Lucea on Molasses beach in 2008.
Ital Vital
Ital Vital (US$1-5) is vegetarian food cart operated by Delroy Clarke, known on the street as 'High Priest', located at the entrance to Cayenne Beach. Dishes include veggies in coconut sauce, ital sip (soup) and turn cornmeal.
NCB bank has a branch (tel. 876/956-2204) as well as an ATM location at Haughton Court.
Scotiabank (tel. 876/956-2235) has a branch on Willie Delisser Boulevard facing the main intersection by the courthouse on the western side of town.
Lailian Wholesale Supermarket is at Shop #14, Mid Town Mall (tel. 876/956-9712).
Family Care Pharmacy is at Shop #1, Mid Town Mall (tel. 876/956-2685).
Shoppers' Choice Supermarket is located in Green Island (tel. 876/955-2369).
Just before the one-way circuit around Lucea reaches the courthouse heading west, the B9 leads inland through Middlesex to Dias, where a right-hand turn leads back toward the coast and Davis Cove. About five kilometers west of Dias is Blenheim, the birthplace of Jamaica Labour Party founder William Alexander Clarke, who later took the name Bustamante after traveling and living in several Latin American countries. Blenheim is a quiet village with a simple museum devoted to the national hero popularly known as "Busta." The museum is located inside a re-created house, built by the National Heritage Trust after Busta's original house was destroyed by fire. More of a thatch-roofed hut, the house's interior has newspaper clippings and pictures of Sir Alexander adorning the walls.
Mandela Green Entertainment Centre
Established over a decade ago, Mandela Green is an entertainment lawn inside a walled compound, its interior walls painted with portraits of Jamaican artists and heroes in typical Rasta style. It's used for parties, stage shows, theatrical performances, and other private and public functions. The entertainment center was revitalized over the past couple of years, opening a restaurant and bar (11 a.m.\11 p.m daily) serving Jamaican dishes and seafood (US$5\10) in mid-2009. Contact Paul Taylor (cell tel. 876/871-8454, grentertainment1@gmail.com) for info and bookings.
According to Palma Taylor, Paul's father, who controls the property, the venue has given several up-and-coming Jamaican singers a buss, or career break, over the years.
Half Moon Beach
Half Moon Beach located between Orange Bay and Green Island is a great little stretch of sand to enjoy as a more low-key alternative to Negril's oft-crowded Seven-Mile Beach. The property is owned by Andrew Bauwen, who, along with his wife Tania, rents cabins and runs a bar and restaurant serving fish, chicken and lobster dishes (US$8-20). The five cabins offer accommodation on a budget (US$40-100) and camping is also permitted on a large lawn facing the sea.
Half Moon Beach
Half Moon Beach located between Orange Bay and Green Island is a great little stretch of sand to enjoy as a more low-key alternative to Negril's oft-crowded Seven-Mile Beach. The property is owned by Andrew Bauwen, who, along with his wife Tania, rents cabins and runs a bar and restaurant serving fish, chicken and lobster dishes (US$8-20). The five cabins offer accommodation on a budget (US$40-100) and camping is also permitted on a large lawn facing the sea.
Half Moon Beach
Half Moon Beach located between Orange Bay and Green Island is a great little stretch of sand to enjoy as a more low-key alternative to Negril's oft-crowded Seven-Mile Beach. The property is owned by Andrew Bauwen, who, along with his wife Tania, rents cabins and runs a bar and restaurant serving fish, chicken and lobster dishes (US$8-20). The five cabins offer accommodation on a budget (US$40-100) and camping is also permitted on a large lawn facing the sea.
Half Moon Beach Bar & Grill
Half Moon Beach Bar & Grill (7 a.m.-10 p.m or until the last person leaves the bar) serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a laid-back beach shack setting, with typical Jamaican favorites as well as creative international fusion like shrimp with pineapple, sweet pepper kabob, seafood crepes, and lobster (US$5-18).
Half Moon Beach is a great location for weddings, and the reefs offshore make for great snorkeling.
Half Moon Beach Bar & Grill
Half Moon Beach Bar & Grill (7 a.m.-10 p.m or until the last person leaves the bar) serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a laid-back beach shack setting, with typical Jamaican favorites as well as creative international fusion like shrimp with pineapple, sweet pepper kabob, seafood crepes, and lobster (US$5-18).
Half Moon Beach is a great location for weddings, and the reefs offshore make for great snorkeling.
Rhodes Hall Plantation
Rhodes Hall Plantation (tel. 876/957-6883 or 876/957-6422, rhodesresort@comcast.net, www.rhodesresort.com, US$95\340) sits on a 223-hectare estate adjacent to Orange Bay. Far enough removed from the hustle and bustle of Negril to feel neither the bass thumping at night nor the harassment during the day, Rhodes Hall has enough outdoor activities to not feel like you're missing anything either. The most recent addition to the list is the Rhino Safari on inflatable speedboats that will take you to cruise Seven-Mile Beach in no time. Other activities include horseback riding, hiking, and birding. A variety of modern, comfortable rooms, suites, and villas all have verandas with views out to sea. Satellite TV, air-conditioning, cell phones, queen-size beds, and hot water are standard. Ignore the floral bedcovers and focus on the woodwork and bamboo detailing, much of which was handcrafted from materials sourced on the property. Rates vary depending on size and amenities, which include three bathrooms, full kitchen, dining room, and whirlpool tub in the largest villa.
Savanna-La-Mar and Vicinity
Along the route from Negril to Savanna-la-Mar, the hills open up a few kilometers east from the beach to vast alluvial plains along Cabarita River that sustain Jamaica's largest sugarcane crop, processed at Frome. Small communities like Negril Spot and Little London dot the route and offer little excuse to stop. A turn off the main road in Little London leads to Little Bay, one of Jamaica's most laid-back beach towns, which is predominantly the keep of small-scale fishermen.
Little Bay and Homer's Cove
About 1.5 kilometers farther east from Homer's Cove is Little Bay, another rootsy fishing village relatively untouched by the outside world. Little Bay was a cherished retreat for Bob Marley, who would come to escape the pressures of Kingston and his burgeoning career.
Purple Rain Guest House
Purple Rain Guest House (call Cug, pronounced "Cudge," cell tel. 876/425-5386, or book through Donna Gill Colestock at U.S. tel. 508/816-6923, greenbiscuit03@hotmail.com) is a small cottage set back from the beach owned by Livingston "Cug" Drummond. It's a basic cottage with two rooms in the downstairs and a loft with ceiling fans and lukewarm water. Rates are US$60 per person or US$400 per week, which includes two meals a day.
Tansobak Seaside Cottage
Tansobak Seaside Cottage (U.S. tel. 608/873-9391 or 608/873-8195, mmoushey55@aol.com, www.littlebaycottages.com) is a tastefully appointed accommodation a few meters from the water's edge in Little Bay. It has simple but comfortable decor, louvered windows, tiled floors, and hot water. Air-conditioning is available by request. Denis and Michelle Dale have owned the property since the mid-1990s. Rates run US$665 per person per week, which includes two meals a day. There is a minimum three-night stay for double occupancy.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa
Coral Cove Beach Resort & Spa (from US$179) is a secluded family-owned and operated boutique resort on the sea, with tasteful bamboo furniture and wood frame beds. The 17 beach houses and cottages are naturally ventilated with louvered windows and ceiling fans, with A/C also available. The resort offers bed and breakfast or all-inclusive plans and can sleep up to 40, making it ideal venue for groups and weddings. Wi-Fi covers most of the two-hectare (5-acre) property with its 400 meters (0.25 miles) of ocean frontage. Coral Cove puts emphasis on fine cuisine and attentive service. A recent initiative in partnership with the Bobo Ashanti house of Rastafari has brought the establishment of am award-winning sacramental ganja operation overseen by an in-house master grower.
Tiki's Guinep Tree Restaurant & Bar
Tiki's Guinep Tree Restaurant & Bar (in front of Uncle Sam's, tel. 876/438-3496, 10 a.m.\9 p.m, US$3.50\5), run by Vernon "Tiki" Johnson, is a favorite with locals. It serves dishes like stewed conch, fried fish, fried chicken, and jerk pork, accompanied with rice and peas or french fries.
Uncle Sam's Garden Park
Uncle Sam's Garden Park (next to sea, tel. 876/867-2897, US$13), run by Tiki's uncle, Samuel "Uncle Sam" Clayton, serves fried chicken, fried fish, and conch soup.
Broughton Beach
Broughton Beach is a secluded eight-kilometer-long beach reached by taking a right at the gas station in Little London, followed by a left at the T junction. Keep left at the Y junction and you will come to the parking lot of the Lost Beach Hotel on Brighton Beach. It is principally a fishing beach, but it has nice, fine white sand and an open expanse free of peddlers and hustlers.
Blue Hole Mineral Spring
Blue Hole Mineral Spring (Brighton, cell tel. 876/860-8805, www.blueholeinjamaica.com, 9 a.m.\ 11 p.m Mon.\Thurs., 9 a.m.\2 a.m.Fri.\Sun.) is a sink hole mineral spring located along the coast in Brighton suitable for jumping and swimming. A man-made swimming pool is fed with mineral water from the spring, and a bar keeps visitors cool, even if they're not inclined to jump into either pools.
Savanna-la-Mar, or simply Sav, as it is commonly referred to by locals, is one of the most subdued parish capitals in Jamaica in terms of attractions, with a few notable exceptions--namely the annual Curry Festival held in July behind Manning's School, and Western Consciousness, held in April at Paradise Park on the eastern outskirts of town. A free concert and symposium are also held in Sav every year in October to commemorate the life of the late Peter Tosh, who was born a few kilometers away in Grange Hill.
Manning's School
Manning's School, the most architecturally appealing building in town, is one of Jamaica's oldest schools, established in 1738 after local proprietor Thomas Manning left 13 slaves with land and what it could offer as the endowment for a free school. Now serving as a high school, the attractive wooden structure (built in late-colonial style in 1910 on the site of the original school) is backed by newer, less stylish concrete buildings set around a large field.
Roaring River
Ten minutes from Savanna-la-Mar off of the B8, Roaring River make for a good day trip from Negril or Bluefields. The Roaring River cave guided tour costs US$5 per person. Expect to be aggressively approached as soon as you near the main building for the site. Tipping the guide is also expected. The discomfort the guides and managers of this attraction create is sadly an overbearing deterrent to all but the most unwaveringly defensive of visitors. The uninhibited will find caves and underground rivers and barely useful guides.
Mayfield Falls
The Original Mayfield Falls (tel. 876/610-8612 or cell tel. 876/457-0759, info@mayfieldfalls.com, www.mayfieldfalls.com) operates a four- to five-hour tour costing US$85 per person, inclusive of roundtrip transportation from Mobay, entry fee with a guided hike up the river, and lunch afterward. The entry fee is significantly lower (US$15) for those with their own transportation, inclusive of guide. Lunch may be purchased separately (US$10\22). Located in Flower Hill near the Hanover border, Mayfield Falls is one of the best waterfall attractions in Jamaica, having been developed with minimal impact to the natural surroundings. It's a great place to spend an afternoon cooling off in the river and walking upstream along a series of gentle cascades and pools. Run by Sarah Willis, the guided tour begins and ends at a group of buildings that house a gift shop and restaurant. Rubber Crocs shoes are rented for US$6 for those without their own waterproof footwear.
Mayfield Falls can be reached from either the North or South Coasts. From the North Coast, turn inland before crossing the bridge at Flint River on the eastern side of Tryall Estate and follow Original Mayfield signs. From the South Coast, turn inland in Sav, keeping straight ahead at the stoplight by the gas station on the east side of town rather than turning right toward Ferris Cross, and head straight toward the communities of Strathbougie, then take a left off Petersfield main road toward Hertford at the four-way intersection. From Hertford, head toward Williamsfield and then to Grange, before making a right in the square to continue on for about 10 minutes to the settlement of Mayfield. You'll see a sign on the right indicating the entrance to Mayfield Falls. The road from the north passes through Flower Hill before you see the Original Mayfield sign on the left.
Paradise Park
Paradise Park (tel. 876/955-2675, paradise1@cwjamaica.com, US$40) is one of the best places in Jamaica for down-to-earth small-group rides on an expansive seaside cattle ranch located a few kilometers east of Savanna-la-Mar in Ferris Cross. Tours are offered for a maximum of 10 riders. The 1.5-hour ride covers diverse scenery, and the price includes complimentary soft drink, while lunch can be prepared for groups of six or more (US$12 per person). For those not interested in horseback riding, the park features a lovely picnic area with a barbecue grill, bathrooms, and a gentle river suitable for a refreshing dip (US$5).
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
Blue Hole Gardens
Blue Hole Gardens (US$15 adults, 12 and under free) is a lush and well-maintained attraction with diverse vegetation springing from manicured grounds surrounding a natural, spring fed pool brimming with surreal turquoise water most of the year. In the drier months the water level falls. The spring that feeds the Blue Hole is one of more than 10 that combine within a few acres, turning the gentle flow of subterranean rivers into the gushing Roaring River. It's definitely worth a visit for an afternoon splash, and for those who can't get enough, Blue Hole Garden Cottage, located on the same property, accommodates up to eight guests and rents by the night.
The Ranch Jerk Centre
The Ranch Jerk Centre cooks up Boston-style jerk on the western side of Sav.
Sweet Spice
Sweet Spice (Barracks Rd., beside new bus park, tel. 876/955-3232, US$4.50\7.50) serves fried chicken, curry goat, oxtail, and fish fillet.
Devon House I Scream
Devon House I Scream is at 104 Great George Street, across from the post office (tel. 876/918-1287, daily 11 a.m.\9 p.m Mon.\Thurs., 11 a.m.\11 p.m Fri.\Sun.).
Hammond's Pastry Place
Hammond's Pastry Place (18 Great George St., 8 a.m.\6:30 p.m Mon.\Fri., closing at 8:30 p.m on Saturday) serves patties, cakes, and deli sandwiches.
Hot Spot Restaurant
Hot Spot Restaurant (23 Lewis St., contact manager Elaine Jagdath, cell tel. 848-6335, 7 a.m.\8 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$2.25\4.50) serves local dishes like fried chicken and curry goat. It is perhaps more mediocre than hot, but good enough to fill your belly in a crunch.
One Blood Illusion Night Club
One Blood Illusion Night Club, on the outskirts of town heading toward Ferris Cross and Cave, may be the most happening nightspot in Sav, typically open on weekend nights.
Shopper's Choice Wholesales & Retail
Shopper's Choice Wholesales & Retail has three locations in Sav (Queen St., tel. 876/955-2702 or 876/955-9645; 12 Brooks Plaza, tel. 876/955-2936; and Llandilo Rd., tel. 876/918-0620 or 876/918-1482).
Del-Mar Laundromat
Del-Mar Laundromat is at 2 Queen Street (tel. 876/918-2105).
Carlene (tel. 876/955-8078, cell tel. 876/872-9080 or 876/378-7853) runs a spa at her home and is trained in deep tissue and Swedish massage and reflexology (US$60/hour). She can also be convinced to come to you if you're staying in the area.
Westmoreland and Interior
Beyond Mayfield Falls, which has grown into a favorite ecotourism attraction, the interior of Westmoreland sees few visitors. Nevertheless, there are a few notable cultural and agricultural attractions, namely Seaford Town, reached via the South Coast from Ferris Cross.
Border Jerk
Border Jerk (11 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$5\12), located in Mackfield, Westmoreland at the Hanover border along the B8 heading toward Montego Bay from Ferris Cross, is a notable jerk pit owned by Clive McFarlane (cell tel. 876/542-1852), who opened the business in 2004. It serves jerk chicken, pork, festival, and breadfruit. There's also a bar on-site.
Seaford Town
Seaford Town is a cultural anomaly deep in the hills of Westmoreland. Founded in 1835 under a township act aimed at populating Jamaica's interior with Europeans, Seaford Town became the isolated home for 249 individuals transplanted from Germany. Jamaica's landed elite had feared the country's interior would be captured or settled by slaves, who were to be given full freedom in 1838. Baron Seaford thus allocated 202 hectares of his Montpelier Mountain Estate to the cause, and Jamaica's first German township was soon founded. The immigrants didn't find in Jamaica exactly what they had expected, however, and many died within the first weeks due to food shortages and their vulnerability to tropical diseases. The majority survived, however, adopting Jamaican food and customs and all but losing their connection to their homeland.
To this day many residents in Seaford Town have a light complexion, Catholicism is still an important religion, and some residents can still recall a few words of German. A small museum in the center of town features the area's unique history. The African Caribbean Institute recently launched a project called The Seaford Town Community History Project with support from the German Embassy to produce a comprehensive history of the community from 1835 to the present, including an audio documentation as part of the Jamaica Memory Bank (JMB).
To get to Seaford Town, head east in Mackfield toward Struie, continuing straight through Lambs River
Kuyaba (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$12\27) has consistently decent, but pricey, international and Jamaican fusion cuisine, including pork kebab, brown stew conch, peppered steak, and seafood linguine lobster for main courses.
Whistling Bird Private Club for Fine Dining
Whistling Bird Private Club for Fine Dining (7 a.m.\7 p.m, by reservation only) specializes in gourmet five-course meals (US$35) that offer a choice of dishes that include "Grandma's Favourite" pepperpot soup, pineapple chicken, escovitch fish, stuffed grouper, and bourbon rock lobster.
The Lobster House
The Lobster House (at Sunrise Club, beside Coral Seas Garden, noon\11 p.m daily) serves Italian and Jamaican food: Dishes range from pasta with tomato sauce (US$8) to gnocchi (US$12), pizza baked in a wood-fired brick oven (US$10\16), and grilled lobster (US$26). Wines are about US$24\26, and great coffee is served.
The Boat Bar
The Boat Bar (between Rondel Village and Mariposa, 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$10\30) is a favorite that has been serving chicken, fish, shrimp, goat, pork, and steak since 1983. The garlic lobster gets rave reviews. Bunny and Angie are the proprietors. A webcam is set up on Fridays, viewable at www.realnegril.com, to allow fans to keep in touch.
The Boat Bar
The Boat Bar (between Rondel Village and Mariposa, 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$10\30) is a favorite that has been serving chicken, fish, shrimp, goat, pork, and steak since 1983. The garlic lobster gets rave reviews. Bunny and Angie are the proprietors. A webcam is set up on Fridays, viewable at www.realnegril.com, to allow fans to keep in touch.
Ristorante da Gino
Ristorante da Gino (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily) is a good Italian restaurant managed by Vivian Reid, the wife of the late Gino. He was killed in 2005, allegedly by Italian thugs. The menu includes mixed salad (US$5), spaghetti alioli (US$10), linguine lobster (US$20), grilled lobster (US$25), and mixed grilled fish (US$30). A complete breakfast (US$10) comes with eggs and bacon, toast, fruit, juice, and coffee. Gino's also has a decent selection of Italian wines.
Marley's by the Sea
Marley's by the Sea does breakfast (8 a.m.\10 p.m), lunch by the beach grill, and dinner with a rotating menu including items like shrimp linguini (US$15) or pan-fried pork and mozzarella (US$18).
Pancake House at Firefly
Pancake House at Firefly (7 a.m.\10 p.m) serves breakfast all day, with pancakes, eggs, French toast, and breakfast sandwiches. Cheapest Red Stripe on the beach (US$1.50) is here.
Cosmos Seafood Restaurant and Bar
Cosmos Seafood Restaurant and Bar (next door to Beaches Negril, 9 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$5\43) serves excellent Jamaican seafood dishes, including conch soup, shrimp, and fried fish--in addition to other local dishes like curry goat, stewed pork, fried chicken, and oxtail. The beach out front is wide and good for swimming. A mix of Jamaican, expat, and tourist clientele, perhaps even weighted toward the local crowd, is testament to the reasonable prices and tasty.
Chill Awhile
Chill Awhile (at Idle Awhile Resort, opens 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily) offers free lounge chairs and wireless Internet for its customers. The charming beachfront deck restaurant serves a variety of light food items for lunch including club sandwiches, burgers, fish and chips (US$6\8), and jerk chicken (US$10). For dinner, international and Jamaican-style entrèes range from grilled chicken breast with peanut or Jamaican sauce (US$8.50) and coconut-breaded snapper with tartar sauce (US$12.50) to lobster thermidor (US$23.50) or a seafood platter with grilled lobster and coconut shrimp (US$25). There is also a full bar next to the restaurant.
Chill Awhile
Chill Awhile (at Idle Awhile Resort, opens 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily) offers free lounge chairs and wireless Internet for its customers. The charming beachfront deck restaurant serves a variety of light food items for lunch including club sandwiches, burgers, fish and chips (US$6\8), and jerk chicken (US$10). For dinner, international and Jamaican-style entrèes range from grilled chicken breast with peanut or Jamaican sauce (US$8.50) and coconut-breaded snapper with tartar sauce (US$12.50) to lobster thermidor (US$23.50) or a seafood platter with grilled lobster and coconut shrimp (US$25). There is also a full bar next to the restaurant.
Chill Awhile
Chill Awhile (at Idle Awhile Resort, opens 7 a.m.\9 p.m daily) offers free lounge chairs and wireless Internet for its customers. The charming beachfront deck restaurant serves a variety of light food items for lunch including club sandwiches, burgers, fish and chips (US$6\8), and jerk chicken (US$10). For dinner, international and Jamaican-style entrèes range from grilled chicken breast with peanut or Jamaican sauce (US$8.50) and coconut-breaded snapper with tartar sauce (US$12.50) to lobster thermidor (US$23.50) or a seafood platter with grilled lobster and coconut shrimp (US$25). There is also a full bar next to the restaurant.
Norma's on the Beach
Norma's on the Beach (at Sea Splash Resort, tel. 876/957-4041, 7:30 a.m.\10 p.m daily) is owned by the legendary Jamaican culinary dynamo Norma Shirley, who has contributed recipes and menus at numerous fine dining restaurants in Jamaica, starting with her flagship Norma's on the Terrace in Kingston. Her pioneering Jamaican and Caribbean fusion dishes attracted wide acclaim, even if it would seem on occasion that her reputation and pricing have outgrown the cuisine. A third restaurant under Norma's tutelage is based at the Errol Flynn Marina in Port Antonio.
Hammond's Pastry Place
Hammond's Pastry Place (at the roundabout, 8 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Sat.) serves patties, cakes, and deli sandwiches.
Juicy J's
Juicy J's (behind Scotiabank , tel. 876/957-4213, 7 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$4\15) is a popular local joint serving typical Jamaican dishes at low cost.
Seaview House Chinese Restaurant
Seaview House Chinese Restaurant (Cotton Tree Place, between Vendors' Plaza and the Post Office, tel. 876/957-4925, 10 a.m.\10 p.m daily) has decent Chinese food. It serves vegetable dishes (US$7\10), chicken (US$10), seafood (US$18), and roast duck and lobster variations (US$27).
Mi Yard
Mi Yard (located across from the Houseboat, tel. 876/957-4442, www.miyard.com) serves snack items like fish, egg, cheese, or ham and cheese sandwiches, as well as Jamaica's favorite starchy food snacks or accompaniments like plantain, festival, breadfruit, and bammy. Meals are done to order and include items like cabbage and carrot cooked down, curry chicken, brown stew chicken, and fish (US$3\4). Eight computers are available for Internet browsing by purchasing a card (US$3.50 per hour). It is a 24-hour restaurant and an especially convenient and popular spot for a late-night bite.
Canoe Beach Bar & Grill
Canoe Beach Bar & Grill serves Jamaican favorites at reasonable prices.
Mary's Bay Restaurant & Boat Bar
Mary's Bay Restaurant & Boat Bar (tel. 876/957-0981 or 876/819-3005, 10 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$3\25) serves a variety of seafood like grouper, mahimahi, tuna, and snapper. It is also the home of "the serious burger," a double patty layered with mushrooms and bacon. Scottish couple Janet and Alan Young took over in May 2009, infusing the seaside setting with a relaxing ambiance true to the original laidback vibe that put Negril on the map. They serve a great mix of Jamaican favorites and international dishes at competitive prices.
Jus Natural Restaurant Seafood and Vegetarian
Jus Natural Restaurant Seafood and Vegetarian (next to Xtabi, across from La Kaiser, tel. 876/957-0235, 8 a.m.\9 p.m daily, closed on Sundays in low season, US$6\30) serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner with items like calalloo or ackee omelettes and fresh juices. Vegetarian dishes and seafood items are served for lunch and dinner. The phone line can get waterlogged but comes back when it dries out, so clients are advised to simply "set out an' reach," or show up assuming it's open during normal business hours.
3 Dives Jerk Centre
3 Dives Jerk Centre offers a quarter chicken with bread (US$3.50) or with rice and peas and vegetables (US$4.50), half chicken with rice and peas and veggies (US$8), steamed or curried shrimp (US$17), and grilled lobster (US$34). This is the place to get jerk on the West End. Located right on the cliffs, the open-air restaurant has a nice outdoor barbecue vibe. The 3 Dives hosts the Negril Jerk Festival every November.
Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar
Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar (3\10 p.m daily, US$9\16) serves entrèes including peppered shrimp, homemade jerk sausage, curry goat, and oxtail. Opened in early 2009, Pushcart brings a Jamaican street food experience to one of the West End's most exclusive accommodations enclaves. The name is derived from the pushcarts used by Jamaican street vendors across the island in open-air markets, whether for selling produce or cooked food. The pushcart provides the inspiration for the menu, which is inspired by street food from Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean. A lively local mento band provides nightly live entertainment. Pushcart offers casual dining in a breathtaking cliff-side setting made famous as a location in the films 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the Steve McQueen classic, Papillon.
Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar
Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar (3\10 p.m daily, US$9\16) serves entrèes including peppered shrimp, homemade jerk sausage, curry goat, and oxtail. Opened in early 2009, Pushcart brings a Jamaican street food experience to one of the West End's most exclusive accommodations enclaves. The name is derived from the pushcarts used by Jamaican street vendors across the island in open-air markets, whether for selling produce or cooked food. The pushcart provides the inspiration for the menu, which is inspired by street food from Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean. A lively local mento band provides nightly live entertainment. Pushcart offers casual dining in a breathtaking cliff-side setting made famous as a location in the films 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the Steve McQueen classic, Papillon.
Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar
Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar (3\10 p.m daily, US$9\16) serves entrèes including peppered shrimp, homemade jerk sausage, curry goat, and oxtail. Opened in early 2009, Pushcart brings a Jamaican street food experience to one of the West End's most exclusive accommodations enclaves. The name is derived from the pushcarts used by Jamaican street vendors across the island in open-air markets, whether for selling produce or cooked food. The pushcart provides the inspiration for the menu, which is inspired by street food from Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean. A lively local mento band provides nightly live entertainment. Pushcart offers casual dining in a breathtaking cliff-side setting made famous as a location in the films 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the Steve McQueen classic, Papillon.
Ras Rody
Ras Rody (across from Tensing Pen, 10 a.m.\6 p.m) is an Ital food shop that specializes in soups, normally red pea soup (US$8\10) and other vegetarian specialties of the day.
The Health Shop
The Health Shop (10 a.m.\6 p.m Mon.\Thurs., 10 a.m.\4:30 p.m Fri.) sells whole-wheat vegetarian patties, hearty juice blends, and other natural foods at local prices.
The Hungry Lion
The Hungry Lion (West End, 4\10:30 p.m daily, closed in Oct., US$8\24), under the ownership of Bertram Saulter, who also owns The Caves, is an excellent dinner spot with healthy-sized entrèes. The lobster burritos are delicious. A pleasant atmosphere is created with irie music, carved faces, and mellow tones covering the walls. The Hungry Lion is good value for the money, and the drink special--the Lion Heart, made with mango, ginger, and rum--shouldn't be missed.
The Hungry Lion
The Hungry Lion (West End, 4\10:30 p.m daily, closed in Oct., US$8\24), under the ownership of Bertram Saulter, who also owns The Caves, is an excellent dinner spot with healthy-sized entrèes. The lobster burritos are delicious. A pleasant atmosphere is created with irie music, carved faces, and mellow tones covering the walls. The Hungry Lion is good value for the money, and the drink special--the Lion Heart, made with mango, ginger, and rum--shouldn't be missed.
The Hungry Lion
The Hungry Lion (West End, 4\10:30 p.m daily, closed in Oct., US$8\24), under the ownership of Bertram Saulter, who also owns The Caves, is an excellent dinner spot with healthy-sized entrèes. The lobster burritos are delicious. A pleasant atmosphere is created with irie music, carved faces, and mellow tones covering the walls. The Hungry Lion is good value for the money, and the drink special--the Lion Heart, made with mango, ginger, and rum--shouldn't be missed.
The Hungry Lion
The Hungry Lion (West End, 4\10:30 p.m daily, closed in Oct., US$8\24), under the ownership of Bertram Saulter, who also owns The Caves, is an excellent dinner spot with healthy-sized entrèes. The lobster burritos are delicious. A pleasant atmosphere is created with irie music, carved faces, and mellow tones covering the walls. The Hungry Lion is good value for the money, and the drink special--the Lion Heart, made with mango, ginger, and rum--shouldn't be missed.
Royal Kitchen
Royal Kitchen (opens 8 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$3\5) is one of the best spots in Negril for Ital vegetarian food, prepared Rasta style with excellent fresh juices to accompany the meal.
Erica's Cafe
Erica's Cafe (5\10 p.m daily) has excellent Jamaican staples. Many locals consider Erica's the best stewed chicken (US$5) on the island.
Erica's Cafe
Erica's Cafe (5\10 p.m daily) has excellent Jamaican staples. Many locals consider Erica's the best stewed chicken (US$5) on the island.
Sips & Bites
Sips & Bites (adjacent to Rock House, 7 a.m.\10:30 p.m Sun.\Thurs., 7 a.m.\5:30 p.m Fri., closed Sat., US$5\10) is a good spot for breakfast and has good Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail.
Sips & Bites
Sips & Bites (adjacent to Rock House, 7 a.m.\10:30 p.m Sun.\Thurs., 7 a.m.\5:30 p.m Fri., closed Sat., US$5\10) is a good spot for breakfast and has good Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail.
Choices (across from Samsara, tel. 876/957-4841, 7 a.m.\11 p.m, US$4\7) is an earthy restaurant on the West End serving Jamaican fare like ackee and saltfish and steamed calalloo for breakfast, plus curry goat and fried chicken at moderate prices.
LTU Pub & Restaurant
LTU Pub & Restaurant (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$10\30) has good Jamaican and international food in a laid-back setting perched on the cliffs. Specialties include crab quesadilla, stuffed jalapeño, and crab ball appetizers, plus schnitzel, surf and turf, pasta, chicken, and seafood dishes like grilled salmon and the snapper papaya boat. The name of the place is taken from the Germany-based airline Lufthansa Transport United, of which founder Walter Bigge was a shareholder. Bigge was killed in 1992 and the restaurant closed for a spell before being taken over by the present owner, Bill Williams, who bought the place around 2000. Wi-Fi is available free for customers.
LTU Pub & Restaurant
LTU Pub & Restaurant (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$10\30) has good Jamaican and international food in a laid-back setting perched on the cliffs. Specialties include crab quesadilla, stuffed jalapeño, and crab ball appetizers, plus schnitzel, surf and turf, pasta, chicken, and seafood dishes like grilled salmon and the snapper papaya boat. The name of the place is taken from the Germany-based airline Lufthansa Transport United, of which founder Walter Bigge was a shareholder. Bigge was killed in 1992 and the restaurant closed for a spell before being taken over by the present owner, Bill Williams, who bought the place around 2000. Wi-Fi is available free for customers.
LTU Pub & Restaurant
LTU Pub & Restaurant (7 a.m.\11 p.m daily, US$10\30) has good Jamaican and international food in a laid-back setting perched on the cliffs. Specialties include crab quesadilla, stuffed jalapeño, and crab ball appetizers, plus schnitzel, surf and turf, pasta, chicken, and seafood dishes like grilled salmon and the snapper papaya boat. The name of the place is taken from the Germany-based airline Lufthansa Transport United, of which founder Walter Bigge was a shareholder. Bigge was killed in 1992 and the restaurant closed for a spell before being taken over by the present owner, Bill Williams, who bought the place around 2000. Wi-Fi is available free for customers.
Rick's Cafe
Rick's Cafe (noon-10 p.m daily, US$18-28) is a moneymaker that has other business owners in Negril envious. It's worth stopping by for a look at the immense crowd that is bussed in each evening, making it one of Negril's most successful commercial ventures. The property was renovated in the recent past after a large chunk of cliff fell into the sea during a hurricane. A huge boom was erected for a rope swing, and there are plenty of platforms to jump off for all levels of adrenaline junkies. A diver in a Speedo climbs to the top of a tree for the highest dive of all, waiting for enough tips to be collected by his cohort before tucking into a cannonball for the 25-meter drop. Meanwhile, a live band belts out reggae classics throughout the evening, some of them coming across more true to the originals than others. Food and beer at Rick's is mediocre and outrageously expensive, but nobody seems to mind. Choices include chicken, shrimp, fish, and lobster with rice and peas, french fries, or sweet potato sides; a beer costs US$5. If you don't want to pay the cover (US$5) to get in at Rick's but still want to partake in the action, you can enjoy the same scene with a more local perspective from the outcropping next door behind an artist's shack, Jah Creation, where kids beg US$2 from the tourists to jump off the cliffs. There are plenty of better, more tranquil, and less hyped spots for cliff-jumping, including Pushcart Restaurant and The Sands, both of which are recommended.
Rick's Cafe
Rick's Cafe (noon-10 p.m daily, US$18-28) is a moneymaker that has other business owners in Negril envious. It's worth stopping by for a look at the immense crowd that is bussed in each evening, making it one of Negril's most successful commercial ventures. The property was renovated in the recent past after a large chunk of cliff fell into the sea during a hurricane. A huge boom was erected for a rope swing, and there are plenty of platforms to jump off for all levels of adrenaline junkies. A diver in a Speedo climbs to the top of a tree for the highest dive of all, waiting for enough tips to be collected by his cohort before tucking into a cannonball for the 25-meter drop. Meanwhile, a live band belts out reggae classics throughout the evening, some of them coming across more true to the originals than others. Food and beer at Rick's is mediocre and outrageously expensive, but nobody seems to mind. Choices include chicken, shrimp, fish, and lobster with rice and peas, french fries, or sweet potato sides; a beer costs US$5. If you don't want to pay the cover (US$5) to get in at Rick's but still want to partake in the action, you can enjoy the same scene with a more local perspective from the outcropping next door behind an artist's shack, Jah Creation, where kids beg US$2 from the tourists to jump off the cliffs. There are plenty of better, more tranquil, and less hyped spots for cliff-jumping, including Pushcart Restaurant and The Sands, both of which are recommended.
Rick's Cafe
Rick's Cafe (noon-10 p.m daily, US$18-28) is a moneymaker that has other business owners in Negril envious. It's worth stopping by for a look at the immense crowd that is bussed in each evening, making it one of Negril's most successful commercial ventures. The property was renovated in the recent past after a large chunk of cliff fell into the sea during a hurricane. A huge boom was erected for a rope swing, and there are plenty of platforms to jump off for all levels of adrenaline junkies. A diver in a Speedo climbs to the top of a tree for the highest dive of all, waiting for enough tips to be collected by his cohort before tucking into a cannonball for the 25-meter drop. Meanwhile, a live band belts out reggae classics throughout the evening, some of them coming across more true to the originals than others. Food and beer at Rick's is mediocre and outrageously expensive, but nobody seems to mind. Choices include chicken, shrimp, fish, and lobster with rice and peas, french fries, or sweet potato sides; a beer costs US$5. If you don't want to pay the cover (US$5) to get in at Rick's but still want to partake in the action, you can enjoy the same scene with a more local perspective from the outcropping next door behind an artist's shack, Jah Creation, where kids beg US$2 from the tourists to jump off the cliffs. There are plenty of better, more tranquil, and less hyped spots for cliff-jumping, including Pushcart Restaurant and The Sands, both of which are recommended.
The Sands
The Sands (4 p.m.-sunset) is the best place to experience the West End's cliffs away from the gawking crowds that convene at Rick's each evening. It is a great bar, right next to the nicest and most secluded villa at Negril's top resort, and therefore a great way to experience The Caves' vibe if you can't stay there. There is a challenging-enough spot to jump into the water approximately 12 meters below--with the best view of Negril's lighthouse right next door. Professional jumpers come show off on occasion, most often on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Jerk is served (US$5).
The Sands
The Sands (4 p.m.-sunset) is the best place to experience the West End's cliffs away from the gawking crowds that convene at Rick's each evening. It is a great bar, right next to the nicest and most secluded villa at Negril's top resort, and therefore a great way to experience The Caves' vibe if you can't stay there. There is a challenging-enough spot to jump into the water approximately 12 meters below--with the best view of Negril's lighthouse right next door. Professional jumpers come show off on occasion, most often on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Jerk is served (US$5).
Information and Services
Negril has a very active online community (www.negril.com) where message boards, news, and events are posted, as well as advertising for hotels in Negril and beyond. Other relevant organizations include the Negril Resort Association (www.negriljamaica.com), which has special offers at select hotels.
Banking can be done at NCB (at Sunshine Village, tel. 876/957-4117; ATMs at Plaza Negril and Petcom) or Scotiabank (Negril Square, across from Burger King near the roundabout, tel. 876/957-4236; ATM at the Petcom next to the airstrip across from Breezes).
Police Station
The Negril police station (tel. 876/957-4268, emergency dial 119) is located just beyond the roundabout on Nompriel Road. Negril police officer Dwayne advises travelers to stay away from dark, secluded areas at night, as people have had bags grabbed. Don't leave valuables on the beach while swimming, and take care not to get robbed by prostitutes. Prostitution is illegal but common and not prosecuted, the penalty being nominal in court.
Post Office
The Negril post office (tel. 876/957-9654, 8 a.m.\5 p.m Mon.\Fri.) is located on West End Road between Cotton Tree Hotel and Samuel's Hardware just past Vendor's Plaza.
Negril Chamber of Commerce
The Negril Chamber of Commerce (Vendors Plaza, West End Rd., tel. 876/957-4067, www.negrilchamberofcommerce.com) has tourist information, including a regularly updated brochure full of ads for hotels and attractions.
Long Bay Medical & Wellness Centre
Long Bay Medical & Wellness Centre (Norman Manley Blvd.) is run by Dr. David Stair.
Omega Medical Centre
Omega Medical Centre (White Swan Plaza and Sunshine Plaza, tel. 876/957-9307 or 876/957-4697) has two branches run by husband-and-wife team Dr. King and Dr. Foster.
Dr. Grant
Dr. Grant (Sunshine Plaza, West End, tel. 876/957-3770) runs a private clinic.
Negril Nightscape Tours
Negril Nightscape Tours (cell tel. 876/407-8414 or 876/407-8489, info@negrilnightscapetours.com, www.negrilnightscapetours.com) is a nightlife tour-company run by two young expats, Angela Eastwick and Danielle Velez, which offers an all-inclusive service that includes a driver, admission to the hotspot of the night, and drink specials.
Roge Croll
Roge Croll (cell tel. 876/468-5001, rogecroll@yahoo.com) and his team offer photography and videography services for weddings or any other event you want to remember.
Internet Access
Complimentary Wi-Fi is found at most of the more modern hotels and restaurants in Negril, from Chill Awhile and Kristyl's Restaurant on the Beach to Canoe Bar & Grill and LTU Pub & Restaurant on the West End. For those traveling without a laptop, try Sue's Easy Rock Internet Cafe (tel. 876/957-0816 or cell tel. 876/424-5481, www.easyrockinternetcafe.com, US$2 for 30 minutes) which offers phone calls, fax, and breakfast all day at Mary's Bay, or Lynks Internet Cafè & Gift Shop (US$2 for 20 minutes), located beside Sips and Bites. Mi Yard (tel. 876/957-4442, www.miyard.com) offers Internet access for US$3.50/hour.
Blue Water Internet Cafè
Blue Water Internet Cafè (One Love Drive, tel. 876/957-0125, or contact proprietor Randy, cell tel. 876/884-6030, randysbluewater@yahoo.com, www.bluewaterinternetnegril.com, 8 a.m.\11 p.m daily) offers access on several desktops for US$2 per 20-minute interval, or US$5 per hour, with the best equipment in town for CD burning, fax, webcam, and inexpensive VoIP telephony. Wi-Fi is also available at the same rates if you bring your laptop.
Negril Aerodome
Negril's Aerodrome can accommodate small private aircraft and charters. The only operator in Jamaica currently offering charter flights to Negril is interCaribbean Airways which will take passengers in from Kingston and Montego Bay. Charter fares run around US$2,000 per hour, with any single flight around the island not lasting more than an hour, and as little as 15 minutes, depending on point of origin and destination.
Negril can be reached by several means, depending on your budget and comfort requirements. Most accommodations offer airport transfers at additional cost, and a host of private taxi operators generally charge around US$60 per couple, with an additional US$20 for extra passengers.
The best option for budget-minded travelers is booking an airport pickup or drop-off through the Jamaica Union of Travelers Association (JUTA) in cars, vans, and coaches of up to 45-person capacity. JUTA's Negril Chapter (Norman Manley Blvd., tel. 876/957-4620 or 876/957-9197, info@jutatoursnegrilltd.com, www.jutatoursnegrilltd.com) offers transfers for US$20 per person from the beach and US$25 from the cliffs, by far the most affordable way to get between Negril and Montego Bay's Sangster International Airport. Reservations made by email receive a US$2 discount. JUTA also takes tourists on excursions to popular attractions across the island.
For more personalized taxi and tour services, try Alfred's Taxi and Tour Company (tel. 876/854-8016 or 876/527-0050, or from U.S. tel. 646/289 4285, alfredstaxi@aol.com and negriltracy@aol.com, US$50 for two). Proprietor Alfred Barrett recently acquired a 15-seat bus, upping capacity and expanding on "Irie Airport Rides and Vibes" in his standard tinted Toyota Corolla station wagon.
For those with less money and more time, there are buses from Mobay to Savanna-la-Mar (US$2) and then from Sav to Negril (US$2), mainly serviced by route taxis. It is also possible to take a route taxi from Mobay to Hopewell (US$2), then another from Hopewell to Lucea (US$2), and then a third from Lucea to Negril US$2), but these cars leave when full and won't have much room for luggage.
Negril has two main taxi stands: one next to Scotiabank in Negril Square, where taxis depart for points along the West End following the cliffs; the other in the main park next to the police station on Whitehall Road, where taxis and buses depart for points along Norman Manley Boulevard and east toward Sav-la-Mar.
Getting Around
Route taxis run up and down the coast from the Beach to the West End, generally using the plaza across from Burger King by the roundabout as a connection point. Some negotiating will generally be required, as the route taxis always try to get a higher fare from tourists, especially at night when everyone is charged extra. From anywhere on the West End to the roundabout should never be more than US$1.50 during the day, and as much as double at night. From there to the beach should also not cost more than US$1.50. Excursions beyond the beach and the West End can be arranged with private taxi and tour operators.
Hanover is Jamaica's third-smallest parish after Kingston and St. Andrew, with roughly 451 square kilometers of land. It has six major rivers, two of which flow into Lucea Harbour. The Great River, along the border with St. James, has Jamaica's most heart-thumping navigable rapids in the hills of the interior, as well as serene bamboo rafting where it lazily meets the sea.
Lucea, Hanover's capital, sits on an idyllic horseshoe-shaped harbor a few kilometers from Dolphin Head Mountain. Dolphin Head is a small limestone peak at 545 meters, which overlooks some of the most biologically diverse forestland in Jamaica, with the island's highest concentration of endemic species. A few kilometers away, Birch Hill--at 552 meters--is the highest point in the parish. Together the small range protects Lucea harbor from the dominant easterly winds. Both Lucea and Mosquito Cove are well-regarded hurricane holes for small yachts. Hanover is the only parish without a KFC.
Seasplash Resort
Seasplash Resort (US$96/146 low/high season) is a large concrete structure with little to distinguish it from many other similar hotels that crowd Seven-Mile Beach. The suites are nonetheless spacious, clean, and well appointed with complete amenities. It's also home to Norma's on the Beach.
Seasplash Resort
Seasplash Resort (US$96/146 low/high season) is a large concrete structure with little to distinguish it from many other similar hotels that crowd Seven-Mile Beach. The suites are nonetheless spacious, clean, and well appointed with complete amenities. It's also home to Norma's on the Beach.
Seasplash Resort
Seasplash Resort (US$96/146 low/high season) is a large concrete structure with little to distinguish it from many other similar hotels that crowd Seven-Mile Beach. The suites are nonetheless spacious, clean, and well appointed with complete amenities. It's also home to Norma's on the Beach.
Whistling Bird Restaurant & Cottages
Whistling Bird Restaurant & Cottages (from US$98/140 low/high season) has been operated by proprietor Jim Boydston since 1978, when Negril's tourism boom was in its infancy. The property consists of 12 cottages with a total of 20 rooms spread over lush tropical gardens. The rainforest-like setting attracts many birds, including Jamaica's national bird, the red-billed streamertail. The cottages have simple, tasteful rooms with an open layout, the larger ones villa-sized at 4\6 rooms. Half the rooms have air-conditioning, with TV available on request. Whistling Bird has an excellent restaurant that prides itself on its "fancy Jamaican" cooking, offering five-course gourmet dinners (US$35). A variety of packages are available, with a significant proportion of guests opting for the all-inclusive option at US$125\189 per person daily. Whistling Bird is a popular setting for weddings, retreats, and corporate meetings.
The Palms Resort
The Palms Resort (US$113/120 low/high season) previously Paradise View, has been undergoing a process of complete transformation under the new ownership of the Nelson family. Wooden furniture, louvered windows, and sleek styling throughout have added a modern, classy mood to the once-tired complex. Kristyl's restaurant on the beach is set poolside on a wooden deck with plush furniture. Wireless Internet reaches the rooms and pool/bar area, and guests are provided a computer in the office. Rooms have queen- or king-size beds, private baths with hot water, private balconies, and cable TV. Most of the rooms are garden view, with a few seaview deluxe rooms (US$210/237 low/high season).
The Palms Resort
The Palms Resort (US$113/120 low/high season) previously Paradise View, has been undergoing a process of complete transformation under the new ownership of the Nelson family. Wooden furniture, louvered windows, and sleek styling throughout have added a modern, classy mood to the once-tired complex. Kristyl's restaurant on the beach is set poolside on a wooden deck with plush furniture. Wireless Internet reaches the rooms and pool/bar area, and guests are provided a computer in the office. Rooms have queen- or king-size beds, private baths with hot water, private balconies, and cable TV. Most of the rooms are garden view, with a few seaview deluxe rooms (US$210/237 low/high season).
The Palms Resort
The Palms Resort (US$113/120 low/high season) previously Paradise View, has been undergoing a process of complete transformation under the new ownership of the Nelson family. Wooden furniture, louvered windows, and sleek styling throughout have added a modern, classy mood to the once-tired complex. Kristyl's restaurant on the beach is set poolside on a wooden deck with plush furniture. Wireless Internet reaches the rooms and pool/bar area, and guests are provided a computer in the office. Rooms have queen- or king-size beds, private baths with hot water, private balconies, and cable TV. Most of the rooms are garden view, with a few seaview deluxe rooms (US$210/237 low/high season).
Country Country
Country Country (US$140-155 low season, US$170-190 high season) has 17 cottages on the beach side of Norman Manley Boulevard, and three self-contained apartments on the morass side. Built in 2000, the cottages are well laid out in a lush garden setting that promotes quiet and privacy. Rooms have the same amenities throughout, namely air-conditioning, flat panel TVs with cable, spacious private baths with hot water, and porches. The superior and premium categories relate to the proximity to the beach. An expansion into the adjacent lot for a total of 50 units is in the works. Rates include breakfast, and Wi-Fi is available in the communal lounge by the office.
Country Country
Country Country (US$140-155 low season, US$170-190 high season) has 17 cottages on the beach side of Norman Manley Boulevard, and three self-contained apartments on the morass side. Built in 2000, the cottages are well laid out in a lush garden setting that promotes quiet and privacy. Rooms have the same amenities throughout, namely air-conditioning, flat panel TVs with cable, spacious private baths with hot water, and porches. The superior and premium categories relate to the proximity to the beach. An expansion into the adjacent lot for a total of 50 units is in the works. Rates include breakfast, and Wi-Fi is available in the communal lounge by the office.
Country Country
Country Country (US$140-155 low season, US$170-190 high season) has 17 cottages on the beach side of Norman Manley Boulevard, and three self-contained apartments on the morass side. Built in 2000, the cottages are well laid out in a lush garden setting that promotes quiet and privacy. Rooms have the same amenities throughout, namely air-conditioning, flat panel TVs with cable, spacious private baths with hot water, and porches. The superior and premium categories relate to the proximity to the beach. An expansion into the adjacent lot for a total of 50 units is in the works. Rates include breakfast, and Wi-Fi is available in the communal lounge by the office.
Negril Tree House Resort
Negril Tree House Resort (US$100\200 low, US$145\340 high season) has reasonable rates that vary depending on the size of the room and the view out the window (garden or sea). Manager Gail Jackson and her husband Jimmy Jackson had the first two buildings built in 1982 and have expanded the property successively to its current 70 units. Most rooms have king-size beds or two twins. Wireless Internet is available in the lobby and beach areas. There is also a water sports shop on the property. Jimmy Jackson runs Negril Spot Farm, which provides all the meat served at Negril Tree House. He was named farmer of the year in 2005 and 2006. Negril Tree House is moving toward 100 percent solar-powered hot water, with 25 percent of the hot-water systems already converted to solar.
Negril Tree House Resort
Negril Tree House Resort (US$100\200 low, US$145\340 high season) has reasonable rates that vary depending on the size of the room and the view out the window (garden or sea). Manager Gail Jackson and her husband Jimmy Jackson had the first two buildings built in 1982 and have expanded the property successively to its current 70 units. Most rooms have king-size beds or two twins. Wireless Internet is available in the lobby and beach areas. There is also a water sports shop on the property. Jimmy Jackson runs Negril Spot Farm, which provides all the meat served at Negril Tree House. He was named farmer of the year in 2005 and 2006. Negril Tree House is moving toward 100 percent solar-powered hot water, with 25 percent of the hot-water systems already converted to solar.
Negril Tree House Resort
Negril Tree House Resort (US$100\200 low, US$145\340 high season) has reasonable rates that vary depending on the size of the room and the view out the window (garden or sea). Manager Gail Jackson and her husband Jimmy Jackson had the first two buildings built in 1982 and have expanded the property successively to its current 70 units. Most rooms have king-size beds or two twins. Wireless Internet is available in the lobby and beach areas. There is also a water sports shop on the property. Jimmy Jackson runs Negril Spot Farm, which provides all the meat served at Negril Tree House. He was named farmer of the year in 2005 and 2006. Negril Tree House is moving toward 100 percent solar-powered hot water, with 25 percent of the hot-water systems already converted to solar.
Negril Tree House Resort
Negril Tree House Resort (US$100\200 low, US$145\340 high season) has reasonable rates that vary depending on the size of the room and the view out the window (garden or sea). Manager Gail Jackson and her husband Jimmy Jackson had the first two buildings built in 1982 and have expanded the property successively to its current 70 units. Most rooms have king-size beds or two twins. Wireless Internet is available in the lobby and beach areas. There is also a water sports shop on the property. Jimmy Jackson runs Negril Spot Farm, which provides all the meat served at Negril Tree House. He was named farmer of the year in 2005 and 2006. Negril Tree House is moving toward 100 percent solar-powered hot water, with 25 percent of the hot-water systems already converted to solar.
Our Pastime Villas
Our Pastime Villas (US$60\250) offers unpretentious deluxe rooms, studios, and two-bedroom apartments.
Our Pastime Villas
Our Pastime Villas (US$60\250) offers unpretentious deluxe rooms, studios, and two-bedroom apartments.
Our Pastime Villas
Our Pastime Villas (US$60\250) offers unpretentious deluxe rooms, studios, and two-bedroom apartments.
Our Pastime Villas
Our Pastime Villas (US$60\250) offers unpretentious deluxe rooms, studios, and two-bedroom apartments.
Idle Awhile Resort
Idle Awhile Resort (from US$130-200 low season, US$210-270 high season) opened in 1999, immediately establishing itself as one of the finest properties on Seven-Mile Beach. The rooms have louvered windows, minimalist design, wooden furniture, ceiling fans and air-conditioning. Idle Awhile guest have access to Negril's best sports complex at Couples Swept Away. Wireless Internet is included. An excellent restaurant, Chill Awhile, sits on a deck facing the beach, serving Jamaican and continental cuisine and fresh juices.
Idle Awhile Resort
Idle Awhile Resort (from US$130-200 low season, US$210-270 high season) opened in 1999, immediately establishing itself as one of the finest properties on Seven-Mile Beach. The rooms have louvered windows, minimalist design, wooden furniture, ceiling fans and air-conditioning. Idle Awhile guest have access to Negril's best sports complex at Couples Swept Away. Wireless Internet is included. An excellent restaurant, Chill Awhile, sits on a deck facing the beach, serving Jamaican and continental cuisine and fresh juices.
Idle Awhile Resort
Idle Awhile Resort (from US$130-200 low season, US$210-270 high season) opened in 1999, immediately establishing itself as one of the finest properties on Seven-Mile Beach. The rooms have louvered windows, minimalist design, wooden furniture, ceiling fans and air-conditioning. Idle Awhile guest have access to Negril's best sports complex at Couples Swept Away. Wireless Internet is included. An excellent restaurant, Chill Awhile, sits on a deck facing the beach, serving Jamaican and continental cuisine and fresh juices.
Idle Awhile Resort
Idle Awhile Resort (from US$130-200 low season, US$210-270 high season) opened in 1999, immediately establishing itself as one of the finest properties on Seven-Mile Beach. The rooms have louvered windows, minimalist design, wooden furniture, ceiling fans and air-conditioning. Idle Awhile guest have access to Negril's best sports complex at Couples Swept Away. Wireless Internet is included. An excellent restaurant, Chill Awhile, sits on a deck facing the beach, serving Jamaican and continental cuisine and fresh juices.
Idle Awhile Resort
Idle Awhile Resort (from US$130-200 low season, US$210-270 high season) opened in 1999, immediately establishing itself as one of the finest properties on Seven-Mile Beach. The rooms have louvered windows, minimalist design, wooden furniture, ceiling fans and air-conditioning. Idle Awhile guest have access to Negril's best sports complex at Couples Swept Away. Wireless Internet is included. An excellent restaurant, Chill Awhile, sits on a deck facing the beach, serving Jamaican and continental cuisine and fresh juices.
Idle Awhile Resort
Idle Awhile Resort (from US$130-200 low season, US$210-270 high season) opened in 1999, immediately establishing itself as one of the finest properties on Seven-Mile Beach. The rooms have louvered windows, minimalist design, wooden furniture, ceiling fans and air-conditioning. Idle Awhile guest have access to Negril's best sports complex at Couples Swept Away. Wireless Internet is included. An excellent restaurant, Chill Awhile, sits on a deck facing the beach, serving Jamaican and continental cuisine and fresh juices.
Idle Awhile Resort
Idle Awhile Resort (from US$130-200 low season, US$210-270 high season) opened in 1999, immediately establishing itself as one of the finest properties on Seven-Mile Beach. The rooms have louvered windows, minimalist design, wooden furniture, ceiling fans and air-conditioning. Idle Awhile guest have access to Negril's best sports complex at Couples Swept Away. Wireless Internet is included. An excellent restaurant, Chill Awhile, sits on a deck facing the beach, serving Jamaican and continental cuisine and fresh juices.
Beach House Villas
Beach House Villas (from US$200/250 low/high season) has an assortment of self-contained units, which are well maintained and clean and command good views of the sea. All rooms have air-conditioning, TV, and hot water. The property has a total of 21 bedrooms for a maximum of 62 guests. An Internet connection is available in the common living area.
Beach House Villas
Beach House Villas (from US$200/250 low/high season) has an assortment of self-contained units, which are well maintained and clean and command good views of the sea. All rooms have air-conditioning, TV, and hot water. The property has a total of 21 bedrooms for a maximum of 62 guests. An Internet connection is available in the common living area.
Beach House Villas
Beach House Villas (from US$200/250 low/high season) has an assortment of self-contained units, which are well maintained and clean and command good views of the sea. All rooms have air-conditioning, TV, and hot water. The property has a total of 21 bedrooms for a maximum of 62 guests. An Internet connection is available in the common living area.
Beach House Villas
Beach House Villas (from US$200/250 low/high season) has an assortment of self-contained units, which are well maintained and clean and command good views of the sea. All rooms have air-conditioning, TV, and hot water. The property has a total of 21 bedrooms for a maximum of 62 guests. An Internet connection is available in the common living area.
Beach House Villas
Beach House Villas (from US$200/250 low/high season) has an assortment of self-contained units, which are well maintained and clean and command good views of the sea. All rooms have air-conditioning, TV, and hot water. The property has a total of 21 bedrooms for a maximum of 62 guests. An Internet connection is available in the common living area.
Gate House Villa
Gate House Villa is a comfortable and stylish house with four rooms and a fully equipped kitchen. This is an ideal place for a medium-size group of up to eight people. The rooms, each with one king-size or two twin beds, rent individually for rates ranging US$89\109 in low season, and US$139\159 in high season. (The most-expensive room is the large upstairs suite, which has a veranda overlooking the sea and a large open shower.) There is a bar, Tony's Hut, on the property, right on the beach. The whole property can also be rented (US$400/550 low/high season) and can sleep up to 10 people.
Gate House Villa
Gate House Villa is a comfortable and stylish house with four rooms and a fully equipped kitchen. This is an ideal place for a medium-size group of up to eight people. The rooms, each with one king-size or two twin beds, rent individually for rates ranging US$89\109 in low season, and US$139\159 in high season. (The most-expensive room is the large upstairs suite, which has a veranda overlooking the sea and a large open shower.) There is a bar, Tony's Hut, on the property, right on the beach. The whole property can also be rented (US$400/550 low/high season) and can sleep up to 10 people.
Gate House Villa
Gate House Villa is a comfortable and stylish house with four rooms and a fully equipped kitchen. This is an ideal place for a medium-size group of up to eight people. The rooms, each with one king-size or two twin beds, rent individually for rates ranging US$89\109 in low season, and US$139\159 in high season. (The most-expensive room is the large upstairs suite, which has a veranda overlooking the sea and a large open shower.) There is a bar, Tony's Hut, on the property, right on the beach. The whole property can also be rented (US$400/550 low/high season) and can sleep up to 10 people.
Gate House Villa
Gate House Villa is a comfortable and stylish house with four rooms and a fully equipped kitchen. This is an ideal place for a medium-size group of up to eight people. The rooms, each with one king-size or two twin beds, rent individually for rates ranging US$89\109 in low season, and US$139\159 in high season. (The most-expensive room is the large upstairs suite, which has a veranda overlooking the sea and a large open shower.) There is a bar, Tony's Hut, on the property, right on the beach. The whole property can also be rented (US$400/550 low/high season) and can sleep up to 10 people.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Sunset at the Palms
Sunset at the Palms (US$385/600 low/high season per couple for Treetop deluxe, US$620/895 low/high season for the One-Bedroom Suite) is a boutique adults only (18+) all-inclusive property featuring cozy one-bedroom treetop deluxe bungalows and one-bedroom suites spread out across lush, well-manicured grounds. The food offering is a mix of buffet style and a la carte meals at Lotus Leaf restaurant, as well as the open-air demonstrative kitchen known as The Chef's Table, where the cooks flex their culinary muscles as they feature seasonal fresh ingredients.
Inside the bungalow-style cottages, the wooden furniture, Bali-esque detailing and plush bedding are inviting. Bathrooms are well appointed with his and her showerheads and high quality finishing. Balconies feature day beds with views of lush gardens and the protected wetlands area known as the Negril Morass.
Sunset at the Palms is set back from the sea on the opposite side of Norman Manley Boulevard, its private beach smack dab in the center of Bloody Bay, a two-minute walk from the lobby. A bar and grill on the beach ensure guests are well fed and watered, and a water sports center offers catamarans and windsurfing equipment. The property's tennis court and weight room are located on the morass side of the property, along with the swimming pool, heated whirlpool and lounge.
Sunset at the Palms guests arriving from the US and Canada can take advantage of VIP service with Club Mobay passes for fast tracked processing through customs and immigration at Sangster International Airport included in the hotel rate.
Couples has two properties in Negril: Couples Negril (US$408/590 low/high season per couple per night), which is actually just across the border into Hanover, and Couples Swept Away (US$413/602 low/high season per couple per night), at the north end of Long Bay. For proximity to off-site activities and an easy walk to Negril's nightlife, Couples Swept Away has clear advantages. On the other hand, for couples looking to get away from it all, including adjacent public beaches and other reminders of the existence of outside civilization, Couples Negril could be a better option.
Couples Swept Away is an exceptional all-inclusive with a new wing on the south end of the compound that has a wet bar, grill, and beautiful lounge tastefully decorated by Jane Issa, wife of Couples owner Lee Issa. Mr. Issa can often be found around the property, checking in with his guests and making sure everything is running smoothly. The gym facilities and tennis courts at Couples are top-notch. Day passes, offered for eight-hour periods (US$75), entitle pass-holders complete access to the resort.
Couples has two properties in Negril: Couples Negril (US$408/590 low/high season per couple per night), which is actually just across the border into Hanover, and Couples Swept Away (US$413/602 low/high season per couple per night), at the north end of Long Bay. For proximity to off-site activities and an easy walk to Negril's nightlife, Couples Swept Away has clear advantages. On the other hand, for couples looking to get away from it all, including adjacent public beaches and other reminders of the existence of outside civilization, Couples Negril could be a better option.
Couples Swept Away is an exceptional all-inclusive with a new wing on the south end of the compound that has a wet bar, grill, and beautiful lounge tastefully decorated by Jane Issa, wife of Couples owner Lee Issa. Mr. Issa can often be found around the property, checking in with his guests and making sure everything is running smoothly. The gym facilities and tennis courts at Couples are top-notch. Day passes, offered for eight-hour periods (US$75), entitle pass-holders complete access to the resort.
Couples has two properties in Negril: Couples Negril (US$408/590 low/high season per couple per night), which is actually just across the border into Hanover, and Couples Swept Away (US$413/602 low/high season per couple per night), at the north end of Long Bay. For proximity to off-site activities and an easy walk to Negril's nightlife, Couples Swept Away has clear advantages. On the other hand, for couples looking to get away from it all, including adjacent public beaches and other reminders of the existence of outside civilization, Couples Negril could be a better option.
Couples Swept Away is an exceptional all-inclusive with a new wing on the south end of the compound that has a wet bar, grill, and beautiful lounge tastefully decorated by Jane Issa, wife of Couples owner Lee Issa. Mr. Issa can often be found around the property, checking in with his guests and making sure everything is running smoothly. The gym facilities and tennis courts at Couples are top-notch. Day passes, offered for eight-hour periods (US$75), entitle pass-holders complete access to the resort.
Couples has two properties in Negril: Couples Negril (US$408/590 low/high season per couple per night), which is actually just across the border into Hanover, and Couples Swept Away (US$413/602 low/high season per couple per night), at the north end of Long Bay. For proximity to off-site activities and an easy walk to Negril's nightlife, Couples Swept Away has clear advantages. On the other hand, for couples looking to get away from it all, including adjacent public beaches and other reminders of the existence of outside civilization, Couples Negril could be a better option.
Couples Swept Away is an exceptional all-inclusive with a new wing on the south end of the compound that has a wet bar, grill, and beautiful lounge tastefully decorated by Jane Issa, wife of Couples owner Lee Issa. Mr. Issa can often be found around the property, checking in with his guests and making sure everything is running smoothly. The gym facilities and tennis courts at Couples are top-notch. Day passes, offered for eight-hour periods (US$75), entitle pass-holders complete access to the resort.
Couples has two properties in Negril: Couples Negril (US$408/590 low/high season per couple per night), which is actually just across the border into Hanover, and Couples Swept Away (US$413/602 low/high season per couple per night), at the north end of Long Bay. For proximity to off-site activities and an easy walk to Negril's nightlife, Couples Swept Away has clear advantages. On the other hand, for couples looking to get away from it all, including adjacent public beaches and other reminders of the existence of outside civilization, Couples Negril could be a better option.
Couples Swept Away is an exceptional all-inclusive with a new wing on the south end of the compound that has a wet bar, grill, and beautiful lounge tastefully decorated by Jane Issa, wife of Couples owner Lee Issa. Mr. Issa can often be found around the property, checking in with his guests and making sure everything is running smoothly. The gym facilities and tennis courts at Couples are top-notch. Day passes, offered for eight-hour periods (US$75), entitle pass-holders complete access to the resort.
Couples has two properties in Negril: Couples Negril (US$408/590 low/high season per couple per night), which is actually just across the border into Hanover, and Couples Swept Away (US$413/602 low/high season per couple per night), at the north end of Long Bay. For proximity to off-site activities and an easy walk to Negril's nightlife, Couples Swept Away has clear advantages. On the other hand, for couples looking to get away from it all, including adjacent public beaches and other reminders of the existence of outside civilization, Couples Negril could be a better option.
Couples Swept Away is an exceptional all-inclusive with a new wing on the south end of the compound that has a wet bar, grill, and beautiful lounge tastefully decorated by Jane Issa, wife of Couples owner Lee Issa. Mr. Issa can often be found around the property, checking in with his guests and making sure everything is running smoothly. The gym facilities and tennis courts at Couples are top-notch. Day passes, offered for eight-hour periods (US$75), entitle pass-holders complete access to the resort.
Hedonism II
Hedonism II (US$135\215 low season, US$175\285 high season) is the original and notorious all-inclusive resort where anything goes. Situated at the northern end of Negril's Long Bay, Hedonism II has 280 rooms and 15 suites, all with tiled floors, air-conditioning, TV, and, of course, mirrored ceilings. Many of the suites have private whirlpool tubs right on the beach. It's a great place for couples and singles looking to unwind and let go, and potentially do things they would never do at home--or alternatively, do exactly what's done at home whenever, wherever, and with whomever they see fit. Repeat guests don't keep going back for the food, but for the sexually charged atmosphere.
Two private beaches (one nude, one not) offer plenty of activities from water sports to volleyball to acrobatics. The main terrace dining area is complemented by Italian-inspired Pastafari, Japanese-inspired Munasan, and Reggae Cafe, as well as beach grills. Many premium-brand liquors are served at several bars throughout the property, which also has excellent spa, fitness, and tennis court facilities. There is also an underwater disco where "nuff tings a gwaan."
It's important to be aware of any special theme weeks being held at Hedo when booking, lest you should arrive and be expected to swap spouses with one of your fellow guests during Swingers' Week.
Hedonism II
Hedonism II (US$135\215 low season, US$175\285 high season) is the original and notorious all-inclusive resort where anything goes. Situated at the northern end of Negril's Long Bay, Hedonism II has 280 rooms and 15 suites, all with tiled floors, air-conditioning, TV, and, of course, mirrored ceilings. Many of the suites have private whirlpool tubs right on the beach. It's a great place for couples and singles looking to unwind and let go, and potentially do things they would never do at home--or alternatively, do exactly what's done at home whenever, wherever, and with whomever they see fit. Repeat guests don't keep going back for the food, but for the sexually charged atmosphere.
Two private beaches (one nude, one not) offer plenty of activities from water sports to volleyball to acrobatics. The main terrace dining area is complemented by Italian-inspired Pastafari, Japanese-inspired Munasan, and Reggae Cafe, as well as beach grills. Many premium-brand liquors are served at several bars throughout the property, which also has excellent spa, fitness, and tennis court facilities. There is also an underwater disco where "nuff tings a gwaan."
It's important to be aware of any special theme weeks being held at Hedo when booking, lest you should arrive and be expected to swap spouses with one of your fellow guests during Swingers' Week.
Hedonism II
Hedonism II (US$135\215 low season, US$175\285 high season) is the original and notorious all-inclusive resort where anything goes. Situated at the northern end of Negril's Long Bay, Hedonism II has 280 rooms and 15 suites, all with tiled floors, air-conditioning, TV, and, of course, mirrored ceilings. Many of the suites have private whirlpool tubs right on the beach. It's a great place for couples and singles looking to unwind and let go, and potentially do things they would never do at home--or alternatively, do exactly what's done at home whenever, wherever, and with whomever they see fit. Repeat guests don't keep going back for the food, but for the sexually charged atmosphere.
Two private beaches (one nude, one not) offer plenty of activities from water sports to volleyball to acrobatics. The main terrace dining area is complemented by Italian-inspired Pastafari, Japanese-inspired Munasan, and Reggae Cafe, as well as beach grills. Many premium-brand liquors are served at several bars throughout the property, which also has excellent spa, fitness, and tennis court facilities. There is also an underwater disco where "nuff tings a gwaan."
It's important to be aware of any special theme weeks being held at Hedo when booking, lest you should arrive and be expected to swap spouses with one of your fellow guests during Swingers' Week.
Sandals Negril
Sandals Negril (Long Bay, US$818-2,454 per night) is a 222-room resort on Negril's famed Seven-Mile Beach. The resort offers exclusive butler service in its top room category, a Red Lane Spa, two-story loft suites with spiral staircases, a pro sports complex offering racketball, squash and tennis, two pools, two whirlpool tubs, and a scuba certification pool. Swim-up river suites have stairs descending from the veranda doors into a lazy river with views out to sea, and plantation suites have private plunge pools, outdoor showers, and private balconies. Rooms have complete amenities, from cable TV to air-conditioning and en suite baths.
Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65% based on length of stay.
Sandals Negril
Sandals Negril (Long Bay, US$818-2,454 per night) is a 222-room resort on Negril's famed Seven-Mile Beach. The resort offers exclusive butler service in its top room category, a Red Lane Spa, two-story loft suites with spiral staircases, a pro sports complex offering racketball, squash and tennis, two pools, two whirlpool tubs, and a scuba certification pool. Swim-up river suites have stairs descending from the veranda doors into a lazy river with views out to sea, and plantation suites have private plunge pools, outdoor showers, and private balconies. Rooms have complete amenities, from cable TV to air-conditioning and en suite baths.
Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65% based on length of stay.
Sandals Negril
Sandals Negril (Long Bay, US$818-2,454 per night) is a 222-room resort on Negril's famed Seven-Mile Beach. The resort offers exclusive butler service in its top room category, a Red Lane Spa, two-story loft suites with spiral staircases, a pro sports complex offering racketball, squash and tennis, two pools, two whirlpool tubs, and a scuba certification pool. Swim-up river suites have stairs descending from the veranda doors into a lazy river with views out to sea, and plantation suites have private plunge pools, outdoor showers, and private balconies. Rooms have complete amenities, from cable TV to air-conditioning and en suite baths.
Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65% based on length of stay.
Sandals Negril
Sandals Negril (Long Bay, US$818-2,454 per night) is a 222-room resort on Negril's famed Seven-Mile Beach. The resort offers exclusive butler service in its top room category, a Red Lane Spa, two-story loft suites with spiral staircases, a pro sports complex offering racketball, squash and tennis, two pools, two whirlpool tubs, and a scuba certification pool. Swim-up river suites have stairs descending from the veranda doors into a lazy river with views out to sea, and plantation suites have private plunge pools, outdoor showers, and private balconies. Rooms have complete amenities, from cable TV to air-conditioning and en suite baths.
Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65% based on length of stay.
Club Hotel Riu Negril
Club Hotel Riu Negril (US$228 and up) is a 420-room all-inclusive resort on Bloody Bay with a large main building and four two-story annexes. The resort has a gym, Jacuzzi, and sauna reserved for guests over 18. Rooms have mini-bars, king or two double beds, and a balcony or terrace. Four restaurants offer a la carte and buffet dining options, with bars spread across the property. The resort has two hard-surface tennis courts, table tennis, volleyball, and a variety of water sports. The hotel has a computer room available at an additional charge, with a free Wi-Fi zone for guests with laptops. The Renova Spa offers a variety of massages and treatments at an additional charge.
Riu Palace Tropical Bay
Riu Palace Tropical Bay (tel. 876/957-5900, www.riu.com) is a 416-room all-inclusive resort, also located on Bloody Bay, with double rooms, junior suites, and suite categories. Renovated completely in 2008, rooms have mini-bars, cable TV, air-conditioning, lounge areas in junior suites, and en suite baths with verandas or balconies. The resort features several buffet and a la carte options, formal dress required in the fine dining restaurants for evening dinners. The hotel features 24-hour room service, a free Wi-Fi zone, and several bars and pool bars scattered throughout the property.
Tip Top
Tip Top (turn inland on Red Ground Rd. at Scotia Bank, cell tel. 876/360-4857 or 876/435-7222) sits at the top of a hill in an area known as Red Ground. It's a popular spot for budget travelers from Europe, as well as for long-term stays. Rates start at US$25 for simple rooms with private bath and fan. For US$35 you get a kitchenette. Clean sheets and towels are provided. Marva Mathe manages the guesthouse, which has been in business for 30 years.
Khus Khus Negril
Khus Khus Negril is an affordable option that puts comfort first--with an appreciable departure from the floral bed covers so typical of run-of-the-mill hotels across Jamaica. Blue Mountain Aromatics toiletries, iPod docking stations, and complimentary Wi-Fi complement the soothing linens to make Khus Khus a pleasurable retreat. Khus Khus has a total of 27 rooms, with room categories like "satisfy my soul," which has two double beds, "one love a queen," with one standard bed, the premium "garden peace suites," and "cease and settle" suites with a queen bed and pull-out couch. All rooms have a mini-fridge and iPod docks, comfortable lighting, and a sleek atmosphere. Several units surround a small pool in the back courtyard, while a restaurant and bar are in a second courtyard closer to the office and parking area.
Khus Khus Negril
Khus Khus Negril is an affordable option that puts comfort first--with an appreciable departure from the floral bed covers so typical of run-of-the-mill hotels across Jamaica. Blue Mountain Aromatics toiletries, iPod docking stations, and complimentary Wi-Fi complement the soothing linens to make Khus Khus a pleasurable retreat. Khus Khus has a total of 27 rooms, with room categories like "satisfy my soul," which has two double beds, "one love a queen," with one standard bed, the premium "garden peace suites," and "cease and settle" suites with a queen bed and pull-out couch. All rooms have a mini-fridge and iPod docks, comfortable lighting, and a sleek atmosphere. Several units surround a small pool in the back courtyard, while a restaurant and bar are in a second courtyard closer to the office and parking area.
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Xtabi Resort
Xtabi is one of the most accommodating properties in Negril in terms of the price range for the rooms on offer and value for your money. From economy rooms (US$49/65 low/high season) with fans to spacious suites (US$59/90 low/high season) with air-conditioning and TV to stylish cliff-top cottages (US$120/210 low/high season), there is something for every budget. The restaurant and bar, also on the cliffs, serve up some of the best lobster (US$25) in Negril, and the conch burger is highly acclaimed. Xtabi is the most unpretentious, well-situated hotel on the West End. The name Xtabi is Greek for "meeting place of the gods."
Prim-Rose Inn
Prim-Rose Inn is a real shoestring joint run by Gasnel Hylton. It has five basic rooms featuring fans, hot water, and hammocks on a porch. The inn is set back on the bush side of West End Road. The driveway is marked by a sign for Haciender Inn; Prim-Rose is about 100 meters from the main road on the left.
Negril Escape and Spa
Negril Escape and Spa offers a variety of themed accommodations: the Oriental Express, Passage to India, Romancing the Kasba, Back to Africa, Atlantis, Negril Cottage, and Coconut Grove. Some of these are more tasteful than others, but the fact that a variety of options are offered is well appreciated by its returning guests, who found the recent renovations a welcome infusion of color. Rooms come with all the basic amenities including hot water, air-conditioning, cable TV, clean sheets and towels, and Internet in the main office. If diving is on your agenda, it's a great base.
Negril Escape has earned a well-deserved reputation as a nightlife hotspot on Negril's West End. On Tuesday nights the hotel hosts some of Jamaica's top billing reggae and dancehall artists in its beautiful oceanfront setting. Acts have included Queen Ifrica, Taurus Riley, Jah Cure, Shaggy, and Wayne Wonder, among many others.
Negril Escape and Spa
Negril Escape and Spa offers a variety of themed accommodations: the Oriental Express, Passage to India, Romancing the Kasba, Back to Africa, Atlantis, Negril Cottage, and Coconut Grove. Some of these are more tasteful than others, but the fact that a variety of options are offered is well appreciated by its returning guests, who found the recent renovations a welcome infusion of color. Rooms come with all the basic amenities including hot water, air-conditioning, cable TV, clean sheets and towels, and Internet in the main office. If diving is on your agenda, it's a great base.
Negril Escape has earned a well-deserved reputation as a nightlife hotspot on Negril's West End. On Tuesday nights the hotel hosts some of Jamaica's top billing reggae and dancehall artists in its beautiful oceanfront setting. Acts have included Queen Ifrica, Taurus Riley, Jah Cure, Shaggy, and Wayne Wonder, among many others.
Negril Escape and Spa
Negril Escape and Spa offers a variety of themed accommodations: the Oriental Express, Passage to India, Romancing the Kasba, Back to Africa, Atlantis, Negril Cottage, and Coconut Grove. Some of these are more tasteful than others, but the fact that a variety of options are offered is well appreciated by its returning guests, who found the recent renovations a welcome infusion of color. Rooms come with all the basic amenities including hot water, air-conditioning, cable TV, clean sheets and towels, and Internet in the main office. If diving is on your agenda, it's a great base.
Negril Escape has earned a well-deserved reputation as a nightlife hotspot on Negril's West End. On Tuesday nights the hotel hosts some of Jamaica's top billing reggae and dancehall artists in its beautiful oceanfront setting. Acts have included Queen Ifrica, Taurus Riley, Jah Cure, Shaggy, and Wayne Wonder, among many others.
Negril Escape and Spa
Negril Escape and Spa offers a variety of themed accommodations: the Oriental Express, Passage to India, Romancing the Kasba, Back to Africa, Atlantis, Negril Cottage, and Coconut Grove. Some of these are more tasteful than others, but the fact that a variety of options are offered is well appreciated by its returning guests, who found the recent renovations a welcome infusion of color. Rooms come with all the basic amenities including hot water, air-conditioning, cable TV, clean sheets and towels, and Internet in the main office. If diving is on your agenda, it's a great base.
Negril Escape has earned a well-deserved reputation as a nightlife hotspot on Negril's West End. On Tuesday nights the hotel hosts some of Jamaica's top billing reggae and dancehall artists in its beautiful oceanfront setting. Acts have included Queen Ifrica, Taurus Riley, Jah Cure, Shaggy, and Wayne Wonder, among many others.
Negril Escape and Spa
Negril Escape and Spa offers a variety of themed accommodations: the Oriental Express, Passage to India, Romancing the Kasba, Back to Africa, Atlantis, Negril Cottage, and Coconut Grove. Some of these are more tasteful than others, but the fact that a variety of options are offered is well appreciated by its returning guests, who found the recent renovations a welcome infusion of color. Rooms come with all the basic amenities including hot water, air-conditioning, cable TV, clean sheets and towels, and Internet in the main office. If diving is on your agenda, it's a great base.
Negril Escape has earned a well-deserved reputation as a nightlife hotspot on Negril's West End. On Tuesday nights the hotel hosts some of Jamaica's top billing reggae and dancehall artists in its beautiful oceanfront setting. Acts have included Queen Ifrica, Taurus Riley, Jah Cure, Shaggy, and Wayne Wonder, among many others.
Catch a Falling Star
Catch a Falling Star (US$95-175 low season, US$120-250 high season) has five one-bedroom cottages, two two-bedroom cottages, and a recently completed thatch-roofed building on the cliffs with six units. Its cliff-top grounds are well maintained with neat walkways and verdant gardens, this is one of the choice properties on the West End.
Catch a Falling Star
Catch a Falling Star (US$95-175 low season, US$120-250 high season) has five one-bedroom cottages, two two-bedroom cottages, and a recently completed thatch-roofed building on the cliffs with six units. Its cliff-top grounds are well maintained with neat walkways and verdant gardens, this is one of the choice properties on the West End.
Catch a Falling Star
Catch a Falling Star (US$95-175 low season, US$120-250 high season) has five one-bedroom cottages, two two-bedroom cottages, and a recently completed thatch-roofed building on the cliffs with six units. Its cliff-top grounds are well maintained with neat walkways and verdant gardens, this is one of the choice properties on the West End.
Catch a Falling Star
Catch a Falling Star (US$95-175 low season, US$120-250 high season) has five one-bedroom cottages, two two-bedroom cottages, and a recently completed thatch-roofed building on the cliffs with six units. Its cliff-top grounds are well maintained with neat walkways and verdant gardens, this is one of the choice properties on the West End.
Catch a Falling Star
Catch a Falling Star (US$95-175 low season, US$120-250 high season) has five one-bedroom cottages, two two-bedroom cottages, and a recently completed thatch-roofed building on the cliffs with six units. Its cliff-top grounds are well maintained with neat walkways and verdant gardens, this is one of the choice properties on the West End.
Catch a Falling Star
Catch a Falling Star (US$95-175 low season, US$120-250 high season) has five one-bedroom cottages, two two-bedroom cottages, and a recently completed thatch-roofed building on the cliffs with six units. Its cliff-top grounds are well maintained with neat walkways and verdant gardens, this is one of the choice properties on the West End.
Catch a Falling Star
Catch a Falling Star (US$95-175 low season, US$120-250 high season) has five one-bedroom cottages, two two-bedroom cottages, and a recently completed thatch-roofed building on the cliffs with six units. Its cliff-top grounds are well maintained with neat walkways and verdant gardens, this is one of the choice properties on the West End.
Banana Shout
Banana Shout (US$80-100 low season, US$150-200 high season) is owned by Milo Gallico and named after the Mark Conklin novel of the same name about Jamaica. It's a beautifully decorated property on one of the West End's most gorgeous stretches of cliffs. Four one- and two-bedroom cottages adorn the cliffs with cozy furniture and an artsy, rustic vibe. Beds have foam mattresses. A live band performs classic reggae covers every evening from Rick's Cafe next door, for an earful of music to set the mood for sunset.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Bananas Garden
Banana's Garden (US$85-135 low season, US$100-165 high season), owned and operated by Nicole Larson, is a tasteful retreat with five quaint, self-contained cottages surrounded by lush vegetation. Each cottage has unique, hand-carved wood trim detailing, ceiling fans, louvered windows, hot water, and kitchenettes, making the property ideal for those looking for independence and the modest, back-to-basics vibe that put Negril on the map. The pool is beautiful. The property operates as a B&B, with rates including a continental or Jamaican breakfast, or sans breakfast for the extra frugal. The breakfast is scrumptious and a good value. Banana's Garden is ideal for small groups looking to book the entire property, for which discounts can be negotiated. The Solar Wellness Spa on property offers massage and treatments.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
Rockhouse is a favorite for hip New Yorker weekenders looking to get away in style. The hotel is always booked, testament to good marketing, quality service, well-maintained grounds, and competent management. The beautiful villas (US$295\350 low, US$355\425 high season) are perched on the cliffs with views out to sea. A total of 34 rooms include standards (US$125/160 low/high season) and studios (US$150/185 low/high season).
The Rockhouse Restaurant has a nice evening ambience. The coconut-battered shrimp is a recommendable starter.
Rockhouse Spa with eight individual rooms, offers massage, wraps, scrubs and holistic treatments using all-natural local ingredients. Two cliff-side treatment cabanas are used for massage to the sound of the waves.
Rockhouse took over Pirates Cave Restaurant located next door in early 2009, renaming it Pushcart Restaurant to promote a rootsy Jamaican vibe, referencing the traditional handcart commonplace at the country's open-air markets.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
The Caves
The Caves is Negril's most vibesy upscale hotel. Thatch-roofed, contoured cottages are seamlessly integrated with the cliffs. The property is perfectly conducive to spiritual relaxation, with its sophisticated African motif, soft music floating on the breeze, and hot tubs carved into the cliffs like they belong there. At the same time, you're never far from the greatest adrenaline rush of your life, thanks to the many cliff-tops from which to vault into the crystal-clear waters--as much as 18 meters below. Everywhere you turn there are platforms for sunbathing or for diving. At night, a large grotto just above water level is strewn with flowers and set up as the most romantic dining room imaginable, lit with hundreds of candles.
Bertram and the late Greer-Ann Saulter teamed up with former Island Records boss Chris Blackwell to create their idea of paradise at The Caves. The rooms are all unique with king-size beds, African batik pillow covers, classic louvered windows, and well-appointed baths. Cozy wooden ceilings and whitewashed walls create a soothing ambience, and love seats are nestled into the surroundings wherever they fit. The cottages are decorated with an assortment of Jamaican carvings and paintings. Every detail at The Caves is consciously designed to set guests in a relaxed mode--to the point of entrancement. Open bars (some manned, some self-serve) dot the property, and a snack bar has gourmet food ready whenever
you're hungry.
Rooms range from one-bedroom suites (US$615/800 low/high season) to two-bedroom cottages (US$720/915 low/high season). Perhaps the nicest two-bedroom cottage, Moon Shadow, is separated from the rest by The Sands bar, which is open to the public for sunset and features a balcony overlooking the lighthouse and an azure cove below. All suites have king-size beds, while the two-bedroom cottages have queen-size beds downstairs.
Tensing Pen
Tensing Pen is the West End's crown gem. Luxurious, thatch-roofed, bungalow-style cottages adorn the cliffs above lapping turquoise waters. The absence of TVs in the cottages is deliberate, as is every other meticulous detail that makes Tensing Pen so hard to leave. The staff at Tensing Pen exhibit the epitome of Jamaican warmth. They all conspire to make guests feel a deep sense of belonging. They treat guests with the utmost attentiveness and the highest regard for those minute details that create the most pleasant and relaxing environment on earth, from the hibiscus flowers on your pillow to cool water at the bedside. An infinity-edge 16-by 30-foot saltwater pool was recently installed in front of the dining area and is fed by
Tensing Pen
Tensing Pen is the West End's crown gem. Luxurious, thatch-roofed, bungalow-style cottages adorn the cliffs above lapping turquoise waters. The absence of TVs in the cottages is deliberate, as is every other meticulous detail that makes Tensing Pen so hard to leave. The staff at Tensing Pen exhibit the epitome of Jamaican warmth. They all conspire to make guests feel a deep sense of belonging. They treat guests with the utmost attentiveness and the highest regard for those minute details that create the most pleasant and relaxing environment on earth, from the hibiscus flowers on your pillow to cool water at the bedside. An infinity-edge 16-by 30-foot saltwater pool was recently installed in front of the dining area and is fed by
Tensing Pen
Tensing Pen is the West End's crown gem. Luxurious, thatch-roofed, bungalow-style cottages adorn the cliffs above lapping turquoise waters. The absence of TVs in the cottages is deliberate, as is every other meticulous detail that makes Tensing Pen so hard to leave. The staff at Tensing Pen exhibit the epitome of Jamaican warmth. They all conspire to make guests feel a deep sense of belonging. They treat guests with the utmost attentiveness and the highest regard for those minute details that create the most pleasant and relaxing environment on earth, from the hibiscus flowers on your pillow to cool water at the bedside. An infinity-edge 16-by 30-foot saltwater pool was recently installed in front of the dining area and is fed by
Tensing Pen
Tensing Pen is the West End's crown gem. Luxurious, thatch-roofed, bungalow-style cottages adorn the cliffs above lapping turquoise waters. The absence of TVs in the cottages is deliberate, as is every other meticulous detail that makes Tensing Pen so hard to leave. The staff at Tensing Pen exhibit the epitome of Jamaican warmth. They all conspire to make guests feel a deep sense of belonging. They treat guests with the utmost attentiveness and the highest regard for those minute details that create the most pleasant and relaxing environment on earth, from the hibiscus flowers on your pillow to cool water at the bedside. An infinity-edge 16-by 30-foot saltwater pool was recently installed in front of the dining area and is fed by
Jackie's on the Reef
Jackie's on the Reef (US$125/150 d low/high season) is the place to go for a nature, yoga, or tai chi retreat. The rates include morning activity sessions and are a great value. The hotel is one of the farthest out along West End Road, where there's less development and it's easy to meditate undisturbed.
Jackie's on the Reef
Jackie's on the Reef (US$125/150 d low/high season) is the place to go for a nature, yoga, or tai chi retreat. The rates include morning activity sessions and are a great value. The hotel is one of the farthest out along West End Road, where there's less development and it's easy to meditate undisturbed.
The Westender Inn
The Westender Inn (US$90\199) is a low-key accommodation a bit farther out from Jackie's, deep on the West End. Rooms are comfortable with polyester bed covers on a variety of bed sizes, and layouts from studios to one-bedrooms to oceanside suites. The hotel has a raised pool and deck with a restaurant and bar by the main parking area where nonguests are welcome.
The Westender Inn
The Westender Inn (US$90\199) is a low-key accommodation a bit farther out from Jackie's, deep on the West End. Rooms are comfortable with polyester bed covers on a variety of bed sizes, and layouts from studios to one-bedrooms to oceanside suites. The hotel has a raised pool and deck with a restaurant and bar by the main parking area where nonguests are welcome.
The Westender Inn
The Westender Inn (US$90\199) is a low-key accommodation a bit farther out from Jackie's, deep on the West End. Rooms are comfortable with polyester bed covers on a variety of bed sizes, and layouts from studios to one-bedrooms to oceanside suites. The hotel has a raised pool and deck with a restaurant and bar by the main parking area where nonguests are welcome.
Windrush Negril Bed & Breakfast
Windrush Negril Bed & Breakfast (US$175\225/day or US$1,400/week d, add US$25 per person nightly for extras) accommodates up to six guests between the bamboo house, a private cottage with a king-size bed, and a twin cot in an adjacent room, and Blue Snapper, a room on the ground level of the main house with a separate entrance, also with a king-size bed and a twin. There are two pools on the property, one fed by the lapping waves carved out of the low, coral cliffs at the seaside, and a freshwater pool by the main house. A boccie ball court makes the place singular in Negril. Meals are prepared to order in an idyllic open-air kitchen (not included in room rate). Windrush prioritizes the private, exclusive experience. To get to Windrush, keep straight where the main turns left up to Good Hope.
Windrush Negril Bed & Breakfast
Windrush Negril Bed & Breakfast (US$175\225/day or US$1,400/week d, add US$25 per person nightly for extras) accommodates up to six guests between the bamboo house, a private cottage with a king-size bed, and a twin cot in an adjacent room, and Blue Snapper, a room on the ground level of the main house with a separate entrance, also with a king-size bed and a twin. There are two pools on the property, one fed by the lapping waves carved out of the low, coral cliffs at the seaside, and a freshwater pool by the main house. A boccie ball court makes the place singular in Negril. Meals are prepared to order in an idyllic open-air kitchen (not included in room rate). Windrush prioritizes the private, exclusive experience. To get to Windrush, keep straight where the main turns left up to Good Hope.
Windrush Negril Bed & Breakfast
Windrush Negril Bed & Breakfast (US$175\225/day or US$1,400/week d, add US$25 per person nightly for extras) accommodates up to six guests between the bamboo house, a private cottage with a king-size bed, and a twin cot in an adjacent room, and Blue Snapper, a room on the ground level of the main house with a separate entrance, also with a king-size bed and a twin. There are two pools on the property, one fed by the lapping waves carved out of the low, coral cliffs at the seaside, and a freshwater pool by the main house. A boccie ball court makes the place singular in Negril. Meals are prepared to order in an idyllic open-air kitchen (not included in room rate). Windrush prioritizes the private, exclusive experience. To get to Windrush, keep straight where the main turns left up to Good Hope.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa
Llantrissant Beachcliff Villa, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Travis, is a unique property in that it is extremely proximate to everything in Negril. Llantrissant sits out on a point just west of the roundabout with a perfect view over Long Bay and Seven-Mile Beach. Rates are reasonable, given the luxury of having a grass tennis court and two private beaches (ranging US$420 in the fall for two persons to US$1100 in the winter season for up to 12 guests. Three meals per day cost an extra US$50 per person. Friendly and committed staff include two housekeepers, a groundskeeper, and night watchmen. Last minute bookings can be even more affordable, starting at US$216 per unit including taxes and gratuity.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Hide Awhile
Hide Awhile is a mong Negril's most exclusive and luxurious private villa complexes. Best for those looking for independence away from the hustle and bustle, the three villas feature a duplex layout with a spacious master bedroom upstairs. Amenities include all the details expected in a top-end property, from flat-panel televisions to a fully equipped kitchen, plush bedding, and a porch that puts all worries to rest. The property is ideally suited for those with a car and provides guests with a remote control to open the gate, giving the feel of a 007 retreat. Wireless Internet is available. Chisty, the Rastafarian caretaker, is an excellent cook.
Tingalayas is named after a donkey, Tingalaya, that lives on the property. It has two independent cottages plus five rooms in two bigger cottages with a big communal kitchen. Owned by David Rosenstein, Tingalayas is a good place for a group or family, with accommodations for up to 14 people. Amenities include ceiling fans, hot water, wireless Internet, and a combination of queen-size and bunk beds. Breakfast is included and resident Rasta cook Jubey does excellent lobster, jerk chicken, and rice and peas to order.
Tingalayas is named after a donkey, Tingalaya, that lives on the property. It has two independent cottages plus five rooms in two bigger cottages with a big communal kitchen. Owned by David Rosenstein, Tingalayas is a good place for a group or family, with accommodations for up to 14 people. Amenities include ceiling fans, hot water, wireless Internet, and a combination of queen-size and bunk beds. Breakfast is included and resident Rasta cook Jubey does excellent lobster, jerk chicken, and rice and peas to order.
Tingalayas is named after a donkey, Tingalaya, that lives on the property. It has two independent cottages plus five rooms in two bigger cottages with a big communal kitchen. Owned by David Rosenstein, Tingalayas is a good place for a group or family, with accommodations for up to 14 people. Amenities include ceiling fans, hot water, wireless Internet, and a combination of queen-size and bunk beds. Breakfast is included and resident Rasta cook Jubey does excellent lobster, jerk chicken, and rice and peas to order.
Best in the West
Best in the West is Negril's favorite jerk chicken spot; it's located directly across the road from Idle Awhile.
Rainbow Arches
Rainbow Arches has excellent curry shrimp and curry goat to order. The James family is one of oldest Jamaican families in Negril.
Niah's Patties
Niah's Patties (10 a.m.-8 p.m daily Dec. 15-May 15) at Wavz Entertainment Centre, has been making the best patties in Negril, and perhaps all of Jamaica, since 2005. Patty fillings include Italian, fish, red bean, potato, chicken, vegetable, and lobster (US$4-8).
Niah's Patties
Niah's Patties (10 a.m.-8 p.m daily Dec. 15-May 15) at Wavz Entertainment Centre, has been making the best patties in Negril, and perhaps all of Jamaica, since 2005. Patty fillings include Italian, fish, red bean, potato, chicken, vegetable, and lobster (US$4-8).
Niah's Patties
Niah's Patties (10 a.m.-8 p.m daily Dec. 15-May 15) at Wavz Entertainment Centre, has been making the best patties in Negril, and perhaps all of Jamaica, since 2005. Patty fillings include Italian, fish, red bean, potato, chicken, vegetable, and lobster (US$4-8).
Spring Park Restaurant
Spring Park Restaurant (open 8 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$5\10), is run by Henry Gardener, a pig farmer who makes the best roast pork around, as well as fried and grilled chicken. Henry also does Jamaican breakfast every day.
Ossie's Jerk Centre
Ossie's Jerk Centre (opposite The Palms, opens10 a.m.\10 p.m daily, US$5\10, cash only), serves the best steamed fish and jerk on the beach. A beer costs about US$2.
Sonia's (across from Roots Bamboo, 8 a.m.\9 p.m daily, US$5\10) is well recognized for her delicious Jamaican cuisine and homemade patties.
Sweet Spice
Sweet Spice (opens 8:30 a.m.\10:30 p.m daily, US$5\25) is the best place along the main road heading toward Sav for typical Jamaican fare at local prices. Sweet Spice is the most popular restaurant with locals for good reason, offering refreshing real-world value in a town where prices are more regularly on par with U.S. cities. Dishes like fried chicken, coconut curry, or escoveitch fish, conch, and lobster are representative of Jamaica's traditional cuisine.
Sweet Spice
Sweet Spice (opens 8:30 a.m.\10:30 p.m daily, US$5\25) is the best place along the main road heading toward Sav for typical Jamaican fare at local prices. Sweet Spice is the most popular restaurant with locals for good reason, offering refreshing real-world value in a town where prices are more regularly on par with U.S. cities. Dishes like fried chicken, coconut curry, or escoveitch fish, conch, and lobster are representative of Jamaica's traditional cuisine.
Peppa Pot
Peppa Pot (opens 9 a.m.\8 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$4\10) is located a bit farther down Whitehall Road heading east out of Negril. It's a popular local joint for jerk, as well as steamed fish with the requisite sides of breadfruit and festival.
Ackee Tree Restaurant
Ackee Tree Restaurant (8 a.m.-10 p.m daily, US$5-8) serves the best Ital stew and local dishes and is frequented by popular artists in the know. Noel "Wall" Masters runs the joint.
Ackee Tree Restaurant
Ackee Tree Restaurant (8 a.m.-10 p.m daily, US$5-8) serves the best Ital stew and local dishes and is frequented by popular artists in the know. Noel "Wall" Masters runs the joint.
Tasty Delight
Tasty Delight (Fire Station Rd., no phone) is the favorite restaurant of local taxi drivers, with typical Jamaican dishes at local rates.
Beach Road SeaFood Restaurant
Beach Road SeaFood Restaurant (across from Roots Bamboo, 8 a.m.\9 p.m Mon.\Sat., free delivery) serves fish, lobster, soursop fish, conch, and shrimp. Devon "Tiger" Reid is the shop owner. Late Night Hot Spot Bar is located next door.
Beach Road SeaFood Restaurant
Beach Road SeaFood Restaurant (across from Roots Bamboo, 8 a.m.\9 p.m Mon.\Sat., free delivery) serves fish, lobster, soursop fish, conch, and shrimp. Devon "Tiger" Reid is the shop owner. Late Night Hot Spot Bar is located next door.
Rankcle Stankcle
Rankcle Stankcle fish shop, run by Owen Keith Oliver "Taurus" Morgan operates out of a riverside corner of the Negril Fishing Cooperative.
The Black Star Line
The Black Star Line is an Ital restaurant located at Bongo's Farm in Sheffield, serving natural foods out of calabash bowls, natural juices, and jelly coconut water. The eatery is open by reservation only.
Negril and the West
Negril and the West
Hanover and Westmoreland are Jamaica's westernmost parishes. Hanover wraps around from Montego Bay on its northeastern border to where Negril's large hotel strip overflows from Westmoreland at its western reaches. It's a picturesque parish with small mountains tapering down to the coast with rivers, lush valleys, and deep, navigable coves. Caves dot the landscape of some of Jamaica's most biologically diverse ecosystems, in the shadow of the Dolphin Head mountain range.
Negril, which straddles the Hanover\Westmoreland border, has become a mass-market destination popular among Jamaicans and foreign visitors alike. The Kingstonian phenomenon of a weekend escape to "country" often implies a trip west to kick back and adopt the beach life, which necessarily involves taking in spectacular sunsets and the enviable slow pace evoked in Tyrone Taylor's 1983 hit, "Cottage in Negril." A constant stream of new visitors also gives hustlers a chance to do their thing, and Negril has gained a reputation as a mecca for sinful indulgence as a result.
While Negril is the region's most well-known draw, there are several low-key communities farther east that are just as easily accessible from Montego Bay's international airport and worthy coastal destinations in themselves, namely Little Bay, Bluefields, Belmont, and Whitehouse. The Westmoreland interior consists of vast alluvial plains on either side of Cabarita River, still some of Jamaica's most productive sugarcane territory. The plains extend from the base of the Orange Hill, just east of Negril, to where the Roaring River rises out of the earth from its underground source in the hills above Blue Hole Garden.
Negril is the ultimate place to kick back on the beach and forget what day of the week it is. The general area has other worthwhile sights, however, which can help avoid sunburn and provide a glimpse of the "true" Jamaica--with all the allure of its countryside lifestyle and lush scenery. Most visitors to Negril come specifically to laze on the beach in the dead of winter, but there are special events throughout the year to be considered if you're planning a trip with some flexibility.
Negril is invaded each year March\April by American college kids on all-inclusive spring break vacation packages. The spring breakers come from different institutions over the course of the month, but mostly during the first and second weeks of March. Recent years have been disappointing from an economic standpoint, with fewer visitors than years past. Still, you will want to keep this in mind when planning your trip to Negril--to either avoid the spring break crowd or coincide with it, depending on what you hope to get out of your beach vacation.
Negril's natural beauty has been appreciated for centuries, first by the Tainos, Jamaica's first inhabitants; later by pirates and fishermen; and, finally, after a road was built connecting Negril to Green Island in 1959, by the rest of Jamaica and the world at large. Negril Harbor, or Bloody Bay as it is more commonly known, got its name from the whales slaughtered there, whose blood turned the water red. Today the water is crystal clear. The bay was a favorite hangout for the pirate Calico Jack Rackham and his consort piratesses Mary Read and Anne Bonney, all of whom were captured drunk and partying in Bloody Bay. Calico Jack was hanged in Kingston, while his female counterparts were pardoned. Bloody Bay was also a regular departure point for ships heading to Europe, which would go in fleets to ensure their survival on the high seas. The Bay also provided a hiding place from which ambushes were launched on Spanish ships. It was also the departure point for the British naval mission, which saw 50 British ships launch a failed attempt to capture Louisiana, culminating in the Battle of New Orleans during the American War of Independence.
Negril has become Jamaica's foremost beach town, evolving over the past decade along with the changing nature of the tourists who come to bask in the sun and adopt the island's pace. Today, world-class restaurants and lodging provide an alternative to the low-key guesthouses and seafood stalls that became the norm during Negril's transition from fishing village to tourist boomtown in the 1970s. What was once Jamaica's secret paradise is today the heart of the island's diversified tourist economy.
Life in Negril is focused on the west-facing coastline, which is divided between Seven-Mile Beach and the West End, or the Cliffs. Seven-Mile Beach runs from Bloody Bay in Hanover on its northern end to the mouth of the Negril River in Westmoreland, on the southern end of Long Bay. There are three principal roads that meet at the roundabout in the center of Negril: Norman Manley Boulevard, which turns into the A1 as it leaves town heading northeast toward Mobay; West End Road, which continues along the coast from the roundabout hugging the cliffs well past the lighthouse, until it eventually turns inland, rejoining the main south coast road (A2) in the community of Negril Spot; and Whitehall Road, which extends inland from the roundabout toward the golf course, becoming the A2 at some point, with no warning before continuing on toward Sav-la-Mar.
Due to its status as Jamaica's foremost tourism mecca, Negril tends to attract some of the island's most aggressive hustlers. Many will feign friendship and generosity only to demand, often with aggression and intimidation, exorbitant compensation for whatever good or service is on offer, whether it's a CD of one of the countless "up-and-coming artists," a marijuana spliff handed to you as someone extends their hand in greeting, or a piece of jewelry. As a rule, do not accept anything you don't actually want, and clarify the expected compensation if you do want it before allowing anyone to put something in your hand or mouth. It is not uncommon for these kinds of hustlers to draw a knife to intimidate you, and there is generally little fear of repercussions from the police, who tend to be slow-moving if responsive at all. The police are unlikely to be sympathetic, especially if a quarrel or skirmish involves drugs, even if the mix-up was unprovoked. Do your best to stay in well-populated areas, and try to avoid unsolicited approaches from strangers offering something you don't want.
SIGHTSBloody Bay
Bloody Bay is located just north of the piece of land jutting out toward Booby Cay that is home to Hedonism II, Point Village, and Breezes Grand Negril. Bloody Bay is currently dominated by all-inclusive hotels, including two relatively new Riu hotels, SuperClub's flagship Breezes Grand Negril, Couples Negril, and the private beach for Sunset at the Palms, located across the road. The beach on Bloody Bay is accessible to nonguests at several points along the road, most easily at the Office of Nature (contact PR agent Joseph Reid, cell tel. 876/369-0395), which is just past the fenced-off private beach of Sunset at the Palms. Here you can chill out and get lobster and fish (11 a.m.\sunset, US$10\30) from the outdoor grill manned by Robert, Symore, and Binghi. Next door, Johnny P's Jamaican Kitchen (cell tel. 876/999-6325, US$2\3) serves up staples like chicken with rice and peas. On the same little stretch of beach, Ackee (Roydel Reid, cell tel. 876/868-7312) and Andy (Conrad Getten, cell tel. 876/894-3042) take visitors out for snorkeling excursions (1.5 hrs, US$20/person with two-person minimum) and glass-bottomed boat tours. The fish and lobster vendors at the Office of Nature tend to be quite aggressive in soliciting business, to the point of discomfort, and sadly the lobster and fish they extract from the sea get smaller and smaller with each passing year, throwing into question the ethical merit of supporting their business from an environmental standpoint.
Seven-Mile Beach
Jamaica's longest beach is no longer the undisturbed keep of fishermen, as it was in the 1960s, but there are plenty of benefits that have come as a result of the virtually uncurbed development of the last 30 years. The sand remains a beautiful golden color, and the waters, while increasingly over-fished, remain crystal clear. A bar is never more than an arm's length away, and every kind of water sport is available. Expect advances from all manner of peddler and hustler until your face becomes known and your reaction time to these calls for attention slows. The northern end of the beach is cordoned off by security in front of the all-inclusive resorts, while at the southern end the Negril River forms a natural border by the fishermen's village and crafts market. Also on the southern end is Negril's community park, where dances and daytime events are sometimes held.
Royal Palm Reserve
Managed by the Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust (NEPT) and located 1.5 kilometers into the middle of the Great Morass from Sheffield, the 121-hectare Royal Palm Reserve (cell tel. 876/364-7407, nept_negril@yahoo, www.nept.wordpress.com, 9 a.m.\6 p.m daily, US$15) is home to 114 plant species, including the endemic morass royal palms found only in western Jamaica. It's also home to over 300 animal species, including insects, reptiles (including two species of American crocodile), and birds. The 26 resident bird species, which include the Jamaican woodpecker, Jamaican oriole, Jamaican euphonia, Jamaican parakeet, and the endemic endangered West Indian whistling duck, are joined by 16 migratory species that arrive at different times of the year. Admission includes a guided tour around 0.75 kilometers of boardwalk, and the ponds are open for sportfishing (US$5 with your own gear); you are almost guaranteed to catch African perch, tilapia, or tarpon. Shuttle service can be arranged (US$20 per person) from Negril. Royal Palm Reserve was leased by NEPT from the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) as an alternative to a peat-mining project that had been planned. In the environmental impact study, it was found the project would have destroyed the beach and reef ecosystems. The present facilities were completed in 1989. Bird-watchers should make reservations with the NEPT office (tel. 876/957-3736) to get in earlier than normal opening hours. There is a nice bar area overlooking the water where drinks are served.
Other Sights
Whitehall Great House is yet another great house in ruins, located on the old Whitehall Estate on the ascent to Mount Airy. To get there, take a right immediately before the Texaco Station on Good Hope Road heading east from the Negril roundabout toward Sav-la-Mar. The ruins are about a mile up the hill on the left and command an excellent view of Negril Beach and the morass. One of the largest cotton trees in Jamaica stands on the property.
Bongo's Farm (tel. 876/880-7500, fanette@mail.infochan.com), owned by Bongo and Fanette Johnson, hosts visitors for hikes over gorgeous terrain with great views of Negril's coastline. This is the best place within 10 minutes of the beach to kick back and unwind in a truly Jamaican rural setting; the lush vegetation and laid-back company make for a great attraction. Jelly coconuts are served fresh from the tree, and visitors are shown a variety of botanical specimens cultivated on the farm.
Negril Lighthouse is located near the westernmost point of Jamaica on West End Road just past The Caves. The lighthouse dates from 1894 and stands 30 meters above the sea.
The great thing about Negril is the fact that no matter the season, you can forget what day of the week it is in a hurry. While weekends remain "going-out nights," and important acts that draw large Jamaican audiences will perform generally on a Friday or Saturday, big artists also perform on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Because Negril is so small, the handful of clubs that monopolize the regular live entertainment market have made a tacit pact whereby each takes a night, or two, of the week. This way, the main clubs are guaranteed a weekly following, and Negril's transient crowd can somewhat keep tabs on where to go on any particular evening.
Bars and Clubs
Negril has an overwhelming number of bars and grills. This section covers establishments that are recommended more as nightlife draws, rather than for their food.
The Jungle (tel. 876/954-4005 or 876/954-4819, info@junglenegril.com, www.junglenegril.com) is Negril's only off-the-water club, located in an old bank toward the middle of the beach on the morass side of Norman Manley Boulevard. It has regular theme nights throughout the week, as well as special events, normally held on weekends. Ladies' Night on Thursdays gets packed, and Saturdays generally see a good crowd dancing well into the morning. The Amazon Lounge at Jungle is open daily (4 p.m to midnight).
Margaritaville (tel. 876/957-4467) has been headquarters for spring break activities for a number of years and is one of the most successful bar chains on the island. Villa Negril, as the Negril branch is called, is a more laid-back version of the Jimmy Buffet franchise than its Mobay or Ochi counterparts. When it isn't peak party season, it's mostly known for its giveaways and beach parties on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the early evening. Margaritaville is one of the venues frequently used for the Absolute Temptation Isle (ATI) events around Emancipation weekend.
Risky Business (tel. 876/957-3008) has live reggae three nights a week and is a bar and grill daily. Monday is Appleton's Ladies' Night, on Thursdays all local liquor is US$2. Saturday it's a bottomless mug 8 p.m\1 a.m.(US$12).
Roots Bamboo Beach Resort (tel. 876/957-4479, rootsbamboobeach@hotmail.com) is run by the congenial Ted Plumber. It's been in business since 1979, when Ted bought the property and constructed bamboo bungalows. Ted was inspired by camping communities he saw along lakes in Canada. When Hurricane Gilbert destroyed the bungalows in 1988, he built the current concrete-and-wood houses. Care should be taken to secure your belongings, should you stay at Roots Bamboo. Security has been an issue in the past, as the bar hosts live music a few nights per week and nonguests take over the property. Roots Bamboo has been an entertainment venue since 1985 and recently started free live jazz 6\10 p.m on Sundays, in addition to its long-standing live performances on Wednesdays.
Bourbon Beach (tel. 876/957-4405, www.bourbonbeachnegril.com, www.negrilreggae.com) took over from Debuss and is owned by four brothers and two sisters and managed by Jimmy Morrell. Monday Reggae Magic features internationally known acts like Gregory Isaacs, John Holt, and Yellowman, who are all regulars. Bourbon Thursdays features young and up-and-coming reggae acts and some of the more obscure local acts, and Saturdays Live on the Beach are usually reserved for a live local act, like Vybz Kartel or vintage artist like Ken Booth and The Mighty Diamonds. Bourbon Beach serves the best jerk on the beach from a pit on one side of the venue from mid-morning late into the night.
Alfred's Ocean Palace (tel. 876/957-4669, info@alfreds.com, www.alfreds.com) has been in operation since 1982. Jamaican and international cuisine with chicken, shrimp, and fish dishes (US$10\15) is served 8 a.m.\10:30 p.m daily in high season; the kitchen closes at 9 p.m in the low season. Alfred's also has eight double- and triple-occupancy rooms (US$40\50). Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays are Live Reggae Beach Party nights, which typically feature local acts (US$4) with occasional big-name international acts like Toots and Capleton (US$10\15).
Jamaica Tamboo (tel. 876/957-4282,) is perhaps best known as the location for some of the parties during ATI weekend around Independence Day. Occasional events are held at other times throughout the year as well, while it functions day-to-day as a restaurant and sports bar. The beachfront property has basic rooms and wireless Internet at a good value (US$60).
MX3 (contact Clive "Kubba" Pringle, cell tel. 876/851-8831, actionparknegril@gmail.com) has been functioning as a party lawn since 1990 where occasional plays, stage shows and boxing matches are held. Email or call to find out what's upcoming. In 2010 Spiritz Nightclub opened at the lawn.
Sexy Rexy Sunset Cliff (between Rick's Cafe and The Caves, www.sexyrexynegril.com, cell tel. 876/445-3740, 10 a.m.\6 a.m.daily) serves Jamaican and vegetarian dishes with a cliff-side bar ideal for taking in sunsets. Rexy Tomlinson established the joint in 1978.
Wavz (cell tel. 876/881-9289, www.wavzevents.com) is a seasonal venue and promotions company that hosts occasional parties throughout the year.
Negril Beach Park hosts Flava Sundays, drawing the biggest crowd in Negril on any given week with a nice mix of tourists, expats, and locals for dancehall sessions featuring top sound systems from Jamaica and abroad. Contact the park manager Clive "Kubba" Pringle (cell tel. 876/851-8831, actionparknegril@gmail.com) for more information.
On The Rocks (noon\midnight daily) is an interesting bar with what looks like a drive-in movie theater in its parking lot. Movies are played nightly (free admission), and popcorn and ice cream are served. Inexpensive drinks in a vibesy setting close to the water's edge make this a good place to down a mid-evening drink before hitting the clubs.
Festivals and Events
The weekends around Emancipation Day (August 1, 1838) and Independence Day (August 6, 1962) are filled with parties in Negril as Absolute Temptation Isle (www.atiweekend.com) and competing event Appleton Treasure Island (contact Appleton's Kingston office, tel. 876/923-6141, appleton@infochan.com) try to outdo each other by throwing the hottest and most frequent parties. Big-time promoters from Kingston and Miami draw Jamaica's party youth from across the globe, who arrive to indulge in booze, ganja, general debauchery, and a few stage shows. ATI Weekend is well worthwhile as a more genuinely Jamaican party scene and it's the only time of year when Negril is decidedly taken over by Jamaicans, making spring break look like child's play.
The Reggae Marathon, Half Marathon, and 10K (contact director Alfred "Frano" Francis, tel. 876/922-8677, racedirector@reggaemarathon.com, or marketing director Diane Ellis, frandan@cwjamaica.com, www.reggaemarathon.com) held at the beginning of December, is a popular event drawing locals, expats, and runners from abroad for a race on a mostly flat, IAAF-certified route starting at Long Bay Beach Park on Seven-Mile Beach, going into the town of Negril, and heading north toward the town of Green Island before looping to the finish line back at Long Bay Beach Park. Events start on Friday with registration, a pasta party, and village bash. Races start at the crack of dawn on Saturday, with a ceremony later in the day where winners compete for a total purse of over US$10,000 in prize money. You must be 18 years old to run the marathon, and at least age 10 for the 10K. Fees are US$85 per person for the marathon and US$60 for the 10K on or before July 31, US$95 for marathon and US$70 for 10K after August 1.
The Negril Jerk Festival (contact 3 Dives Jerk Centre owner Lyndon Myrie, a.k.a. Lloydie, tel. 876/957-0845 or 876/782-9990) is held on the last Sunday of November, where different jerk vendors from across the island are invited to set up stalls by 3 Dives Jerk Centre on the West End.
Miami Linkup (contact Robert "Dozer" Williams, cell tel. 954/479-0202 or 876/815-2198, rebeltsound@gmail.com, www.rebeltsound.com), an event promotions group, hosts an annual Spring Break party that draws large crowds to a stage show brimming with the hottest of Jamaica's dancehall and reggae artists around the second weekend in March.
Western Consciousness (contact promoter Worrel King, cell tel. 876/383-7717 or 876/849-8426, kingofkingspro@hotmail.com, www.westernconsciousness.com) is a not-to-be-missed reggae show for fans of conscious roots music put on by King of Kings Promotions in late April or May each year at Paradise Park on the outskirts of Savanna-la-Mar.
Natural Vibes Souvenir Shop (between Jamaica Tamboo and Risky Business, tel. 876/352-5849, naturalvibesjamaica@gmail.com, 8 a.m.\7 p.m daily) has been run by Haresh "Hassle Free Harry" Pahilwani since 2004 and is known for hassle-free shopping for Cuban cigars, Jamaica T-shirts and sweats, sandals, sunglasses, Rasta hats, and smoking paraphernalia.
Bongo Johnson (tel. 876/486-0006) makes beautiful art sculptures, which can be seen by special arrangement. Johnson's delicate lignum vitae sculptures are on exhibit at the National Gallery in Kingston. He could be convinced to sell a piece if the price is right.
Abdel, a.k.a. Branzo (cell tel. 876/867-4246), can be found in his One Stop Branzo Wood Sculptures shop on the beachfront at Wavz Entertainment Centre (8 a.m.\8 p.m daily). Branzo is one of the most talented wood carvers around and also sells the work of several other woodworkers in his little shop.
Errol Allen (cell tel. 876/385-5399) is a talented local artist who makes unique silhouette sculptures and oil paintings. Allen's sculptures can be seen on the grounds of Whistling Bird.
Roots and Culture
These are the must-see historical sites and must-do events for those travelers wishing to delve into the pulsating cultural milieu that shapes and defines Jamaican society. Keep tabs on the weekly events calendars in Kingston and Negril to plan your time in these areas. The roots of Jamaican popular music will become vivid with this tour, which touches on the island's evolvingmusic industry.
Day 1
Arrive in Montego Bay for one night at Richmond Hill. If you arrive in the morning, visit Greenwood Great House or Bellefield Great House for a step back in time with a stop at Scotchie's for jerk either before or after the tour. Visit the Gallery of West Indian Art for some inspiration before dinner at Mobay Proper or The HouseBoat Grill. Hit Margaritaville to catch the pinnacle of Mobay nightlife if you still have energybefore bed.
Day 2
Hit Doctors Cave Beach in the morning and then head to Negril in the afternoon to catch sunset and dinner on the Cliffs at LTU or Pushcart Grill & Rum Bar. Check out the night's live reggae band on the beach or at Negril Escape on Tuesdays.
Day 3
Make a loop from Negril to Roaring River and Blue Hole Garden or Mayfield Falls before descending to Half Moon Beach along the Hanover coast. Head back to Negril for dinner at Whistling Bird, Kuyaba or Chill Awhile.
Day 4
Leave for Kingston in the morning, stopping in Belmont to pay your respects to a reggae legend at Peter Tosh Memorial Garden. Make a pit stop in Middle Quarters for "swimps" and then in Scott's Pass, Clarendon, to meet the Rasta elders at the headquarters of the Nyabinghi House of Rastafari.
Day 5
Hit Kingston's cultural sights, or any combination of the Bob Marley Museum, Tuff Gong Studios, Culture Yard, and the National Gallery. Call Rita at Vynil Records to arrange a stop to buy the latest 45s. Have dinner at Hellshire Beach or at Gloria's in Port Royal before a night out on the town at Quad or Fiction followed by a street dance.
Day 6
Leave in the morning for Jamnesia Surf Club in Bull Bay. Spend the day surfing and hanging with Billy Mystic and family.
Day 7
Spend the morning sampling the ritualized Rasta life at Bobo Hill if you're in the mood for some serious worship. Visit Reggae Falls in the afternoon before heading back to Kingston in the evening for dinner and another night out.
Day 8
Leave in the morning for Port Antonio, checking in at Great Huts, Drapers San or Goblin Hill. Spend the afternoon at Reach Falls or on the beach with a quick visit toFolly Ruins.
Day 9
Depart first thing for Ocho Rios stopping in Charles Town to meet the maroon coronel to take in some history and vision. In Ocho Rios, visit Reggae Xplosion at Island Village before dinner at Tropical Vibes on Fisherman's Beach.
Day 10
Visit Blue Hole Falls in the morning before a transfer to Montego Bay for an evening departure. Stop by Time 'N' Place or Culture Restaurant in Falmouth for a bite.
Negril and the West
Hanover and Westmoreland are Jamaica's westernmost parishes. Hanover wraps around from Montego Bay on its northeastern border to where Negril's large hotel strip overflows from Westmoreland at its western reaches.It's a picturesque parish with small mountains tapering down to the coast with rivers, lush valleys, and deep, navigable coves.
Whitehall Great House
Whitehall Great House is yet another great house in ruins, located on the old Whitehall Estate on the ascent to Mount Airy. To get there, take a right immediately before the Texaco Station on Good Hope Road heading east from the Negril roundabout toward Sav-la-Mar. The ruins are about a mile up the hill on the left and command an excellent view of Negril Beach and the morass. One of the largest cotton trees in Jamaica stands on the property.
Whitehall Great House
Whitehall Great House is yet another great house in ruins, located on the old Whitehall Estate on the ascent to Mount Airy. To get there, take a right immediately before the Texaco Station on Good Hope Road heading east from the Negril roundabout toward Sav-la-Mar. The ruins are about a mile up the hill on the left and command an excellent view of Negril Beach and the morass. One of the largest cotton trees in Jamaica stands on the property.
Whitehall Great House
Whitehall Great House is yet another great house in ruins, located on the old Whitehall Estate on the ascent to Mount Airy. To get there, take a right immediately before the Texaco Station on Good Hope Road heading east from the Negril roundabout toward Sav-la-Mar. The ruins are about a mile up the hill on the left and command an excellent view of Negril Beach and the morass. One of the largest cotton trees in Jamaica stands on the property.
Planning Your Time
Negril is the ultimate place to kick back on the beach and forget what day of the week it is. The general area has other worthwhile sights, however, which can help avoid sunburn and provide a glimpse of the "true" Jamaica--with all the allure of its countryside lifestyle and lush scenery. Most visitors to Negril come specifically to laze on the beach in the dead of winter, but there are special events throughout the year to be considered if you're planning a trip with some flexibility.
Negril is invaded each year March\April by American college kids on all-inclusive spring break vacation packages. The spring breakers come from different institutions over the course of the month, but mostly during the first and second weeks of March. Recent years have been disappointing from an economic standpoint, with fewer visitors than years past. Still, you will want to keep this in mind when planning your trip to Negril--to either avoid the spring break crowd or coincide with it, depending on what you hope to get out of your beach vacation.
Negril's natural beauty has been appreciated for centuries, first by the Tainos, Jamaica's first inhabitants; later by pirates and fishermen; and, finally, after a road was built connecting Negril to Green Island in 1959, by the rest of Jamaica and the world at large. Negril Harbor, or Bloody Bay as it is more commonly known, got its name from the whales slaughtered there, whose blood turned the water red. Today the water is crystal clear. The bay was a favorite hangout for the pirate Calico Jack Rackham and his consort piratesses Mary Read and Anne Bonney, all of whom were captured drunk and partying in Bloody Bay. Calico Jack was hanged in Kingston, while his female counterparts were pardoned. Bloody Bay was also a regular departure point for ships heading to Europe, which would go in fleets to ensure their survival on the high seas. The Bay also provided a hiding place from which ambushes were launched on Spanish ships. It was also the departure point for the British naval mission, which saw 50 British ships launch a failed attempt to capture Louisiana, culminating in the Battle of New Orleans during the American War of Independence.
Life in Negril is focused on the west-facing coastline, which is divided between Seven-Mile Beach and the West End, or the Cliffs. Seven-Mile Beach runs from Bloody Bay in Hanover on its northern end to the mouth of the Negril River in Westmoreland, on the southern end of Long Bay. There are three principal roads that meet at the roundabout in the center of Negril: Norman Manley Boulevard, which turns into the A1 as it leaves town heading northeast toward Mobay; West End Road, which continues along the coast from the roundabout hugging the cliffs well past the lighthouse, until it eventually turns inland, rejoining the main south coast road (A2) in the community of Negril Spot; and Whitehall Road, which extends inland from the roundabout toward the golf course, becoming the A2 at some point, with no warning before continuing on toward Sav-la-Mar.
Due to its status as Jamaica's foremost tourism mecca, Negril tends to attract some of the island's most aggressive hustlers. Many will feign friendship and generosity only to demand, often with aggression and intimidation, exorbitant compensation for whatever good or service is on offer, whether it's a CD of one of the countless "up-and-coming artists," a marijuana spliff handed to you as someone extends their hand in greeting, or a piece of jewelry. As a rule, do not accept anything you don't actually want, and clarify the expected compensation if you do want it before allowing anyone to put something in your hand or mouth. It is not uncommon for these kinds of hustlers to draw a knife to intimidate you, and there is generally little fear of repercussions from the police, who tend to be slow-moving if responsive at all. The police are unlikely to be sympathetic, especially if a quarrel or skirmish involves drugs, even if the mix-up was unprovoked. Do your best to stay in well-populated areas, and try to avoid unsolicited approaches from strangers offering something you don't want.
Bloody Bay
Bloody Bay is located just north of the piece of land jutting out toward Booby Cay that is home to Hedonism II, Point Village, and Breezes Grand Negril. Bloody Bay is currently dominated by all-inclusive hotels, including two relatively new Riu hotels, SuperClub's flagship Breezes Grand Negril, Couples Negril, and the private beach for Sunset at the Palms, located across the road. The beach on Bloody Bay is accessible to nonguests at several points along the road, most easily at the Office of Nature (contact PR agent Joseph Reid, cell tel. 876/369-0395), which is just past the fenced-off private beach of Sunset at the Palms. Here you can chill out and get lobster and fish (11 a.m.\sunset, US$10\30) from the outdoor grill manned by Robert, Symore, and Binghi. Next door, Johnny P's Jamaican Kitchen (cell tel. 876/999-6325, US$2\3) serves up staples like chicken with rice and peas. On the same little stretch of beach, Ackee (Roydel Reid, cell tel. 876/868-7312) and Andy (Conrad Getten, cell tel. 876/894-3042) take visitors out for snorkeling excursions (1.5 hrs, US$20/person with two-person minimum) and glass-bottomed boat tours. The fish and lobster vendors at the Office of Nature tend to be quite aggressive in soliciting business, to the point of discomfort, and sadly the lobster and fish they extract from the sea get smaller and smaller with each passing year, throwing into question the ethical merit of supporting their business from an environmental standpoint.
Seven-Mile Beach
Jamaica's longest beach is no longer the undisturbed keep of fishermen, as it was in the 1960s, but there are plenty of benefits that have come as a result of the virtually uncurbed development of the last 30 years. The sand remains a beautiful golden color, and the waters, while increasingly over-fished, remain crystal clear. A bar is never more than an arm's length away, and every kind of water sport is available. Expect advances from all manner of peddler and hustler until your face becomes known and your reaction time to these calls for attention slows. The northern end of the beach is cordoned off by security in front of the all-inclusive resorts, while at the southern end the Negril River forms a natural border by the fishermen's village and crafts market. Also on the southern end is Negril's community park, where dances and daytime events are sometimes held.
Seven-Mile Beach
Jamaica's longest beach is no longer the undisturbed keep of fishermen, as it was in the 1960s, but there are plenty of benefits that have come as a result of the virtually uncurbed development of the last 30 years. The sand remains a beautiful golden color, and the waters, while increasingly over-fished, remain crystal clear. A bar is never more than an arm's length away, and every kind of water sport is available. Expect advances from all manner of peddler and hustler until your face becomes known and your reaction time to these calls for attention slows. The northern end of the beach is cordoned off by security in front of the all-inclusive resorts, while at the southern end the Negril River forms a natural border by the fishermen's village and crafts market. Also on the southern end is Negril's community park, where dances and daytime events are sometimes held.
Seven-Mile Beach
Jamaica's longest beach is no longer the undisturbed keep of fishermen, as it was in the 1960s, but there are plenty of benefits that have come as a result of the virtually uncurbed development of the last 30 years. The sand remains a beautiful golden color, and the waters, while increasingly over-fished, remain crystal clear. A bar is never more than an arm's length away, and every kind of water sport is available. Expect advances from all manner of peddler and hustler until your face becomes known and your reaction time to these calls for attention slows. The northern end of the beach is cordoned off by security in front of the all-inclusive resorts, while at the southern end the Negril River forms a natural border by the fishermen's village and crafts market. Also on the southern end is Negril's community park, where dances and daytime events are sometimes held.
Seven-Mile Beach
Jamaica's longest beach is no longer the undisturbed keep of fishermen, as it was in the 1960s, but there are plenty of benefits that have come as a result of the virtually uncurbed development of the last 30 years. The sand remains a beautiful golden color, and the waters, while increasingly over-fished, remain crystal clear. A bar is never more than an arm's length away, and every kind of water sport is available. Expect advances from all manner of peddler and hustler until your face becomes known and your reaction time to these calls for attention slows. The northern end of the beach is cordoned off by security in front of the all-inclusive resorts, while at the southern end the Negril River forms a natural border by the fishermen's village and crafts market. Also on the southern end is Negril's community park, where dances and daytime events are sometimes held.
Royal Palm Reserve
Managed by the Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust (NEPT) and located 1.5 kilometers into the middle of the Great Morass from Sheffield, the 121-hectare Royal Palm Reserve (9 a.m.-6 p.m daily, US$15) is home to 114 plant species, including the endemic morass royal palms found only in western Jamaica. It's also home to over 300 animal species, including insects, reptiles (including two species of American crocodile), and birds. The 26 resident bird species, which include the Jamaican woodpecker, Jamaican oriole, Jamaican euphonia, Jamaican parakeet, and the endemic endangered West Indian whistling duck, are joined by 16 migratory species that arrive at different times of the year. Admission includes a guided tour around 0.75 kilometers of boardwalk, and the ponds are open for sportfishing (US$5 with your own gear); you are almost guaranteed to catch African perch, tilapia, or tarpon. Shuttle service can be arranged (US$20 per person) from Negril. Royal Palm Reserve was leased by NEPT from the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) as an alternative to a peat-mining project that had been planned. In the environmental impact study, it was found the project would have destroyed the beach and reef ecosystems. The present facilities were completed in 1989. Bird-watchers should make reservations with the NEPT office (tel. 876/957-3736) to get in earlier than normal opening hours. There is a nice bar area overlooking the water where drinks are served.
Royal Palm Reserve
Managed by the Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust (NEPT) and located 1.5 kilometers into the middle of the Great Morass from Sheffield, the 121-hectare Royal Palm Reserve (9 a.m.-6 p.m daily, US$15) is home to 114 plant species, including the endemic morass royal palms found only in western Jamaica. It's also home to over 300 animal species, including insects, reptiles (including two species of American crocodile), and birds. The 26 resident bird species, which include the Jamaican woodpecker, Jamaican oriole, Jamaican euphonia, Jamaican parakeet, and the endemic endangered West Indian whistling duck, are joined by 16 migratory species that arrive at different times of the year. Admission includes a guided tour around 0.75 kilometers of boardwalk, and the ponds are open for sportfishing (US$5 with your own gear); you are almost guaranteed to catch African perch, tilapia, or tarpon. Shuttle service can be arranged (US$20 per person) from Negril. Royal Palm Reserve was leased by NEPT from the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) as an alternative to a peat-mining project that had been planned. In the environmental impact study, it was found the project would have destroyed the beach and reef ecosystems. The present facilities were completed in 1989. Bird-watchers should make reservations with the NEPT office (tel. 876/957-3736) to get in earlier than normal opening hours. There is a nice bar area overlooking the water where drinks are served.
Royal Palm Reserve
Managed by the Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust (NEPT) and located 1.5 kilometers into the middle of the Great Morass from Sheffield, the 121-hectare Royal Palm Reserve (9 a.m.-6 p.m daily, US$15) is home to 114 plant species, including the endemic morass royal palms found only in western Jamaica. It's also home to over 300 animal species, including insects, reptiles (including two species of American crocodile), and birds. The 26 resident bird species, which include the Jamaican woodpecker, Jamaican oriole, Jamaican euphonia, Jamaican parakeet, and the endemic endangered West Indian whistling duck, are joined by 16 migratory species that arrive at different times of the year. Admission includes a guided tour around 0.75 kilometers of boardwalk, and the ponds are open for sportfishing (US$5 with your own gear); you are almost guaranteed to catch African perch, tilapia, or tarpon. Shuttle service can be arranged (US$20 per person) from Negril. Royal Palm Reserve was leased by NEPT from the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) as an alternative to a peat-mining project that had been planned. In the environmental impact study, it was found the project would have destroyed the beach and reef ecosystems. The present facilities were completed in 1989. Bird-watchers should make reservations with the NEPT office (tel. 876/957-3736) to get in earlier than normal opening hours. There is a nice bar area overlooking the water where drinks are served.
Royal Palm Reserve
Managed by the Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust (NEPT) and located 1.5 kilometers into the middle of the Great Morass from Sheffield, the 121-hectare Royal Palm Reserve (9 a.m.-6 p.m daily, US$15) is home to 114 plant species, including the endemic morass royal palms found only in western Jamaica. It's also home to over 300 animal species, including insects, reptiles (including two species of American crocodile), and birds. The 26 resident bird species, which include the Jamaican woodpecker, Jamaican oriole, Jamaican euphonia, Jamaican parakeet, and the endemic endangered West Indian whistling duck, are joined by 16 migratory species that arrive at different times of the year. Admission includes a guided tour around 0.75 kilometers of boardwalk, and the ponds are open for sportfishing (US$5 with your own gear); you are almost guaranteed to catch African perch, tilapia, or tarpon. Shuttle service can be arranged (US$20 per person) from Negril. Royal Palm Reserve was leased by NEPT from the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) as an alternative to a peat-mining project that had been planned. In the environmental impact study, it was found the project would have destroyed the beach and reef ecosystems. The present facilities were completed in 1989. Bird-watchers should make reservations with the NEPT office (tel. 876/957-3736) to get in earlier than normal opening hours. There is a nice bar area overlooking the water where drinks are served.
Bongo's Farm
Bongo's Farm (tel. 876/880-7500, fanette@mail.infochan.com), owned by Bongo and Fanette Johnson, hosts visitors for hikes over gorgeous terrain with great views of Negril's coastline. This is the best place within 10 minutes of the beach to kick back and unwind in a truly Jamaican rural setting; the lush vegetation and laid-back company make for a great attraction. Jelly coconuts are served fresh from the tree, and visitors are shown a variety of botanical specimens cultivated on the farm.
Negril Lighthouse
Negril Lighthouse is located near the westernmost point of Jamaica on West End Road just past The Caves. The lighthouse dates from 1894 and stands 30 meters above the sea.
Negril Lighthouse
Negril Lighthouse is located near the westernmost point of Jamaica on West End Road just past The Caves. The lighthouse dates from 1894 and stands 30 meters above the sea.
Negril Lighthouse
Negril Lighthouse is located near the westernmost point of Jamaica on West End Road just past The Caves. The lighthouse dates from 1894 and stands 30 meters above the sea.
The great thing about Negril is the fact that no matter the season, you can forget what day of the week it is in a hurry. While weekends remain "going-out nights," and important acts that draw large Jamaican audiences will perform generally on a Friday or Saturday, big artists also perform on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Because Negril is so small, the handful of clubs that monopolize the regular live entertainment market have made a tacit pact whereby each takes a night, or two, of the week. This way, the main clubs are guaranteed a weekly following, and Negril's transient crowd can somewhat keep tabs on where to go on any particular evening.
Bars and Clubs
Negril has an overwhelming number of bars and grills. This section covers establishments that are recommended more as nightlife draws, rather than for their food.
The Jungle
The Jungle is Negril's only off-the-water club, located in an old bank toward the middle of the beach on the morass side of Norman Manley Boulevard. It has regular theme nights throughout the week, as well as special events, normally held on weekends. Ladies' Night on Thursdays gets packed, and Saturdays generally see a good crowd dancing well into the morning. The Amazon Lounge at Jungle is open daily (4 p.m to midnight).
Margaritaville has been headquarters for spring break activities for a number of years and is one of the most successful bar chains on the island. Villa Negril, as the Negril branch is called, is a more laid-back version of the Jimmy Buffet franchise than its Mobay or Ochi counterparts. When it isn't peak party season, it's mostly known for its giveaways and beach parties on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the early evening. Margaritaville is one of the venues frequently used for the Absolute Temptation Isle (ATI) events around Emancipation weekend.
Risky Business
Risky Business (tel. 876/957-3008) has live reggae three nights a week and is a bar and grill daily. Monday is Appleton's Ladies' Night, on Thursdays all local liquor is US$2. Saturday it's a bottomless mug 8 p.m\1 a.m.(US$12).
Roots Bamboo Beach Resort
Roots Bamboo Beach Resort (tel. 876/957-4479, rootsbamboobeach@hotmail.com) is run by the congenial Ted Plumber. It's been in business since 1979, when Ted bought the property and constructed bamboo bungalows. Ted was inspired by camping communities he saw along lakes in Canada. When Hurricane Gilbert destroyed the bungalows in 1988, he built the current concrete-and-wood houses. Care should be taken to secure your belongings, should you stay at Roots Bamboo. Security has been an issue in the past, as the bar hosts live music a few nights per week and nonguests take over the property. Roots Bamboo has been an entertainment venue since 1985 and recently started free live jazz 6\10 p.m on Sundays, in addition to its long-standing live performances on Wednesdays.
Bourbon Beach
Bourbon Beach took over from Debuss and is owned by four brothers and two sisters and managed by Jimmy Morrell. Monday Reggae Magic features internationally known acts like Gregory Isaacs, John Holt, and Yellowman, who are all regulars. Bourbon Thursdays features young and up-and-coming reggae acts and some of the more obscure local acts, and Saturdays Live on the Beach are usually reserved for a live local act, like Vybz Kartel or vintage artist like Ken Booth and The Mighty Diamonds. Bourbon Beach serves the best jerk on the beach from a pit on one side of the venue from mid-morning late into the night.
Bourbon Beach
Bourbon Beach took over from Debuss and is owned by four brothers and two sisters and managed by Jimmy Morrell. Monday Reggae Magic features internationally known acts like Gregory Isaacs, John Holt, and Yellowman, who are all regulars. Bourbon Thursdays features young and up-and-coming reggae acts and some of the more obscure local acts, and Saturdays Live on the Beach are usually reserved for a live local act, like Vybz Kartel or vintage artist like Ken Booth and The Mighty Diamonds. Bourbon Beach serves the best jerk on the beach from a pit on one side of the venue from mid-morning late into the night.
Alfred's Ocean Palace
Alfred's Ocean Palace has been in operation since 1982. Jamaican and international cuisine with chicken, shrimp, and fish dishes (US$10\15) is served 8 a.m.\10:30 p.m daily in high season; the kitchen closes at 9 p.m in the low season. Alfred's also has eight double- and triple-occupancy rooms (US$40\50). Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays are Live Reggae Beach Party nights, which typically feature local acts (US$4) with occasional big-name international acts like Toots and Capleton (US$10\15).
Alfred's Ocean Palace
Alfred's Ocean Palace has been in operation since 1982. Jamaican and international cuisine with chicken, shrimp, and fish dishes (US$10\15) is served 8 a.m.\10:30 p.m daily in high season; the kitchen closes at 9 p.m in the low season. Alfred's also has eight double- and triple-occupancy rooms (US$40\50). Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays are Live Reggae Beach Party nights, which typically feature local acts (US$4) with occasional big-name international acts like Toots and Capleton (US$10\15).
Jamaica Tamboo
Jamaica Tamboo is perhaps best known as the location for some of the parties during ATI weekend around Independence Day. Occasional events are held at other times throughout the year as well, while it functions day-to-day as a restaurant and sports bar. The beachfront property has basic rooms and wireless Internet at a good value (US$60).
Jamaica Tamboo
Jamaica Tamboo is perhaps best known as the location for some of the parties during ATI weekend around Independence Day. Occasional events are held at other times throughout the year as well, while it functions day-to-day as a restaurant and sports bar. The beachfront property has basic rooms and wireless Internet at a good value (US$60).
MX3 has been functioning as a party lawn since 1990 where occasional plays, stage shows and boxing matches are held. The annual Bob Marley Birthday Bash is the most popular and renown event hosted at MX3.
Sexy Rexy Sunset Cliff
Sexy Rexy Sunset Cliff (10 a.m.\6 a.m.daily) serves Jamaican and vegetarian dishes with a cliff-side bar ideal for taking in sunsets. Rexy Tomlinson established the joint in 1978.
Wavz is a seasonal venue and promotions company that hosts occasional parties throughout the year.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
Long Bay Beach Park
Negril Beach Park (9am-5pm daily, US$3 adults, US$1 children 4-11) is well worth the entrance fee for the abundant shade beneath sea grape trees and for the absence of hustlers. The beach park has crystal clear waters, gently lapping waves, fine white sand, life guards and restrooms.
On The Rocks
On The Rocks (noon\midnight daily) is an interesting bar with what looks like a drive-in movie theater in its parking lot. Movies are played nightly (free admission), and popcorn and ice cream are served. Inexpensive drinks in a vibesy setting close to the water's edge make this a good place to down a mid-evening drink before hitting the clubs.
Negril Hills Golf Club
Negril Hills Golf Club (7:30 a.m.\3 p.m) has reasonable rates for nonmembers. For 9 holes: greens fee (US$28.75), cart (US$17.25), caddy (US$7); for 18 holes: greens fee (US$57.50), cart (US$34.50), caddy (US$14). Clubs can also be rented (US$18 for older, US$25 for newer, and US$40 for top-of-the-line and Hybrid clubs (e.g. Taylor Made and Cobras).
Negril Hills Golf Club
Negril Hills Golf Club (7:30 a.m.\3 p.m) has reasonable rates for nonmembers. For 9 holes: greens fee (US$28.75), cart (US$17.25), caddy (US$7); for 18 holes: greens fee (US$57.50), cart (US$34.50), caddy (US$14). Clubs can also be rented (US$18 for older, US$25 for newer, and US$40 for top-of-the-line and Hybrid clubs (e.g. Taylor Made and Cobras).
Wild Crocodile Adventures & Tours
Wild Crocodile Adventures & Tours (US$60 per adult, US$45 children under 10, including transportation from Negril) based at Eldin Washington Ranch on the main road from Negril to Savanna-la-Mar, features horseback riding on a 900-acre farm populated by a variety of animals from peacocks to ostriches, donkeys, and goats. There are three riding times daily: 9 a.m., noon, and 3 p.m There's no minimum group size. The 2.5-hour ride ends on a one-mile stretch of private beach.
Paradise Park
Paradise Park (US$5 admission to park, US$40 horseback riding) is one of the best places in Jamaica for down-to-earth small-group (up to 10 at a time) rides on an expansive seaside ranch a few kilometers east of Savanna-la-Mar in Ferris Cross. Riders are led through beautiful countryside to a river park and private beach for a 1.5-hour loop. The river park area has bbq pits and tables, perfect for picnics and a refreshing dip.
Paradise Park
Paradise Park (US$5 admission to park, US$40 horseback riding) is one of the best places in Jamaica for down-to-earth small-group (up to 10 at a time) rides on an expansive seaside ranch a few kilometers east of Savanna-la-Mar in Ferris Cross. Riders are led through beautiful countryside to a river park and private beach for a 1.5-hour loop. The river park area has bbq pits and tables, perfect for picnics and a refreshing dip.
Chukka's Horseback Ride 'N Swim
Chukka's Horseback Ride 'N Swim (US$73) offers 2.5-hour rides through forest and along the shoreline before swimming on horseback. Remember to bring a change of clothes, and a waterproof camera if you don't want to buy photos from Chukka. The tour is located between Negril and Mobay, about a half hour to Negril and 40 minutes to Mobay in the fishing village of Sandy Bay. Chukka offers a two-hour dune buggy excursion for people over 18 ($76) and two-hour ATV tours ($75). Canopy ziplines, tubing, and kayaking are staged from the Montpelier Chukka location.
Chukka's Horseback Ride 'N Swim
Chukka's Horseback Ride 'N Swim (US$73) offers 2.5-hour rides through forest and along the shoreline before swimming on horseback. Remember to bring a change of clothes, and a waterproof camera if you don't want to buy photos from Chukka. The tour is located between Negril and Mobay, about a half hour to Negril and 40 minutes to Mobay in the fishing village of Sandy Bay. Chukka offers a two-hour dune buggy excursion for people over 18 ($76) and two-hour ATV tours ($75). Canopy ziplines, tubing, and kayaking are staged from the Montpelier Chukka location.
Rhodes Hall Plantation
Rhodes Hall Plantation has good horseback riding with an expansive seaside property five minutes northeast of Negril heading toward Montego Bay.
Rhodes Hall Plantation
Rhodes Hall Plantation has good horseback riding with an expansive seaside property five minutes northeast of Negril heading toward Montego Bay.
Rhodes Hall Plantation
Rhodes Hall Plantation has good horseback riding with an expansive seaside property five minutes northeast of Negril heading toward Montego Bay.
The waters just off Negril's shoreline are severely over-fished, with very low counts found in surveys conducted by the Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust. Nevertheless, a bit farther offshore in deeper waters it's possible to catch plenty of wahoo and even marlin.
Stanley's Deep Sea Fishing
Stanley's Deep Sea Fishing (is the most professional outfit in Negril. It's run by Captain Stanley Carvalho and offers a good mix of options from half-day (US$500) to three-quarter day (US$750) to full-day trips (US$1000) for up to four people. Additional persons can be added, up to eight passengers (additional person US$50/75/100 for the different length excursions). Stanley's also offers the option of charter sharing, where individuals can team up with others to fill up the boat (US$100) rather than charter exclusively.
Stanley's Deep Sea Fishing
Stanley's Deep Sea Fishing (is the most professional outfit in Negril. It's run by Captain Stanley Carvalho and offers a good mix of options from half-day (US$500) to three-quarter day (US$750) to full-day trips (US$1000) for up to four people. Additional persons can be added, up to eight passengers (additional person US$50/75/100 for the different length excursions). Stanley's also offers the option of charter sharing, where individuals can team up with others to fill up the boat (US$100) rather than charter exclusively.
Stanley's Deep Sea Fishing
Stanley's Deep Sea Fishing (is the most professional outfit in Negril. It's run by Captain Stanley Carvalho and offers a good mix of options from half-day (US$500) to three-quarter day (US$750) to full-day trips (US$1000) for up to four people. Additional persons can be added, up to eight passengers (additional person US$50/75/100 for the different length excursions). Stanley's also offers the option of charter sharing, where individuals can team up with others to fill up the boat (US$100) rather than charter exclusively.
Oasis Spa at Couples Swept Away
Oasis Spa at Couples Swept Away (8 a.m.-7 p.m daily) has a hair salon for his and hers and offers the full range of treatments, from facials to manicures and pedicures, nails and waxing, as well as massage and scrub packages (US$150-200) in state-of-the art facilities with steam rooms, Jacuzzi and pool.
Oasis Spa at Couples Swept Away
Oasis Spa at Couples Swept Away (8 a.m.-7 p.m daily) has a hair salon for his and hers and offers the full range of treatments, from facials to manicures and pedicures, nails and waxing, as well as massage and scrub packages (US$150-200) in state-of-the art facilities with steam rooms, Jacuzzi and pool.
Negril Fitness Centre
Negril Fitness Centre (US$5/day, US$25/week, US$45/month) next to the Cafè Taino, has basic equipment like dumbbells, Stairmasters, and treadmills and serves a mostly Jamaican clientele.
Fanette Johnson
Fanette Johnson leads Iyengar-style yoga sessions at the Negril Yoga Centre and Rockhouse and will also do private sessions. She has 20 years' experience teaching yoga around the globe.
Jackie's on the Reef
Jackie's on the Reef (tel. 876/957-4997 or 718/469-2785, jackiesonthereef@rcn.com, www.jackiesonthereef.com) accepts nonguests for daily yoga sessions.
Cortina's Cottage
Cortina's Cottage (US$75) is actually a studio apartment located in the Point Village complex at the end of Seven-Mile Beach. It's a good option for those looking for all the amenities normally associated with a large resort at an affordable price. Swimming pool access, a private beach reserved for Point Village, make Cortina's an excellent option on the beach. The apartment is tastefully decorated with plenty of curtains.
Cortina's Cottage
Cortina's Cottage (US$75) is actually a studio apartment located in the Point Village complex at the end of Seven-Mile Beach. It's a good option for those looking for all the amenities normally associated with a large resort at an affordable price. Swimming pool access, a private beach reserved for Point Village, make Cortina's an excellent option on the beach. The apartment is tastefully decorated with plenty of curtains.
Cortina's Cottage
Cortina's Cottage (US$75) is actually a studio apartment located in the Point Village complex at the end of Seven-Mile Beach. It's a good option for those looking for all the amenities normally associated with a large resort at an affordable price. Swimming pool access, a private beach reserved for Point Village, make Cortina's an excellent option on the beach. The apartment is tastefully decorated with plenty of curtains.
Chippewa Village
Chippewa Village is a rustic assortment of seven cottages on the morass side of Norman Manley Boulevard tastefully decorated in a Sioux motif. Owner John Babcook is a leather designer whose great-grandfather Red Shirt was chief of the Dakota Sioux and represented his nation at the 1906 World's Fair. Trails cut a quarter mile into the morass lead to a 16-foot viewing platform that affords a breathtaking 360-degree view of Negril, the morass, and the surrounding hills. In mid-2010 an open-air home theater was built under a canvass teepee in keeping with John's modernistic interpretation of Chippewa style.
Chippewa Village
Chippewa Village is a rustic assortment of seven cottages on the morass side of Norman Manley Boulevard tastefully decorated in a Sioux motif. Owner John Babcook is a leather designer whose great-grandfather Red Shirt was chief of the Dakota Sioux and represented his nation at the 1906 World's Fair. Trails cut a quarter mile into the morass lead to a 16-foot viewing platform that affords a breathtaking 360-degree view of Negril, the morass, and the surrounding hills. In mid-2010 an open-air home theater was built under a canvass teepee in keeping with John's modernistic interpretation of Chippewa style.
Greenleaf Cabins
Greenleaf Cabins (next to Chippewa Village on the morass side of Norman Manley Blvd) has a spacious four-bedroom main building called Devon House, which sleeps up to seven people, and a next large structure with three bedrooms called Dolton House, which also sleeps seven (US$150 each building). Also on the property is a self-contained cottage with a full kitchen and two beds (US$60), as well as two rustic cabins (US$35), each with two beds, a small fridge, shower, and floor fan. The Dolton House bedrooms all have exterior entrances and can rent separately (US$50) and share the kitchen and living area. Airport transfers are offered with Devon (US$110 round-trip).
Firefly (US$60\96 d) offers a range of accommodations from studio apartments to beachfront penthouse suites, in a garden setting with an assortment of cottages and rooms in a multistory building.
Negril Yoga Centre
Negril Yoga Centre (US$30\75), also known as The Little Oasis, has simple, clean, and nicely decorated rooms with single and double beds. The center is tasteful and secure, with a very good restaurant that specializes in vegetarian curries and Thai food cooked to order. The property boasts, "There is no bar, no pool, and no dance club at the Centre which keeps our prices low, and our ambience low-key."
Negril Yoga Centre
Negril Yoga Centre (US$30\75), also known as The Little Oasis, has simple, clean, and nicely decorated rooms with single and double beds. The center is tasteful and secure, with a very good restaurant that specializes in vegetarian curries and Thai food cooked to order. The property boasts, "There is no bar, no pool, and no dance club at the Centre which keeps our prices low, and our ambience low-key."
Negril Yoga Centre
Negril Yoga Centre (US$30\75), also known as The Little Oasis, has simple, clean, and nicely decorated rooms with single and double beds. The center is tasteful and secure, with a very good restaurant that specializes in vegetarian curries and Thai food cooked to order. The property boasts, "There is no bar, no pool, and no dance club at the Centre which keeps our prices low, and our ambience low-key."
Negril Yoga Centre
Negril Yoga Centre (US$30\75), also known as The Little Oasis, has simple, clean, and nicely decorated rooms with single and double beds. The center is tasteful and secure, with a very good restaurant that specializes in vegetarian curries and Thai food cooked to order. The property boasts, "There is no bar, no pool, and no dance club at the Centre which keeps our prices low, and our ambience low-key."
Negril Yoga Centre
Negril Yoga Centre (US$30\75), also known as The Little Oasis, has simple, clean, and nicely decorated rooms with single and double beds. The center is tasteful and secure, with a very good restaurant that specializes in vegetarian curries and Thai food cooked to order. The property boasts, "There is no bar, no pool, and no dance club at the Centre which keeps our prices low, and our ambience low-key."
Negril Yoga Centre
Negril Yoga Centre (US$30\75), also known as The Little Oasis, has simple, clean, and nicely decorated rooms with single and double beds. The center is tasteful and secure, with a very good restaurant that specializes in vegetarian curries and Thai food cooked to order. The property boasts, "There is no bar, no pool, and no dance club at the Centre which keeps our prices low, and our ambience low-key."
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Kuyaba is one of the longest-standing rental options on the beach and has developed into a handful of tasteful cottages. The more rustic cottages (US$56-64 low, US$70-77 high season) hold true to Negril's original hippie vibe, while newer, more elegant rooms (US$77-85 low, US$97-220 high season) have been added in recent years to round out the mix. Cottages have fans, the newer rooms air-conditioning, and spacious baths with hot water. A restaurant on the property has dependable food.
Rooms Negril
Rooms Negril (US$115\143 d) has basic garden view and oceanfront rooms with air-conditioning, cable TV, phones, and either one king-size or two double beds. Rates include continental breakfast.
Rooms Negril
Rooms Negril (US$115\143 d) has basic garden view and oceanfront rooms with air-conditioning, cable TV, phones, and either one king-size or two double beds. Rates include continental breakfast.
Rooms Negril
Rooms Negril (US$115\143 d) has basic garden view and oceanfront rooms with air-conditioning, cable TV, phones, and either one king-size or two double beds. Rates include continental breakfast.
Charela Inn Hotel
Charela Inn (US$126\183 d low season, US$189\194 d high season) is a medium-size hacienda-style property with deluxe suites facing the beach, as well as more humble garden-view rooms. Charela is one of the more tasteful large properties on Seven-Mile Beach, with well-designed and lushly planted grounds.
Charela Inn Hotel
Charela Inn (US$126\183 d low season, US$189\194 d high season) is a medium-size hacienda-style property with deluxe suites facing the beach, as well as more humble garden-view rooms. Charela is one of the more tasteful large properties on Seven-Mile Beach, with well-designed and lushly planted grounds.
Charela Inn Hotel
Charela Inn (US$126\183 d low season, US$189\194 d high season) is a medium-size hacienda-style property with deluxe suites facing the beach, as well as more humble garden-view rooms. Charela is one of the more tasteful large properties on Seven-Mile Beach, with well-designed and lushly planted grounds.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there’s also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace.
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John’s Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine’s Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Forres Park
Forres Park Guest House and Spa (US$75-220) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups looking to stay in the immediate vicinity of Mavis Bank. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica’s hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won’t miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Lime Tree Farm
Lime Tree Farm (US$365 per couple per night, inclusive of three meals per day, wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie’s heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. Hugh Foot later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property. The hosts typically arrange transport from Kingston or Mavis Bank. Lime Tree offer several couples packages that include two nights' room and board, transport to the farm from Kingston and hiking or birding (US$730-810).
Portland Gap
Portland Gap has six wooden cabins, lead-tos and camp sites. One cabin one has six bunks sleeping 12, at US$27/night; the second cabin has nine bunks, sleeping 18, for US$40/night; Cabins 3-6 are unenclosed with no beds but space for up to 15 people to on the floor. Foam sleeping mats can be rented for US$1 per night, but hikers should carry their own sleeping bags. Pit toilets and fire pits are available. A US$1 user fee is assessed at the ranger station or when booking the cabins.
Karen’s Container Bar
Mavis Bank is not the place to go for culinary delights or nightlife of any kind. Nonetheless, Karen’s Container Bar around the corner from Forres Park is open whenever there are customers to serve.
Negril and the West - Jhana work copy
Tower Isle and Boscobel
Now suburban outskirts of Ocho Rios, the area between Tower Isle and Boscobel is dotted with cottages and villas on the sea side of the road, with several housing developments inland that are home to many commuters working in Ocho Rios. Boscobel has the only airstrip in the area at the Ian Fleming International Airport, which underwent an expansion in 2010 to accommodate larger aircraft.
Montego Bay and the Northwest - Jhana copy
Planning Your time
Some say Port Antonio is a place time forgot. What’s clear is it’s an easy place to fall in love with, and despite the languid pace, it’s impossible to get bored. You’ll want to give the area no less than three days to get in all the main sights without feeling rushed, but if you go there at the beginning of a trip to Jamaica, it’s possible you won’t want to see anything else, unless of course you’re unlucky enough to be there for an extended period of rain, which is not uncommon.
Port Antonio is small enough to fit in two main activities in a day. Folly Mansion is a good morning activity, when the sun lights up the side facing the sea, and is nicely complemented with an afternoon at the beach. The dusk hours are best spent on a bench at the marina with a Devon House I Scream ice-cream cone in hand.
If you’re planning on heading into the higher reaches of the Rio Grande Valley, it will take up at least a day there and back if you’re to fit in a hike to the falls and at least three days round-trip to hike with Maroon guides to the site of Nanny Town, higher up in the Blue Mountains.
The town of Port Antonio is easy to get around on foot or bicycle, with the farthest-flung attractions being no more than a few kilometers apart. For all nature attractions you will need a ride. While the main road (A4) along the north coast passes through Port Antonio, it follows many different streets before coming out again on the other side of town. Approaching from the east, the A4 first becomes West Palm Avenue, then West Street going through the center of town, before joining Harbour Street in front of the Royal Mall, which later becomes Folly Road and then finally once again simply the main road (A4). Harbour Street and William Street together form a one-way roundabout circling the Court House and the Parish Council.
Titchfield Hill, the old part of town, sits on a protrusion next to Navy Island, which divides the East and West Harbours. Titchfield has several interesting gingerbread-style buildings and a few guesthouses, with Fort George Street, King Street, and Queen Street running the length of the peninsula parallel to one another. In town itself, most of the action is on Harbour and West Streets, where the banks, a few restaurants, two nightclubs, and Musgrave Market are located. From Harbour Road, West Avenue starts up again, wrapping around a residential district and becoming East Avenue before reuniting with the Main Road, at this point called Allen. Red Hassell Road, which is the delineator between East and West Palm avenues, is the route to the Rio Grande Valley.
East of Port Antonio along the coast are a series of hills dropping gently down to coves and bays, which help delineate the districts of Anchovy, Drapers, San San, and Fairy Hill. Farther east lies Boston and then Long Bay. The main beaches including San San, Frenchman’s Cove, Dragon Bay, and Winnifred are all located on this stretch of coast east of town, as is the Blue Hole and Reach Falls just past Manchioneel.
Port Antonio
Sheer wealth is readily apparent everywhere east of Port Antonio along the coast, sometimes to an astonishing degree; however, the town’s over-the-top grandeur has been fading for decades, leaving in its place potholed roads, dilapidated historical sites, and an increasingly desperate dependence on a barely trickling tourism trade. Some of the most beautiful real estate in Jamaica--and perhaps in the entire world--can be found in the vicinity, much of it overgrown and conspicuously neglected. The restaurant and bar on Navy Island, a two-hectare piece of land that protects Port Antonio’s West Harbour, has trees growing up through the rotting floorboards with little remaining to remind visitors of the parish’s more glamorous days. Efforts to return Navy Island to its former glory have apparently lost steam. Similarly, the restaurant at Blue Hole, or Blue Lagoon, as it was popularized in the movie of the same name, was closed from 2003 to 2007. Michael Lee Chin, one of Jamaica’s wealthiest businessmen, recently took control of the land on the western shores of the Lagoon, in addition to buying Trident Castle and the Trident Hotel from Earl Levy, but planned refurbishments at both properties have yet to materialize.
Many residents ask themselves why this unique and marketable natural treasure has been so poorly managed. Some blame the area’s remoteness, exacerbated by winding, potholed roads, and say the new North Coast Highway, which incidentally stops at Port Antonio’s town limits, is key to turning the area around. Some blame Jamaica’s promotional institutions like the Jamaica Tourism Board or the Urban Development Corporation for mishandling resources and retarding the development process; still others blame the elite villa owners, many of them absent much of the year to return for brief spells when they prefer the quiet, old world character of the land, free from masses of transient tourists and preserved in time as a result.
Despite the seemingly stagnant pace of development, efforts have been made and are under way to return Port Antonio to its former glory and jump-start the economy of what should be one of the Caribbean’s most popular, exclusive tourist destinations. The new Errol Flynn Marina on the West Harbour in the heart of Port Antonio was inaugurated in 2004 and has world-class facilities, low docking fees, as well as a new Russian-Eurasian restaurant. Never mind that the aforementioned Navy Island development was slated for inclusion in the Marina project before funds disappeared. Other recent developments have seen Butch Stewart, who owns the Sandals and Beaches all-inclusive resorts, buy Dragon Bay, formerly one of the area’s top resorts (made famous as a set for the movie Cocktail). Stewart is apparently waiting on the government, or some sign from God, to reopen the property as an ultra-luxury all-inclusive.
What is certain is that the present trickle of visitors who come through Port Antonio do not constitute a strong enough driving force to support a healthy economy, leaving crumbling Folly Mansion, its enormous structure built in the Roaring Twenties with a cement-salt water mix, an ironic symbol of stagnation. But few who visit can help but comment on the area’s tremendous natural beauty. Secluded white-sand beaches, extravagant villas, plentiful rivers, and strikingly unique topography where the hills fall gently to the sea make Port Antonio and the northeast coast an immediate favorite.
The reality is that any hope of a new economic boom may have faded, despite the memory of Portland as the Caribbean’s first tourist destination as a result of the banana trade in the early 19th century. Port Antonio saw a brief comeback in the 1960s and 1970s when it became the playground of choice for the rich and famous from around the world, many of whom left grand mansions seemingly transplanted from old world Europe to the lush green hills of Portland. These past luminaries include the film star Errol Flynn, who left an important legacy in Port Antonio when he died in 1959. Many of Flynn’s former properties lie in ruins today.
The heart of historic Port Antonio, known as Titchfield Hill, is best visited by strolling around the peninsula, consuming little more than an hour at a leisurely pace. Titchfield Hill is today a run-down neighborhood dotted with several buildings that hint at more prosperous times with decorative latticework and wide front steps leading up to wraparound verandas. The Demontevin Lodge (21 Fort George St., tel. 876/993-2604) is a case in point. It was once the private home of David Gideon, who became Custos of Port Antonio in 1923. Today it is a tired hotel operated under unenthusiastic management and not recommended for lodging, but its decorative gingerbread house ironwork reminiscent of old sea captains’ homes on the Massachusetts coast is striking and worth a look. Demontevin hosts a popular karaoke night on Fridays.
Titchfield Hotel
The foundation and scattered ruins of the Titchfield Hotel, built by banana boat captain Lorenzo Dow Baker of the Boston Fruit Company, stand across Queen Street from Ocean Crest Guest House and are now occupied by the Jamaica Defense Force, which patrols Navy Island across the water. At its peak the Titchfield was the favored watering hole for luminaries like Bette Davis, J. P. Morgan, and Errol Flynn, who ended up buying the place in addition to Navy Island and the Bonnie View Hotel, overlooking the town from the best perch around. The Titchfield was destroyed and rebuilt several times before it was gutted and abandoned after Flynn’s death.
Titchfield School
At the tip of the Titchfield peninsula stands Titchfield School, constructed on the ruins of Fort George. Built by the English to defend against Spanish reprisals that never came, Fort George never really saw any action but operated nonetheless until World War I. It had walls three meters thick and embrasures for 22 cannons, a few of which are still present. Nobody manages this historic site, making it free and accessible anytime.
Errol Flynn Marina
Errol Flynn Marina (8 a.m.5 p.m daily) has slips for 32 boats. Vessels under 50 feet are charged US$0.75 per foot per day, over 50 feet US$1.25 per foot per day; electricity and water are also available at metered rates (US$0.24/kWhr for electricity and US$0.09/gallon of water). A well-laid-out and planted promenade along the waterfront has benches. Wireless Internet is included for marina guests, and there is an Internet cafè open to nonguests (US$4/hour). Devon House Ice Cream and Norma’s at the Marina are both located within the gated complex, and the scenic waterfront makes a romantic spot to let evening drift into night. A private beach faces Navy Island just beyond Norma’s. The park along the waterfront is open to the public (7 a.m.11 p.m Mon.Fri., 7 a.m.midnight Sat. and Sun.), as is the beach, marina and restaurant; the docks and pool are reserved for marina guests. The beach is open to customers of Norma’s. The Errol Flynn Marina is owned by the Port Authority of Jamaica and managed by Westrec Marina. The marina opened in September 2002 and was renamed the Errol Flynn Marina in 2006.
Port Antonio Marina, also under the control of the Port Authority of Jamaica, also offers docking ($0.35/foot) with water, electricity, and showers, but no security after 4 p.m By car, access the Port Antonio Marina down the road next to the old train station across from CC Bakery. The difference between them comes down to security, proximity to the bar and restaurant, and complimentary wireless Internet.
Reggae Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K
The Reggae Marathon, Half Marathon, and 10K (contact director Alfred "Frano" Francis, tel. 876/922-8677, racedirector@reggaemarathon.com, or marketing director Diane Ellis, frandan@cwjamaica.com, www.reggaemarathon.com) held at the beginning of December, is a popular event drawing locals, expats, and runners from abroad for a race on a mostly flat, IAAF-certified route starting at Long Bay Beach Park on Seven-Mile Beach, going into the town of Negril, and heading north toward the town of Green Island before looping to the finish line back at Long Bay Beach Park. Events start on Friday with registration, a pasta party, and village bash. Races start at the crack of dawn on Saturday, with a ceremony later in the day where winners compete for a total purse of over US$10,000 in prize money. You must be 18 years old to run the marathon, and at least age 10 for the 10K. Fees are US$85 per person for the marathon and US$60 for the 10K on or before July 31, US$95 for marathon and US$70 for 10K after August 1.
Negril Jerk Festival
The Negril Jerk Festival (contact 3 Dives Jerk Centre owner Lyndon Myrie, a.k.a. Lloydie, tel. 876/957-0845 or 876/782-9990) is held on the last Sunday of November, where different jerk vendors from across the island are invited to set up stalls by 3 Dives Jerk Centre on the West End.
Miami Linkup
Miami Linkup (contact Robert "Dozer" Williams, cell tel. 954/479-0202 or 876/815-2198, rebeltsound@gmail.com, www.rebeltsound.com), an event promotions group, hosts an annual Spring Break party that draws large crowds to a stage show brimming with the hottest of Jamaica's dancehall and reggae artists around the second weekend in March.
Western Consciousness
Western Consciousness (contact promoter Worrel King, cell tel. 876/383-7717 or 876/849-8426, kingofkingspro@hotmail.com, www.westernconsciousness.com) is a not-to-be-missed reggae show for fans of conscious roots music put on by King of Kings Promotions in late April or May each year at Paradise Park on the outskirts of Savanna-la-Mar.
Natural Vibes Souvenir Shop
Natural Vibes Souvenir Shop (8 a.m.-7 p.m daily) has been run by Haresh "Hassle Free Harry" Pahilwani since 2004 and is known for hassle-free shopping for Cuban cigars, Jamaica T-shirts and sweats, sandals, sunglasses, Rasta hats, and smoking paraphernalia.
Bongo Johnson
Bongo Johnson makes beautiful art sculptures, which can be seen by special arrangement. Johnson's delicate lignum vitae sculptures are on exhibit at the National Gallery in Kingston. He could be convinced to sell a piece if the price is right.
Branzo Wood Sculptures
One Stop Branzo Wood Sculptures is located on the beachfront at Wavz Entertainment Centre (8 a.m.-8 p.m daily). Abdel, a.k.a. Branzo, is a talented wood carver and also sells the work of many local peers in his beachside shop.
Branzo Wood Sculptures
One Stop Branzo Wood Sculptures is located on the beachfront at Wavz Entertainment Centre (8 a.m.-8 p.m daily). Abdel, a.k.a. Branzo, is a talented wood carver and also sells the work of many local peers in his beachside shop.
Errol Allen
Errol Allen is a talented local artist who makes unique silhouette sculptures and oil paintings. Allen's sculptures can be seen on the grounds of Whistling Bird.
CY Clothing
CY Clothing, the best in Jamaican roots wear, can be found at Tesori's and Joy's Boutique.
Chances Gift Shop and Cigar Hut
Chances Gift Shop and Cigar Hut (on beach next to Chances, tel. 876/957-3177) has all the Cubans you could smuggle home in your suitcase (or--less risky--enjoy while in Jamaica). Manager Martin is a pleasant chap and not overly pushy. The air-conditioning and smell of fresh tobacco is a good reason to stop in and browse.
Negril Crafts Market
Negril Crafts Market (between the Negril Beach Park and the river) has a wide variety of crafts, some better and more authentic than others. Sadly, an increasing proportion of the products on sale are made in China rather than locally produced.
Rutland Point Craft Centre
Rutland Point Craft Centre is located next to the aerodrome just before the Petcom gas station, heading northeast toward Mobay.
A Fi Wi Plaza
A Fi Wi Plaza, next to Scotia Bank by the roundabout, has crafts and T-shirts from Sun Island.
Time Square Mall Plaza
Time Square Mall Plaza (tel. 876/957-9263, 9\7 p.m daily, duty-free closed on Sun.) is located on Norman Manley Boulevard across from Bourbon Beach. The duty-free shopping center has several shops selling jewelry, Cuban cigars, crafts, liquor, watches, and trinkets.
Kosmic Gift Shop & Boutique
Kosmic Gift Shop & Boutique (located next to Cosmos on the beach, Norman Manley Blvd., tel. 876/957-3940) has a mix of Rasta knit hats and "Jamaica, No problem" T-shirts.
Sports and Recreation
Opportunities for outdoor recreation are everywhere in Negril, from hiking to windsurfing and scuba diving.
Speng Bike Rental
Speng Bike Rental (across from Jungle next to Westlea Cabins) rents scooters (US$40) and dirt bikes (US$50), negotiable for multiple-day rental. Proprietor Tony Hilton also does airport transfers (US$60), as well as private tours.
Happy World Negril Car and Scooter Rental
Happy World Bike/Car Rental (open 8am-6pm daily) rents Toyota Corolla (US$105/day incl. tax), Suzuki Vitara (US$152) and a BMW X5 (US$2210) vehicles (deposit US$1500) and Suzuki mopeds and Yamaha dirt bikes (US$41 daily, US$300 deposit).
Jah B's Bike Rentals
Jah B's Bike Rentals (8 a.m.\6 p.m daily) rents 125cc Honda and Suzuki Scooters (US$35) and a 60cc Honda Shadow (US$50). The sign on the road says JB Bike Rental.
Jah B's Bike Rentals
Jah B's Bike Rentals (8 a.m.\6 p.m daily) rents 125cc Honda and Suzuki Scooters (US$35) and a 60cc Honda Shadow (US$50). The sign on the road says JB Bike Rental.
Tykes Bike Rental
Tykes Bike Rental (8 a.m.\6 p.m daily) rents 125cc scooters (US$45) and 175cc dirt bikes (US$50).
Island Cruiser Rentals
Island Cruiser Rentals rents a selection of brightly colored cruising vehicles for US$50 per day or US$325 per week.
Water Sports
Negril is overflowing with water sports opportunities. From excursions in glass-bottomed boats to parasailing, riding personal watercraft, windsurfing, scuba, snorkeling, and catamaran cruises, there is something for every level of enthusiasm and interest.
Dream Team Divers
Dream Team Divers (8 a.m.-4 p.m daily) has English, German, Italian, and French-speaking dive instructors. Dive master Ken Brown has run every dive shop in town since he landed in Negril in 1991 and finally opened his own shop in October 2008. Dream Team offers free pickup and drop-off for clients from any accommodation in Negril. The outfit sets itself apart by visiting dolphin dive sites and locations not visited by any others. Rates range from the Discover Scuba intro course (US$80) to the dive master certification (US$600).
Negril Scuba Centre
Negril Scuba Centre offers dive packages that include accommodations at Negril Escape and Spa, where the center is based, or at other participating hotels. Popular dive sites include Booby Cay Island, The Arches, Ballard's Reef, a Deep Plane, Gallery, King Fish Point, the Throne Room and Blue Castle Ship Wreck, among several others. PADI courses range from a beginner three-hour Discover Diving session (US$80) to Advanced Open Water (US$300), Rescue Diver (US$350), and Scuba Master (US$600) courses. Those already certified can rent tanks (US$40) and shortie wetsuits (US$6/day). Several other water sports activities are offered besides.
Ray's Water Sports
Ray's Water Sports is one of the more successful outfits on the beach, impossible to miss with the parasail chutes plastered with his name.
Negril Treehouse
Negril Treehouse has a water sports center managed by Ron Mirey, which offers parasailing (US$40), Jet Skis (US$50/half hour) and fishing trips (US$150 up to four people).
Kool Runnings
Kool Runnings (11 a.m.\6 p.m Wed., Sat., and Sun. in low season, 9 a.m.\5 p.m daily in high season, US$33 adults/over four feet, US$22 children under four feet tall, two years and under free) is a water park with several slides and a lazy river for gentle tubing. It's located across from Beaches Sandy Bay. There is food and a bar on the property, as well as a juice bar and coffee shop. With a 2,500-person capacity, the water park regularly hosts events, including wild parties during Emancipation-Independence celebrations in early August. A stage provides live entertainment, with reggae pumping throughout the day.
Kool Runnings' Kool Kanoe Swamp Adventure Tour takes visitors on a guided tour of the Great Morass, Jamaica's largest wetland area, located in the water park's back yard. Visitors ride on an inflatable "kanoe" to paddle along a guided tour through the canals of the morass to see some of the plants and animals in their natural habitat. Those favoring a more independent experience can use kayaks to guide themselves through the morass. You are likely to encounter yellow snakes, land crabs, mongoose, turtles, and birds. The water park holds a Soldier Crab Derby, allowing visitors to bet on the winners.
Three restaurants on property serve Jamaican dishes, while the Kool Blendz juice bar serves natural smoothies.
Fisherman's Cabin
Fisherman’s Cabin (4 p.m.–midnight Mon.–Wed., 10 a.m.–2 a.m. Thurs.–Sun., US$7–14) has tables right on a dock overlooking the harbor down in a corner by Port Royal Square.
The whole of Port Royal is a popular weekend outing destination for Kingstonians who come seeking the fish, lobster, and seafood platters.
Getting There
JUTC buses leave from the downtown bus terminal (Route #98, US$1) or hire a taxi (US$25). Route taxis between Downtown and Port Royal run sporadically, leaving once filled with passengers.
The ferry service
The ferry service, which once brought passengers between downtown Kingston and Port Royal, has unfortunately been discontinued.
Bull Bay
Bull Bay is a quiet fishing community along the A3, 15 minutes east of Kingston. It has a long beach that lacks fine sand but also lacks crowds. It is a nice place for a dip, and the surf is decent for sport at times. The community is perhaps best known for reggae artist and Jamaican surfing champion Billy "Mystic" Wilmot, who runs an irie surfing guest house on the beach, and as home to the Bobo Shanti (Ashanti) House of Ras Tafari, which has its base at nearby Bobo Hill.
About 1.5 kilometers before reaching Bull Bay, a sign for Cane River Falls marks a left off the main road onto Greendale Road by Nine Mile Square. The attraction is on the right just before a bridge and cannot be missed. The "falls" are nothing to write home about compared to other falls across Jamaica and hardly justify the US$3 entrance fee. Nevertheless, it’s a nice place to relax and get some food to the sound of the passing water, which varies from a bubble to a roar depending on recent rainfall.
Cane River
Cane River meets the sea just before Bull Bay at Seven Mile, on the main road east of Kingston heading toward St. Thomas. The river is formed by the Barbeque and Mammee rivers, among smaller tributaries that run down the northern slopes of the Dallas Mountains. The falls were once the stomping ground of Three Finger Jack, a legendary Robin Hood–like cult figure who terrorized the planter class with kidnappings for ransom and murder. Almost 200 years later, the falls became a favorite cool-off spot for Bob Marley, who sang " . . . uppa Cane River to wash my dread, upon a rock I rest my head . . . " in the song, "Trench Town."
Bobo Hill
Bobo Hill is home to the Bobo Shanti, or Bobo Ashanti, House of Ras Tafari. Known for their peaceably militant interpretation of Marcus Garvey’s teachings, the Bobo have been popularized by many dancehall artists who proclaim an affiliation. Paramount to Bobo philosophy and lifestyle are the ever-present themes of self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-respect. The Bobo can often be seen around Kingston, their locks carefully wrapped with a turban, peddling natural-fiber brooms, one of their signature crafts. At the center of the Bobo philosophy is the holy trinity between Bobo Shanti founder Prince Emmanuel Charles Edwards, who is said to have carried the spirit of Christ; Marcus Garvey, the prophet of the Rastafari Movement; and Haile Selassie I, the Ethiopian emperor who is their King of Kings.
Leonard Howell, recognized as the first Jamaican to proclaim the divinity of Haile Selassie I, founded a commune at the inception of the movement in Pinnacle, St. Catherine, similar to the community found today at Bobo Hill. Despite popular belief to the contrary, the Bobo are among the most open and welcoming of the various Houses of Ras Tafari. While it might not be appreciated should you just turn up unannounced to sightsee at their commune, sincere interest is well received, and they routinely open their home and hearth to visitors from around the world. Some visitors stay several days with them to share food and partake in their ritualized lifestyle. While there is no fee assessed to enter their commune, it is customary to bring a contribution, which should be offered based on your means and the degree of hospitality you have enjoyed at their cost. To reach the camp, turn left on Weisse Road right after a bridge about 1.5 kilometers past Shenique’s Hair Salon in the center of Bull Bay. It’s best to clarify your interest in visiting by calling ahead so that someone is there to receive you.
Little Copa
Little Copa (Nine Mile, along the main road between Kingston and Yallahs, no phone) has karaoke on Thursdays and ladies’ night on Fridays. The club has a large indoor dance floor that gets packed for the occasional live performance.
Jamnesia Surf Club
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in the community of Eight Mile, just before reaching Bull Bay (look for the surfboard sign right after the driveway beside AB&C Groceries, next to Cave Hut Beach) is Jamaica’s number-one surfing destination. It’s run by Billy "Mystic" Wilmot, of Mystic Revealers fame, his wife Maggie, sons Icah, Inilek, Ivah, and Ishack, and daughter Imani. They are great hosts for a surf vacation and offer the widest variety of boards for rental, as well as complete surf vacation packages.
There are two good surf seasons, one during the summer (June–Sept.), the other in winter (Dec.–March). The fall and spring seasons are more of a gamble as far as surf is concerned, but the accommodation rates are lower off-season and open to negotiation. The property also features a skateboard bowl for when the water is flat.
Every other Saturday starting around 9 p.m., Jamnesia Sessions are held with live music. Jamnesia also offers a surf shuttle (US$30 per person), taking surfers to spots along the Palisadoes, like near the lighthouse, as well as surfing excursions farther afield. The shuttle also provides tailored tour guide services for those looking to be accompanied on excursions around town, up to Blue Mountain Peak or to Bobo Hill.
Jamnesia Surf Club
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in the community of Eight Mile, just before reaching Bull Bay (look for the surfboard sign right after the driveway beside AB&C Groceries, next to Cave Hut Beach) is Jamaica’s number-one surfing destination. It’s run by Billy "Mystic" Wilmot, of Mystic Revealers fame, his wife Maggie, sons Icah, Inilek, Ivah, and Ishack, and daughter Imani. They are great hosts for a surf vacation and offer the widest variety of boards for rental, as well as complete surf vacation packages.
There are two good surf seasons, one during the summer (June–Sept.), the other in winter (Dec.–March). The fall and spring seasons are more of a gamble as far as surf is concerned, but the accommodation rates are lower off-season and open to negotiation. The property also features a skateboard bowl for when the water is flat.
Every other Saturday starting around 9 p.m., Jamnesia Sessions are held with live music. Jamnesia also offers a surf shuttle (US$30 per person), taking surfers to spots along the Palisadoes, like near the lighthouse, as well as surfing excursions farther afield. The shuttle also provides tailored tour guide services for those looking to be accompanied on excursions around town, up to Blue Mountain Peak or to Bobo Hill.
Jamnesia Surf Club
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in the community of Eight Mile, just before reaching Bull Bay (look for the surfboard sign right after the driveway beside AB&C Groceries, next to Cave Hut Beach) is Jamaica’s number-one surfing destination. It’s run by Billy "Mystic" Wilmot, of Mystic Revealers fame, his wife Maggie, sons Icah, Inilek, Ivah, and Ishack, and daughter Imani. They are great hosts for a surf vacation and offer the widest variety of boards for rental, as well as complete surf vacation packages.
There are two good surf seasons, one during the summer (June–Sept.), the other in winter (Dec.–March). The fall and spring seasons are more of a gamble as far as surf is concerned, but the accommodation rates are lower off-season and open to negotiation. The property also features a skateboard bowl for when the water is flat.
Every other Saturday starting around 9 p.m., Jamnesia Sessions are held with live music. Jamnesia also offers a surf shuttle (US$30 per person), taking surfers to spots along the Palisadoes, like near the lighthouse, as well as surfing excursions farther afield. The shuttle also provides tailored tour guide services for those looking to be accompanied on excursions around town, up to Blue Mountain Peak or to Bobo Hill.
Jamnesia Surf Club
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in the community of Eight Mile, just before reaching Bull Bay (look for the surfboard sign right after the driveway beside AB&C Groceries, next to Cave Hut Beach) is Jamaica’s number-one surfing destination. It’s run by Billy "Mystic" Wilmot, of Mystic Revealers fame, his wife Maggie, sons Icah, Inilek, Ivah, and Ishack, and daughter Imani. They are great hosts for a surf vacation and offer the widest variety of boards for rental, as well as complete surf vacation packages.
There are two good surf seasons, one during the summer (June–Sept.), the other in winter (Dec.–March). The fall and spring seasons are more of a gamble as far as surf is concerned, but the accommodation rates are lower off-season and open to negotiation. The property also features a skateboard bowl for when the water is flat.
Every other Saturday starting around 9 p.m., Jamnesia Sessions are held with live music. Jamnesia also offers a surf shuttle (US$30 per person), taking surfers to spots along the Palisadoes, like near the lighthouse, as well as surfing excursions farther afield. The shuttle also provides tailored tour guide services for those looking to be accompanied on excursions around town, up to Blue Mountain Peak or to Bobo Hill.
Jamnesia Surf Club
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in the community of Eight Mile, just before reaching Bull Bay (look for the surfboard sign right after the driveway beside AB&C Groceries, next to Cave Hut Beach) is Jamaica’s number-one surfing destination. It’s run by Billy "Mystic" Wilmot, of Mystic Revealers fame, his wife Maggie, sons Icah, Inilek, Ivah, and Ishack, and daughter Imani. They are great hosts for a surf vacation and offer the widest variety of boards for rental, as well as complete surf vacation packages.
There are two good surf seasons, one during the summer (June–Sept.), the other in winter (Dec.–March). The fall and spring seasons are more of a gamble as far as surf is concerned, but the accommodation rates are lower off-season and open to negotiation. The property also features a skateboard bowl for when the water is flat.
Every other Saturday starting around 9 p.m., Jamnesia Sessions are held with live music. Jamnesia also offers a surf shuttle (US$30 per person), taking surfers to spots along the Palisadoes, like near the lighthouse, as well as surfing excursions farther afield. The shuttle also provides tailored tour guide services for those looking to be accompanied on excursions around town, up to Blue Mountain Peak or to Bobo Hill.
Jamnesia Surf Club
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in the community of Eight Mile, just before reaching Bull Bay (look for the surfboard sign right after the driveway beside AB&C Groceries, next to Cave Hut Beach) is Jamaica’s number-one surfing destination. It’s run by Billy "Mystic" Wilmot, of Mystic Revealers fame, his wife Maggie, sons Icah, Inilek, Ivah, and Ishack, and daughter Imani. They are great hosts for a surf vacation and offer the widest variety of boards for rental, as well as complete surf vacation packages.
There are two good surf seasons, one during the summer (June–Sept.), the other in winter (Dec.–March). The fall and spring seasons are more of a gamble as far as surf is concerned, but the accommodation rates are lower off-season and open to negotiation. The property also features a skateboard bowl for when the water is flat.
Every other Saturday starting around 9 p.m., Jamnesia Sessions are held with live music. Jamnesia also offers a surf shuttle (US$30 per person), taking surfers to spots along the Palisadoes, like near the lighthouse, as well as surfing excursions farther afield. The shuttle also provides tailored tour guide services for those looking to be accompanied on excursions around town, up to Blue Mountain Peak or to Bobo Hill.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
Belcour Lodge
Belcour Lodge (10 minutes from Papine in Maryland, reservation required) is a beautiful private, colonial-era home set in a lovely river valley amid expansive gardens. Robin and Michael Lumsden offer Culinary Tours that include a stroll around the yard. Visitors will find an apiary with 50 colonies, a citrus orchard, and an abundance of other fruit trees. Robin and Mike markets Belcour Blue Mountain Honey, as well as Belcour fruit preserves, chutneys and spicy pepper sauces, produced on a cottage-industry scale from all natural, local ingredients. The garden tour is accompanied by a gourmet brunch, lunch, or high tea (US$35 per person). Orchids and a host of other flowers attract a wide variety of birds, most notably beautiful hummingbirds. You’ll want to take home some preserves, pepper sauces (US$5) and a cookbook (US$75) -- they’re outstanding. A swimming hole in the river is ideal for a refreshing dip.
The Jamagination Art Gallery
The Jamagination Art Gallery a short walk from Belcour Lodge on the same estate, has a varied collection including works from intuitive and trained painters, plus sculpture, masks, and eccentric furniture pieces in the home gallery throughout the house. Most of the works are for sale. There is no charge for viewing, but an appointment is required. The gallery also sells Giclèes, or state-of-the art reproductions on canvas at a fraction of the cost of originals.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson (by appointment) is a prominent expat artist who can be found by taking the first right after the 18-mile post heading toward Newcastle. Andy welcomes visitors to his home studio and gallery and provides accommodation as part of a visiting artist residency program.
St. Mark's Chapel
A beautiful old church that sits up on a hilltop in Irish Town, St. Mark’s is a great destination for a short hike. As you arrive at the junction in Irish Town where the driveway to Strawberry Hill leads up to the left, the chapel looms up ahead.
Mt. Zion Hill
This Rastafarian farming community is based in a squatter settlement known as Mt. Zion Hill (call Priest Dermot Fagan to request a visit, cell tel. 876/868-9636). The carefully maintained trail and fence along the path up the hill demonstrates the respect given to Priest Dermot Fagan, referred to simply as "the priest" by his followers, who rank in the range of 50-odd adults and children living at Zion Hill. Fagan has established His Imperial Majesty School of Bible Study and Sabbath Service, with a small yurt-like structure at the entrance to the community serving as its chapel. The small community follows primarily an agrarian life, growing food and herbs and selling roots wine around town to bring in a little cash. There are several people who espouse the school’s teaching but live in town rather than on Zion Hill. It becomes evident when the group descends on Papine Square every Saturday for a Nyabinghi Sabbath Service of singing and drumming that the following is significant indeed. Fagan advocates a total rejection of and distancing from the Babylonian system that has separated humankind from direct reliance on our labor and the food we can provide for ourselves. He warns of an even greater divide between man and his sustenance through the impending mass implantation of micro-biochips. He sees the use of implantable homing devices in soldiers in Iraq or in medical patients, or their common use in wildlife management, as a precursor to more universal implantations, which he says will result in the consolidation of the global labor force and a new kind of slavery. The Mt. Zion Hill community has established itself as one of the more colorful, albeit apocalyptic, Houses of Rastafari.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (US$400+ d.) is an exclusive hotel operated by legendary record producer Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost group with 13 guest cottages, most double occupancy, three holding up to four guests, spread over 26 acres hugging steep hillsides covered in bamboo.
Inside the wooden cottages, named with clever double entendres like Tims (River Thames), Gong (from Bob Marley's nickname Tuff Gong), Bamboo (a common Jamaican phallic reference), High Gate (a village in St. Mary Parish), louvered windows open to panoramic views of lush hillsides and Kingston below, its buzz silent from such an elevation, its lights twinkling at night, adding to the timeless romance captured by renowned Jamaican architect Ann Hodges in her minimalist, functional design. Canopy king beds are shrouded in mosquito nets, but you'll hardly need them as the windows are well screened.
In the bathrooms, sinks and showers are lined with limestone tiles, the water's piping hot, the shampoo and body wash scented with essential oils, the hand milled soap infused with aloe. Sheets are soft, towels and bathrobes plush. The purposeful absence of television is a welcome escape from screen life for those able to put down their phones and tablets to enjoy the scenery and focus on the more important things in life. If you need to stay connected, the Wifi works like a charm and a lounge by the restaurant has a big flat screen if you must tune in to the news or football match. Kitchenettes come with a mini fridge and fixings for tea, coffee and snacks.
The restaurant and bar are located next to a sprawling lawn fit for weddings. A yoga pavillion faces northward towards the southern slopes of the Blue Mountain range and a reflective infinity pool faces south over Kingston. Below the restaurant a community room is adorned with the golden discs reflecting the success of Blackwell's career.
The hotel's Spa and Wellness Centre pushes Island Outpost's holistic approach to rejuvenation, dubbed Strawberry Hill Living.The property welcomes nonguests (admission US$15) to enjoy the view, food and drinks, spa treatments and visit the gift shop. Make a lunch or dinner reservation to avoid the fee - it’s well worth a visit for a luxurious afternoon or evening.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour
Craighton Estate Blue Mountain Coffee Tour (8am-4pm daily, US$25 adults, US$15 children 6-12 years old), owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company, offers a one-hour tour featuring a walk around the working coffee farm and historic great house. Ueshima is one of the foremost exporters of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to Japan, the leading foreign market for the prized product.
Old Tavern Coffee Estate
The Twymans grow some of the best Blue Mountain Coffee. The estate is run by David, son of owners Dorothy and the late, great coffee farmer Alex Twyman.
The Twymans bought their property in 1968 and persevered through extreme challenges in obtaining a Coffee Board License, which allows them to sell directly to their customers and market their beans as "Blue Mountain Coffee," a coveted trademark belonging to Jamaica, just as Champagne belongs to France. The Twymans take a natural approach on the farm, limiting use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides while employing traditional fermentation and sun-drying processes. The unique climatic conditions found at the Twymans’ Estate requires a longer maturation period--the berries remain on the trees for 10 months due to the near-constant cloudy mist blanketing the mountains around Hardwar Gap.
Three different roasts are produced from the Twymans’ beans: medium, medium dark (Proprietors’ Choice), and dark roast. Peaberry beans produce an additional variety. Peaberry is an unusual bean, where one side of the normally paired beans does not develop. As a result, a smaller bean with a unique mild flavor develops. It is not fully understood what causes peaberry beans to grow this way. The peaberry beans are carefully separated and sold as a distinct variety prized by many coffee connoisseurs.
The Twymans’ choice beans are served at Norma’s on the Terrace, Suzie’s, Cannonball Cafè, and at Strawberry Hill. Kraft Cottage in Village Plaza retails Twyman’s coffee, and it is sold directly on the farm, at the Kingston office, and online for best value at US$30 per pound plus shipping (for orders write to oldtaverncoffee@kasnet.com).
"Never put coffee in the freezer, because it will take on the flavor of anything that’s in there," advised Alex Twyman, who had a wealth of information on anything to do with the precious bean. There is no charge for a guided tour of the gorgeous estate; instead, guests are encouraged to show their appreciation by buying a pound or two of coffee before departing.
Old Tavern Coffee Estate
The Twymans grow some of the best Blue Mountain Coffee. The estate is run by David, son of owners Dorothy and the late, great coffee farmer Alex Twyman.
The Twymans bought their property in 1968 and persevered through extreme challenges in obtaining a Coffee Board License, which allows them to sell directly to their customers and market their beans as "Blue Mountain Coffee," a coveted trademark belonging to Jamaica, just as Champagne belongs to France. The Twymans take a natural approach on the farm, limiting use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides while employing traditional fermentation and sun-drying processes. The unique climatic conditions found at the Twymans’ Estate requires a longer maturation period--the berries remain on the trees for 10 months due to the near-constant cloudy mist blanketing the mountains around Hardwar Gap.
Three different roasts are produced from the Twymans’ beans: medium, medium dark (Proprietors’ Choice), and dark roast. Peaberry beans produce an additional variety. Peaberry is an unusual bean, where one side of the normally paired beans does not develop. As a result, a smaller bean with a unique mild flavor develops. It is not fully understood what causes peaberry beans to grow this way. The peaberry beans are carefully separated and sold as a distinct variety prized by many coffee connoisseurs.
The Twymans’ choice beans are served at Norma’s on the Terrace, Suzie’s, Cannonball Cafè, and at Strawberry Hill. Kraft Cottage in Village Plaza retails Twyman’s coffee, and it is sold directly on the farm, at the Kingston office, and online for best value at US$30 per pound plus shipping (for orders write to oldtaverncoffee@kasnet.com).
"Never put coffee in the freezer, because it will take on the flavor of anything that’s in there," advised Alex Twyman, who had a wealth of information on anything to do with the precious bean. There is no charge for a guided tour of the gorgeous estate; instead, guests are encouraged to show their appreciation by buying a pound or two of coffee before departing.
Old Tavern Coffee Estate
The Twymans grow some of the best Blue Mountain Coffee. The estate is run by David, son of owners Dorothy and the late, great coffee farmer Alex Twyman.
The Twymans bought their property in 1968 and persevered through extreme challenges in obtaining a Coffee Board License, which allows them to sell directly to their customers and market their beans as "Blue Mountain Coffee," a coveted trademark belonging to Jamaica, just as Champagne belongs to France. The Twymans take a natural approach on the farm, limiting use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides while employing traditional fermentation and sun-drying processes. The unique climatic conditions found at the Twymans’ Estate requires a longer maturation period--the berries remain on the trees for 10 months due to the near-constant cloudy mist blanketing the mountains around Hardwar Gap.
Three different roasts are produced from the Twymans’ beans: medium, medium dark (Proprietors’ Choice), and dark roast. Peaberry beans produce an additional variety. Peaberry is an unusual bean, where one side of the normally paired beans does not develop. As a result, a smaller bean with a unique mild flavor develops. It is not fully understood what causes peaberry beans to grow this way. The peaberry beans are carefully separated and sold as a distinct variety prized by many coffee connoisseurs.
The Twymans’ choice beans are served at Norma’s on the Terrace, Suzie’s, Cannonball Cafè, and at Strawberry Hill. Kraft Cottage in Village Plaza retails Twyman’s coffee, and it is sold directly on the farm, at the Kingston office, and online for best value at US$30 per pound plus shipping (for orders write to oldtaverncoffee@kasnet.com).
"Never put coffee in the freezer, because it will take on the flavor of anything that’s in there," advised Alex Twyman, who had a wealth of information on anything to do with the precious bean. There is no charge for a guided tour of the gorgeous estate; instead, guests are encouraged to show their appreciation by buying a pound or two of coffee before departing.
Old Tavern Coffee Estate
The Twymans grow some of the best Blue Mountain Coffee. The estate is run by David, son of owners Dorothy and the late, great coffee farmer Alex Twyman.
The Twymans bought their property in 1968 and persevered through extreme challenges in obtaining a Coffee Board License, which allows them to sell directly to their customers and market their beans as "Blue Mountain Coffee," a coveted trademark belonging to Jamaica, just as Champagne belongs to France. The Twymans take a natural approach on the farm, limiting use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides while employing traditional fermentation and sun-drying processes. The unique climatic conditions found at the Twymans’ Estate requires a longer maturation period--the berries remain on the trees for 10 months due to the near-constant cloudy mist blanketing the mountains around Hardwar Gap.
Three different roasts are produced from the Twymans’ beans: medium, medium dark (Proprietors’ Choice), and dark roast. Peaberry beans produce an additional variety. Peaberry is an unusual bean, where one side of the normally paired beans does not develop. As a result, a smaller bean with a unique mild flavor develops. It is not fully understood what causes peaberry beans to grow this way. The peaberry beans are carefully separated and sold as a distinct variety prized by many coffee connoisseurs.
The Twymans’ choice beans are served at Norma’s on the Terrace, Suzie’s, Cannonball Cafè, and at Strawberry Hill. Kraft Cottage in Village Plaza retails Twyman’s coffee, and it is sold directly on the farm, at the Kingston office, and online for best value at US$30 per pound plus shipping (for orders write to oldtaverncoffee@kasnet.com).
"Never put coffee in the freezer, because it will take on the flavor of anything that’s in there," advised Alex Twyman, who had a wealth of information on anything to do with the precious bean. There is no charge for a guided tour of the gorgeous estate; instead, guests are encouraged to show their appreciation by buying a pound or two of coffee before departing.
Newcastle and Catherine's Peak
Catherine’s Peak quickly becomes visible rising to the right as you drive up to Newcastle, a Jamaica Defense Force (JDF) training camp, from Red Light, the small community following Irish Town. The summit is easily identified by the clutter of communications antennas at the summit. The peak is a one-hour hike from the Parade ground at Newcastle, where there is plenty of parking. A rough road goes all the way up, but it becomes impassable to anything but a four-wheel-drive vehicle. JDF soldiers stationed at Newcastle restrict access to all vehicles except those belonging to coffee farmers in the area. It’s best to hoof it from Newcastle rather than attempt to drive part of the way up.
Holywell National Park
Holywell National Park (entry US$5, or US$1.50 for residents) sits atop Hardwar Gap, affording a view of St. Andrew Parish to the south and St. Mary and Portland to the north. The birding is excellent in the 50-hectare park, which borders Twyman’s Old Tavern Coffee Estate on the north side and is a haven for migratory birds in the winter months. Hiking trails lead to a few peaks, and there’s also a loop trail.
Waterfall Trail
The Waterfall Trail is also about 1.2 kilometers long, meandering along the mountain edge and then following a stream with a small waterfall at the end.
Other Trails
Shorter and less strenuous trails include the Shelter Trail (600 meters), the Blue Mahoe Trail (350 meters), and the Wag Water/Dick’s Pond Trail (630 meters).
Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust
Rustic accommodations in cabins at the park are available through the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT) (29 Dumbarton Ave., Half Way Tree, tel. 876/920-8278 or 876/920-8279, jamaicaconservation@gmail.com, www.greenjamaica.org.jm).
Dustry Bed and Breakfast
Dustry Bed & Breakfast (US$100 d) offers rustic accommodation at the home of expats Andrew and Lisa Gordon, self-described hippies who have been living in the Blue Mountains since the 1970s. The rustic homestead cannot be seen from the road and is best suited for the fit and adventurous, as it requires a 10-minute walk uphill to reach.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Mount Edge Guest House
Mount Edge Guest House, run by Michael Fox, has six units with hip names: Gong (US$60) is a stand-alone cottage with a double bed and private bath. Rock (US$50) has a double bed and a single bed and private bath. View (US$60) has a king bed, space for an additional single and a private bath. Roost (US$60) has a double bed with private bathroom, mountain and city views. Revolution (US$45) has a double bed and a single bed in a loft, shared bathroom. Adventure (US$40) has two double beds sleeping up to four and shared bathroom. Internet is included. EITS Cafe on the property serves three meals a day and offers in-house guests a discount on breakfast, lunch and dinner (US$5/8/12). There's a trail to the river winding through Food Basket Farm, which supplies EITS and is also managed by Michael and his daughter Robyn. Mountain bikes are available for rent.
Starlight Chalet & Health Spa
Starlight Chalet & Health Spa (US$80) is a quaint retreat past Hardwar Gap. Reach Starlight Chalet by heading north from Hardwar Gap. Where the road forks, keep to your right and go straight ahead until you reach Section. Turn right at Section and travel along the dirt road until you reach Starlight Chalet & Health Spa at Silver Hill Gap adjacent to a Wallenford Coffee farm. The kitchen on property serves Jamaican dishes at reasonable prices (US$10-25), bakes cakes and pastries from scratch, and prepares natural juices with seasonal fruit.
Holywell National Park
Holywell National Park provides cabins and tent sites bookable through the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT). Book at least two weeks in advance for a weekend stay in one of three self-contained cabins (two one-bedroom units with open layout for US$50, one two-bedroom unit for US$70; resident rate US$34 for one-bedroom, US$45 for two-bedroom). Campers (US$10 nonresident, US$2 resident) can use the shared showers, toilets, and barbecue pits on-site (US$5 nonresidents or US$1 residents).
Holywell National Park
Holywell National Park provides cabins and tent sites bookable through the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT). Book at least two weeks in advance for a weekend stay in one of three self-contained cabins (two one-bedroom units with open layout for US$50, one two-bedroom unit for US$70; resident rate US$34 for one-bedroom, US$45 for two-bedroom). Campers (US$10 nonresident, US$2 resident) can use the shared showers, toilets, and barbecue pits on-site (US$5 nonresidents or US$1 residents).
Holywell National Park
Holywell National Park provides cabins and tent sites bookable through the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT). Book at least two weeks in advance for a weekend stay in one of three self-contained cabins (two one-bedroom units with open layout for US$50, one two-bedroom unit for US$70; resident rate US$34 for one-bedroom, US$45 for two-bedroom). Campers (US$10 nonresident, US$2 resident) can use the shared showers, toilets, and barbecue pits on-site (US$5 nonresidents or US$1 residents).
Heritage Gardens
"Barbeque" Heritage Gardens of Cold Spring (US$250 for entire cottage with up to 6 guests, US$120 for two in the Master Suite, US$90 for single room, add US$10 per person for breakfast, US$20 per person for three meals) is an old coffee estate with large barbecues, the flat areas where coffee is laid out to dry, hinting at the property’s illustrious past as an important coffee processing estate. Irish naval officer and botanist Mathew Wallen established the coffee farm when he came to Jamaica in 1747. Wallen is credited with bringing several exotic plant species to Jamaica, including watercress, dandelion, nasturtiums, and bamboo. The cottage on the property sleeps up to six and has a rustic but comfortable feel with hot water and a cool breeze. The gardens are well cared for, and the entire property boasts spectacular views. The cottage makes a good base for hiking in the western section of the Blue Mountains and is a short walk to Newcastle, where the road up Catherine's Peak begins.
Heritage Gardens
"Barbeque" Heritage Gardens of Cold Spring (US$250 for entire cottage with up to 6 guests, US$120 for two in the Master Suite, US$90 for single room, add US$10 per person for breakfast, US$20 per person for three meals) is an old coffee estate with large barbecues, the flat areas where coffee is laid out to dry, hinting at the property’s illustrious past as an important coffee processing estate. Irish naval officer and botanist Mathew Wallen established the coffee farm when he came to Jamaica in 1747. Wallen is credited with bringing several exotic plant species to Jamaica, including watercress, dandelion, nasturtiums, and bamboo. The cottage on the property sleeps up to six and has a rustic but comfortable feel with hot water and a cool breeze. The gardens are well cared for, and the entire property boasts spectacular views. The cottage makes a good base for hiking in the western section of the Blue Mountains and is a short walk to Newcastle, where the road up Catherine's Peak begins.
Heritage Gardens
"Barbeque" Heritage Gardens of Cold Spring (US$250 for entire cottage with up to 6 guests, US$120 for two in the Master Suite, US$90 for single room, add US$10 per person for breakfast, US$20 per person for three meals) is an old coffee estate with large barbecues, the flat areas where coffee is laid out to dry, hinting at the property’s illustrious past as an important coffee processing estate. Irish naval officer and botanist Mathew Wallen established the coffee farm when he came to Jamaica in 1747. Wallen is credited with bringing several exotic plant species to Jamaica, including watercress, dandelion, nasturtiums, and bamboo. The cottage on the property sleeps up to six and has a rustic but comfortable feel with hot water and a cool breeze. The gardens are well cared for, and the entire property boasts spectacular views. The cottage makes a good base for hiking in the western section of the Blue Mountains and is a short walk to Newcastle, where the road up Catherine's Peak begins.
Heritage Gardens
"Barbeque" Heritage Gardens of Cold Spring (US$250 for entire cottage with up to 6 guests, US$120 for two in the Master Suite, US$90 for single room, add US$10 per person for breakfast, US$20 per person for three meals) is an old coffee estate with large barbecues, the flat areas where coffee is laid out to dry, hinting at the property’s illustrious past as an important coffee processing estate. Irish naval officer and botanist Mathew Wallen established the coffee farm when he came to Jamaica in 1747. Wallen is credited with bringing several exotic plant species to Jamaica, including watercress, dandelion, nasturtiums, and bamboo. The cottage on the property sleeps up to six and has a rustic but comfortable feel with hot water and a cool breeze. The gardens are well cared for, and the entire property boasts spectacular views. The cottage makes a good base for hiking in the western section of the Blue Mountains and is a short walk to Newcastle, where the road up Catherine's Peak begins.
Heritage Gardens
"Barbeque" Heritage Gardens of Cold Spring (US$250 for entire cottage with up to 6 guests, US$120 for two in the Master Suite, US$90 for single room, add US$10 per person for breakfast, US$20 per person for three meals) is an old coffee estate with large barbecues, the flat areas where coffee is laid out to dry, hinting at the property’s illustrious past as an important coffee processing estate. Irish naval officer and botanist Mathew Wallen established the coffee farm when he came to Jamaica in 1747. Wallen is credited with bringing several exotic plant species to Jamaica, including watercress, dandelion, nasturtiums, and bamboo. The cottage on the property sleeps up to six and has a rustic but comfortable feel with hot water and a cool breeze. The gardens are well cared for, and the entire property boasts spectacular views. The cottage makes a good base for hiking in the western section of the Blue Mountains and is a short walk to Newcastle, where the road up Catherine's Peak begins.
Heritage Gardens
"Barbeque" Heritage Gardens of Cold Spring (US$250 for entire cottage with up to 6 guests, US$120 for two in the Master Suite, US$90 for single room, add US$10 per person for breakfast, US$20 per person for three meals) is an old coffee estate with large barbecues, the flat areas where coffee is laid out to dry, hinting at the property’s illustrious past as an important coffee processing estate. Irish naval officer and botanist Mathew Wallen established the coffee farm when he came to Jamaica in 1747. Wallen is credited with bringing several exotic plant species to Jamaica, including watercress, dandelion, nasturtiums, and bamboo. The cottage on the property sleeps up to six and has a rustic but comfortable feel with hot water and a cool breeze. The gardens are well cared for, and the entire property boasts spectacular views. The cottage makes a good base for hiking in the western section of the Blue Mountains and is a short walk to Newcastle, where the road up Catherine's Peak begins.
The Gap Cafè & Gift Shoppe
The Gap Cafè & Gift Shoppe (cell tel. 876/539-1771 or 876/579-9526) runs as a bed-and-breakfast inn with a one-bedroom apartment (US$100) containing two twin beds, a private bath, kitchen, and TV room.
Shanty Man
Shanty Man (9 a.m.10 p.m Sun.Fri., US$25) serves his own rendition of ital food out of a little Rasta-colored restaurant along the road between Papine and the Cooperage, just before the turnoff up to Skyline Drive. The menu features items like tofu, pumpkin soup, rice ’n’ peas, and sautèed ackee with potato and carrot. Unfortunely he uses Maggi to season his food, which doesn't live up to the ital is vital rhetoric.
Cafè Blue
Cafè Blue serves Blue Mountain Coffee and pastries and retails local sauces, candles, and soaps. Cafè Blue is owned by the Sharps, who own roaster and distributor Coffee Traders and offer tours of their farm, Clifton Mount.
Cafè Blue
Cafè Blue serves Blue Mountain Coffee and pastries and retails local sauces, candles, and soaps. Cafè Blue is owned by the Sharps, who own roaster and distributor Coffee Traders and offer tours of their farm, Clifton Mount.
Crystal Edge
Crystal Edge, located next door to Café Blue just below Irish Town, serves good Jamaican dishes at affordable Jamaican prices.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (appetizers US$1320, US$3050 for entrèes) has a varied menu of Jamaican and international cuisine and spectacular views from the wraparound porch. While it is by no means a budget eatery, the ambience will leave you with no regrets for having splurged. The food and food service has been hit-or-miss, unfortunately leaning towards the miss side in recent years. It’s best to make reservations in advance, especially on weekends. A US$15 entrance fee is charged to enter the property unless you have made reservations.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (appetizers US$1320, US$3050 for entrèes) has a varied menu of Jamaican and international cuisine and spectacular views from the wraparound porch. While it is by no means a budget eatery, the ambience will leave you with no regrets for having splurged. The food and food service has been hit-or-miss, unfortunately leaning towards the miss side in recent years. It’s best to make reservations in advance, especially on weekends. A US$15 entrance fee is charged to enter the property unless you have made reservations.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (appetizers US$1320, US$3050 for entrèes) has a varied menu of Jamaican and international cuisine and spectacular views from the wraparound porch. While it is by no means a budget eatery, the ambience will leave you with no regrets for having splurged. The food and food service has been hit-or-miss, unfortunately leaning towards the miss side in recent years. It’s best to make reservations in advance, especially on weekends. A US$15 entrance fee is charged to enter the property unless you have made reservations.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (appetizers US$1320, US$3050 for entrèes) has a varied menu of Jamaican and international cuisine and spectacular views from the wraparound porch. While it is by no means a budget eatery, the ambience will leave you with no regrets for having splurged. The food and food service has been hit-or-miss, unfortunately leaning towards the miss side in recent years. It’s best to make reservations in advance, especially on weekends. A US$15 entrance fee is charged to enter the property unless you have made reservations.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (appetizers US$1320, US$3050 for entrèes) has a varied menu of Jamaican and international cuisine and spectacular views from the wraparound porch. While it is by no means a budget eatery, the ambience will leave you with no regrets for having splurged. The food and food service has been hit-or-miss, unfortunately leaning towards the miss side in recent years. It’s best to make reservations in advance, especially on weekends. A US$15 entrance fee is charged to enter the property unless you have made reservations.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (appetizers US$1320, US$3050 for entrèes) has a varied menu of Jamaican and international cuisine and spectacular views from the wraparound porch. While it is by no means a budget eatery, the ambience will leave you with no regrets for having splurged. The food and food service has been hit-or-miss, unfortunately leaning towards the miss side in recent years. It’s best to make reservations in advance, especially on weekends. A US$15 entrance fee is charged to enter the property unless you have made reservations.
Strawberry Hill
Strawberry Hill (appetizers US$1320, US$3050 for entrèes) has a varied menu of Jamaican and international cuisine and spectacular views from the wraparound porch. While it is by no means a budget eatery, the ambience will leave you with no regrets for having splurged. The food and food service has been hit-or-miss, unfortunately leaning towards the miss side in recent years. It’s best to make reservations in advance, especially on weekends. A US$15 entrance fee is charged to enter the property unless you have made reservations.
The Gap Cafè & Gift Shoppe
The Gap Cafè & Gift Shoppe (cell tel. 876/539-1771 or 876/579-9526, 10 a.m.5 p.m Wed.Sun.) is a restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating serving a rotating home-style menu with items like curried goat, oxtail and beans, crab backs, and callaloo-stuffed chicken breast (US$10.5016). The restaurant boasts the most spectacular views over Kingston and St. Andrew at 4,200 feet above sea level. Located two miles past the Jamaica Defense Force hill station at Newcastle, the restaurant will open on off-days by reservation. It is said Ian Fleming wrote his first James Bond book, Dr. No, at the Gap.
Yatte Man
Yatte Man, or Blane "Smaker" Walker (10 a.m.8 p.m Sun.Fri.), a once up-and-coming boxer, sells delicious homemade fish, chicken, and ital (vegetarian) patties (US$1) from one of the stalls about three quarters of the way through the main drag on the left, before the road begins to rise again toward Newcastle. Look out for the Star of David painted on the stall and a display case filled with patties.
Bubbles Bar
Bubbles Bar (contact proprietor Reid, cell tel. 876/349-3484 or 876/773-1134), about halfway between Redlight and Newcastle, is the only watering hole around, selling basic supplies in addition to beer and rum. The bar marks the turnoff to Middleton down a poor road that falls sharply. The first hairpin to the right descends further toward the valley floor. Another hairpin turn to the left, 200 meters past a rise in the road over a landslide, leads down toward Prince Valley Guesthouse, run by Bobby "Scorcha" Williams and his wife Jackie, on the opposite side of the hill. A four-wheel drive, or at least a car with good clearance and decent traction, is critical to get much beyond the landslide.
Karen’s One Stop
Karen’s One Stop (US$510), located just past the hairpin turn to the left, is the only place around to get Jamaican staples like fried or BBQ chicken, fish, calalloo, and rice ’n’ peas cooked to order any time of day. Karen also sells basic foodstuffs to area residents.
Mavis Bank and Blue Mountain Peak
Mavis Bank is a sleepy village nestled in a river valley in the shadow of Blue Mountain Peak. Its principal economic foundation for the past century has been the Mavis Bank Coffee Factory, which keeps many of the area’s residents employed. The area is a good base for exploring the upper reaches of the Blue Mountains and for birding.
A few homey accommodation options around Mavis Bank offer visitors a chance to prepare in relative comfort for the trek up Blue Mountain Peak, which requires a somewhat grueling four-wheel-drive journey to the trailhead at Abbey Green, or alternatively, a two-hour hike.
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory (8:30 a.m. oon and 13:30 p.m Mon.Fri., tour reservations recommended, US$8 adults, US$3.50 children) was established in 1923 by an English planter, Victor Munn. As the biggest coffee factory in Jamaica, it has been the economic foundation for the area since. The company is currently owned by the National Investment Bank of Jamaica (NIJB) and the founding Munn family, who share 70/30-percent stakes. Today, operations at the 327-worker factory are overseen by local PNP politician Senator Norman Grant, who holds the position of managing director.
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory is supplied by six of its own plantations, including Abbey, St. Thomas, and Orchard Rest, and around 5,000 independent farms. Most of the picking is done by local women, who receive about US$50 per box full of berries. Of this, the vast majority goes to the farm owner where the berries were picked. The coffee is then left outside to dry for 57 days, weather permitting, or dried in a giant tumbler for two days if it’s too rainy outside. Once dry, the coffee is aged in big sacks for 46 weeks before the outer parchment, or hull, is removed and the beans are cleaned and roasted. The whole process takes 34 months from bush to mug. Four grades (peaberry, 1, 2, and 3) are produced at MBCF, around 7580 percent of which is consumed in Japan, with 5 percent going to the United States and 4 percent to Europe and the rest of the world. The remainder goes to local markets. MBCF processes 1.4 million pounds of green beans per year from 6,000 farmers.
The best tours of the factory are led by Doreen "Barbara" Johnson who has worked at MBCF since 1987.
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory (8:30 a.m. oon and 13:30 p.m Mon.Fri., tour reservations recommended, US$8 adults, US$3.50 children) was established in 1923 by an English planter, Victor Munn. As the biggest coffee factory in Jamaica, it has been the economic foundation for the area since. The company is currently owned by the National Investment Bank of Jamaica (NIJB) and the founding Munn family, who share 70/30-percent stakes. Today, operations at the 327-worker factory are overseen by local PNP politician Senator Norman Grant, who holds the position of managing director.
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory is supplied by six of its own plantations, including Abbey, St. Thomas, and Orchard Rest, and around 5,000 independent farms. Most of the picking is done by local women, who receive about US$50 per box full of berries. Of this, the vast majority goes to the farm owner where the berries were picked. The coffee is then left outside to dry for 57 days, weather permitting, or dried in a giant tumbler for two days if it’s too rainy outside. Once dry, the coffee is aged in big sacks for 46 weeks before the outer parchment, or hull, is removed and the beans are cleaned and roasted. The whole process takes 34 months from bush to mug. Four grades (peaberry, 1, 2, and 3) are produced at MBCF, around 7580 percent of which is consumed in Japan, with 5 percent going to the United States and 4 percent to Europe and the rest of the world. The remainder goes to local markets. MBCF processes 1.4 million pounds of green beans per year from 6,000 farmers.
The best tours of the factory are led by Doreen "Barbara" Johnson who has worked at MBCF since 1987.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Cinchona Gardens
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall’s Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp, known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There’s no admission cost, but given the gardeners’ poor government salaries, it’s advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors’ book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5-10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.to around 6 p.m daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you’ll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It’s a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Jill Byles
Jill Byles, a retired horticultural enthusiast who lives at Guava Ridge near Mavis Bank, offers tour guide services (US$50 per day regardless of group size) on hiking trails in the area. Jill can guide visits to Cinchona, Flamstead, and Governor’s Bench, a footpath named after Governor Alexander Swettenham, who lived at Bellevue, a great house in the hills now owned by the University of the West Indies that’s used for retreats and visitor accommodations.
Jill Byles
Jill Byles, a retired horticultural enthusiast who lives at Guava Ridge near Mavis Bank, offers tour guide services (US$50 per day regardless of group size) on hiking trails in the area. Jill can guide visits to Cinchona, Flamstead, and Governor’s Bench, a footpath named after Governor Alexander Swettenham, who lived at Bellevue, a great house in the hills now owned by the University of the West Indies that’s used for retreats and visitor accommodations.
Jill Byles
Jill Byles, a retired horticultural enthusiast who lives at Guava Ridge near Mavis Bank, offers tour guide services (US$50 per day regardless of group size) on hiking trails in the area. Jill can guide visits to Cinchona, Flamstead, and Governor’s Bench, a footpath named after Governor Alexander Swettenham, who lived at Bellevue, a great house in the hills now owned by the University of the West Indies that’s used for retreats and visitor accommodations.
Jill Byles
Jill Byles, a retired horticultural enthusiast who lives at Guava Ridge near Mavis Bank, offers tour guide services (US$50 per day regardless of group size) on hiking trails in the area. Jill can guide visits to Cinchona, Flamstead, and Governor’s Bench, a footpath named after Governor Alexander Swettenham, who lived at Bellevue, a great house in the hills now owned by the University of the West Indies that’s used for retreats and visitor accommodations.
Jill Byles
Jill Byles, a retired horticultural enthusiast who lives at Guava Ridge near Mavis Bank, offers tour guide services (US$50 per day regardless of group size) on hiking trails in the area. Jill can guide visits to Cinchona, Flamstead, and Governor’s Bench, a footpath named after Governor Alexander Swettenham, who lived at Bellevue, a great house in the hills now owned by the University of the West Indies that’s used for retreats and visitor accommodations.
Jill Byles
Jill Byles, a retired horticultural enthusiast who lives at Guava Ridge near Mavis Bank, offers tour guide services (US$50 per day regardless of group size) on hiking trails in the area. Jill can guide visits to Cinchona, Flamstead, and Governor’s Bench, a footpath named after Governor Alexander Swettenham, who lived at Bellevue, a great house in the hills now owned by the University of the West Indies that’s used for retreats and visitor accommodations.
The Blue and John Crow Mount ains Nation al Park
Consisting of nearly 81,000 hectares in the parishes of St. Andrew, St. Mary, St. Thomas, and Portland, the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park (BJCMNP, tel. 876/920-8278, jcdt@cybervale.com, www.greenjamaica.org.jm) covers the highest and steepest terrain in Jamaica. This alpine terrain is the last-known habitat for the endangered Giant Swallowtail butterfly, the second-largest butterfly in the world, which makes its home especially on the northern flanks of the range. Several endemic plant and bird species reside in the park as well, and many migratory birds from northern regions winter there. Among the most impressive of the native birds are the streamertail hummingbirds--known locally as doctor birds--and the Jamaican tody, the Jamaican blackbird, and the yellow-billed parrot. The Blue Mountains generally are the source of water for the greater Kingston area and for this reason, among others, it is important to tread lightly and disturb the environment as little as possible. The BJCMNP has the largest unaltered swath of natural forest in Jamaica, with upper montane rainforest and elfin woodland at its upper reaches.
Mayfair Hotel
Mayfair Hotel (4 Kings House Close, tel. 876/926-1610 or 876/926-1612, mayfairhotel@cwjamaica.com, US$72–150 for 2 single beds or 1 double) located next to King's House, the home of the Governor General, has eight houses, each with five medium-size bedrooms with air-conditioning, hot water, and cable TV. Quilted blankets adorn the beds and recent renovations have added new bathroom tile and split air-conditioned units. On the large lawn there's a decent-sized swimming pool, restaurant, and snack shop. There's also a bar in the style of an English pub. Nonguests are welcome to use the pool (US$3.50) and dine at the restaurant. An independently run, excellent Japanese-Jamaican fusion restaurant, Cocoro, is located on the hotel grounds.
Shirley Retreat Hotel
Shirley Retreat Hotel
The Durham
The Durham (US$30 per person) is a five-bedroom house that can be rented in its entirety or by the room. Three rooms have king beds, one of which has air-conditioning, while the others have fans. Two smaller rooms have double beds. All rooms have TV and private bath. Guests can use the kitchen and common areas, including the back yard.
Lillian's Restaurant
Lillian's Restaurant ( 11:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon., 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Tues.–Fri., US$5–10) is a training facility at the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Technology. It serves dependable food at affordable prices like chicken, pork, lamb, shrimp, pasta dishes, and desserts. An international cuisine series is held during two semesters of the year during which Friday evening dinners are served.
Tamarind (11 a.m.–10 p.m. Tues.–Sun.) is a North Indian-Chinese fusion restaurant with smart, modern decor and a delectable menu prepared by chefs straight from Delhi. The offerings include items like Mutton biryani, spring rolls, fish Szechuan, prawns nest, noodles, fried rice, Afghani, sweet garlic and Thai chicken, chicken tikka, and the Tamarind tandoori platter of assorted kabobs.
China Max
China Max (Shop #27, Orchid Village, 18–20 Barbican Rd., tel. 876/927-1888 or 876/927-1388, 11 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 12:30–9:30 p.m. Sun.) is a Chinese restaurant under the same ownership as Gwong Wo, with a menu typical of most Chinese restaurants including wontons, soups, shrimp, chicken, pork, fish, and lobster dishes (US$3–25).
Pushpa's (11 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$4–6.50) is by far the best restaurant in the complex and among the best Indian restaurants on the island, serving a mix of North and South Indian dishes, including dosas and idli on Sundays. Lunch specials include chicken dishes like moghlai, vindaloo, and kurma; vegetarian dishes like aloo mutter, paneer mutter, and eggplant curry; and mutton, shrimp, and fish served either curried, fried, or vindaloo.
Pushpa's (11 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$4–6.50) is by far the best restaurant in the complex and among the best Indian restaurants on the island, serving a mix of North and South Indian dishes, including dosas and idli on Sundays. Lunch specials include chicken dishes like moghlai, vindaloo, and kurma; vegetarian dishes like aloo mutter, paneer mutter, and eggplant curry; and mutton, shrimp, and fish served either curried, fried, or vindaloo.
Dragon City
Dragon City (11:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 2–9 p.m. Sun.) is a run of the mill Chinese restt...
Dragon City
Dragon City (11:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 2–9 p.m. Sun.) is a run of the mill Chinese restt...
Dragon City
Dragon City (11:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 2–9 p.m. Sun.) is a run of the mill Chinese restt...
Pita Grill
Pita Grill (Mon-Sun, 24 hours) serves pita wraps and comfort food, from middle eastern vegetarian and meat staples to American breakfast items.
Cynthia's for Quantity and Quality
Cynthia's for Quantity and Quality ( Mon.–Sat. breakfast 8–10:30 a.m., takeout only, lunch noon–4 p.m.) serves steamed, escoveitch, and brown stew fish, curry goat, curry chicken, and baked or fried fish or pork (US$7–10). The natural juices are among the best in town (US$2).
Ribbiz Ultra Lounge
Ribbiz (11:30 a.m.–midnight daily, US$5.50–24), inside the gaming lounge of Acropolis, specializes in Jamaican dishes like oxtail, peppered shrimp, and fish and bammy. International food is also served, including rack of lamb, ribs, eight- and 16-ounce steaks, burgers, and club sandwiches. Ambrosia has a casino vibe, with gaming machines ringing loudly in the arcade next door adding to the din of the restaurant and bar.
Ribbiz Ultra Lounge
Ribbiz (11:30 a.m.–midnight daily, US$5.50–24), inside the gaming lounge of Acropolis, specializes in Jamaican dishes like oxtail, peppered shrimp, and fish and bammy. International food is also served, including rack of lamb, ribs, eight- and 16-ounce steaks, burgers, and club sandwiches. Ambrosia has a casino vibe, with gaming machines ringing loudly in the arcade next door adding to the din of the restaurant and bar.
The Tea House
The Tea House (12-5 p.m. daily, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings 8:00pm-12:00 midnight By Reservation Only) benefits from a natural setting on the manicured grounds of Hope Gardens. Dishes vary from soup, roti and pastry puffed dumplings to jerk chicken linguine, fish and lobster (US$3-30).
Food for Life
Food for Life (6 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) is run by Ista Masters, who dishes up turned cornmeal, nut rundown, seafood, and Irish moss, honey moss, naseberry, and soursop juices.
Vihope ( , 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Fri.) is a vegetarian restaurant serving a palatable rotating takeout menu with items like veggie chunks and pea soup as well as natural juices. The proprietor also operates the Healthy Diet eatery at the University of the West Indies Mona Student Union, where meat items are also served.
Food Sovereign Food Court
Downstairs at Sovereign Centre (106 Hope Road at Barbican Rd., tel. 876/978-3463), the food court has several options for a quick bite. A US$3.50 purchase at any of the participating shops gets you a half hour of wireless Internet access.
Rodney Memorial
The Rodney Memorial, on the northern side of Spanish Town Square, was erected in homage to Admiral George Rodney, a British naval officer who prevented what was seen as imminent conquest by an invading French and Spanish naval fleet led by Admiral de Grasse in 1782. The memorial is housed in a spectacular structure for its European palatial look and gives a nice facade to the National Archives housed just behind. The statue of Rodney was contracted to one of the most respected sculptors of the day, Englishman John Bacon (1740–1799), who reportedly made two trips to Italy before finding the right block of marble for the job. A panel inside Rodney’s octagonal "temple" tells in Latin of Rodney’s victorious sea battle, which restored some dignity to Britain, badly defeated by the French-American allies in the American War of Independence. Rodney was duly lauded as a national hero and £1,000 was allocated for the monument, which would eventually cost nearly £31,000. The two brass cannons displayed just outside the statue enclosure were taken from defeated Admiral de Grasse’s flagship, Ville de Paris.
Spanish Town Cathedral
Spanish Town Cathedral, or the Anglican Cathedral Church of St. James, stands on the site of the Roman Catholic Red Cross Spanish Chapel, originally built in 1525 and run by Franciscans. Cromwell’s Puritan soldiers destroyed the Spanish chapel along with another on the northern end of town known as White Cross, run by Dominicans. The church has been destroyed and rebuilt several times through a series of earthquakes and hurricanes. It became the first Anglican cathedral outside England in 1843, representing the Jamaican diocese. It’s also the oldest English-built foundation on the island, after Fort Charles in Port Royal. Several monuments of historical figures are found inside and in the walled churchyard.
Spanish Town Baptist Church
Spanish Town Baptist Church, or Phillippo Baptist Church as it is better known (at the junction of Cumberland Rd. and Williams St.), is located a few blocks northwest of the square. The church was built in 1827 on an old artillery ground and later went on to play an active role in the abolition movement. Abolitionist Reverend James Murcell Phillippo arrived in Jamaica in 1823 and later established the church with help from freed slaves. On the night of emancipation in 1838, when local authorities granted Jamaica’s slave population full freedom, 2000 freed slaves were baptized in the church. There is a tablet in the churchyard commemorating the act of emancipation, which was celebrated there after the proclamation was read in front of Old King’s House.
Iron Bridge
The Iron Bridge over the Rio Cobre on the eastern edge of Spanish Town was erected in 1801 and shipped in prefabricated segments from where it was cast in England by Walker of Rotherham. Today it is used as a pedestrian crossing and is in a poor state of preservation. Designed by English engineer Thomas Wilson, it was the first prefab cast-iron bridge erected in the Western Hemisphere.
White Marl Taino Midden and Museum
White Marl Taino Museum (call curator Tyrone "Arab" Barnett to schedule a visit) was being relocated as this book went to press. The museum was said to be sited on a former Taino settlement, the largest in Jamaica pre-discovery. The museum had to be moved due to sketchy security in the area. It features artifacts and displays pinpointing Taino archeological sites across the island and providing information on the lifestyle and practices of these first Jamaicans.
Mountain River Cave
Mountain River Cave (caretaker Monica Wright, tel. 876/705-2790), with its Taino wall paintings first uncovered in 1897, is located 21 kilometers due northwest from the roundabout at the beginning of St. John’s Road on the western edge of Spanish Town. After leaving an Uptown suburb area, St. John’s becomes Cudjoe’s Hill Road as you pass through red earth hills on the way to Kitson and then Guanaboa Vale, the stomping ground of Juan de Bolas. A few kilometers beyond a beautiful old church, pull over at Joan’s Bar & Grocery Shop, marked by a painted facade reading Cudjoe’s Cavern. Monica will indicate the trailhead that leads down a steep hill across the meandering Thompson’s River and up the facing bank through cacao and passion-fruit stands to where the small cave is caged in against vandals. The cave itself is shallow and unspectacular, but its paintings are interesting; it’s easy to make out a man with a spear, a turtle, some fish, and a few women. The paintings are said to be authentic, given the ash and bat guano mix used, supposedly a typical medium for the earliest Jamaican artists. The highlight of this attraction, apart from the well-preserved petroglyphs, is the beautiful walk through lush forests and Thompson’s River, which has a large pool upstream and a waterfall downstream from the crossing, fitting for a cool dip.
Spanish Town Shopping Centre
Spanish Town Shopping Centre has a food court with several quick eating options. Jamanda’s Flava of Jamaica 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 7 a.m.–10 p.m. Fri.–Sat., 2–9 p.m. Sun.) offers Jamaican staple dishes and sells Devon House ice cream.
Irie Jerk Centre
Irie Jerk Centre (21 Brunswick Ave., tel. 876/749-5375, 9 a.m.–midnight daily) serves fried and jerk chicken (US$2/ piece, a quarter chicken for US$4, whole US$15) and pork (US$9(/ lb.) and beer to wash it down (US$2). Irie also cooks curry goat, porridge, and soup.
St. Jago Shopping Centre
At St. Jago Shopping Centre, the small food court has some good options. La Cocina for Mom’s Cooking (Shop #31, tel. 876/943-9355) serves Spanish-inspired Jamaican fare like brown stew chicken and fish, fried fish and chicken, curry mutton, stew pork, stew peas, and chicken soup (US$2.50–3.50). Tastebuds Delight (Shop #32, tel. 876/907-5024, 7 a.m.–8 p.m. daily, closing at 10 p.m. on Sundays, US$2–4) also has Jamaican dishes ranging from chicken to oxtail. Natural Vitamins Herbs & Vegetarian Place (tel. 876/984-1305) is the best place around to get vegetarian dishes and urban Ital cuisine.
Cecil’s 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3–11) is easily Spanish Town’s most-lauded restaurant. Cecil Reid was a chef at a number of other restaurants for years before opening his own place in 1983. Menu items have a decidedly Asian lean, with more sueys than you’ve ever heard of, including chop suey, chow mein, fried rice, choy fan, ham choy, suey mein, as well as more typical curry dishes, beef, chicken, and lobster. A beer costs US$1.50 and fresh juices are US$1.
St. Catherine Parish Library
St. Catherine Parish Library (9am–6pm Mon.–Fri., 10am–5pm Sat.), located across from Spanish Town Cathedral, offers free Internet access on a few computers.
Getting There and Around
Spanish Town is served by Kingston’s JUTC with buses from Half Way Tree Transport Centre and the Downtown bus terminals departing every 10 minutes on the 21 and 22 series routes.
Private Coaster buses arrive and depart from bus stops a few paces down Molynes Road across Eastwood Park Road from the Transport Centre. They charge just over US$1 one-way fare. Route taxis ply all major roads in Spanish Town and can be flagged down if need be, charging anywhere from US$.75 to US$1.75 around town.
If you’re driving, the most direct route to Spanish Town is along Spanish Town Road or Washington Boulevard to Mandela Highway. Stay to the right at the first roundabout. You will see the Old Iron Bridge on your right just after crossing the Rio Cobre as you enter town. Take a right at the stoplight at the gas station immediately thereafter to reach the historical sites surrounding Spanish Town Square or to pass through town for Linstead, Moneague Walkerswood, and Ocho Rios. Heading straight at the stoplight leads to the commercial district and Prison Oval.
West of Spanish Town
Heading west out of Spanish Town along the bypass, take a left following well-marked signs at the second roundabout along Old Harbour Road, which leads southwestward through vast tracts of sugarcane fields toward the town of Old Harbour.
Old Harbour
Continuing on Old Harbour Road 18 kilometers southwest of Spanish Town, you arrive at the town of Old Harbour, a congested little backwater full of storefronts and food vendors next to the square. A clock tower dating from the 17th century is the town’s centerpiece.
Old Harbour was the disembarkation point for the first Indian indentured laborers arriving in 1845, who were brought to Jamaica following emancipation by plantation owners who suddenly found themselves lacking willing workers. A century later the bay was used as a U.S. Naval anchorage during World War II, with bases set up on Little Goat Island and at Salt Creek and Sandy Gully nearby on the mainland. The Americans didn’t depart until 1949.
Old Harbour Bay, 4.8 kilometers south of town, is historically significant as the place where Columbus met with the preeminent Taino leader referred to as the Cacique of Xamayca in 1494. It was an important port serving Spanish Town under Spanish rule and later under the British it was the principal port for the area, until Port Royal and later Kingston took over in imports and import. Originally called Puerto de Vaca (Cow Bay) by Columbus in reference to the manatees, or sea cows, that once flourished there, today the town is little more than a fishing village. Fish stalls along the waterfront peddle fried fish, conch soup, and lobster. Cheryl’s (cell tel. 876/410-3299, 10:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Tues.–Sun.), serving fried fish, bammy, and veggies right on the water with a sea breeze, is highly recommended.
Old Harbour Bay has a few islands, including Little Goat Island and Great Goat Island. A trip to the islands for a picnic can be arranged with local fishermen, some of whom live in ramshackle huts there.
Colbeck Castle, or the ruins where it once stood, can be found about three kilometers northwest of Old Harbour near the Clarendon border. To get to the abandoned ruins, head inland at the clock tower and keep straight ahead rather than right at the Y intersection. After passing a large farm with five buildings perpendicular to the road, you will soon cross a bridge over a small river. Take the first left after the bridge. Within 1.5 kilometers you will arrive at the ruins.
Built by Colonel John Colbeck, who came with the English to take Jamaica from the Spanish in 1655, the castle and its past are shrouded in mystery; its date of construction is thought to have been somewhere around 1680. In its day, it was the biggest great-house structure of its kind, obviously built with defense from the Spanish and Maroon insurgents in mind. Its present appearance suggests it fell victim to fire in slave revolts. Designed in the style of a 17th-century Italian mansion, with ornate arches and a 12-meter-high tower in each corner, Colbeck Castle was the epicenter of a strategically located immense landholding in close vicinity to Spanish Town and Old Harbour.
North of Spanish Town
The first free village for ex-slaves was established at Sligoville, just north of Spanish Town, when Jamaica’s pro-abolition transition period governor Howe Peter Browne, known as the Marquis of Sligo, granted land to Baptist missionary James Phillippo. Browne’s former summer residence, Highgate House, now a JNHT site, can be reached by taking a left heading east off the main road to the north coast from Spanish Town (A1).
Nearby, the father of the Rastafarian movement, Leonard Howell, fled persecution on the North Coast to establish the Rasta commune of Pinnacle. Eventually, Pinnacle was smothered and Howell committed to a mental institution by the authorities, who would have none of his reverence for Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I.
Bog Walk, derived from Boca de Agua in Spanish, is a gorge prone to flooding, entered by traversing Flat Bridge. Horrendous traffic tends to accumulate on either side of the old stone single-lane bridge, especially as the weekend begins and comes to a close. Midway through the gorge on the west flank you can see the Pum Pum Rock, named as such because it bears a remarkable resemblance to part of a woman’s anatomy.
Linstead, celebrated in the folk song Linstead Market, still has a busy market on Saturday. The island’s public records were kept under guard at the Anglican Church in this small inland town when the French threatened invasion in 1805. The church has been destroyed and rebuilt several times.
On the border with St. Ann, Ewarton is noticeable from kilometers away by the stench created by aluminum processing if the bauxite plant is in operation. There’s little to see in Ewarton, and it’s not likely to be a place you’ll want to spend too much time.
East of Kingston
The areas along the coast east of Kingston include the communities of Harbour View, Seven Mile, Palm Beach, and Bull Bay. The Palisadoes, a 16-kilometer-long stretch that runs from the roundabout at Harbour View to the tip of Port Royal, is home to the Kingston Yacht Club and Marina, the Marine Research Institute, Norman Manley International Airport, Plumb Point Lighthouse, Port Royal, and just offshore, the Kingston area’s most popular beach on the small island of Lime Cay.
The community of Harbour View surrounding the roundabout at the base of the Palisadoes was built on the site of Fort Nugent, originally constructed by a Spanish slave, James Castillo, and later fortified by Governor Nugent in 1806 to protect the eastern approach to Kingston Harbour. Today all that remains of the fort is the Martello tower, which takes its name from the first such tower, built in Corsica and popularized throughout England.
Port Royal and The Palisadoes
Part of Kingston parish, the Palisadoes is a thin stretch of barren sand, brush, and mangroves; it acts as a natural barrier protecting Kingston Harbour, with Port Royal at its western point. History has not smiled on this corner of Jamaica, perhaps due to some divine justice aimed at washing clean the sins and abuses that made Port Royal Britain’s first commercial stronghold in Jamaica. After Lord Cromwell seized Jamaica for Britain from the Spanish in 1655, Port Royal grew in importance, as the town’s strategic location brought prosperity to merchants who based themselves there. The merchants were joined by pirates and buccaneers, who together through their commerce, pillaging, and looting created one of the busiest and most successful trading posts in the New World. Imports included slaves, silks, silver, gold, wine, and salmon, while exports consisted mostly of rum, sugar, and wood. The British collaborated with the pirates as an insurance policy against the Spanish, who were thought to be seeking revenge on the island’s new colonial masters. Port Royal flourished, with a local service economy growing alongside its bustling maritime commerce until June 7, 1692, when a massive earthquake left 60 percent of Port Royal underwater, immediately killing 2,000 people. Eight hectares supporting the principal public buildings, wharves, merchant shops, and two of the town’s four forts disappeared into the sea. Aftershocks rocked the rattled city for months. In 1703 a fire devastated what little remained of Port Royal, sending most survivors across the harbor to what soon grew into the city of Kingston. The town also sustained significant damage in the earthquake of 1907, and then again during Hurricane Charlie in 1951.
Sleepy Port Royal is well worth a visit. The village is hassle-free and small enough to stroll leisurely around in a few hours. Scuba trips can be arranged through Port Royal Divers, based out of Morgan’s Harbour Marina. On weekends the square comes alive with a sound system and an invasion of Kingstonians, who come for the fish and beach just offshore at Lime Cay.
Plumb Point Lighthouse
Protecting the approach to Kingston Harbour, Plumb Point Lighthouse was built in 1853 and has gone out only once since, during the earthquake of 1907. Sitting on a point named Cayo de los Icacos, or Plumb Tree Cay (a reference to the coco plum by the Spanish), it is constructed of stone and cast iron and stands 21 meters high. Its light is visible from 40 kilometers out at sea. The beach immediately to the west is known for its occasional good surf, as is the shoreline between Plumb Point and Little Plumb Point. The area is also known for its strong currents, however, and surfers should use caution.
Fort Charles
Fort Charles (9 a.m.–4:45 p.m. daily, US$5 admission/ tour) is the most prominent historical attraction in town and the most impressive, well-restored fort in Jamaica. Built in 1656 immediately following the British takeover, it is the oldest fort on the island from the British colonial period, and one of the oldest in the New World. Originally it was named Fort Cromwell on Cagway after Lord Protector of England Oliver Cromwell (ruled 1653–1658), who was responsible for designing the strategic takeover of the island meant to give Britain control over the Caribbean basin. The fort was renamed in 1662 when the monarchy was reinstated in England with Charles II as King. Fort Charles sank a meter during the earthquake of 1692.
Giddy House sits half-submerged at an awkward angle in the earth behind Fort Charles. It was built in 1888 as an artillery store by the British Navy, but the earthquake of 1907 left the building skewed as a reminder that dramatic seismic events can humble vicious buccaneers as much as the world’s foremost navy.
Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758–1805), lauded as Britain’s all-time greatest naval hero for his victorious role in the Battle of Trafalgar, spent 30 months in Jamaica, much of it at Fort Charles. Nelson was given charge of the Fort while the island was caught in fear of a French invasion; he spent the tense period pacing and nervously scanning the horizon from what’s now referred to as Nelson’s Quarterdeck, a raised platform along the southern battlement. On the inside wall of the fort there is a plaque commanding those who tread Nelson’s footprints to remember his glory.
Also within Fort Charles walls, there is the grogge shop and a very nice little museum managed by the Museum of History and Ethnography, with period artifacts, old maps, and information about Port Royal and its glorious and notorious inhabitants.
Fort Charles
Fort Charles (9 a.m.–4:45 p.m. daily, US$5 admission/ tour) is the most prominent historical attraction in town and the most impressive, well-restored fort in Jamaica. Built in 1656 immediately following the British takeover, it is the oldest fort on the island from the British colonial period, and one of the oldest in the New World. Originally it was named Fort Cromwell on Cagway after Lord Protector of England Oliver Cromwell (ruled 1653–1658), who was responsible for designing the strategic takeover of the island meant to give Britain control over the Caribbean basin. The fort was renamed in 1662 when the monarchy was reinstated in England with Charles II as King. Fort Charles sank a meter during the earthquake of 1692.
Giddy House sits half-submerged at an awkward angle in the earth behind Fort Charles. It was built in 1888 as an artillery store by the British Navy, but the earthquake of 1907 left the building skewed as a reminder that dramatic seismic events can humble vicious buccaneers as much as the world’s foremost navy.
Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758–1805), lauded as Britain’s all-time greatest naval hero for his victorious role in the Battle of Trafalgar, spent 30 months in Jamaica, much of it at Fort Charles. Nelson was given charge of the Fort while the island was caught in fear of a French invasion; he spent the tense period pacing and nervously scanning the horizon from what’s now referred to as Nelson’s Quarterdeck, a raised platform along the southern battlement. On the inside wall of the fort there is a plaque commanding those who tread Nelson’s footprints to remember his glory.
Also within Fort Charles walls, there is the grogge shop and a very nice little museum managed by the Museum of History and Ethnography, with period artifacts, old maps, and information about Port Royal and its glorious and notorious inhabitants.
Fort Charles
Fort Charles (9 a.m.–4:45 p.m. daily, US$5 admission/ tour) is the most prominent historical attraction in town and the most impressive, well-restored fort in Jamaica. Built in 1656 immediately following the British takeover, it is the oldest fort on the island from the British colonial period, and one of the oldest in the New World. Originally it was named Fort Cromwell on Cagway after Lord Protector of England Oliver Cromwell (ruled 1653–1658), who was responsible for designing the strategic takeover of the island meant to give Britain control over the Caribbean basin. The fort was renamed in 1662 when the monarchy was reinstated in England with Charles II as King. Fort Charles sank a meter during the earthquake of 1692.
Giddy House sits half-submerged at an awkward angle in the earth behind Fort Charles. It was built in 1888 as an artillery store by the British Navy, but the earthquake of 1907 left the building skewed as a reminder that dramatic seismic events can humble vicious buccaneers as much as the world’s foremost navy.
Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758–1805), lauded as Britain’s all-time greatest naval hero for his victorious role in the Battle of Trafalgar, spent 30 months in Jamaica, much of it at Fort Charles. Nelson was given charge of the Fort while the island was caught in fear of a French invasion; he spent the tense period pacing and nervously scanning the horizon from what’s now referred to as Nelson’s Quarterdeck, a raised platform along the southern battlement. On the inside wall of the fort there is a plaque commanding those who tread Nelson’s footprints to remember his glory.
Also within Fort Charles walls, there is the grogge shop and a very nice little museum managed by the Museum of History and Ethnography, with period artifacts, old maps, and information about Port Royal and its glorious and notorious inhabitants.
St. Peter's Church
St. Peter’s Church, built in 1725, replaced earlier churches on the site destroyed by the 1692 earthquake and then the 1703 fire that again ravaged Port Royal. Inside there are several period items on display. In the churchyard is the tomb of Lewis Galdy. One of the founders of St. Peter’s, Galdy miraculously survived the 1692 earthquake after being swallowed by the earth and spit out by the sea, where he was rescued. The tomb is inscribed with the complete legend of Galdy, who went on to become a local hero.
McFarlene's Bar
McFarlene’s Bar is the oldest tavern in Port Royal, constructed in the 1800s, and one of the few buildings to withstand Hurricane Charlie in 1951. Unfortunately the pub no longer serves pints.
Old Gaol
The Old Gaol (jail, Gaol Street) was once a women’s prison.
Old Naval Hospital
The Old Naval Hospital is the oldest prefabricated cast-iron structure in the Western Hemisphere. The hospital was built in 1818 on the foundation of another hospital destroyed by fire a few years prior, using slave labor under the direction of the Royal Engineers of the British Army. The hospital went out of use in 1905 before getting a new lease on life as the Port Royal Centre for Archaeological and Conservation Research in 1968. Seventeen hurricanes have not fazed the structure, nor did the earthquake of 1907 do it any harm.
Lime Cay
Lime Cay is a paradisiacal islet, just barely big enough to sustain some vegetation. The beach gets crowded on weekends, especially on Sunday, and is worth a visit to take in the local scene. Launches leave for Lime Cay on weekends from Y-Knot Bar or at Morgan’s Harbour (US$10 per person round-trip); you can also get there on any other day, for a slightly higher price when the boats don’t fill up. At times there are launches from the old Ferry Dock area that will do the trip for a bit less, especially for small groups.
Grand Port Royal Hotel Marina & Spa
Grand Port Royal Hotel Marina & Spa (from US$110 including continental breakfast) is the only accommodation option in Port Royal. It has a mix of recently refurbished and antiquated rooms, all with AC, cable, Wi-Fi and breakfast included.
Slip fees at the hotel marina are reasonable at US$1 per foot per day, plus tax, similar to rates found across the island. Water, electricity, and laundry services are available. Morgan’s Harbour was built on the former naval shipyard. Small boats depart from the marina throughout the day for Lime Cay (US$10 adults, US$5 children).
Gloria's Seafood Restaurant
Gloria’s Seafood Restaurant has two locations , and is a must for anyone who appreciates seafood (US$10 for a fried fish and bammy). Gloria died a few years ago, but her legacy lives on with her children now running the business. Service can be slow owing to the crowds that swarm in, especially on Friday evenings and after church on Sundays. Gloria’s does some of the most dependable and delicious fried escoveitch fish with Jamaican marinade, a local twist of Spanish "escabeche," which uses onion, carrot, cho-cho (pear squash or chayote), scotch bonnet pepper, pimento, and vinegar. Both Gloria’s locations have a laidback setting good for unhurried meals with a view of the water.
Y-Knot ( 9 a.m.–7 p.m., daily, 9 a.m. till you say when Fri.–Sun.), at Port Royal Slip Way, is an excellent bar that serves food (chicken, fish, pork, shrimp, and ribs; US$4–14) on weekends. Y-Knot is the home of Lime Cay Tours, where launches leave daily for Lime Cay (US$12).
Alex Speaker Doc
Alex Speaker Doc can fix most any problem with speakers.
Royale Computers & Accessories
Should you need to get a computer part or accessory or need a repair, try Royale Computers & Accessories (Shop #31, Pavilion Mall, 13 Constant Spring Rd., tel. 876/906-1067, www.royalecomputers.com)
Logic Microsystems
Logic Microsystems (32 Hagley Park Rd., tel. 876/920-3791, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat., info@logicmicrosystems.com, www.logicmicrosystems.com).
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Craft Cottage
Craft Cottage (9:30a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a good place for authentic Jamaican arts and crafts.
Jamaica Herb & Spice
Jamaica Herb & Spice wholesales soaps and oils made by Blue Mountain Aromatics, one of the best cottage industry producers of personal care products in Jamaica. It's best to call ahead to schedule a visit.
Market at the Lawn
Market at the Lawn is held the last Sunday every other month 10 a.m.–5 p.m. at Truck Stop (18 West King's House Road). The open-air market features farmers who bring fresh produce to sell alongside arts and crafts vendors.
Original Bamboo Factory
Original Bamboo Factory (Caymans Estate, Spanish Town) has what you need if you're in the market for bamboo furniture or just want to see how it's put together.
Faith D'Aguilar
Faith D'Aguilar sells and refurbishes antique furniture and other oddities.
Books Plus and The Piano House
Books Plus and The Piano House at the same location and both run by Owen Brown, features a used bookstore in which Brown also sells renovated pianos. Brown runs a humble music school out of the shop, offering piano, flute, and guitar lessons. Call to inquire about any upcoming performances.
The National Stadium
The National Stadium hosts most important sporting events on the island, including the home games of the national soccer team Reggae Boyz and track and field events. Next door at the National Arena and the Indoor Sports Centre, several trade shows and events are held, including Caribbean Fashion Week. For more information contact the Jamaica Football Federation and ask for press officer Garth Williams.
Sabina Park
Sabina Park, located Downtown on South Camp Road, hosts some home games for the West Indies cricket team. The Jamaica Cricket Association based at Sabina, controls the sport on the island.
We Jamaica Tours
We Jamaica Tours, run by sole operator Juliet Gordon (US$2 for children, US$5 for adults) arranges sports tourism tours to cricket matches, athletics meets, and training sessions, or to venues like Sabina Park stadium. It also offers historical tours of sites like Coke Church, Ward Theatre and other attractions.
Caymanas Golf & Country Club
Kingston's most reputable golf course is Caymanas Golf & Country Club, west of Town. Designed by Canadian architect Howard Watson in 1958, the course features elevated greens with lush fairways cut through limestone hills. The views from the tees are excellent, with Guango trees providing natural obstacles and occasional shade. Nonmembers pay greens fees of US$50 weekdays, US$55.50 weekends and holidays, plus US$22.50 for a cart. The Hilton offers a US$198-per-night golf package inclusive of green fees and cart. A restaurant and bar on-site is open to the public.
Constant Spring Golf Club
Constant Spring Golf Club has a modest course located in the middle of Uptown Kingston. Built by Scottish architect Stanley Thompson in 1920, the short, tight fairways are challenging, with an excellent view at the 13th hole. Carts go for US$20 for nonmembers, green fees are US$45 on weekdays, US$50 on weekends. Clubs are available from the pro shop for US$35, and a caddy will cost you US$15. The course is a par 70 (Blue tees 9,197 yards; White tees 5,866 yards; Red tees 5,205 yards). Canadian National Railways built a magnificent hotel just below the course, parallel to the 18th hole fairway, which was long ago converted into the Immaculate Conception High School, one of Kingston's most prestigious.
Liguanea Club
Liguanea Club across from the Courtleigh Hotel, has squash, billiards, and tennis, plus an outdoor swimming pool. Membership is required to use the facilities. Visitor membership is available for US$78 per month.
Tennis Jamaica
Tennis Jamaica (6 a.m.–6 p.m. daily), formerly the Jamaica Lawn Tennis Association (JLTA), has courts and coaches and can set up partners. Nonmembers pay US$5 per hour 6 a.m.–4 p.m., US$7 per hour 4–6 p.m. Members (US$25/year) pay US$4 per hour 6 a.m.–4 p.m., US$5 per hour 4–6 p.m. The organization holds regular tournaments. To get there, head toward Cross Roads on Half Way Tree Road or Old Hope Road, turn onto Caledonia Avenue at the light and then take a right onto Marescaux Road. After you pass the National Water Commission on the left, take the next right at the front entrance of L. P. Azar, a textile store that serves as a good landmark. The courts are at the end of the road on the left. Tennis Jamaica is an excellent resource to find coaches all over the island who can help affordably and skillfully improve your game.
Tennis Jamaica
Tennis Jamaica (6 a.m.–6 p.m. daily), formerly the Jamaica Lawn Tennis Association (JLTA), has courts and coaches and can set up partners. Nonmembers pay US$5 per hour 6 a.m.–4 p.m., US$7 per hour 4–6 p.m. Members (US$25/year) pay US$4 per hour 6 a.m.–4 p.m., US$5 per hour 4–6 p.m. The organization holds regular tournaments. To get there, head toward Cross Roads on Half Way Tree Road or Old Hope Road, turn onto Caledonia Avenue at the light and then take a right onto Marescaux Road. After you pass the National Water Commission on the left, take the next right at the front entrance of L. P. Azar, a textile store that serves as a good landmark. The courts are at the end of the road on the left. Tennis Jamaica is an excellent resource to find coaches all over the island who can help affordably and skillfully improve your game.
Tennis Jamaica
Tennis Jamaica (6 a.m.–6 p.m. daily), formerly the Jamaica Lawn Tennis Association (JLTA), has courts and coaches and can set up partners. Nonmembers pay US$5 per hour 6 a.m.–4 p.m., US$7 per hour 4–6 p.m. Members (US$25/year) pay US$4 per hour 6 a.m.–4 p.m., US$5 per hour 4–6 p.m. The organization holds regular tournaments. To get there, head toward Cross Roads on Half Way Tree Road or Old Hope Road, turn onto Caledonia Avenue at the light and then take a right onto Marescaux Road. After you pass the National Water Commission on the left, take the next right at the front entrance of L. P. Azar, a textile store that serves as a good landmark. The courts are at the end of the road on the left. Tennis Jamaica is an excellent resource to find coaches all over the island who can help affordably and skillfully improve your game.
The Kingston Polo Club
The Kingston Polo Club (contact Lesley Masterton-Fong Yee, or Shane Chin) is located on the Caymanas Estate west of town off Mandela Highway. It can be reached by taking the same exit as for the Caymanas Golf & Country Club, about 100 meters west of the turnoff for Portmore. The Kingston Polo Club season runs early January–August 7 and is host to some of the highest-handicap polo played on the island, starting with the ICWI international women's team, ICWI 18 goal, and the NCB High International 15 goal tournament in May. Matches are held at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays and 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
Water Sports
Even though Kingston has a lot of waterfront acreage, it's not put to great use: there are no cafés, restaurants, or bars on Ocean Boulevard, as one might hope or expect. Nevertheless, there are plenty of places around to have a dip, including Rockfort mineral baths, the pool at the Mayfair Hotel, Cane River Falls east of Town, and beaches on Lime Cay and west of town at Hellshire and Fort Clarence. Lime Cay and Sugarman's Beach, to the right just before entering Hellshire Beach, are probably the most inviting in the greater Kingston area.
Jamnesia Surf Camp
Jamnesia Surf Camp caters to budget travelers and surf enthusiasts offering basic accommodations in Bull Bay, where the most active members of the Jamaica Surfing Association tight-knit family congregate. The association has raised the profile of Jamaican surfing in a commendable fashion, organizing events and contests at home and competing overseas with a national team.
Rates vary from US$10 per person to camp with your own tent, to US$15 for use of their tents with linens, sleeping mat, and pillow, to US$25 in the sole camp room, or US$30 for two. Bungalows rent for US$40 single or US$60 double. Nearby apartments can be rented for US$40. Affordable week-long packages include a tent and two meals daily are also offered. Otherwise, meals are cut rate: breakfast (US$4), lunch (US$5), and dinner (US$8).
Jamnesia Surf Camp
Jamnesia Surf Camp caters to budget travelers and surf enthusiasts offering basic accommodations in Bull Bay, where the most active members of the Jamaica Surfing Association tight-knit family congregate. The association has raised the profile of Jamaican surfing in a commendable fashion, organizing events and contests at home and competing overseas with a national team.
Rates vary from US$10 per person to camp with your own tent, to US$15 for use of their tents with linens, sleeping mat, and pillow, to US$25 in the sole camp room, or US$30 for two. Bungalows rent for US$40 single or US$60 double. Nearby apartments can be rented for US$40. Affordable week-long packages include a tent and two meals daily are also offered. Otherwise, meals are cut rate: breakfast (US$4), lunch (US$5), and dinner (US$8).
Jamnesia Surf Camp
Jamnesia Surf Camp caters to budget travelers and surf enthusiasts offering basic accommodations in Bull Bay, where the most active members of the Jamaica Surfing Association tight-knit family congregate. The association has raised the profile of Jamaican surfing in a commendable fashion, organizing events and contests at home and competing overseas with a national team.
Rates vary from US$10 per person to camp with your own tent, to US$15 for use of their tents with linens, sleeping mat, and pillow, to US$25 in the sole camp room, or US$30 for two. Bungalows rent for US$40 single or US$60 double. Nearby apartments can be rented for US$40. Affordable week-long packages include a tent and two meals daily are also offered. Otherwise, meals are cut rate: breakfast (US$4), lunch (US$5), and dinner (US$8).
Jamnesia Surf Camp
Jamnesia Surf Camp caters to budget travelers and surf enthusiasts offering basic accommodations in Bull Bay, where the most active members of the Jamaica Surfing Association tight-knit family congregate. The association has raised the profile of Jamaican surfing in a commendable fashion, organizing events and contests at home and competing overseas with a national team.
Rates vary from US$10 per person to camp with your own tent, to US$15 for use of their tents with linens, sleeping mat, and pillow, to US$25 in the sole camp room, or US$30 for two. Bungalows rent for US$40 single or US$60 double. Nearby apartments can be rented for US$40. Affordable week-long packages include a tent and two meals daily are also offered. Otherwise, meals are cut rate: breakfast (US$4), lunch (US$5), and dinner (US$8).
Jamnesia Surf Camp
Jamnesia Surf Camp caters to budget travelers and surf enthusiasts offering basic accommodations in Bull Bay, where the most active members of the Jamaica Surfing Association tight-knit family congregate. The association has raised the profile of Jamaican surfing in a commendable fashion, organizing events and contests at home and competing overseas with a national team.
Rates vary from US$10 per person to camp with your own tent, to US$15 for use of their tents with linens, sleeping mat, and pillow, to US$25 in the sole camp room, or US$30 for two. Bungalows rent for US$40 single or US$60 double. Nearby apartments can be rented for US$40. Affordable week-long packages include a tent and two meals daily are also offered. Otherwise, meals are cut rate: breakfast (US$4), lunch (US$5), and dinner (US$8).
Port Royal Divers
Port Royal Divers (Morgan's Harbour, tel. 876/382-6767, paul@portroyaldivers.com, www.portroyaldivers.com), led by Paul Shoucair aboard his 8.5-meter boat, will take experienced divers to the reefs off Lime Cay to some recent wrecks (US$50 per person for two dives including tanks and weights; gear is an additional US$30). Paul also does PADI certification courses for multiple persons: US$450 for Open Water certification, US$350 for Advanced, US$500 for Rescue Diver, and US$500 for Divemaster certification. It is illegal for tourists to dive without a Jamaica Tourist Board–licensed diver like Paul. Diving sites around Kingston include the sunken ship Edena, Black Tip, Texas, Winward Edge, and Cayman Trader close to Lime Cay. If you're lucky you may see eagle rays, nurse sharks, and turtles.
Royal Jamaica Yacht Club
Located on the eastern side of Kingston Harbor next to Norman Manley International Airport beside the Caribbean Maritime Institute, the Royal Jamaica Yacht Club holds regular regattas: Spring Regatta around the second week in February, RJYC Globe Fishing tournament in March, and Independence Regatta at the end of July or early August. Yachters arriving to Jamaica from overseas should clear customs in Port Royal before seeking a slip at the yacht club. You can also come directly to the club, which can contact customs and immigration. Slips can accommodate vessels up to 50 feet, while the visitors' dock can accommodate larger vessels. Fees are US$1.50 per foot for the first six days and US$1 thereafter; electricity, water, and fuel are also offered. Visitors are welcome to use the restaurant, bar, and pool. Patricia Yap-Chung is the secretary/manager. If you want to sign on as crew, make your interest known at the club and there's a good chance one of the boats will take you on. Yearly membership costs US$385.
Sail Jamaica
Sail Jamaica (contact instructor Marisa Shea) offers sailing lessons and courses for children and adults, both long-term after-school programs (US$250) and weekend learn-to-sail courses (US$120). Tailored lessons and courses can also be arranged for short-term visitors.
Bikini Sundayz
Bikini Sundayz (contact Maurice Johnson, cell tel. 876/381-1281, marjohno@hotmail.com, US$15, half price for women wearing bikinis) is a bi-weekly (call to find out which Sunday) cruise aboard the Fun N Frolic party yacht that leaves Morgan's Harbour in Port Royal for Lime Cay at 3 p.m. and returns at 9 p.m. The cruise attracts mostly young adults and has a sound system and selectors, two bars, and a restaurant on board.
Retro on the Seas
Retro on the Seas, also aboard Fun N Frolic, leaves from Morgan's Harbour at 9 p.m. on the last Saturday of each month with groovy selections as the soundtrack for a four-hour cruise around Kingston Harbour.
Why Not Fishing Charters
Why Not Fishing Charters Local anglers go out to the California Banks about 16 kilometers offshore from Port Royal. Nigel Black operates out of Morgan's Harbour Marina.
Other fishing expeditions can be arranged by inquiring with Anthony DuCasse at DuRae's Boat Sales , the best powerboat parts supplier on the island, in business since 1966, or at E & S Fishing Supplies (Harbour View Shopping Centre, tel. 876/928-7910, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.), which sells lines, rods, tackle, and bait.
Jamaica Hash House Harriers
Jamaica Hash House Harriers is a running group better known as "a drinking club with a running problem" or "the world's largest disorganization." The club welcomes visiting runners and drinkers to join the pack. Contact Emile Finlay. Hash runs take place approximately every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, with occasional holiday hikes and runs scheduled as well.
Jamdammers Running Club
Jamdammers Running Club (info@jamdammers.com, www.jamdammers.com) is a formal organization that celebrates Jamaica's "out of many, one people" motto. Its founding members are Jamaicans from all walks of life who ran regularly at the Mona Reservoir, or "The Dam."
Nirvana Day Spa
Nirvana Day Spa (7 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat.), owned by Gaudia Aquart offers manicures and pedicures (US$29–41), massages (US$36–56), facials (US$50–71), mud and herb body wraps (US$57–79), body scrubs (US$36–53), and hair removal (US$6–36). Prices do not include tax.
Nirvana Day Spa
Nirvana Day Spa (7 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat.), owned by Gaudia Aquart offers manicures and pedicures (US$29–41), massages (US$36–56), facials (US$50–71), mud and herb body wraps (US$57–79), body scrubs (US$36–53), and hair removal (US$6–36). Prices do not include tax.
Jencare Skin Farm
Jencare Skin Farm (Mon-Wed 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Thur/Fri 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Sat 7 a.m.-7 p.m., closed Sun) is a slightly upscale day spa that offers complete bodywork from nails (US$31) to facials (US$43) to massage (US$50). You can also get a haircut (US$7).
Shakti Mind Body Fitness
Shakti Mind Body Fitness is a full-service fitness center offering cutting-edge classes for body and mind, as well as a spa and fitness-lifestyle store. Choose from over 50 classes, including indoor cycling, yoga, body sculpt, Pilates, and Zumba. Shakti often has guest instructors from the United States. Nonmembers are welcome for drop-in classes (US$11). Regular classes run 8:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Monday–Thursday, 8:30–10:30 a.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m.–noon Sunday. Call ahead for spinning, as the classes are often booked. Appointments can also be made for spa treatments such as deep tissue, Swedish, and Thai massage, as well as eyelash tinting and body waxing with qualified therapists. Shakti is owned and operated by certified yoga teacher and aromatherapist Sharon McConnell (sharon@shaktimindbodyfitness.com). Essential oil scents fill the air and set a relaxing mood. See the website for a full schedule of classes and offerings. Great, healthy food is available, too, including the signature Shakti Granola Bars.
Island Massage Therapy and Yoga
Island Massage Therapy and Yoga (US$20) holds intimate regular classes, typically with fewer than 10 people (6 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 10:45 a.m. Tues.–Thurs.) led by American expat Barbara Gingrich in an informal home studio setting. Barbara will also hold sessions at other locations by special request. Massage is by appointment only. Call for directions.
Daling Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Daling Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion (39 Lady Musgrave Rd., tel. 876/978-3838) offers acupuncture service for a variety of ailments.
Rockfort Mineral Spa
Rockfort Mineral Spa ( a.m.–5:30 p.m. Tues.–Sun., US$2.50 adults, US$1.50 children) has one of Kingston's few public swimming pools adjoined by a bathhouse. Sitting on the remains of a British Fort from whence it gets its name, the baths are fed by mineral water from the Dallas Mountains. A large swimming pool outside is complemented by enclosed whirlpool tubs that come in different configurations and are available for 45-minute sessions: two-seater (US$14), four-seater (US$17), eight-seater (US$26), or 12-seater (US$31). The tubs are heated with electric heaters; by 10 a.m., they're hot and ready for use. Additionally, the spa has a stress-management center offering 45-minute massages (US$35) and reflexology sessions (US$25).
Rockfort Mineral Spa
Rockfort Mineral Spa ( a.m.–5:30 p.m. Tues.–Sun., US$2.50 adults, US$1.50 children) has one of Kingston's few public swimming pools adjoined by a bathhouse. Sitting on the remains of a British Fort from whence it gets its name, the baths are fed by mineral water from the Dallas Mountains. A large swimming pool outside is complemented by enclosed whirlpool tubs that come in different configurations and are available for 45-minute sessions: two-seater (US$14), four-seater (US$17), eight-seater (US$26), or 12-seater (US$31). The tubs are heated with electric heaters; by 10 a.m., they're hot and ready for use. Additionally, the spa has a stress-management center offering 45-minute massages (US$35) and reflexology sessions (US$25).
Rockfort Mineral Spa
Rockfort Mineral Spa ( a.m.–5:30 p.m. Tues.–Sun., US$2.50 adults, US$1.50 children) has one of Kingston's few public swimming pools adjoined by a bathhouse. Sitting on the remains of a British Fort from whence it gets its name, the baths are fed by mineral water from the Dallas Mountains. A large swimming pool outside is complemented by enclosed whirlpool tubs that come in different configurations and are available for 45-minute sessions: two-seater (US$14), four-seater (US$17), eight-seater (US$26), or 12-seater (US$31). The tubs are heated with electric heaters; by 10 a.m., they're hot and ready for use. Additionally, the spa has a stress-management center offering 45-minute massages (US$35) and reflexology sessions (US$25).
Rockfort Mineral Spa
Rockfort Mineral Spa ( a.m.–5:30 p.m. Tues.–Sun., US$2.50 adults, US$1.50 children) has one of Kingston's few public swimming pools adjoined by a bathhouse. Sitting on the remains of a British Fort from whence it gets its name, the baths are fed by mineral water from the Dallas Mountains. A large swimming pool outside is complemented by enclosed whirlpool tubs that come in different configurations and are available for 45-minute sessions: two-seater (US$14), four-seater (US$17), eight-seater (US$26), or 12-seater (US$31). The tubs are heated with electric heaters; by 10 a.m., they're hot and ready for use. Additionally, the spa has a stress-management center offering 45-minute massages (US$35) and reflexology sessions (US$25).
Body Fusion
Body Fusion has good equipment, including free weights, treadmills, stair-climbers, stationary bikes, and NordicTracks.(5:30 a.m.–9 p.m. daily, US$7 per day for nonmembers, one-month membership costs US$50) and Aerobics classes are also offered (6 a.m. and hourly 5:30–7:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m. on Sat.).
Indies Hotel
Indies Hotel (US$39 s with fan and TV, US$47 with air-conditioning, US$61 with phone; US$64 d, US$81 t) is a no-frills hotel with basic rooms in a very convenient central location. There is a restaurant and bar in the inner courtyard where meals are served. Continental breakfast is US$2.50 and up and dinner is from US$6.
Sunset Inn
Sunset Inn (US$75-95) is basic but has all the essentials. Amenities include hot water, cable, air-conditioning, and dressers in all the rooms.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Spanish Court Hotel
Spanish Court Hotel (from US$265) had its grand opening in 2009 and soon thereafter became own of the most popular among business travelers. The 125-room hotel conveniently abutts Trafalgar Road, one of New Kingston's most important thoroughfares, demarcating the northern boundary of the island's most important corporate hub, facing St. Lucia Ave. It has competitive rates, chic, modern design reminiscent of Miami and excellent service. Rooms are well appointed with 48" flat-panel TVs, warm and cozy decor, comfortable bedding and towels and quality toiletries. Four categories. Standard has two layouts, standard king with one king and standard double, has extra long twin beds. Deluxe rooms have King or the same double twin. Junior Suites have king beds. One bedroom suites also have king beds. The Restaurant at Spanish Court serves a mix of Jamaican favorites and international lunch and dinner items and is open to non-guests, as is The Café, open 24 hours serving pastries and light fare.
Altamont Court
Altamont Court (US$168.28 dbl) is a great value relative to other options in the area, and its location in a quiet corner of New Kingston makes it convenient without being on highly-trafficked Knutsford Boulevard, the corporate district's main thoroughfare. There are a few restaurants and a bit of nightlife on Knutsford Boulevard, only a five-minute walk away. The Altamont has 57 standard rooms and one large suite. Standards come with two doubles or one king. The roomier accommodations have a loft with the bedroom upstairs and a living area and pullout sofa, microwave, and fridge on the first level. The Alexander Suite is a spacious and luxurious room with an expansive bathroom that has a tub and a separate shower. Wireless Internet is included in all the rooms. A computer available for guest use can be found in the business center. Three meeting rooms are also available. A restaurant by the pool serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Altamont Court
Altamont Court (US$168.28 dbl) is a great value relative to other options in the area, and its location in a quiet corner of New Kingston makes it convenient without being on highly-trafficked Knutsford Boulevard, the corporate district's main thoroughfare. There are a few restaurants and a bit of nightlife on Knutsford Boulevard, only a five-minute walk away. The Altamont has 57 standard rooms and one large suite. Standards come with two doubles or one king. The roomier accommodations have a loft with the bedroom upstairs and a living area and pullout sofa, microwave, and fridge on the first level. The Alexander Suite is a spacious and luxurious room with an expansive bathroom that has a tub and a separate shower. Wireless Internet is included in all the rooms. A computer available for guest use can be found in the business center. Three meeting rooms are also available. A restaurant by the pool serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Altamont Court
Altamont Court (US$168.28 dbl) is a great value relative to other options in the area, and its location in a quiet corner of New Kingston makes it convenient without being on highly-trafficked Knutsford Boulevard, the corporate district's main thoroughfare. There are a few restaurants and a bit of nightlife on Knutsford Boulevard, only a five-minute walk away. The Altamont has 57 standard rooms and one large suite. Standards come with two doubles or one king. The roomier accommodations have a loft with the bedroom upstairs and a living area and pullout sofa, microwave, and fridge on the first level. The Alexander Suite is a spacious and luxurious room with an expansive bathroom that has a tub and a separate shower. Wireless Internet is included in all the rooms. A computer available for guest use can be found in the business center. Three meeting rooms are also available. A restaurant by the pool serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Altamont Court
Altamont Court (US$168.28 dbl) is a great value relative to other options in the area, and its location in a quiet corner of New Kingston makes it convenient without being on highly-trafficked Knutsford Boulevard, the corporate district's main thoroughfare. There are a few restaurants and a bit of nightlife on Knutsford Boulevard, only a five-minute walk away. The Altamont has 57 standard rooms and one large suite. Standards come with two doubles or one king. The roomier accommodations have a loft with the bedroom upstairs and a living area and pullout sofa, microwave, and fridge on the first level. The Alexander Suite is a spacious and luxurious room with an expansive bathroom that has a tub and a separate shower. Wireless Internet is included in all the rooms. A computer available for guest use can be found in the business center. Three meeting rooms are also available. A restaurant by the pool serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The Knutsford Court Hotel
The Knutsford Court Hotel (US$142) is well situated within easy walking distance to the restaurants, bars, and nightclubs on Knutsford Boulevard. The hotel is owned by the Hendricksons, who also operate the Courtleigh and Sunset Resorts on the North and West Coasts. The Knutsford is their most downscale property, but it offers amenities like a 24-hour business center, gym, meeting rooms, two restaurants, and a bar. The rooms are decent with wooden furniture, and all the standard amenities like phone and cable TV. Two townhouses in the courtyard have the property's best suites.
The Knutsford Court Hotel
The Knutsford Court Hotel (US$142) is well situated within easy walking distance to the restaurants, bars, and nightclubs on Knutsford Boulevard. The hotel is owned by the Hendricksons, who also operate the Courtleigh and Sunset Resorts on the North and West Coasts. The Knutsford is their most downscale property, but it offers amenities like a 24-hour business center, gym, meeting rooms, two restaurants, and a bar. The rooms are decent with wooden furniture, and all the standard amenities like phone and cable TV. Two townhouses in the courtyard have the property's best suites.
The Courtleigh Hotel & Suites
The Courtleigh Hotel & Suites (85 Knutsford Blvd., tel. 876/929-9000, fax 876/926-7744, courtleigh@cwjamaica.com, www.courtleigh.com, US$207 standard, US$550 presidential suite) is a popular business rest located between the Jamaica Pegasus and the Hilton. Rooms are modern, and guests have free wireless Internet throughout the property. Continental breakfast is included, and there are mini-fridges in rooms, cable TV, air-conditioning, and a 24-hour gym.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Jamaica Pegasus
Jamaica Pegasus (US$171 s/d, US$215 jr. suite, rates include breakfast) is a government favorite. It's the choice hotel for visiting and local officials, given its status as a joint venture between John Issa's SuperClubs and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC). The Pegasus is a popular venue for local government and private sector functions, as it has some of the largest conference facilities and ballrooms in town. A beautiful pool, 24-hour deli, and tennis courts round out this premier New Kingston property.
Alhambra Inn
Alhambra Inn (US$110 for two double beds, US$120 for king, US$20 per extra person) is a quaint boutique hotel with a country feel across Mountain View Road from the National Indoor Stadium and a five-minute drive from New Kingston and Downtown. Twenty spacious rooms with comfortable sheets and a lush courtyard make the inn a cool option where the air-conditioning is barely necessary, even in the summer. Bring soap and shampoo, as the soap provided is not high-end. Wi-Fi is available in the courtyard. The Inn started as a reception center and began offering accommodations in 1996. It's owned by the amicable Sonia Gray-Clarke and her husband Trevor Clarke, an antiques collector whose hobby has helped bestow the Alhambra with its distinct character.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens Resort & Spa (US$193-385 taxes and service included) is a boutique hotel operating as a bed & breakfast with a wellness and business centre conveniently located a few blocks from the bustle of New Kingston in Liguanea. It has large, comfortable suites with broad, functional desks and kitchenettes. Wireless Internet is included, and the property has conference facilities, a pool, and a restaurant.
The hotel underwent a major overhaul in 2013 when the dated decor was completely replaced adding style to functional. Eden Gardens is located in Liguanea, one of Kingston's most highly regarded residential neighborhoods, with ample greenery surrounding the duplex condos that provides an ideal setting for independent travelers.
Eden Spa sits on the same compound.
Hotel Four Seasons
Hotel Four Seasons offers single or deluxe rooms (US$100) with either two single or two queen beds, and 27 deluxe poolside rooms with two queen or one king bed (US$110). The hotel complex is large with a total of 76 rooms. The newer rooms are by the pool in the back.
Terra Nova All Suite Hotel
Terra Nova All Suite Hotel has spacious, comfortable rooms with two double beds (US$207), junior suites with minibar included (US$261), executive suites with whirlpool tubs and a bit more space (US$331), and three royalty suites with balconies (US$686 Blue Mountain and Darby suites, Terra Nova suite). Internet is included. Terra Nova has a great lunch buffet (US$22) throughout the week with a different theme each day, and it offers one of the best Sunday brunch buffet (US$28) selections in town with a mix of international and local food.
Ashe Caribbean Performing Art Ensemble & Academy
Ashe Caribbean Performing Art Ensemble & Academy, led by executive director Conroy Wilson, has regular performances throughout the year. Ashe is a full-time dance company that travels frequently and does "edutainment" projects in schools across the island.
Ashe Caribbean Performing Art Ensemble & Academy
Ashe Caribbean Performing Art Ensemble & Academy, led by executive director Conroy Wilson, has regular performances throughout the year. Ashe is a full-time dance company that travels frequently and does "edutainment" projects in schools across the island.
Ashe Caribbean Performing Art Ensemble & Academy
Ashe Caribbean Performing Art Ensemble & Academy, led by executive director Conroy Wilson, has regular performances throughout the year. Ashe is a full-time dance company that travels frequently and does "edutainment" projects in schools across the island.
Movements Dance Company
Movements Dance Company was founded in 1981 by Monica Campbell McFarlane, Pat Grant-Heron, Michelle Tappin-Lee, and Denise Desnoes and has since grown into one of Jamaica's most dynamic and versatile dance companies. Both traditional Jamaican and Caribbean rhythms inform the company's repertoire. The schedule of performances climaxes each year with the annual Season of Dance in November. The company also travels to perform in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and neighboring Caribbean islands.
Carib Cinema
Carib Cinema plays Hollywood films (Cross Roads, typical show times 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. daily, admission US$6).
The Cineplex
The Cineplex ( admission US$6) is also owned by Palace Amusement and has more of the same Hollywood films.
Acropolis Gaming Lounge
Acropolis (1 p.m.–1 a.m. Mon.–Thurs., 1 p.m.–3 a.m. Fri.–Sat. 10 a.m.–1 a.m. Sun.) is one of the many gaming lounges owned by Supreme Ventures, Jamaica's leading lottery company.
The Natural History Society of Jamaica
The Natural History Society of Jamaica holds regular meetings, typically once a month, to discuss and explore the country’s natural environment. Call or email for information about trips or exact meeting times and location.
Caymanas Park
Caymanas Park horse track is recognized as one of the best horse-racing tracks in the Caribbean. Regular races are held on select Wednesdays and Saturdays, with the occasional Monday race, and are usually well attended. In 2009, a proposal to start regular Sunday races met strong opposition from Christian groups, which objected to gambling on a holy day. Admission ranges US$0.50–4, depending on seating. Caymanas Track Ltd. (CTL) supports a large network of OTB sites around the corporate area, which offer simulcast races from around the world when races aren't being broadcast from Caymanas.
Kingston is full of shopping plazas and strip malls. Half Way Tree has the highest concentration of shopping plazas in Jamaica, which include: Lane Plaza, on the eastern side of Hope Road; Pavilion, Central, Twin Gates, and Savannah Plazas, on the block between Eastwood Park and Constant Spring Roads; and Mall, Tropical, 7th Avenue, Premiere, and Village Plazas on the north side of Constant Spring Road.
Devon House Shops
The courtyard at Devon House Shops is home to some of the nicest boutique shops in Kingston, in addition to offering tantalizing treats to stimulate your palate.
Starfish Oils
Starfish Oils is one of Jamaica's best cottage industries, which makes soaps, oils, and candles perfect for compact gift items and everyday use. These products come standard in the bathrooms at many of Jamaica's best hotels. Starfish also has an outlet in Manor Park Plaza.
The Pottery Store
The Pottery Store (Shop #2, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m.) features pieces by Wassi Art Pottery Works located in Ocho Rios, which showcases the finest in Jamaican pottery. Every last Saturday of the month The Pottery Store offers discounts of up to 15 percent on select items. Items range significantly in price (US$4–480).
T's and Treasures
T's and Treasures (Shops #3 and 4, tel. 876/968-0750, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 1:30 p.m.–7 p.m. Sun.) sells books on travel and culture, cultural DVDs, souvenirs, apparel, and trinkets.
Things Jamaican
Things Jamaican ( 9 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Sat., noon–8 p.m. Sun.) sells a wide array of crafts, books, and creative gift items.
Molasses Taste of Jamaica
Molasses Taste of Jamaica (shops 6 and 7, tel. 876/908-1322, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon. , 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Tues.–Sat.) retails Jamaican spirits, including rums, rum creams, and liquors, as well as a collection of Jamaican and Cuban cigars.
Elaine's Elegance
Elaine's Elegance sells cut-work embroidery dresses, skirts, blouses, and jackets for fashionable women--all handmade by Elaine. Craft items like woodwork, fruit bowls, and fridge magnets are also sold at Elaine's.
Treasure House Plaza
Located at 96 Hope Road, this plaza has a variety of shops open 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Monday–Saturday.
SoHo sells evening and casual wear for women and attracts a primarily Jamaican clientele; the products vary from gaudy to semi-formal and elegant.
La Pluma Negra
La Pluma Negra mainly sells casual, going-out wear, mostly T-shirts and accessories.
The Cooyah store located at the plaza, as well as others found around Jamaica, sell knockoff Cooyah clothing and are best avoided. The founder of Cooyah, Homer Bair, started a new line true to the roots of the Cooyah brand, CY (www.cyevolution.com), which is considered the official reggae brand, worn by some of the most popular reggae and dancehall artists. CY gear is screenprinted in Hollywood, Florida, and retails online. CY can be found in the Kingston area at Ammar's (Village Mall, Half Way Tree, tel. 876/926-4667 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m., until 7 p.m. Fri.–Sat.), Collectibles (Shop #10, Mall Plaza, tel. 876/926-4439; Shop #18 Village Plaza, tel. 876/926-2596), and Carby's Souvenir Discount Centre and Craft Village (Shop #4, Twin Gates Plaza, tel. 876/926-4065, 9:30 a.m.–6:30 Mon.–Thurs., till 7:30 p.m. Fri.–Sat.).
Sarai Clothing
Sarai Clothing has Rasta gear, Ethiopian sharmas, dresses, and men's and children's clothing (Harbour View, by appt. only, contact Sister May).
Mutamba (by appt. only), a clothing line developed by outspoken Jamaican Pan-Africanist dub poet Mutabaruka and his wife, Amber, is very popular for its minimalist chic aesthetic.
J'adore ( 10:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 10:30 a.m.–8 p.m. Fri.–Sat.), has clothes imported from Europe, fit for clubbing or going out.
Flirt Boutique
Flirt has women's apparel for the nightclub or a dinner out.
Bling Bling
Bling Bling (10 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has all the bling you'll need to flex big at the club or a street dance. Prices range considerably (US$1.50–357). Sharon Beckford is the friendly proprietor.
Bridget Sandals
Bridget Sandals (9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$65–120) sells unique and tasteful handcrafted leather footwear for women. Manufacturing flaws are repaired free of charge. Founder Bridget Brown and son Jonathan Buchanan run the shop.
Lee's Fifth Avenue
Lee's Fifth Avenue (10 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun.) sells quality, trendy, brand-name clothes like Levi's, Puma, and Tommy Hilfiger.
Loran-V Boutique
Loran-V Boutique (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Sat.) makes swimwear and light apparel for men and women on-site with a handful of women at sewing machines churning out well-designed bikinis and trunks.
Stanley & Empress
Stanley & Empress (noon–8 p.m. Wed.–Sat.) has a collection of Jamaican-designed and -inspired apparel and accessories for men and women.
Like Dat
Like Dat sells a range of Jamaica-inspired roots wear attire.
Swiss Stores
Swiss Stores sells a wide selection of watches, duty-free for foreign residents and tourists.
Kingston Bookshop
Kingston Bookshop has several locations around town. Kingston carries Jamaican and Caribbean titles, as well as imports from the United States and Europe covering all kinds of subject matter; in addition, it's a major force in Jamaica's textbook market. Downtown stores operate 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Uptown stores run until 6 p.m.
Sangster's Book Stores
Sangster's Book Stores is another major chain with several locations around town
Bookophilia (92 Hope Rd., tel. 876/978-5248, 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Sat., noon–5 p.m. Sun.) opened in April 2008 with a great selection of books and magazines. There's a small kiosk in the corner of the cozy shop serving Blue Mountain coffee, tea, cookies, and muffins (US$1–3). The signature drink is the Gingerbread Chai Latte (US$3). A worldbeat night is held every last Friday of the month (6–9 p.m.). Bookophilia lures first-time customers with a free cup of coffee.
Bolivar Bookshop & Gallery
Bolivar Bookshop & Gallery is a nice boutique with a small art gallery and more rare books than can be found at the other bookstores in town.
Headstar Books and Crafts
Headstar Books and Crafts is an Afrocentric bookshop run by Brother Miguel.
Techniques Records
Techniques Records (contact shop owner Winston Riley, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has what is perhaps Kingston's best selection for all kinds of traditional music and oldies, with LPs, 33s, and 45s, as well as the latest singles and CDs.
Derrick Harriott's One Stop Record Shop
Derrick Harriott's One Stop Record Shop (10 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has a good selection of oldies as well as the latest LPs and 45 singles.
Rockers International Records
Rockers International Records (9 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) specializes in reggae, and has CDs and LPs, 33s, and 45s, with the latest domestic singles and imports.
Tad's International Records
Tad's International Records has an extensive catalog of reggae from the early days of Gregory Isaacs, Dennis Brown, and John Holt, to more contemporary Terry Linen, Cecile, Teflon, and Anthony B.
Best Buds
Best Buds (9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) must be one of the few stores on the planet to sell plants, floral arrangements, and all kinds of domestic and imported CDs, but no vinyl.
Rock 'N' Groove Muzik
Rock 'N' Groove Muzik (Shop #9, Northside Plaza, tel. 876/977-3538, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has a great selection of reggae, gospel, R&B, rap and soca on CD.
Sonic Sounds Record Manufacturing Company
Sonic Sounds Record Manufacturing Company run by Jason Lee, sells vintage reggae on vinyl, including 33s and 45s. Customers must buy a minimum of three of each item. Sonic no longer distributes. It was founded in 1978 by Jason's father, Neville Lee, brother of Byron Lee, who was front man for Byron Lee and the Dragonaires until his death in 2008. Byron Lee and the Dragonaires were ambassadors of Jamaican Music from 1964, when their first producer and former prime minister of Jamaica Edward Seaga selected the band to back a showcase of talent at the World's Fair. Eventually the group earned a listing in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest-running band. Neville managed Dynamic Sounds, the studio Byron Lee bought from Seaga, changing the name from West Indies Records Limited. Neville later left Dynamic to found Sonic.
Vynil Records
Vynil Records ( 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Fri.) is a retailer of reggae 33s and 45s. The shop is oriented toward the export market, as most Jamaican selectors use digital formats these days.
Dynamic Sounds
Dynamic Sounds (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) is a studio full of history, founded by former prime minister Edward Seaga before the ambitious young man left the music industry for politics. It became a seminal recording studio, documenting the birth of Jamaica's music industry out of the thirst and excitement generated by the explosion of American popular music on the local airwaves, and the yearning for a national identity around the time of independence.
Today Dynamic Sounds retails vintage records and contemporary CDs (US$9–15), singles, rhythm tracks on 45s (US$.75), and complete albums on 33s (US$3.50). Dynamic Sounds is owned by Byron Lee, son of the legendary late Byron Lee. You must buy at least two of each item.
All Access Entertainment
All Access Entertainment (9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) is a wholesaler of both vinyl and CDs, with vintage and new artists represented on singles and rhythm tracks on 45s. Customers must purchase a minimum of three of each item.
Innovative Systems
Innovative Systems (downstairs in Sovereign Centre) sells all kinds of electronics goods, from USB cables to headsets.
Photo Express
Photo Express (8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) does film developing within 24 hours and sells compact flash cards, SD cards, cameras, batteries, bags, and accessories.
Electro-World, at Mall Plaza in Half Way Tree, has a good selection of electronics, including FireWire cables and earphones.
Watts New
Watts New has outlets at Tropical Plaza (Shop #9) in Half Way Tree, and next to Waterfalls (in Liguanea)
Seven Basics & More
Seven Basics & More run by the Country Farmhouse is a vegetarian restaurant and deli, retailing among other things Blessed Delights baked products made by Ngozi (tel. 876/899-6332), many of which are vegan. Ngozi supplies Legend Café at the Bob Marley Museum and other outlets around Town.
Healthy Bites
Healthy Bites ( noon–3 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) prepares raw foods (J$6) and juices (US$2.50). Joy Smith is the creative chef behind the enterprise.
Jo Jo's Jerk Pit and More
Jo Jo's Jerk Pit and More does regular Jamaican breakfast starting at 8 a.m. It also does lunch Monday to Wednesday with Jamaican staples, a grill day on Thursdays featuring barbecued ribs, homemade burgers, steaks, lamb and chicken (noon–10 p.m.), and the Jerk Pit on Fridays and Saturdays (noon–10 p.m.) serving jerk chicken, pork, lamb, and conch in addition to the complete menu including soups, and Philly cheese steak sandwiches. The bar is open during regular business hours. Jamaican breakfast is served on Sundays as well, starting at 8 a.m. and featuring mackerel rundown.
Truck Stop Grill & Bar
Truck Stop Grill & Bar ( 5 p.m.–midnight Sun.–Thurs., 5 p.m.–2 a.m. Fri.–Sat.) is a popular bar and informal jerk joint with outdoor seating on barrel stools serving jerk chicken or pork (US$4–7); steamed, fried, or roasted fish; and jerk or garlic lobster (US$16/lb.). A beer costs around US$3.
The Grog Shoppe Restaurant and Pub
The Grog Shoppe Restaurant and Pub (noon–midnight Mon.–Thurs.; noon until you say when on Fri. and Sat., 11 a.m.–midnight Sun.) serves Jamaican staples like stewed oxtail, curry goat, and ackee and saltfish. Prices range from US$7 for curried chicken to US$29 for steak.
Kabana (noon–11 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., noon–midnight Fri. and Sat., 10 a.m.–11 p.m. Sun., US$10–34) serves mostly Jamaican food ranging from curry goat to lobster, as well as shrimp, ribs, salmon, and steak. Appetizers include fritters, spring rolls, and spicy shrimp. It serves Jamaican brunch (US$14) on Sundays, which includes dishes like ackee and saltfish, mackerel rundown, steamed callaloo, roast breadfruit, boiled banana, yam, jerk chicken, and rice and peas.
Sonia's Homestyle Cooking
Sonia's Homestyle Cooking & Natural Juices (7 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Sun., US$5–7.50) is Half Way Tree's best and most authentic sit-down eatery for Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail. Natural juices (US$1–2) like guava, cucumber, June plum, Otaheite apple, and soursop vary based on seasonal availability. The menu changes daily. Tamra is the assistant manager, and owner Sonia's daughter.
Sonia's Homestyle Cooking
Sonia's Homestyle Cooking & Natural Juices (7 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Sun., US$5–7.50) is Half Way Tree's best and most authentic sit-down eatery for Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail. Natural juices (US$1–2) like guava, cucumber, June plum, Otaheite apple, and soursop vary based on seasonal availability. The menu changes daily. Tamra is the assistant manager, and owner Sonia's daughter.
Sonia's Homestyle Cooking
Sonia's Homestyle Cooking & Natural Juices (7 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Sun., US$5–7.50) is Half Way Tree's best and most authentic sit-down eatery for Jamaican dishes like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail. Natural juices (US$1–2) like guava, cucumber, June plum, Otaheite apple, and soursop vary based on seasonal availability. The menu changes daily. Tamra is the assistant manager, and owner Sonia's daughter.
Mango Ranch
Mango Ranch (10 a.m.–midnight Mon.–Sat., bar open 6 p.m.–midnight Sun.) is a restaurant and pool bar next to a car wash that opened in early 2009. The kitchen serves different items every day, with dishes like curried goat, stew peas, oxtail, escovitch fish, jerk chicken or pork, and fried or stew chicken.manager (Orasha "Dex" Bailey )
Pepper's Night Club
Pepper's Night Club set in a big open-air compound next to Megamart, has very good food (US$4–14), the pepper shrimp being the highlight. The bar can be lively and has plenty of billiard tables.
The Cove
The Cove, (7 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 6–11 p.m. Wed.–Sat., US$5–20) is a jerk and fried-fish joint serving typical Jamaican dishes for breakfast and lunch like ackee and salt fish, steamed vegetables, fried chicken, and curry goat in a casual outdoor setting.(manager Lez 'Zaza' Lindo)
Habibi Latino Restaurant
Habibi Latino Restaurant ( 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 3–11 p.m. Sun.) is easily one of Kingston's finest eats. Co-owners Abdul El Khalili and Yani Machado, of Lebanese and Cuban origin respectively, bring together their native cuisines as if they were created for each other, delivering tasty combinations of hummus appetizers, rosemary-seasoned steak, and tostones (fried plantains). A meal for two costs around US$50.
Café Aubergine
Café Aubergine (tel. 876/754-1865, cafe_aubergine@mail.infochan.com, www.cafeaubergine.com, noon–10:30 p.m. daily) opened a branch in the Courtyard at Market Place in July 2006, giving Kingston-based fans of the original location in Moneague, St. Ann, a closer alternative. The restaurant was founded by partners Neville Anderson and the late Rudolf Gschloessl, and features a mix of Caribbean and Mediterranean cuisine. Entrées range from pork tenderloin (US$12) to lamb chops (US$32) and grilled loup de mer (US$40).
Courtyard at Market Place
Just west of the Junction of West Kings House Road and Constant Spring Road, the Courtyard at Market Place (67 Constant Spring Rd.) has become the premier international food court in Kingston.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant
Taka's East Japanese Restaurant (noon–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., 5–10 p.m. Tues., closed Mon., US$25-50 per person, depending on appetite) has the best sushi in Jamaica at competitive prices and a very convincing ambience. Taka Utoguchi opened the restaurant in 2005 and has been so successful he opened a sister property at Villa Ronai in Stony Hill called Majestic.
Jewel of India
Jewel of India , (noon–10 p.m. daily, reservations recommended) serves North Indian cuisine in an upscale South Beach contemporary atmosphere with Indian Buddha bar music. Dishes range from chicken shorba and tomato soup (US$5) to lamb (US$13), lobster (US$30), tandoori filet mignon (US$28), and masala lamb chops (US$23). The bar has a nice range of liquor and an extensive cocktail menu, including house items Kama Sutra, Indian Sunrise, Indian Smooch, and Vindaloo Margarita. The food can be hit or miss and the expense quickly adds up.
China Express
China Express ( noon–9:30 p.m. Sun.–Thurs., noon–10 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) has decent Chinese food in a nice setting. Items on the menu range from wonton soup to Cantonese lobster (US$34). It's a popular lunch location.
Restaurant Cocoro
Restaurant Cocoro (Mayfair Hotel, 4 West Kings House Close, tel. 876/929-0970, noon–10 p.m. Tues.–Sun.) is a Japanese restaurant opened in late 2006 by Takahiro Sawada. The restaurant offers some of the most attentive service in all of Kingston, with traditional Japanese dishes like shrimp shumai (US$6), edamame (US$3), and seaweed salad (US$4), as well as creative dishes that incorporate typical Jamaican cuisine like the Cocoroll, a deep fried pork and tomato roll, or the Pirates Roll with jerk chicken and tomato (US$7). While Taka's East Japanese Restaurant takes the prize for most authentic Japanese cuisine, Cocoro is an excellent option in a nice quiet setting on the veranda of the Mayfair.
Fee Fee Fast Food
Fee Fee Fast Food (7 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3.50–7) has Indian-Caribbean dishes like roti, curry chicken, and curry goat, with red pea soup with beef on Wednesdays and Saturdays, chicken or beef soup with pumpkin on other days. Oxtail and other chicken dishes are also available. Fee Fee delivers all over Kingston (US$1.15–2), down to Cross Roads and up to Manor Park. The breakfast menu changes daily, with porridge and hearty Jamaican dishes like ackee and saltfish, callaloo and cabbage, and stew chicken.
Dragon Court
Dragon Court (11:30 a.m.–9:30 p.m., till 10 p.m. for takeout daily) serves decent Chinese food ranging from chicken dishes (US$7) to lobster (US$29).
Little Tokyo
Little Tokyo ( 10:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 10:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Fri.–Sat., noon–7 p.m. Sun.) is a Chinese/Japanese greasy fast-food joint that claims to serve "the best food in town." Best or not, it's relatively affordable (US$5–10).
Tropical Chinese
Tropical Chinese (Mid Spring Plaza, 134 Constant Spring Rd., tel. 876/941-0520, noon–10 p.m. daily, closed only on Christmas and Good Friday) serves entrées like chicken (US$8.50), shrimp with cashew nuts (US$16), steamed whole fish (US$28.50), lobster dishes (US$23.50), eggplant (US$7), seafood (US$17), and stewed duck (US$14). Brothers Chris and Fred Chai run the place.
Panda Village Chinese Restaurant
Panda Village Chinese Restaurant ( 11:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 11:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Fri. and Sat., US$5–8) has dependable Chinese food with chicken, fish, and shrimp dishes.
South Avenue Grill
South Avenue Grill (Mon-Sat 12-10:30 p.m., US$13-36) serves American-style grilled food in an open-air setting with tables shaded by umbrellas set around a reflecting pool. The bar makes a good margarita, but the food quality is average and many menu items, even those based on easy-to-find ingredients like potatos, are routinely unavailable or in short supply.
The Terra Nova Hotel & Suites
The Terra Nova Hotel & Suites has an excellent restaurant that does the best regular buffets in town. The Sunday brunch buffet is exceptional (11 a.m.–4 p.m., US$30), and daily lunch buffets (noon–3 p.m., US$23) have a different theme each day of the week: Tuesday is Caribbean; Wednesday Italian; Thursday Jamaican; and Friday is seafood. The steak and lobster buffet dinner on Wednesdays (6:30–10 p.m., US$41) will surely satisfy the most demanding date.
Prendy's On The Beach
Prendy's On The Beach ( 11 a.m.– midnight Mon.– Sat., 9 a.m.–midnight Sun.) is a favorite Hellshire Beach fish joint that opened a location in the heart of Half Way Tree in 2009. It's one of the best places to get fried, roast, and steamed fish in town, accompanied of course by festival and bammy. Fish runs US$12 per pound for fried fish, US$15/lb. for steamed or brown stew, while shrimp goes for US$15 per serving and lobster costs US$16 per pound.
White Bones
White Bones (1:30 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 2–10 p.m. Sun.) has a great setting with fish tanks, nets, and Christmas lights, and excellent seafood to match. Appetizers start at US$8.50 and include raw or grilled oysters, soup du jour, and salads. Entrées include snapper fillet (US$20) and grilled snapper burger (US$11.50). The popular all-you-can-eat crab buffet (US$20) is on Thursdays.
The Rib Kage Bar & Grill
The Rib Kage Bar & Grill (12 Braemar Ave., tel. 876/978-6272, 11 a.m.–10:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 11 a.m.–11:30 p.m. Fri. and Sat., 1–9 p.m. Sun., US$6–30) is the best place in town for ribs: fingers, tips, spare, and baby back. Chicken, fish, and lobster dishes are also served. The outdoor setting is pleasant for downing a beer with friends. Takeout and delivery are also offered.
Rituals Coffee Roasters
Rituals Coffee Roasters (Shop #5, Village Plaza, tel. 876/754-1992, www.ritualscoffeehouse.com, 8 a.m.–7 p.m., Mon.–Thurs., 8 a.m.–8 p.m.Fri., 8 a.m.–9 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–6 p.m.Sun.) is a coffee shop serving espresso, lattes, cappuccinos, tea, pastries, pastas, salads, and sandwiches. The Village Plaza shop is the first Jamaican franchise outlet of the Trinidad-based chain.
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar (8 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Sun.) has prepared foods like lasagna and made-to-order sandwiches, as well as excellent natural juices. The pastries sold at Susie's are all homemade, ranging from mouth-watering whipped cream–filled eclairs to tiramisu and passionfruit cake (US$4–8). Dinner is served starting at 6:30 p.m. with items like pork chops, steaks, ribs, and fish (US$6.50–33.50).
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar (8 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Sun.) has prepared foods like lasagna and made-to-order sandwiches, as well as excellent natural juices. The pastries sold at Susie's are all homemade, ranging from mouth-watering whipped cream–filled eclairs to tiramisu and passionfruit cake (US$4–8). Dinner is served starting at 6:30 p.m. with items like pork chops, steaks, ribs, and fish (US$6.50–33.50).
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar (8 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Sun.) has prepared foods like lasagna and made-to-order sandwiches, as well as excellent natural juices. The pastries sold at Susie's are all homemade, ranging from mouth-watering whipped cream–filled eclairs to tiramisu and passionfruit cake (US$4–8). Dinner is served starting at 6:30 p.m. with items like pork chops, steaks, ribs, and fish (US$6.50–33.50).
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar (8 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Sun.) has prepared foods like lasagna and made-to-order sandwiches, as well as excellent natural juices. The pastries sold at Susie's are all homemade, ranging from mouth-watering whipped cream–filled eclairs to tiramisu and passionfruit cake (US$4–8). Dinner is served starting at 6:30 p.m. with items like pork chops, steaks, ribs, and fish (US$6.50–33.50).
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar (8 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Sun.) has prepared foods like lasagna and made-to-order sandwiches, as well as excellent natural juices. The pastries sold at Susie's are all homemade, ranging from mouth-watering whipped cream–filled eclairs to tiramisu and passionfruit cake (US$4–8). Dinner is served starting at 6:30 p.m. with items like pork chops, steaks, ribs, and fish (US$6.50–33.50).
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar
Susie's Bakery & Coffee Bar (8 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Sun.) has prepared foods like lasagna and made-to-order sandwiches, as well as excellent natural juices. The pastries sold at Susie's are all homemade, ranging from mouth-watering whipped cream–filled eclairs to tiramisu and passionfruit cake (US$4–8). Dinner is served starting at 6:30 p.m. with items like pork chops, steaks, ribs, and fish (US$6.50–33.50).
Cannonball Café
Cannonball Café (7 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat.–Sun.) prepares sandwiches (US$5), beef lasagna (US$9), quiches (US$9), and salad (US$7), in addition to coffee (US$3), pastries, scones (US$3.50), and juices. The atmosphere is relaxing and cozy; wireless Internet is offered free for customers at all locations.
Legend Café
Legend Café (56 Hope Rd., at the Bob Marley Museum) is open during museum hours (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily), serving Jamaican staples as well as escovitch fish (US$17) and fresh juices (US$2).
Chez Maria
Chez Maria (lunch 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., dinnner 6–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., closed Sun.) is a Lebanese-Italian restaurant that makes its own pita bread and scrumptious pizzas. All the typical Lebanese favorites are covered on the menu, from tabouleh salad to hummus to grape leaf mehsheh, as well as good-value main dishes (US$9–18) like kafta kabob, shawarma, filet mignon, shrimp, and lobster. The pizza is the best in town, and other Italian dishes, like the notable shrimp linguine, are also excellent.
Chez Maria
Chez Maria (lunch 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., dinnner 6–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., closed Sun.) is a Lebanese-Italian restaurant that makes its own pita bread and scrumptious pizzas. All the typical Lebanese favorites are covered on the menu, from tabouleh salad to hummus to grape leaf mehsheh, as well as good-value main dishes (US$9–18) like kafta kabob, shawarma, filet mignon, shrimp, and lobster. The pizza is the best in town, and other Italian dishes, like the notable shrimp linguine, are also excellent.
Chez Maria
Chez Maria (lunch 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., dinnner 6–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., closed Sun.) is a Lebanese-Italian restaurant that makes its own pita bread and scrumptious pizzas. All the typical Lebanese favorites are covered on the menu, from tabouleh salad to hummus to grape leaf mehsheh, as well as good-value main dishes (US$9–18) like kafta kabob, shawarma, filet mignon, shrimp, and lobster. The pizza is the best in town, and other Italian dishes, like the notable shrimp linguine, are also excellent.
Chez Maria
Chez Maria (lunch 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., dinnner 6–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., closed Sun.) is a Lebanese-Italian restaurant that makes its own pita bread and scrumptious pizzas. All the typical Lebanese favorites are covered on the menu, from tabouleh salad to hummus to grape leaf mehsheh, as well as good-value main dishes (US$9–18) like kafta kabob, shawarma, filet mignon, shrimp, and lobster. The pizza is the best in town, and other Italian dishes, like the notable shrimp linguine, are also excellent.
Chez Maria
Chez Maria (lunch 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., dinnner 6–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., closed Sun.) is a Lebanese-Italian restaurant that makes its own pita bread and scrumptious pizzas. All the typical Lebanese favorites are covered on the menu, from tabouleh salad to hummus to grape leaf mehsheh, as well as good-value main dishes (US$9–18) like kafta kabob, shawarma, filet mignon, shrimp, and lobster. The pizza is the best in town, and other Italian dishes, like the notable shrimp linguine, are also excellent.
Chez Maria
Chez Maria (lunch 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., dinnner 6–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., closed Sun.) is a Lebanese-Italian restaurant that makes its own pita bread and scrumptious pizzas. All the typical Lebanese favorites are covered on the menu, from tabouleh salad to hummus to grape leaf mehsheh, as well as good-value main dishes (US$9–18) like kafta kabob, shawarma, filet mignon, shrimp, and lobster. The pizza is the best in town, and other Italian dishes, like the notable shrimp linguine, are also excellent.
Chez Maria
Chez Maria (lunch 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., dinnner 6–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., closed Sun.) is a Lebanese-Italian restaurant that makes its own pita bread and scrumptious pizzas. All the typical Lebanese favorites are covered on the menu, from tabouleh salad to hummus to grape leaf mehsheh, as well as good-value main dishes (US$9–18) like kafta kabob, shawarma, filet mignon, shrimp, and lobster. The pizza is the best in town, and other Italian dishes, like the notable shrimp linguine, are also excellent.
Chilitos (noon–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–9 p.m. Sun.) is a self-described "Jamexican" restaurant serving quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and, of course, Corona. The food is convincing enough, but certainly a twist on traditional Mexican, with jerked chicken and pulled pork among the tropicalized dishes on the menu (US$4-10). There's limited seating inside where murals adorn the walls and Mexican figures help create hosts a 2-for-1 happy hour on Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Chilitos (noon–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–9 p.m. Sun.) is a self-described "Jamexican" restaurant serving quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and, of course, Corona. The food is convincing enough, but certainly a twist on traditional Mexican, with jerked chicken and pulled pork among the tropicalized dishes on the menu (US$4-10). There's limited seating inside where murals adorn the walls and Mexican figures help create hosts a 2-for-1 happy hour on Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Chilitos (noon–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–9 p.m. Sun.) is a self-described "Jamexican" restaurant serving quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and, of course, Corona. The food is convincing enough, but certainly a twist on traditional Mexican, with jerked chicken and pulled pork among the tropicalized dishes on the menu (US$4-10). There's limited seating inside where murals adorn the walls and Mexican figures help create hosts a 2-for-1 happy hour on Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Chilitos (noon–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–9 p.m. Sun.) is a self-described "Jamexican" restaurant serving quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and, of course, Corona. The food is convincing enough, but certainly a twist on traditional Mexican, with jerked chicken and pulled pork among the tropicalized dishes on the menu (US$4-10). There's limited seating inside where murals adorn the walls and Mexican figures help create hosts a 2-for-1 happy hour on Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Chilitos (noon–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–9 p.m. Sun.) is a self-described "Jamexican" restaurant serving quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and, of course, Corona. The food is convincing enough, but certainly a twist on traditional Mexican, with jerked chicken and pulled pork among the tropicalized dishes on the menu (US$4-10). There's limited seating inside where murals adorn the walls and Mexican figures help create hosts a 2-for-1 happy hour on Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Chilitos (noon–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–9 p.m. Sun.) is a self-described "Jamexican" restaurant serving quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and, of course, Corona. The food is convincing enough, but certainly a twist on traditional Mexican, with jerked chicken and pulled pork among the tropicalized dishes on the menu (US$4-10). There's limited seating inside where murals adorn the walls and Mexican figures help create hosts a 2-for-1 happy hour on Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Chilitos (noon–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–9 p.m. Sun.) is a self-described "Jamexican" restaurant serving quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and, of course, Corona. The food is convincing enough, but certainly a twist on traditional Mexican, with jerked chicken and pulled pork among the tropicalized dishes on the menu (US$4-10). There's limited seating inside where murals adorn the walls and Mexican figures help create hosts a 2-for-1 happy hour on Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Habibi Latino Express
Habibi Latino Express (Shop #6, Liguanea Plaza, cell tel. 876/321-4572, 9 a.m.–9 p.m. daily) opened a new location in Liguanea geared toward takeaway customers. The menu is the same as the Market Place location, specializing in Lebanese food with items like falafel, hummus, tabbouleh, and kabobs (US$10–20).
If there's anything to demonstrate that Kingston has a bona fide cosmopolitan side, it's the food. The city's offerings reflect the country's motto, "Out of Many, One People," with Indian, Chinese, and African influences deeply entrenched. Recent Mexican, Cuban, Lebanese, and Japanese immigrants have also made their mark at a few recommendable restaurants. Of course Jamaica's traditional fare, including jerked meats and seafood specialties, can also be found in abundance in Kingston. The price for a filling meal varies according to the venue, with traditional Jamaican staples available for as little as US$5, and Wednesday's lobster and steak buffet dinner at the Terra Nova going for about US$43.
The Museum of Jamaican Music
The Museum of Jamaican Music is a new development envisioned as part of the IOJ's museum network and dedicated to conserving Jamaica's musical history. Presided over by the IOJ's Museum of Ethnography under the leadership of director and curator Herbie Miller, the museum supports research into and documentation of all aspects of Jamaican musical history. A temporary exhibit in the ethnography division of the Institute features a display containing musical memorabilia.
Little Theatre Movement
Little Theatre Movement, the Little-Little Theatre, and the National Dance Theatre Company share a property on the edge of Downtown. The Xaymaca Dance Theatre also performs here in late October. Plays run throughout the year; call for details on performances. Pantomime performances run December 26–early May, with school plays after that. The National Dance Theatre performs July–August. Henry Fowler, Rex Nettleford, Barbara Gloudon, Louise "Miss Lou" Bennett, Oliver Samuels, and Ken Hill are some of the founding members of the Little Theatre Movement.
Little Theatre Movement
Little Theatre Movement, the Little-Little Theatre, and the National Dance Theatre Company share a property on the edge of Downtown. The Xaymaca Dance Theatre also performs here in late October. Plays run throughout the year; call for details on performances. Pantomime performances run December 26–early May, with school plays after that. The National Dance Theatre performs July–August. Henry Fowler, Rex Nettleford, Barbara Gloudon, Louise "Miss Lou" Bennett, Oliver Samuels, and Ken Hill are some of the founding members of the Little Theatre Movement.
Centre Stage Theatre
Centre Stage Theatre is a small venue where productions tend to be family-oriented musicals in a mixture of English and Patois. Centre Stage usually holds two annual performance series, August–November, and December 26–late April/early May. The cast usually includes renowned Jamaican comedians Oliver Samuels and Glen "Titus" Campbell.
Green Gables Theatre
Green Gables Theatre is the venue for Stages Production plays, which typically run at 8 p.m. Wednesday–Saturday and with two shows at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sunday.
Louise Bennett Garden Theatre
The Louise Bennett Garden Theatre and the Ranny Williams Entertainment Centre host occasional plays and concerts as well as bingo, book launches, and barbecues a couple of times a month.
The Theatre Place
The Theatre Place is Kingston's newest theatrical venue, opened in late 2009 and run by Pablo Hoilett. The theater typically puts on comedies and other plays (admission US$12).
Pantry Playhouse
Pantry Playhouse (admission US$12–15) features comical productions throughout the year in a quaint outdoor setting in the heart of New Kingston. Plays usually run for three months, and performances are generally held Wednesday–Sunday. Me and Mi Chapsie, a play about older women going with younger men, was a popular play performed in 2009 and a good example of the comical lean to most of these productions.
Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts
The outdoor amphitheatre at Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts hosts poetry readings on the last Tuesday of every month starting at 7:30 p.m.; regular dance performances are held in the indoor theatre next door.
Norman Manley International Airport
Norman Manley International Airport is located on the Palisadoes heading towards Port Royal east of Downtown. Domestic flights leave from a small terminal by the cargo area, reached by taking a left off the boulevard leading to the main terminal before reaching the roundabout.
Norman Manley International Airport
Norman Manley International Airport is located on the Palisadoes heading towards Port Royal east of Downtown. Domestic flights leave from a small terminal by the cargo area, reached by taking a left off the boulevard leading to the main terminal before reaching the roundabout.
interCaribbean Airways
interCaribbean Airways began offering regular service between Kingston and Montego Bay in early 2014. The airline is based out of Turks & Caicos operating turbo prop planes between Providenciales, Dominican Republic and Jamaica. Charters are also offered.
By Car
Rental cars tend to be very expensive across the island, but unfortunately indispensable when it comes to independently moving about and exploring remote areas. For the upper reaches of the Blue and John Crow Mountains, a four-wheel-drive vehicle is indispensable. Pervasive potholes in town don’t really warrant a 4x4. Check with your credit card company to see if it covers insurance.
Unlicensed rental operators abound. While they may be cheaper (US$50/day) than more reputable agencies, there is less accountability in the event that anything should go worse than planned. These private rentals don’t take credit cards, often want a wad of cash up front, and usually don’t offer insurance. These informal agencies are best avoided.
Listed rates do not include insurance or the 16.5 percent GCT. Insurance is typically US$15–40, depending on coverage. A deposit is taken for a deductible when customers opt for anything less than full coverage. The use of select gold and platinum credit cards obviates the need to purchase insurance from the rental agency. Check with each individual establishment for their particular policies.
Compact Car Rentals
Compact Car Rentals (178 Mountainview Ave., tel. 876/978-4914, compactcarrental@yahoo.com, www.compactcarjamaica.com) rents Toyota Yaris (US$50), Corolla (US$65), and Camry (US$80) sedans, as well as Honda Civics (US$75), Accords (US$100), and CR-Vs (US$100) of varying years with a three-day minimum. Compact offers free pickups and delivery from Norman Manley International Airport.
Fiesta Car Rental
Fiesta Car Rental has fairly new Japanese vehicles, including Hyundai Accents (US$89) and one Honda Accord (US$170) and Suzuki Gran Vitara (US$146).
Budget (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) has a range of vehicles from Toyota Yaris (US$60 low season/$75 high season) and Daihatsu Terios (US$75 low/$100 high) to VW Passats (US$95 low/$120 high).
Budget (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) has a range of vehicles from Toyota Yaris (US$60 low season/$75 high season) and Daihatsu Terios (US$75 low/$100 high) to VW Passats (US$95 low/$120 high).
Budget (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) has a range of vehicles from Toyota Yaris (US$60 low season/$75 high season) and Daihatsu Terios (US$75 low/$100 high) to VW Passats (US$95 low/$120 high).
Budget (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) has a range of vehicles from Toyota Yaris (US$60 low season/$75 high season) and Daihatsu Terios (US$75 low/$100 high) to VW Passats (US$95 low/$120 high).
Bargain Rent-A-Car
Bargain Rent-A-Car is the Avis franchise in Jamaica, with a range of vehicles including Hyundai Accent, Mitsubishi Lancer, Subaru Forrester, and Toyota Yaris, Corolla, and Camry, as well as vans. Prices range from the Yaris (US$74 low season/$114 high season) to the Nissan Urvan minibus (US$125 low/$166 high).
Ideal Car Rentals
Ideal Car Rentals (43 Burlington Ave., tel. 876/926-2980) has a decent selection of Japanese models including a few four-wheel-drives.
Bowla's Car Rental
Bowla’s Car Rental offers a wide range of cars, unlimited mileage, short-term and long-term rentals starting at US$75 per day, and free rides to and from the airport. Bowla’s fleet includes: Toyota Fortuner and Toyota Camrys, Mistusbishi Grandis, Hyundais, Mazdas, and Nissans.
Spanish Town and St. Catherine
With over a million people, the parish of St. Catherine has the largest share of Jamaica’s population. Spanish Town, the sedate parish capital, was Jamaica’s center of government until the British bureaucrats relocated to Kingston in 1872. Known simply as Spain or St. Jago in street lingo, the city has a rich heritage but has been largely left to decay. Its central square is more a bend along the road than a center of activity. Still, it has impressive facades and is home to Jamaica’s national archives. The oldest Anglican Church outside of England is within a five-minute walk.
Spanish Town and surrounding communities like Old Harbour and Freetown have grown rapidly with housing schemes that respond to a demand for low-income housing from first-time home buyers. Most activity in Spanish Town today revolves around the two malls and bus park along Burke Road. Mandela Highway has heavy traffic into Kingston from Spanish Town during weekday rush hours (between 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and back out in the evenings between 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.).
Portmore Vicinity
Immediately west of Kingston, past the wharves and across the causeway is Portmore, a bedroom community supporting the overflow from the burgeoning corporate area. As the causeway meets land on the St. Catherine side of the water, Fort Augusta sits on a point overlooking the harbor.
Portmore consists mainly of private and government-sponsored housing developments, with Jamworld Entertainment Centre and Caymanas Park horse-racing track on its northern side, reached by taking a right on the Portmore Parkway when coming off the bridge. Jamworld is the site for Reggae Sting, an annual show held on Boxing Day that never ceases to cause a stir. Accommodations in Portmore consist exclusively of hourly-rate joints, some of them dodgier than others.
Fort Augusta
Named after the mother of King George III, the fort was completed in the 1750s after an arduous construction process during which many workers suffered sickness and fevers. The area on which it was built was known as Mosquito Point. The fort was the sentinel on the harbor during a time when Spanish reprisals were still a tangible fear, and it served as a well-stocked arsenal. Ships coming into Kingston Harbour would unload their ammunition at the fort as a safety measure, but fewer precautions were taken at the fort itself; in 1782 the magazine containing 300 barrels of gunpowder was struck by lightning. The resulting explosion destroyed the building, killing 300 people, and broke windows as far as 27 kilometers away. Today the Fort is the site of Jamaica’s only female prison. The St. Catherine Parish Council has made overtures toward demolishing the prison to allow for restoration of the fort, but the issue has gained little traction.
Port Henderson
Once a busy entry port for new arrivals to Spanish Town, Port Henderson today is little more than an extension of Portmore. There are several budget hotels like Casablanca (2–4 Port Henderson Rd., tel. 876/939-6999, US$44–51), which has air-conditioning, cable, and hot water, and even includes complimentary breakfast for two, but it sees very few tourists.
Fort Clarence
Fort Clarence (admission US$1.50) is the nicest beach in the greater Kingston area. It is usually well maintained, but it can accumulate seaweed and trash the farther away you go from the main area where the admission fee is charged. It is just east around the bend from Hellshire.
Once a quiet anglers’ beach, Hellshire has become the quintessential rustic chic weekend hangout, with prices varying widely depending on the appearance of customers at many of the beach shack restaurants. There are a handful of dependable and honest shacks including Shorty’s, the most highly recommended, Aunt May’s, Aunt Merl’s, and Prendy’s (876/575-6057, 876/881-9689 or 876/589-7926), where you can get a good fried fish with accompanying festival. There are several other beach shack restaurant besides these, many of which will have your wallet if you’re not careful. Be sure to come to an agreement as to what you’ll be charged when selecting a fish from the cooler, and don’t allow any generous add-ons, as these will certainly not come as a gift. A snapper large enough for one person shouldn’t cost more than the Jamaican dollar equivalent of US$15.
Hellshire Beach itself can be a bit littered, but the water is generally clean enough to swim in spite of the fishermen scaling snapper along the shoreline. The sand gets a bit cleaner as you walk east along the beach past the multitude of fried fish stands. There are peddlers and hustlers of all kinds at Hellshire, and it can be a bit dodgy at night. Horseback rides are offered by Damian (tel. 876/479-3250, US$14(/ hr). don’t be alarmed by constant solicitations from vendors and beggars; it’s the basis of their livelihood and can be considered part of Hellshire’s color.
Two Sisters Cave
Managed by the Urban Development Corporation (tel. 876/999-2283 or 876/953-9238, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Wed.–Sun., admission US$3 for adults, US$2 for children), Two Sisters Cave was a regular hangout for the first Jamaicans centuries ago. Two cavernous caves, one with a deep pool suitable for swimming, lie about 100 meters apart down a series of steps. Security personnel no longer allow swimming.
For a less-developed cave option, where there are no security guards posted, another cave about 100 meters back toward Hellshire from Two Sisters Cave, can be reached by a footpath descending from the road.
Spanish Town
Originally founded as Villa de la Vega or Santiago de la Vega by the Spanish, the city was named Spanish Town after the British takeover in 1655. The old part of the city is well organized in a grid with Spanish Town Square at its center. There is little activity in the historic part of the city today, however, with most of the hustle and bustle centered on the commercial plazas along Burke Road.
Spanish Town Square
Spanish Town Square was laid out by Jamaica’s first colonial rulers as their Plaza Mayor. It is surrounded by the burnt remains of the old courthouse on its southern side, Old King’s House on the west, the Rodney Memorial, and behind it the National Archives on the north side; the Old House of Assembly, now parish administration offices, on its eastern side, is the only building facing the square that’s still in use.
The People's Museum of Craft and Technology
The People’s Museum of Craft and Technology (call caretaker Tyrone "Arab" Barnett to schedule a visit, cell tel. 876/384-2803, tel. 876/907-0322, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., till 3 p.m. Fri., admission US$1.50 adults, US$0.50 children), located in the Old King’s House complex on Spanish Town Square, began as a Folk Museum in 1961 and was refurbished in 1997 when Emancipation Day was declared a national holiday. The exhibit has indoor and outdoor sections with carriages, early sugar and coffee processing machinery, and a variety of other colonial-period implements.
Moby Dick Restaurant
Moby Dick Restaurant (9 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) is a landmark establishment owned by the McBeans since 1985 and the best place to grab lunch Downtown. The restaurant dates from the early 1900s, when it was opened by a Mr. Masterton to service his workers at the port. Moby Dick specializes in curry dishes accompanied by roti, with an ambience reminiscent of India: The cashier sits on a raised structure by the entrance with an overseer's view of the dining area. Some of the best curried dishes anywhere in Jamaica are offered, both seafood, like shrimp and conch for US$14, and landed staples like goat and oxtail for US$8.50–11.50) with good fresh fruit juices (US$1.50).
Addie's Homestyle Cooking
Addie's Homestyle Cooking (6 a.m.–6 p.m. Thurs.–Sat.), opened by Adelina Wellington in 2009, serves up typical Jamaican fare like fried or brown stew chicken, curry goat, and oxtail (US$2.50–3.50).
Tatty's (29 4th St., Greenwich Farm, no phone) is open for lunch only. Tatty's makes a trip into one of Kingston's most notorious shantytowns worth it for the peanut juice (US$3 for a bottle) and delicious steamed fish (US$4.50–7).
Sweetwood Jerk Joint
Sweetwood Jerk Joint serves jerk pork, sausage, chicken, lamb, conch, and roast fish, prepared on a coal-fired pit smoked with sweetwood and seasoned with Scotch Bonnet peppers (11:30 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) .
Scotchies (11am-11pm daily, US$4-11) consistently preparing the best jerk pork and chicken in Jamaicaalso serves steam roast fish fillets, chicken sausage, pork sausage, and a soup of the day. Sides include breadfruit, festival, sweet potato, and yam. The legendary jerkpit was founded after Tony Rerrie began occasionally bringing a master jerk chef from Boston Bay in Portland, where locals claim jerk originated. Fans begged him to make the jerk offering a regular thing, and Scotchies was born when Tony pieced together a few cinder blocks, some bamboo poles, and a few sheets of zinc roofing. The minimalist ambiance remained true to its origins, as the jerk joint grew with franchises in Ochi and Kingston.
Chelsea Jerk Center
Chelsea Jerk Center (7 Chelsea Ave., tel. 876/926-6322, 7–10 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 7 p.m.–1 a.m. Fri.–Sat., 11 a.m.–10 p.m. Sun.) has decent fast-food-style jerk at affordable prices (US$3.50–6).
Yaad Vybz
Yaad Vybz (downstairs courtyard, New Kingston Shopping Centre, tel. 876/435-1594, 7 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) is a small cook shop run by Gregory McFarlane that serves Jamaican staples, like fried or brown stew chicken, curry goat, and oxtail accompanied by rice and peas and natural juices (US$3–5).
The Pantry
The Pantry (2 Dumphries Rd., tel. 876/929-6804 or 876/929-4149, thepantry52@yahoo.com) is a roadside cook shop (noon–3 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) that's a popular lunch spot, serving Jamaican staples like fried chicken, brown stew fish, and curry goat (US$3.50).
Indies Cafe & Grill
Indies Cafe & Grill (8 Holborn Rd., tel. 876/920-5913, 12:30 p.m.–1 a.m. Mon.–Sat., 3 p.m.–midnight Sun.) is a popular local hangout with decent food. Entrées range from roast chicken (US$7) to steamed fish (US$16). The menu also includes pita pockets (US$8.50 chicken or US$10 veg) and pizzas (US$6–9.50 plain, plus US$2–3 for toppings). Indies hosts events most nights of the week. Call for a schedule.
Carlos Café
Carlos Café is a Cuban-inspired bar with Martini Mondays (two for one 6–9 p.m.) and karaoke on Fridays (9:30 p.m.–1 a.m.). Prices range from US$1.50 for garlic bread to US$18.50 for lobster or filet mignon.
Hot Pot Restaurant
Hot Pot Restaurant(7 a.m.–6 p.m. daily) serves items like red pea soup (US$1.50–3), stew peas and pigs' tail (US$5), ackee and saltfish (US$5), pigs' feet (US$4.50), and tripe and beans (US$5), as well as whole fish (US$18).
Le Barons Restaurant & Lounge
Le Barons Restaurant & Lounge (13 Barbados Ave., tel. 876/929-3872, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., till midnight Fri.) is a nice spot upstairs in the First Union Financial building with affordable food and an inviting, inconspicuous ambience. A balcony fills up with dominos players, especially on Lyming Fridays. Dishes include lobster, shrimp, pork chops, and steaks (US$4–8).
Red Bones Blues Café
Red Bones Blues Café (noon–11 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 6–11 p.m. Sat., bar menu continues till the last customer leaves) has great albeit pricey food (ranging from US$17 for linguine to US$50 for grilled lobster) and a nice ambience with regular low-key events like fashion shows, poetry readings, and cabaret performances on a cozy stage in the garden. There's live music on Fridays, a world music selector on Thursdays, and poetry on the last Wednesday of every month. A gallery on the property features Jamaican painting, sculpture, ceramics, and textiles.
The Bird's Nest Restaurant & Bar
The Bird's Nest Restaurant & Bar (2a Chelsea Ave., cell tel. 876/491-1133, bar: 10–midnight Mon.–Sat., kitchen: 10 a.m.–10 p.m., US$4–20) serves an alternating menu of Jamaican dishes like curry mutton, brown stew chicken, steamed or escoveitch fish. The place used to be called Lime Cay, but patrons new to the restaurant and bar kept ending up on the little island off the Palisadoes of the same name, so management was compelled to change the name.
So So Seafood Bar & Grill
So So Seafood Bar & Grill (10:30 a.m.–1 a.m.Mon.–Sat., 3 p.m.–midnight Sun.) is a nice seafood joint owned by Michael Forrest. It serves excellent steamed or fried fish (US$9–11/lb.), various shrimp dishes (US$11), curry or stewed conch (US$10), and lobster in season (US$20–23). Finger food is also served, including crab back, bammy, fries, fish tea, and mannish water, a broth made of all sorts of animal parts said to promote virility. The pleasant ambience with Christmas lights and a little waterfall, reggae in the speakers, and good food make So So a definite misnomer.
Heather's Garden Restaurant
Heather's Garden Restaurant (11:30 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 5–11 p.m. Sat.) is owned by Meleta Touzalin, who bought the business when Heather went off to fly airplanes. Heather's serves items like sweet and sour, brown stew, or kebab chicken; brown stew, sweet and sour, or grilled fish; grilled, curry, or garlic shrimp; garlic or curry lobster; sweet and sour pork and pork chops, accompanied by mashed potatoes, French fries, egg fried rice, or rice and peas (US$10.50–22).
Gwong Wo
Gwong Wo (11 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., noon–9 p.m. Sun.) has excellent fried fricassee chicken and rice (US$3.50–7).
Springroll Asian Fusion
Springroll Asian Fusion (73 Knutsford Blvd., tel. 876/908-4376 or 876/908-4377, US$10–30) serves Chinese, Japanese, and Thai specialties.
New Pagoda Restaurant
New Pagoda Restaurant (5 Belmont Rd., tel. 876/926-2561) serves decent Chinese food for US$4–17.
Nirvanna Indian Fusion Cuisine
Nirvanna Indian Fusion Cuisine (Sun-Wed 11am-3pm for lunch, 6pm-9:30 for dinner, Thurs-Sat 11am-3pm for lunch, 6pm-10:30pm for dinner) is one of the more recent additions to Kingston's Indian food offerings located in a modern plaza just off Hope Road. The restaurant is decidedly high end with a white onyx bar imported from the motherland as its focal point. Booths and table seating cater to groups of various sizes. The menu features traditional Indian dishes as well as Asian fusion and creative renditions of local seafood.
Nirvanna Indian Fusion Cuisine
Nirvanna Indian Fusion Cuisine (Sun-Wed 11am-3pm for lunch, 6pm-9:30 for dinner, Thurs-Sat 11am-3pm for lunch, 6pm-10:30pm for dinner) is one of the more recent additions to Kingston's Indian food offerings located in a modern plaza just off Hope Road. The restaurant is decidedly high end with a white onyx bar imported from the motherland as its focal point. Booths and table seating cater to groups of various sizes. The menu features traditional Indian dishes as well as Asian fusion and creative renditions of local seafood.
Nirvanna Indian Fusion Cuisine
Nirvanna Indian Fusion Cuisine (Sun-Wed 11am-3pm for lunch, 6pm-9:30 for dinner, Thurs-Sat 11am-3pm for lunch, 6pm-10:30pm for dinner) is one of the more recent additions to Kingston's Indian food offerings located in a modern plaza just off Hope Road. The restaurant is decidedly high end with a white onyx bar imported from the motherland as its focal point. Booths and table seating cater to groups of various sizes. The menu features traditional Indian dishes as well as Asian fusion and creative renditions of local seafood.
Cannonball Café
Cannonball Café (7 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) serves sandwiches (US$4.50), lasagna (US$9), quiche (US$9), and salads (US$7), in addition to coffee (US$3), pastries, scones (US$3.50), and juices. The atmosphere is relaxing and cozy; wireless Internet is offered free for customers at all three locations: New Kingston, Barbican, and Manor Park.
Earl's Juice Garden
Earl's Juice Garden makes excellent juices and baked goods (US$2–5). Owners Earl and Cheryl Chong offer free seminars on the last Saturday of each month (22 Westminster Rd., tel. 876/920-7009, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.) and have a culinary academy (at the Red Hills Rd. location, 2–6 p.m. on the last Sunday of the month) where the Chongs teach students how to prepare 11 raw dishes and one cooked.
Mother Earth
Mother Earth (8 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$4.50–5.50) is an excellent veggie and fish joint owned by Georgia Adams serving pepper pot, fish, red pea, and gungo pea soups and entrees like tofu creole, Chinese veggie steak, veggie mince balls, two-bean stew, ackee and saltfish, and tofu or fish chop suey. Meals are accompanied by roti or rice and peas, pumpkin rice, and calalloo rice. Fresh natural juices (US$2–2.25) include beet root, cane, calalloo, June plum, orange, and papaya. Mother Earth serves dishes exemplary of Jamaica's colorful vegetarian, or ital, culinary repertoire, in a down-to-earth, no-frills setting.
Casa Maria Hotel
Casa Maria Hotel (Castle Gardens, tel. 876/725-0156, fax 876/725-0157, emaxwell@cwjamaica.com, www.nwas.com/casamaria, US$50 standard, US$75 suites) is a massive concrete hotel with 18 rooms, which range from standard ocean view with double bed and shared bathroom to suites with private bath, private balconies with ocean views, king beds, and cable TV. A restaurant (7 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) and bar on the premises are open to nonguests.
Galina Breeze
Galina Breeze (Galina, tel. 876/994-0537, office@galinabreeze.com, www.galinabreeze.com, US$75) is a small property of 14 rooms in a basic concrete structure overlooking the pool and an excellent view of the northeastern coast; there's also one stand-alone villa. Standard rooms (single or double occupancy) have air-conditioning, king-size beds, cable TV, and hot water. The property is geared toward accommodating special-interest groups, and the management helps in engaging guests with the community, whether for educational, church, or outreach programs.
Dowling House
Dowling House (Galina, call Nancy or Steven Sicher, tel. 876/725-1004 or U.S. tel. 309/693-2830, ssicher@comcast.net, www.dowlinghouse.com, generally not available Oct., Nov., Jan., and Feb.) is a three-bedroom seafront cottage (US$1,000/1,200 per week low/high season) with king-size beds in two rooms, and two twins in the third. The cottage can accommodate up to six people (US$1,400/week), comes with a caretaker and cook, and is tastefully decorated with a pool and large lawn overlooking Blue Harbour and Port Maria. A land line, an iPod docking station, a gas stove, hot water, DSL, and a washer/dryer make up for the lack of TV.
Bolt House
Bolt House (book through Marco Fila, marco.fila@gmail.com, bookings@bolthousejamaica.com, www.bolthousejamaica.com, with Island Outpost, www.islandoutpost.com, or SunVillas, www.sunvillas.com, US$1,800/2,200 daily low/high, four-day minimum) is a spectacular 50-acre hilltop property owned by the family that founded Fila sportswear. It overlooks Port Maria's stunning infinity pool, Blue Harbour, and has a three-bedroom villa. The property was built and occupied by Blanche Blackwell, mother of Island Records founder Chris Blackwell, whose boutique hotel group now manages the property and affords Bolt House guests a one-bedroom cottage, Spanish Elm, along with beach access at Goldeneye. Bolt House was refurbished in 2009, with an impeccable mix of modern and colonial styling, which, together with unparalleled views and grounds, place it at the top of the high-end villa market.
The master bedroom has a king bed, as does the second bedroom with two double beds. An annex has two additional cozy bedrooms appointed with rustic touches. The house is fully equipped with Apple TV, Wi-Fi, and a surround sound system. A yoga deck, wet and dry saunas, and a hot tub round out the luxurious amenities. The property has a rich history, having hosted many a soirée with luminaries including Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Charlie Chaplin, Noel Coward, Ian Fleming, and the Queen of England. Food runs US$60 per person daily, not including alcoholic beverages.
St. Mary
One of the most under-visited corners of Jamaica, St. Mary is considered by many the most attractive parish for its proximity to Kingston, Ocho Rios, and Portland; for its vast wilderness areas; and for its people, who don't exhibit the same hustler mentality rampant in more touristy urbanized areas. St. Mary is one of the best places in Jamaica for birding and farm tours, with Green Castle Estate standing out clearly among the large plantations of the area that are still active in agricultural production.
The White River has figured prominently in the history of the North Coast; the first Spanish road from Spanish Town followed its banks. The Spanish Bridge, which still stands at its upper reaches, is the oldest on the island. Near its mouth, anglers bring in their catch and people wash cars under the highway overpass. To get down to the banks, take a right immediately after the Texaco station across from Jamaica Inn when heading east out of town, and then take the first left. A few bars and fish spots make for a decent hangout. To reach Irie Beach, the Prospect Plantation Great House, and Chukka Caribbean, take a right after leaving the main road at the Texaco gas station and follow the river upstream.
The Best of Jamaica
Two weeks is a good length for a trip to Jamaica and provides enough time to relax on the beach while also venturing beyond the sun and sand for a mix of adventure and culture. Highlights include Negril's West End, a few days in quiet Belmont, Kingston's culture and nightlife, and Portland's aristocratic history and lush natural beauty.
Day 1
Arrive at the airport in Montego Bay, check-in for two nights, and dine at the HouseBoat Grill or the more casual and every-bit-as-good Scotchie's. Hit up a bar for an evening drink to gauge the scene along the Hip Strip.
Day 2
Take tours of Rose Hall and Greenwood Great House in the morning. Then visit Doctors Cave Beach in the afternoon. Have dinner at Day-O Plantation followed by a play at Fairfield Theatre.
Day 3
Drive west to Negril for cliff jumping by late morning. Visit Royal Palm Reserve in the afternoon to fish and check out the waterfowl, then visit Bongo's Farm for sunset.
Day 4
In the morning, drive southeast to Savanna-la-Mar and then turn inland to Mayfield Falls. Spend the morning exploring the falls and gardens. On the return back to Negril, take the northern route stopping to visit Alexander Bustamante's birthplace at Blenheim before enjoying grilled lobster at Half Moon Beach in Hanover.
Day 5
Check out of your hotel and drive east toward Belmont, stopping at Blue Hole Garden and Roaring River along the way. Settle into a beachside cottage at Horizon Cottages and dine on fresh seafood or fried chicken across the road.
Day 6
Drive south to Parottee Point and head to Pelican Bar, a one-of-a-kind watering hole and ramshackle fried fish joint located a mile offshore on a sandbar. Go snorkeling and enjoy fried fish and a cold beer. On your way back to Belmont, stop in Black River for a boat trip into the morass.
Day 7
Drive inland and take a tour of Appleton Estate in the morning, followed by a stop on Bamboo Avenue for jelly coconut and a visit to Y.S. Falls in the afternoon. Pull over in Middle Quarters for fresh shrimp on the way back to Belmont, where you will spend another night.
Day 8
In Belmont, visit Peter Tosh Memorial Garden in the morning followed by a nature hike with Rasta Bryan. Depart in the afternoon for Kingston, arriving in time for dinner.
Day 9
Downtown sights in the morning could include the National Gallery, a stroll along Ocean Boulevard, and a visit to Liberty Hall. Visit Legend Café at the Bob Marley Museum for lunch and take a tour in the early afternoon. Stop by Hope Botanical Gardens for a juice at Ashanti Garden before heading back down to Devon House for ice cream and shopping. Go out on the town at night in New Kingston.
Day 10
Visit the Mutual Gallery and then head out to Fort Charles in Port Royal by mid-morning, followed by lunch at Gloria's. Take a boat to Lime Cay for a swim in the afternoon. Dine at Fisherman's Cabin before returning to Kingston to go out on the town and hit the hay.
Days 11 and 12
Drive northeast from Kingston into the Blue Mountains for hiking in Holywell and two nights at Woodside. Stop at Strawberry Hill and splurge on a beer to check out the view--it's well worth it.
Start the next day with early-morning coffee and birding at Twyman's Estate, fueled by a fresh roasted pea-bean blend, the connoisseur's choice. Have lunch at The Gap Cafe, followed by an afternoon swim in the spring-fed pool at Woodside and then a home-cooked dinner.
Day 13
Leave for Port Antonio via Buff Bay immediately after breakfast. Check in to your hotel, take a swim and then a nap. Wake up for lunch at Cynthia's and a swim on Winnifred Beach. Hit Roof Club, La Best, or Cristal Night Club in the evening to scope out the local scene.
Day 14
Get up early to head west towards Montego Bay for departure with time to stop by Somerset Falls along the way.
Local Spas and Hot Springs
Laidback Spas
Jamaica has world-class spas based predominantly at the high-end resorts. These facilities are not for those traveling on a tight budget or those seeking an authentic Jamaican vibe. There are several inexpensive local spas that tend to be rough around the edges but can make for entertaining and relaxing visits.
Kiyara Ocean Spa
Located at the luxurious Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, Kiyara prides itself on offering natural herbal remedies at the water's edge. Many of the ingredients used for facials and infusions are grown on property.
Jake's Driftwood Spa
Based at the Bedouin-inspired rustic chic Island Outpost property in Treasure Beach, Driftwood Spa features seaside cabanas facing the water where the surf lulls visitors into a trance as they receive treatments that merge holistic techniques and philosophies from around the globe into a potent blend of Caribbean treatments developed by wellness guru Sally Henzell.
Strawberry Hill
Home of the "Strawberry Hill Living" concept, which marries Aveda treatments and Ayurvedic healing philosophies, this spa features five treatment rooms that include hydrotherapy, a sauna, yoga deck, and plunge pool. It has one of the best panoramic views in Jamaica, high up in the cloud forests of the Blue Mountains where lush vegetation and cool mountain air promote health and tranquility.
The Caves
Nowhere else in Jamaica can you get a massage inside a cave filled with candles and flower petals. Soaking in the Jacuzzi located in a private chamber carved into the cliffs in Negril, with a window overlooking the sea, you'll realize this is the perfect spot for relaxation.
Natural Springs
Several natural springs in Jamaica are reputed to have healing powers and have been developed to varying degrees as treatment centers.
Bath Hot Springs
The best of Jamaica's old-school treatment centers, Bath Hot Springs in Port Antonio has Turkish-style tiled basins as well as more modern Jacuzzi tubs. The mineral-heavy water at Bath exits the hillside piping hot, with curative properties that give it its reputed healing powers.
Milk River Baths
The water at Milk River in Clarendon along the South Coast exits its source lukewarm, but what it lacks in heat it makes up for in curative properties. A minimum of three baths is recommended, but it is not advisable to stay in the water for longer than an hour because the water is highly radioactive — more so even than the springs at Vichy in France.
Bubbling Spring
Located in Middle Quarters along the South Coast, this informal spring facility is visited mostly by locals looking to ease muscle and joint pain. The spring water is cool and refreshing, and there's a bar and restaurant on the property.
The Adrenaline Junkie’s Fix
For adventure travelers looking to jump from one adrenaline rush to the next, Jamaica can satisfy almost any craving.
Based at the Boscobel Aerodrome just outside Ocho Rios in the parish of St. Mary, Skydive Jamaica offers the ultimate adrenaline rush.
Kite Surfing
Burwood Beach, located 20 minutes east of Montego Bay, is home to Brian's Windsurfing and Kitesurfing. Lessons are offered for those uninitiated in this thrilling sport, while experienced kite surfers can simply rent gear.
Tropical Beach Water Sports, located next to the airport in Montego Bay, has the best windsurfing equipment for rent in Jamaica. Chaka Brown, who runs the rental operation, also rents Jet Skis and other motorized watercraft.
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in Bull Bay, east of Kingston, has professional surfing equipment and respectable surf on a good day. A skateboard park entertains when the seas are flat.
Whitew ater Rafting
While dependent on rainfall conditions, whitewater rafting is possible throughout most of the year on the Great River with Caliche Rainforest Whitewater Rafting, 30 minutes west of Montego Bay in the parish of Hanover.
Cliff Jumping
The cheapest adrenaline fix in Jamaica, cliff jumping on Negril's West End is one thrill you won't have to pay for. There are several locations suitable for jumping into the azure waters, with Rick's Cafe being the most famous for the highest cliffs around at some 60 feet above the water. Other good jump spots at restaurants in Negril include The Sands, LTU Pub & Restaurant, Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar, and 3 Dives Jerk Centre. Hotels on the cliffs good for jumping include Xtabi, Rockhouse, and Tensing Pen. Beyond the lighthouse, the waters tend to be less calm as the waves meet the cliffs.
Mountain Biking
While few may be cut out for the ultimate rush of biking down from Blue Mountain Peak, Jamaica offers world class single-track riding the island over. In Ocho Rios, the St. Mary Off- Road Bicycling Association (SMORBA) hosts the annual Fatta Tyre Festival, drawing enthusiasts locally and from abroad. SMORBA is the best resource for those looking to link up with other riders.
Vital Vittles : Jamaica’s Best Food
Jammin’ Jerk
Scotchies Tree in Kingston
Jo Jo’s Jerk Pit and More in Half Way Tree, Kingston
Scotch on the Rocks in Ocho Rios
Scotchie’s in Montego Bay
Aunt Gloria’s in Falmouth, Montego Bay
Father Bull Bar, Jerk Centre and Restaurant in Montego Bay
All Seasons Restaurant Bar and Jerk Centre in Spur Tree Hill, South Coast
Powerful Patties
Yatte Man in Redlight, Blue Mountains
Niah’s Patties in Negril
Incredible Curry GoatSoldier’s Camp in Port Antonio
Claudette’s Top Class in Spur Tree Hill, South Coast
Howie’s HQ in Middle Quarters, South Coast
Sumptuous Seafood
Gloria’s Seafood Restaurant in Port Royal on the Palisadoes, Kingston
Cynthia’s at Winnifred Beach, Port Antonio
Dragon Lounge in Whitehouse, Montego Bay
Far Out Fish Hut and Beer Joint in Greenwood, Montego Bay
Erica’s Cafe in Negril
Dervy’s Lobster Trap in Hopewell, Negril
Marcia Williams’ Rasta-Colored Roadside
Shop in Middle Quarters, South Coast
Little Ochie, South Coast
Destination Dining
Belcour Lodge in the Blue Mountains
Mille Fleurs in Port Antonio
Day-O Plantation in Fairfield, Montego Bay
HouseBoat Grill in Montego Bay
The Arts
Music has been an integral element of Jamaican society for centuries--from use of song on the plantation to mitigate the torturous work, to funeral rituals that combine Christian and African elements in the traditional nine nights. Most of the instruments used in Jamaica have been borrowed or adapted from either European or African traditions, while some Taino influence surely occurred before their cultural annihilation.
Today music remains as important and central to Jamaican culture as ever. From the beach resorts to the rural hills, sound systems blare out on weekends into the early dawn hours, with a wide variety of genres appreciated on the airwaves.
Pronounced "John Canoe," Jonkunnu is a traditional music and skit-like dance performed primarily at Christmas. The Jonkunnu rhythm is played in 2/2 or 4/4 time on the fife, a rattling drum with sticks, bass, and grater. Dancers wear costumes and masks representing characters like Pitchy Patchy, King, Queen, Horse-head, Cow-head, and Belly Woman that act out skits and dance.
The origin of Jonkunnu is revealed in the word's etymology: Jonkunnu is an adaptation of the Ghanaian words dzon'ko (sorcerer) nu (man), derived from secret societies found on the African mainland. Among the costumes found in Jonkunnu are pieced-together sacks similar to those seen in the Abakua, a secret society in neighboring Cuba that also uses dance and drumming.
In Jamaica, Jonkunnu became associated with Christmas time likely because it was the only real holiday for the slaves in the whole year, during which they would tour the plantation with their music, dance, and skits, typically with headgear consisting of ox horns. At the height of the British colonial period, plantation owners actively encouraged Jonkunnu and it took on European elements, including satire of the masters, and Morris dance jigs and polka steps. The importance of Jonkunnu declined as it was replaced by the emergence of "set girls" who would dance about to display their beauty and sexual rivalry. Later, following emancipation, nonconformist missionaries suppressed Jonkunnu and the mayor of Kingston banned the Jonkunnu parade in 1841, leading to riots. In the years leading up to Jamaican independence, as the country's cultural identity was being explored, Jonkunnu gained the support of the government, which still sponsors the folk form in annual carnival and Jamaica Cultural Development Commission events.
The most distinctly African of Jamaica's musical forms, Kumina was brought to Jamaica after emancipation by indentured laborers from Congo and remains a strong tradition in Portland and St. Thomas. Kumina ceremonies are often held for wakes and burials, as well as for births and anniversaries, and involve drumming and dancing.
Jamaica's original folk music, mento is a fusion of African and European musical elements played with a variety of instruments that were borrowed from plantation owners and fashioned by the slaves themselves as the genre developed. A variety of instruments have a place in mento, from stick and hand drums to stringed instruments, flutes, and brass. Mento was one of the most important foundations for ska, which gave birth to reggae.
Ska and Rocksteady
The origins of ska date to the early 1950s, when Jamaicans began to catch on to popular music from the United States that reached the island via the radio and U.S. military personnel stationed here following World War II. Popular American tunes were played by mobile disc jockeys, the predecessors of today's sound systems, before being adopted and adapted by Jamaican musicians. The emphasis on the infectious upbeat was carried over from mento and calypso, with the trademark walking baseline sound borrowed from jazz and rhythm and blues. The birth and popularity of ska coincided with an upbeat mood in Jamaica at the time of independence, and the lyrics of many ska classics celebrate the country's separation from England. Spearheaded by pioneering producers like Prince Buster, Duke Reid, and Clement "Sir Coxone" Dodd, the genre became a hit, especially among Jamaica's masses of working-class people. The genre was popularized and taken international by bands like Byron Lee and the Dragonaires, Derrick Morgan, and Desmond Decker.
As ska's popularity began to wane by the late 1960s, the rhythm was slowed down, making way for the syncopated base lines and more sensual tone of rocksteady. A series of hits representative of the genre brought artists like Alton Ellis and Hopeton Lewis to fame with songs like "Girl I've Got a Date" and "Tek it Easy." Made for dancing, rocksteady continued to adapt popular American hits, with rude boy culture and love dominating the lyrics.
Most people know Jamaica by its legendary king, Bob Marley. Marley brought international attention to the island, now popularly known as Jam Rock thanks to the Grammy-winning album of his youngest son Damian, or "Junior Gong." Yet apart from Marley, Jamaica's music has had limited impact beyond the country's expatriate communities in London, Toronto, New York, and Miami. Only recently has dancehall reggae become mainstream internationally, thanks in part to crossover artists like Shaggy and Sean Paul, who took hip-hop charts by storm with his hit, "Gimme the Light." The genre has its roots in ska and rocksteady of the 1950s and 1960s, when radio brought American popular music to Jamaican shores and the country's creative musicians began to adapt American tunes to an indigenous swing.
After a decade of slackness in reggae during the late 1980s and early 1990s, several talented artists have managed to capitalize on a resurgence of conscious music by launching successful careers as "cultural" reggae artists in the one-drop sub-genre, sometimes using original musical tracks, sometimes singing on one of the more popular rhythms of the day or the past. These include I-Wayne, who came out with a huge hit critiquing the prostitution lifestyle with "Can't Satisfy Her" and the conscious tune, "Living in Love" on his 2005 breakout album Lava Ground. Richie Spice pays tribute to his ghetto roots with "Youth Dem Cold," an immensely popular hit. Chuck Fenda's "Gash Dem and Light Dem," released in 2005 and banned on the radio in Jamaica, is still reverberating years later. Luciano, Capleton, Sizzla, and Buju Banton top the pack of contemporary conscious reggae artists, while roots artists like Jimmy Cliff, Toots and the Maytals, Burning Spear, Israel Vibration, Third World, and Freddie McGregor continue to perform and produce the occasional album. In 2006, Joseph Hill of the seminal reggae group Culture passed away while on tour in Germany, leaving the masses to mourn back home in Jamaica. Another artist of note is Tanya Stephens, whose eloquent lyrics are being appreciated around the globe following the success of her 2006 Rebelution release. More recently, Flames artist Queen Ifrica has taken the conscious reggae world by storm with the release of her album, Montego Bay, and Gramps Morgan, of the seminal reggae band Morgan Heritage, attracted critical acclaim with the release of Two Sides of My Heart Vol. 1.
Dub, a form of remixed reggae that drops out much of the lyrics, was an offshoot of roots reggae pioneered by King Tubby and others, that led to the dub poetry genre, whose best-known artists include Mutabaruka and Linton Kwesi Johnson. The most accomplished new artist of the dub-poetry genre is DYCR, whose 2005 hit, "Chop Bush," won fans everywhere.
Clearly the most popular genre of music in Jamaica today, dancehall refers to the venue in which it is enjoyed. Dancehall music is born of the street, with themes typically reflecting struggle, defiance, girls, and more girls. Bounty Killer, Assasin, Voicemail, Busy Signal, Movado, Vybz Kartel, Tony Matterhorn, Elephant Man, and Mr. Vegas have led the pack in popularity and influence in modern dancehall, while Beenie Man is still regarded as the "King of Dancehall." Lady G and Macka Diamond are popular female artists of the genre whose clever and sometimes raunchy lyrics have garnered fans, while veteran peer Lady Saw maintains her top ranking as Jamaica's favorite female performer.
The Jamaican art world can be classified broadly into folk artists, schooled artists, and self-taught or intuitive artists. Folk art has been around throughout Jamaica's history, as far back as the Tainos, whose cave paintings can still be seen in a few locations on the island. European and African arrivals brought a new mix, with the planter class often commissioning works from visiting European portrait painters, while enslaved Africans carried on a wide range of traditions from their homeland, which included wood carving, fashioning musical instruments, and creating decorative masks and costumes for traditional celebrations like Jonkunnu. The annual Hosay celebrations, which date to the mid-1800s in Jamaica, as well as Maroon ceremonies, are considered living art. Folk art had a formative influence on Jamaica's intuitive artists.
The century after full emancipation in 1938 saw deep structural changes and growing pains for Jamaica, first as a colony struggling to maintain order and then more tumultuous years leading up to independence. Jamaican art as a concerted discipline arose in the late 1800s, and culminated with the establishment of formal training in 1940. In the early years, sculpture and painting reflected the mood of a country nursing fresh wounds of slavery, with progressive, renegade leaders and indigenous Revival and then Rastafari movements giving substance to the work of self-taught artists.
Edna Manley, wife of Jamaica's first prime minister, Norman Manley, is credited with formally establishing a homegrown Jamaican art scene. An accomplished artist herself, Edna Manley was born in England in 1900 to a Jamaican mother and English father and schooled at English art schools. On arrival in Jamaica, Manley was influenced by Jamaica's early intuitive sculptors like David Miller Sr. and David Miller Jr., Alvin Marriot, and Mallica Reynolds, a revival bishop better known as "Kapo." Edna Manley's 1935 sculpture Negro Aroused captured the mood of an era characterized by cultural nationalization, where Afro-centric imagery and the establishment and tribulations of a black working class were often the focus. Manley began teaching formal classes in 1940 at the Junior Center of the Institute of Jamaica, giving the structure necessary for the emergence of a slew of Jamaican painters including Albert Huie, David Pottinger, Ralph Campbell, and Henry Daley. Her school later developed into the Jamaica School of Art and Crafts, which was ultimately absorbed by Edna Manley College. Several other artists, who did not come out of Edna Manley's school, gained prominence in the early period, including Carl Abrahams, Gloria Escofferey, and John Dunkley. Dunkley's works consistently use somber shades and clean lines with dark symbolism reflective of serious times, making them immediately recognizable.
Jamaican fine arts exploded in the fervent post-independence years along with the country's music industry, fueling the expansion of both the National Gallery as well as a slew of commercial galleries, many of which still exist in Kingston today. The post-independence period counts among its well-recognized artists Osmond Watson, Milton George, George Rodney, Alexander Cooper, and David Boxer. Black Nationalism and the exploration of a national identity remained important topics for artists like Omari Ra and Stanford Watson, while many other artists like the ubiquitous Ras Dizzy or Ken Abendana Spencer gained recognition during the period for the sheer abundance of their work, much of which celebrated Jamaica's rural landscape. In the late 1970s, the National Gallery launched an exhibition series called The Intuitive Eye, which brought mainstream recognition to Jamaica's self-taught artists as key contributors to the development of Jamaican art. Some of the artists to gain exposure and wider recognition thanks to The Intuitive Eye series include William "Woody" Joseph, Gason Tabois, Sydney McLaren, Leonard Daley, John "Doc" Williamson, William Rhule, Errol McKenzie, and Allan "Zion" Johnson.
The Institute of Jamaica together with its various divisions continues to bring new exhibition space into use, notably opening a gallery in late 2006 on the top floor of the Natural History building, where a very successful photo exhibit on the 1907 earthquake that ravaged Kingston was staged.
Inland from Ocho Rios
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From Ocho Rios, Milford Road (A2) heads south from the main intersection by Turtle Park and uphill along the steep, winding route through Fern Gully. A few roadside vendors sell crafts in the cool shade of the wider corners. The road exits in Colgate and continues on to Bromley, Walkerswood, and then Moneague before reaching Faith Pen just before the border with St. Catherine. From the main intersection in Moneague, the A1 heads to St. Ann's Bay, passing through Claremont. A left at the intersection in Claremont leads to Nine Mile. Staying on the A1 past Claremont will take you through Green Park, where the road splits. By taking a left at the Y intersection you reach Brown's Town, where the road meets the B3, which runs from May Pen through Cave Valley, Alexandria, and from Brown's Town to Runaway Bay on the North Coast. The region is known as the Dry Harbour Mountains. Brown's Town is the closest town of any size to the Bob Marley Mausoleum in Nine Mile and is famous for its bustling market. Cave Valley is a small community along the Clarendon border, which has a bustling Saturday market where livestock is sold.
Jamma Design by Marie Smith
Jamma Design by Marie Smith (Huddersfield, Boscobel, tel. 876/431-8122, caryl_smith2005@yahoo.com) is a funky home apparel shop specializing in handmade African-inspired rootsy designs, with excellent children's clothes and stylish dresses (from US$25). Marie Smith won the Singer sewing festival competition in 2005.
Saki (contact Oliver Magnus, cell tel. 876/368-1036, olivermagnusja@hotmail.com, US$50/person per night) is a two-bedroom villa, each room with a king-size bed and private bath. There's a full kitchen for guest use, and a six-person hot tub on the deck overlooks the sea.
Contentment Jungle Resort
Contentment Jungle Resort (also owned and managed by Oliver Magnus, cell tel. 876/368-1036, olivermagnusja@hotmail.com) is located in Mason Hall, inland from Oracabessa, with seven basic rooms (US$25–50) furnished with four double beds and three queen-size beds. The setting is rustic and vibesy, with functional bathrooms and kitchen but few creature comforts.
Tranquility Cove
Tranquility Cove (US$180–600) is located across the road from Harmony Hall in Tower Isle with 26 units containing one-, two-, and three-bedroom suites, inclusive of a housekeeper/cook. A clubhouse has an infinity pool out front overlooking the sea. There are laundry facilities on the property. Reggae Beach, the closest piece of fine sand, can be reached in about 15 minutes by foot. The stretch of coast this property is on is not suitable for swimming as it is lined with cliffs and the sea is rough.
Sea Palms Resort
Sea Palms Resort (contact Robert Cartade, tel. 876/926-4000, cartade@cwjamaica.com, www.seapalmsjamaica.com), located next door, is a seafront property with a handful of buildings containing condo-style rooms and suites (from US$105/145 low/high season), each with balconies, kitchens, air-conditioning, washer and dryer, and TV. A beach has been created on the waterfront with levies that create a small protective cove. Next to the beach is a clubhouse and pool.
Montego Bay and the Northwest
Montego Bay is the capital of St. James parish. Commonly referred to by locals as "Mobay," it's a place buzzing with cruise ships and international flights brimming with tourists. Many of these otourists spend barely a day on land before climbing aboard to depart for the next port.
Montego Bay
Jamaica's "vibes city," Mobay has been the principal hub of the island's tourism industry since the 1950s, with the country's most well-heeled duty-free shops and beaches. The close proximity of the area's hotels to the Montego Bay airport makes it a convenient destination for long-weekenders visiting from the United States and those looking to take advantage of the proximity of destinations on the western side of the island. Sangster International Airport receives most of Jamaica's three million annual tourists, and the surrounding region offers plenty of activities for day trips out of town, making the Mobay area the most popular place for visitors to Jamaica to find lodging. But the picture is not entirely pretty, and plenty of strife plagues the city, not least of which derives from growing squatter communities in and around town. Many visitors find in Montegonians, also known as "bawn a bays," a hard-edged, matter-of-fact idiosyncrasy that reflects the dual worlds coexisting in the energetic city. Perhaps a tumultuous history kept fresh by perpetuating injustices leads the city's inhabitants to despise the subservience inherent in a tourism-based economy out of pride, even if it is tourism that sustains the town. Montego Bay has been at the center of the island's economic picture since the days of the Spanish, and it is not lost on the local population that the city remains an economic powerhouse with its booming service economy.
Old timers recall the golden years of 1960s Mobay, when clubs like the Yellow Bird on Church Street, Club 35 on Union Street, and Cats Corner were brimming with tourists and locals alike. Taxis would carry guests from the hotels to the city center, where they would await patrons into the early morning hours to emerge from smoky cabarets bursting with live music. The Michael Manley era, which began in 1972, ushered in a socialism scare that destabilized Jamaica, affecting the tourism market directly with travel advisories warning would-be visitors to stay away. Nowhere was the impact more severe than in Montego Bay, which was the most-developed resort destination in Jamaica at the time. It was during the 1970s that all-inclusive tourism became a phenomenon, and gated resorts became the norm. The overwhelming dominance of all-inclusive hotels in recent years has led fewer visitors to leave the hotel compounds to explore the city, stifling business for restaurants and bars, the more successful of which cater as much to the local market as to tourists. Today Mobay comes alive on certain nights of the week and gets especially lively for several notable annual festivals, like Jazz and Blues Festival and Reggae Sumfest.
Commercially Montego Bay is organized like many U.S. cities. Large shopping centers dot the urban landscape, with KFC and Burger King dominating two strong poles of the quasi-modern city--only quasi-modern because Mobay contains in a small space some of Jamaica's roughest areas (there have been weeks in recent memory that saw several police-inflicted killings in some of Mobay's worse districts). But along Mobay's Hip Strip in the vicinity of Doctors Cave, Cornwall, and Dead End Beaches, the mood is as outwardly genteel as during the early British colonial period.
Mobay has been crucial to the island since the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores. The name Montego is said to have its origin in the Spanish word manteca (lard), referring to the use of the bay as an export center for wild hog products, namely lard. The city was previously named Golfo de Buen Tiempo (Bay of Good Weather) by Christopher Columbus.
Montego Bay has distinct tourist zones, well separated from the bustling and raucous downtown area. The main tourist area is the Hip Strip along Gloucester Avenue, where most of the bars, restaurants, and hotels catering to tourists are located. Extending off the strip is Kent Avenue, a.k.a. Dead End Road, which terminates at the end of the airport runway. Queens Drive passes along the hill above the Hip Strip with several budget hotels, many of them frequented by locals seeking privacy with their special someone.
Downtown Montego Bay is centered on Sam Sharpe Square, where a statue of the slave rebellion leader stands in one corner. The peninsula of Freeport sticks out into the Bogue Lagoon and the Montego Bay Marine Park just west of downtown, with the cruise ship terminal, the yacht club, Sunset Beach and Secrets resorts located there.
East of the airport, Ironshore is a middle class area that covers a large swath of hill in subdivisions and oversized concrete houses. East of Ironshore, Spring Garden is the most exclusive residential neighborhood in Mobay, bordering Rose Hall Estate where many of the area's all-inclusive resorts are wedged between the main road and the sea. Half Moon Resort, the Ritz Carlton, and Palmyra are the most luxurious of Mobay's accommodation options. Also nearby is Rose Hall Resort (a Hilton hotel), Sea Castles, a former resort now rented as apartment units, and three Iberostar hotels in a large complex a few kilometers further to the east down the coast.
Richmond Hill
Whether or not you choose to stay at this gorgeous hilltop property, a sunset cocktail from the beautiful poolside terrace will remain a romantic memory indefinitely.
The hotel has an illustrious history. Columbus apparently stayed here for a year while he was stranded in Jamaica, and it was once part of Annie Palmer's Rose Hall Estate. Later, in 1838, the property was acquired and built into a palatial abode by the Dewar family of Scotch whisky fame. Today the hotel is owned and operated with charm by Stefanie Chin and daughters Gracie and Gale, Austrian expatriates in Jamaica since 1968.
Montego Bay Marine Park
Montego Bay Marine Park (tel. 876/952-5619, contact@mbmp.org, www.mbmp.org) consists of the entire bay from high-tide mark on land to 100-meter depth from Reading on Mobay's western edge, to just east of the airport on the eastern side. The marine park encompasses diverse ecosystems that include mangrove forests, islands, beaches, estuaries, sea-grass beds, and corals. The best way to see the marine park is with a licensed tour operator for a snorkeling trip or with a glass-bottomed boat tour. Tropical Beach and Aquasol both operate glass-bottomed boat tours, with the former including snorkeling.
Pitfour Rasta Settlement
Pitfour (contact Sister Norma, cell tel. 876/882-6376) is a Rastafarian settlement in the Granville district in the hills above Montego Bay. A Nyabinghi ceremony lasting more than a week begins every November 1 to celebrate the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, revered by Rastafarians as their God. On Good Friday of every year, a Nyabinghi vigil known as the Coral Gardens Groundation is held to commemorate the murder of Rastafarians by the Jamaican authorities in the early years of the movement. When events are held, Rastas come from across Jamaica to participate. Otherwise the settlement is very sleepy, with little happening beyond perhaps a reasoning between bredren over a burning chalice. To get to Pitfour head inland from Catherine Hall along Fairfield Road, taking a right after the Fairfield Theatre, passing Day-O Plantation. Take the first right after the police station in the square, then continue straight, and then take the first left in Granville. By the gate to Pitfour you will see Bongo Manny and Daughter Norma Ital food shop.
Montego Bay Civic Centre and Museum
Mobay's Civic Center (Sam Sharpe Square, tel. 876/971-9417, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., US$2 adults, US$0.75 children) houses a museum featuring a history of St. James. The small collection of artifacts spans the Taino period to the present day. The museum is under the management of the Institute of Jamaica, with assistant curator Leanne Rodney offering 30-minute tours throughout the day. Arrangements can be made for the museum to be open on weekends for 10 or more visitors by calling during the week to make a request.
The Cage, also in Sam Sharpe Square, was once used to lock up misbehaving slaves and sailors.
St. James Parish Church (Church St., tel. 876/971-2564) is one of the most attractive buildings in town. It's set amongst large grounds that house a small cemetery.
Burchell Baptist Church (Market St., tel. 876/971-9141) is a more humble church where Sam Sharpe used to preach. His remains are interred there.
Gallery of West Indian Art
The Gallery of West Indian Art (11 Fairfield Rd., Catherine Hall, tel. 876/952-4547, nikola@cwjamaica.com, www.galleryofwestindianart.com) is one of the most diverse galleries in Jamaica--as far as carrying both Jamaican art and pieces from neighboring islands, especially Haiti and Cuba. The gallery is owned and operated by Nicki and Steffan, who make quality pieces accessible with very reasonable pricing. Look out for work by Jamaican artists Delores Anglin and Gene Pearson, a sculptor specializing in bronze heads.
Mount Zion
Mount Zion is a quaint community that overlooks Rose Hall, with excellent panoramic views of the coast northeast of Mobay. A small church forms the centerpiece of the village, where views over Cinnamon Hill Golf Course and along the coast of Iron Shore and Rose Hall are unmatched. To get to Mount Zion, turn inland on an uncommonly well-paved road (no name) just past the small bridge that crosses Little River heading east from the Ritz-Carlton. The road heads up a steep hill toward the community of Cornwall. As the hill tapers off toward the top, a right turn leads farther up to the community of Zion Hill. Heading straight at the junction leads to Cornwall.
Each of the area's estate great houses is worth visiting and quite distinct from the others. A visit to one or all of these historic properties is like traveling back in time--a great way to catch a glimpse of the island's glorious and tumultuous past.
Bellefield Great House
Bellefield Great House (tel. 876/952-2382, www.bellefieldgreathouse.com), five minutes from Mobay at Barnett Estate, offers a lunch tour Wednesdays and Thursdays (10:30 a.m.–2 p.m., US$40). It consists of a 45-minute visit through the great house and gardens, and a one-hour lunch serving well-prepared Jamaican dishes. The tour can be arranged on any day of the week for parties of 10 people or more. A basic tour, without the delicious lunch, is also offered (US$20). Bellefield belongs to the Kerr-Jarretts, a family that at one point controlled much of the land in and around Mobay as part of Fairfield Estate. The tour is operated by Nicky and David Farquharson, who are also behind the production of the exquisite meal. To get to Bellefield, take Fairfield Road from Catherine Hall, staying right where the road splits on to Chambers Drive until you reach the Granville Police Station. Take a right on Bellefield Road at the police station and go until you see the great house on the left.
Rose Hall Great House
Rose Hall Great House (tel. 876/953-2323, greathouse@rosehall.com, www.rosehall.com, US$20 adults, US$10 children) is the former home of Annie Palmer, remembered as the White Witch of Rose Hall in Herbert De Lisser's novel of the same name. It's the most formidable and foreboding estate great house on the island today, with a bone-chilling history behind its grandeur. The tour through the impeccably refurbished mansion is excellent. Rose Hall was built in 1770 by John Palmer, who ruled the estate with his wife, Rosa. The property passed through many hands before ending up in possession of John Rose Palmer, who married the infamous Annie in 1820. A slight woman not more than five feet tall, Annie is said to have practiced voodoo, or black magic, and would eventually kill several husbands and lovers, starting with Mr. John Rose. Annie ruled the plantation brutally and was much feared by the estate's slaves. She would ultimately taste her own medicine, as she was killed during the Christmas Rebellion of 1831 (which pushed England one step closer to the abolition of slavery).
Rose Hall was virtually abandoned with the decline in the sugar economy until an American rags-to-riches businessman, John Rollins, bought the estate in the 1960s and restored the great house to its old grandeur. Today the estate is governed by Mrs. Rollins, who has upheld the ambitious development ethic of her late husband. Rose Hall Great House forms the historic centerpiece of the vast Rose Hall Estate, which encompasses three 18-hole golf courses, the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon and Rose Hall resorts, and the most desirable residential district of Montego Bay, Spring Farms. Also on the Rose Hall Estate, Cinnamon Hill Great House was the home of the late Johnny Cash. Cinnamon Hill is not currently open to the public except for special events.
Greenwood Great House
Greenwood Great House (tel. 876/953-1077, greenwoodgreathouse@cwjamaica.com, www.greenwoodgreathouse.com, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$14) is the best example of a great house kept alive by the owners, Bob and Ann Betton, who live on property and manage the low-key tour operation. Built in the late 1600s by one of the wealthiest families of the British colonial period, the Barretts first landed in Jamaica on Cromwell's voyage of conquest, when the island was captured from the Spanish in 1655. Land grants immediately made the family a major landholder, and its plantations grew over the next 179 years to amass 2,000 slaves on seven estates by the time of emancipation. Greenwood Great House boasted the best stretch of road in Jamaica as its driveway. Little upkeep has been performed over the past four centuries, apparently, and today the 1.5-kilometer-long road requires slow going, but the panoramic view from the house and grounds are still as good as ever.
Interesting relics like hand-pump fire carts and old wagon wheels adorn the outside of the building. Inside the house is the best collection of colonial-era antiques in Jamaica, including obscure musical instruments, Flemish thrones, and desks with secret compartments from the 17th century. An inlaid rosewood piano belonged to King Edward VII, and a portrait of poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cousin hangs on the wall. Another historical treasure at the great house is the will of Reverend Thomas Burchell, who was arrested for his alleged role in the Christmas Rebellion.
Farther inland from Greenwood lie the ruins of Barrett Hall, the family's primary residence.
Bob Marley School of the Arts Institute (Flamingo Beach, Ras Astor Black, cell tel. 876/327-9991, tel. 876/861-5233, or 847/571-5804, astor@bobartsinstitute.com, www.bobartsinstitute.edu), located in Greenwood on a hill above the highway marked by waving Rasta-colored flags, is a bold project dreamed up by Ras Astor Black to draw Jamaica's youth into a technologically focused education in the arts, with music and production courses. As an annex to the school, the vision includes a Reggae Walk of Fame, where artists deemed honorable will be inducted once per month. Black lives up on a hill between Falmouth and Greenwood, where he has created the Reggae Village. He intends to host regular live concerts to appeal to the masses of tourists who arrive expecting to see more in the way of live reggae music, like they are accustomed to seeing in the United States and Europe.
Plantation Tours
Several plantations in the area offer visitors a chance to learn about Jamaica's principal agricultural products--from those that were important historically to crops adapted to the modern economy. These include Croydon, John's Hall, and Mountain Valley Rafting, which offers a basic banana plantation tour.
Croydon Plantation (contact Tony Henry, tel. 876/979-8267, tlhenry20@hotmail.com, www.croydonplantation.com, open Tues., Thurs., and Fri., as well as other days when cruise ships are in port) is a pineapple and coffee plantation located at the base of the Catadupa Mountains and was the birthplace of slave rebellion leader and national hero Sam Sharpe. The walking tour takes visitors through a working section of the plantation with an accompanying narrative, with three refreshment stops allowing visitors to sample some of the 12 different kinds of pineapple grown on the estate, in addition to other crops like jackfruit, sugarcane, and Otaheite apple, depending on what's in season. The tour includes a typical Jamaican country lunch. Total tour time from pickup to return is six hours, and the cost (US$65 per person) includes transportation, refreshments, and lunch. Croydon Plantation has the only privately owned forest reserve in the country. The 53-hectare estate is owned by Dalkeith Hanna, with Tony Henry, a partner in the tour operation.
John's Hall Adventure Tour (tel. 876/971-7776, relax.resort@cwjamaica.com, www.johnshalladventuretour.com) offers a plantation tour (US$70 per person inclusive of jerk lunch and fruits) with a historical and contextual commentary by the guides. Stops along the way include the Parish Church, Sam Sharpe Square, and Mt. Olive Basic School. John's Hall Adventure Tour also operates the Jamaica Rhythm Tour (6–9 p.m. Wed. and Sun., US$80 inclusive of dinner), a musical show held at John's Hall featuring old-time heritage (from Maypole dancing and limbo to mento). Both tours include transportation from Mobay area hotels.
Walter Fletcher Beach is the location of Aquasol Theme Park, where go-carts, bumper boats, water sports, and two tennis courts heighten the entertainment inherent in the small strip of sand facing Mobay's harbor. The beach is located on the Hip Strip across from The Pork Pit.
Cornwall Beach (US$5, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. daily, tel. 876/979-0102) is wedged between the beaches for what was Breezes Montego Bay and DeCameron. The beach is owned by the St. James Parish Council and managed by David Chung. It was renovated in 2009 with clean restrooms, changing rooms, and showers, and there's a restaurant and beach bar. "Irie Mon" beach parties including a lunch buffet and open bar (US$80/person), with live music and entertainment are held on Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. when a Carnival cruise ship delivers partygoers.
Tropical Beach is a decent, narrow strip of sand on the far side of the airport with the best windsurfing and Jet Ski rental outfit in Mobay. The beach isn't a bad spot for a dip, but it's not a destination for spending the whole day unless you're there for the water sports. To get to Tropical Beach turn left after the airport, heading east toward Ironshore and Rose Hall.
Sunset Beach (10 a.m.–6 p.m., US$60 adult, US$40 children for all-inclusive day pass) is the private beach for Sunset Beach Resort (tel. 876/979-8800 or U.S. tel 800/234-1707, www.sunsetbeachresort.com), which occupies the tip of the peninsula known as Freeport. The resort has a small water park with large pools and slides, as well as excellent tennis facilities. The day pass includes food and drink at the main buffet-style restaurant and several bars scattered throughout the property. To get to Sunset Beach continue past the cruise ship terminal on Southern Cross Boulevard.
Dead End Beach is the best free public beach in close proximity to the Hip Strip at the heart of Mobay's tourism scene. Sandals Carlyle faces the beach, which borders the end of the runway at Donald Sangster International Airport. The beach is located on Kent Avenue, better known as Dead End Road.
One Man Beach and Dump-Up Beach, located across from KFC and Mobay's central roundabout, are venues for occasional events and horse grazing. The beach here is no good for swimming however, as the city's effluent emerges from a neighboring gulley.
Old Steamer Beach is located 100 yards past the Shell gas station heading west out of Hopewell, Hanover. An embankment leads down to the skeleton of the U.S.S. Caribou, a steamer dating from 1887 that washed off its mooring from Mobay. You can hang your towel on the skeleton ship and take a swim at one of the nicest beaches around, which only gets busy on weekends when locals come down in droves to stir the crystal clear waters.
Doctors Cave Beach
Doctors Cave Beach (US$5) is the see-and-be-seen Hip Strip beach that is always happening. The beach is a favorite for the area's uptown youth on weekends, and a popular venue for full moon parties and other events and activities. The Groovy Grouper, situated to one side of the beach near the entrance, is a dependable spot for seafood and continental fare.
Bars and Clubs
For an early evening drink, the Montego Bay Yacht Club (10 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) is a popular spot among the uptown crowd, especially on Fridays. The HouseBoat Bar is also a popular early evening spot, while Mobay Proper (44 Fort St., tel. 876/940-1233, noon–2 a.m. daily) has the most consistently happening local scene every night of the week.
Hilites Cafe, Bar and Gift Shop (19 Queens Dr., tel. 876/979-9157, jamaica_flamingo_ltd@hotmail.com, 8:30 a.m.–6 p.m. daily) has a great view over the harbor and airport and is another great spot for an early evening drink or to watch the planes take off and land from Sangster Airport.
Margaritaville (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4777, 11 a.m.–you say when daily, US$10) is a wildly popular restaurant and bar with a water slide dropping off into the sea and giant trampoline inner tubes just offshore for use by customers. The restaurant serves dishes like cheeseburgers, jerk chicken and pork, and lobster (US$9–28), while almost every night of the week has a different theme: Tuesday is Caribbean night, which shifts each week to a different cultural theme--Latin, soca, etc.; Wild Wednesdays features wet T-shirt contests and Jell-O wrestling; Thursday is ladies' night, where women enter free till midnight; on Fridays there is a rotating guest selector or featured artist; and Saturday is World Beat Night with a sound system.
Margaritaville is the brainchild of a Jamaican partnership between Ian Dear and Brian Jardim, who struck a deal with Jimmy Buffet to carry his franchise in the Caribbean. In 10 years the pair has grown a business venture that is today a fixture in the three major tourism hubs: Ocho Rios, Negril, and Mobay, now with a branch at Sangster Airport as well.
Blue Beat (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4777, 6 p.m.–2 a.m. daily, free entry) is Margaritaville's more sophisticated and upscale cousin, located at the same property under the same ownership. The laid-back club features a resident DJ every night and live jazz Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday 10 p.m.–2 a.m.
Jamaican Bobsled Cafe (69 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/940-7009) is a popular bar serving bar food and pizza, and it offers delivery. The bar is at the center of the action on the Hip Strip.
Royal Stocks (Half Moon Shopping Village, tel. 876/953-9770) is an English pub–style bar and restaurant, serving pricey international cuisine. The air-conditioned bar is a great place to go when missing the cool of England, though the beer selection is not the same as back home: Guinness, Red Stripe, and Heineken are the only brews on offer.
The Keg (across from the fire station, no phone) is a local dive bar and a good place to soak up the local scene and listen to oldies.
Mobay Proper (44 Fort St., tel. 876/940-1233, noon–2 a.m. daily) is the best place to grab a beer (US$2) and play some billiards (US$1 per game).
Rehab Pool Bar & Lounge (contact proprietor Gary Rose, cell tel. 876/409-1130, 6 p.m.–2 a.m. daily ), located across from Lover's Park, next door to China House Restaurant, offers billiards (US$5/45 minutes or US$1 per game in the more spacious room with a/c) at seven tables; this place opened in February 2009.
Live Music
Unfortunately, live music in Mobay is hard to come by--in sharp contrast to decades past when there was an active regular music scene. Today, the all-inclusive resorts have house bands that entertain the hotel guests, who are often discouraged from leaving the compound. Nevertheless, there is often live jazz at Day-O Plantation, as well as at Blue Beat, and Margaritaville. Of course if you want world-class music the best time to visit is during Reggae Sumfest (July) or the Jazz and Blues Festival (January). Catherine Hall Entertainment Center, the main venue for Sumfest, also holds occasional stage show concerts throughout the year.
Festivals and Events
Several annual festivals draw thousands from around the island and abroad, chief among them being Jamaica Jazz and Blues (www.airjamaicajazzandblues.com) and Reggae Sumfest (www.reggaesumfest.com). The Montego Bay Yacht Club (tel. 876/979-8038, fax 876/979-8262, mbyc@cwjamaica.com, www.mobayyachtclub.com) has its share of events, including annual and biannual yacht races and a Marlin Festival. In Albert Town, Trelawny, the highlight of the year is the Yam Festival (www.stea.net/yam.htm), which is a family fun day centered on one of the island's most important staple foods, with tugs of war, beauty competitions, and, of course, music. Jamaica's Carnival season also brings at least one night of events to Mobay, with a free concert at Dump-Up Beach.
In the hills above Mobay, the Rastafarian community of Pitfour hosts annual Nyabinghi sessions, lasting for days to commemorate the coronation of the late Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, as well as to commemorate the Coral Gardens Massacre on Good Friday. Sadly, the area has fallen into disrepute over the last few years due to crime and violence. Visitors to Pitfour should proceed with caution.
Art and Theater
Alpha Arts (tel. 876/979-3479, cell tel. 876/605-9130, alphaarts@hotmail.com, www.alphaarts.com), adjacent to Sahara de la Mar resort in Reading, produces and sells on-site a variety of colorful ceramics.
Fairfield Theatre (Fairfield Rd., tel. 876/952-0182, US$10) is the only venue in the Mobay area for small, amateur theatrical productions that strive to uphold professional standards. Performances are generally held on weekends. Fairfield Theatre was originally founded as Montego Bay Little Theatre Movement in 1975 by Paul Methuen and Henry and Greta Fowler. The theatrical company was named after the Little Theatre Movement in Kingston, which was formed by Jamaican cultural icons like Louise Bennett. Contact theater chairman Douglas Prout (cell tel. 876/909-9364, dprout@globeins.com, d_freezing@hotmail.com) for more information or call the theater directly for performance schedules.
Mostly contemporary works from the best Jamaican and Caribbean writers are performed at the Fairfield Theatre, but the company produces works from a wide range of playwrights from Shakespeare to Noel Coward, Peter Schaeffer, Lorraine Hansbury, and Neil Simon. Caribbean writers such as Derek Walcott, Errol Hill, and Douglas Archibald have been produced to critical acclaim, but greater audience appeal has been found with the current crop of Jamaican playwrights that include Basil Dawkins, Trevor Rhone, Patrick Brown, and David Heron.
Palace Multiplex (Eldemire Dr., next to Jerky's, tel. 876/971-5550, movie times tel. 876/979-8624) is a cinema showing standard Hollywood films.
Montego Bay is full of duty-free stores and gift shops.
Klass Traders (Fort St., tel. 876/952-5782) produces attractive handmade leather sandals from a workshop adjacent to Mobay Proper. Leroy Thompson (cell tel. 876/546-8657) is the head craftsman.
Rastafari Art (42 Hart St., tel. 876/885-7674 or 876/771-7533) has a variety of red, gold, and green items, including flags, belts, T-shirts, bags, and friendship bands that make inexpensive, authentic, and lightweight gifts and souvenirs.
For clothes, try Lloyd's (26 St. James St., tel. 876/952-3172), which has a great selection of trendy urban and roots wear and carries the CY Evolution brand.
Craft centers abound in Mobay, from Harbour Street to Kent Avenue to Charles Gordon Market and Montego Bay Craft Market. A discriminating eye is required at all these markets to sift out the junk from the quality Jamaica-produced crafts.
Freeport Cruise Ship Terminal has several shops, most of which carry overpriced souvenirs and mass-produced crafts items of little inherent value.
Duty-free shops are found anywhere you glance in Mobay, concentrated around City Centre Complex, the Hip Strip, and at the Half Moon Shopping Village east of town. The new Rose Hall Shopping Complex also has its share of duty-free items.
Bookland (34 Union St., 876/940-6185, bookland-mobay@cwjamaica.com, Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m.) has the best selection of Caribbean books, as well as local and international magazines.
Sangster's Bookstore is at 2 St. James Street (tel. 876/952-0319).
Habanos Gift Shop (Shop #1, Casa Blanca Building, Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/940-4139, cell tel. 876/884-8656, habanoscigars1492@yahoo.com), run by Raj Jeswani, sells Cuban and Jamaican cigars out of a walk-in humidor, plus rum, spices, coffee, and a full array of "Jamaica no problem mon" T-shirts, trinkets, and souvenirs.
Tad's International Records (retail outlet in the departure lounge at Sangster International Airport) has an extensive catalog of reggae.
Great River Studios (contact Paul Taylor, cell tel. 876/609-6266) is a recording studio operated by the owners of Spyglass Hill and located on the same estate as the villa. The studio rents for US$30–50 per hour with Pro Tools, voicing and live band rooms, and a two-inch analog tape. Led by studio musician, Palma Taylor, it's based just outside Hopewell.
Tropical Beach Fitness (tel. 876/952-6510, tropicalfitness@hotmail.com, Mon.–Thurs., 6 a.m.–10 p.m., Fri. 6 a.m.–9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–2 p.m.) is a decent beachfront gym with free weights, treadmills, bicycles, stair steppers, and weight benches. Membership is offered by the day (US$5) and month (US$30). The club has about 200 local members, with two trainers available for an extra fee.
Water Sports
The Montego Bay Yacht Club (tel. 876/979-8038, fax 876/979-8262, mbyc@cwjamaica.com, www.mobayyachtclub.com) was refurbished in 2006 with a new building, landscaped grounds, and a small swimming pool. The club is a warm and friendly family environment with a great bar and restaurant, making it the place in western Jamaica for sailing, fishing, or just to hang out and make friends. Entertainment at the club is facilitated by pool tables, foosball, and table tennis. Every Friday, the club hosts a buffet dinner. Social and sailing membership is available by the day (US$5) or by the year (US$150). The annual fee grants members access to the Royal Jamaica Yacht Club in Kingston as well.
The Mobay Yacht Club is the final destination of the famous Pineapple Cup Race (www.montegobayrace.com), which covers 1,305 kilometers of water from its starting point in Fort Lauderdale. This classic race--a beat, a reach, and a run--is held in February of every odd year. Other events include the annual J-22 International Regatta held every December, and the Great Yacht Race, which precedes every Easter Regatta, a fun-filled, friendly, and competitive multi-class regatta. The International Marlin Fishing Tournament is held every fall. Sailing camps for children are held during the summer and courses offered to adults based on demand.
If you arrive in Jamaica on a private vessel, the Mobay Yacht Club has some of the lowest docking fees anywhere (US$0.87 per foot 1–7 days), which are reduced even further for longer stays (US$0.50 per foot for 8–30 days). Utilities are metered and charged accordingly, while boats at anchor can use the club facilities for the regular daily membership fee (US$5 per person). Mobay's mangrove areas in the Bogue Lagoon are often used as a hurricane hole for small vessels. All charges carry 16.50 percent tax.
Aquasol Theme Park (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/979-9447 or 876/940-1344, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., till 10 p.m. Fri.–Sun., US$5 adults, US$3 children under 12) is a small theme park located on Walter Fletcher Beach, with go carts (US$3 single-seated, US$7 double), two tennis courts (operated by Steve Nolan, cell tel. 876/364-9293, 6:30 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$6/hr.), billiard tables (US$.50 per game), a video games room, glass-bottomed boat excursions to the coral reef (US$25 per person for a 30-min. tour), and personal watercraft like Jet Skis ($75 for 30 min.). There's also a sports bar with satellite TV and the Voyage restaurant (US$5–10), serving fried chicken, fried fish, and jerk. A gym on property, Mighty Moves (tel. 876/952-8608, 7 a.m.–8 p.m. daily, US$8), has free weights, weight machines, and aerobics classes included with the day pass.
Tropical Beach Water Sports (tel. 876/940-0836, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily) is run by Chaka Brown with professional-quality equipment, including windsurfing sailboards (US$45/hour) and Jet Skis (US$75/half-hour, US$130/hour). Bogue Lagoon excursions are also offered (US$220/hour for up to six people).
Ezee Fishing (Denise Taylor, cell tel. 876/381-3229 or 876/995-2912, chokey@reggaefemi.com, dptgonefishing@hotmail.com, www.montego-bay-jamaica.com/ajal/noproblem, US$450 half day, US$890 full day) operates a 39-foot Phoenix Sport Fisher for deep-sea expeditions, offering a good chance of catching big game like wahoo, blue marlin, or dorado (depending on time of year). Ezee also offers sailing charters (www.jamaicawatersports.com) on catamaran Suncat and trimaran Freestyle vessels (US$400 for two-hour sails for up to 10 people).
Rapsody Tours, Cruises & Charters operates the Dreamer Catamaran Cruises (contact Donna Lee, tel. 876/979-0102, reservations@dreamercatamarans.com, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. and 3 p.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$65 per person, reservations required) with two daily three-hour cruises on its two 53-foot catamarans and one 65-foot catamaran. The catamarans depart from Cornwall Beach for morning and afternoon cruises at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and an evening cruise on Thursdays and Saturdays leaves from Doctors Cave Beach a 5 p.m. The excursion includes an open bar and use of snorkeling gear.
Two-hour Calico Sunset Cruises (5–7 p.m. Tues.–Sun., US$40 adults, US$20 children 3–11) are offered on the same Calico sailboat, with an optional dinner package (US$65) that includes a four-course meal at the Town House Restaurant following the sail.
Lark Cruises by Barrett Adventures (contact Captain Carolyn Barrett, Barrett Adventures, cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.barrettadventures.com) operates half-day (US$400) and full-day (US$600) cruises out of Mobay for up to three passengers, with snorkeling and a Jamaican lunch included (US$100 for each additional person up to 10). Weekly charters are also offered (US$3,000 for up to six, plus provisions), inclusive of captain and cook. Charter cruise options include excursions to Negril, Port Antonio, or even Cuba, contingent upon favorable weather conditions.
Montego Bay is the best base for golfing in Jamaica, with the highest concentration of courses on a nice variety of terrains, some with gorgeous rolling hills, others seaside, all within the immediate vicinity.
White Witch Golf Course (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2800 or 876/518-0174, www.rosehall.com, 6:30 a.m.–9 p.m. daily) is the most spectacular course in Jamaica, for its views and rolling greens. The course has a special for Ritz guests (US$180 per person includes greens fees, cart, and caddy, not including US$20 recommended gratuity per player). The course is also open to nonguests (US$200 includes cart caddy and 18 holes, but not gratuity). White Witch offers a Twilight Golf Special (US$99 per person, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fee, after 2:30 p.m.). The last tee time is at 4:30 p.m.
A gorgeous clubhouse features beautiful views and the White Witch Restaurant (noon–9 p.m.), open to nongolfers as well, and a pro shop. The restaurant serves sandwiches, soups, and salads for lunch and fish and steak for dinner.
Cinnamon Hill Golf Course (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2650) is operated by Rose Hall Resort and offers special rates to in-house guests (US$141, inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fees--extended to Half Moon and Sandals guests). The club also offers a Twilight Special (US$99 after 1:30 p.m.), in addition to the standard rack rate (US$160 inclusive of cart, caddy, and greens fees) with club rental an additional charge (US$40–50). Recommended caddy tip is US$10–15 per player. Cinnamon Hill is the only course in Jamaica that's on the coast. Holes five and six are directly at the water's edge. There is a gorgeous waterfall at the foot of Cinnamon Hill great house, which was owned by Johnny Cash until his death.
Half Moon Golf Course (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2560, www.halfmoongolf.com) is a Robert Trent Jones Jr.–designed course, with reduced rates for Half Moon Guests (US$75 for nine holes, US$105 for 18 holes). Rates for nonguests are US$90/150 for 9/18 holes, US$12/20 for caddy, US$40/50 for club rental, and US$25/35 for cart. Half Moon is a walkable course.
SuperClubs Golf Course at Iron Shore (tel. 876/953-3682) is a very respectable 18-hole course, with regular greens fees (US$50) waived for SuperClubs hotel guests. Caddy (US$11/16 for 9/18 holes) and cart (US$17/35 for 9/18 holes) fees are the lowest in Mobay; many prefer the course, in spite of it never having hosted a PGA tournament. Shelly Clifford is the friendly golf course manager.
Horseback Riding
Half Moon Equestrian Centre (Half Moon Resort, tel. 876/953-2286, r.delisser@cwjamaica.com, www.horsebackridingjamaica.com) has the most impressive stables open to the public in Jamaica, for beginning to experienced riders. The center offers a pony ride for children under 6 for US$20 and a 40-minute beginner ride for US$60 (suitable for children over 6), a beach ride for US$80 that includes a horseback swim (for riders over age 8), and 30-minute private lessons for any experience level that can include basic dressage, jumping, and polo.
Chukka Caribbean (www.chukkacaribbean.com) offers a Ride 'N Swim tour in Sandy Bay, Hanover, about a half-hour drive west of Mobay.
Accommodation options vary widely from cheap dives and inexpensive guesthouses to luxury villas and world-class hotels. In the center of town, on Queens Drive (Top Road), and to the west in Reading there are several low-cost options, while the mid-range hotels are concentrated around the Hip Strip along Gloucester Avenue (Bottom Road) and just east of the airport. Rose Hall is the area's most glamorous address, both for its private villas and mansions surrounding the White Witch Golf Course, and for the Ritz-Carlton and neighboring Half Moon, the most exclusive resorts in town. Also on the eastern side of town is Sandals Royal Caribbean, easily the chain's most luxurious property, complete with a private island.
Along the Hip Strip several mid-range hotels provide direct access to Mobay's nightlife, a mix of bars and a few clubs, and guesthouses farther afield offer great rates.
Mobay is the principal entry point for most tourists arriving on the island, many of whom stay at one of the multitude of hotels in the immediate vicinity. The old Ironshore and Rose Hall estates east along the coast are covered in luxury and mid-range hotels.
Under US$100
Altamont West (tel. 876/620-4540, www.altamontwesthotel.com, altamontwesthotel@yahoo.com, US$90 d) is the latest boutique hotel to crop up along the Hip Strip in Montego Bay. The Altamont West marks the first foray into Western Jamaica for the Jarrett family, which has run the Altamont Court hotel in Kingston for years. Rooms at the Altamont West are cozy and well appointed, with flat panel TVs, Internet, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. Linens are soft and clean. The hotel is ideally situated across from Walter Fletcher Beach, a short walk to bars and restaurants along Gloucestershire Avenue, as well as Doctor's Cave and Cornwall beaches.
Palm Bay Guest House (Reading Rd., Bogue, tel. 876/952-2274) has decent, basic rooms (US$48) with air-conditioning and hot water in private bathrooms. While not the most glamorous location in town, opposite Mobay's biggest government housing project--Bogue Village, built to formalize the squatters of Canterbury--Palm Bay is quiet and safe and appreciably well removed from the hustle and bustle along the Hip Strip.
Big Apple Rooms (18 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-7240, bigapplehotel1@yahoo.com, www.bigapplejamaica.com, US$65) is a no-frills hotel perched on the hill above the airport. The basic rooms have private baths with hot water, air-conditioning, and cable TV. There is a pool deck with a view of the ocean.
Satori Resort & Spa (tel. 876/952-6133, www.satorijamaica.com, US$65/85 low/high season) has 21 basic, no-frills, waterfront rooms with air-conditioning, cable TV, and hot water in private bathrooms. The hotel faces Mobay's lagoon from its location west of town in Reading.
Sahara de la Mar (Reading, tel. 876/952-2366, sahara.hotels@yahoo.com, www.saharahotels.com, US$60) is a 24-room oceanfront property nicely designed to hug the coast and provide a central protected swimming area. Amenities include hot water in private bathrooms, fans, air-conditioning, and TV. Food is prepared to order in the restaurant on the ground level.
Calabash Resorts (5 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-3900 or 876/952-3999, www.calabashresorts.com, US$77–87 low season, US$105–115 high season) has a variety of basic rooms and studios with air-conditioning and hot water in en suite bathrooms. Some rooms command a view of the bay, and the pool has a great view over the city and bay.
Hartley House (contact Sandra Kennedy, tel. 876/956-7101, cell tel. 876/371-3693, sandravkennedy@yahoo.com, US$50/night per person including breakfast) is a lovely B&B located on a two-acre property at Tamarind Hill by the Great River, on the border of Hanover and St. James about 20 minutes from Sangster International Airport. Four rooms in the villa are rented, with the innkeepers living on property. Rooms are appointed in traditional colonial style with four-poster queen-size beds, or two twins in one room, and have sitting areas, ceiling fans and private baths. The stone-cut villa was designed by architect Robert Hartley as a satellite property to Round Hill in 1965. Guests have access to a common area with a library and TV room. Meals can be prepared to order (US$8–12). Wi-Fi, tea, and coffee are complimentary all day long. Guests have a choice of low-calorie, continental, Jamaican, or English breakfast.
Villa Nia (cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.carolynscaribbeancottages.com/VillaNia/indexnia.htm, US$85–95 per room) is a four-bedroom duplex property owned by Ron Hagler, located right on the water adjacent to Sandals Montego Bay on the opposite side of the airport from the Hip Strip. The rooms rent independently and feature either queen-size or king-size beds with sitting areas, small kitchens, and balconies. Each room has a private bath with hot water.
Richmond Hill (tel. 876/952-3859, info@richmond-hill-inn.com, www.richmond-hill-inn.com, US$70/115 low/high season) is located at the highest point in the vicinity of downtown Mobay, with what is easily the best view in town from a large terraced swimming pool area and open-air dining room. While the accommodations fall short of luxurious, the sheets are clean, the restaurant is excellent, and the pool area's unmatched view and free wireless Internet access make Richmond Hill one of the best values in town.
Gloustershire Hotel (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4420 or U.S. tel. 877/574-8497, res@gloustershire.com, www.gloustershire.com, US$100/120 low/high season) is well situated across from Doctor's Cave Beach on the Hip Strip. It has a total of 88 rooms, many with balconies with a view of the bay. Other amenities include 27-inch TVs, hot water, and air-conditioning.
El Greco Resort (Queens Dr., tel. 876/940-6116 or U.S. tel. 888/354-7326, elgreco4@cwjamaica.com, www.elgrecojamaica.com, US$125/134 low/high season) is a large complex of suites overlooking the bay with a long stairway down to Doctors Cave Beach across Gloucester Avenue. Suites feature living areas with ceiling fans, air-conditioning in the bedrooms, and private baths with hot water. Many of the suites have balconies with sea views.
At the Wexford Hotel (39 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-2854, wexford@cwjamaica.com, www.thewexfordhotel.com, US$144/177 low/high season), most rooms have two double beds, all with private baths and full amenities. Two rooms have king-size beds that can be requested. The hotel has a restaurant, The Rosella restaurant (7 a.m.–11 p.m. daily) that does an excellent Sunday Jamaican brunch buffet (US$10), well attended by locals and tourists alike.
Casa Blanca Beach Hotel (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-0720, info@casablancajamaica.com, www.casablancajamaica.com, US$148, cash only) was, in its heyday, one of Mobay's most glamorous hotels. Only around 20 of the hotel's 72-rooms have been in operation over the past years, however, with a construction effort brought under way more recently. The rooms all overlook the water along the prime strip of Gloucester Avenue adjacent to Doctors Cave Beach. Unfortunately, poor maintenance and signs of neglect abound. Nonetheless the hotel sits on the best location in town for bars and nightlife. Norman Pushell is owner/manager. Amenities include private bath with hot water, air-conditioning, waterfront balconies, and cable TV. Guests get free entry to Doctors Cave Beach.
Doctors Cave Beach Hotel (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4355, info@doctorscave.com, www.doctorscave.com, from US$140/190 low/high season) is a no-frills hotel catering to those looking for direct, easy access to Doctors Cave Bathing Club across the street. Amenities include cable TV, air-conditioning, and hot water. Rooms are spacious with either a garden or poolside view. The cozy den-like bar has a Rum Punch Party happy hour with free rum punch 6–7 p.m. Tuesday and Saturday, and two-for-one rum punch thereafter.
Over US$250
Coyaba Beach Resort (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-9150, www.coyabaresortjamaica.com, US$240/320 low/high season) is one of the most professionally run hotels in Mobay, with impeccably clean and well-appointed rooms with all the amenities of home and pleasantly unobtrusive decor. The hotel grounds are also attractive, with a pool and private beach area. The only drawback to the property is its proximity to the airport and the occasional roar of a departing flight. On the other hand, the proximity is also an advantage for the majority of guests, who tend to be weekend getaway visitors to Jamaica who stay three or four nights on average. Coyaba is located 10 minutes east of the airport and 15 minutes from Mobay's Hip Strip.
Ritz-Carlton Rose Hall (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2800 or U.S. tel. 800/241-3333, rc.mbjrz.concierge@ritzcarlton.com, www.ritzcarlton.com, US$189/499 low/high season room-only, US$429/899 low/high season all-inclusive) is a 427-room, AAA Five-Diamond golf and spa resort with the Rose Hall Estate Great House as its historical centerpiece. Rose Hall is easily one of the nicest Ritz properties in the world, with a private beach and two world-class golf courses right next door. A 1,003-square-meter ballroom and meeting space for up to 700 people make the Ritz one of the most popular corporate retreat destinations in the Caribbean, with on-site spa facilities and Jamaican touches to help ease any work-related tension. The property also boasts a state-of-the-art fitness center. The rooms at the Ritz uphold the highest standards of the brand, with attractive art depicting Jamaican flora and fauna throughout.
Half Moon Resort (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2211, reservations@halfmoonclub.com, www.halfmoon.com, US$250–400 low season, US$1250–1,800 high season) is one of the most upscale resorts in Jamaica, comprising an assortment of rooms, cottages, and villas. Most of the cottages and all the villas have private pools. Set on a 400-acre estate, the resort has 33 staffed villas with 3–7 bedrooms, 152 suites, and 46 rooms. The cottages are tastefully furnished and cozier than the villas, which can feel cavernous due to their immense size and vary considerably in decor based on the taste of their individual owners.
Half Moon attracts golfers to its championship, par-72 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course; it is also a favorite for tennis players with 13 lighted courts. A range of water sports are on offer, and Half Moon is the only resort in Jamaica to have its own dolphin lagoon, operated by Dolphin Cove exclusively for Half Moon guests. Food at the estate's six restaurants is top-notch, with a number of snack bars dotting the property for quick bites. Also on the resort is the recently renovated Fern Tree Spa, among the best in the Caribbean, and a shopping complex. The crescent-shaped Half Moon Beach is one of the finest private beaches in the Mobay area.
All-Inclusive Resorts
Sunset Beach (tel. 876/979-8800, US tel. 800/234-1707, reservations@sunsetmobay.com, www.sunsetbeachresort.com, US$280/320 low/high season) occupies the choice property on the Freeport peninsula, which is also home to the Yacht Club and the cruise ship terminal. Sunset Beach is a 430-room mass-tourism venture and part of the Sunset Resorts group. It is very comparable to the group's property in Ocho Rios in catering to everyone with its motto, "Always for Everyone, Uniquely Jamaican," but especially popular among families on a budget. The rooms are divided between a main building and smaller structures on the other side of a large pool area. Rooms either face out to sea or toward downtown Montego Bay. The hotel has excellent tennis facilities, a popular water park with slides, a great beach, and spa facilities. Food is mass-market American fare with large buffet spreads at Banana Walk, complemented by Italian Botticelli, and pan-Asian Silk Road. Several bars dot the property offering unlimited bottom-shelf product. This is a convenient place to stay for Reggae Sumfest, with a hotel shuttle to the Catherine Hall Entertainment Center a few minutes away. It is not centrally located for walking the Hip Strip, but still within 10 minutes by cab.
Royal DeCameron Montego Beach (2 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4340 or 876/952-4346, ventas.jam@decameron.com, www.decameron.com, US$116/240 per person low/high season) is a budget-minded all-inclusive recently opened as the chain's second property in Jamaica. At times it can be hard to get through for a reservation, but otherwise the property could be a good value when compared to the other all-inclusive prices.
Holiday Inn Sunspree (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2485, www.montegobayjam.sunspreeresorts.com, US$315/535 low/high season) has the most decidedly mass-market ambience of all the all-inclusive resorts.
Secrets St. James and Secrets Wild Orchid (tel. 876/953-6600, reservations.sesmb@secretsresorts.com, www.secretsresorts.com, US$188/326 low/high), located next to one another on the southwestern tip of the Freeport peninsula, opened in March 2010. All 700 suites at the two properties have essentially the same layout, with whirlpool tubs and either a balcony or patio. The food is above average for all-inclusive hotels, with an excellent breakfast buffet spread and fine dining restaurants specializing in French, Italian, and Japanese cuisine.
Sandals Carlyle Montego Bay (Kent Ave., a.k.a. Dead End Rd., tel. 876/952-4141 or 888/sandals (888/726-3257), chbrown@grp.sandals.com, www.sandals.com, starting at US$334 d all-inclusive), formerly Sandals Inn, is a 52-room property that has been undergoing a transformation over the past few years as its renovations move forward little by little. Located along Dead End Road, steps from Mobay's Hip Strip, this is the most proximate Sandals property to the city's buzzing bars and nightlife, with the popular Dead End Beach located across the street. Rooms have balconies looking over the central pool area and out to sea. Tennis and beach volleyball courts are found at the far end of the property. A mix of standard rooms and suites have king-size beds and private baths, all with air-conditioning and cable TV.
Sandals Montego Bay (tel. 800/726-3257, www.sandals.com, US$970–4,050) was the first Sandals property and remains the group's flagship resort. Located near the end of the runway, guests are encouraged to wave to the planes as they fly overhead. The property boasts the largest private beach in Jamaica with 251 rooms, a Red Lane Spa, butler service in the highest suite category, four pools and four whirlpool tubs, private villa cottages, and a private wedding chapel. The resort has a series of gazebos along the beach, as well as canopy beach beds to rent for an additional charge. Sandals imposes a minimum stay of three nights at all its properties. Promotions are ongoing throughout the year, slashing rates by as much as 65 percent.
Sandals Royal Caribbean (Mahoe Bay, Ironshore, tel. 876/953-2231, srjmail@grp.sandals.com, starting at US$473 d with a minimum three-night stay) is the most opulent Sandals hotel in Montego Bay, with 197 rooms and suites well deserving of the chain's "Luxury Included" motto. The suites are over-the-top with wood paneling, large flat-panel TVs, and tiled baths with standing showers and tubs. Balconies look over the courtyard and out to sea, with steps off ground floor suites leading directly into a large pool. The private island at Sandals Royal Caribbean is the trademark feature, where boats shuttle guests out for dinner or to laze away the days on the fine-sand beach. Gazebos are spaced across the property at the end of piers, favorite locations for wedding vows.
Riu Montego Bay (tel. 876/940-8010, www.riu.com, US$115/160) is a 680-room all-inclusive resort with standard double and suite rooms and an immense swimming pool. Suites have hydro-massage tubs and lounge areas. All rooms have a mini-bar, satellite TV, air-conditioning, balconies, and en suite baths. The resort offers a host of activities, including water sports and tennis on two hard-surface courts. The gym has a weight room, sauna, and Jacuzzi. The resort is located in Ironshore, near the end of the runway for Donald Sangster International Airport, next door to Sandals Royal Caribbean.
Rose Hall Resort & Spa (Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-2650 or U.S. toll-free 866/799-3661, rosehallroomscontrol@luxuryresorts.com, www.rosehallresort.com, starting at US$149–199 d low season, US$169–219 d high season for room only, US$289–339 d low season, US$309–359 all-inclusive high season), a Hilton Resort, is a 489-room, seven-floor property built in 1974. The hotel underwent a US$40 million renovation in 2008 after being bought by Hilton and boasts a sleek South Beach design. Food is excellent, with indoor and outdoor seating in buffet and à la carte formats, and a seaside bar and grill by the Olympic-size pool directly in front of the hotel. The Sugar Mill Falls Water Park on property boasts a 280-foot water slide for a thrilling ride on tubes, spilling into a freeform pool with a swim-up bar, lazy river, waterfalls, and hot tubs in a lush garden setting. The beach, located below the main pool and grill area, has fine white sand along a respectable stretch of coast.
Iberostar (tel. 876/680-0000, or US tel. 305/774-9225, reservations@iberostar-hotel.com, www.iberostar.com) completed a massive resort complex in 2007, with three all-inclusive hotels representing three distinct price categories. Guests staying at the more expensive hotels can use the restaurants and facilities of the lower categories, but guests of the lower-category hotels are not permitted on the more expensive properties. The quality of the food varies considerably by the price point, as you'd expect.
The Iberostar Rose Hall Beach (starting at US$190/309 per person low/high season) is a 424-room property that caters to the lower end of the Iberostar spectrum. Standard rooms have either one or two beds, and overlook the gardens with junior suites having either ocean view or garden view rooms.
Iberostar Rose Hall Suites (starting at US$235/363 per person low/high season) has 319 rooms, two pools with swim-up bars, and a lazy river meandering across the lawn. All rooms have a suite format with living rooms and mini-bars, with full tubs in the bathrooms of the higher category rooms and either ocean or garden view.
Iberostar Grand Rose Hall (starting at US$336/472 per person low/high season) has 295 rooms, all with living areas, day beds, verandas, bathtubs, and mini-bars. The property has two pools, each with a swim-up bar. The food at Iberostar Grand is excellent and has buffet and à la carte options with top-of-the-line dishes like lobster and steaks.
Hammerstein Highland House (up Long Hill from Reading in Content, U.S. tel. 805/258-2767, keressapage@yahoo.com, www.highlandhousejamaica.com, US$7,500/9,500 low/high season with four-night minimum for entire property) is a stunning six-bedroom villa on a lush 17-acre property overlooking Montego Bay in the community of Content. Smaller groups can opt to rent a minimum of four bedrooms (US$6,500/8,500 low/high season). There are two king-size beds, one queen-size bed, two rooms with two twin beds, and the last room has a double bed. The two twin rooms can be converted to king-size beds. Amenities include complimentary Wi-Fi, a large pool, and beach club membership at Round Hill. All rooms have air-conditioning and satellite TV. A screened-in yoga pavilion with ceiling fans that accommodates up to 12 adults makes the property a favorite for yoga retreats. The staff includes a housekeeper, butler, cook, laundress, gardener, and farmer. The two-acre organic farm on property supplies much of the food for the villa and is linked with the Anchovy school breakfast program and an orphanage up the road, as part of the villa's support for the One Love Learning Foundation.
Spyglass Hill (contact Paul Taylor tel. 876/601-6456, or cell tel. 876/871-8454, spyglass@cwjamaica.com, www.spyglasshilljamaica.com, 1–4 br US$5,000/5,950; 5–6 br US$7,000/8,950; 7–8 br US$9,300/11,500) is an eight-bedroom, 6,500-square-foot former plantation house set on 10 acres of lush lawns and gardens and named for its breathtaking view over the St. James and Hanover coastline. The property can accommodate up to 18 guests and boasts a 20- by 40-foot pool, as well as a 24-inch wading pool for children. No amenities are left out, with a component stereo system and DVD player in the living room and TVs in all eight bedrooms, seven of which have air-conditioning. DSL Internet and fax are available for guests. The staff includes a cook, butler, housekeepers, laundress, pool maintenance person, gardeners, night watchman, and driver. A gazebo with a stunning oceanview backdrop makes the property a favorite for weddings. Rooms have en suite bathrooms and comfortable furnishings with king-size or queen-size beds, spread across the main house and three outlying buildings located a across the lawn: Tree House, Garden Room, and the two-bedroom River House, the latter with a 10- by 13-foot plunge pool.
SunVillas (contact Alan Marlor, SunVillas, U.S. tel. 888/625-6007, alan@sunvillas.com, www.sunvillas.com) rents a nice assortment of villas across Jamaica, varying considerably in price while all having much more than the basic amenities. Highlights in the Mobay area include the four-bedroom Afimi property on the Bogue Lagoon in Freeport, the glamorous 10-bedroom Silent Waters villa on the Great River along the St. James–Hanover border, and the six-bedroom Endless Summer and Greatview properties in the auspicious Spring Farm neighborhood, as well as several of the most luxurious villas at Round Hill and Tryall Club.
Original Madourie Fast Food (80 Barnett St., contact owner Valtona Madourie, cell tel. 876/852-1041, 7 a.m.–midnight Mon.–Sat., US$2.50–4) has been a local favorite for staple Jamaican fare since it was founded in 1976. Specialties include fry chicken, curry goat, oxtail, and brown stew fish. Madourie's is always packed with a clientele that's almost exclusively Jamaican, a testimony to the good food that's reasonably priced.
Musiq (72 Gloucester Ave., 5 p.m.–1 a.m. daily) was opened in July 2009 by Pork Pit owner Uhma Williams as a musically focused bar located next door to her original establishment. The bar features an in-house DJ from Thursday to Sunday playing R&B, hip-hop, reggae, and dancehall. A chic setting with musical motif lends itself to chilling out and watching passersby along the Hip Strip. The bar food is very reasonably priced compared to other establishments along the Strip, with 10 chicken wings going for US$8, a slew of burgers with a variety of seasonings for US$8–12, and soups (US$3) and salads (US$6–9).
Dragon Lounge (Whitehouse, tel. 876/952-1578, 7 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$8.50–14), run by Sebil and Peter Tebert, serves excellent seafood dishes, including shrimp, conch, and lobster, in a gritty and rootsy Jamaican bar environment with a dining room out back by the kitchen.
Adwa Nutrition for Life is the best place in town for natural food. It has three locations, including one full-service, sit-down restaurant (Shops #158–160, City Center, tel. 876/940-7618) and two stores (Shop #7, West F&S Complex, 29–31 Union St., tel. 876/952-2161; and Shop #2, West Gate Plaza, tel. 876/952-6554) with imported and domestic products and delis serving freshly made foods and juice blends. Dishes (US$1–4.50) include curried tofu, peppered veggie steak, and red pea sip, with beverages like cane juice, fruit smoothies, and carrot juice also served.
Ruby Restaurant (Shop #3, Westgate Shopping Centre, tel. 876/952-3199, 8 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3.50–11) has Jamaican breakfast dishes like callaloo and codfish, ackee and saltfish, kidney and onion, and brown stew chicken, as well as more international standards like eggs and bacon, French toast, and ham and bacon omelettes. The lunch menu ranges from curry goat to escovitch fish. More expensive dishes include shrimp plates and steamed fish. Sui mein, foo yong, and chow mein are also available.
Mobay Proper (44 Fort St., tel. 876/940-1233, noon–2 a.m. daily, US$3.50–14) is the in spot for Mobay's party-hearty youth and fashionable businesspeople alike. The food is excellent and a great value, with dishes like fried or jerk chicken, fish done to order, curry goat, roast beef, and steamed, escovitch, or brown stew fish. This is the best place to get a beer (US$2) and play some billiards (US$1 per game).
The Pelican (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-3171, 7 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$10–40) serves a mix of local and international dishes at international prices. Jamaican favorites like stewed peas (US$8), curry goat (US$12), steamed or brown stew fish (US$11), and lobster (US$40) complement international staples like cordon bleu (US$17) and hamburgers (US$9).
The Montego Bay Yacht Club (Freeport, tel. 876/979-8038, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$6–25) has a good menu with burgers, sandwiches, salads, and entrées like lobster and shrimp thermidor, snapper, lamb chops, seafood pasta, coconut curry chicken, and zucchini pasta in a pleasant waterfront setting. A popular buffet dinner (US$14) with a rotating menu is served on Fridays.
Scotchie's (Carol Gardens, tel. 876/953-3301, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$4–11) is easily the best jerk in Jamaica, serving pork, chicken, and steamed fish. Sides include breadfruit, festival, and yam. Scotchie's was forced to move back from the expanded highway and took the opportunity to redesign the dining area, adding a nice bar in the open-air courtyard. Scotchie's founder Tony Rerrie used to have parties where he would bring a master jerk chef from Boston Bay in Portland, where locals claim jerk originated, and patrons would beg him to make the jerk offering a regular thing. He started his first jerk center on the roadside in Montego Bay with a few cinder blocks, some bamboo poles, and a few sheets of zinc roofing.
The Pork Pit (27 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/940-3008, US$5–11) has jerk by the pound: pork, chicken, ribs, and shrimp.
Jerky's (29 Alice Eldemire Dr., tel. 876/684-9101 or 876/684-9102, 11 a.m.–midnight Sun.–Fri., open later on Sat. for karaoke, US$3–10) has jerk chicken, steamed fish, escovitch fish, ribs, conch, shrimp, and fried fish. There is a large bar where a beer costs US$1.75.
Nyam 'n' Jam (17 Harbour St., tel. 876/952-1922, 7 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$3–4.50) has a variety of Jamaican staples like fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail. Breakfast items include ackee and saltfish, calaloo and saltfish, brown stew chicken, yam, boiled bananas, and fried dumpling.
Nyam 'n' Jam Jerk Centre (just before descending the hill into Mobay from "top road," a.k.a. Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-1713, 7 a.m.–11 p.m.) has local dishes as well as decent jerk under the same ownership. The jerk center offers delivery in addition to having a small dining area.
Palm Bay Guest House (Bogue Main Rd., 7 a.m.–10 p.m., US$4–6.50) has a small restaurant serving local dishes like curry goat, stew pork, fried chicken, and oxtail, as well as an outdoor jerk center (noon–midnight daily) that serves decent Boston-style jerk.
Pimento's (Reading Rd., cell tel. 876/446-2125, 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3–9) is a new jerk and Jamaican food joint just past Bogue in Reading, heading west out of town. Original Jamaican dishes include curry goat, steamed fish, fried chicken, stewed peas with pig tail, fish, and shrimp.
Dragon Court (Fairview Shopping Center, Alice Eldemire Dr., Bogue, tel. 876/979-8822 or 876/979-8824, fax 876/979-8825, 11:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$5–18) has good dim sum every day. The shrimp dumplings are a favorite.
Canton Express Restaurant (43 St. James St., tel. 876/952-6173, 10:30 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3.50–7.50) has roast chicken, oxtail, shrimp, chicken chow mein, and shrimp fried rice.
China House Restaurant (32 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/979-0056, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$2.25–22.50) serves Chinese, Mongolian, Thai, and Jamaican cuisine, as does its neighbor, Golden Dynasty Chinese Restaurant (39 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/971-0459, 11 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., noon–10 p.m. Sun., US$2–20). China House serves dim sum on Sundays.
Chilitos (Shops #1 and #2, Doctors Cave Beach Hotel, Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-4615, 11 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 1–10 p.m. Sun.) serves Jamexican specialties like quesadillas, tacos, and burritos, as well as mixed drinks and of course tequila, with a happy hour 5–7 p.m. on weekdays.
Akbar and Thai Cuisine (tel. 876/953-8240, Half Moon Shopping Village, noon–3:30 p.m. and 6–10:30 p.m. daily, US$10–24) is a decent, dependable Thai restaurant sharing a venue with a North Indian place. Staples like chicken or shrimp pad Thai on the Thai side complement items like chicken tikka masala and lobster bhuna from the Indian kitchen. This is Mobay's branch of the same restaurant found on Holborn Avenue in Kingston.
Fine Dining
The HouseBoat Grill (Southern Cross Blvd., Freeport, tel. 876/979-8845, houseboat@cwjamaica.com, www.montego-bay-jamaica.com/houseboat/index.html, 6–11 p.m. Tues.–Sun., bar open from 4:30 p.m., happy hour 5:30–7 p.m., US$12–26) on Montego Bay's Marine Park is an unparalleled setting for a romantic dinner, and the food is excellent. Dishes include chicken, fish, and lobster. The HouseBoat Grill is run by Scott Stanley, and reservations are recommended.
The Groovy Grouper Bar & Grill (Doctors Cave Beach, tel. 876/952-8287, fax 876/940-3784, groovynews@islandentertainmentbrands.com, margaritavillecaribbean.com, 9:30 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$10–24) serves excellent food ranging from fish tea to steamed fish and bammy to steak and lobster tail. The setting on Doctors Cave Beach is unbeatable in Montego Bay and is popular with locals and tourists alike. The restaurant holds regular events like its seafood buffet every Friday (7–10 p.m., US$25) and full-moon party every three months (on select Saturdays).
The Twisted Kilt (tel. 876/952-9488, 11 a.m.–2 a.m. daily, US$8–25) is a sports bar that opened in 2008, offering "pub & grub." The pub has several big-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi, and a bar menu with wings, fries, fish and conch shamrocks, soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers, and entrées like fish and chips, steaks, pasta, and sautéed tofu. On Fridays, 2-for-1 martinis are on offer for the ladies 6–9 p.m. The bar serves specialty drinks like the twisted mojito, Mackeson Stout, and Olde English Cider in addition to the typical bottled beers found widely in Jamaica.
The Native Restaurant (29 Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/979-2769, US$9–12) is easily one of Mobay's best, with an extensive menu including items like smoked marlin appetizer or Caesar salad with spicy shrimp and entrées like Yard Man steamed or escovitch fish or gingered plantain–stuffed chicken. Vegetarian options include garlic char-grilled vegetables and green vegetable coconut curry. The Boonoonoonos Native sampler platter is a good way to get a taste for a variety of Jamaican dishes in a single sitting. Other creations bring an international flair to traditional cuisine with dishes like ackee and saltfish quesadillas and lobster roll-ups. The restaurant's in-house band performs smooth, live dinner music Tuesday–Saturday. Dinner is served starting at 5:30 p.m., with the last order taken at 10:30 p.m. Families are always welcome, and reservations are strongly suggested. Free door-to-door transport is provided to many hotels and villas in the area.
Marguerite's (Gloucester Ave., adjacent to Margaritaville, tel. 876/952-4777, 6–10:30 p.m. daily, US$20–50) is the fine dining wing of Mobay's popular Margaritaville, serving dishes ranging from the Caribbean-style chicken to seafood penne and sugarcane-seared drunken lobster tail.
Day-O Plantation (Fairfield Rd., tel. 876/952-1825, cell tel. 876/877-1884, dayorest@yahoo.com, www.dayorestaurant.com, US$16–35) was formerly part of the Fairfield Estate, which at one time encompassed much of Mobay. It is perhaps the most laid-back and classy place to enjoy a delicious dinner. Entrées range from typical chicken dishes to lobster. A beer costs US$3–5. Day-O is a favorite for weddings and other events that require the finest setting around a gorgeous pool. Owners Jennifer and Paul Hurlock are the most gracious hosts, and on a good day Paul will bring out his guitar and bless diners with his talent. Other professional musicians who have played at the restaurant's dinner shows include guitar legend Ernest Ranglin, jazz artist Martin Hand, and steel pan artist Othello Molineaux.
Pier 1 Restaurant and Marina (tel. 876/952-2452, 9 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, later on weekends) is an excellent restaurant and entertainment venue. The Sunday seafood buffet starting at 3 p.m. is a must. Pier 1 hosts a Pier Pressure party on Fridays, a fashion and talent show on Wednesdays, and occasional large events. The grounds just outside the restaurant are a venue for a few nights of Reggae Sumfest. Appetizers include crunchy conch (US$4.50), chicken wings (US$6.25), and shrimp cocktail (US$7.50), while entrées include chicken and mushrooms (US$10), bracelet steak (US$18), whole snapper (US$16/lb.), and lobster (US$28).
The Sugar Mill Restaurant (across the highway from Half Moon Shopping Village, tel. 876/953-2314 or 876/953-2228, 6–10 p.m. daily) is one of the area's high-end establishments, specializing in Caribbean fusion cuisine with openers like pumpkin or conch soup (US$7.50), spring rolls, smoked marlin or conch in fritters, salad, or jerked (US$13–15). Entrées range from coconut-crusted or escovitch fish to lobster tail (US$35–50).
Norma's (Altamont West, tel. 876/620-4540, US$15–35) specializes in Caribbean fusion cuisine. Its founder, Norma Shirley, manages several restaurants under her name around the island. The food is on the pricey side and includes entrées like stuffed chicken breast, oxtail, curried goat with the chef's own mango chutney, lamb chops and lobster. Appetizers include ackee with salt fish, marlin salad, and crab back.
Sweets and Ice Cream
Calypso Gelato (Lot 9, Spring Garden Main Rd., Reading, tel. 876/979-9381, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Sun.) is the only producer of Italian gelato in Jamaica, with a small retail shop at its factory west of Montego Bay in Reading, just past the turnoff up Long Hill, next door to Ramson Wholesale. Calypso boasts more than 50 flavors of gelato, either milk or water-based, using local fruits. A cone or cup with two scoops costs US$2, medium cups are US$3.50, and large cups are US$5.
Tortuga (www.tortugarumcakes.com) located on the same compound, produces the Caribbean's most commercially successful rum cake and retails the cakes from the same shop.
Devon House I Scream (Bay West Center, tel. 876/940-4060) is open 11 a.m.–11 p.m. daily and has some of the best ice cream around.
Organized Tours
Most of the major organized tours to attractions across the island run out of Montego Bay and/or Negril, with transportation included as part of a package with entry fees and sometimes a meal. These include Mayfield Falls, Chukka Cove, Rhodes Hall, and Caliche White River Rafting. The farm and plantation tours operate similarly, including transport and food.
The best and most versatile tour operator running, with transport to even the most remote and unheard-of interesting corners of Jamaica, is Barrett Adventures (contact Carolyn Barrett, cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.barrettadventures.com). With personalized service, Barrett Adventures tailors an excursion or even an entire vacation precisely to your interests and likings. Whether it's climbing Blue Mountain Peak, more humbly climbing Reach Falls in Portland, tubing down the YS River, or getting a historical tour of Falmouth, veteran adventurer Carolyn Barrett will get you there and ensure that anything you could want to do gets done in the allotted time-frame--which, if you're lucky, won't be less than a week.
Banks and Money
As elsewhere in Jamaica, the easiest way to get funds is from an ATM with your regular bankcard. Nevertheless, you can get slightly better rates in the cambios, or currency trading houses, that can be found all over town.
NCB has locations at 93 Barnett Street (tel. 876/952-6539), 41 St. James Street (tel. 876/952-6540), and Harbour Street (tel. 876/952-0077), with ATMs at Sangster Airport and at the junction of 92 Kent and Gloucester Avenues.
Scotiabank is at 6–7 Sam Sharpe Square (tel. 876/952-4440), 51 Barnett Street (tel. 876/952-5539), and Westgate shopping plaza (tel. 876/952-5545).
FX Trader is a an exchange house that gives the best rates around. FX has locations at Hometown FSC (19 Church), Medi Mart (Shop #1, St. James Place, Gloucester Ave.) and at Hometown Overton (Shop #9, Overton Plaza, Union St.).
Government Offices
Jamaica Tourist Board (18 Queens Drive, tel. 876/952-4425) has information about attractions in the region.
Internet Access
The best place in Mobay to get online if you have a laptop is Richmond Hill, where there is no charge to use the Wi-Fi, which reaches from the open-air lounge across the veranda and pool area. Richmond Hill has the best view of Mobay's harbor in town. Buy a drink from the bar or a snack in appreciation for the service. Otherwise the Parish Library (Fort St., tel. 876/952-4185, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) offers Internet access as well (US$1.50/hour.)
Computer World (13 Strand St., tel. 876/952-3464, fax 876/952-3464, cell tel. 876/538-9519, computerworld@cwjamaica.com or earljoel@yahoo.com, 10 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Sat.) offers Internet, copies, and printing as well as making CD compilations. Internet rates run US$1.10 per half hour.
Medical Services
Mobay Hope Medical Center (Half Moon, Rose Hall, tel. 876/953-3981) is considered by many the best private hospital in Jamaica.
Soe-Htwe Medicare (14 Market St., tel. 876/979-3444) is the best private clinic in town.
Adwa (West Gate Plaza) has a wide array of natural foodstuffs like imported organic grains as well as cosmetics products by Tom's of Maine.
Little Jack Horner Health Food Store (2 Barnett St., tel. 876/952-4952) has nice baked goods and pastries.
Parcel Services
Both DHL (34 Queens Dr., tel. 888/225-5345) and FedEx (Queens Dr., tel. 888/GO-FEDEX or 888/463-3339) have operations near the airport. Domestic carrier AirPak Express (tel. 876/952-8647) is located at the domestic airport terminal.
Getting There and Around
By Air
Donald Sangster International Airport (Jamaica Tourist Board information desk, tel. 876/952-2462, airport managers MBJ Ltd., tel. 876/952-3133) is the primary point of entry for most tourists visiting Jamaica. The airport is located by Flankers district a few minutes east of the Hip Strip and about 10 minutes from Downtown or from Rose Hall.
Beyond the national airline, Air Jamaica, Sangster airport is served by many North American and European carriers including US Airways, Delta, United, Air Canada, Northwest, American, Spirit, Continental, Cayman Airways, and Virgin. The domestic airline industry has been challenging historically, with little continuity of service among carriers and a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
The domestic terminal is located separately from the international terminal. To get to the domestic terminal turn left from the main entrance just after coming off the roundabout, before reaching the gas station.
Skylan Airways (tel. 876/932-7102, reservations@skylanjamaica.com, www.skylanjamaica.com, office hours 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) operates out of Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston with six weekly flights between the capital and Montego Bay (morning and afternoon departures Mon., Wed., Fri.). The morning flights depart Kingston at 7:30 a.m., with the return departing Mobay at 8:30 a.m.; afternoon flights depart Kingston at 4 p.m. with the return departing Montego Bay at 5 p.m. The trip lasts about half an hour and costs US$70 each leg. Skylan also offers charters when its aircraft is not in use on regularly scheduled flights. It operates a Jetstream 32 19-seater aircraft with a pressurized cabin.
Jamaica Air Shuttle (tel. 876/906-9025, 876/906-9026, or 876/906-9027, www.jamaicaairshuttle.com) is an affiliate of air cargo and courier companies Airways International and Airpak Express. It began offering regular flights between Kingston and Montego Bay in late 2009, departing from Tinson Pen Aerodrome with three Beach 99 Turbo Props seating 12 and one Queen Air with a five-person capacity. The carrier has 62 flights between Kingston and Mobay weekly Monday–Saturday (US$120 each way) and also offers charters.
International AirLink (tel. 876/940-6660, tel. 876/971-4601, or from U.S. tel. 954/241-3864, intlairlink01@gmail.com, res@intlairlink.com, www.intlairlink.com) offers charter service from Mobay to Kingston (US$134), Negril (US$134 for two persons), Boscobel, and Port Antonio ($1,575). Airlink passes on bank charges of an additional five percent when paying with a credit card.
Buses and Route Taxis
Buses and route taxis run between Mobay and virtually every other major town in the neighboring parishes, most notably Sav-la-Mar in Westmoreland, Hopewell in Hanover, Falmouth in Trelawny, and Runaway Bay in St. Ann. The bus terminal on Market Street is a dusty and bustling place where it pays to keep your sensibilities about you. Buses to any point on the island, including Kingston, never exceed US$7. Time schedules are not adhered to but you can generally count on a bus moving out to the main destinations at least every 45 minutes.
Real Deal Taxi Service and Tours (Curtis cell tel. 876/436-5727 or 876/971-8212) will take you wherever you want to go in a comfortable van holding up to eight passengers.
Car Rentals
Island Car Rentals (tel. 876/952-7225, icar@cwjamaica.com, 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m. daily) is Jamaica's largest and most dependable rental-car agency, aligned with Alamo, Enterprise, and National. It has an outlet in the international terminal at Donald Sangster International Airport. Island offers Toyota, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Suzuki vehicles, with sedans, SUVs, and vans at competitive rates.
Central Rent-A-Car (Gloucester Ave., tel. 876/952-3347, or Sunset Ave., tel. 876/952-7485, toll-free tel. 800/486-2738) rents Mazda, Toyota, Nissan, and Honda sedans, plus Toyota and Mazda minibuses (US$90–115 daily).
Dhana Car Rental & Tours (4 Holiday Village Shopping Centre, tel. 876/953-9555) has vehicles ranging from Toyota Starlets to Toyota Noah minivans and gives heavy discounts on the walk-in weekly rates for reserving a month (US$75) or week (US$50) in advance.
Sunsational Car Rental & Tours (Suite #206, Chatwick Centre, 10 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-1212, fax 876/952-5555, sensational@cwjamaica.com, www.sensationalcarrentals.com) is located across from the airport and has decent rates on a variety of Japanese cars (from US$40/55 per day low/high season for a Corolla). The company also offers free cell phones with a minimum two-day rental. The minimum age is 21, with a young driver surcharge until age 25. Maximum age for drivers is 68.
Alex's Car Rental (1 Claude Clarke Ave., Karen Fletcher, tel. 876/940-6260 alexrental@hotmail.com, www.alexrental.com) has 2001–2005 Corollas, Nissan Xtrail, Suzuki Vitara, and Honda CR-Vs (US$40/50 per day low/high season plus tax and insurance).
Thrifty Car Rental (28 Queens Dr., tel. 876/952-1126, 7 a.m.–9 p.m. daily) has 2003 and 2004 Toyota Corollas (US$92 per day including insurance and tax).
Prospective Car Rentals (2 Federal Ave. at Hotel Montego, across from the airport, tel. 876/952-3524, fax 876/952-0112, reservations@jamaicacar.com, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., till 4 p.m. Sat.) rents a 2004 Toyota Yaris, Nissan Sunny, Toyota Corolla, and RAV4 (US$45–85 per day plus tax and insurance).
The St. James Interior extends from the coast inland as far as the Trelawny border, where Cockpit Country begins. The interior can be accessed from Montego Bay along three main thoroughfares: One extends up Long Hill from Reading west of Mobay; the next heads inland from Catherine Hall along the continuation of Fairfield Road, ultimately skirting the western end of Cockpit Country leading into St. Elizabeth; and the third road heads inland due east into Trelawny along the northern flanks of Cockpit Country. This last road (B15) is an alternate scenic route leading to Windsor Caves, even if it does take a few extra hours due to the road's poor quality.
From the western side of town, Long Hill extends from Reading up along the Great River to where it meets the Westmoreland border. Developed tourist attractions in this area consist mainly of a few low-key river rafting operations, Rocklands Bird Sanctuary, and a few plantation tours.
Sights and Recreation
Caliche Rainforest Whitewater Rafting (tel. 876/940-1745 or 876/940-0163, calicheadventuretours@yahoo.com, www.whitewaterraftingmontegobay.com) is the only true whitewater-river rafting tour in Jamaica, based on the upper reaches of the Great River, which runs along the St. James–Hanover parish border. Rafting excursions (1.5–2 hrs.) depart daily at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. (US$90 per person with transport from Negril or Mobay included). For those with their own transportation (deduct US$10), park at the Caliche office (first building on left above the post office at the base of Long Hill in Reading) and ride up with the group that was picked up from hotels in Mobay or Negril. Caliche also operates on the Rio Bueno in Trelawny. The location in Trelawny affords Class III rapids even during the dry season (Feb.–Apr.) when it's no longer possible to navigate the upper reaches of the Great River. A slower, Class I–II rafting ride (US$80 adults, US$60 children under 12) is geared toward children as well as adrenaline-shy adults. Caliche is an Arawak word meaning "river in the mountain."
Mountain Valley Rafting (Lethe, tel. 876/956-4920 or 876/956-4947, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. daily, US$45 per raft) operates bamboo pole rafts along the Great River for a meandering rather than thrilling ride. To reach the launch site, go up Long Hill, take the second right turn at Cross Roads at the small Les Supermarket, and continue nearly five kilometers from the intersection until you cross the bridge into Hanover. Pickups from hotels in Montego Bay are offered (US$20 per person), as is a tractor-drawn banana plantation tour (US$15).
Great River Rafting (US$20) is offered on long bamboo rafts along the lower reaches of the Great River and out onto the tranquil bay where it exits into the sea. Immediately after crossing the Great River, turn inland and back to the river's edge, where several rafts are tied up under the bridge. Ask for Hugh.
Rocklands Bird Sanctuary and Feeding Station (Anchovy, tel. 876/952-2009, noon–5:30 p.m. daily, US$10 per person) was created by the late Lisa Sammons, popularly known as "the bird lady," who died in 2000 at age 96. Sammons had a way with birds, to say the least, summoning them to daily feeding sessions even after going partially blind during the last years of her life. Since her death, the feeding sessions have been upheld and the sanctuary maintained by Fritz, his wife Cynthia, and their son Damian. Visitors are instructed to sit on the patio and hold hummingbird feeders, which entice the birds to come perch on their fingers. There is also a nature trail where the property's 17 species can be sighted. To get to Rocklands, head up Long Hill from Reading and turn left off the main road as indicated by a big green Rocklands Bird Sanctuary sign. Follow one abominable road to the top of the mountain and down the other side, about 100 meters, turning right at the first driveway on the downhill.
Rocklands Cottage (US$150–200 for up to six people) is a cute three-bedroom on the property that has one king-size bed, one queen-size bed, two twin beds, two bathrooms, and a kitchen with a big living and dining room. The cottage has air-conditioning and hot water.
Northern Cockpit Country
East of Montego Bay proper, Ironshore and Rose Hall cover the coast with hotels and housing developments that range from middle-class to super-luxury before reaching Greenwood, a small community once part of the Barrett estate that sits beside the sea, bordering the parish of Trelawny. The Trelawny coast has a smattering of tourism development concentrated in the area just east of Falmouth along the bay, while the inhabited parts of Trelawny's interior are covered in farming country, where yam, sugarcane, and citrus fruit are major crops. The early morning mist that rises from dew-covered cane fields makes a trip through the interior from Rock, Trelawny, to St. Ann a magical alternative to the coastal route at this time of day.
Trelawny's capital, Falmouth, is today a run-down shadow of its short-lived former Georgian prime. Nevertheless, noble and much-appreciated efforts are under way to dust off years of neglect and shine favor on the town's glorious past by restoring its architectural gems. Falmouth was formed in 1790 when the port of the former capital Martha Brae silted up and shippers needed an export base. The town was laid out in a well-organized grid and named after Falmouth, England, birthplace of then-governor William Trelawny, who lent his name to the parish. The land for the town was acquired from Edward Barrett, who owned Greenwood Estate a few kilometers west. For the town's first 40 years during the height of Jamaica's sugar production, Falmouth experienced a housing boom and was fashionable amongst the island's planter class. But as the sugar industry faded in importance, so too did Falmouth, leaving a virtual ghost town by the late 1800s.
Today, with somewhat decent roads and its close proximity to resort areas in Montego Bay, the town is attracting a growing population once more. Thanks to the efforts of a nongovernmental organization (NGO) known as Falmouth Heritage Renewal (4 Lower Harbour St., tel. 876/617-1060, jmparrent@yahoo.com, www.falmouth-jamaica.org), the town has become a laboratory for architectural restoration. Falmouth Heritage Renewal, directed by James Parrent, has been working for several years to revitalize the architectural heritage of Jamaica's most impressive Georgian town by training local youth in restoration work. The Georgian Society in Kingston (tel. 876/754-5261) has a wealth of information on Falmouth.
Falmouth is famous for its Bend Down Market, held every Wednesday since the town's founding.
The Baptist Manse (Market St., cell tel. 876/617-1060) was originally constructed as the town's Masonic Temple in 1780. The building was sold in 1832 to the Baptist Missionary Society, which had lost many buildings in raids of terror and reprisal following the slave rebellion of 1831, in response to the Baptists' fiery abolitionist rhetoric. The building was home to several Baptist missionaries before it was destroyed by fire in the 1950s, to be reconstructed as the William Knibb School in 1961. Today the building serves as headquarters for the Falmouth Heritage Renewal.
Falmouth Courthouse was built in 1815 in classic Georgian style, destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in 1926. The building stands prominently on a little square facing the water just off the main square at the center of town.
Trelawny Parish Church of St. Peter the Apostle (Duke St.) is one of the most impressive Anglican structures in Jamaica, built in typical Georgian style. It was constructed in 1795 on land donated by rich estate owner Edward Barrett, whose descendent, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, would go on to become a well-recognized feminist poet of the Romantic movement. The parish church is the oldest public building in town and the oldest house of worship in the parish.
Other historic churches in Falmouth include the Knibb Memorial Baptist Church (King and George Sts.) named after abolitionist missionary William Knibb, who came to Jamaica in 1825 and established his first chapel on the site of the existing structure, which was erected in 1926, and the Falmouth Presbyterian Church (Rodney and Princess Sts.), which was built by the Scots of the parish in 1832. Knibb's first chapel was destroyed by the nonconformist militia after the Baptist War, a.k.a. Christmas Rebellion of 1831–832. Later structures were destroyed by hurricanes. A sculpture relief inside Knibb Memorial depicts a scene (repeated at several Baptist churches across the island) of a congregation of slaves awaiting the dawn that granted full freedom in 1838.
Falmouth All Age School sits on the waterfront in a historic building and makes a good destination for a stroll down Queens Street from the square.
Falmouth is by no means a shopping destination. Nevertheless, there is a small mall on Water Square with a few crafts shops to poke around.
For more original crafts, call Isha Tafara (cell tel. 876/610-3292 or 876/377-0505), an artist and craft producer who lives in Wakefield near Falmouth, farther inland from Martha Brae. Tafara makes red, green, and gold crocheted hats, Egyptian-style crafts, handbags, belts, and jewelry with a lot of crochet and fabric-based items. Tafara works from home, which can be visited by appointment, and supplies Things Jamaican, among other retailers.
Club Nazz Bar & Restaurant (23 Market St., tel. 876/617-5175, 7 a.m.–11:30 p.m. daily) offers customers free Wi-Fi.
For groceries and supplies, try T&W Super-market by the Texaco station.
Next to the courthouse there's a Scotiabank branch built in replica Georgian style, with an ATM.
FX Trader (tel. 888/398-7233) has a branch at Big J's Supermarket on Lower Harbour Street (8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Wed. and Fri.–Sat., 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Thurs.).
Trelawny Parish Library (Rodney St., with entrance on Pitt St., tel. 876/954-3306, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Fri., till 4 p.m. Sat.) offers free DSL Internet.
The Falmouth Police are based along the waterfront on Rodney Street (tel. 876/954-5700).
The town of Martha Brae was Trelawny's first parish capital, before the mouth of the river silted up and forced the relocation of the port from Rock to Falmouth. Along with several other locations in Jamaica, Martha Brae is thought to have been the location of the first Spanish settlement of Melilla. Until 1790 when the first bridge was constructed across the river, a ferry was in service. Today, with the North Coast Highway, it's possible to speed past without noticing the river at all. Martha Brae is a literal backwater, with little to distract tourists as they pass through on their way to start the rafting trip or to Good Hope Plantation in the Queen of Spain Valley.
The Martha Brae River is one of Jamaica's longest rivers and is navigable for much of its 32 kilometers, extending to the deep interior of Trelawny, from where it wells up out of the earth at Windsor Cave. The river's name is an awkward derivation of Para Matar Tiburon Rio, which translates literally as "to kill shark river." Legends surround the Martha Brae, likely owing to its important role in the early colonial years, when the Spanish used the river to reach the North Coast from their major settlement of Oristan, around present-day Bluefields. The first commercial rafting tour began in 1970.
Just east of Martha Brae, straight inland from Falmouth, the Greenfield Stadium was built for the Caribbean's hosting of Cricket World Cup in 2007. The stadium is now used for sporting events and entertainment, becoming the venue for Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival in 2010.
Martha Brae Rafting
Martha Brae Rafting (tel. 876/940-6398 or 876/940-7018 or 876/952-0889, info@jamaicarafting.com, www.jamaicarafting.com, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. daily) is the most developed bamboo rafting attraction in western Jamaica. Rafts hold two passengers in addition to the raft man, who guides the vessel down the lazy Martha Brae. The tour (US$55) includes a welcome drink; round-trip transport can be arranged from Mobay (US$15 per person). To reach the departure point on the Martha Brae River, exit left off the highway ramp after passing the first turnoff for Falmouth heading east. Turn inland (right) through the underpass, continuing into the small village of Martha Brae. At the intersection in the town, turn left and then right after the second bridge. The five-kilometer raft ride takes about 90 minutes. The excursion will not get the adrenaline pumping, but it's a relaxing and romantic experience.
The Luminous Lagoon
The Luminous Lagoon is one of Jamaica's favorite natural phenomena, created from a unicellular dinoflagellate less than <@fract>1/500th of an inch in diameter, Pyridium bahamense, which glows when the water is agitated. The organism photosynthesizes sunlight using chlorophyll during the day and then emits the energy at night. Tours of the Luminous Lagoon are offered at Glistening Waters Restaurant & Marina (tel. 876/954-3229, info@glisteningwaters.com, www.glisteningwaters.com) and Fisherman's Inn (tel. 876/954-4078 or 876/954-3427, fishermansinn@cwjamaica.com). The Glistening Waters tour (US$17/person) lasts half an hour, with boats leaving the marina every half hour 7–9 p.m. nightly. Fisherman's Inn organizes virtually identical outings (US$15/person) every evening at 7 p.m.
Glistening Waters also offers fishing charters from the Marina (US$600) on a 46-foot sport fisher with a capacity of eight people. A smaller, 32-foot boat (US$400/four hours) carries five people. Two complimentary drinks per person are included on fishing excursions. The marina also welcomes visiting yachts (US$1/foot/day) and can accommodate boats of up to 86 feet. Boaters should call ahead for special instructions on entering the lagoon. Longer stays can be negotiated.
Montego Bay Jamaica Fishing Charter and Luminous Lagoon Tours (contact captain David Muschett, cell tel. 876/995-9885, awahoo2@yahoo.com), based at Fisherman's Inn on the Luminous Lagoon, is a one-stop-shop for deep-sea fishing, night excursions on the lagoon, and a variety of water sports activities from parasailing to scuba diving, water skiing, and snorkeling aboard a 38-foot Bertram with an eight-person capacity. Fishing trips chase marlin, kingfish, barracuda, sailfish, wahoo, and a host of other species. Rates range from US$550 for a half day with up to four passengers to US$1,000 for eight hours with up to four passengers, including bait and tackle. Add US$35 per extra person. Paintball and ATV tours are also offered by David Muschett in the Martha Brae vicinity.
Queen of Spain Villa (Irwin Towers Estate, Martha Brae, contact Michele Lawrence, cell tel. 876/877-6959, michelelawrence1@yahoo.com, US$40–60 per night) has a total of five rooms available for rent in an owner-managed villa along the Martha Brae River. Three rooms have queen-size beds, and one has two single beds, with a king-size bed in the master room. Wi-Fi and continental breakfast are complimentary. There's a pool on the one-acre property and the river is also suitable for swimming.
Fisherman's Inn (tel. 876/954-4078 or 876/954-3427, fishermansinn@cwjamaica.com, from US$75) is a hotel and restaurant on the Luminous Lagoon with clean, spacious rooms overlooking the lagoon and a small marina with private baths and hot water, TV, and either fans or air-conditioning. Jean Lewis is the very helpful and accommodating manager.
The inn organizes outings every evening (US$15 per person) at 7 p.m. on the lagoon to see the phosphorescent microbes light up the agitated water.
Time 'N' Place (adjacent to Pebbles, call owner Tony Moncrieffe, tel. 876/954-4371, cell tel. 876/843-3625, timenplace@cwjamaica.com, www.mytimenplace.com) is the quintessential laid-back rustic beach spot with an open-air seafood restaurant and beach bar and four cottages planted in the sand (US$80–100). The spot has been a local favorite since it opened in 1988. The cottages are comfortably rustic, with front porches, basic foam queen-size beds, fans or air-conditioning, Jamaican art on the walls, and private bathrooms sectioned off with hot water. Tony offers coffee, fruit, and toast for breakfast. The restaurant (8 a.m.–8 p.m. daily) prepares excellent seafood and Jamaican favorites including jerk chicken, coconut shrimp, and grilled lobster, as well as burgers and fries. Wi-Fi covers the entire property.
FDR Pebbles (next to Time 'N' Place along the old main road, tel. 876/973-5657 or 876/617-2500, US$250) bills itself as an ecofriendly, family-oriented resort. The hotel is by no means exemplary in the environmental department, however, with clear signs of dumping of gray water into the bay and a generally untidy backyard. Pebbles, along with its sister property in Runaway Bay, has created the family-friendly niche by proving nannies for guests. Pebbles' private beach has been sectioned off from the expanse with a pair of stone piers. Nevertheless, guests often hop the fence to get a taste for the authentic Jamaica vibe found next door at Time 'N' Place. All rooms at Pebbles have air-conditioning, ceiling fans, and hot water.
Excellence Resorts (www.excellence-resorts.com) is building a 450-room, adults-only, luxury all-inclusive resort on five kilometers of beach adjacent to Time 'N' Place. Construction began in 2007 but completion was delayed when the global economy fell into recession in 2009.
Club Nazz Bar & Restaurant (23 Market St., tel. 876/617-5175, or contact manager Carlton Cole, cell tel. 876/475-7125, 7 a.m.–11:30 p.m. daily, US$4–25) serves good seafood and Jamaican staple dishes and offers customers free Wi-Fi. The food is excellent and a good value. The Upa Level Culture Bar & Grill on the third floor serves food from the same kitchen with a view over town.
Located on the second level, Club Nazz opens Tuesdays–Sundays, from 6 p.m. until you say when, playing mostly reggae, dancehall, R&B, and hip-hop. A jazz bar and lounge is located downstairs in the basement.
In the center of Falmouth on the square there is a small Juici Patties kiosk, as well as Spicy Nice (Water Square, tel. 876/954-3197), a bakery that sells patties, breads, pastries, and other baked goods.
Three roads lead off the North Coast Highway into Falmouth, one from the east, where the old highway used to run, the other, Market Street, a straight shot to Martha Brae, and the third, Rodney Street or Foreshore Road, to the west toward Mobay. Along the easternmost road, two restaurants sit adjacent to one another on the Luminous Lagoon in Rock district.
Fisherman's Inn (tel. 876/954-4078, fishermansinn@cwjamaica.com) is a hotel and restaurant facing the lagoon. The restaurant serves items like callaloo-stuffed chicken breast, stuffed jerk chicken, lobster, and surf and turf (US$13–30).
Glistening Waters Restaurant & Marina (tel. 876/954-3229, info@glisteningwaters.com, www.glisteningwaters.com) has food ranging from oyster bay seafood chowder (US$4) to the Falmouth Seafood Platter (US$35), which comes with grilled lobster, shrimp, and snapper.
Aunt Gloria's (Rock district, cell tel. 876/353-1301, 6 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3–4.50) serves brown stew fish, fried chicken, curry goat, and brown stew pork. Gloria opens her jerk center on Fridays and sometimes on Saturdays for the best jerk pork and chicken in town. Breakfast items include ackee and saltfish, kidney, dumpling, yam, and banana.
Along the same road toward Falmouth, a jerk center keeps irregular hours, mostly opening on weekends.
Culture Restaurant (Foreshore Road, contact proprietor Pablo Plummer, cell tel. 876/362-4495, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. daily, US$4–8) offers a decidedly Rasta experience and takes the cake for original roots value. It's a small restaurant and cultural center where Ital food and juices are served in an atmosphere brimming with black pride and Rastafarian symbolism. Owner Pablo Plummer is as conscious as they come and also incidentally runs independent PADI diving courses with full equipment provided, after spending years as a dive instructor at a number of resorts along the North Coast.
Outameni Experience (Coopers Pen opposite Breezes Trelawny, tel. 876/954-4035, cell tel. 876/836-6725 or 876/409-6108, info@outameni.com, www.outameni.com, US$36 adults, US$18 children under 12) is a cultural attraction that takes visitors through Jamaica's history into modern times, from the Taino to Rastafarians. The 90-minute tour, set on a five-acre property, touches on Jamaica's art, music, theater, and dance traditions. A fun village offers children games and a water slide at an additional cost of US$3.
A small community on a hillside overlooking the sea, Duncans has little to interest visitors in the town itself. Just below the population center, however, the coast is lined with fine, white sand, split between two spectacular beaches: Jacob Taylor Public Bathing Beach, and Silver Sands Beach along the waterfront at the gated community of Silver Sands, comprising cottages and villas. Silver Sands charges US$15 per person for day use of the beach and facilities. There's a restaurant and bar and small grocery store, the Villa Mart, at the complex. It's necessary to call ahead (tel. 876/954-2518) to gain access to Silver Sands so they expect you at the gate.
About a kilometer east of Silver Sands, a private estate house lies in ruins facing a small beach, also with fine white sand and crystal waters. To get there, turn off the main road down to Silver Sands through a green gate and drive along a rough, sandy road pocked with coral through the scrub forest until reaching the coast again.
A 20-minute walk farther east along low coral bluffs leads to Mango Point, where one of Jamaica's few remaining virgin beaches is found. Known as Harmony Cove, the area is to be the site of a massive resort development planned for the coming years, with several hotels and casinos envisaged, pending a change in Jamaica's law to allow gambling of this sort. Harmony Cove can also be reached by turning off the North Coast Highway next to a cell phone tower coming from the east; from there, drive toward the coast along a dirt road and turn off along a sandy track that disintegrates at the water's edge. Park and rejoin the road on the other side of the fence, walking the remaining distance. It's about 20 minutes' walk from the east as well. Contact Harmonisation (876/954-2518) for more information on the status of the resort development.
Silver Sands
Silver Sands (www.mysilversands.com) is a gated community of 44 rental cottages and villas that range considerably in their level of price and comfort, from rustic to opulent. Even at the higher end of the price range, Silver Sands villas are among the best value for your money to be found in Jamaica, on what is considered by many the island's finest beach.
Queen's Cottage (US$275/325 nightly, US$1925/2275 weekly low/high season) is named after the cottage's most illustrious guest, Queen Elizabeth II, who stayed there on a trip to Jamaica, and located directly on the waterfront. It is a three-bedroom villa with a king-size bed in the master, one queen-size bed in the second bedroom and two twins in the third, making it ideal for families or a small group of friends. Bedrooms have ceiling fans, air-conditioning, and private bathrooms. A large wood deck overlooks the sea a few steps off the beach. The villa boasts a large Jacuzzi and is the closest of any at Silver Sands to the water's edge.
Windjammer (tel. 876/929-2378 or 876/926-0931, dianas@cwjamaica.com or bookings@windjammerjamaica.com, www.windjammerjamaica.com, US$457/557 nightly, US$3,200/3,900 weekly low/high season) is an impeccably furnished four-bedroom luxury villa with a private pool, DSL Internet, a large veranda with sea view, and a built-in barbecue. Two bedrooms have king-size beds, one has a queen, and the fourth has two twins.
Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach
Located across the compound walls from the gated community at Silver Sands, Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach is a local hot spot where low-key craft vendors sell their goods and anglers park their canoes to while away the days playing dominoes in the shade. The beach itself extends for a few kilometers to the west, and while not immaculately swept and maintained daily like Silver Sands, the sand is fine, the water's clear, and there's no entry fee. You can't miss the entrance to Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach, marked by a large sign by the road that leads downhill toward the sea to the left of the gated entrance to Silver Sands.
The Sober Robin Inn (tel. 876/954-2202, soberrobin@gmail.com, US$35 d) is a no-frills accommodation opened in 1979 that rents nine rooms, each with one double or two single beds, air-conditioning, and cable TV. The inn was under expansion in 2010, with additional rooms under construction for a projected total of 23. The inn was once owned by the grandparents of Harry Belafonte, who is said to have spent his childhood there. It is located just past the Silver Sands turnoff heading west out of Duncans, or on the right just after leaving the highway on your way into Duncans from the west.
Sea Rhythm (Jacob Taylor Bathing Beach, contact caretaker Cardella Gilzine, cell tel. 876/857-0119, US$200) is a three-bedroom cottage a few steps from the shore. The master bedroom has a king-size bed and air-conditioning, with a double bed and fan in the second room and two twins in the third. Each room has a private bath with hot water, and there's a fully equipped kitchen. Meals are prepared to order.
Leroy's (cell tel. 876/447-2896, US$3–12) is a local bar and restaurant, located seaside at Jacob Taylor Fisherman's Beach that serves fish and Jamaican staples. Leroy can usually be found in the kitchen, and his step daughter, Cameika "Chin" Wallace, works the bar. The Silver Lights Band performs live reggae on Saturdays starting at 8 p.m. late into the night. The no-frills restaurant and bar is notable for its relaxing atmosphere that draws a healthy mix of locals and tourists, appreciably devoid of hustlers to interrupt the quiet seaside landscape.
Natural Vibes Gift Shop Bar & Restaurant (Long Bay, Greenwood, tel. 876/953-1833, 8 a.m.–10:30 p.m. daily) has a mix of seafood and Jamaican favorites like curry lobster (US$25), curry shrimp (US$20), escovitch fish (US$15), jerk chicken (US$10), and jerk pork (US$12–13). The waterfront property is a favorite chill-out spot for Montegonians and tourists alike.
Father Bull Bar, Jerk Centre and Restaurant (Greenwood, cell tel. 876/422-3011, 8 a.m. until you say when daily) specializes in jerk chicken and pork, roast fish, seafood, and Jamaican staples, accompanied by breadfruit.
Far Out Fish Hut and Beer Joint (Greenwood, contact owner Ian Dalley, cell tel. 876/954-7155 or 876/816-6376, 10 a.m.–10:30 p.m.) serves steamed and roast fish, conch, octopus, and escovitch grilled conch, accompanied by bammy or bread.
Johnnie Reid's Paradise Grill & Restaurant (contact Johnnie Reid, cell tel. 876/863-4659, 10 a.m.–close), located in Salt Marsh between Greenwood and Martha Brae, serves Jamaican staples, seafood, and conch (US$5–8), as well as fish and lobster priced according to weight.
Cockpit Country
Some of the most gorgeous and unexplored countryside in Jamaica lies in the interior of Trelawny, where Cockpit Country, with its myriad caves, sinkholes, and springs, stretches from the St. James border in the west to St. Ann at the heart of the island. Hiking and exploring in this region is unparalleled, but adequate supplies and a good guide are essential. Meanwhile, the Queen of Spain Valley, only a few minutes' drive inland, is one of the most lush and picturesque farming zones in Jamaica, where the morning mist lifts to reveal stunning countryside of magical, lush pitted hills.
Cockpit Country has some of the most unusual landscape on earth, where porous limestone geology created what is known as Karst topography, molded by water and the weathering of time. Cockpit Country extends all the way to Accompong, St. Elizabeth, to the south and Albert Town, Trelawny, to the east. Similar topography continues over the inhospitable interior as far as Cave Valley, St. Ann, even farther east.
There are three principal routes leading into Trelawny's interior and providing access to the northern border of the impassible Cockpit Country. The first few routes lead inland from Martha Brae. To get to Good Hope Plantation, bypass the town of Martha Brae to the right when heading inland from the highway, and take a left less than 1.5 kilometers past the town, following well-marked signs. Continuing on the road past the turnoff to Good Hope ultimately leads to Wakefield, where the B15 heads back west to Montego Bay.
By taking a left at the stop sign in Martha Brae, and then a right after crossing the river, the road leads inland past Perth, Reserve, and Sherwood Content, to where it ultimately peters out near Windsor Caves.
Queen of Spain Valley
Good Hope Plantation (cell tel. 876/469-3443, goodhope1@cwjamaica.com, www.goodhopejamaica.com) located in the Queen of Spain Valley, is one of the most picturesque working estates on the island. Citrus has today replaced the cane of the past, while the plantation's great house and a collection of its historic buildings have been converted into the most luxurious countryside villas, with a total of 10 bedrooms between the main house, the carriage house, and the river cottage (rates starting at US$3,500/4,400 weekly low/high season for 3BR River Cottage). Good Hope features old-world luxury that sets itself apart from any other accommodation option on the island, with authentic antique furniture decorating every room, while not skipping the modern luxuries like iPods and air-conditioning. The villas are fully staffed with the most professional chefs, housekeepers, and gardeners to be found anywhere.
Good Hope is the ideal place for family retreats, birding, hiking, and mountain biking. There is no better place for horseback riding, which is still the best means of exploring the surrounding countryside. Of course, the inviting swimming pools and a brimming river make relaxation a favorite pastime for guests as well. Good Hope is rented through the owners.
David Pinto's Ceramic Studio (8 km north of Falmouth, cell tel. 876/886-2866, dpinto@cwjamaica.com, www.jamaicaclay.com, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.–Fri. or by appointment) is run by a Jamaican-born potter who studied ceramics during high school in the United Kingdom and later at Rhode Island School of Design before practicing in New York City. He returned to Jamaica in 1992 to establish his present studio in the Queen of Spain Valley on Good Hope Plantation, where he runs retreats led by internationally acclaimed guest master potters. Pinto's work includes both functional and decorative pieces and is on display in the permanent collection at the National Gallery in Kingston. A stop by Pinto's bustling studio with its five kilns is a great excuse to visit the spectacular grounds of Good Hope, a working citrus plantation.
Albert Town
A small hamlet at the edge of Cockpit Country, Albert Town is the center of Trelawny's yam-growing region, which celebrates the crop each year with the Trelawny Yam Festival. Albert Town is the base for the South Trelawny Environmental Agency (STEA) (tel. 876/610-0818, www.stea.net), which organizes the yam festival and also offers guided excursions with its Cockpit Country Adventure Tours outfit in the surrounding area. They offer four different tours that cover caving and hiking. STEA is one of the best-organized environmental advocacy organizations in the country.
Located at the farthest accessible point into Cockpit Country, Windsor is a small community. Windsor Great Caves is its main draw. Franklyn (Dango) Taylor is the sanctioned warden for the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT) and the official guide for Windsor Great Caves. The caves are best visited with Dango (US$20), though experienced cavers may prefer to go it alone. All visitors should check in with Dango, and sign the guestbook at the very least, which serves to both monitor efforts and provide some degree of accountability in the case of emergencies. Dango runs a little shop selling drinks and snacks. The source of the Martha Brae River is located nearby, affording a great spot to cool off.
The Windsor Caves are rich in both geological history and animal life, with up to 11 bat species emerging to feed in the evenings in large swarms. The geological formations should not be touched inside the caves, and a minimal-impact policy should be generally observed, which starts with visitors staying on the established path. Shining flashlights on the ceiling is also not advisable, since it disturbs the resting bats. Michael Schwartz, of Windsor Great House located nearby, warns of a chronic respiratory ailment caused by a fungus that grows on bat dung, afflicting cavers.
For more in-depth spelunking of lesser-known attractions, Jamaica Caves Organization (JCO) (info@jamaicancaves.org, www.jamaicancaves.org) is a useful group that knows Cockpit Country literally inside and out. It can arrange guides for hiking as well as caving. There is also a good circuit mapped out on its website to take a driving tour of Cockpit Country for those not interested in exercise. For those with a serious interest in hiking, the Troy Trail is one of the most interesting and arduous hikes in western Jamaica, traversing Cockpit Country from Windsor to Troy. Again, the JCO can provide guides and maps for a reasonable fee that goes toward helping to maintain the organization.
The Last Resort (Ivor Conolley tel. 876/931-6070, cell tel. 876/700-7128, iscapc@cwjamaica.com) is the most remote accommodation option in Cockpit Country. It's the headquarters for Jamaica Caves Organization, led by chairman Stefan Stewart. The facilities were recently renovated but remain rustic with 20 bunk beds (US$15 per person) and a common bath. One private room has a queen-size bed. Expect intimacy with the surrounding environment--bug repellent is an essential item.
Windsor Great House (cell tel. 876/997-3832, windsor@cwjamaica.com, www.cockpitcountry.com) was built by John Tharp in 1795 to oversee his vast cattle estate, which included most of the land bordering the Martha Brae River. Today the great house is operated by Michael Schwartz and Susan Koenig, who offer rustic accommodation and a weekly "Meet the Scientists" dinner (US$25 for the dinner).
Getting There
To get to Windsor, head inland from Falmouth to Martha Brae, crossing the bridge to the east and turning right to follow the valley south into the hills. On the way, the road passes through the small farming communities of Perth Town and Reserve. Once the road leaves the riverbanks, it heads to Sherwood Content, Coxheath, and finally Windsor. To get to Last Resort, turn right at Dango's shop, continuing for about 1.6 kilometers; a left at Dango's shop leads to Windsor Great House. A vehicle with good clearance is recommended, but the route is traveled frequently by vehicles with low clearance, driven with caution.
The small community neighboring SuperClubs Breezes Trelawny has the spectacular Burwood Beach in Bounty Bay, which is also called Mutiny Bay. It's the best spot in Jamaica for windsurfing and kite surfing thanks to its gradual slope and lack of reefs that make these sports perilous in most other areas of the island. Brian Schurton runs Brian's Windsurfing and Kitesurfing (cell tel. 876/586-0900 or 541/490-2047, bws@gorge.net) with an informal windsurfing and kite-surfing school and rental outfit on the beach. With essential equipment like harnesses lacking in most of the all-inclusive resorts, windsurfers will find more professional gear at Brian's. Rates run US$160 for a 2.5-hour kitesurfing lesson. Windsurfing is US$60/day for gear, US$70 for a two-hour lesson. To get there, turn off the highway toward the sea about 1.5 kilometers east of Breezes Trelawny next to a sign for Bounty Bay.
Breezes Trelawny (Coopers Pen, Falmouth on Burwood Beach, tel. 876/954-2450 or U.S. tel. 800/GO-SUPER (800/467-8737), www.superclubs.com, US$99/139 per person low/high season) is the place to go if you love water slides, video gaming, trapeze acrobatics, and water sports. Rooms come with a stocked fridge, TV, air-conditioning, and CD player, but with all the activities in store, you won't be there much. Starfish is the SuperClubs brand's most budget-friendly and family-oriented property.
Breezes Rio Bueno (tel. 876/954-0000 or U.S. tel. 800/GO-SUPER (800/467-8737), glbreservations@superclubs.com, www.superclubs.com, US$224/349 per person low/high season) is the second all-inclusive in Jamaica, centered on a re-created and much-tamer-than-typical Jamaican village courtyard area, where dinners are served under the stars. Rooms are luxurious by American standards, with spacious suites that have balconies and large sitting areas. All the amenities of home are there, and the fridge is stocked daily with beer and soft drinks. Breezes has a decent beach and large swimming pool areas with the best food of the SuperClubs properties and premium liquors. The hotel sits on a 34-hectare estate. Horseback riding and tennis are some of the more popular activities at the resort, while water sports like scuba, snorkeling, and sailing are also offered.
Braco Stables (tel. 876/954-0185, bracostables@cwjamaica.com, www.bracostables.com, US$70 with transportation from Mobay or Runaway Bay, US$60 without transport) offers very tame horseback riding tours where riders traverse the Braco estate in single file. Experienced riders may be disappointed, as there is little freedom to roam about and leaving the group is not an option.
The first community in Trelawny across the border from St. Ann, Rio Bueno is considered by many experts to have been the actual landing point for Christopher Columbus on his second voyage, while that claim is also made for Discovery Bay. The port at Rio Bueno was an important export point, as can still be seen by the dilapidated warehouses and wharves along the waterfront beside the community's only accommodation, the Rio Bueno Hotel.
The small village is today undergoing somewhat of a renewal, with the new North Coast Highway bypassing the town entirely, which could ultimately enhance its picturesque appeal even while the busy Rio Braco rest stop will be less relevant.
The riverbank along the Rio Bueno is great for a stroll; visitors can see ruins of the Baptist Theological College. The college was the first of its kind in the hemisphere. Other ruins in town include those of Fort Dundas behind the school. The Rio Bueno Baptist Church was originally built in 1832 before being destroyed by the Colonial Church Union, whose mostly Anglican members organized militias to terrorize the abolitionist Baptists, who were upsetting the status quo. The church was quickly rebuilt twice as large in 1834, and the present structure was built in 1901. While the roof is largely missing, services are still held downstairs.
The Rio Bueno Anglican Chuch was built at the water's edge in 1833 and remains there today. The church was petitioned by the community after years of attending service in a rented space.
The extensive Gallery Joe James, on the grounds of the Lobster Bowl and Rio Bueno Hotel, displays artwork by proprietor Joe James, among other selected Jamaican artists. The gallery extends throughout the restaurant, bar, and hotel and makes for a surreal waterfront setting. The restaurant itself is enormous, with outside seating extending out on a dock along the waterfront, as well as inside a large dining hall.
The Rio Bueno Primary School up the road is sometimes used for entertainment and events.
Accommodations and Food
Rio Bueno Hotel (tel. 876/954-0048, galleryjoejames40@hotmail.com, US$100) is a 20-room rustic accommodation with balconies overlooking the sea, ceiling fans, TV, and hot water in private baths. The ground floor rooms are larger and geared toward families, with three double beds.
The Lobster Bowl Restaurant (tel. 876/954-0048, 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$18–40) serves excellent shrimp, chicken, fish, and lobster. The restaurant was founded by Joe James and his wife, Joyce Burke James, over 40 years ago.
Discover Montego Bay and the Northwest
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Montego Bay's Best New Restaurant
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Montego Bay's Best Hotel
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Montego Bay's Best Attraction
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Discover Negril and the West
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Negril's Best New Restaurant
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Negril's Best Hotel
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Negril's Best Attraction
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Coke Church (tel. 876/922-2224), the most prominent building on East Parade, stands on the site of the first Methodist chapel in Jamaica. The present structure was rebuilt after the 1907 earthquake, replacing the original built in 1840 and named after Thomas Coke, who founded the Methodist missions in the British Caribbean. It is one of the few buildings of brick construction in Kingston.
For a guided tour lasting about half an hour, call Juliet Gordon (tel. 876/925-8798 or cell tel. 876/362-9319, oldejamaica@yahoo.com, www.oldejamaicatours.com, US$5 for adults US$2 for children) who runs We Jamaica Tours. Mrs. Gordon can arrange transportation from anywhere in Kingston and specializes in historical churches around the Corporate Area, like Holy Trinity, the Jewish Synagogue, St. Andrew Parish Church, East Queen's Street Baptist, Coke Methodist, Cots Kirk, and Spanish Town Cathedral, as well as other historical sites island wide. She's been leading tours since 2005 with a JTB-licensed operation.
Coke Church (tel. 876/922-2224), the most prominent building on East Parade, stands on the site of the first Methodist chapel in Jamaica. The present structure was rebuilt after the 1907 earthquake, replacing the original built in 1840 and named after Thomas Coke, who founded the Methodist missions in the British Caribbean. It is one of the few buildings of brick construction in Kingston.
For a guided tour lasting about half an hour, call Juliet Gordon (tel. 876/925-8798 or cell tel. 876/362-9319, oldejamaica@yahoo.com, www.oldejamaicatours.com, US$5 for adults US$2 for children) who runs We Jamaica Tours. Mrs. Gordon can arrange transportation from anywhere in Kingston and specializes in historical churches around the Corporate Area, like Holy Trinity, the Jewish Synagogue, St. Andrew Parish Church, East Queen's Street Baptist, Coke Methodist, Cots Kirk, and Spanish Town Cathedral, as well as other historical sites island wide. She's been leading tours since 2005 with a JTB-licensed operation.
Coke Church (tel. 876/922-2224), the most prominent building on East Parade, stands on the site of the first Methodist chapel in Jamaica. The present structure was rebuilt after the 1907 earthquake, replacing the original built in 1840 and named after Thomas Coke, who founded the Methodist missions in the British Caribbean. It is one of the few buildings of brick construction in Kingston.
For a guided tour lasting about half an hour, call Juliet Gordon (tel. 876/925-8798 or cell tel. 876/362-9319, oldejamaica@yahoo.com, www.oldejamaicatours.com, US$5 for adults US$2 for children) who runs We Jamaica Tours. Mrs. Gordon can arrange transportation from anywhere in Kingston and specializes in historical churches around the Corporate Area, like Holy Trinity, the Jewish Synagogue, St. Andrew Parish Church, East Queen's Street Baptist, Coke Methodist, Cots Kirk, and Spanish Town Cathedral, as well as other historical sites island wide. She's been leading tours since 2005 with a JTB-licensed operation.
Coke Church (tel. 876/922-2224), the most prominent building on East Parade, stands on the site of the first Methodist chapel in Jamaica. The present structure was rebuilt after the 1907 earthquake, replacing the original built in 1840 and named after Thomas Coke, who founded the Methodist missions in the British Caribbean. It is one of the few buildings of brick construction in Kingston.
For a guided tour lasting about half an hour, call Juliet Gordon (tel. 876/925-8798 or cell tel. 876/362-9319, oldejamaica@yahoo.com, www.oldejamaicatours.com, US$5 for adults US$2 for children) who runs We Jamaica Tours. Mrs. Gordon can arrange transportation from anywhere in Kingston and specializes in historical churches around the Corporate Area, like Holy Trinity, the Jewish Synagogue, St. Andrew Parish Church, East Queen's Street Baptist, Coke Methodist, Cots Kirk, and Spanish Town Cathedral, as well as other historical sites island wide. She's been leading tours since 2005 with a JTB-licensed operation.
Jamaica Tourist Board
The Jamaica Tourist Board (8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) has a small library with staffers available to assist visitors with information on Jamaica's more popular attractions.
Phillip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts
Phillip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts puts on UWI productions, including those of the student dance society. The building that houses the arts center is architecturally impressive.
Cable & Wireless
Cable & Wireless (1-888/225-5295 or 876/926-9700), which operates in Jamaica as LIME, has a similar 3G USB modem that it sells for US$65. LIME offers unlimited prepaid plans by intervals of 24 hours (US$5), weekly (US$15), or monthly (US$45), and post-paid plans for US$10 per month for 50MB, US$15 for 100MB, or US$25 for 1GB. If you have a Huawei E1756 or E166 USB modem, it should work with LIME’s pre-paid or post-paid SIM cards, you’d just have to purchase a card (US$8) and buy credit, or make a deposit for the post-paid plan.
FX Trader (Kingston)
FX Traders offers the best exchange rates. FX Traders has cambios, the local name for currency exchange centers at: Cross Roads FSC, 13 Old Hope Rd. (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.); Shop 7, Boulevard Super Centre, 45 Elma Crescent (9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Sat.); King Street FSC, Woolworth Building, 83 King St. (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs.–Sat., 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Wed.); K’s Pharmacy, Shop 17, Duhaney Park Plaza (10 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat.); Central Office FSC, 20 Tobago Ave. (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.); Pavilion FSC, Shop 30 Pavilion Mall, Constant Spring Rd. (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.); Park View Supermarket, 7 Chandos Place, Papine (8:30 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Fri.–Sat.).
Ice Cream Man
Ice Cream Man (tel. 876/978-3842, 11 a.m.–10 p.m.) serves ice cream as well as pizza by the slice (US$2.25–3.50) or whole (US$8) and pastries.
Nick & Allis
Nick & Allis (10 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) serves fruit salads, wraps, sandwiches (US$2.25–4.50) and fruit juices (US$1.50–2).
Little Tokyo
Little Tokyo (11 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) serves Japanese-Chinese fast food.
OK Sushi & Noodles
OK Sushi & Noodles (tel. 876/946-0838) also serves Chinese and Japanese fast food.
Pastry Passions
Pastry Passions (10 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 2–9 p.m. Sun.) serves excellent pastries and coffee.
Kibby Korner
Kibby Korner (US$2.75–6.50) has affordable Lebanese food, including falafel, kibby, and kebabs. A grape leaf combo gives you a mix of dishes, and an assortment of sides is also available.
Jamaica Juice
Jamaica Juice (10 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Fri.–Sat., noon–9 p.m. Sun., US$3–5) is perhaps the best shop in Sovereign's food court, with fresh juices, smoothies, as well as food items, most notably chicken or chickpea roti. The mango smoothie is highly recommended.
Other Restaurants
Other Sovereign food court restaurants include Kowloon (tel. 876/978-3472, 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 11 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Fri. and Sat., 12:30–7 p.m. Sun.), serving passable Chinese fast food, and Deli Works (Shop #1-A, tel. 876/927-4706, 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Sun.). Deli Works is a bit steep and intermittently appetizing, with a hot food line dishing out entrées like fried chicken, oxtail, and shrimp (US$7–10) accompanied by ground provisions, rice, and natural juices (US$2.25). The food is pricier than average for the typical Jamaican fare and at times, not the most appetizing. An adjoining café serves coffee and pastries and offers customers free Wi-Fi.
First Caribbean Bank
First Caribbean has branches with ATMs in ., tel. 876 929-9310), ., 876 922-6120), two in ., tel. 876 926-7400; , tel. 876 926-1313), in ., tel. 876 977-2595), and in Manor Park (Manor Park Plaza, tel. 876 969-2708).
Supercleaners Dry Cleaners & Launderers
Supercleaners Dry Cleaners & Launderers (7 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has a plant Downtown behind Sabina Cricket Grounds, where the drop-off service can get your clothes back the same day.
NCB has branches with ATMs at the following locations: Downtown (37 Duke St., tel. 876/922-6710), Cross Roads (90–94 Slipe Rd., tel. 876/926-7420), New Kingston (32 Trafalgar Rd., tel. 876/929-9050), and Half Way Tree (Half Way Tree Rd., tel. 876/920-8313).
Bogues Brothers laundry facilities
Bogues Brothers runs three laundry facilities in Kingston: Spic ‘n’ Span (26 Lady Musgrave Rd., on corner of Trafalgar, tel. 876/978-7711, 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun.), Molynes Fabricare (55 Molynes, tel. 876/923-4234), and Liguanea Fabricare (144 Old Hope Rd., tel. 876/977-4900). All have dry cleaning, drop-off laundry service, and self-service.
Seafood Restaurant
Seafood Restaurant (next to bauxite wharf, Tanesha, tel. 876/870-5411, or contact Ardale Harvey, tel. 876/357-6637, 7 a.m.–midnight, daily, US$3–8) serves lobster, chicken, fish, and conch.
Baywatch Bar & Restaurant
Baywatch Bar & Restaurant (Old Folly, across from bauxite terminal, tel. 876/578-7706, noon–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$3–4.50) serves typical Jamaican fare in a local atmosphere overlooking the bay.
Hot & Spicy Tavern
Hot & Spicy Tavern is a cook shop run by Morton "Beaks" Willis (tel. 876/853-0103) located inside the ruins of the old warehouse at Quadrant Wharf. Beaks also runs the bar on the property.
Coconut Lagoon Bar and Restaurant
Coconut Lagoon Bar and Restaurant (Queen's Highway, contact Alvin Spencer, tel. 876/899-1245, 8 a.m.–9:30 p.m. daily), located on the sea side of the road as you round a bend approaching Rio Bueno from Discovery Bay, opposite derelict Bay Vista resort, is a popular pit stop serving typical Jamaican fare and fish dishes (US$5–12).
Port Maria
One of the most picturesque towns in Jamaica, Port Maria has a large protected harbor with the small Cabarita Island, also known as Treasure Island, in the center. Originally inhabited by the Tainos and later by the Spanish, the island was vulnerable to pirate attacks and warring colonial powers and fell into the hands of the pirate Henry Morgan until he lost it in a gamble. By the late 1700s a village began to take shape on the harbor shores, on land owned by Zachary Bailey. The parish vestry acquired land for the growing village from Bailey's nephew in 1816, and by 1821 public buildings including the parish council offices and the courthouse were built. Port Maria boomed with exports that included sugar, rum, indigo, pimento, tropical hardwoods, and coffee. Port Maria has long since passed its prime. Nevertheless, it still has a strong fishing community and is a commercial center for the people of the surrounding rural districts. Several infrastructure improvements associated with the North Coast Highway project have recently given the town a bit of a face-lift. The Outram River forms the eastern border of town, beyond which begins a vast wilderness area wrapping around the hilly coastline all the way to Robin's Bay.
St. Mary Craft Market
St. Mary Craft Market (Port Maria Civic Center, by appointment cell tel. 876/373-7575) is one of the island's most eclectic, featuring work exclusively from artists residing in the parish. If you're planning a stop to check out the old Court House and Anglican Church, call in advance to arrange to see the crafts.
Pagee Beach
Pagee Beach is where Port Maria's anglers keep their boats and bring in their catch. Outings to Cabarita Island, a great place to explore in true Robinson Crusoe fashion, can be arranged from here by negotiating with the fishermen (US$10 per person is a reasonable round-trip fare). Pagee is not an ideal place for swimming.
Fort Haldane
Fort Haldane, or sparse and scattered remains of it, are located on a road that cuts across the point jutting into the sea, forming the western flank of Port Maria's harbor. The road runs between the Anglican Church and the middle of the bend on the other side of the hill on Little Bay. Two cannons overgrown with bush aim out to sea just past the oldest structure on the premises, a low brick building sitting alongside discarded car parts. The Fort was built in 1759 for coastal defense during the Seven Years' War and named after then-governor George Haldane. The property was later a home for the elderly, called Gray's Charity, but has since fallen into disuse. The gates to this seldom-visited historical site are typically left ajar and are otherwise unlocked.
Courthouse and Police Station
The old courthouse and police station (across from the Anglican church on east side of town), originally built in 1821 is one of the nicest examples of Georgian architecture in Port Maria after its recent restoration. Much of the original building was destroyed by fire in 1988 and then marked for restoration by the Urban Development Commission in 2000. The partial restoration was completed in 2002 with funds from the Jamaican and Venezuelan governments, and the building is now in use as the Port Maria Civic Center. A plaque by the main entrance dedicates the premises to labor leader and Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) founder Alexander Bustamante; a second plaque recognizes former Prime Minister P. J. Patterson, who attended the official opening in 2002.
St. Mary Parish Church
St. Mary Parish Church was built in 1861 and has an adjoining cemetery with an epitaph dedicated to the Jamaicans who fought in World War I. The Tacky Memorial is also located in the church cemetery.
Almond Tree Club Restaurant
Almond Tree Club Restaurant open (9 a.m.–11 p.m. daily, US$2–6) is the best bet in Port Maria, serving typical Jamaican dishes like curry goat, fried chicken, oxtail, stew peas, and stew pork. Other dishes like chicken chop suey and shrimp fried rice are cooked to order. This Almond Tree claims to be the original, predating the one in Ocho Rios. Dawn Gibbs is the friendly and helpful manager.
Other Practicalities
Uncle B's Miracle Jerk Center on the road east of out town has great jerk and an irie road-side atmosphere.
Most country folk arriving in Port Maria come for the market, to stock up at the Hi-Lo supermarket (7–11 Stennett St., tel. 876/994-9878), or do their banking at NCB (8 Main St., tel. 876/994-2219) or Scotiabank (57 Warner St., tel. 876/994-2265).
Port Maria is serviced by regular route taxis from Ocho Rios (US$3), Oracabessa (US$1.50), and Annotto Bay (US$1.50) that leave the square as they fill up.
The Port Maria police station (tel. 876/994-2223) is located at the plaza by the bus park.
Islington is a small community 20 minutes east of Port Maria, which sits atop a hill and offers great views eastward along the coast toward Buff Bay and Port Antonio from some of its lookout points along the road. Islington is of little importance as a tourist destination, but it is the proud hometown of dancehall deejay Capleton, who organizes an annual festival called A St. Mary Mi Come From. The agricultural community is also known for its pimento (allspice) crop, as well as for growing some of Jamaica's most potent illicit weed.
Robin's Bay
One of the most laid-back and picturesque corners of Jamaica, Robin's Bay is entirely apart from what is marketed on JTB posters. Robin's Bay is the Treasure Beach of yesteryear, remaining a quiet fishing and subsistence agricultural community with a few accommodation options catering to those looking for an easygoing retreat or the experience of enjoying intimacy with nature. Beginning with Green Castle Estate, a working farm that commands a large swath of land fronting the bay, the area has a delectable, charming pace found nowhere else on the island.
Green Castle Estate
Green Castle Estate (contact property manager Angie Dickson for reservations, cell tel. 876/881-6293, or U.S. tel. 612/986-4709, angie@gcjamaica.com, www.gcjamaica.com or www.greencastletropicalstudycenter.org) is a 650-hectare farm producing a mix of fruit and--above all in terms of revenue--orchids, which today fill four large shade houses. Named after the Irish holdings of one of its earlier owners, several archaeological finds on the property indicate it has been continuously lived on since the time of the Tainos. Early English settlement at Green Castle left the iconic windmill that still stands today. Land use has changed from cassava cultivation under the Tainos and Spanish to orange, cotton, pimento, cacao, indigo, sugarcane, and then bananas. For centuries the estate was connected with the rest of Jamaica only by sea. After years of British and then American ownership fraught with frequent mortgage defaults and border disputes, the property ended up in the hands of one of the world's foremost agricultural families and majority-share owners of Cargill, still the largest private company in the United States. Since the 1950s the farm has grown an increasingly diverse mix of fruit crops; it more recently went into organic fruit production and became one of Jamaica's foremost orchid farms, now supplying a large portion of domestic demand. Current ownership is with an English developer who intends to add ecotourism into Green Castle's mix. Historical sites on the expansive estate include excavated Taino middens (1300), a militia barracks (1834), and the signature coral stone windmill tower (1700).
A variety of tours are offered on Green Castle Estate, all of them excellent values. Children always pay half-price. The Estate Tour (US$20) introduces visitors to some of the 120 hectares of certified-organic tree crops planted on the farm. No other farm in Jamaica has more certified organic hectares under cultivation, and the organic coconut oil operation is one of the farm's more important products and a central focus of the tour. Visitors also learn about the roughly 2,000 organic pimento (allspice) trees and cocoa trees organically grown on the farm. Pedigree beef production is also a major activity, with hundreds of head of cattle roaming around the rolling grassy hills. The tour concludes with a visit to the orchid propagation shade houses, where visitors are dazzled with 50,000 orchid plants of several varieties and taught the basics of one of the island's most important orchid operations.
Bromley (US$80 per night) is a stately great house owned by the founding family of Walkerswood jerk sauces. A quaint cottage, Lignum Vitae, located next to the great house operates as a bed-and-breakfast, with a large bedroom suite containing a queen-size bed plus an additional twin bedroom with a veranda. Bromley is set in the cool hills of Walkerswood, a 15-minute drive above the resort town of Ocho Rios. Miss Mineta, the caretaker, cooks breakfasts of fresh fruits, homemade granola, eggs, and Blue Mountain coffee, with other meals prepared to order at US$25 per day plus the cost of food. Views of the St. Ann interior are remarkable, and a host of birds thrive in the lush gardens. The property is suitable for retreats, with a yoga deck and small immersion pool in the yard. Wi-Fi is complimentary.
Bromley (US$80 per night) is a stately great house owned by the founding family of Walkerswood jerk sauces. A quaint cottage, Lignum Vitae, located next to the great house operates as a bed-and-breakfast, with a large bedroom suite containing a queen-size bed plus an additional twin bedroom with a veranda. Bromley is set in the cool hills of Walkerswood, a 15-minute drive above the resort town of Ocho Rios. Miss Mineta, the caretaker, cooks breakfasts of fresh fruits, homemade granola, eggs, and Blue Mountain coffee, with other meals prepared to order at US$25 per day plus the cost of food. Views of the St. Ann interior are remarkable, and a host of birds thrive in the lush gardens. The property is suitable for retreats, with a yoga deck and small immersion pool in the yard. Wi-Fi is complimentary.
Bromley (US$80 per night) is a stately great house owned by the founding family of Walkerswood jerk sauces. A quaint cottage, Lignum Vitae, located next to the great house operates as a bed-and-breakfast, with a large bedroom suite containing a queen-size bed plus an additional twin bedroom with a veranda. Bromley is set in the cool hills of Walkerswood, a 15-minute drive above the resort town of Ocho Rios. Miss Mineta, the caretaker, cooks breakfasts of fresh fruits, homemade granola, eggs, and Blue Mountain coffee, with other meals prepared to order at US$25 per day plus the cost of food. Views of the St. Ann interior are remarkable, and a host of birds thrive in the lush gardens. The property is suitable for retreats, with a yoga deck and small immersion pool in the yard. Wi-Fi is complimentary.
Bromley (US$80 per night) is a stately great house owned by the founding family of Walkerswood jerk sauces. A quaint cottage, Lignum Vitae, located next to the great house operates as a bed-and-breakfast, with a large bedroom suite containing a queen-size bed plus an additional twin bedroom with a veranda. Bromley is set in the cool hills of Walkerswood, a 15-minute drive above the resort town of Ocho Rios. Miss Mineta, the caretaker, cooks breakfasts of fresh fruits, homemade granola, eggs, and Blue Mountain coffee, with other meals prepared to order at US$25 per day plus the cost of food. Views of the St. Ann interior are remarkable, and a host of birds thrive in the lush gardens. The property is suitable for retreats, with a yoga deck and small immersion pool in the yard. Wi-Fi is complimentary.
Lyming at Walkerswood
Lyming at Walkerswood (US$5–10) makes a great pit stop for authentic jerk chicken, pork, and sausage, accompanied by breadfruit and festival.
Moneague is a small community along the main road between Spanish Town and the North Coast notable for the Moneague Teacher Training College, the Jamaica Defense Force Training Camp, the mysterious rising lake, and Café Aubergine, one of the most charming restaurants on the island.
Café Aubergine
Café Aubergine ( , noon–9 p.m. Sat.–Sun., US$15–30) had the first tavern license to sell booze to the carriage men taking the two-day journey over the mountains to the North Coast from Kingston and Spanish Town. Today it is a well-recognized local favorite with Old World charm, serving a mix of Caribbean and Mediterranean cuisine. Owner Neville Anderson carries on the tradition begun in partnership with the late Rudolf Gschloessl, bringing European haute cuisine to a Caribbean sensibility with starters that include French onion soup, escargot provençales, conch in lemon vinaigrette, and pâté de la maison. Main courses include pork tenderloin medallions in sherry mushroom sauce, grilled lamb chops, grilled filet mignon, and lobster in tarragon wine sauce. Top it off with an apple pie à la mode or chocolate mousse and you're good to go.
Faith's Pen
Faith's Pen, a few kilometers south of Moneague, has a famous rest stop lined with shacks dishing out jerk and conch soup at the best local prices. Fruit stands also appear sporadically along the road north and south of Faith's Pen.
Brown's Town
A large inland town named after Hamilton Brown, who represented the parish for 22 years, Brown's Town was a center of the Baptist-fueled abolitionist movement before the Colonial Church Union destroyed the Baptist chapel following the Christmas Rebellion. Brown was a colonel in the militia who saw the chapel torn to the ground. If you're heading to Nine Mile via route taxi, Brown's town is the connection point from St. Ann's Bay.
The Bob Marley Mausoleum
The Bob Marley Mausoleum (9am- 5pm daily, US$25 adults, US$13 ages 5-11) is one of Jamaica’s most popular tourist sites, drawing scores of fans to pay their respects to the late, great King of Reggae. Arriving in Nine Mile, the Cedella Marley basic school looms in red, gold, and green splendor just before the Marley family home. Outside the official gated parking area, countless hustlers offer ganja and parking, in hopes of luring visitors to spend a few bucks outside the sanctioned attraction. There is no cost to park inside the gate at the mausoleum, however, and visitors should resist calls to park outside. The massive Bob Marley Mausoleum complex engulfs the humble one-bedroom country house where the world’s foremost reggae superstar was born. Marley’s mother, Cedella, was laid to rest in a similar mausoleum next door, and a small chapel was constructed across the path. Tours of the mausoleum start at the gift shop, where visitors pay the entry fee before heading upstairs to another gift shop and bar, where more encouragement is offered to spend some cash. From there, a guide is assigned to take visitors up another flight of steps to the mausoleum and Bob’s small house. In and around the house are countless details the guides claim to be the literal inspiration for a multitude of songs from Marley’s discography, including the single bed referred to in “Is This Love” and the rock pillow from “Talkin’ Blues.” Below the mausoleum, a clubhouse-style building with contemporary Rasta styling has a restaurant and lounge on the second floor and great views from the balcony over the quiet hills of the St. Ann interior.
Getting There
The shortest route from the North Coast to Nine Mile is via the B3, which heads inland from the stoplight by the police station in Runaway Bay and leads along 11 kilometers (7 miles) of winding country road to Brown’s Town. From Brown’s Town, continue along the B3 out of town for 12 kilometers (8 miles) south toward Alexandria. In Alexandria, turn east for 8 kilometers (5 miles) to Nine Mile. Brown’s Town is the closest town of any size to the Bob Marley Mausoleum and is famous for its bustling market (Wed., Fri., and Sat.). If you’re heading to Nine Mile via route taxi, Brown’s Town is the connection point from Runaway Bay or Priory via Bamboo.
Home of an annual kite festival held on the Saturday before Easter, this small hilltop village draws thousands of people who come out for the competitive event and an evening stage show.
Villa Viento
Villa Viento (tel. 876/975-4395, US$125 per night per room, US$4,800/6,800 weekly low/high season for the whole house) has seven bedrooms in a large seaside ranch-style house two minutes down the road from Reggae Beach. This is one of the few villas that will rent out individual rooms.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Moxons Beach Club
Moxons Beach Club (US$85–225) is a boutique property perched atop the cliffs in Stewart Town, between Tower Isle and Boscobel about 12 kilometers east of Ocho Rios. The four-level property descends to a private beach. Rooms face the sea or a courtyard and have queen- or king-size beds and en suite bathrooms. Wi-Fi is complimentary. A restaurant serves a mix of Jamaican and international dishes (US$8–28). This is a smart, well managed hotel ideal for couples or families with mature children. The hotel was established by Timothy Moxon, an Englishman who entertained his jet setting friends Noel Coward and Ian Fleming at the property. The list of VIPs later grew when Timothy handed the reigns to his brother, Oliver, who turned Moxons into a popular restaurant that drew the likes of Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Boy George in subsequent decades. The hotel is currently owned and managed by the vivacious Johanne MacDonald who has put tireless work into restoring Moxons to exceed its former glory since acquiring the property in 2005 after it'd been battered by Hurricane Ivan.
Beaches Boscobel
Beaches Boscobel (tel. 876/975-7777, US$420/night for double in high season) dominates the waterfront just west of the airfield, and with 323 rooms it's easily the largest hotel on the North Coast east of Ocho Rios. Like all Beaches resorts, Boscobel is a family-oriented all-inclusive getaway.
Castles on the Sea
Castles on the Sea (contact Henri or Joyce Verne, tel. 561/793-7257, exotica@webtv.net, www.chateauonthesea.com, US$745/845 nightly low/high season for up to six guests, US$45 nightly for each additional person) is a luxurious villa perched on the coral cliffs overlooking the sea in Boscobel just east of the aerodrome. There are a total of six queen-size beds and two king-size beds, with air-conditioning in four bedrooms with en-suite baths, mini refrigerators, and balconies. The villa is staffed with a chef, housekeeper, and gardener. A hot tub and large pool overlook the sea, with a staircase leading down to the water.
Oracabessa is yet another bastardized Spanish name, whose derivative, Oro Cabeza, translates as "gold head." A half hour's drive east of Ocho Rios, Oracabessa is a secluded enclave of high-end tourism where Ian Fleming's Goldeneye has become the benchmark for sophisticated, hip luxury tourism in Jamaica. Oracabessa has fostered a number of artists whose crafts show more originality while being far less expensive than what is offered in the markets of Ochi, Montego Bay, or Negril. The small community offers some decent beaches and picturesque countryside for those looking to get off the beaten track. Oracabessa experienced a brief boom as an important banana port in the early 1900s. Today the community is experiencing a different kind of boom, with entrepreneur Chris Blackwell building a luxury villa development at Goldeneye that will cement the area's reputation for exclusivity.
The area from Oracabessa to Port Maria has one of the nicest stretches of coast in all of Jamaica, where cliff-side villas were built by the likes of Ian Fleming, Noel Coward, and in more recent times, record magnate Chris Blackwell. The districts of Race Course, Galina, and Little Bay have small, quiet communities where discreet tourism accommodations blend so well with the surrounding landscape that they're easy to miss.
James Bond Beach
James Bond Beach (US$5) is a private beach park in Oracabessa that holds several annual events, including Follow Di Arrow, a popular stage show in February, and Beach J'ouvert, held Easter weekend. Other events include Fully Loaded (third week in August) and Pepsi Teen Splash (Boxing Day, December 26). Fully loaded unites a long list of top-ranking dancehall, reggae, and hip-hop artists from Jamaica and abroad, backed by virtually all the best selectors. Pepsi Teen Splash is an annual dancehall stage show geared toward a youthful crowd. The park extends from the roundabout at the junction of the main road and Jack's River Road to the edge of Goldeneye. Events are held on the beach park jutting out into the sea, as well as at a venue closer to the main road. There is a restaurant and bar, as well as beach chairs.
Stingray City (tel. 876/726-1630, www.stingraycityjamaica.com, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily) is the main attraction, where visitors swim with the pet fish (US$55 adult, US$25 children; locals pay US$25 adults, US$8.50 children) on James Bond Beach when there isn't an event being held.
The entrance to James Bond Beach is located right by the roundabout on the western end of Oracabessa.
Entertainment and Food
In the center of Oracabessa there is a covered open-air produce market as well as a supermarket. Across from the police station there is also a produce stand, and up a lane by the school a bit farther east there's a shop that sells the basics like eggs, bread, and jam that opens around 7 a.m.
Sun Valley Plantation
Sun Valley Plantation (cell tel. 876/995-3075 or 876/446-2026, sunvalleyjamaica@yahoo.com, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. daily, US$12) offers an excellent guided farm tour that includes a welcome drink, and a drink and snack at end of the tour. The educational stroll about the farm familiarizes visitors with native crops like sugarcane and banana that have played important roles in Jamaica's economy and in the history of the area. Sun Valley is owned by Lorna and Nolly Binns, who live on the property with their son Bryan. Nolly's father bought the property in 1966 to grow bananas for export. Today the farm produces mainly coconuts for the local market. To get to Sun Valley, head inland at the roundabout in Oracabessa, passing through Jack's River, and stay straight rather than left at the Epping gas station for about 1.5 kilometers farther.
Brimmer Hall
Brimmer Hall (tel. 876/994-2309, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) offers tractor-drawn jitney tours around the plantation, where there's also a pool for swimming and a lunch area. Guides teach visitors about the fruit trees and give a bit of history of the estate. Brimmer Hall great house dates to the 1700s, when the farm was a slave plantation owned by Zachary Bailey. The house is full of period furnishings and antiques. To get to Brimmer Hall, head east from Port Maria and turn right three kilometers past Trinity on the road toward Bailey Town, continuing about 1.5 kilometers past there.
Asset Recording Studio
Asset Recording Studio (Race Course, tel. 876/726-2362) run by Lawrence Londal "Jah Vibes" Oliver (cell tel. 876/990-0378) and Kenya (cell tel. 876/440-4087) is owned by Germany-based Papa Curvin (cell tel. 876/389-0508, papacurvin@gmx.d), who runs back and forth between Europe and Jamaica. The studio has digital audio mixing, dub cutting, and live recording facilities. Asset Recording recently put out an album: Asset Vol. 1, with 13 tracks on their Wan-T Wan-T rhythm. This is a cool spot to stop.
Chicken Hut
Chicken Hut (Center of Oracabessa, cell tel. 876/485-8217), operated by Kerri and Yhan Chin-loy, is the best spot for a quick bite to go, with the house specialty being Chinese-style fried chicken, of course with the requisite rice and peas.
Tropical Hut
Tropical Hut (Race Course, cell tel. 876/818-8376 or 876/434-5155, US$2.50–5) is a very mellow local bar, restaurant, and jerk center owned by Ciyon Gray with chef Clinton Clarke making excellent local dishes.
Dor's Fish Pot
Dor's Fish Pot (Race Course, US$4.50–8.50) is a local favorite for all manner of fish from steamed to fried.
Galina Sports Bar
The Galina Sports Bar (Galina, US$5) sells local dishes like fried chicken with rice and peas.
Feeling Night Club
Feeling Night Club (Wharf Road, tel. 876/726-1499) has music on weekends.
Concious Corner Bar
Concious Corner Bar, located in Rio Nuevo, is a popular hangout for locals and bikers associated with the St. Mary Off-Road Biking Association and run by Norval (tel. 876/458-1430).
Exotic Jewelry by Jasazii
Exotic Jewelry by Jasazii (Jasazii and Maji McKenzie, cell tel. 876/726-0013 or 876/909-8403, jasazii@gmail.com, www.exoticjewelrybyjasazii.com) is based in Gibraltar Heights, where Jasazii and Maji have their Sacred Healing Artz Sanctuary.
Wilderness House of Art
Wilderness House of Art (Idlewhile Rd., between Galina and Race Course districts, across from a yellow house, cell tel. 876/462-8849 or 876/994-0578, babaireko@yahoo.com) is the home and studio of Ireko "Baba" Baker, who is a member of A Yard We Deh artist collective together with Tukula N'Tama and Orah El. Ireko does excellent screen-printing work and gourd art and has several good value items of practical art for sale. Ireko takes his work to various crafts fairs, on occasion to Harmony Hall in Ocho Rios or to the Grosvener Gallery in Manor Park, Kingston. Ireko's work can also be seen displayed in the foyer and rooms at Couples Negril.
Sagaree (Race Course, between Dor's Fish Hut and Tropical Hut), run by Walton Gordon, a.k.a. "Sparrow" (cell tel. 876/379-6089), is a seafront property with three permanent tents (US$45) set on raised wooden platforms that have use of common bathrooms. Sparrow lives on property with his family in true Ital style. Rates include breakfast.
High View Cottages
High View Cottages (Gibraltar Heights, tel. 876/975-3210, cell tel. 876/831-1975, U.S. tel. 718/878-5351, fax 876/726-4199, keelie07@hotmail.com, US$60) is owned by the amiable Colleen Pottinger, who lives in the main house on the property. There are two one-bedroom self-contained cottages with kitchens, private bathrooms with hot water, access to the swimming pool, and wireless Internet. There is one queen-size bed in one cottage, and two twin beds in the second cottage. There are also inflatable mattresses for extra persons. The nightly rate includes breakfast, and additional meals can be arranged. The personal attention of its owner and the quiet location on the lush Gibraltar hillside make High View a favorite home away from home for budget-minded travelers.
Tamarind Great House
Tamarind Great House (US$105–138 d) on Crescent Estate was destroyed by fire in 1987, and then rebuilt and restored to a 10-bedroom colonial-style great house by English couple Gillian and Barry Chambers, who live on the property with their son Gary. Nine attractive rooms have fans and private baths with hot water. Some rooms have private balconies. The house was completely rebuilt on the foundation of the original, while furnishings and decor reflect the colonial period. To get to Tamarind House, head inland at the roundabout in Oracabessa along Jack's River Road, keeping straight ahead at the Epping gas station; continue for about 0.8 kilometer past Sun Valley Plantation, keeping left at the broken bridge and continuing up the hill.
Goldenfoot (Gibraltar Heights, tel. 876/842-1237 or U.S. tel. 650/941-1760, agoldenfoot.villa@yahoo.com, www.agoldenfootvilla.com, US$600) is a spectacular two-bedroom villa owned by Joel Goldfus. You won't find a place with more privacy, and caretaker Godfrey is a phone call away to ensure every need is attended to.
The villa features a master bedroom with a canopy queen-size bed, and across the living room/dining room the second bedroom has two twin beds. The ceiling of the living room is detailed with bamboo work to match the bamboo construction throughout the property. Wicker furniture sits on a large veranda overlooking the pool (which is imprinted with golden feet along its edges), Oracabessa, and out to sea.
Goldeneye (tel. 876/975-3354, Kingston office tel. 876/960-8134, goldeneye@cwjamaica.com, www.islandoutpost.com/goldeneye) the former home of James Bond series author Ian Fleming, is today the most exclusive resort in Jamaica. From the moment the gates swing open off the main road, you know you have arrived at a place unlike any other. No large sign announces the property's presence from the road, a reflection of the understated grandeur that lies within.
Ian Fleming's villa boasts enormous bamboo-framed canopy beds, which beg to be slept on, but there is too much competition to stay there long. Deluxe indoor master bathrooms are complemented by an outdoor bath area that resembles paradise, surrounded by a wooden fence to ensure privacy. The villa lacks nothing, from its spacious living area to the pool outside, to the lawns overlooking Fleming's private beach. Adjacent to the pool, an enclosed lounge features a projection screen and bar.
On the opposite side of the vast property, Royal Palm sits on the tranquil lagoon surrounding a private island. It's the kind of place that makes you grateful to be alive. Downstairs, a living area with windows on all sides opens out to the front veranda, where you can step into the lagoon.
Meals are offered in a casual setting in a centrally located gazebo overlooking the water. The food is delicious and generally features the best local cuisine. It is also possible to arrange meals in your villa.
If you can drag yourself away from your villa, Nico is ready to take you on a Jet Skiing adventure to remote waterfalls for a hike and swim. Otherwise, there's always windsurfing, kayaking, or simply lazing on the beach of your private island.
Goldeneye has evolved in recent years into Jamaica's most exclusive resort community with several villas owned independently. Phase 1 of a transformational expansion completed in October 2010 adds two-bedroom and a one-bedroom satellite cottages to the grounds of Fleming House, 11 one- and two-bedroom cottages facing Low Cay Beach complemented by a restaurant and bar, and six one-bedroom villas facing the island at the edge of the lagoon. The new villas rent as part of the Goldeneye pool. A spa is also in the works.
This is not a resort for those with shallow pockets. Nightly rates vary based on the villa, but you can expect to pay in excess of US$1,000 per couple. The service is accordingly top-notch.
Firefly (Goldeneye manages the property, tel. 876/975-3677, or contact caretaker Victor cell tel. 876/420-5544, US$10 admission includes guided tour and refreshment, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., closed Fri. and Sun.) is easily one of Jamaica's most beautiful properties, with the most magnificent view of the St. Mary and Portland coast. The property has had a glamorous past, first as the home of the pirate Henry Morgan, and centuries later as a playground for playwright Noel Coward, both of whom were captivated by the stunning view that graces the small plateau. Henry Morgan's house, which dates from the 17th century, has been rebuilt and is now used as the visitors center and has a small bar and several tables. Across the lawn, Noel Coward's house remains preserved as a museum essentially as he left it. Downstairs in his studio an incomplete painting stands on the easel as if Coward was interrupted mid-stroke. His famous "room with a view" was inspiration for several works completed in there, and the piano where he entertained his famous Hollywood guests remains the centerpiece in the study. On the lawn outside, a statue of Coward immortalizes his fascination with the view as he holds his cigarette and ponders the northeast coastline. Coward's tomb is in a corner of the lawn.
At the time of Coward's death the property was left to Graham Payne, who in turn gave it to the Jamaican government, which today leases it to Chris Blackwell, whose Island Outpost manages the attraction. Up to 120 people visit Firefly daily in the high season, while the visits can drop to a trickle during the slower months.
Kokomo Beach
Kokomo Beach is a decent free public beach across the road from Casa Maria frequented mostly by locals. The beach is small and not particularly noteworthy, but good enough for a dip to cool off.
Little Bay Inn
Little Bay Inn (Little Bay, tel. 876/994-2721, US$20–25) opened in 2005 as a basic and clean guesthouse overlooking Little Bay just west of Port Maria. Nine bedroom suites have private baths with hot water, fans, double beds, and simple furnishings. The more expensive rooms have TV. A small jerk center in the yard serves food and beverages on occasion. Downstairs in the same building is Cribs Disco, where music at times blasts into the wee hours.
Swallow Hole Fisherman's Beach
Swallow Hole Fisherman's Beach (tel. 876/870-7331), located about one kilometer west of Breezes Runaway Bay, is a nice chill-out spot shaded by sea grapes. Women can be found in the mornings scaling the day's catch, which they'll readily sell, as children play in the water. The beach itself does not have fine sand.
Stop & Shop
Stop & Shop (Salem, tel. 876/973-7168, 9 a.m.–8 p.m.) has a good selection of supplies and groceries, as does H&H Wholesale, also along the main strip.
Rasta's World
Rasta's World (tel. 876/781-5820, 6 a.m.–1 a.m. daily) is a fruit stand and Rasta gear shop run by Doug Johnson, selling colorful hats and other knitted items, T-shirts, Haile Selassie patches, and other accessories.
Earth Kloz & Tingz
Earth Kloz & Tingz (adjacent to Hedonism III and the Baptist church, contact Worknesh, cell tel. 876/880-5859) sells Afro-centric clothing, tie-dye, and African fabrics.
Runaway Bay Golf Club
Runaway Bay Golf Club (greens fees US$50/80 or US$25 JGA members, US$17/25 for caddy, US$25/35 cart, US$40 Titleist clubs and US$10 for shoes for for 9/18 holes) is a 72-par 18-hole championship course. The course opened in 1960. It has long fairways, large flat greens with grassy mounds and sand bunkers. Recommended gratuity of at least US$10 per person. Guests at Jewel Resorts have greens fees waived. The Clubhouse Restaurant opens at 8 daily and serves breakfast and lunch a la carte.
Course Etiquette:
- No fivesomes
- Repair ball marks on Green
- Replace divots
- Rake Sand Bunkers
- Keep carts on Cart Paths
- Keep carts off Greens and Tees
- Allow faster players to play through
Runaway Bay Golf Club
Runaway Bay Golf Club (greens fees US$50/80 or US$25 JGA members, US$17/25 for caddy, US$25/35 cart, US$40 Titleist clubs and US$10 for shoes for for 9/18 holes) is a 72-par 18-hole championship course. The course opened in 1960. It has long fairways, large flat greens with grassy mounds and sand bunkers. Recommended gratuity of at least US$10 per person. Guests at Jewel Resorts have greens fees waived. The Clubhouse Restaurant opens at 8 daily and serves breakfast and lunch a la carte.
Course Etiquette:
- No fivesomes
- Repair ball marks on Green
- Replace divots
- Rake Sand Bunkers
- Keep carts on Cart Paths
- Keep carts off Greens and Tees
- Allow faster players to play through
Runaway Bay Golf Club
Runaway Bay Golf Club (greens fees US$50/80 or US$25 JGA members, US$17/25 for caddy, US$25/35 cart, US$40 Titleist clubs and US$10 for shoes for for 9/18 holes) is a 72-par 18-hole championship course. The course opened in 1960. It has long fairways, large flat greens with grassy mounds and sand bunkers. Recommended gratuity of at least US$10 per person. Guests at Jewel Resorts have greens fees waived. The Clubhouse Restaurant opens at 8 daily and serves breakfast and lunch a la carte.
Course Etiquette:
- No fivesomes
- Repair ball marks on Green
- Replace divots
- Rake Sand Bunkers
- Keep carts on Cart Paths
- Keep carts off Greens and Tees
- Allow faster players to play through
Runaway Bay Golf Club
Runaway Bay Golf Club (greens fees US$50/80 or US$25 JGA members, US$17/25 for caddy, US$25/35 cart, US$40 Titleist clubs and US$10 for shoes for for 9/18 holes) is a 72-par 18-hole championship course. The course opened in 1960. It has long fairways, large flat greens with grassy mounds and sand bunkers. Recommended gratuity of at least US$10 per person. Guests at Jewel Resorts have greens fees waived. The Clubhouse Restaurant opens at 8 daily and serves breakfast and lunch a la carte.
Course Etiquette:
- No fivesomes
- Repair ball marks on Green
- Replace divots
- Rake Sand Bunkers
- Keep carts on Cart Paths
- Keep carts off Greens and Tees
- Allow faster players to play through
Seven Stars
Seven Stars, located on the left just past the stoplight as you enter town from the east, hosts occasional street party sessions in an open-air compound.
Club Jamaica Jamaica
Club Jamaica Jamaica (Lot #20-B, Cardiff Hall, tel. 876/973-5815, info@club-jamaicajamaica.com, www.club-jamaicajamaica.com) is at times one of the hottest venues on the North Coast. The venue has four floors, with bars on each and plush white-cushioned furniture on the upper levels. A bar on the first floor is painted with pictures of some of Jamaica's legendary reggae artists.
Lazy Day Cottages
Lazy Day Cottages (turn left at stoplight toward Brown's Town and left down a narrow lane just before Save a Dollar variety store, tel. 876/973-4318, cell tel. 876/776-3372, US$–30) has basic rooms with double beds, fans, and cold water in private bathrooms. One room has a kitchenette, while one two-bedroom cottage separate from the rest, known as the Bob Marley Cottage, is more tasteful, in a rustic sense, with simple wood construction and a lovers' loft. Lazy Day Cottages rooms are frequently used in three-hour intervals but also get their share of foreign guests on a shoestring budget. You may see the owner, Marlene Taylor, who is often off working abroad. Security at Lazy Day is dubious, with threats and break-ins having been reported by management.
The Runaways Suites Hotel
The Runaways Suites Hotel (tel. 876/408-2101, runaways001@yahoo.com, US$70) has basic rooms with tiled floors, air-conditioning, and hot water. While it is not the most charming accommodations, rates are reasonable and the hotel is situated centrally along the highway with food upstairs and the beach five minutes away.
Salem Resort
Salem Resort (Salem, tel. 876/973-4256, salemresort@yahoo.com, www.salemresort.com, US$40–80) offers basic accommodation with rooms ranging from basic with a standing fan to suites with ceiling fans, air-conditioning, and kitchenettes.
Runaway Heart Hotel
Runaway Heart Hotel (tel. 876/973-6671, runaway.heart@cwjamaica.com, www.runawayheart.com.jm, US$83/90 low/high season) is a hotel run by Jamaica's HEART training institute in close proximity to the golf course. The hotel has 56 rooms, which are well maintained with tiled floors and floral bed-covers on one king-size or two double beds, balconies overlooking the bay, TV, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water. A computer in the office is available for guests to browse the Web and is included in the rate. There is a pool and small fitness center at the hotel as well.
Club Ambiance
Club Ambiance (tel. 876/973-6167, 876/973-4605, or 876/973-4606, toll free tel. 800/822-3274, info@clubambiencejamaica.com, www.clubambience.com, US$95/105 low/high season) is a 90-room property billed as an alternative to the mega resorts. Rooms have king-size beds, air-conditioning, hot water, and TV, with basic wooden furniture and tiled floors. Decor is definitively early 1990s, with loud colored bedspreads and kitschy art on the walls. There is one villa on property with a private pool that can accommodate up to six people (US$570/630 low/high season). The hotel has a lively activities schedule. Guests must be 18 or over.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Idle Hours villa
Idle Hours villa (US$2,800/3,300 weekly low/high season) is a three-bedroom, three-bath villa on one of Jamaica's finest strips of private beach in the heart of Runaway Bay. Amenities include a private pool overlooking the beach, a well-manicured lawn, and Wi-Fi, with full-time housekeeper, chef, and security. Rooms have king-size beds, ceiling fans, and air-conditioning.
Itopia (US$495/night) is a lovely country home owned by the Henzells, the family whose late patriarch, Perry, brought the world The Harder They Come, the film that helped to catapult a young Jimmy Cliff to international superstardom in the early 1970s. Built in 1660 as the overseer's house at Cardiff Hall estate, the cut-stone three-bedroom home is cozy and charming, in a preserved colonial state enhanced by the design genius of Sally Henzell and appointed with colonial era furnishings and funky family memorabilia. A fourth bedroom and entertainment room are located around back in a separate building. To get there, head inland at the gas station on the edge of the Breezes Runaway Bay Golf Course, and take the second left after Runaway Heart Hotel on Poinciana Road. Stay to the left when the road splits, pass a Water Commission pump station and then Cardiff Hall Great House on the left, and then take the second left and the first right. It's about a 15-minute drive to Runaway Bay. Euphemia, the cook and housekeeper, prepares delicious meals.
Itopia (US$495/night) is a lovely country home owned by the Henzells, the family whose late patriarch, Perry, brought the world The Harder They Come, the film that helped to catapult a young Jimmy Cliff to international superstardom in the early 1970s. Built in 1660 as the overseer's house at Cardiff Hall estate, the cut-stone three-bedroom home is cozy and charming, in a preserved colonial state enhanced by the design genius of Sally Henzell and appointed with colonial era furnishings and funky family memorabilia. A fourth bedroom and entertainment room are located around back in a separate building. To get there, head inland at the gas station on the edge of the Breezes Runaway Bay Golf Course, and take the second left after Runaway Heart Hotel on Poinciana Road. Stay to the left when the road splits, pass a Water Commission pump station and then Cardiff Hall Great House on the left, and then take the second left and the first right. It's about a 15-minute drive to Runaway Bay. Euphemia, the cook and housekeeper, prepares delicious meals.
Itopia (US$495/night) is a lovely country home owned by the Henzells, the family whose late patriarch, Perry, brought the world The Harder They Come, the film that helped to catapult a young Jimmy Cliff to international superstardom in the early 1970s. Built in 1660 as the overseer's house at Cardiff Hall estate, the cut-stone three-bedroom home is cozy and charming, in a preserved colonial state enhanced by the design genius of Sally Henzell and appointed with colonial era furnishings and funky family memorabilia. A fourth bedroom and entertainment room are located around back in a separate building. To get there, head inland at the gas station on the edge of the Breezes Runaway Bay Golf Course, and take the second left after Runaway Heart Hotel on Poinciana Road. Stay to the left when the road splits, pass a Water Commission pump station and then Cardiff Hall Great House on the left, and then take the second left and the first right. It's about a 15-minute drive to Runaway Bay. Euphemia, the cook and housekeeper, prepares delicious meals.
Itopia (US$495/night) is a lovely country home owned by the Henzells, the family whose late patriarch, Perry, brought the world The Harder They Come, the film that helped to catapult a young Jimmy Cliff to international superstardom in the early 1970s. Built in 1660 as the overseer's house at Cardiff Hall estate, the cut-stone three-bedroom home is cozy and charming, in a preserved colonial state enhanced by the design genius of Sally Henzell and appointed with colonial era furnishings and funky family memorabilia. A fourth bedroom and entertainment room are located around back in a separate building. To get there, head inland at the gas station on the edge of the Breezes Runaway Bay Golf Course, and take the second left after Runaway Heart Hotel on Poinciana Road. Stay to the left when the road splits, pass a Water Commission pump station and then Cardiff Hall Great House on the left, and then take the second left and the first right. It's about a 15-minute drive to Runaway Bay. Euphemia, the cook and housekeeper, prepares delicious meals.
Itopia (US$495/night) is a lovely country home owned by the Henzells, the family whose late patriarch, Perry, brought the world The Harder They Come, the film that helped to catapult a young Jimmy Cliff to international superstardom in the early 1970s. Built in 1660 as the overseer's house at Cardiff Hall estate, the cut-stone three-bedroom home is cozy and charming, in a preserved colonial state enhanced by the design genius of Sally Henzell and appointed with colonial era furnishings and funky family memorabilia. A fourth bedroom and entertainment room are located around back in a separate building. To get there, head inland at the gas station on the edge of the Breezes Runaway Bay Golf Course, and take the second left after Runaway Heart Hotel on Poinciana Road. Stay to the left when the road splits, pass a Water Commission pump station and then Cardiff Hall Great House on the left, and then take the second left and the first right. It's about a 15-minute drive to Runaway Bay. Euphemia, the cook and housekeeper, prepares delicious meals.
Itopia (US$495/night) is a lovely country home owned by the Henzells, the family whose late patriarch, Perry, brought the world The Harder They Come, the film that helped to catapult a young Jimmy Cliff to international superstardom in the early 1970s. Built in 1660 as the overseer's house at Cardiff Hall estate, the cut-stone three-bedroom home is cozy and charming, in a preserved colonial state enhanced by the design genius of Sally Henzell and appointed with colonial era furnishings and funky family memorabilia. A fourth bedroom and entertainment room are located around back in a separate building. To get there, head inland at the gas station on the edge of the Breezes Runaway Bay Golf Course, and take the second left after Runaway Heart Hotel on Poinciana Road. Stay to the left when the road splits, pass a Water Commission pump station and then Cardiff Hall Great House on the left, and then take the second left and the first right. It's about a 15-minute drive to Runaway Bay. Euphemia, the cook and housekeeper, prepares delicious meals.
Itopia (US$495/night) is a lovely country home owned by the Henzells, the family whose late patriarch, Perry, brought the world The Harder They Come, the film that helped to catapult a young Jimmy Cliff to international superstardom in the early 1970s. Built in 1660 as the overseer's house at Cardiff Hall estate, the cut-stone three-bedroom home is cozy and charming, in a preserved colonial state enhanced by the design genius of Sally Henzell and appointed with colonial era furnishings and funky family memorabilia. A fourth bedroom and entertainment room are located around back in a separate building. To get there, head inland at the gas station on the edge of the Breezes Runaway Bay Golf Course, and take the second left after Runaway Heart Hotel on Poinciana Road. Stay to the left when the road splits, pass a Water Commission pump station and then Cardiff Hall Great House on the left, and then take the second left and the first right. It's about a 15-minute drive to Runaway Bay. Euphemia, the cook and housekeeper, prepares delicious meals.
Last Lick
Last Lick (Black Ants Corner, Runaway Bay, contact Adina Parchment, villa manager at Jakes, tel. 876/965-3000 or 876/844-9803, jakesvillas@cwjamaica.com, jakes@cwjamaica.com, US$95/115 low/high) was a piece of land given as a 40th birthday gift from the late director Perry Henzell (The Harder They Come) to his wife Sally. Right away Sally painted a watercolor of the house she wanted to build there, and in 1981 a Robinson Crusoe–like two-story cottage was erected amid a garden of flowering shrubs and trees true to her artistic vision.
Built on a cake slice–shaped piece of land with the sea on two sides of the triangle, the two-bedroom stone cottage has a little sitting room with a kitchen in one corner on the ground floor, a bathroom with a tub that doubles as a powder room and leads into a bedroom with three French windows opening to the sea. Another door leads to the outside patio, which serves as the dining room and hangout area. A sandpit for sunbathing and a shower for washing off separate the cottage from the sea, where a ladder descends to the water, shallow enough to stand, and good for snorkeling around the coral heads. Other steps lead down to a shallower part of the sea, which has mineral water flowing in from a stream, known as "the healing baum." The spring is prized for its regenerative powers and the sea is crystal clear. An upstairs bedroom and bathroom has French windows opening out to a sea view and is accessible by using the outside stairs or a ladder from the ground level. Housekeeping is included, with meals prepared for an additional US$25 per day per person.
Holiday Haven Condo Resort
Holiday Haven Condo Resort (Opposite Breezes Runaway Bay, tel. 876/973-4893, www.holidayhaven.biz, www.holidayhaven@cwjamaica.com, US$88–260) is a condo complex offering standard rooms as well as one- and two-bedroom suites with kitchen and living and dining areas. The complex is located across the road from the coast, a short walk to the fishermen's beach.
Franklyn D. Resort (FDR)
Franklyn D. Resort (FDR) (tel. 876/973-4591, reservations@fdrholidays.com, www.fdrholidays.com, US$250/375 per person low/high season) is a family-oriented all-inclusive that differentiates itself by offering each family a dedicated nanny (US$4/hour).
Royal DeCameron Club Caribbean
Royal DeCameron Club Caribbean (tel. 876/973-4802, ventas.jam@decameron.com, US$94/110 per person low/high season) is the second hotel of the DeCameron group in Jamaica. There are 183 pleasant rooms, some in a main block; others are either beachfront or garden cottages with king-size beds, air-conditioning, TV, and hot water. The property has two pools and a private beach. The property offers guests bicycles, which can be quite useful for those interested in moving about, as Runaway Bay is a configured in a spread-out strip.
Hedonism III
Hedonism III (tel. 876/973-4100 or U.S. tel. 877/GO-SUPER (877/467-8737), www.superclubs.com) is the second such establishment on the island, after Negril's Hedonism II. The resort bills itself as a place to escape inhibitions and worries and focus on guilty pleasures. All the features of SuperClubs all-inclusive resorts are present, from the trapeze on the beach to swim-up bars. Of course Hedonism sets itself apart with whirlpool tubs in every room, mirrors over the bed, and nude beaches outside. With the exception of sex out in the open, everything else goes. Several organized events are held throughout the year to market vacation packages, and porn stars like Devin Lane have been invited guests in the past to help cement the resort's risqué reputation.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Jewel Runaway Bay
Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a 266-room all-inclusive resort across the road from the Runaway Bay Gold Course. It has three swimming pools and 40 suites with private plunge pools. A three-story block on the western beach has 30 oceanfront rooms and suites, 14 of which have private plunge pools. In the eastern courtyard, there are 30 garden-view veranda suites, also with private plunge pools. The rooms are spacious with complete amenities like minifridge, flat panel TV and various bed arrangements, with two double or one king in the standard "premiere" and "waterview" rooms and either a shower or shower/tub combo. Oceanfront suites have king beds. The one-bedroom waterview butler suites have oversize king beds and a living room area. The plunge pool one-bedroom oceanfront suites have 4-poster king beds. The one-bedroom suites offer 24-hour room service, in suite check-in and a host of additional amenities.
Gran Bahia Principe
Gran Bahia Principe (Salt Coppers Villa, tel. 876/973-7000, U.S. toll-free 866/282-2442) is a monstrous, 680-room resort quite obviously built in a hurry. The hotel features junior suites facing the sea or the pool area, buffet and a la carte dining, and Jamaica's longest lazy river. Rooms have one king or two queen beds, local cable and satellite TV with en suite bathrooms. This is one of the least expensive all-inclusive hotels on the island, with the value of the experience corresponding to the cost.
Sharkies (Salem Beach, cell tel. 876/881-5760, 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) is a seafood restaurant serving items like fried, roasted, and steamed fish (US$7–10), conch (fritters, stewed, or curried, US$5–7), and lobster (US$15).
The Runaways Sports Bar and Grill
The Runaways Sports Bar & Grill (7am-3am daily, US$9-36) is a cool local joint on top of a four-story no-frills hotel in the easternmost of Runaway Bay's little shopping plazas in Salem district . The roof has a small swimming pool, two billiards tables, and flat-screen TVs airing major sports broadcasts. The bar serves domestic beers and mixed drinks, with the kitchen serving breakfast items like ackee and saltfish and Jamaican dishes like fried chicken and steam fish. A budget hotel downstairs has no-frills accommodations with kitchenettes.
Northern Jerk
Northern Jerk (tel. 876/973-7365, 10 a.m.–midnight daily), in Northern Shopping complex next to Northern Bar, has good food and maintains a clean kitchen. Fried and baked chicken are served, in addition to jerk (US$2–5.25), plus ice cream, cakes, and pastries.
Food Fa Life
Food Fa Life (contact Lantie Minto, cell tel. 876/388-5322, 6 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat.), located in a container near the Devon House ice cream shop, opened in 2007 serving veggie dishes like veggie chunks, mince, ackee (US$3–4.50) and natural juices like June plum, cherry, beet, lemonade, and ginger (US$2–3.50).
Devon House I Scream
Devon House I Scream has a shop next to Tek It Easy.
Flavours (tel. 876/973-5457, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. daily), located on Runaway Bay's public beach, is a popular local hangout specializing in seafood, burgers, and local dishes (US$5–40).
Papa Rome's Pizza & Family Restaurant
Papa Rome's Pizza & Family Restaurant (beside Shell Station, tel. 876/973-4435, cell tel. 876/438-1428, or 876/581-5893, noon–9:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., noon–10 p.m. Fri.–Sun., cash only) serves small (US$6.75), medium (US$10), and large pizzas (US$14.50) with a variety of topping choices.
Bayside Pastries
Bayside Pastries (2-A Main St., tel. 876/973-5807, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) sells rum and fruit cake, potato pudding, and Jamaican staples (US$2.50–4.25), soups (US$.70–2.25), and patties (US$.80).
Island Rock Sports Bar and Grill
Island Rock Sports Bar and Grill (Main St., Salem, tel. 876/973-6661, 10 a.m.–midnight daily, US$3–22), located across from the road leading to Hedonism III, is a laid-back restaurant and bar serving a variety of local dishes.
Jamaica Seafood Restaurant
At Jamaica Seafood Restaurant (Main St., tel. 876/398-2838, 8:30 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) chef Noel serves typical Jamaican dishes, fish, and conch soup.
Leaca's Restaurant
Leaca's Restaurant (Main St., tel. 876/434-5466, 8 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) serves Jamaican breakfast and lunch and dinner staples like ackee and saltfish, fried chicken, curry goat, and oxtail accompanied by rice and peas.
The British Bulldog
The British Bulldog (Main St. Salem, tel. 876/540-4662, 10 a.m.–11 p.m. daily) claims the title of the only British-owned pub in Jamaica. Karaoke is staged every Sunday (8:30 p.m.–late), and there's a pool table for the slower nights. Little differentiates this from other bars where the beverage offering is concerned.
Discovery Bay
Originally named Puerto Seco (Dry Harbor) by Christopher Columbus, Discovery Bay was renamed to reflect the debated assertion that this was the first point in Jamaica where the explorer made landfall. Many experts believe that the actual first point of entry was in Rio Bueno, a few kilometers farther west, where Columbus could have sought freshwater. Irrespective of this disputed historical detail, Discovery Bay has played an important role in Jamaica's more recent history, first as a bustling export port where barrels of sugar and rum departed for Europe, and then from the early part of the 20th century as a bauxite port. It remains one of the few active bauxite facilities in Jamaica following the global economic downturn of 2009, when half the island's alumina and bauxite operations went idle. The industrious port is the curious backdrop for perhaps Jamaica's staunchest enclave of old Jamaican money, with several of the country's wealthiest families owning beachfront villas facing the bay.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Puerto Seco Beach Club
Puerto Seco Beach Club (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US20 adults, US$10 children 5–11, children under 5 free) was completely reimagined and renovated in 2017-2018 after Guardsman Hospitality, the recreational arm of Kingston businessman Kenny Benjamin's security group, took a lease on the property. The revamped beach club officially opened on 22 September 2018 and has heralded in a new era for Discovery Bay, transforming its tired town beach into a destination attracting beachgoers from across the island and around the world. Admission includes access to the beautiful white sand beach with its crystal clear waters and use of the 150-foot pool, as well as shade under large beach huts on a first-come, first-serve basis and Wi-Fi. Beach chairs (US$5) and umbrellas (US$5) are availbale for rent if the shade under the thatch is all spoken for. Large groups can opt for private cabanas (US$150), which come with a six pack of beer, juice and water, a fruit plate and personal butler. Watersports on offer include Jamaica's only Wibit floating obstacle course (US$10pp), a challenging load of fun that puts even the best sense of balance to the test. Glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, paddle boards, kayaks and diving are also offered (from US$10). The restaurant serves burgers, fish and bar food and a Walkerswood jerk pit grills up chicken and pork. Larger groups can pre-book buffet-style meals (US$15-20pp). The service at the Puerto Seco is top notch and lifeguards abound with watchful eyes. Dolphin Discovery opened its fifth location in Jamaica at Puerto Seco Beach Club in 2019. Patrons are not permitted to bring their own food or beverages.
Quadrant Wharf
Quadrant Wharf is the old sugar terminal where an old winch lies rusting. A plaque on the wall facing the road tells of the importance of the location, from Columbus' landing to the export of sugar, arms, and bauxite.
Columbus Park
Just around the bend from the bauxite terminal in Old Folly, Columbus Park (free) hugs the steep slope rising from the western side of the bay. The park consists of an open-air museum wedged between the highway and the slope descending to the water, with a mural depicting the arrival of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus and several relics from the colonial period scattered about.
Discovery Bay Villa
Discovery Bay Villa (tel. 876/973-2836 or 876/973-2663) is a convenient and affordable accommodation a three-minute walk from Puerto Seco Beach across the highway. The spacious two-story house has a downstairs bedroom with queen-size bed, TV, and fan (US$40), as well as two rooms upstairs: one with queen-size bed, air-conditioning, and TV (US$55), the other with a king-size bed, air-conditioning, TV, and a whirlpool tub in the bathroom (US$60).
Paradise Place
Paradise Place (54 Bridgewater Garden, Poinciana Drive at the corner of and Sunflower Dr., contact owner Paul Shaw, tel. 876/973-9495, or cell tel. 876/862-2095, in the UK 44/(0)876973-9495, shawtop@aol.com, www.paradiseplace54.com) is set back from the highway in a quiet subdivision, run by a returning resident who offers a total of six rooms, four in two two-bedroom apartments (US$80) and two additional stand-alone rooms (US$60), all of them with pine furniture, air-conditioning, microwave, and fridge. There's a front and back veranda accessible to all guests with sea views from the back, with a hot tub in a gazebo in the yard also for common use.
Sugar Bay
Sugar Bay (Peter McConnell, tel. 876/903-6125, pmcconnell@worthyparkestate.com, www.jamaicavillas.com, US$11,900/14,400 weekly low/high season) is a deluxe five-bedroom, 5.5-bath villa, with private beach and exquisite decor.
Amanoka is one of the most luxurious villas in Jamaica, if not the most over-the-top, catering to the pinnacle of the high-end market. Amenities include a spa, tennis courts, private beach, infinity pool, and a large hot tub (US$18,000/21,000 weekly low/high season for up to 14 people).
Whispering Waters
Whispering Waters (Fortlands Rd., contact Mark McConnell, tel. 876/361-4005 or 876/708-2155, nicolab@cwjamaica.com, www.whisperingwatersjamaica.com, US$13,950/17,950 per week low/high) is a 9,000-square-foot ultra luxurious villa with seven bedrooms, each having en suite bathrooms, air-conditioning, and flat panel TVs with cable and DVD players. Other features include a business center, private beach with kayaks, a large pool and Jacuzzi, lighted tennis courts, and a state-of-the-art gym.
Fortlands Point
Fortlands Point (rents through SunVillas, contact Alan, tel. 888/625-6007, or locally contact Latoya, tel. 876/544-9497, info@sunvillas.com, www.sunvillas.com) is a seven-bedroom villa with three private beaches affectionately known as The Fort. Amenities include a squash court and full gymnasium. The whole of the living and entertainment areas are on the north side of the property, with a 180-degree view and absolutely great privacy.
Ultimate Jerk Center
Ultimate Jerk Center (10 minutes west of Breezes approaching Discovery Bay, tel. 876/973-2054, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. daily, US$1–5) does stewed chicken and pork, curry goat, stewed conch, potato, festival, bammy, fritters, rice and peas, and french fries. The bar serves a variety of liquor, and every last Saturday of the month an oldies party is held. Ultimate is a popular spot for locals to congregate to take in a cricket match, eat jerk, and vibe out. The jerk is the best in the area and doesn't linger on the grill thanks to a steady flow of traffic.
Coconut Tree Restaurant & Bar
Coconut Tree Restaurant & Bar (Dairy Pen, tel. 876/973-9781, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. daily) serves typical Jamaican fare, jerk, and patties.
Grill 3000
Grill 3000 (Main Street, 0.25 mile west of Green Grotto Cave, by Auto Towing and Repossession Enterprises, contact proprietor Lindel Lawrence, tel. 876/973-3000, 9 a.m. until the last person leaves, US$1–3.50) serves steamed fish and fish soup accompanied by cornmeal dumplings, as well as cappuccino to wash it down. Grill 3000 is little more than a roadside BBQ pit, but the bargain-priced steamed fish is some of the best available on the island, incredibly prepared by a man who spends most of the day towing vehicles.
PSSL Supermarket
PSSL Supermarket (Philmore Mall, tel. 876/670-0327) is a good bet for groceries and supplies.
Ebony Restaurant and Natural juice Bar
Ebony Restaurant and Natural juice Bar (Main St., tel. 876/578-3317, US$1.50–2.25) serves typical local and vegetarian cuisine and natural juices. Pizza King, at the same location, serves pizza by the slice (US$2) or whole (9-inch or 11-inch, US$10–12).
The Half Way Tree Courthouse
The Half Way Tree Courthouse adjacent to the Parish Church is a good example of Georgian architecture, dating from 1807. The front of the building is covered with latticework, presumably to keep out the heat as a form of early air conditioning. The building has been repaired and altered several times to fix storm damage, while it miraculously escaped damage during the 1907 earthquake.
The courthouse has seen many uses, from ex-slaves obtaining their certificates of freedom to agricultural society meetings. After the construction of the Resident Magistrates Court on nearby Maxfield Avenue in 1920, court sessions were no longer held at Half Way Tree Courthouse. Up until the mid-1980s, the building was used as a branch of the Institute of Jamaica called the Junior Centre, which held skills-training courses. In 2002, the center reopened and for a time hosted dance classes of the National Dance Theatre Company under the direction of late UWI professor Rex Nettleford. The courthouse was listed as a Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) site in 1957, and in 1985 the Jamaica Gazette declared it a National Monument. Meanwhile the structure suffered neglect and decay.
One important trial held at the Half Way Tree Courthouse was that of Alexander Bedward, a popular folk hero and founder of a Native Free Baptist sect known as Bedwardism. Bedward was an early Black Nationalist who spoke out against the religious and government authorities of the day. For this he was committed to Bellevue asylum until his death in 1930.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church (McDonald Lane) was founded in Jamaica in 1972. This is the original state church of Ethiopia to which Haile Selassie I belonged. The church has an awkward relationship with Rastafarians in Jamaica; many of them have been baptized as Ethiopian Orthodox, including Bob Marley's children. To this day, the construction remains incomplete with little more than a foundation in place. Its construction has been held up by a lack of cosmic alignment and a lack of togetherness in the Rasta community, according to Rasta elder Kojo and many others who share his view. Meanwhile, many inside the Ethiopian Church scorn Rastas for considering Haile Selassie a God.
Hindu Temple
Kingston's Hindu Temple (114B hagley Park Road Kingdton ) holds events for all the major Hindu holidays including Ganesh Puja and Diwali. Local Hindus attend in heavy numbers on Sunday mornings.
Devon House
Still one of Kingston's finest homes (guided tours 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat., last tour at 4:30 p.m., US$5 for adults, US$1.50 for children under 12), Devon House is a source of pride for the City. The mansion was constructed in 1881 by Jamaica's first black millionaire, George Stiebel, who made his fortune in Venezuelan gold. Some of the city's predominantly white elite of the day were less than happy to be outdone by a black man; it is said that Lady Musgrave--wife of Governor General Lord Musgrave, who founded the Institute of Jamaica--actually had a road built (Lady Musgrave Road) so she wouldn't have to bear the humiliation of passing the spectacular mansion that humbled even her husband's residence. For many years Devon House was home to the National Gallery, before it relocated to Ocean Boulevard in 1983. Today the inside is furnished and decorated with a range of English, French, and Caribbean antiques, as well as some reproductions. The courtyard behind Devon House is full of boutique shops.
Devon House
Still one of Kingston's finest homes (guided tours 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat., last tour at 4:30 p.m., US$5 for adults, US$1.50 for children under 12), Devon House is a source of pride for the City. The mansion was constructed in 1881 by Jamaica's first black millionaire, George Stiebel, who made his fortune in Venezuelan gold. Some of the city's predominantly white elite of the day were less than happy to be outdone by a black man; it is said that Lady Musgrave--wife of Governor General Lord Musgrave, who founded the Institute of Jamaica--actually had a road built (Lady Musgrave Road) so she wouldn't have to bear the humiliation of passing the spectacular mansion that humbled even her husband's residence. For many years Devon House was home to the National Gallery, before it relocated to Ocean Boulevard in 1983. Today the inside is furnished and decorated with a range of English, French, and Caribbean antiques, as well as some reproductions. The courtyard behind Devon House is full of boutique shops.
Devon House
Still one of Kingston's finest homes (guided tours 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat., last tour at 4:30 p.m., US$5 for adults, US$1.50 for children under 12), Devon House is a source of pride for the City. The mansion was constructed in 1881 by Jamaica's first black millionaire, George Stiebel, who made his fortune in Venezuelan gold. Some of the city's predominantly white elite of the day were less than happy to be outdone by a black man; it is said that Lady Musgrave--wife of Governor General Lord Musgrave, who founded the Institute of Jamaica--actually had a road built (Lady Musgrave Road) so she wouldn't have to bear the humiliation of passing the spectacular mansion that humbled even her husband's residence. For many years Devon House was home to the National Gallery, before it relocated to Ocean Boulevard in 1983. Today the inside is furnished and decorated with a range of English, French, and Caribbean antiques, as well as some reproductions. The courtyard behind Devon House is full of boutique shops.
Bob Marley Museum
Located in Bob Marley's former residence at 56 Hope Road, just north of New Kingston, the house and museum (US$20 adults, US$10 children 4–12) has been turned into a shrine to the man and his music, with rooms full of newspaper clippings and personal effects. One-hour tours run Monday–Saturday; tours start at 9:30 a.m. and the last tour leaves at 4 p.m. Around back, there's a gift shop and a gallery has transient exhibitions. A comfortable, cozy theater is a great place to catch a movie. A presentation on Marley is available as part of the tour, and the theater is also used for occasional touring international film festivals.
Bob Marley Museum
Located in Bob Marley's former residence at 56 Hope Road, just north of New Kingston, the house and museum (US$20 adults, US$10 children 4–12) has been turned into a shrine to the man and his music, with rooms full of newspaper clippings and personal effects. One-hour tours run Monday–Saturday; tours start at 9:30 a.m. and the last tour leaves at 4 p.m. Around back, there's a gift shop and a gallery has transient exhibitions. A comfortable, cozy theater is a great place to catch a movie. A presentation on Marley is available as part of the tour, and the theater is also used for occasional touring international film festivals.
Bob Marley Museum
Located in Bob Marley's former residence at 56 Hope Road, just north of New Kingston, the house and museum (US$20 adults, US$10 children 4–12) has been turned into a shrine to the man and his music, with rooms full of newspaper clippings and personal effects. One-hour tours run Monday–Saturday; tours start at 9:30 a.m. and the last tour leaves at 4 p.m. Around back, there's a gift shop and a gallery has transient exhibitions. A comfortable, cozy theater is a great place to catch a movie. A presentation on Marley is available as part of the tour, and the theater is also used for occasional touring international film festivals.
Legend Café
Legend Café, on one side of the main gate, has great steamed fish and fresh juices. Marley's Land Rover sits under a protective carport in the other corner of the yard in front of a wall plastered with Wailers photos. Photos are not allowed inside or behind the main building that houses the museum.
King's House
King's House has been the home of the Governor General since the capital was moved from Spanish Town in 1872. Jamaica's official head of state is appointed by the Queen of England for six-year terms. King's House was formerly the residence of Jamaica's Anglican Bishop. The original building was destroyed in the 1907 earthquake and rebuilt in 1909. The grounds have nice gardens that can be toured. Jamaica House, just south of King's House on the same grounds, is now the location for the Prime Minister's offices and is closed to the public.
King's House
King's House has been the home of the Governor General since the capital was moved from Spanish Town in 1872. Jamaica's official head of state is appointed by the Queen of England for six-year terms. King's House was formerly the residence of Jamaica's Anglican Bishop. The original building was destroyed in the 1907 earthquake and rebuilt in 1909. The grounds have nice gardens that can be toured. Jamaica House, just south of King's House on the same grounds, is now the location for the Prime Minister's offices and is closed to the public.
Royal Hope Botanical Gardens
Hope Botanical Gardens (just below University of Technology on western side of Hope Rd., 6 a.m.–6:30 p.m. daily, free admission, parking US$1.50) was founded in 1873 and is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture. The park is managed by an NGO, Nature Preservation Foundation. It's a great place to hang out in the shade of a bombacacea tree or picnic on the grass. A diverse collecton of flowering and non-flowering exotic and endemic plants isn't as well labeled as it could be.
Named for Major Richard Hope who once owned the estate on which the gardens were later planted, the gardens span 21 acres on the Liguanea Plain. The gardens were officially renamed the Royal Botanical Garden on the visit of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Hoped served as a research station for several important crops, including sugarcane, banana, yam, sweet potato, coffee and pineapple.
Also located at the property are the Hope Zoo and a restaurant, The Tea Room.
Royal Hope Botanical Gardens
Hope Botanical Gardens (just below University of Technology on western side of Hope Rd., 6 a.m.–6:30 p.m. daily, free admission, parking US$1.50) was founded in 1873 and is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture. The park is managed by an NGO, Nature Preservation Foundation. It's a great place to hang out in the shade of a bombacacea tree or picnic on the grass. A diverse collecton of flowering and non-flowering exotic and endemic plants isn't as well labeled as it could be.
Named for Major Richard Hope who once owned the estate on which the gardens were later planted, the gardens span 21 acres on the Liguanea Plain. The gardens were officially renamed the Royal Botanical Garden on the visit of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Hoped served as a research station for several important crops, including sugarcane, banana, yam, sweet potato, coffee and pineapple.
Also located at the property are the Hope Zoo and a restaurant, The Tea Room.
Royal Hope Botanical Gardens
Hope Botanical Gardens (just below University of Technology on western side of Hope Rd., 6 a.m.–6:30 p.m. daily, free admission, parking US$1.50) was founded in 1873 and is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture. The park is managed by an NGO, Nature Preservation Foundation. It's a great place to hang out in the shade of a bombacacea tree or picnic on the grass. A diverse collecton of flowering and non-flowering exotic and endemic plants isn't as well labeled as it could be.
Named for Major Richard Hope who once owned the estate on which the gardens were later planted, the gardens span 21 acres on the Liguanea Plain. The gardens were officially renamed the Royal Botanical Garden on the visit of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Hoped served as a research station for several important crops, including sugarcane, banana, yam, sweet potato, coffee and pineapple.
Also located at the property are the Hope Zoo and a restaurant, The Tea Room.
The University of the West Indies
The University of the West Indies, in the quiet residential neighborhood of Mona, is worth a visit as the campus sits at the base of the Blue Mountains and has extensive rolling lawns with interesting ruins of the old Mona Estate aqueduct and a beautiful mural created by Belgian artist Claude Rahir with the help of UWI students.
The cut-stone University Chapel by the main entrance is an excellent example of Georgian architecture. It was transported block by block from Gales Valley Estate in Trelawny at the bidding of Princess Alice, first chancellor of the University. The former sugar warehouse was given a new life at UWI, its interior decorated with materials from all the countries the university has served. The coats of arms of these countries are inlaid in the chapel ceiling.
Cherry Gardens Great House
Cherry Gardens Great House was built by Scottish Planter Joseph Gordon, father of national hero George William Gordon, who was born to a quadroon slave in humble quarters next to the main house. George William Gordon went on to become a successful mulatto businessman who agitated for civil rights until he was executed for taking a stand. A drive up through Cherry Gardens gives a glimpse into Uptown, with concrete mansions covering the landscape. Cherry Gardens Great House is a breath of fresh air amongst monstrosities seemingly built with no regard for the surrounding environment. The great house itself is an architectural masterpiece, where louvered windows keep the inside dark and cool while allowing the breeze to move freely through. Though the house is not open to the public, the owners, Oliver Jones and family, are friendly enough and don't mind people stopping by for a look at the outside.
The Rock Tower
The Rock Tower (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) also known as ROKTOWA by the artists, is an inner-city gallery that helps develop local talent by encouraging linkages between practical art and export markets. Creative Director Melinda Brown brought the concept from her pioneering studio in New York City's Meatpacking district to Downtown Kingston, where she continues her crusade for urban renewal through community art. ROKTOWA artists work in oil, clay, and alabaster, among other materials.
Revolution Gallery
Revolution Gallery (10 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat.) has some exceptional crafts as well as excellent work by Jamaican painter Natalie Barnes, among many more.
Island Art & Framing
Island Art & Framing sells a wide variety of local and imported arts and crafts and can frame just about anything.
New Kingston
Christopher's (20–22 Trinidad Terrace, tel. 876/754-7823) bar and lounge, located on the ground floor of Quad, has a busy, pleasant, upscale atmosphere with free Wi-Fi and good bar food. Battered jumbo shrimp, crab cakes, and two beers go for US$25. Christopher's is a favorite after-work spot for Kingston's corporate set.
Club Escape (24 Knutsford Blvd., tel. 876/960-1856, open 24/7, US$6 for men, US$5 for ladies after 9 p.m. Fri. and Sat.) is an outdoor bar and nightclub that often has heated dominoes games in the early evenings, plus a mix of music that includes hip hop and reggae. Lunch is served 11 a.m.–4 p.m. daily except Sunday, with items like chicken, oxtail, curry goat, and pepper steak (US$3.50–5). Light items like kebabs and grilled and jerk chicken are served in the evenings until 3 a.m.
The Deck (14 Trafalgar Rd., tel. 876/978-1582, richard@thedeck.biz, open daily from 4:30 p.m. until the last person leaves) is a large venue with a boat motif. Fishing nets hang from what was once the roof of an auto garage. There are a few billiards tables and a decent bar food menu (US$4–15). Friday's after-work jam is popular, and weekend nights are generally busy when music blares and patrons are occasionally inspired to dance.
Studio 38 (38-A Trafalgar Rd., tel. 876/906-6465) is an open air bar at the Pulse Entertainment complex catering to an older crowd, but rejuvenated frequently when Pulse models are on hand for one of their many annual events and after parties.
Half Way Tree
Bin 26 Wine Bar (876/908-1322, bin26winebar@gmail.com) has a few tables offering indoor/outdoor seating and wine by the glass or bottle and appetizers. Wines are imported from most major wine-producing regions, including Spain, France, Italy, Chile, Argentina, California, Australia, and New Zealand.
The Experience (7 Merrick Ave., contact Darren Neita, cell tel. 876/429-0235, 5 p.m.–midnight Wed.–Thurs., 5 p.m.–2 a.m. Fri.–Sat., 3–10 p.m. Sun.) is a hip bar located at the back of a garden behind Angela's Fabulous Fashions. Some of the best curried goat around is served on Fridays and Saturdays, and patrons come to play dominoes on Sundays, with live jazz performances on a good Sunday.
Chateaux Vino (9 Merrick Ave., between South and Central, contact Terry-Ann Arnold, cell tel. 876/376-2874, chateauxvino@gmail.com) is a cozy and well-appointed wine and martini bar that opened in late 2009.
The Pub (Mayfair Hotel, tel. 876/926-1610 or 876/926-1612, 9 a.m.–1 a.m. weekdays, till 2 a.m. Fri.–Sat.) has a nice ambience by the pool.
Kno Limit Sports Bar (8 Hillview Ave., tel. 876/285-7775, kitchen open 11:30 a.m.–9 p.m., bar open until you say when Mon.–Sat.) has a nice outdoor courtyard space with a flat panel TV behind the bar. Kno Limit is perhaps best known for Passion Sunday (midnight Sun.–3:30 a.m. Mon.), a popular street party held weekly. The kitchen serves traditional Jamaican fare, including fried, baked, and roast chicken, plus tripe and beans, shrimp, conch, lobster, and cooked food (ground provisions, or tubers). The bar was opened in October 2006 by entrepreneur Junior Cox right before the start of World Cup Cricket in 2007, with Donna Hibbert managing.
Moulin Rouge (120-A Constant Spring Rd., 4 p.m.–you say when Tues.–Sun., admission US$4 Thurs.–Fri.) is a rooftop billiards hall. Thursday night is oil wrestling, Coyote Friday sees waitresses dress up in Western-inspired outfits, with young talent showcased on Sundays (9–12). Contact supervisor Lilly Labarr (cell tel. 876/866-3393) for upcoming events. A kitchen is open during the day (9 a.m.–6 p.m.).
Medusa (96 Hope, behind Treasure Hut shopping plaza, tel. 876/978-3741 or 876/381-4466, 4 p.m. until last person leaves Mon.–Sat.) located on a second-story wood deck built by proprietor Jason Lee in 2005, is the perfect spot for an evening drink. Patrons dance the night away for Latin Night, held every other Saturday. The Wednesday evening (6 p.m.–1 a.m.) all-you-can-drink special is very popular (US$12).
Waterfalls (160 Hope Rd., tel. 876/977-0652) is a banqueting facility that does functions and is open to the public as a nightclub on Thursdays (9 p.m.–4 a.m., US$6) for oldies featuring Merritone Disco sound, and a mixture of reggae, Calypso, and hip hop from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. It's one of the few places in Kingston that catches the vibe of an old dancehall straight out of the 1960s, with the crowd skanking to ska, rocksteady, R&B, and reggae classics well into the night. The cover charge includes complimentary soup. Known for its older crowd, Waterfalls also offers an all-inclusive Sunday brunch (US$20/person, 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m.) featuring live Jamaican-flavored jazz.
Port Antonio
Sheer wealth is readily apparent everywhere east of Port Antonio along the coast, sometimes to an astonishing degree; however, the town's over-the-top grandeur has been fading for decades, leaving in its place potholed roads, dilapidated historical sites, and an increasingly desperate dependence on a barely trickling tourism trade. Some of the most beautiful real estate in Jamaica--and perhaps in the entire world--can be found in the vicinity, much of it overgrown and conspicuously neglected. The restaurant and bar on Navy Island, a two-hectare piece of land that protects Port Antonio's West Harbour, has trees growing up through the rotting floorboards with little remaining to remind visitors of the parish's more glamorous days. Efforts to return Navy Island to its former glory have apparently lost steam. Similarly, the restaurant at Blue Hole, or Blue Lagoon, as it was popularized in the movie of the same name, was closed from 2003 to 2007. Michael Lee Chin, one of Jamaica's wealthiest businessmen, recently took control of the land on the western shores of the Lagoon, in addition to buying Trident Castle and the Trident Hotel from Earl Levy, but planned refurbishments at both properties have yet to materialize.
Many residents ask themselves why this unique and marketable natural treasure has been so poorly managed. Some blame the area's remoteness, exacerbated by winding, potholed roads, and say the new North Coast Highway, which incidentally stops at Port Antonio's town limits, is key to turning the area around. Some blame Jamaica's promotional institutions like the Jamaica Tourism Board or the Urban Development Corporation for mishandling resources and retarding the development process; still others blame the elite villa owners, many of them absent much of the year to return for brief spells when they prefer the quiet, old world character of the land, free from masses of transient tourists and preserved in time as a result.
Despite the seemingly stagnant pace of development, efforts have been made and are under way to return Port Antonio to its former glory and jump-start the economy of what should be one of the Caribbean's most popular, exclusive tourist destinations. The new Errol Flynn Marina on the West Harbour in the heart of Port Antonio was inaugurated in 2004 and has world-class facilities, low docking fees, as well as a new Russian-Eurasian restaurant. Never mind that the aforementioned Navy Island development was slated for inclusion in the Marina project before funds disappeared. Other recent developments have seen Butch Stewart, who owns the Sandals and Beaches all-inclusive resorts, buy Dragon Bay, formerly one of the area's top resorts (made famous as a set for the movie Cocktail). Stewart is apparently waiting on the government, or some sign from God, to reopen the property as an ultra-luxury all-inclusive.
What is certain is that the present trickle of visitors who come through Port Antonio do not constitute a strong enough driving force to support a healthy economy, leaving crumbling Folly Mansion, its enormous structure built in the Roaring Twenties with a cement-salt water mix, an ironic symbol of stagnation. But few who visit can help but comment on the area's tremendous natural beauty. Secluded white-sand beaches, extravagant villas, plentiful rivers, and strikingly unique topography where the hills fall gently to the sea make Port Antonio and the northeast coast an immediate favorite.
The reality is that any hope of a new economic boom may have faded, despite the memory of Portland as the Caribbean's first tourist destination as a result of the banana trade in the early 19th century. Port Antonio saw a brief comeback in the 1960s and 1970s when it became the playground of choice for the rich and famous from around the world, many of whom left grand mansions seemingly transplanted from old world Europe to the lush green hills of Portland. These past luminaries include the film star Errol Flynn, who left an important legacy in Port Antonio when he died in 1959. Many of Flynn's former properties lie in ruins today.
The heart of historic Port Antonio, known as Titchfield Hill, is best visited by strolling around the peninsula, consuming little more than an hour at a leisurely pace. Titchfield Hill is today a run-down neighborhood dotted with several buildings that hint at more prosperous times with decorative latticework and wide front steps leading up to wraparound verandas. The Demontevin Lodge (21 Fort George St., tel. 876/993-2604) is a case in point. It was once the private home of David Gideon, who became Custos of Port Antonio in 1923. Today it is a tired hotel operated under unenthusiastic management and not recommended for lodging, but its decorative gingerbread house ironwork reminiscent of old sea captains' homes on the Massachusetts coast is striking and worth a look. Demontevin hosts a popular karaoke night on Fridays.
The foundation and scattered ruins of the Titchfield Hotel, built by banana boat captain Lorenzo Dow Baker of the Boston Fruit Company, stand across Queen Street from Ocean Crest Guest House and are now occupied by the Jamaica Defense Force, which patrols Navy Island across the water. At its peak the Titchfield was the favored watering hole for luminaries like Bette Davis, J. P. Morgan, and Errol Flynn, who ended up buying the place in addition to Navy Island and the Bonnie View Hotel, overlooking the town from the best perch around. The Titchfield was destroyed and rebuilt several times before it was gutted and abandoned after Flynn's death.
At the tip of the Titchfield peninsula stands Titchfield School, constructed on the ruins of Fort George. Built by the English to defend against Spanish reprisals that never came, Fort George never really saw any action but operated nonetheless until World War I. It had walls three meters thick and embrasures for 22 cannons, a few of which are still present. Nobody manages this historic site, making it free and accessible anytime.
Errol Flynn Marina
Errol Flynn Marina (tel. 876/993-3209 or 876/715-6044, fax 876/715-6033, info@errolflynnmarina.com, www.errolflynnmarina.com, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. daily) has slips for 32 boats. Vessels under 50 feet are charged US$0.75 per foot per day, over 50 feet US$1.25 per foot per day; electricity and water are also available at metered rates (US$0.24/kWhr for electricity and US$0.09/gallon of water). A well-laid-out and planted promenade along the waterfront has benches. Wireless Internet is included for marina guests, and there is an Internet café open to nonguests (US$4/hour). Devon House I Scream and Norma's at the Marina are both located within the gated complex, and the scenic waterfront makes a romantic spot to let evening drift into night. A private beach faces Navy Island just beyond Norma's. The park along the waterfront is open to the public (7 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 7 a.m.–midnight Sat. and Sun.), as is the beach, marina and restaurant; the docks and pool are reserved for marina guests. The beach is open to customers of Norma's. The Errol Flynn Marina is owned by the Port Authority of Jamaica and managed by Westrec Marina. The marina opened in September 2002 and was renamed the Errol Flynn Marina in 2006.
Port Antonio Marina, also under the control of the Port Authority of Jamaica, also offers docking ($0.35/foot) with water, electricity, and showers, but no security after 4 p.m. By car, access the Port Antonio Marina down the road next to the old train station across from CC Bakery. The difference between them comes down to security, proximity to the bar and restaurant, and complimentary wireless Internet.
Navy Island
Navy Island, originally called Lynch's Island, is a landmass slightly larger than Titchfield Hill, about 0.75 kilometer long with an area of about two hectares. It protects Port Antonio's West Harbour with a large sandbar extending off its western side. The island was at one point sited for construction of the town, but the British Navy acquired it instead as a place to beach ships for cleaning and repairs. A naval station was eventually built there, and later Errol Flynn bought the island and turned it into an exclusive resort. Today Navy Island is owned by the Port Authority; it's meant to be developed at some undetermined future time. A private bid for the land put together by a consortium of local landowners was blocked by the Authority, which seems wary of ceding control in spite of doing nothing with the land for the moment, to the dismay of many local residents.
The island is not serviced by any official tourist operation, but it's a great place to tromp around and explore, and the Jamaica Defense Force Officers there on patrol are friendly enough to visitors. Dennis Butler (cell tel. 876/809-6276) will take visitors to the island (US$10 per person, US$20 with lunch) from Shan Shy Beach just west of Port Antonio, adjacent to his father's restaurant, Dickie's Banana.
Bonnie View
The Bonnie View Hotel (Bonnie View Rd.) is another dilapidated former Errol Flynn property, no longer in operation as a hotel. The view is the best in town. To get there, take the washed-out Richmond Hill Road directly across from the Anglican Church on the corner of West Palm and Bridge streets. Bonnie View is not an organized attraction and there is no cost to have a look around as long as no one is around to make reference to the sign on property that states all sightseers must pay US$3 (J$150), which doesn't compute for today's exchange rate and dates the effort. Bonnie View makes a good early-morning walk from town for some aerobic exercise, and if someone asks for money to look at the view, perhaps offering to buy a drink from the nonexistent bar would provide adequate incentive for someone to establish a legitimate business there once again. The hill is passable by car if you drive at a snail's pace up the steep, potholed road.
Other Sights
Musgrave Market (6 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) is located across from the square in the heart of Port Antonio. The market sells fresh produce toward the front and down a lane on one side. The deeper in you go toward the waterfront, the more the market tends towards crafts, "Jamaica no problem" T-shirts, and Bob Marley plaques. The most authentic artistry can be found at the very back where Rockbottom (cell tel. 876/844-9946), a woodcarver since 1980, has his setup. His nickname comes from his sales pricing, he says. For jewelry, clothing, and other Rasta-inspired crafts, check out Sister Dawn's (Shop #21, cell tel. 876/486-7516, portlandcraftproducers@yahoo.com).
Boundbrook Wharf is the old banana-loading wharf just west of town, behind the old railway station that now serves as the Portland Art Gallery. While not as busy as in the banana-boom days, the wharf continues to be used on occasion. The wharf makes a good 20-minute walk from town. Just north from the entrance to the wharf, a sandy lane leads off the main road to the beach, where fishing boats are tethered in front of the small fishermen's community.
Winnifred Beach
Winnifred, known as the people's beach, lies in a wide, shallow, white-sand cove. It is a beautiful, free public beach in the Fairy Hill district just east of San San and the Blue Lagoon. It's also the best place for conch soup and fried fish. Food and beverages are sold by a slew of vendors, and there's a nice restaurant.
Named after the daughter of Quaker minister F. B. Brown as a rest place for missionaries, teachers, and the respectable poor, Winnifred has remained decidedly local, thanks perhaps to the trust that once managed the area and had provisions ensuring that locals could access and enjoy the beach. The Urban Development Corporation now controls the land, but local resistance to its being developed has ensured that it remains a local hot spot.
Cynthia's, on the western end of the beach serves excellent fried fish with rice and peas (US$10). Undoubtedly someone will ask for a "contribution," but it's not necessary. Instead, support the vendors. The rocky road down to the beach has two access points from the main road. The best route goes through the housing development on the ocean side of the road less than 0.75 kilometer east of Dragon Bay. A turn into a housing development across the road from Jamaica Crest, followed by a quick right in front of the Neighborhood Watch sign, allows you avoid the worst part of the road that descends off the main next to the former Mikuzi.
Other Beaches
Shan Shy Beach on Bryan's Bay charges no entry fee and is home to a beach complex run by Donovan "Atto" Tracey (tel. 876/394-1312). An open, covered building has a billiards room with two tables.
One of the less-frequented beaches in Port Antonio, Shan Shy is a good place to take off on snorkeling or fishing excursions, which can be arranged through Atto or Dennis Butler (cell tel. 876/854-4763, US$20–50 depending on number of passengers and distance; Dennis can also be contacted via his mother, Marjorie, cell tel. 876/869-4391) of Dickie's Banana. The beach is located five minutes west of town at a sharp curve in the main road.
Around the bend in White River, Lucky Star Cookshop and Bar overlooks a another angler's beach. It's a favorite cool-out spot for local men, who are often found in the evenings playing poker and dominos.
Errol Flynn Marina has a well-maintained, private beach for guests of the Marina and patrons of Norma's at the Marina.
Directly in front of the crumbling Folly Mansion, Folly Beach is a small beach with a narrow strip of sand. It has coral and a rough floor and sees few visitors.
Frenchman's Cove (entrance fee US$5) is one of the most picturesque coves in Jamaica. The beach here is well protected and drops off steeply after the first 20 meters.
Dragon Bay is a private beach protected by guards. In the near future, however, visitors may be able to gain access to Dragon Bay Resort.
Boston Beach, in a protected cove a few minutes east of Winnifred, consistently gets the best swells in the area and has a surf shop.
San San Beach (10 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, US$5) is the most exclusive beach in Port Antonio. It's located at the base of San San Hill, where many of the area's nicer villas are. The fine-sand beach hugs a cove next to Alligator Head and overlooks Pellew Island, from where a protective reef extends eastward to the mouth of Blue Hole.
Folly Mansion
Just east of Port Antonio along Alan Avenue, a left onto a dirt road before the cricket pitch follows the edge of East Harbour out to Folly Point Lighthouse. A right turn after the cricket pitch along a grassy vehicle track through low-lying scrub forest leads to Folly Mansion, which is an unmanaged attraction (free and always accessible) on government-owned land. Folly was for a few years after its construction the most ostentatious building in Jamaica, before it started to crumble. Built by Connecticut millionaire Alfred Mitchell in 1905, the mansion had 60 rooms and an indoor swimming pool and was made almost entirely of cement. Apparently the cement was mixed with saltwater, which proved a bad combination. The salt not only weakened the cement but rusted the steel framework, causing almost immediate deterioration. Nonetheless, Mitchell lived in the mansion with his wife, a Tiffany heiress, and their family on and off until his death in 1912, and it wasn't until 1936 that the house was abandoned. On the waterfront in front of the pillared mansion is the humble little Folly Beach, which faces small Wood Island, where Mitchell is said to have kept monkeys and other exotic animals. The beach isn't bad for a swim, but care should be taken as the sea floor is not even and parts are covered with sharp reef. The area is known to have a strong current at times.
The name "Folly" predates Mitchell and his ill-fated mansion, as made clear by Folly Point Lighthouse, which was built and named in 1888. Apparently the name refers to Baptist minister James Service, who once owned the property, having acquired it piece by piece. For this he was lauded with a playful expression extolling his frugal ways, which were not, in fact, based in folly. Many legends surround the mansion, the most popular story being that the mansion was built as a wedding gift, but the bride ran off in tears when her dream home began to crumble as soon as she was carried across the threshold.
Folly Point Lighthouse stands on a point extending along the windward shore of East Harbour. The lighthouse is not generally open to the public, but the property manager is known to let visitors in on occasion. A track usually too rutted and muddy for a vehicle runs along the water's edge between the lighthouse and the mansion.
Blue Hole
Blue Hole is also commonly known as the Blue Lagoon thanks to a 1980 Randal Kleiser adventure film of the same name starring a teenage Brooke Shields. This Blue Lagoon has no relation to the film, though locals will make the connection erroneously. Portland's Blue Hole is Jamaica's largest underground spring-fed lagoon, of which there are many smaller ones scattered across the island. The Blue Lagoon is made all the more unique by its location in a 55-meter-deep protected cove along the coast, where warm tidal waters gently mix with fresh water welling up from the depths. Some claim Blue Hole has no bottom. At one time, Robin Moore, the author of The French Connection, owned much of the land surrounding the lagoon; today his cottages lie in ruins. A restaurant and bar with a deck overhanging the lagoon has been closed for several years. In 2006 Michael Lee Chin, National Commercial Bank (NCB) chairman and one of Jamaica's richest men, took over the lease for the land bordering the western edge of the lagoon. A handful of craft vendors line the beach waiting patiently to make a sale. The restaurant was dilapidated and falling into the water, but chatter could be heard about the possibility that Island Outpost would take over management of the attraction.
Blue Hole is located east of San San Beach and Pellew Island, just past the well-marked turnoff for Goblin Hill heading east. Turn onto the lane off the main road along the Blue Lagoon Villas and continue down to a small parking area along the beach.
Reach Falls
Reach Falls (tel. 876/993-6606 or 876/993-6683, www.reachfalls.com, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Wed.–Sun., US$10 adults, US$5 children under 12, US$4.25 residents), or Reich Falls, as it's sometimes spelled, is located in a beautiful river valley among the lower northeast foothills of the John Crow Mountains. The river cascades down a long series of falls that can be climbed from the base far below the main pool where the attraction, which is managed by Jamaica's Urban Development Corporation (UDC), is based. You will want to start at the bottom and continue far above the main pool to get the full exhilarating experience. To climb the full length of the cataracts requires about two hours, but if you stop to enjoy each little pool it could easily consume all day. Before reaching the dedicated parking area there is a dirt road just before a wooden shack that leads down to the base of the falls.
To get to Reach Falls, head inland by a set of shacks just east of Manchioneel up a picturesque winding road. The turnoff is marked by a large sign for Reach Falls. Unofficial guides made their services mandatory for years when the falls were officially closed as a managed attraction. These guides often congregate at a fork in the road where you turn left to get to the falls. The guides still offer their services on days when the UDC-managed sight is closed. The guides are in fact indispensable when it comes to climbing the falls, as they know every rock along the riverbed, which is very slippery in certain places. As always, get a sense of what your guide will expect for the service up front (US$5–10 is reasonable) to avoid the discomfort associated with unmet expectations when you leave. Leonard Welsh ("Sendon") and Byron Shaw (tel. 876/891-1061 or 876/871-3745) are recommended guides on Monday and Tuesday, when the UDC-managed sight is closed; contact Rugy ("Taliban") at the Look In Lookout bar (cell tel. 876/538-6667) to arrange for a guided visit. A few craftsmen have stands along the road selling wood carvings, and Rene is a charismatic local craftsman who makes lung exercisers, which he claims enhance breathing ability and lung capacity.
Two local guides/lifeguards have been employed by the UDC since it opened the attraction officially in early 2007. The UDC's lease on the property extends from a little below the main pool to a little above it, and unofficial guides will be turned away from the main waterfalls area on either side of the leased land. Mandingo Cave, which is found further up the river, is not currently part of the official tour offered but can be reached by going with the local guides.
Arts and Crafts
The Portland Art Gallery (9 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) is located inside the old Railway Station by the Banana Docks on West Street, about a 10 minutes' walk from the Main Square. Hopeton Cargill (cell tel. 876/882-7732 or 876/913-3418), whose work includes landscape paintings, portraits, and commercial signs, is the gallery director.
At the Jamaica Palace Hotel (tel. 876/993-7720, 7 a.m.–9 p.m. daily), the late Sigi Fahmi established a large collection of Ken Abendana Spencer paintings for sale. A Portland native, the late Ken Spencer was one of the most prolific artists in the country's history. He captured scenes from Jamaican life with quick, effortless strokes that allowed him to sell his paintings very cheaply and distribute them widely, becoming well recognized. The hotel lobby, while far from inviting, is filled with kitsch art by the late owner. Other artists whose work is represented at the hotel include John Campbell and Ann-Marie Korti. A walk around the hotel is a real trip.
Philip Henry (tel. 876/993-3162, philartambokle@hotmail.com) is a talented artist who has prints, portraits, and sculpture for sale in his small home studio. Call or email to set up an appointment.
Michael Layne (19 Sommers Town Rd., tel. 876/993-3813, cell tel. 876/784-0288, miclayne@cw.jamaica.com) is considered by many the top ceramist in the parish and has exhibited at galleries in Kingston countless times. Layne was born and raised in Portland, studying at Titchfield High School and then going on to Edna Manley College in Kingston to concentrate in ceramics. Today Layne teaches art at Titchfield High School and works out of his home studio (open by appointment), where he creates works that include large bottles, bowls, and vases assembled with clay slabs, decorated with oxides, and single fired.
Marcia Henry (Lot #5, Red Hassell Lane, tel. 876/993-3162) is a talented local artist with a home studio.
Carriacou Gallery (in Hotel Mocking Bird Hill, tel. 876/993-7134, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily) features work of co-owner Barbara Walker, in addition to many other local artists.
Port Antonio is not a haven for club-goers by any means, but there are a few good venues that hold regular theme nights throughout the week, as well as occasional live performances. Several times a year, stage shows are set up around the area, Somerset Falls being a favorite venue for concerts and Boston and Long Bay also hosting occasional events. Many of the area's upscale villa owners and visitors prefer to entertain with dinner parties, which can be quite lavish.
Cristal Night Club (19<@fract>1/2 West Palm Ave., contact Peter Hall, cell tel. 876/288-7657, cristalniteclub@yahoo.com, open 5 p.m.–close Wed. and Sat.) is Port Antonio's newest club, reopening in March 2009 after years of dormancy. The club features Ladies' Night 11 p.m.–2 a.m. Wednesday with free drinks all night for the ladies, and the Portland Day Rave starting at 5 p.m. on Saturday, morphing into the club sessions that go through the night.
Club La Best (5 West St., contact club manager/owner Chris, cell tel. 876/896-9024) does Ladies' Night on Wednesdays (US$2, ladies free) with a disco, R&B, and reggae mix; after-work jams that stretch into long club hours on Fridays (free) with mostly dancehall music; and Smart Casual Sundays (US$2), with reggae and R&B vintage music. Wednesday is a slower night. Live shows, when they happen, are held on Saturday nights. Club La Best opens at 9:30 p.m. and closes when the last person leaves. The club holds around 800 people, who crowd in for occasional radio DJs and performers. Club La Best opened in April 2006.
Roof Club (11 West St., managed by Shawn "Blue" Rankine, cell tel. 876/449-0852, 10 p.m. until the last person leaves, US$3) is open for Ladies' Night on Thursdays, Crazy Saturdays, and occasional special events on Fridays. It's the longest-standing nightclub in Port Antonio, open for the past 33 years. It generally plays dancehall, reggae, and R&B--in other words the perfect mix for bumping and grinding, or "whining," in local parlance. It's an earthy, at times seedy, place with old wooden floors, a DJ booth on one side, and the bar opposite with neon lights and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Don't be surprised if a patron approaches and uses a forward introduction by commanding, "buy mi a drink nuh."
Marybelle's Pub on the Pier (Errol Flynn Marina, tel. 876/413-9731, bellmar_bell92@yahoo.com, noon–11 p.m. daily) serves drinks and finger food like burgers, pizza, salads, and fruit by the pool. The bar offers customers complimentary Wi-Fi.
Irie Vibes (Shop #10, West Harbour Plaza, by KFC, run by William Saunders, cell tel. 876/375-4495, noon–close Mon.–Sat., 4:30 p.m.–close Sun. and holidays) bar, pool hall, and gaming lounge is a popular hangout overlooking the West Harbour. Drinks run US$1–5.
Eye Candy (Royal Mall, no phone, noon–11 p.m. weekdays, noon–1 a.m. weekends) has a pool table and dominos.
Festivals and Events
Fi Wi Sinting (contact founder Sister P, cell tel. 876/426-1957, www.fiwisinting.com) is a must-see festival celebrating Jamaica's African heritage. It's held the third Sunday in February.
Portland All Fest (contact Somerset Falls, tel. 876/913-0046, info@somersetfallsjamaica.com, www.somersetfallsjamaica, held mid-March) is a family fun day with food, swimming, and concerts at the open-air venue at the base of Somerset Falls.
Bling Dawg Summer Jam (info@somersetfallsjamaica.com, www.visitjamaica.com, held in July) is one of several annual events held at Somerset Falls. Bling Dawg is a well-recognized promoter who brings together an array of dancehall artists for the event. Contact Somerset Falls for more information.
Portland Jerk Festival (Jerk Festival office, Shop #33, Royal Mall, 2–4 Fort George St., contact the kind and helpful secretary Dahlia Minott, tel. 876/715-6553, or chair person Sybil Rendle, cell tel. 876/389-1601, or vice-chair and regional manager for Jamaica Tourism Board, www.visitjamaica.com) is held on the first Sunday in July and admission tends to be around US$10. Local arts, crafts, and concerts complement every kind of jerk food imaginable. The venue was once in Boston but was relocated to Folly Oval in 2007.
The International Blue Marlin Tournament (contact Ron DuQuesnay, chair of the Sir Henry Morgan Angling Association, cell tel. 876/909-8818, rondq@mail.infochan.com, US$170 registration) is held out of the Port Antonio Marina each October. The event draws anglers from far and wide and also runs a concurrent 35-canoe folk fishing tournament for local anglers who fight the billfish with hand-held lines and usually bring in a better catch than the expensive big boats.
One of the highlights of the annual event calendar is the Flynn Flim Festival (no, that's not a typo, it's a play on words) (contact the Errol Flynn marina, cell tel. 876/715-6044) held during the third week in June and featuring Errol Flynn movie screenings, a rafting race down the Rio Grande, a Flynn look-alike contest where patrons dress as Errol or one of his ladies in their favorite Flynn movie. Jazz on the pier in the evenings serves as a continuation of the Ocho Rios Jazz Festival.
Things Jamaican (Errol Flynn Marina, tel. 876/715-5247, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. daily) is a great little outlet for Jamaican products, arts and crafts, clothing and accessories, aromatherapy, books, and DVDs.
Royal Mall is a surreal building with a mosaic of facades built by the late Sigi Fahmi, who's also responsible for one of the area's most atrocious buildings, the Jamaica Palace Hotel. Its construction evokes an assortment of European styles, with several shops inside, a few of them worth checking out.
Sportsman's Toy Box (Shop #28, tel. 876/715-4542, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) sells diving and fishing equipment.
Portland Jerk Festival Office offers fax and photocopy services when it is in operation, typically the six months prior to the festival.
Hamilton's Bookstore (24 West St., contact co-owner Avarine Moore, tel. 876/993-9634, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has a small but decent selection of Jamaican folk books and cookbooks.
A&G Record Mart (4 Blake St., contact Janet cell tel. 876/488-1593 or 876/427-8766, 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has a great selection of CDs, DVDs, LP singles and complete albums, 45s, and 33s. Gospel, R&B, dancehall, reggae, soul, soca, and calypso are well represented.
Carder Park is the community football field across the road from East Harbour that comes alive for several family-fun events throughout the year, like the dominos championship.
Folly Oval is the town's cricket pitch and where the schools practice sports; it extends along the edge of East Harbour. The large field hosts the annual Portland Jerk Festival.
Island Massage Therapy & Yoga (cell tel. 876/818-4771, Portland tel. 876/993-7605, Kingston tel. 876/924-5503, namaste_ja@hotmail.com, US$90/per hour for massage) is led by Barbara Gingerich, who is both a certified massage therapist and yoga instructor. Barbara holds sessions in a studio at her house and on her large veranda, which has a stunning view of the sea and gardens. You can also have Barbara come to you for an additional charge if you're staying in the area. She works between Kingston and Port Antonio; yoga classes are priced based on group size.
Water Sports
Pellew Island is a private island, given, as the legend has it, by industrial magnate and famed art collector Baron Von Thyssen to supermodel Nina Dyer, one of his many brides, as a wedding gift in 1957. Nina Dyer committed suicide some five years later, and Von Thyssen himself died in 2002. The island is now slated for development of four villas, which are up for sale. While there are no organized tours of the private island, fishermen from the small beach adjacent to Blue Hole can take visitors over for excellent snorkeling along the reefs around the island.
Lady G'Diver (Errol Flynn Marina, contact Steve or Jan Lee Widner, office tel. 876/715-5957, cell tel. 876/995-0246 or 876/452-8241, ladygdiver@cwjamaica.com, www.ladygdiver.com) runs diving excursions from the Marina. Port Antonio's waters are quieter than those off Ocho Rios or Montego Bay and are less over-fished. Wall diving is especially popular. Lady G'Diver offers a wide range of packages and programs, from basic PADI certification to Master courses. The most basic is the two-dive package (US$84 plus US$7 per person for equipment rental).
Barrett Adventures by Lark Cruises (contact Captain Carolyn Barrett, cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.barrettadventures.com) operates two cruises out of Port Antonio, a round-trip to Cuba, and a Pirates of the Caribbean cruise to Port Royal (US$1,000 per person per week for 2–6 persons, US$900 for 7–8 persons). Other destinations are also possible to arrange. If the 40-foot Jeanneau is in the area, day cruises can be arranged (US$125 per person for 2–6 persons, US$100 per person for 7–10 persons). Otherwise, day cruises are generally based out of Montego Bay. Provisioning is at the passenger's expense, while the captain and cook are included. Shorter charters for less than a week are also offered (US$150 per person per day).
Pro Bicycles (3 Love Lane, contact Rohan who runs the shop, cell tel. 876/838-2399 or 876/993-2341, 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. daily) has a few basic, all-terrain, 18-speed bicycles (US$10/day). They're not in the best shape, but you can't beat the price.
Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours (121 Main St., Ocho Rios, tel. 876/974-7075, info@bmtoursja.com, www.bmtoursja.com) runs a popular downhill biking tour that has been somewhat truncated over the past few years due to landslides that blocked the upper reaches of the route. While the operation is based in Ocho Rios, people staying in Portland can link up with the bus in Buff Bay before it leaves the coast to ascend the B1 into the Blue Mountains to where the lazy downhill ride starts.
Horseback Riding
Riding is offered by Gold Course Delroy Course (cell tel. 876/383-1588, Winston (brother) cell tel. 876/485-1773), who hangs out by the driveway to Frenchman's Cove across from San San Golf waiting on potential customers. Delroy takes groups of up to four persons on a 1.5-hour trip around to San San Beach, or 4–5 hour trip to Nonesuch Caves, starting at US$20 per person and going up to US$30 for longer trips. A small sign with red letters hangs across from the gate at Frenchman's Cove, marking Delroy's outdoor "office."
Golf and Tennis
The San San Golf & Country Club (tel. 876/993-7644) located across the street from Frenchman's Cove, gets very little use nowadays and is officially closed, but people with their own clubs often sneak in to use the driving range or play a few holes--to the chagrin of owner Ernie Smatt.
Goblin Hill (San San, tel. 876/993-7537) allows nonguests to use the hotel's hardtop tennis courts (US$15/hour, US$12 for a pair of rackets). Goblin Hill was recently wired with state-of-the art Digicel broadband wireless internet, affording the hotel the most reliable and fast service available in Port Antonio.
Port Antonio has a wide range of accommodation options with a notable concentration of high-end villas. Nonetheless, budget hotels and guesthouses dot the coast from town all the way to Long Bay. As in many parts of Jamaica, there are no street numbers, and roads are often referred to as the "main." Refer to the maps in this book for exact locations.
Under US$100
There are two recommended, well-maintained guesthouses among the general dilapidation on Titchfield Hill. Both are owner-managed.
Ivanhoe's (9 Queen St., tel. 876/993-3043, ivanhoesja@hotmail.com, lornacamburke@hotmail.com, US$30–60) is a classic Jamaican wooden house with a red painted zinc roof surrounded by a white picket fence. In the center of the compound is a small courtyard with vines and flowers all about. The rooms are comfortable and airy, and the better ones have good views over the East Harbour. Rooms with a combination of queen-size and single beds all have TV and private baths with hot water. Breakfast and dinner are available to order.
Ocean Crest (7 Queen St., tel. 876/993-4024, lydia.j@cwjamaica.com) is located next door to Ivanhoe's and owned by Lydia Jones, a friendly and warm woman who takes pride in being attentive to her guests. The building is a more typical concrete construction, with tiled floors in the rooms. Ocean Crest rooms range from basic interior (US$35) to two top-floor balcony rooms (US$50 with fan, US$60 with fan/air-conditioning) with a view over the East Harbour. There is an open kitchen (with stove, refrigerator, pots, and utensils) for use by the guests, and Ms. Jones can also prepare breakfast on request (US$5). Ocean Crest is near all the useful conveniences such as ATMs, banks, supermarkets, craft market, restaurants, nightclubs, and public transportation. All the rooms have private bathroom, ceiling fan, hot water, and cable TV. There's a living and dining room and an open porch. The living room can be used for small conferences or meetings of up to 20 people.
Shadows (West St., cell tel. 876/828-2285, US$40) is a guesthouse and restaurant/bar in the heart of town owned and managed by the amicable Barrington Hamilton. The five small rooms have double beds, cable TV, air-conditioning, and private baths with hot water.
Drapers San Guest House (Drapers, tel. 876/993-7118, carla-51@cwjamaica.com) sits oceanside toward the easternmost end of Drapers district; it's an excellent budget option. A few rooms have shared baths (US$50, incl. breakfast and GCT) and a few have private baths (US$60). Two newer rooms offer a step up: Rasta Cottage (US$70) is self-contained with a private bath and veranda; the other "high-end" room is in the main building with its own bath and shared veranda (US$60). Drapers San owner Carla Gullotta is an avid reggae fan and can help arrange trips to stage shows and cultural heritage sights and events. She is also a good contact for travelers interested in visiting Culture Yard in Trench Town, Kingston.
Wright's Guest House (Tipperaire Rd., cell tel. 876/838-2399, US$40) managed by Rohan Lawrance (nephew of the Wrights) has five basic double-occupancy rooms with full-size beds, fans, hot water, and TV. To get there head east of Blue Lagoon 1.2 kilometers, and take the next left after Dragon Bay into the development signed Lower Zion Hill Fairy Hill Gardens; go left again, and you'll see two apartment buildings in one lot. Winnifred Beach is 20 minutes away on foot.
Search Me Heart (Drapers, cell tel. 876/453-7779 or 876/452-7177, info@searchmeheart.com, www.searchmeheart.com, US$60 per room, including breakfast) is a comfortable and clean two-bedroom cottage run as a guesthouse by Culture and his wife Roseanna. Amenities include hot water in private bathrooms and standing fans. The cottage is about a 10-15 minute walk to Frenchman's Cove, one of Port Antonio's best beaches. Culture offers tours for guests and nonguests to area attractions.
The Fan (contact Nino Sciuto, tel. 876/993-7259 or cell tel. 876/390-0118, info@villaswithclass.com, nino@villaswithclass.com, www.villaswithclass.com, US$160–180) is a private villa in the hills above Drapers with a breathtaking view of Dolphin Bay, Trident Castle, and Blue Mountain Peak. The villa rents two guest apartments. The grand suite, located on the top level, has a king bed, a large living room, kitchen, and balcony. The junior suite, on the ground level, has a double bed and a couch that can be turned into an extra bed if needed. Meals are prepared to order at an additional cost by the housekeeper, who would expect a tip equivalent to 10 percent of the rental cost for your stay, as is the norm. The Fan's owner, Gloria Palomino, also runs The Gap Café, a small bed-and-breakfast near Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains, and offers mountain and seaside packages for guests interested in experiencing both Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains.
Bay View Villas (Anchovy, tel. 876/993-3118, info@bayviewvillas-ja.com, www.bayviewvillas-ja.com, US$90) has 21 rooms in a large building with a variety of room arrangements. The hotel sits above Turtle Crawle Bay just east of Trident Castle. B&B (US$102) as well as all-inclusive (US$126) packages are offered. Rooms are comfortable and airy with TV, air-conditioning, balconies, and private bathrooms with hot water.
San San Tropez (San San, tel. 876/993-7213, info@sansantropez.com, www.sansantropez.com, US$75–250) is an Italian restaurant and five-bedroom accommodation just east of the San San police station. Rooms are comfortable with cable TV, air-conditioning, ceiling fans, and private bathrooms with hot water. There is a swimming pool on the property. Fabio Federico Favalli is the owner and managing director. The restaurant has eastern Jamaica's most authentic Italian cuisine, serving freshly prepared pizza and spaghetti, as well as fish, lobster, and meat dishes (US$10–30).
Fern Hill Club (tel. 876/993-7374 or 876/993-7375, fernhill@cwjamaica.com, www.fernhillclubhotel.com, US$95–182) began as a 31-unit timeshare complex. Owners Carol and Vincent Holgate have been consolidating the rooms over the past decade. There are a handful of villas separate from the main building--some one-bedroom, some two-bedroom--which are a good value, while not by any means state of the art. The property itself covers a hillside and has great views at every elevation level, especially from the open-air dining room and bar area.
Frenchman's Cove (tel. 876/993-7270, fax 876/993-7404, flawrence@cwjamaica.com, www.frenchmans-cove-resort.com, US$95–295, inclusive of tax and continental breakfast) remains one of Jamaica's prime properties, considered by some to have the best beach on the island. The cove itself is small with a short, wide beach and fine white sand. Fifteen villas are scattered about a large property. The three villas in use and the 12 rooms in the main house are not sparkling by any means and could certainly use more attention than they get, but for its proximity to an excellent beach, Frenchman's is still a good accommodation option, especially for a family that is more interested in affordability and convenience than shiny shower rods.
Jerk lunch is cooked every afternoon on the beach, which is open to nonguests as well (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, admission US$5). Manager Frank Lawrence has worked on the property since 1959, when he started on the construction work and then worked as a waiter during the height of Port Antonio's glamorous tourism boom. After its opening in 1961, Frenchman's Cove quickly became one of the most exclusive resorts around. Formerly a part of Cold Harbour Estate--which encompassed all of San San, Frenchman's, and Drapers Harbour--Frenchman's Cove is today owned by the Weston family, which runs several international business ventures. Frenchman's Cove Villas have suffered repeated hurricane damage, especially during Gilbert in 1988, but according to Mr. Lawrence, the main house has remained in operation since opening.
Moon San Villa (tel. 876/993-7777, Sansan1999@hotmail.com, www.moonsanvilla.com) is run as a bed-and-breakfast and is the most affordable way to stay next to the Blue Lagoon. The villa has four double-occupancy rooms (US$125–165 low season, US$135–175 high season) that rent individually. While not directly on the water, Moon San overlooks the Blue Lagoon strip of villas that are among the most luxurious in Jamaica. Guests have easy water access, as well as access to the beach at Frenchman's Cove. Breakfasts are communal, with a view out to sea. It's not a place for exclusive privacy, but Moon San makes a good base for excursions and frequent dips in Blue Hole. Owner Greg Naldrett also operates Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours. Complimentary use of the African Star water taxi is included to deliver guests to San San Beach, Blue Hole, and Frenchman's Cove.
Goblin Hill (tel. 876/993-7537, reservations office tel. 876/925-8108, reservations@goblinhill.com, www.goblinhillvillas.com), farther up the hill in the San San district, is an excellent option for families or couples. The spacious rooms and self-contained duplex suites (US$115–195 low season to US$125–265 high) are a great value, especially for a family. The two-bedroom duplex suites have large master rooms with a second bedroom on the opposite end upstairs, and a living area and kitchen downstairs. The living rooms have sliding doors that open onto a beautiful lawn rolling down and exposing a view of San San Bay, also visible from the master bedroom. Goblin Hill is well situated for all the best attractions on one of Port Antonio's grandest hillsides. While its interiors may be less extravagant than at some of its neighboring villa properties, Port Antonio is much more than art on the walls, and Goblin Hill boasts a large swimming pool, tennis courts, and comfortable digs within easy walking distance of San San Beach and the Blue Lagoon. Guests get complimentary use of the beach at Frenchman's Cove.
Jamaica Palace Hotel (tel. 876/993-7720, pal.hotel@cwjamaica.com, www.jamaicapalace.com, US$170–190), just across Turtle Crawle Bay from Trident, is an enormous concrete compound with giant checkerboard-tiled courtyards, a gallery that defines kitsch in the lobby, a swimming pool in the shape of Jamaica surrounded by hot black surface, and stale bedrooms that are shocking for their total lack of regard for the verdant surroundings outside.
Jamaica Palace was built by the late Sigi Fahmi, a baroness who began building Trident Castle before running out of funds and selling it to the architect Earl Levy. Now run by Sigi's husband Nazar Fahmi, Jamaica Palace was obviously constructed in an attempt to one-up Trident with enormous columns out front that boast of excess. Clearly Fahmi was a dear customer of Carib Cement, as the hotel's construction gave the company plenty of business. Definitely not an ecotourism lodge, rooms at the Palace are cavernous with old air-conditioning units, private baths with hot water, and TV. It's the only place in Jamaica that offers a room with a round bed in the middle. The ceilings are very high; the walls are whitewashed concrete and covered in art. Several large caged birds are on the property, and it's a great place to get a Ken Spencer painting and catch a glimpse of the bold creations of the Baroness herself.
Over US$250
Trident Castle (www.tridentcastle.com) next door to Jamaica Palace, built by Earl Levy, is also available for rent (US$5,500 nightly low season, US$7,500 high season) and sleeps 16–18 people. The castle has a full-time staff of three housekeepers, three waiters, one bartender, one chef, and three gardeners. Many celebrities and nobility have found Trident Castle adequately grandiose for their time in Jamaica.
Hotel Mocking Bird Hill (Drapers, tel. 876/993-7134, 876/993-7267, 876/619-1215, or 876/619-1216, info@hotelmockingbirdhill.com, www.hotelmockingbirdhill.com) has pleasantly decorated garden view (US$195/255 low/high season) and sea view (US$235/295 low/high season) rooms with ceiling fans and mosquito nets. Wireless Internet is available in the lounge, where a computer is set up for guest use. Solar hot-water systems, locally minded purchasing practices, and minimal-waste policies have earned Mocking Bird Hill an ecofriendly reputation. With stunning views of both the Blue Mountains and Portland's coast, it's hard not to love the place. The owners, Barbara Walker and Shireen Aga, keep several large dogs that can often be seen tagging along behind the innkeepers. The hotel is closed every year in September for maintenance. To get to the hotel, take a right immediately after Jamaica Palace and climb for about 200 meters. The entrance will be on your left.
Geejam (San San, tel. 876/993-7000, 876/618-8000, or 876/383-7921, reservations@geejam.com, www.geejam.com, US$595–705 low season, US$2,035–2,125 high season) is a recording artists' paradise where the likes of Les Nubians, No Doubt, India Arie, Amy Winehouse, and Tom Cruise have chosen to take their working vacations. Sitting on a low hill overlooking San San Bay, the property consists of the main house with three bedrooms, three cabins dispersed across the property, and a one-bedroom suite below the recording studio. Inside the huts, more than the basic amenities are covered: TV, Apple home theater systems with DVD, iPod docks, and minibar are included. Wi-Fi covers the entire property. More importantly, the mattresses are comfortable, linens soft and clean, and there's hot water in the showers. Two cabins and the suite have steam rooms as well. The main house, more of a bona-fide villa, is decorated with contemporary Jamaican art and has a stylish pool out front. The recording studio is located at the lower reaches of the property, a deck with whirlpool tub crowning its roof. The studio has all the latest gear and oversized windows overlooking the water. While the property is specifically designed as the ideal recording retreat for a band-sized group locking down the entire property (US$5,795/6,500 daily low/high season), it is also ideal for couples or other kinds of retreats. The property is located a 10-minute walk from San San Beach, with the Blue Lagoon also a stone's throw away. Rates include a full staff.
Kanopi House (contact Michael Fox, tel. 876/993-8509, cell tel. 876/351-5083, info@kanopihouse.com, www.kanopihouse.com, US$600–1000 all-inclusive) is the latest addition to Port Antonio's high-end market. Four self-contained wooden cottages stand on stilts along the jungle-covered slope rising from the eastern bank of the Blue Lagoon. For a Medicine Man rush or even a spoiled-Tarzan kind of feel, there's no place like Kanopi, and it's the only accommodation option that actually sits on the lagoon. The most tasteful and simple decor adorns the cottages' exposed wood interiors. The cottages are naturally cool in the shade of the forest, with ceiling fans rather than air-conditioning, and do not have TV. The bathrooms are well laid out, and each cottage has a wide veranda with an outdoor grill. Elaine Williams Galimore is the friendly housekeeper and cook. Kanopi's entrance branches off the driveway to Dragon Bay. When the project is complete, Kanopi is slated to have 14 one- and two-bedroom cottages with king-size beds.
Port Antonio's villas are definitely some of the nicest in Jamaica, and far less pricey than those in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay. Typically these villas either have breathtaking hilltop views over mountains and out to sea, or are directly on the water, like the famous Blue Lagoon Villas--the most coveted real estate in Jamaica, perfectly placed between San San Bay and the Blue Lagoon. Blue Marlin, Nautilus, San Bar, San Cove, and Bonne Amie are among the crème de la crème. A full staff and all the amenities of home come standard in all these villas; the main difference in prices reflect principally the level of opulence you should expect.
Many of the area's villas book through Villa Vacation (2 West St., tel. 876/993-2668, cell tel. 876/778-3241 or 876/420-9376, yvonne.blakey@cwjamaica.com, www.villavacation.net), run by Yvonne Blakey. Yvonne lives in Port Antonio, represents many of the area owners, and can perfectly tailor your interests with a villa to put you in paradise. Most of the villas are also members of the Jamaica Association of Villas and Apartments (JAVA).
Wilk's Bay (contact owners Jim & Mary Lowe, tel. 876/993-7400, cell tel. 876/471-9622, reservations@wilksbay.com, www.wilksbay.com, US$225–450 low season, US$275–600 high season) has one-, two- and three-bedroom villas, each staffed with its own cook/housekeeper. The recently refurbished property, situated on Wilk's Bay between Frenchman's Cove and Alligator Head, is ideal for couples, small groups, or families. Wilk's boasts a white-sand private beach, a dock, and a swimming pool. Bedrooms have air-conditioning, high ceilings, mahogany woodwork, and louvered windows. Last minute bookings can stay on a B&B plan with no minimum time, based on availability. Plans are afoot to add six stand-alone units and a reception area.
Lolivya (tel. 876/993-7400, cell tel. 876/471-9622, reservations@wilksbay.com, US$500–750) is a beautiful four-bedroom villa overlooking Pelew Island, Alligator Head, and San San's most prized stretch of oceanfront. The villa is owned by Jim and Mary Lowe, thus the name Lo-liv-ya.
Ocean Shell (contact Desmond Gouldbourne, tel. 876/993-2144, cell tel. 876/878-4816, desmondgouldbourne@yahoo.com, US$500/550 low/high season) shares a corner of Wilk's Bay with the Lowes' property. The four-bedroom villa has king-size beds in three rooms and two twins in the fourth. There's a private swimming pool, all rooms have air-conditioning, and there's cable TV in all four bedrooms and the living room. The villa is staffed with a cook, housekeeper, butler, and gardener.
Nautilus (contact owner Xavier Chin, cell tel. 876/383-2446, reservations@nautilusvillas.com, xavierchin@hotmail.com, www.nautilusvilla.com, US$800/night, or US$5,000 weekly) is a beautiful three-bedroom villa with a large deck extending over the water between Pellew Island and Blue Hole. Perfect for small families or a group of three couples, the villa boasts a modern gas grill, a three-person staff, kayaks, and a comfortable living room upstairs with broadband Internet access, a stereo system with speakers inside and out, and cable TV.
San Bar (tel. 876/929-2378 or 876/926-0931, dianas@cwjamaica.com or bookings@windjammerjamaica.com, www.sanbarjamaica.com, US$10,500/12,000 weekly low/high season) is a six-bedroom villa sleeping a maximum of eight adults and six children, ideally situated among the Blue Lagoon Villas with a clear view of Pellew Island and Alligator Head. Easily one of the best villas around, San Bar boasts an oversized hot tub on the deck, impeccable furnishings, and more balconies than you'll want to count. Cable TV, broadband Internet, iPod docks and a stereo keep guests well plugged in.
San Cove (www.sancovejamaica.com, US$7,000/8,000 weekly low/high season) is a sister property to San Bar that also books directly through the Stewart family, which owns the properties. San Cove can be annexed with San Bar to expand the accommodation capacity for larger groups who want to remain close. The highlight of this four-bedroom, three-story luxury villa is its exceptionally large deck with grill and picturesque gazebo, fit for relaxing in the shade or enjoying a fine meal at the water's edge. Amenities are the same as at San Bar.
Gremlin Hill (contact owner Gaia Budhai, tel. 305/534-9807, gaiamylove@yahoo.com, www.gremlinhill.com, US$2,500/3,400 weekly low/high season, two-night minimum stay) has a great vantage point over Pellew Island. The artfully decorated villa has accommodations for eight. Master Chef Linette Bernard's reputation precedes her. The villa is a popular venue for intimate yoga and other retreats. Bookings can be made either through the owner or locally through Yvonne Blakey's Villa Vacation.
Norse Hill (www.norsevillas.com, US$3,500/$4,000 weekly low/high season) was built by Iris and Reidar Johanssen as their winter home. The Johanssens lived amazing lives, jumping across the globe before their time in Hong Kong during the 1930s. The Norwegian-style chalet is accordingly grand and filled with art and antiques from China. Norse Hill is a steadfast, gorgeous, stately structure, with an industrial-size kitchen, three bedrooms, and a loving and dedicated staff. The master bedroom and the slightly less opulent room on the other end of the chateau both have large tiled bathrooms and oversized mirrors. Verandas look out over the pool and gardens and, beyond that, the wide-open sea. All the amenities are there, including DSL. The property itself is arguably the best endowed in Port Antonio. Hectares of botanical gardens sit on top of a hill looking over San San Bay. An enormous ficus tree shades the best seat in town, a real contender against Henry Morgan's Lookout, which later became Noel Coward's Firefly. The gardens have extensive pathways through lush flowerbeds.
Norse Point (US$1,400/1,750 low/high season weekly) is the only one-bedroom villa in Port Antonio. The little-sister property to Norse Hill, this quaint cottage lies directly across a short stretch of water from Pellew Island, between San San Beach and Blue Hole.
Alligator Head (contact manager, David Lee, tel. 876/993-7453, or cell tel. 876/298-5675, david@alligatorhead.net, www.alligatorhead.net, US$2,500 daily for up to eight) rents two villas, one three-bedroom and one four-bedroom, sleeping six and eight respectively, with some 17 staff attending to the peninsular estate, two beaches, several pools, two jet skis, and Wi-Fi across the property included.
Villas with Class (info@villaswithclass.com, www.villaswithclass.com), run by Nino Sciuto, offers booking services for many of the area's villas and runs a community-oriented site featuring the attractions and services.
Chateau En Exotica (contact Henri and Joyce Verne, tel. 561/793-7257 or 561-793-7257, exotica@webtv.net, www.jamaicadreamvillas.com, US$645/745 low/high nightly for up to six) is a spectacular four-bedroom villa perched atop a hill in the San San district. Amenities include a Jacuzzi, pool, and stunning views.
Continental and Jamaican
First and Last Bar & Restaurant serves up authentic Jamaican dishes including curry goat, oxtail, brown stew fish, chicken, pork, tripe and bean, ackee and saltfish, mackerel, rundown, and callaloo. Howard "Howie" Cover (cell tel. 876/367-7700) owns the bar, and Clement Chambers (cell tel. 876/450-5143) runs the restaurant, with his wife Anna doing the cooking.
Green Palm Restaurant & Bar (19<@fract>1/2 West Palm Ave., tel. 876/715-4482, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) serves Jamaican staples during the week and seafood dishes like fish, conch, and lobster (US$10–20) for Seafood Fridays (4 p.m.–midnight).
Chenel's Pizza (28-A West St., tel. 876/440-0968, 9 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$2–30) is run by Michael "Mikey" Badarie (cell tel. 876/364-5833), who serves fresh natural juices, hot dogs, burgers, sandwiches, and of course pizza--by the slice or whole 10" and 16" pies with 15 different toppings available.
Yellow Canary (1 Harbour St., contact Crissie, cell tel. 876/404-8161, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.daily, US$2–4.50), also known as Bramwell's Restaurant, serves typical Jamaican fare for breakfast and lunch: ackee and saltfish, liver, corned beef, stew peas, cow foot, curry goat, stewed pork, brown stew fish, and fried chicken.
Nix Nax Centre (16 Harbour St., across from Texaco, tel. 876/993-2081 or cell tel. 876/329-4414, 8 a.m.– 7 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Fri.–Sat., 2–8 p.m. Sun., US$3–5) serves Jamaican favorites like fried chicken, curry goat, and stewed pork. Ackee with saltfish and stewed chicken are served for breakfast daily.
Wonderful Palace Fast Food (9 Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2169, 9 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 3–9 p.m. Sun., US$3–8) has decent Chinese and Jamaican staples.
Dixon's Corner Store (12 Bridge St., tel. 876/993-3840, 8:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) is an Ital restaurant serving excellent vegetarian dishes (US$3) like veggie chunks, veggie steak, fried whole-wheat dumplings, steamed cabbage, and saltfish. Delicious fresh juices (US$1) like sorrel and ginger are also served. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon run the place.
Anna Banana Restaurant (7 Folly Rd., tel. 876/715-6533 or contact manager Daniela Trowers, cell tel. 876/483-3672, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. daily) serves seafood and meat items. Fish costs about US$12/pound, with the pepper shrimp (highly recommended) at US$16/pound. There's a happy hour 6–7 p.m. on Fridays, offering a 25 percent discount on all drinks and a selector playing music to keep patrons entertained till closing.
Survival Beach Restaurant (Allan Ave., Oliver Weir cell tel. 876/384-4730, son Everton cell tel. 876/442-5181) is an Ital shack on the beachfront marked by a yellow picket fence on East Harbour. Vegetarian food, jelly coconut, and Ital juices are served at reasonable prices (US$5–10).
Golden Happiness (2 West, tel. 876/993-2329, 10:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 2–9 p.m. Sun.) is the best Chinese food in town, but the place lacks ambience and is best for takeout. The food is good value (US$4–7).
Cynthia's (Winnifred Beach, tel. 876/347-7085 or 876/562-4860, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. daily), run by Cynthia Miller, serves the best fish, lobster, and chicken accompanied by vegetables, rice and peas, roast breadfruit, and festival at the best value (US$7–15). Painter, Cynthia's business partner and chef, can be found out back in the kitchen.
Woody's Low Bridge Place (Drapers, tel. 876/993-7888, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. daily), run by Charles "Woody" Cousins and his charismatic wife Cherry, is definitively the coolest snack bar and restaurant in Port Antonio; it serves what is quite possibly the best burger (US$2.50) in Jamaica. Woody's Low Bridge Place opened in 1986 but Woody has been in the tourism business since 1963.
Sir P's Cook Shop (cell tel. 876/787-5514) serves up local dishes like jerk chicken, roast fish and bammy, conch, and natural juices. Peanut porridge and pastries are served in the morning.
Soldier's Camp (83 Red Hassell Rd., tel. 876/715-2083 or cell tel. 876/351-4821, 6 p.m.–you say when), better known as Soldji's, draws a healthy cross-section of locals on Wednesday and especially Friday nights for deliciously seasoned janga, or crayfish, as well as jerk chicken, pork, and curry goat. Special order can be arranged on any other night. The bar is open daily 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Everold "Soldji" Daley, a former soldier with the U.S. Army, opened the joint in 2003 after returning to Jamaica in 1998 from the United States.
Devon House I Scream (Errol Flynn Marina, tel. 876/993-3825) serves the best ice cream for kilometers around, but avoid the tubs that have thawed and refrozen.
Caribbean Fusion and International
Dickie's Banana (Bryan's Bay, about 1.5 km west of town center, cell tel. 876/809-6276, reservations required, hours based on demand, US$25 per person) is also known as "Best Kept Secret" since it was the winner of the Jamaica Observer's Best Kept Secret award in 2002. It has wonderful food at a great value and even better service. Five courses are served up based on Dickie's creative culinary magic, with no ordering necessary. Just let him know if there's something you'd prefer or something you don't eat and he'll take care of the rest. For the main course there's a choice of fish, chicken, goat, lobster, or vegetarian. Dickie Alvin Butler is assisted by his wife Marjorie Edwards (cell tel. 876/869-4391) and their son Dennis (cell tel. 876/809-6276).
Rusalka Restaurant & Bar (upstairs at the Errol Flynn Marina, cell tel. 876/715-5756 or 876/298-8773, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. daily) specializes in Central Asian and Russian cuisine; the menu changes every few weeks but the most popular dishes are served consistently. Appetizers include grilled feta cheese and beetroot salad served with warm crostinis (US$5), rice pilaf with chicken and raisins (US$15), stroganoff served with olive oil mash and buttered vegetables (US$15), and pelmeni, pork and beef minced and wrapped in dough and served in a clear chicken broth accompanied by olive bread, sour cream and salad, or mayonnaise and grated cheese (US$20). Rusalka also serves veggie dishes like seasonal vegetable stir-fry (US$10). Jamaican classics on offer include steamed yellow snapper in a butter sauce served with parsley white rice (US$15–25), chicken curry served with seasonal steamed mixed vegetables, rice and peas (US$9.50), and jerk chicken supreme (US$11). Live entertainment on Fridays and Saturdays features local groups from Portland and musicians from Kingston and Montego Bay.
Norma's at the Marina (tel. 876/993-9510, www.normasatthemarina.com, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Tues.–Sun., US$10–27) is the latest of Norma Shirley's reputable establishments. This is Port Antonio's only bona fide high-end restaurant, serving dishes like lamb, steak, lobster, pork chops, shrimp, chicken, and pan-seared fish. The food at Norma's is dependably good, smoked marlin being the famous specialty appetizer.
Mille Fleurs (at Hotel Mockingbird Hill, tel. 876/993-7134, 876/993-7267, 876/619-1215, or 876/619-1216, entrées run US$25–40 ) is open daily for breakfast (8–10:30 a.m.), lunch (noon–2:30 p.m.), and dinner (7–9:30 p.m.). Mille Fleur changes its menu on a daily basis, serving creative dishes that emphasize the use of local, fresh ingredients, like jerk meat with papaya salsa or a pimento-roasted steak with rum-honey glaze served alongside grilled banana or pineapple. Reservations strongly recommended. Local jack fruit is also infused into salads and pesto dishes served with cassava flour pasta. One of the best restaurants around, Mille Fleurs features creative dishes fusing elements of Asian, European, and Jamaican cuisine.
Chucky's Wholesale (21-A West St., tel. 876/715-4769, 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has groceries.
Ramtulla's Supercenter (Folly Rd., tel. 876/715-5132) is the most modern supermarket in Port Antonio, with the largest selection of groceries.
For groceries, you can also head to Kamlyn's Supermarket and Cambio (19 Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2140; 12 West St., tel. 876/993-4292; cambio 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat., closed Sun.; supermarket 8:30 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8:30 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Sat.).
Kamal's (12 West St., tel. 876/993-4292, 8:30 a.m.–8 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun.) is a grocery and cambio owned by Mr. Sinclair, who also owns Kamlyn's.
CC Bakery is at 1 West Palm Avenue (tel. 876/993-2528).
Portland Parish Library (1 Fort George St., tel. 876/993-2793) offers free Internet access on a set of computers in the junior library and at the computer lab in the adult section.
Don J's Computer Centre (Shop #10, Royal Mall, tel. 876/715-5559, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) has Internet access (US$1/hr). Faxing and VoIP calling services are also offered.
Banks, Laundry, and Shipping
Scotiabank is located at 3 Harbour Street (tel. 876/993-2523).
Firstcaribbean has a branch on Harbour Street (tel. 876/993-2708).
Ever-Brite Cleaners and Laundromat (17 West Palm, tel. 876/993-4071, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. daily.) can take care of your dirty clothes for US$5 per load.
For shipping services, DHL operates through local agent Port Antonio Company (City Centre Plaza, tel. 876/993-9401 or 876/993-3617, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.).
Police and Medical Emergencies
Port Antonio Police is located at 10 Harbor Street (tel. 876/993-2546), whereas San San Police is at the base of San San Hill (tel. 876/993-7315).
Police advice in Port Antonio includes all the typical warnings: Don't sleep with the door wide open, watch your belongings on the beach, don't use drugs in public, and be wary of thieving prostitutes. Petty theft incidents are reported regularly, but on the whole Port Antonio is relatively crime-free compared to other areas of the island. Constable Brown and Superintendent Bowen are in charge at the Port Antonio constabulary.
Port Antonio Hospital (Naylor's Hill, tel. 876/993-2426) is run by doctors Terry Hall and Jeremy Knight, who have a very good reputation.
Eric Hudecek at Modern Dentistry (9 West Harbour St., tel. 876/715-5896, cell tel. 876/860-3860 or 876/371-2068, info@modern-dentistry.de) is a highly regarded dentist with a smart, well-equipped office overlooking Navy Island. He is sought out by patients from across Jamaica and abroad.
Dr. Lynvale Bloomfield (32 Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2338) has a private practice in town and also owns City Plaza Pharmacy (City Center Plaza, Harbour St., tel. 876/993-2620).
Port Antonio is served by route taxis from Buff Bay (US$1.50) from the west and Boston (US$1.50) and Morant Bay (US$4.50) from the east. Minibuses leave twice daily for these areas from Market Square. Taxis gather in Market Square and in front of the Texaco station on Harbour Street. Most guesthouses and hotels arrange transportation from Kingston or Montego Bay airports, Kingston being the closer international airport at about 2.5 hours away.
Driving from Kingston, the shortest route (B1) passes over Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains before descending to the coast in Buff Bay. From Buff Bay, head east along the coast until you reach Port Antonio. The road over Hardwar Gap is regularly blocked by landslides and is at times impassible for years on end. This route takes about two hours.
The alternate route from Kingston (A3) passes over Stony Hill and then through Castleton, St. Mary, and Junction before hitting the coast around Annotto Bay. When the road through the Blue Mountains is blocked, this is the quickest route between Kingston and Port Antonio, taking about 2.5 hours.
A third route (A4), every bit as scenic, follows the coast east of Kingston along the southern flanks of the Blue Mountains through Morant Bay, turning west at Hector's River. This route takes 2–3 hours on decent roads.
The Ken Jones Aerodrome, 10 minutes west of Port Antonio, receives flights from Kingston, Oracabessa, Montego Bay, and Negril with charter operators International Airlink (tel. 876/940-6660, res@intlairlink.com, www.intlairlink.com) and Jamaica Air Shuttle.
The town of Port Antonio is compact enough to get around comfortably on foot. For any of the attractions east, west, and south of town, however, it is necessary to jump in a route taxi or hire a private charter. If you're feeling energetic, traveling along the coast between town and Winnifred Beach or even Boston by bicycle is very feasible. Route taxis congregate by the Texaco station on Harbour Street for points east, and in Market Square for points west and south. It's easy to flag down route taxis along the main road. Expect to pay around US$1.50 for a ride a few kilometers down the coast as far as Boston.
Richard Dixon (cell tel. 876/312-4743) is a dependable taxi man for charters, as are Indian (cell tel. 876/866-6920); William Reid, a.k.a. Busout (cell tel. 876/849-0867); and Aldwyne (cell tel. 876/358-8086).
Fisher Tours (cell tel. 876/852-0177) can give you a lift around for reasonable rates. Driver Andre Thomson will take you from Kingston airport to Port Antonio for US$120, or on excursions to places like Reach Falls from Port Antonio for US$20/person. Andre's van has a capacity of eight.
Eastern Rent-A-Car (16 West St., manager Kevin Sudeall tel. 876/993-4364 or cell tel. 876/850-2449, eastcar@cwjamaica.com, www.lugan.com/east.html) has a Toyota Yaris (US$85/day) or Corolla (US$75), Honda Accord (US$120), Toyota RAV4 (US$120), and Mitsubishi Gallant (US$120), Lancer (US$90), or Space Wagon (US$120). Longer-term rentals will be discounted.
Nestled between the Blue Mountains and the John Crow Mountains are the culturally rich communities of the Upper Rio Grande Valley. These include the farming communities of Millbank and Bowden Pen and the Maroon community of Moore Town. Trails, including Cunha Cunha Pass, lead into the lush rain forest of the park and provide an opportunity to see the endangered Giant Swallowtail, the largest butterfly in the Western Hemisphere. The best way to get to know this area is by contacting the Maroon Council to learn from the people who have staked out this land as their own for centuries.
Rio Grande Rafting (tel. 876/993-5778, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, US$72/raft) is a much-touted attraction controlled by the Tourism Product Development Corporation, operating along the banks of the wide and gentle Rio Grande River. Eighty-three raft captains compete fiercely for clients, who enjoy the sedate relaxation of a 2.5-hour ride down the river on long bamboo rafts. To reach the start of the ride, take Breastworks Road from Port Antonio, keep right on Wayne Road in Breastworks past Fellowship, and keep right following the signs to Berridale. The raft ride ends in St. Margaret's Bay by the mouth of the river at Rafter's Rest. Transporation is not included in the cost of rafting. For Moore Town, take a left over the bridge at Fellowship Crossing.
The stronghold of Jamaica's Windward Maroons, led by Colonel Wallace Sterling since 1995, Moore Town is a quiet community located along the banks of the Rio Grande, about an hour's drive south of Port Antonio. Prior to the election of Colonel Sterling, the Moore Town Maroons were led by Colonel C. L. G. Harris (from 1964), and before him, it was Colonel Ernest Downer (from 1952).
Colonel Wallace Sterling can organize B&B-style homestays (cell tel. 876/898-5714, US$30/person) in the community, as well as hikes to Nanny Town farther up into the mountains. It's a two- to three-day hike round-trip that will cost US$100 per person for guides, food, and shelter. If you don't bring your own tent, guides will use materials from the bush to make shelter at night. Along the way you're likely to pick up a few basic Maroon words like medysie (thank you). If you are unable to reach Colonel Sterling, Moore Town Maroon Council Secretary Charmaine Shackleford (cell tel. 876/867-6939) can also help arrange homestay visits and guides.
The Maroons have maintained their customs throughout the years, as well as their language, a mix of West African tongues brought by captured slaves who belonged to the Ahanti, Fanti, Akan, Ibo, Yoruba, and Congo peoples, among others.
Bump Grave (admission by donation) is the final resting place of Nanny, the legendary Maroon leader and Jamaica's first national heroine. It's the principal attraction in Moore Town; a plaque and monument recall her glorious leadership and victory over British forces that tried unsuccessfully to conquer the Maroons. Bump Grave is fenced off, but the gate can be opened by the caretaker of the school located across the road. Call to alert the Colonel (cell tel. 876/898-5714) or Maroon Council Secretary Charmaine Shackleford (cell tel. 876/867-6939) of your arrival to ensure someone is around to open the gate.
Nanny Falls is a small waterfall within an easy hour's walk from Moore Town. Ask any local to indicate where the trail starts, just above Nanny's grave. There is also an alternate, longer route, about three hours round-trip, if you're looking for more of a workout. The Colonel can help arrange a guide (US$10).
The Moore Town Maroon Cultural Center is at time of writing still in the conceptual stages, but there is adequate momentum from the Maroon Council and the Institute of Jamaica to guarantee that the project will develop over the coming years. The concept is to establish a museum and cultural center for the exhibition and preservation of Maroon heritage. Young people will be taught to make and play drums and the abeng, a traditional Maroon horn used to communicate over great distances. The abeng is said to have struck fear into the hearts of the British, who were never able to conquer the Maroons. Craft items, toys, and a whole range of items considered the basis of the Maroon culture are also to be produced, and the center will have an adjoining gift shop and restaurant to accommodate visitors. "We are looking at a living thing rather than strictly an exhibition of the past," Colonel Sterling said about the project. The Maroon Council is currently working with UNESCO and the IOJ in developing the plans and securing funding.
Ambassabeth Cabins (Bowden Pen, Lennette Wilks, cell tel. 876/395-5351 or 876/381-1528, US$50 per cabin, sleeps 2–4; US$25 for a tent that can sleep eight) is the most remote accommodation option in the Rio Grande Valley, located above Millbank at the uppermost reaches. The famous Cunha Cunha Pass Trail leaves from there, as does the White River Trail, leading to a series of cascades. There is an unmanned ranger station maintained by Ms. Wilks in Millbank, just over the border into St. Thomas two miles before reaching Bowden Pen. The Quack River and White River Falls are both nearby. Ms. Wilks can arrange trail guides and meals, as well as cultural entertainment. There are a total of eight cabins, which can house up to 20 people in all. Cabins have beds with sheets and blankets; towels and bug dope should be brought along. One cabin has a private bath with shower; the others share common facilities. There's also an indoor dining and recreation area. Cabins come with breakfast, rundung (a coconut sauce) with fish or vegetables.
Millbank is 17 miles up the river valley from Port Antonio; as an alternative to the route from the Rio Grande Valley, there is a well-established 5.5-mile trail from Hayfield, St. Thomas. Trained guides at Ambassabeth are knowledgeable in biodiversity and local cultural history. The Cunha Cunha Pass Trail connects Portland and St. Thomas over the Blue Mountains, where a lookout point at Cunha Cunha gives spectacular views.
Getting There and Around
Barrett Adventures (contact Carolyn Barrett, cell tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.barrettadventures.com) offers transportation to and from the Blue and John Crow Mountains, as well as a hiking expedition from the Portland side or from Kingston.
Mavis Bank and Blue Mountain Peak
Mavis Bank is a sleepy village nestled in a river valley in the shadow of Blue Mountain Peak. Its principal economic foundation for the past century has been the Mavis Bank Coffee Factory, which keeps many of the area's residents employed. The area is a good base for exploring the upper reaches of the Blue Mountains and for birding.
A few homey accommodation options around Mavis Bank offer visitors a chance to prepare in relative comfort for the trek up Blue Mountain Peak, which requires a somewhat grueling four-wheel-drive journey to the trailhead at Abbey Green, or alternatively, a two-hour hike.
Mavis Bank
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory (MBCF) (right off the Main Road as you reach Mavis Bank from Gordon Town, tel. 876/977-8005, 876/977-8013, or 876/977-8015, admin@mbcfcoffee.com, 8:30 a.m.–noon and 1–3:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., tour reservations recommended, US$8 adults, US$3.50 children) was established in 1923 by an English planter, Victor Munn. As the biggest coffee factory in Jamaica, it has been the economic foundation for the area since. The company is currently owned by the National Investment Bank of Jamaica (NIJB) and the founding Munn family, who share 70/30-percent stakes. Today, operations at the 327-worker factory are overseen by local PNP politician Senator Norman Grant, who holds the position of managing director.
Mavis Bank Coffee Factory is supplied by six of its own plantations, including Abbey, St. Thomas, and Orchard Rest, and around 5,000 independent farms. Most of the picking is done by local women, who receive about US$50 per box full of berries. Of this, the vast majority goes to the farm owner where the berries were picked. The coffee is then left outside to dry for 5–7 days, weather permitting, or dried in a giant tumbler for two days if it's too rainy outside. Once dry, the coffee is aged in big sacks for 4–6 weeks before the outer parchment, or hull, is removed and the beans are cleaned and roasted. The whole process takes 3–4 months from bush to mug. Four grades (peaberry, 1, 2, and 3) are produced at MBCF, around 75–80 percent of which is consumed in Japan, with 5 percent going to the United States and 4 percent to Europe and the rest of the world. The remainder goes to local markets. MBCF processes 1.4 million pounds of green beans per year from 6,000 farmers.
The best tours of the factory are led by Doreen "Barbara" Johnson (tel. 876/895-3437), who has worked at MBCF since 1987.
Cinchona Gardens, while not the best-maintained botanical gardens, have a spectacular variety of plants, including many orchid species, making it a magical place with an incredible view. Cinchona Gardens can be reached by turning left at the Anglican church in Mavis Bank, and then descending to cross the Yallahs River at Robertsfield. Once you cross the river, either keep left at the fork to Cinchona via Hall's Delight, or take the right at the fork to reach Cinchona via Westphalia. Both roads are impassable for anything but 4x4 vehicles, or vehicles with good clearance. The bumpy journey takes about an hour from Mavis Bank. The caretaker at Cinchona is Lloyd Stamp (cell. 876/459-8582), known by everyone simply as "Stamp" or "Stampy." He lives in a little house at the bottom of the gardens. There's no admission cost, but given the gardeners' poor government salaries, it's advisable for visitors to "leave a ting" when presented with the visitors' book for signing. Tips should be in the range of US$5–10 per person. The garden is open to visitors and tended from 7:30 a.m.
to around 6 p.m. daily. Call Stamp prior to your visit to check on the weather and the best route to take, as road conditions are in a constant flux and one may be better than the other at any given time.
Another route to Cinchona descends from Section above Hardwar Gap. Turn right at section and descend to St. Peters. In St. Peters turn off the main road to the left toward Chestervale and Clydesdale rather than continuing the decent toward Guava Ridge. At Clydesdale, you'll see barbeques used to dry coffee beans, a water wheel, and an old great house now in ruins that hints of its more glorious past as a coffee plantation. It's a fitting place for camping for those with their own tent. From Clydesdale, an old road leads to Cinchona that takes about 1.5 hours to walk, or a bit quicker for intrepid drivers with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The views hold more natural beauty on the route down from Section, but it takes quite a while longer to reach Cinchona.
Jill Byles (tel. 876/977-8007 or cell tel. 876/487-5962, paraisoj@cwjamaica.com), a retired horticultural enthusiast who lives at Guava Ridge near Mavis Bank, offers tour guide services (US$50 per day regardless of group size) on hiking trails in the area. Jill can guide visits to Cinchona, Flamstead, and Governor's Bench, a footpath named after Governor Alexander Swettenham, who lived at Bellevue, a great house in the hills now owned by the University of the West Indies that's used for retreats and visitor accommodations.
The only remains of the great house at Flamstead is an old chimney. Flamstead was used as a lookout point as far back as the Taino period and during the Napoleonic Wars, served as a residence for Admiral Rodney, and was used as a base for the British army. Former Jamaican trade ambassador Peter King built a house on the site before being murdered in 2006. A plaque on the house he built notes that the site helped prove the usefulness of longitude as first measured by John Harrison's marine chronometer in 1761 by Harrison's son William. The Harrisons would eventually take the 20,000-pound sterling prize offered by the British crown for a solution to the problem of measuring longitude in the age of sail.
The Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park
Consisting of nearly 81,000 hectares in the parishes of St. Andrew, St. Mary, St. Thomas, and Portland, the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park (BJCMNP, tel. 876/920-8278, jcdt@cybervale.com, www.greenjamaica.org.jm) covers the highest and steepest terrain in Jamaica. This alpine terrain is the last-known habitat for the endangered Giant Swallowtail butterfly, the second-largest butterfly in the world, which makes its home especially on the northern flanks of the range. Several endemic plant and bird species reside in the park as well, and many migratory birds from northern regions winter there. Among the most impressive of the native birds are the streamertail hummingbirds--known locally as doctor birds--and the Jamaican tody, the Jamaican blackbird, and the yellow-billed parrot. The Blue Mountains generally are the source of water for the greater Kingston area and for this reason, among others, it is important to tread lightly and disturb the environment as little as possible. The BJCMNP has the largest unaltered swath of natural forest in Jamaica, with upper montane rainforest and elfin woodland at its upper reaches.
Blue Mountain Peak
The centerpiece of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Blue Mountain Peak can be reached by a variety of means depending on the level of exhaustion you are willing to endure. Generally, people leave from Whitfield Hall at Penlyne, St. Thomas, after having arrived there by four-wheel-drive vehicle. For ambitious hikers, however, there's also a 4.5-kilometer trail from Mavis Bank to Penlyne Castle, which is pleasant and covers several farms and streams. This option also obviates the need to send for a four-wheel-drive vehicle. From Penlyne Castle, you follow the road to Abbey Green (3.2 km), and then from there to Portland Gap (3.7 km). At Portland Gap there is a ranger station, sometimes unmanned, with bunks, toilets, showers, and campsites. These facilities can be used for US$5 by contacting the JCDT, which asks that visitors register at the ranger station. From Portland Gap to the peak is the most arduous leg, covering 5.6 kilometers. Warm clothes, light rain gear, and comfortable, supportive footwear are recommended.
Blue Mountain Peak is a mildly challenging four-hour hike from Whitfield Hall, a rustic farmhouse with a great fireplace. Trips to overnight at the farm and climb Blue Mountain by sunrise can be arranged through Barrett Adventures (contact Carolyn Barrett, tel. 876/382-6384, info@barrettadventures.com, www.barrettadventures.com).
From Portland Gap westward along the Blue Mountain range there are several other important peaks along the ridge, which are hiked to a far lesser extent. These include Sir John's Peak, John Crow Peak, and Catherine's Peak. Get your hands on a copy of Guide to the Blue and John Crow Mountains by Margaret Hodges; it has the most thorough coverage of hiking trails throughout the national park. Otherwise locals are the best resource.
Forres Park Guest House (reservations office tel. 876/927-8275, in Mavis Bank tel. 876/977-8141, mlyn@cwjamaica.com, www.forrespark.com, US$75–200) is the best option for bird-watchers and hikers, especially for groups. A two-story main house and four cabins are surrounded by a small coffee farm that attracts many endemic and migratory bird species. The large veranda is a great vantage point, as all three of Jamaica's hummingbirds--vervain, Jamaica mango, and streamertail--frequent the bushes all around the chalet-style main house. Rooms range from basic to more well-appointed, with a true mountain cabin feel. You won't miss the lack of air-conditioning, as nights are pleasantly cool. Hot water, on the other hand, comes well appreciated. Two additional superior deluxe rooms were added in 2007, including a suite with a whirlpool tub and a 90-degree view of the mountains, and another large room below, also with a king-size four-poster bed and a private balcony, opening out onto a semi-private garden (US$200). Forres Park is a great launch pad for excursions into the Blue Mountains and Cinchona gardens. The Lyn family owners have one of the largest coffee farming and processing operations on the island.
Lime Tree Farm (Tower Hill, cell tel. 876/881-8788, hello@limetreefarm.com, www.limetreefarm.com, US$130 per person per night, inclusive of three meals per day including wine with dinner; other alcoholic beverages served at additional cost) overlooking Mavis Bank, and with a spectacular view of Portland Gap, Blue Mountain Peak, and the Yallahs River Valley, is a small coffee farm with tastefully decorated concrete cabins owned by partners Charles Burberry and Rodger Bolton. The property is run as an all-inclusive lodging, and the hosts prepare excellent meals that make Lime Tree Farm one of the best values in Jamaica. Meals are shared in the open-air communal kitchen/lounge/dining area, which gives the place a warm, family vibe. Charlie's heritage is quite distinguished indeed; his grandfather, Hugh Foot, was colonial secretary of Jamaica from 1945 to 1947. He later became governor general from 1951 to 1957, during which time he oversaw moves leading up to independence in 1962. Foot, also known as Lord Caradon, marveled in the "the charm and strength of Jamaica in her variety," a commentary brought to life by his heirs at Lime Tree Farm. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed to reach the property and can be obtained in Kingston or Mavis Bank.
Whitfield Hall (Penlyne, St. Thomas, tel. 876/927-0986 or 876/878-0514, bookings@whitfieldhall.com, www.whitfieldhall.com, dorm bunks US$20, Coronel Whitfield room in main house US$50) a few kilometers Past Hagley Gap, lies just over the border in the parish of St. Thomas. It is a beautiful old house and coffee farm that offers rustic accommodation in a grand setting with a well-appreciated fireplace to fend off the night chill. Whitfield is the most common starting point for expeditions up to Blue Mountain Peak via Portland Gap, which generally start in the early morning hours to arrive at the summit for sunrise, when hikers have the best chance at taking in a crisp view. As the morning progresses, clouds tend to roll in, often obscuring the peaks and valleys. A guide to the peak is facilitated from Whitfield Hall for US$36 per party. Penlyne is only accessible by four-wheel-drive from Mavis Bank. Transportation can be arranged from any point in Kingston or Mavis Bank, with the cost depending on distance (US$40 from Mavis Bank, US$65 from Papine Square, US$100 from Kingston).
At Portland Gap (29 Dumbarton Ave., Half Way Tree off Eastwood Park Rd., tel. 876/920-8278 or 876/920-8279, jamaicaconservation@gmail.com, www.greenjamaica.org.jm) there are six wooden cabins. Cabin one has six bunks sleeping 12, at US$27/night; the second cabin has nine bunks, sleeping 18, for US$40/night; Cabins 3–6 are unclosed with no beds but with space for up to 15 people to sleep on the floor. Foam sleeping mats can be rented for US$0.60 per night, but hikers should carry their own sleeping bags. Pit toilets and fire pits are available. A US$1.15 user fee is assessed at the ranger station or when booking the cabins through the JCDT.
Food and Services
Mavis Bank is not the place to go for culinary delights or nightlife of any kind. Nonetheless, Karen's Container Bar around the corner from Forres Park is open whenever there are customers to serve.
In Mavis Bank square, By-Way Bar is a livelier local hangout. Also in the square is the post office and police station (tel. 876/977-8004).
To venture farther into the mountains, a four-wheel-drive vehicle is necessary. If you're heading up to Blue Mountain Peak you can call Whitfield Hall (tel. 876/364-0722) for a vehicle to meet you at the constabulary, which is a good place to leave your two-wheel-drive car if you have one.
The Blue Mountains are accessible from three points of entry: from Kingston via Papine; from Yallahs, St. Thomas, via Cedar Valley; and from Buff Bay, St. Mary, on the North Coast via the B1, which runs alongside the Buff Bay River. The last route is subject to landslides and has been impassable to all but four-wheel-drive vehicles for several years.
There are two main routes to access the south-facing slopes of the Blue Mountain range. The first, accessed by taking a left onto the B1 at the Cooperage, leads through Maryland to Irish Town, Redlight, Newcastle, and Hardwar Gap before the Buff Bay River Valley opens up overlooking Portland and St. Mary on the other side of the range.
The second route, straight ahead at the Cooperage along Gordon Town Road, leads to Gordon Town, and then taking a right in the town square over the bridge, to Mavis Bank. Continuing beyond Mavis Bank requires a four-wheel-drive vehicle and can either take you left at Hagley Gap to Penlyne or straight down to Cedar Valley and along the Yallahs River to the town of Yallahs.
Getting to and around the Blue Mountains can be a challenge, even if keeping lunch down on the way isn't. Only for the upper reaches, namely beyond Mavis Bank, is it really necessary to have a 4x4; otherwise the abundant potholes and washed-out road is only mildly more challenging to navigate than any other part of Jamaica because of its sharp turns.
A hired taxi into the Blue Mountains will cost from US$25 for a drop-off at Strawberry Hill, to US$100 for the day to be chauffeured around. Route taxis travel between Papine Square and Gordon Town throughout the day (US$2), as well as to Irish Town (US$3.50), but you must wait for the car to fill up with passengers before heading out.
To reach Whitfield Hall, the most common starting point for hiking Blue Mountain, four-wheel-drive taxis can be arranged through Whitfield Hall.
Many travelers find letting a tour operator take care of the driving is the easiest, most hassle-free way to get around the island. One of the most dependable and versatile tour companies on the island is Barrett Adventures (contact Carolyn Barrett, cell tel. 876/382-6384). Barrett can pick you up from any point on the island, getting off the beaten path more often than any other tour company in Jamaica. Barrett also books many of the best budget accommodation options across the island, including a few spots in the Blue Mountains.
Colin Smikle (cell tel. 876/370-8243 or 876/978-5833, colinsmikle@yahoo.com) offers a tour he dubs "Blue Mountain in a Hurry" ($150 for one or two persons with their own vehicle), where he'll guide hikers up and down in a day.
Morant Bay
St. Thomas parish holds an important place in Jamaican history. In the early colonial period, its mountainous terrain played an important role in providing sanctuary to the runaway slaves who formed the Maroon settlements of eastern Jamaica. Later, it became an important sugar- and banana-producing region under British rule. And finally, with the slaves freed but not being permitted advancement in society, the parish erupted in a rebellion that gave birth to Jamaica's labor rights movement.
At the center of what was once some of Jamaica's prime sugarcane land, Morant Bay is a laid-back town with little action beyond the central market. Between Morant Bay and Port Morant, 11 kilometers to the east, there are a couple of basic accommodation options that make a convenient base for exploring the rivers and valleys that cut across the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains, as well as the isolated beaches and Great Morass on Jamaica's easternmost tip.
The burning Morant Bay Courthouse played a central role in spurring the Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865, in which disenfranchised poor led by Paul Bogle revolted against the local government and the white planters, sending tremors through the British Empire. A statue of Paul Bogle created by Jamaican art pioneer Edna Manley, wife of Peoples National Party founder Norman Manley, stands in front of the courthouse. The building was in use until early 2007 as the St. Thomas Parish Council offices before it was, once again, gutted by fire. A historic marker by the statue honors the many patriots buried behind the building, "whose sacrifice paved the way for the independence of Jamaica."
The Morant Bay Market on the main road has an excellent stock of produce and a fish market in the back that rivals that of Downtown Kingston. It is a great place to stop for a stroll around to take in a bustling market.
Lorna's Crafts (cell tel. 876/396-9337) has some nice Jamaican crafts, jewelry, and Rastafarian motif goods in the Old Arcade.
East Fest (Goodyear Oval, Springfield, St. Thomas) is held annually on Boxing Day (December 24). The event is organized and hosted by the cultural reggae group Morgan Heritage (www.morganheritagemusic.com).
Dave's Place (cell tel. 876/461-3103) just past Scotia serves good chicken.
Scotiabank is located at 23 Queen Street (tel. 876/982-2310), and NCB is at 39 Queen Street (tel. 876/982-2225).
The Morant Bay police station (7 South St., guard office tel. 876/982-2233, crime office tel. 876/734-7111) is located just off the main road through town.
In Stony Gut, eight kilometers north of Morant Bay, a marker placed by the JNHT indicates Paul Bogle's birthplace and the place where his Revival Baptist church once stood. To get there, head inland at the center of town to Morant, where a right turn leads to the nondescript hamlet of Stony Gut.
Heading straight in Morant leads to Seaforth, a small community along the Morant River. North of the main intersection you soon come to a bridge across the river where the road forks. A right leads farther up the river to Sunny Hill, an important Rastafarian center in St. Thomas where occasional Groundations are held. It is said one of the first Rasta communes was formed in Trinity Ville, near Sunny Hill, as early as 1934. For info on upcoming Rasta-related events, contact St. Thomas native Karl Wilson (cell tel. 876/439-1471). Alternatively, for Rasta events island-wide, including those at Sunny Hill, contact Paul Reid, known as Iyatolah (cell tel. 876/850-3469) or Charlena McKenzie, known as Daughter Dunan (cell tel. 876/843-3227) at Jamaica's Nyabinghi headquarters in Scott's Pass, Clarendon.
Reggae Falls, located near Seaforth, is a popular spot for locals to come splash around by an old dam on the Morant River and jump off the large rocks along the river. There is a hut nearby where drinks and food are served.
A left across the bridge at the intersection in Seaforth leads to Mt. Lebanus, a picturesque district with fruit trees growing along the river, which has lots of pools suitable for swimming.
Port Morant
Overgrown and noticeably forgotten today, Port Morant was at one time busy exporting barrels of sugar, rum, and bananas. Today there is an oyster operation on the eastern side of the harbor bordering the mangroves that reaches down to Bowden across the bay. The oyster-growing zone is protected from fishing and serves as a spawning area as well. Several fishermen keep their boats on the waterfront and can be contracted to tour the mangroves and visit the lighthouse on Point Morant. Karl Wilson (cell tel. 876/439-1471), a director of the St. Thomas Environmental Protection Agency, has been working with fishermen and other local groups to encourage sustainable use of the vast mangrove reserve, one of Jamaica's last untouched marine wilderness areas. Karl can arrange marine and mountain tours to the best sights in the area.
The Morant Point Lighthouse sits on Jamaica's easternmost point. Cast of iron in London, the 30-meter-tall lighthouse was erected in 1841 by Kru people, indentured Africans brought to Jamaica in the post-emancipation period. There is a beautiful, desolate beach along Holland Bay just north of Morant Point. To get there, head east from the village of Golden Grove through the Duckenfield Sugar Plantation. Four-wheel-drive is essential in the rainy season, but otherwise it is possible to get through without it.
Stokes Hall Great House, located in the parish of St. Thomas near Golden Grove, was built by Luke Stokes. A former governor of the island of Nevis, he came to Jamaica shortly after the conquest of the island by the British. Like many of the early houses it was built in a strategic location and was securely fortified.
Stokes Hall Great House was destroyed by the 1907 earthquake and today stands in ruin. The house is currently owned by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust but not managed by anyone.
Bath Hot Springs
The town of Bath was erected using government resources and had a brief glamorous history as a fashionable second-home community for the island's elite. The splendor was short-lived, however, and the town quickly declined to become a backwater--as it remains today.
Bath Mineral Spring or "The Bath of St. Thomas the Apostle" as it is properly called, was discovered by the runaway slave Jacob in 1695 on the estate of his master, Colonel Stanton. Jacob found that the warm waters of the spring healed leg ulcers that had plagued him for years; he braved possible punishment to return to the plantation to relate his discovery to Stanton. In 1699 the spring and surrounding land was sold to the government for £400. In 1731 the government allocated £500 to develop the bath and a road to the spring, and a small town was built.
The hot springs are located 50 meters north of the Bath Hotel and Spa, itself located about three kilometers on a precariously narrow, winding road north of the town of Bath. An easy-to-follow path leads to the source, where water comes out from the rocks piping hot on one side and cold on the other. There are massage therapists on hand who use wet towels to give an exhilarating treatment, albeit exorbitantly priced (typically around US$14). These masseurs are either lauded or despised by visitors and can be quite aggressive in offering their services from below the gate of the hotel. Some visitors swear by their technique, however, which involves slopping hot towels over the backs of their subjects.
The Bath Hotel and Spa has traditional Turkish-style tiled tubs, as well as more modern whirlpool tubs. There are three rates for a dip, depending on how many are enjoying the tub: US$6 for one person, US$8.50 for two, or US$11 for three. The water at Bath is mineral-heavy. It is suggested that bathers stay in the water for 15–20 minutes to derive full benefit.
Basic rooms in the hotel have either private bath or shared bath (tel. 876/703-4345, US$50 private bath, US$33 shared bath). Meals (US$8.50–10) are served throughout the day and range from rotisserie chicken to curried shrimp.
Bath Botanical Garden
Bath Botanical Garden was established by the government in 1779 and is the second-oldest garden of its kind in the Western Hemisphere (one in St. Vincent dates from 1765). The garden retains little of its former glory as a propagation site for many of Jamaica's most important introduced plants, including jackfruit, breadfruit, cinnamon, bougainvillea, and croton. A stand of royal palms lines the road by its entrance, and a two-century-old Barringtonia graces the derelict grounds.
From the western side of Bath, a road runs north to Hayfield, where a well-maintained 8.8-kilometer trail provides an alternate route over the John Crow to the Rio Grande Valley. If you're heading to Portland, head east along the Plantain Garden River to where the main road east of Bath hits the A4 a few miles west of Amity Hall.
Whispering Bamboo Cove Resort (105 Crystal Dr. Retreat, just east of Morant Bay, tel. 876/982-2912 or 876/982-1788, whispering@cwjamaica.com, US$75/80 mountain view/ocean view) is a decent accommodations option with 15 rooms run by Marcia Bennet. Rooms have TV, private bathrooms with hot water, and air-conditioning, except two mountain-view rooms with fans only (US$60). DSL is available in the lobby, and a restaurant prepares food to order.
Brown's Guesthouse (tel. 876/982-6205, US$35–40) is a basic rest with nine rooms with cable, air-conditioning, hot water, and either double or queen-size beds owned by Neason Brown. Some rooms have kitchenettes, or food can be prepared to order. To get there, follow the main road toward Prospect and look for a sign just east of Whispering Bamboo on the ocean side of the road.
West of Port Antonio
The road west of Morant Bay toward Kingston hugs the coast, passing through dusty communities where jerk vendors and a few shops mark the centers of the action. This is an area most people just pass through. There are a few notable stops, however, but few accommodation options (beyond a few quickie joints) before reaching Bull Bay in St. Andrew.
White Horses
Just east of White Horses you arrive at Rozelle Falls, where locals often congregate to wash or cool off. The falls are visible from the main road (A4).
The Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church (service on Sat.) has its headquarters at Crighton Hall in White Horses just before reaching Yallahs, where it sits on more than 600 hectares of land. To get there, turn inland off the main road (A4) by a set of fruit vendors in the middle of White Horses. Coptic Road is on the left, marked with a sign. Said to be 20 million strong, the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church in Jamaica is led by Everton Shand, chief elder, and spiritual leader Brother Shine. Niah Keith and Brother Love were the founders of the original Coptic Church in Jamaica, while the institution originates in Ethiopia, where it was the official Imperial church for ages from ancient Egypt. A large tablet that dates from 1738 written in Old English was found during excavations and is on display. Many of Jamaica's roots reggae artists have attended the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church. The White Horses Kumina Group, Upliftment, hosts cultural and sports events in the community on a regular basis.
Sixteen kilometers west of Morant Bay, large salt ponds can be seen along the coast marking the approach to Yallahs. These ponds were once used as a source for salt and are home to brine shrimp and yellow butterflies. The name Yallahs is derived from the surname of a Spanish family that settled there to raise cattle on a ranch known as Hato de Ayala. The road inland from the center of Yallahs leads up along the river to Bethel Gap and from there deeper into the mountains, ultimately reaching Hagley Gap on a poor road traversable only by four-wheel-drive vehicles. Eleven kilometers north of Yallahs across the river from Easington is Judgment Cliff, which collapsed during the earthquake of 1692--burying an entire valley, it is said, in judgment of the Dutchman who maltreated slaves on his plantation. In any case, judgment was not justice, and most of his slaves died alongside him under the weight of a small mountain.
About 1.5 kilometers west of Yallahs, the broad, washed-out Yallahs River overflows during periods of heavy rain and dries completely for much of the year near its mouth due to dry, pebbly soil along its bed. At 37 kilometers from its source to the sea, it's one of Jamaica's longest rivers, starting 1,371 meters up and running down the principal trough along the base of the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains. Along the way, it is fed by several tributaries. Bridges built across the Yallahs have a tendency to disappear during hurricanes and are replaced routinely. For most of the year the riverbed near its mouth can be forded with no sign of water. The Yallahs River feeds the Mona Reservoir next to UWI via an aboveground pipe. Along with the Hope River, it is a major water source for the metropolitan area. There are decent beaches around Yallahs: Bailey's Beach to the east and Flemarie Beach just west of town.
Links Seafood Restaurant & Lounge (cell tel. 876/703-3927, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) on Fleming Beach is a nice chill-out spot to get some grub on the waterfront.
West of Yallahs just shy of the St. Andrew border, Eleven Mile is a small community known as the old stomping ground of legendary Jack Mansong, a.k.a. "Three-Finger Jack." A runaway slave, Three-Finger Jack became a bandit who took justice into his own hands in the vein of a Jamaican Robin Hood. He wreaked terror on the plantocracy and tried to kill a slave trader before ultimately being captured by Maroon leader Quashie, who carried his head to Spanish Town to collect the £300 reward.
Sun Coast Adventure Park
Located about 15 minutes east of the Harbour View Roundabout in 12 Mile, Sun Coast Adventure Park (sales office cell tel. 876/485-0015, park manager James Worton tel. 876/564-6999 or 876/995-9450, info@suncoastadventurepark.com, www.suncoastadventurepark.com, 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Sat.–Sun., admission US$8) offers paintball (US$30 per person, US$40 with upgrade and US$8 for an additional 100 paintballs), nature trails, a ropes course, and the Anansi Maze. Bookings can be made during the week for groups of 10 or more with a deposit.
Getting There and Around
Points between Kingston and Morant Bay along the coast are served by JUTC buses departing from the Transport Centre in Half Way Tree for around US$1. For points farther east or around the coast, a private driver or route taxis are necessary. Taxis and small buses depart from the square in Morant Bay for Bath and Manchioneel as they fill up, costing less than US$5.
West of Port Antonio
The road west of Port Antonio runs along the coast, cutting inland occasionally through several small towns including St. Margaret's Bay, Hope Bay, and Buff Bay before reaching the border with St. Mary just east of Annotto Bay. The region is characteristically lush with fruit vendors and roadside shops intermittently along the road. Apart from Somerset Falls on the eastern edge of Hope Bay, the area is void of developed tourist attractions, but the sparsely populated coastline is in itself enticing; for the adventurous looking for secluded beaches, there are great opportunities for exploring around Orange Bay.
From Buff Bay, the B1 heads inland, climbing past Charles Town into the Blue Mountains and affording great views. This is the route on which Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours operates.
The quiet seaside village of St. Margaret's Bay is notable principally as the end point for the rafts coming down the Rio Grande. There are a few accommodation options and a notable craft shop, Jah Tobs Crafts (tel. 876/913-3242) making Rasta-style knits and other craft items including tams, belts, swimsuits, bags, chains, calabash purses, and much more.
Accommodations and Food
Rio Vista Resort Villas (on the eastern banks of the Rio Grande, tel. 876/993-5444, fax 876/993-5445, riovistavillaja@jamweb.net, www.riovistajamaica.com, US$75–250) has two-bedroom cottages, a one-bedroom honeymoon cottage with a spectacular view up the Rio Grande (US$155), and four single rooms between the main house and two suites. The one-bedroom cottage is suitable for a couple, the two-bedroom cottages can sleep up to four, and the three-bedroom villa sleeps up to six on two king-size and two full-size beds. To get there, turn right up the hill just around the corner after crossing the Rio Grande heading east. The "room with a view" is perhaps the nicest cottage, with a private balcony overlooking the river--the view can be appreciated from the inviting king-size bed. The property is run by Sharon, her son Chris and his wife Cyndi, who live on-property.
Paradise Inn (tel. 876/993-5169, paradiseinn295@hotmail.com, US$35–60) is a dive located along the main road (A4) with nine rooms lacking charm, each with one or two double beds. Rooms have cable TV, ceiling fans, and hot water come standard. Four rooms have kitchenettes.
Rafter's Rest (tel. 876/993-5778) is where the bamboo rafts pull in at the end of the 2.5-hour journey down the Rio Grande. There is a restaurant serving Jamaican staples (US$5–15) and a bar overlooking the river. The river is fit for swimming, and there is a beach where the river meets the sea.
Somerset Falls (about 3 km east of Hope Bay, tel. 876/913-0046, info@somersetfallsjamaica.com, www.somersetfallsjamaica.com, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$12 adults, US$6 children, free under age 9) is a great place to stop for a dip. The falls are reached by rowboat through cavernous cliffs surrounding a narrow inlet. A bar and restaurant serves beer, rum, fruit juice, jerk chicken and pork, fish, lobster, shrimp, burgers, hot dogs, and fries (US$7–25). A games area has billiards, table tennis, and foosball, with water volleyball in the pool. Occasionally, large events are staged at the venue section next door. The park has a number of caged birds and some deer, recaptured after they escaped in a hurricane years ago.
Likkle Porti, located across the street by the mouth of the Danny River, is owned by the same management as Somerset, with a seafood grill serving roast, steamed, and fried fish, accompanied by bammy and festival in the style of Little Ochie, a South Coast favorite. There's bathing access to the river and sea, with rafting and boat rides offered.
Pauline Petinaud, a.k.a. "Sista P" (cell tel. 876/426-1957), recently moved her African-Jamaican crafts shop and guest house from Port Antonio to Hope Bay, where she rents two basic rooms with common kitchen and bath for budget-minded travelers (US$30). Sista P, not to be confused with PNP politician Portia Simpson-Miller of the same pet name, is an important figure behind the movement to celebrate the African heritage inherent in Jamaican culture. Her craft shop sells African-inspired Jamaican items as well as a variety of African imports. She is best known for her founding role in the annual African-heritage festival, Fi Wi Sinting, which translates as "something for us."
J&J Natural Food Restaurant (contact Juba, cell tel. 876/851-8927) in the heart of Hope Bay on the seaside facing the road, serves Jamaican staples.
I-tal Village (cell tel. 876/898-5323, info@italvillage.com, www.italvillage.com, US$30/40 low/high season) is a mellow, simplistic, Rasta-inspired living retreat about three kilometers off the main road near Orange Bay. The retreat is near 6.5 kilometers of volcanic beaches that see virtually no outside visitors. Ital (natural) food is served to order.
Buff Bay is a dusty coastal town along the route between Port Antonio and points west. There is little to keep visitors in the area and few accommodation options. In the hills a few minutes inland along the B1, Charles Town is a Maroon community where a cultural heritage tour with the local Maroon Colonel Frank Lumsden makes a detour away from the coast--worthwhile for a few hours' visit.
The most impressive structures in Buff Bay are the courthouse and the St. George Anglican Church located across the street. St. George was the official church for the parish of St. George before it became part of Portland in 1867. The present cut-stone structure dates from 1814, but the foundation is much older. Both the church and the courthouse, which is still in use, can be accessed during business hours, and service is held on Sundays.
Some five kilometers above Buff Bay along what used to be an old Maroon Bridle path up the Buff Bay River (now known as the B1) is the Maroon community of Charles Town.
The Maroon Museum (free admission) located at Asafu Yard has artifacts and crafts of Maroon heritage. There's an adjoining commercial kitchen producing Jamaican cassava cakes, a gluten-free staple starch dating to the Taino and known locally as bammy.
Charles Town Maroon Colonel Frank Lumsden (cell tel. 876/445-2861) leads visitors on community tours and hikes (US$20/person) to Sambo Hill, the ruins of an 18th-century coffee plantation, Grandy Hole Cave, or Old Crawford Town, an old Maroon Village where Quao settled his people after the first Maroon War in 1739. The Colonel has a group of drummers who perform Koromanti drumming and dance.
A traditional country-style lunch (US$12/person) can be arranged at Quao's Village a bit farther upstream, where Frank's brother Keith Lumsden (cell tel. 876/440-2200) manages a swimming hole and rustic restaurant attraction. The spot is named after Maroon warrior Captain Quao (The Invisible Hunter), who, alongside Jamaica's first national hero, Nanny of the Maroons, fought off the British to assert his people's autonomy from the colonists.
A local chef treats visitors to traditional dishes like crayfish rundown (not to be missed) and saltfish rundown accompanied by boiled green banana and ground provisions (yam, coco, dasheen, pumpkin). There is an area where you can pitch a tent to overnight in Charles Town.
Blueberry Hill Guest House (Kildare district, near the Digicel phone tower, contact Devon or Doris Williams, cell tel. 876/913-6814, US$25–35) has seven rooms with private baths and standing fans. Some rooms have TV with a few channels. Some rooms have a nice view overlooking the sea; otherwise, the common veranda is suitable for enjoying the breeze.
B&G Jerk Centre (contact owner Glen Ford, cell tel. 876/859-5107) on the east side of town is the best spot for a roadside bite of jerk pork or chicken (US$4/quarter pound).
Hibiscus Restaurant (adjacent to courthouse, cell tel. 876/466-0946, 9 a.m.–11 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 5–11 p.m. Sun., US$2–3) serves Jamaican staples like fried chicken, curry goat, and stewed peas.
Buff Bay police station (9 First Ave., tel. 876/996-1497) is located opposite the Adventist Church.
Getting There and Around
Points between Port Antonio and Annotto Bay can be reached via route taxi or microbus for under US$5. Route taxis typically run between the closest population centers, and you will have to string together several legs for longer distances. Most route taxis also offer charter service, where rates are not regulated and have to be negotiated. A chartered car between Port Antonio and Hope Bay shouldn't cost more than US$20, with a chartered trip from Port Antonio to Buff Bay or Charles Town costing around US$50 for a couple of people.
Ocho Rios and the Central North Coast
St. Ann is full of rivers and gardens, thus its well-deserved nickname, "the garden parish." Locals will pronounce Ocho Rios as any incarnation from oh-cho ree-os to oh-cho ryhas or, most commonly, simply "Ochi."
Beaches and Waterfalls
Most of the resorts in town and along the coast have cordoned off their seafront areas. Despite the fact that all beaches in Jamaica fall under the public domain, private landowners along the coast can apply for exclusivity permits, a clause in the law most hotels take advantage of.
G-Link World Internet Cafe
G-Link World Internet Cafe is at Shop #21, Jake’s Plaza (tel. 876/966-4497).
One Love Trail
One Love Trail, about one kilometer west of Island Village Shopping center heading out of town, leads down to a beautiful waterfall spilling down on a small beach protected by a reef just offshore. Caretaker Goshford Dorrington "Histry" Miller (cell tel. 876/893-1867) takes tips for keeping the place clean and sells artwork and natural jewelry.
Turtle Beach
Turtle Beach (admission US$3) in the heart of Ochi is popular among tourists; several hotels claim large pieces on either side of the public area at the center of the bay.
Banks and ATMs
NCB (7 Coke Drive, tel. 876/966-2204) and Scotiabank (77 Main St., tel. 876/966-2230) have small branches with ATMs.
Mahogany Beach
Mahogany Beach (free) is the most popular beach among locals and heats up on weekends with music blasting and youth playing soccer and splashing around. The beach is located east of the town center off Main Street just past Bibibip's. It's the best place to soak up the local scene and is also the departure point for Five Star Watersports' cruises on their flagship Cool Runnings catamarans. The Mahogany Beach Restaurant & Bar (tel. 876/974-0833, Mitsue Small cell tel. 876/562-9422, Ryon Small cell tel. 876/379-2663, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Mon.–Sat., US$5.50–22.50) accommodates groups and serves jerk and pork, daily specials, and seafood.
Walkerswood (located between Fern Gully and Moneague just past Bromley Great House heading south, contact Denise Perkins, cell tel. 876/379-4749 or 876/917-2318, www.walkerswood.com) makes some of the finest and most successful barbecue sauces, marinades, curry seasonings, and fruit pickles exported from Jamaica. A factory tour has been offered in years past but ceased when the company was sold in 2008. Once the company is back on its feet under the new ownership, tours are expected to resume, according to the new management.
Rainforest Bobsled Jamaica at Mystic Mountain
Rainforest Bobsled Jamaica at Mystic Mountain (tel. 876/974-3990, reservations.jam@rfat.com, www.rainforestrams.com/jamicaintro.html, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily) is the latest tourism development to hit Ocho Rios, located on 100 acres of forest west of town, just before Dunn's River Falls and Dolphin Cove. The site is Rainforest Aerial Tram's fifth such attraction in the region, with similar ecotourism theme parks in Costa Rica, Dominica, and St. Lucia. The tours include a 15-minute ride up to the peak of Mystic Mountain on the Sky Explorer, a chair lift similar to what you'd find at ski resorts. The ride and summit afford stunning views over Ocho Rios, and once at the peak, there's a photo and memorabilia exhibit covering Jamaican history and culture, a gift shop, and a bar and restaurant housed in a wooden replica of an old Jamaican train station. There's a water slide and infinity pool in front of the building overlooking the sea. The Bobsled Jamaica ride consists of a two-seater bobsled-like tram that travels through the forest along suspended rails. It's an exhilarating five-minute blast of adrenaline, but only as gut-wrenching as the person in front controlling the brakes decides. The canopy tour (US$104) consists of a ride on a zipline through the forest along five different segments. The Sky Explorer costs US$42 per person or can be packaged with the Bobsled ride (US$62) or canopy tour (US$104), with a complete package including all three rides costing US$124 per person. Additional Bobsled runs cost US$20 each, while a family pack sold for US$40 gives you five rides. There is no additional charge for the pool and water slide.
Mystic Dining
Mystic Dining offers a Saturday night (6–10 p.m.) prix fixe three-course dinner (US$33.50 per person including lift, gratuity, and taxes) in what is perhaps the most affordable way to experience Mystic Mountain, albeit without sun, and eat some of the best food served in Ocho Rios. There's a surcharge on lobster and steak, and beverages are sold at an extra cost.
Dolphin Cove
Dolphin Cove (tel. 876/974-5335, info@dolphincovejamaica.com, www.dolphincovejamaica.com, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. daily, reservations required for encounters) is located just around the corner from Dunn's River Falls and offers a variety of programs where visitors interact with dolphins to a varying degree of intimacy, depending on the price--starting with a Touch Encounter (US$67), where you get to touch the dolphins' snout in knee-high water, to the Swim Encounter (US$129), where you get to touch the dolphins while swimming in an enclosed area of the ocean, to Swim with Dolphins (US$195), where visitors actually do a dorsal pull and a foot push with two dolphins.
In the shark program (US$119), there is a feeding show and petting and snorkeling session with six nurse sharks, ranging from 0.6 meter to up to three meters long.
The basic admission (US$45) includes kayaking, snorkeling, mini motor-boat rides, and glass-bottomed boat tours. Listed prices reflect direct booking through Dolphin Cove.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Dunn's River Falls
Dunn's River Falls (8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, from 7 a.m. on cruise ship days, US$20 adults, US$12 children 2–11, J$600/300 residents) is by far the most visited tourist attraction in Jamaica, if not the Caribbean. The site is owned by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and receives over 300,000 visitors a year who come to climb the waterfalls starting from the mouth of the river where it tumbles down to meet the sea in the middle of a fine, golden sand beach. The river pours cool spring water into the warm Caribbean making for an exhilerating swim. The falls themselves are climbed by children (3 ft and up) and seniors and everybody in between. As long as you're steady on your feet, it's not too much of a challenge, provided the water level isn't too high. Hand rails have been installed at the most challenging gushing stretch just before the underpass beneath the road.
To avoid crowds scrambling up the cascades, Dunn's River is best visited on days when there's no cruise ship in the port of Ocho Rios (Sundays), which is easy to determine by taking a look at the pier. However, groups are also brought from cruise ships docking in Falmouth and Montego Bay, and every hotel on the island offers tour packages to the falls, so it's hard to avoid the crowds on any day. Arriving as the park opens at 8:30 a.m. is the best way to find relative peace and solitude at Dunn's River Falls.
The rocks up the falls are slippery and water booties are recommended. These are rented (US$7) and sold (US$17) onsite, or bring your own. The park also recommends visitors climb the falls accompanied by one of the many guides, and you'll likely be coralled and assigned a guide in the designated area if you're with a group. The guides expect to be tipped for their service; US$5 to US$10 per person is more than reasonable. Neither guide nor booties are compulsory, but first timers especially may find a steady hand and some riverbed knowledge useful for the ascent.
Dunn's River is located 2 km west of Ocho Rios. Route taxis pass the entrance to the falls on their way to St. Ann's Bay and will stop at Dunn's River by request. A private taxi chartered from Ocho Rios shouldn't cost more than US$10, though the hard-hustling Ochi cabbies will likely start much higher. Don't be afraid to haggle and remind the driver it's only a few kilometers.
On the subject of haggling, for those who enjoy it, the craft market visitors are subjected en route to the exit of the park provides ample opportunity to engage with aggressive vendors who lose no time making friends with the requisite, "how was it? where you from? come here, let me show you something..." For those who don't enjoy "extreme shopping", keep veer left for the express route through the maze of shops and food concession stands.
Drax Hall Polo Club
Located across the highway from Scotchie's and the Epping gas station just west of Riu, Drax Hall Polo Club has one of the oldest polo fields in the world, and certainly in the Caribbean. Home to the St. Ann Polo Club (Contact Shane Chin, tel. 876/952-4370 or cell tel. 876/383-5586, chinrcpolo@yahoo.com; or Lesley Masterton-Fong Yee, cell tel. 876/681-4660), the fields have been in continual use since 1905. Polo has been in Jamaica since 1800 when it was introduced by the British army. The game is played strictly on an amateur level in Jamaica, with approximately 40 playing members spread over two clubs: the Drax Hall Polo Club in St. Ann and the Kingston Polo Club. There are three other privately owned fields on the island.
The St. Ann Polo Club originated in Orange Hall in 1882 and today has a casual ambience where members hang out to enjoy English tea or a beer after matches. In addition to the polo grounds, the facilities at the club include a full-size dressage ring and jumping ring, stable, turn-out paddocks, and, of course, the Polo Bar. The polo season at Drax Hall starts in late January with practice matches on Thursday afternoons and matches on Saturdays at 4 p.m. The club is host to many international players and riders from the United States, Colombia, Costa Rica, England, Guatemala, Scotland, India, Barbados, and Argentina. The players on the island are handicapped international from -2 to 4 goals. The Association can host tournaments from 1-goal to 14-goal polo. The Jamaica Polo Tournament is played at the St. Ann Polo Club and starts in March and goes through the end of May.
Drax Hall Polo Club
Located across the highway from Scotchie's and the Epping gas station just west of Riu, Drax Hall Polo Club has one of the oldest polo fields in the world, and certainly in the Caribbean. Home to the St. Ann Polo Club (Contact Shane Chin, tel. 876/952-4370 or cell tel. 876/383-5586, chinrcpolo@yahoo.com; or Lesley Masterton-Fong Yee, cell tel. 876/681-4660), the fields have been in continual use since 1905. Polo has been in Jamaica since 1800 when it was introduced by the British army. The game is played strictly on an amateur level in Jamaica, with approximately 40 playing members spread over two clubs: the Drax Hall Polo Club in St. Ann and the Kingston Polo Club. There are three other privately owned fields on the island.
The St. Ann Polo Club originated in Orange Hall in 1882 and today has a casual ambience where members hang out to enjoy English tea or a beer after matches. In addition to the polo grounds, the facilities at the club include a full-size dressage ring and jumping ring, stable, turn-out paddocks, and, of course, the Polo Bar. The polo season at Drax Hall starts in late January with practice matches on Thursday afternoons and matches on Saturdays at 4 p.m. The club is host to many international players and riders from the United States, Colombia, Costa Rica, England, Guatemala, Scotland, India, Barbados, and Argentina. The players on the island are handicapped international from -2 to 4 goals. The Association can host tournaments from 1-goal to 14-goal polo. The Jamaica Polo Tournament is played at the St. Ann Polo Club and starts in March and goes through the end of May.
Fire River
Fire River is found in a park area a few hundred meters off the highway about 1.5 kilometers before the main junction to turn off into St. Ann's Bay. The river is so named thanks to flammable gas that rises from a pool in the river and can be lit in a curious mixing of the elements. While locals will tell legends of the history and significance of the spot, a large housing subdivision just through the trees prompts the question of whether the gas is actually methane derived from the area's septic systems. Still, claims are made that the phenomenon predates the bordering urbanization. The attraction is not managed and can be reached by turning off the highway by the easternmost entrance to St. Ann's Bay and taking an immediate left after the dog clinic, off the road along a dirt track leading to the river.
Mammee Bay and Old Fort Bay
Mammee Bay, located a few minutes' drive west of Dunn's River Falls, is home to Riu Ocho Rios and a complex of small hotels just to the east in Old Fort Bay.
Cannon Villas
Cannon Villas is an assortment of old Jamaican cottage-style villas, four three-bedroom units and one four-bedroom, complete with lattice box windows, cushioned wicker furniture, and attractive interior decor. Villas have air-conditioning in the bedrooms, DSL, Wi-Fi, cable TV, a fully equipped kitchen, and a housekeeper. It's just steps from a fine white sand beach.
St. Ann's Bay
The parish capital, St. Ann's Bay is a small bustling town at the base of the hills that lead into the interior along rough potholed roads. Originally called Santa Gloria by Columbus, St. Ann's Bay was the site for the earliest Spanish settlement of Sevilla La Nueva, or New Seville, which became the colony's first capital. Santa Ana, as the area was named by the Spanish, was where they formed a cultural mix with the native Taino population and imported enslaved Africans. From the Spanish arrival straight through to the emancipation of slaves, the area was an epicenter of conflict between the violent anti-missionary Colonial Church Union and the Baptist abolitionists. It was these struggles for liberation that inspired St. Ann's most renowned son, pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey.
Marcus Garvey statue
A Marcus Garvey statue stands in the yard in front of the St. Ann parish library (tel. 876/972-2660, 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat.) just above the center of town. Garvey's bust stands in remembrance of a man whose ideas were suppressed by the powers of his day, but whose teachings nonetheless made serious ripples around the globe, inspiring black power movements the world over. The library has several computers free to use for half-hour intervals.
Seville Great House
Marking the spot where the first Spanish capital of Jamaica was established, Seville Great House (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$5 adults, US$2 children) stands atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the North Coast at the center of rolling lawns. The great house contains a museum where visitors are offered an historical tour highlighting the area's history and a selection of artifacts on display.A large water wheel located along the driveway below the great house stands as a reminder of the sugar works.
Seville Great House
Marking the spot where the first Spanish capital of Jamaica was established, Seville Great House (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$5 adults, US$2 children) stands atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the North Coast at the center of rolling lawns. The great house contains a museum where visitors are offered an historical tour highlighting the area's history and a selection of artifacts on display.A large water wheel located along the driveway below the great house stands as a reminder of the sugar works.
Seville Great House
Marking the spot where the first Spanish capital of Jamaica was established, Seville Great House (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$5 adults, US$2 children) stands atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the North Coast at the center of rolling lawns. The great house contains a museum where visitors are offered an historical tour highlighting the area's history and a selection of artifacts on display.A large water wheel located along the driveway below the great house stands as a reminder of the sugar works.
Seville Great House
Marking the spot where the first Spanish capital of Jamaica was established, Seville Great House (9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$5 adults, US$2 children) stands atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the North Coast at the center of rolling lawns. The great house contains a museum where visitors are offered an historical tour highlighting the area's history and a selection of artifacts on display.A large water wheel located along the driveway below the great house stands as a reminder of the sugar works.
Hooves (Seville Heritage Park, tel. 876/972-0905, hooves@cwjamaica.com, www.hoovesjamaica.com) offers 2.5-hour horseback rides (9 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily) from Seville Great House to the beach (US$65/person; with transport, US$70/person from Ochi, US$75/person from Runaway). The beach ride can be upgraded to a private ride for US$196 per couple for two horses.
High Hope Estate
High Hope Estate (Priory, tel. 876/972-2277, reservations@highhopeestate.com, www.highhopeestate.com, US$95–165) is a lovely B&B-style accommodation. Lunch and dinner are served, but the kitchen is closed on Sundays. Rooms have ceiling fans, a nice breeze to keep things cool, coffee pots, mini refrigerators, a radio and CD player, and cable in many of the rooms, with TVs on request. The property has beautiful gardens and a large swimming pool. Dennis Donald is the on-site owner/manager.
Seacrest Beach Hotel
Seacrest Beach Hotel (Richmond Cove, Priory, tel. 876/972-1594 or 876/972-1547, cell tel. 876/880-3130, seacrestresort@cwjamaica.com, www.seacrestresorts.com, from US$80) is a 35-room property with standard rooms that have air-conditioning, private baths with hot water, cable TV, and private balcony with sea view. There is also a pool and juice bar on property. Honeymoon suites and one- and two-bedroom cottages are a bit more spacious and separate from the main building.
Seascape Hotel
Seascape Hotel (tel. 876/972-2753 or cell tel. 876/335-5195, seascape@seascapejamaica.com, www.seascapejamaica.com, US$45–50) has 10 basic rooms in three separate cottages centered on a common living area run under a hostel concept. Amenities include hot water, fans, air-conditioning, and a common kitchen facility available for guest use. Seascape caters to budget travelers, offering dorm room accommodations (US$25/person). The seafront property has 6.5 hectares. Lloyd Chen is the owner/manager. Cell phone rentals are also offered for a nominal charge (US$10). The property has a swimming pool and access to a craggy beach.
Priory Beach
Just east of the stoplight in Priory, a turnoff leads down to Priory Beach, where an inflatable water slide is set up on Sundays and a sound system blasts dancehall, with selectors from Bass Odyssey entertaining the locals. There are several small cook shops, pan chicken vendors, a pudding shop, and a billiard hall along the stretch of highway running through Priory.
Priory Beach
Just east of the stoplight in Priory, a turnoff leads down to Priory Beach, where an inflatable water slide is set up on Sundays and a sound system blasts dancehall, with selectors from Bass Odyssey entertaining the locals. There are several small cook shops, pan chicken vendors, a pudding shop, and a billiard hall along the stretch of highway running through Priory.
Priory Beach
Just east of the stoplight in Priory, a turnoff leads down to Priory Beach, where an inflatable water slide is set up on Sundays and a sound system blasts dancehall, with selectors from Bass Odyssey entertaining the locals. There are several small cook shops, pan chicken vendors, a pudding shop, and a billiard hall along the stretch of highway running through Priory.
Priory Beach
Just east of the stoplight in Priory, a turnoff leads down to Priory Beach, where an inflatable water slide is set up on Sundays and a sound system blasts dancehall, with selectors from Bass Odyssey entertaining the locals. There are several small cook shops, pan chicken vendors, a pudding shop, and a billiard hall along the stretch of highway running through Priory.
Cranbrook Flower Forest and River Head Adventure Trail
Cranbrook Flower Forest and River Head Adventure Trail (tel. 876/770-8071, www.cranbrookff.com, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. daily, US$10 adults, US$5 children 12 and under) is one of Jamaica's best-maintained and most highly acclaimed gardens. The nature trail follows the Little River to its source. The park is located 29 kilometers west of Ocho Rios and 6.5 kilometers east of Runaway Bay. A large sign 1.5 kilometers west of Chukka Cove indicates where to turn inland off the main road.
Runaway Bay
Runaway Bay is lined with a strip of fine sand with all-inclusive resorts like SuperClubs' Breezes and Hedonism commanding the choice properties at the center and eastern tip of the Bay, respectively. The center of the Runaway Bay community consists of a few strips of buildings that include hole-in-the-wall restaurants, grocery stores, and a multitude of small dive bars decorated with strands of colored Christmas lights.
While many would suggest the bay was named after the flight of Don Cristobal Arnaldo de Ysassi, Spanish Governor of Jamaica at the time of the British takeover, Ysassi actually fled from Christopher's Point in St. Mary, and the more likely story involves the flight of runaway slaves to Cuba to seek their freedom.
Runaway Bay Public Beach
Runaway Bay Public Beach has Flavours Grill, which serves fried chicken and beer and is a popular hangout that attracts throngs on weekends with loud music. The beach itself has clean, fine sand with a reef just offshore.
Green Grotto Caves
Green Grotto Caves (9 a.m.–4 p.m. daily) is Jamaica's most commercially successful cave attraction, located on a 26-hectare property between Runaway and Discovery bays. While tamer than the experiences you can have in the heart of Trelawny's Cockpit Country a bit farther west, Green Grotto, also known as Runaway Cave or Hopewell Cave, is nonetheless a well-conceived organized tour, especially considering it is owned and operated by Jamaica's Urban Development Corporation. During the 45-minute tour that descends to an underground lake, well-rehearsed guides give a history of the caves, their formations, and their importance to the Taino and Spanish. A drink is included in the price of admission (US$20 adults, US$10 children). Green Grotto is located on the eastern edge of Discovery Bay.
Green Grotto Caves
Green Grotto Caves (9 a.m.–4 p.m. daily) is Jamaica's most commercially successful cave attraction, located on a 26-hectare property between Runaway and Discovery bays. While tamer than the experiences you can have in the heart of Trelawny's Cockpit Country a bit farther west, Green Grotto, also known as Runaway Cave or Hopewell Cave, is nonetheless a well-conceived organized tour, especially considering it is owned and operated by Jamaica's Urban Development Corporation. During the 45-minute tour that descends to an underground lake, well-rehearsed guides give a history of the caves, their formations, and their importance to the Taino and Spanish. A drink is included in the price of admission (US$20 adults, US$10 children). Green Grotto is located on the eastern edge of Discovery Bay.
Green Grotto Caves
Green Grotto Caves (9 a.m.–4 p.m. daily) is Jamaica's most commercially successful cave attraction, located on a 26-hectare property between Runaway and Discovery bays. While tamer than the experiences you can have in the heart of Trelawny's Cockpit Country a bit farther west, Green Grotto, also known as Runaway Cave or Hopewell Cave, is nonetheless a well-conceived organized tour, especially considering it is owned and operated by Jamaica's Urban Development Corporation. During the 45-minute tour that descends to an underground lake, well-rehearsed guides give a history of the caves, their formations, and their importance to the Taino and Spanish. A drink is included in the price of admission (US$20 adults, US$10 children). Green Grotto is located on the eastern edge of Discovery Bay.
Caveman Studio
Caveman Studio has a Mackie 24-track together with Nuendo and access to numerous contemporary artists and live studio musicians. Bargain rates for recording (US$215/hour) and mixing (US$70/mix) make Caveman a top choice in Kingston for streamlined production. Dub plates vary in price depending on the artists, but generally for a big name like Richie Spice or Warrior King it’ll run around US$500, with bigger artists like Sizzla charging at least double that.
Big Ship
Big Ship (8 East Riverside Drive, Havendale, US$35/hour, tel. 876/925-2409 or 876/655-0141, bigshipmusic@gmail.com) is led by reggae great Freddie McGregor and run by his son, Stephen, a.k.a. "The Genius" (stephen.mcgregor@gmail.com). The studio can be booked when not in use by Big Ship artists.
Flames Production
Flames Production (56 Ken Hill Drive, tel. 876/934-0827 or 876/765-2518) is a production company led by reggae icon Tony Rebel (www.tonyrebel.com). The location is home to Tony’s studio, where dub plates are recorded and CDs and DVDs of Flames recording artists can be purchased, among them of course recordings by Tony Rebel and his wildly successful relative, Queen Ifrica, whose Montego Bay album released in 2009 received great critical acclaim. Flames is responsible for producing the annual Rebel Salute roots reggae and dancehall festival staged in St. Elizabeth every January.
Anchor Studios
Anchor Studios run by Gussie Clarke, has reel-to-reel as well as Pro Tools. Rates are US$215 and US$260 per hour, respectively.
Exodus Nuclear Studio
Exodus Nuclear Studio run by Ryan "Gary Exodus" Braithwaite, is a popular venue for recording dub plates (US$12) and singles (US$30/hour inclusive of engineer).
The Mixing Lab Recording Studio
The Mixing Lab Recording Studio has recorded many reggae greats and continues to churn out occasional hits.
Penthouse Recording Studio
Penthouse Recording Studio (6 Ballater Ave., Pembroke Hall, tel. 876/929-7446) distributes and retails Penthouse label records as well as Flames Production (Tony Rebel), HMG (Morgan Heritage), Gargamel (Buju Banton), and Ghetto Vibes (Errol Dunkley). Artists on the Penthouse label include Nadine Sutherland, Daville, Chaka Demus, Tiger, Cutty Ranks, Richie Stephens, Sanchez, Wayne Wonder, Beres Hammond, Marcia Griffiths, and Freddie McGregor, among others. Donovan Germain is CEO of Penthouse. Both CDs and records, 45s and 33s, are sold.
Phase 3 Productions
Phase 3 Productions has the best video production and multimedia equipment for rent, from tripods to cameras to flat-screen TVs. Phase 3 also produces music videos and events.
Kingston is home to two daily newspapers, the Jamaica Gleaner (www.jamaica-gleaner.com) and the Jamaica Observer (www.jamaicaobserver.com), and a weekly, the Sunday Herald (www.sunheraldja,com), all of which are distributed island-wide. The Gleaner was the island’s first daily and is considered the paper of record; it also publishes Jamaica Star, the entertainment daily where you’ll find the latest gossip on feuds between recording artists. The Star also publishes the advice column, "Dear Pastor," and photos of partygoers from Kingston’s happening nightlife scene, as well as the occasional candid camera shots of people caught off guard for laughs. The Observer was established by Sandals chairman Gordon "Butch" Stewart to counter the overwhelming media force behind Oliver Clarke’s Gleaner, which rarely smiles on the Sandals boss in its copy. The Observer has its version of the Star, the entertainment tabloid, Chat!.
Jamaica Orchid Society
The Jamaica Orchid Society is the island's leading (perhaps only) organization dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of orchids. It holds an impressive annual Spring Orchid Show the last weekend in March (9:30 a.m.–6 p.m.) at the orchid house at Hope Gardens or the grounds of the Jamaica Horticultural Society (intersection of Gibson Drive and Gibson Close in Hope Pastures), or another venue, as the case may be. The society meets on the first Saturday of each month at the Joint Trade Unions Research and Development Centre (1 Hope Blvd.) at 4 p.m.; visitors are welcome. Members bring plants to discuss and hold short lectures and a judging session, where members learn about orchids and how to judge shows.
Jamaica Orchid Society
The Jamaica Orchid Society is the island's leading (perhaps only) organization dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of orchids. It holds an impressive annual Spring Orchid Show the last weekend in March (9:30 a.m.–6 p.m.) at the orchid house at Hope Gardens or the grounds of the Jamaica Horticultural Society (intersection of Gibson Drive and Gibson Close in Hope Pastures), or another venue, as the case may be. The society meets on the first Saturday of each month at the Joint Trade Unions Research and Development Centre (1 Hope Blvd.) at 4 p.m.; visitors are welcome. Members bring plants to discuss and hold short lectures and a judging session, where members learn about orchids and how to judge shows.
Jamaica Orchid Society
The Jamaica Orchid Society is the island's leading (perhaps only) organization dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of orchids. It holds an impressive annual Spring Orchid Show the last weekend in March (9:30 a.m.–6 p.m.) at the orchid house at Hope Gardens or the grounds of the Jamaica Horticultural Society (intersection of Gibson Drive and Gibson Close in Hope Pastures), or another venue, as the case may be. The society meets on the first Saturday of each month at the Joint Trade Unions Research and Development Centre (1 Hope Blvd.) at 4 p.m.; visitors are welcome. Members bring plants to discuss and hold short lectures and a judging session, where members learn about orchids and how to judge shows.
Jamaica Orchid Society
The Jamaica Orchid Society is the island's leading (perhaps only) organization dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of orchids. It holds an impressive annual Spring Orchid Show the last weekend in March (9:30 a.m.–6 p.m.) at the orchid house at Hope Gardens or the grounds of the Jamaica Horticultural Society (intersection of Gibson Drive and Gibson Close in Hope Pastures), or another venue, as the case may be. The society meets on the first Saturday of each month at the Joint Trade Unions Research and Development Centre (1 Hope Blvd.) at 4 p.m.; visitors are welcome. Members bring plants to discuss and hold short lectures and a judging session, where members learn about orchids and how to judge shows.
Hamlyn Orchids
Hamlyn Orchids, run by Claude Hamilton, an accredited judge of the American Orchid Society, is the largest commercial grower in Kingston and the number one expert in Jamaica. He has a large nursery (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily), which can be toured (free) by calling ahead to set up a visit.
Hamlyn Orchids
Hamlyn Orchids, run by Claude Hamilton, an accredited judge of the American Orchid Society, is the largest commercial grower in Kingston and the number one expert in Jamaica. He has a large nursery (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily), which can be toured (free) by calling ahead to set up a visit.
Hamlyn Orchids
Hamlyn Orchids, run by Claude Hamilton, an accredited judge of the American Orchid Society, is the largest commercial grower in Kingston and the number one expert in Jamaica. He has a large nursery (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily), which can be toured (free) by calling ahead to set up a visit.
Georgian Society of Jamaica
The Georgian Society of Jamaica is a private society dedicated to the appreciation of Jamaica’s architectural heritage from the Georgian period, and to the restoration and preservation of Georgian buildings. Geoffrey Pinto is the society’s founder. The society has a list of public and private buildings its members tour on their outings, scheduled every few months. Richmond Park Great House is now headquarters for Xerox Jamaica.
Kingston is full of shopping plazas and strip malls. Half Way Tree has the highest concentration of shopping plazas in Jamaica, which include: Lane Plaza, on the eastern side of Hope Road; Pavilion, Central, Twin Gates, and Savannah Plazas, on the block between Eastwood Park and Constant Spring Roads; and Mall, Tropical, 7th Avenue, Premiere, and Village Plazas on the north side of Constant Spring Road.
Sports and Recreation
Kingston is not known for its outdoor recreational opportunities. Nevertheless, there are plenty of options, including diving, hiking, golf, tennis, and even surfing, within the greater area.
Norma's (31 Whitehall Ave., 8:30am-4:30pm Mon.-Sat.) children Karlene, Karl and Christopher Ferguson carry on their much beloved mother’s legendary cook shop after her 2015 passing with dedication and pride. It’s some of the best local fare in town serving staples like curry goat, oxtail, and stewed chicken for take-out. You won't find better value; lunches come in small (US$4) or large (US$5-8). Seasonal juices (US$2-3) like carrot and orange, June plum, otaheite apple and carrot punch are made fresh daily. Fish and shrimp are sometimes prepared. Call in advance to find out what's on the menu and to make sure it "nah sell-off" yet. The kitchen, around back, is filled with industrial-sized pots and flurry of activity.
Jah Messenger Rasta-rant
Jah Messenger Rasta-rant (Shop #17, St. Andrew Plaza, 90-B Red Hills Rd., contact Jah T, cell tel. 876/310-6819, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Fri.), owned by reggae great Luciano, a.k.a. Jah Messenger, serves Ital fare like curried veggies (US$5) and brown stew fish (US$6.50).
Mi Hungry Whol'-Some-Food
Mi Hungry Whol'-Some-Food (closed Saturday) serves vegetarian raw food renditions of pizza, patties or "happies," sweet and savory fruit and vegetable pies, and burgers (US$5–6.50) as well as fresh natural juices (US$3–5). Take a left onto Weymouth Drive off Washington Boulevard coming from Half Way Tree and take the second left and continue the junction at the top of the road and take a right on Horwood.
Specialty Food Stores
The best place to buy produce, at least where price and freshness is concerned, is Coronation Market Downtown, just west of St. William Grant Park. For everything else, go Uptown.
Jo Jo's Market
Jo Jo's Market ., tel. or , 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun.) is the best place Uptown for fresh produce, including fruits and juices.
Finnigan's Winery
Finnigan's Winery (5 Cranbourne Ave., tel. 876/960-7799 or cell tel. 876/816-3375, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Tues.–Fri., 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Sat.) has a great selection of imported cheeses, meats, and wines. Tom Finnigan sees his business as a "supplier of necessities, not luxury goods." Excellent sandwiches are prepared on the spot, and a pizza oven was installed in late 2009, paving the way for a seated dining experience. A courtyard in the back hosts occasional film showings and parties.
Mac's Gourmet Market
Mac's Gourmet Market (10 a.m.–7 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sun.) retails a mix of imported meats, wines, cheeses, produce, and locally produced cottage-industry products including sauces, salad dressings, and desserts. A prepared-foods section has wraps and lobster and potato salads, while a hot section at the back serves rotisserie chicken and ribs.
The Lannaman family
The Lannaman family owns a small chain of health-food and nutritional products stores throughout the Kingston area. They include Health & Nutrition (Sovereign Centre, tel. 876/978-3529) and Fit for Life (King's Plaza, tel. 876/926-4207), where you can find Tom's of Maine products, Knudsen's Spritzers, hemp shampoo, and other granola-lovers' fare.
Natural Health Whole Food Store
Natural Health Whole Food Store (Shop #1, Orchid Village Plaza, 20 Barbican Road, 876/977-1192; Shop #14 Mid Spring Plaza, 134 Constant Spring Road, 876/755-4587 or 876/925-1037; 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Fri.–Sat.) sells natural and organic food products, nutritional supplements, herbal supplements and teas, health and beauty products, and books and magazines.
Empire Supermarket
Empire Supermarket (1 Retirement Rd., tel. 876/960-1309, 8:30 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8:30 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Fri.–Sat., 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Sun.; Lane Plaza, Liguanea, tel. 876/970-2496, 8:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Fri., 10:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun.) has good prices, but you won't find much in the way of exotic foods.
John R. Wong Supermarket
John R. Wong Supermarket which has a lot of ethnic foods, is the most central supermarket in New Kingston.
Sovereign Supermarket
Sovereign Supermarket is a bit pricey but has a good variety of foodstuffs and basic kitchen wares.
Loshusan has a wide selection of imported products and a good produce section. It makes nice pastries and a decent whole grain baguette. There's also a sushi bar making rolls to order and a video rental outlet. (Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 9:00 pm Sat 8:30 am - 9:00 pm Sun 9:00 am - 7:00 pm)
Michi Supercentre
Michi Supercentre is full-service supermarket with a household section and a deli with Jamaican cooked food and pastries.
Megamart (29 Upper Waterloo Rd., tel. 876/969-3899; Portmore Mall, tel. 876/988-1172) is one of the bigger supermarkets in town.
Hi-Lo Food Stores
Hi-Lo Food Stores is another basic supermarket that offers a variety of food items at a very reasonable cost
Lee's Food Fair & Lee's Family Pharmacy
Lee's Food Fair & Lee's Family Pharmacy is at 86-B Red Hills Road (tel. 876/931-1560).
PriceSmart (111 Red Hills Rd., tel. 876/969-1242) is a wholesale membership supermarket. It can be well worth signing up if you're in town for awhile and feeding a large group.
Boon Hall Oasis
Boon Hall Oasis lunch noon–5 p.m. Thurs.–Sat., brunch 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Sun., and dinner by reservation) is a beautiful rainforest-like garden venue in the Stony Hill area of St. Andrew. The all-inclusive brunch buffet (US$22) is excellent, with typical Jamaican fare like ackee and saltfish, liver, mackerel, boiled banana, and dumpling. Lunch (US$15) dishes include fish, chicken, and curry goat, while shrimp, chicken, and lobster dishes are served for dinner (US$25 and up). Steven Jones owns the place. Take a right on Eerie Castle road in Stony Hill square and a left at Roti Bar onto River Road. A steep decline leads off River Road to the parking area on the left.
Country Style Restaurant
Country Style Restaurant (7:30 a.m.–9 p.m. daily) serves typical Jamaican and Chinese dishes ranging from curry mutton, stew pork, or escovitch fish (US$4) to curried shrimp (US$10.50). Georgianna's, based at the same location, offers catering.
Neita's Nest
Neita's Nest (US$90 single, US$120 dbl) is a bed-and-breakfast with clean rooms and terrific views. It's a bit remote at 15 minutes' drive from New Kingston and best suited for visitors seeking the peaceful seclusion of a quiet retreat.
Villa Ronai
Villa Ronai (Old Stony Hill Rd., tel. 876/960-0049) in the upscale Stony Hill area is a beautiful mansion owned by Pulse Entertainment that hosts periodic events, including private parties for Fashion Week. The villa is slated for development into a destination resort and spa with an entertainment lifestyle lean, restaurants and shops.
Quad (20–22 Trinidad Terrace, tel. 876/754-7823, quadnightclub@gmail.com, US$12) is Kingston's longest-standing Uptown nightclub, with three levels. Christopher's Bar and Lounge is on the ground level, with Oxygen Nightclub on the second floor, and Voodoo Lounge on the top level. Patrons frequently go from one floor to the next throughout the night depending on the genre of music and vibe on each level.
Club Privilege (14–16 Trinidad Terrace, tel. 876/622-6532, vip@clubprivilegeja.com, www.clubprivilegeja.com, open Thurs., Fri., and Sun., admission US$12) is a slick club located above Treasure Hunt gaming lounge that prides itself on being the most exclusive venue in town. Bottles of champagne and Moet adorn two bars, with lounge furniture in the cordoned-off VIP area overlooking a large dance floor. Privilege is the only club in Jamaica that stocks Ace of Spades champagne, Black Hennessey, and Patrón tequilas. The club features U.S. alternative music on Alternative Thursdays (10 p.m.–4 a.m.), club night on Fridays featuring reggae and hip hop, and oldies on Retro Sundays (9 p.m.–2 a.m.). On the first Saturday of every month, Reboot features funky house with visiting DJs from all over the world. Drinks range from US$5 for a beer to US$785 for a bottle of Ace of Spades champagne.
The Building (69 Knutsford Blvd., tel. 876/906-1828 or 876/906-1829), formerly known as the Asylum nightclub, was renamed and transformed in 2009 from a New Kingston landmark nightclub into a ready-to-go rental venue with sound system, lighting, and bars. The venue features regular promotions like ladies' night on Tuesdays and Street Vybz Thursdays, hosted by Vybz Kartel. The continuity of such events cannot be guaranteed, so call ahead. The admission cost is based on the specific function, typically ranging from US$4 to US$12.
Limelight (Half Way Tree Entertainment Complex, 5–7 Hagley Park, tel. 876/908-0841) is a popular bar that hosts several promoters each week for independent parties which typically run from midnight to 5 a.m. Bounty Sundays is promoted by veteran dancehall master Bounty Killer, Hot Mondays is hosted by Fire Links, Boasy Tuesdays, a.k.a. Blazey Blazey, is hosted by dance master Blazey, and Expression Thursdays is hosted by the Dance Expressions troupe.
Fiction (Unit #6, Marketplace, 67 Constant Spring Road, tel. 876/631-8038, fictionloungeja@gmail.com, www.fictionloungeja.com, 6 p.m.–4 a.m. Mon.–Sat., cover typically US$12) is the newest Uptown nightclub in Kingston, with a popular ladies' night on Thursdays. Call or go online for actual event schedules. Fiction quickly became a magnet for Jamaica's young elite partygoers after opening in early 2009. It offers a varied bar menu and a wide selection of local and imported liquors, with a Johnny Walker whiskey bar, a cordoned off VIP section, and elegant styling that would be just as at home in the trendiest Miami or New York hot spot.
Live Music
Live music and stage show performances in Kingston are not as frequent or varied as some would expect given the prominent role music plays in Jamaican life. Nonetheless, there are a handful of venues that feature somewhat regular acts. Stage shows are held routinely and there are large events at least once a month at Mas Camp Village, located on Oxford Road at the southern boundary of New Kingston. Jokers Wild and other promoters use the popular venue regularly. Mas Camp is a massive venue that holds occasional stage shows and has been the site for Bacchannal, Kingston's version of carnival, with parties every Friday from February to April. In 2009, Sandals boss Gordon "Butch" Stewart's Jamaica Observer newspaper announced the hotel chain would build a Sandals City on the site. The announcement was followed a few months later with news a Marriott would be brought to New Kingston, but a timeline for these developments was not defined. Neighbors don't appreciate the noise and have challenged use of the area as a concert venue, which could bode well for it being put to an alternate use. But if partygoers get their way, Mas Camp will be around for some time to come.
Village Café (20 Barbican Rd., tel. 876/970-4861) features live music at least once a week, typically on Tuesday. Usually the acts are of the obscure up-and-coming variety and draw a young crowd.
Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA) (7–9 Hagley Park Rd., Half Way Tree Entertainment Complex next to York Plaza, tel. 876/908-4464, www.javaa.com.jm) holds occasional shows at the Pegasus Hotel or smaller productions at other venues (admission typically US$15–20). JAVAA carries the torch for Jamaica's early music from the 1950s to the 1980s, from lovers' rock to rocksteady, ska, and roots reggae. The organization was formed to bring recognition and financial support to these artists, many of whom participated in the formation of Jamaican popular music, as they reach their golden years. Tickets are available from JAVAA members and at the JAVAA office.
Information and Services
The Jamaica Tourist Board (64 Knutsford Blvd., tel. 876/929-9200, fax 876/929-9375, info@visitjamaica.com, www.visitjamaica.com, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) has a small library with staffers available to assist visitors with information on Jamaica's more popular attractions.
Getting There and Around
Getting There
By Air
Norman Manley International Airport (tel. 876/924-8546 for arrival and departure information) is located on the Palisadoes heading towards Port Royal east of Downtown. Domestic flights leave from a small terminal by the cargo area, reached by taking a left off the boulevard leading to the main terminal before reaching the roundabout.
Skylan Airways (tel. 876/932-7102, reservations@skylanjamaica.com, www.skylanjamaica.com, office hours 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) is the only commercial domestic carrier operating out of Norman Manley, with six weekly flights (Mon., Wed., Fri.) with morning and afternoon departures. The morning flights depart Kingston at 7:30 a.m., with the return departing Montego Bay at 8:30 a.m., while the afternoon flights depart Kingston at 4 p.m., with the return leaving Montego Bay at 5 p.m. The trip lasts about half an hour and costs US$70 each leg. Skylan also offers charters when its aircraft is not in use on regularly scheduled flights. Skylan operates a Jetstream 32 19-seater aircraft with a pressurized cabin.
Jamaica Air Shuttle (tel. 876/906-9025, 876/906-9026, or 876/906-9027, www.jamaicaairshuttle.com) is an affiliate of air cargo and courier companies Airways International and Airpak Express, which began offering regular flights between Kingston and Montego Bay in late 2009. It departs from Tinson Pen Aerodrome with three Beach 99 Turbo Props seating 12 and one Queen Air with a five-person capacity. The carrier has 62 flights weekly scheduled Monday to Saturday (US$120 each way) and also offers charters.
Historically, most domestic flights in small aircraft departed from Tinson Pen, but there has been little continuity of service among carriers with a slew of different domestic airlines coming and going over the years.
Ground Transportation
The Knutsford Express (18 Dominica Drive, tel. 876/960-5499 or 876/971-1822, www.knutsfordexpress.com) is popular with Jamaicans and tourists alike, offering the most comfortable coach service between Kingston, Ocho Rios, and Montego Bay with two or three daily departures from each city. New Kingston–Montego Bay departs at 6 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 2 p.m., and 5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 6 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays, 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Sundays. Buses run between the parking lot behind New Kingston Shopping Centre and Pier 1 in Montego Bay. The trip lasts four hours depending on traffic and costs US$20 prepaid, US$23 on the day of travel.
Buses ply routes around town and between Kinston and major points on the eastern side of the island. The main bus terminals for routes out of Kingston are the Transport Centre hub in the heart of Half Way Tree (tel. 876/754-2610) and the Urban Transport Centre below Coronation Market on Port Royal Street and Water Lane (876/754-2584). Buses depart throughout the day to Port Royal (US$0.50), Spanish Town (US$1), Bull Bay (US$0.50), Morant Bay (US$1.50), Mandeville (US$3), Port Antonio (US$3), Ocho Rios (US$3), Savanna-la-Mar (US$7), Montego Bay (US$6), and Negril (US$8) .
Route taxis and mini buses depart from Cross Roads, Half Way Tree, by the roundabout on upper Constant Spring Road in Manor Park for destinations due north and at the roundabout in Papine for destinations in the Blue Mountains. Route taxis or minibuses depart for Kingston from virtually every city or town in the surrounding parishes and from parish capitals across the island. Route taxi fares are typically slightly higher than buses on the overlapping routes, but don't typically connect faraway points.
Getting Around
On Foot
Jamaicans who walk around Kingston generally don't do so by choice, day or night, and are ridiculed as "walk foots" by their fellow citizens. It's mainly due to the prestige of driving, and more importantly, the heat that pedestrians suffer; the safety concerns around Town are generally exaggerated and vehicles stopped at lights offer little protection, anyway. There is really no better way to get to know the layout of some of the more congested areas like Downtown around the Parade, Knutsford Boulevard's Hip Strip, and around the center of Half Way Tree than to go on foot. Beyond that, route taxis and public buses are the best way to move about for those without a car.
By Bus
Jamaica Urban Transit Company (www.jutc.com, flat fare US$0.75) operates buses in and around the Corporate Area. Routes are extensive, but service and schedules can by daunting. Covered street-side bus stops are scattered along all the major thoroughfares throughout the city, and the more people gathered there, the sooner you're likely to see a bus. This is definitely the most economical way to move about.
By Taxi
Taxis are relatively safe off the street, but it's always best to call a dispatch to ensure accountability. Fares are assessed by distance rather than with a meter, and you may want to haggle if it seems too high. Downtown to New Kingston should cost around US$4.25, New Kingston to Half Way Tree around US$3.50, Half Way Tree to Papine about US$4.25. City Guide Taxi (tel. 876/969-5458) is a decent and dependable service, as are Safe Travel Taxi Service (tel. 876/901-5510) and El-Shaddai (tel. 876/969-7633). All the taxis in Jamaica tend to use white Toyota Corolla station wagons, and when you see one of these, chances are it's a taxi and can be waved down.
By Car
Rental cars tend to be very expensive across the island, but unfortunately indispensable when it comes to independently moving about and exploring remote areas. For the upper reaches of the Blue and John Crow Mountains, a four-wheel-drive vehicle is indispensable. Pervasive potholes in town don't really warrant a 4x4. Check with your credit card company to see if it covers insurance.
Unlicensed rental operators abound. While they may be cheaper (US$50/day) than more reputable agencies, there is less accountability in the event that anything should go worse than planned. These private rentals don't take credit cards, often want a wad of cash up front, and usually don't offer insurance. These informal agencies are best avoided.
Listed rates do not include insurance or the 16.5 percent GCT. Insurance is typically US$15–40, depending on coverage. A deposit is taken for a deductible when customers opt for anything less than full coverage. The use of select gold and platinum credit cards obviates the need to purchase insurance from the rental agency. Check with each individual establishment for their particular policies.
Compact Car Rentals (178 Mountainview Ave., tel. 876/978-4914, compactcarrental@yahoo.com, www.compactcarjamaica.com) rents Toyota Yaris (US$50), Corolla (US$65), and Camry (US$80) sedans, as well as Honda Civics (US$75), Accords (US$100), and CR-Vs (US$100) of varying years with a three-day minimum. Compact offers free pickups and delivery from Norman Manley International Airport.
Island Car Rentals (17 Antigua Ave., tel. 876/926-5991 or Norman Manley tel. 876/924-8075, icar@cwjamaica.com, www.islandcarrentals.com) has a wide range of vehicles from the Toyota Yaris (US$44 low season/$55 high season) and Camry (US$99 low/$109 high) to Honda Civic (US$58 low/$59 high) and Accord (US$78 low/$87 high), Suzuki Grand Vitara (US$99 low/$109 high), and Space Wagon (US$83 low/$90 high).
Fiesta Car Rental (14 Waterloo Rd., tel. 876/926-0133, fiesta@kasnet.com, www.fiestacarrentals.com) has fairly new Japanese vehicles, including Hyundai Accents (US$89) and one Honda Accord (US$170) and Suzuki Gran Vitara (US$146).
Budget (53 South Camp Rd., tel. 876/759-1793, Norman Manley tel. 876/924-8762, US tel. 877/825-2953, UK tel. 800/731-0125, budget@jamweb.net, www.budgetjamaica.com, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily) has a range of vehicles from Toyota Yaris (US$60 low season/$75 high season) and Daihatsu Terios (US$75 low/$100 high) to VW Passats (US$95 low/$120 high).
Bargain Rent-A-Car (1 Merrick Ave., tel. 876/926-1909; Norman Manley Airport, tel. 876/924-8293; info@avis.com.jm, www.avis.com.jm) is the Avis franchise in Jamaica, with a range of vehicles including Hyundai Accent, Mitsubishi Lancer, Subaru Forrester, and Toyota Yaris, Corolla, and Camry, as well as vans. Prices range from the Yaris (US$74 low season/$114 high season) to the Nissan Urvan minibus (US$125 low/$166 high).
Ideal Car Rentals (43 Burlington Ave., tel. 876/926-2980) has a decent selection of Japanese models including a few four-wheel-drives.
Bowla's Car Rental (50 Dumbarton Ave., tel. 876/960-0067, bowlasrentacar@cwjamaica.com) offers a wide range of cars, unlimited mileage, short-term and long-term rentals starting at US$75 per day, and free rides to and from the airport. Bowla's fleet includes: Toyota Fortuner and Toyota Camrys, Mistusbishi Grandis, Hyundais, Mazdas, and Nissans.
Spanish Town and St. Catherine
With over a million people, the parish of St. Catherine has the largest share of Jamaica's population. Spanish Town, the sedate parish capital, was Jamaica's center of government until the British bureaucrats relocated to Kingston in 1872. Known simply as Spain or St. Jago in street lingo, the city has a rich heritage but has been largely left to decay. Its central square is more a bend along the road than a center of activity. Still, it has impressive facades and is home to Jamaica's national archives. The oldest Anglican Church outside of England is within a five-minute walk.
East of Kingston
The areas along the coast east of Kingston include the communities of Harbour View, Seven Mile, Palm Beach, and Bull Bay. The Palisadoes, a 16-kilometer-long stretch that runs from the roundabout at Harbour View to the tip of Port Royal, is home to the Kingston Yacht Club and Marina, the Marine Research Institute, Norman Manley International Airport, Plumb Point Lighthouse, Port Royal, and just offshore, the Kingston area's most popular beach on the small island of Lime Cay.
Emancipation Park
At the corner of Knutsford Boulevard and Oxford Road (tel. 876/926-6312 or 876/968-9292, emanpark@cwjamaica.com) two figures stand resolute, cast in bronze, their bodies thick and steadfast. A strong black man faces a voluptuous woman, their heads proudly lifted to the sky as if at once acknowledging the rectitude of their long struggle for freedom and silently praying for guidance in a new era. The work, titled Redemption Song, was the winner of a blind competition commissioned to give the newly constructed Emancipation Park a meaningful headpiece. It was controversial for several reasons. First, its creator, Jamaican sculptor Laura Facey (www.laurafacey.com), has a very fair complexion. Second, the figures are naked, and the man could be considered well endowed. Some people wanted the sculpture immediately removed, and Facey was the talk of the island for weeks. In the end, artistic freedom prevailed and the sculpture was kept in place, much to its opponents' chagrin.
In late 2006, Facey opened an exhibit at the gallery in the natural history building of the Institute of Jamaica, where the central work was an homage to Redemption Song: a multitude of scaled-downed figures--identical to those on the corner of Emancipation Park--packed into a canoe reminiscent of the way they were brought through the Middle Passage. For Facey, the piece was part of a continuum consistent with the earlier work, which sets those captive souls on a new course to freedom. David Boxer, curator of the National Gallery, opened the exhibit by paying tribute to Redemption Song with the following words:
Q: . . . their heads are raised heavenwards in prayer...
Yes, this is a prayer--the work is a silent hymn of communion with, and thanksgiving to, the almighty. Their nudity is part of their potency.
Redemption Song and the controversy that surrounded it reflect the deep wounds slavery left on Jamaica and the world at large. Emancipation Park is among the best-maintained public spaces in all of Kingston, perfect for reflecting on the past, relaxing on one of the many benches, or just taking a stroll. Events are held frequently on a stage set up at the center of the park and next door at the Liguanea Club or on top of the NHT building.
Half Way Tree
Half Way Tree is the capital of St. Andrew, the parish that envelops Kingston. The bustling commercial area seen today is a far cry from its rural days when it was a popular rest stop for travelers between Kingston and Spanish Town. Several historical sites are wedged between the acres and acres of the concrete, strip mall-covered jungle.
The clock tower at the junction of Half Way Tree, Hope, Constant Spring, and Hagley Park Roads, was erected in 1913 as a monument to King Edward VII of England. It's the classic symbol of Half Way Tree.
St. Andrew Parish Church (free) also referred to as Half Way Tree Church, is one of the oldest Anglican churches on the island. The present church has a foundation that dates from 1692, when the earthquake destroyed the previous structure (which had stood only for a decade). One of the first U.S. Consuls to Jamaica, Robert Monroe Harrison, brother of U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, is buried there, along with his wife. Philip Livingston, a Jamaica-based merchant and son of one of the founding fathers of the United States, was married in the church. Outside there's an old, poorly maintained cemetery.
The Half Way Tree Courthouse adjacent to the Parish Church is a good example of Georgian architecture, dating from 1807. The front of the building is covered with latticework, presumably to keep out the heat as a form of early air conditioning. The building has been repaired and altered several times to fix storm damage, while it miraculously escaped damage during the 1907 earthquake.
The courthouse has seen many uses, from ex-slaves obtaining their certificates of freedom to agricultural society meetings. After the construction of the Resident Magistrates Court on nearby Maxfield Avenue in 1920, court sessions were no longer held at Half Way Tree Courthouse. Up until the mid-1980s, the building was used as a branch of the Institute of Jamaica called the Junior Centre, which held skills-training courses. In 2002, the center reopened and for a time hosted dance classes of the National Dance Theatre Company under the direction of late UWI professor Rex Nettleford. The courthouse was listed as a Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) site in 1957, and in 1985 the Jamaica Gazette declared it a National Monument. Meanwhile the structure suffered neglect and decay.
One important trial held at the Half Way Tree Courthouse was that of Alexander Bedward, a popular folk hero and founder of a Native Free Baptist sect known as Bedwardism. Bedward was an early Black Nationalist who spoke out against the religious and government authorities of the day. For this he was committed to Bellevue asylum until his death in 1930.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church (McDonald Lane) was founded in Jamaica in 1972. This is the original state church of Ethiopia to which Haile Selassie I belonged. The church has an awkward relationship with Rastafarians in Jamaica; many of them have been baptized as Ethiopian Orthodox, including Bob Marley's children. To this day, the construction remains incomplete with little more than a foundation in place. Its construction has been held up by a lack of cosmic alignment and a lack of togetherness in the Rasta community, according to Rasta elder Kojo and many others who share his view. Meanwhile, many inside the Ethiopian Church scorn Rastas for considering Haile Selassie a God.
Kingston's Hindu Temple (139 Maxfield Ave.) holds events for all the major Hindu holidays including Ganesh Puja and Diwali. Local Hindus attend in heavy numbers on Sunday mornings.
Devon House
Still one of Kingston's finest homes (26 Hope Rd., Great House, tel. 876/929-6602, 876/929-0815, or 876/926-0829, devonhousejamaica@cw.com, www.devonhousejamaica.com, guided tours 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat., last tour at 4:30 p.m., US$5 for adults, US$1.50 for children under 12), Devon House is a source of pride for the City. The mansion was constructed in 1881 by Jamaica's first black millionaire, George Stiebel, who made his fortune in Venezuelan gold. Some of the city's predominantly white elite of the day were less than happy to be outdone by a black man; it is said that Lady Musgrave--wife of Governor General Lord Musgrave, who founded the Institute of Jamaica--actually had a road built (Lady Musgrave Road) so she wouldn't have to bear the humiliation of passing the spectacular mansion that humbled even her husband's residence. For many years Devon House was home to the National Gallery, before it relocated to Ocean Boulevard in 1983. Today the inside is furnished and decorated with a range of English, French, and Caribbean antiques, as well as some reproductions. The courtyard behind Devon House is full of boutique shops.
Bob Marley Museum
Located in Bob Marley's former residence at 56 Hope Road, just north of New Kingston, the house and museum (tel. 876/927-9152, US$20 adults, US$10 children 4–12, www.bobmarley-foundation.com/museum.html) has been turned into a shrine to the man and his music, with rooms full of newspaper clippings and personal effects. One-hour tours run Monday–Saturday; tours start at 9:30 a.m. and the last tour leaves at 4 p.m. Around back, there's a gift shop and a gallery has transient exhibitions. A comfortable, cozy theater is a great place to catch a movie. A presentation on Marley is available as part of the tour, and the theater is also used for occasional touring international film festivals.
Legend Café, on one side of the main gate, has great steamed fish and fresh juices. Marley's Land Rover sits under a protective carport in the other corner of the yard in front of a wall plastered with Wailers photos. Photos are not allowed inside or behind the main building that houses the museum.
Along Hope Road
King's House (Hope Rd. at Lady Musgrave Rd., tel. 876/927-6424, fax 876/978-6025, visits scheduled by written request) has been the home of the Governor General since the capital was moved from Spanish Town in 1872. Jamaica's official head of state is appointed by the Queen of England for six-year terms. King's House was formerly the residence of Jamaica's Anglican Bishop. The original building was destroyed in the 1907 earthquake and rebuilt in 1909. The grounds have nice gardens that can be toured. Jamaica House, just south of King's House on the same grounds, is now the location for the Prime Minister's offices and is closed to the public.
Hope Botanical Gardens (just below University of Technology on western side of Hope Rd., 6 a.m.–6:30 p.m. daily, free admission), managed by the Nature Preservation Foundation (tel. 876/970-3505 hopegardens.zoo@gmail.com), is more pleasant and impressive than the Hope Zoo (tel. 876/970-2459, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. daily, adults US$2, children 3–11 US$1.10), located in the same large park. The zoo is more of a nursing home for a few lost and found animals: sheep, a monkey, a handful of flamingos, and several iguanas. You won't find leopards or elephants.
The University of the West Indies (Mona Rd. and University Rd., www.mona.uwi.edu), in the quiet residential neighborhood of Mona, is worth a visit as the campus sits at the base of the Blue Mountains and has extensive rolling lawns with interesting ruins of the old Mona Estate aqueduct and a beautiful mural created by Belgian artist Claude Rahir with the help of UWI students.
The cut-stone University Chapel by the main entrance is an excellent example of Georgian architecture. It was transported block by block from Gales Valley Estate in Trelawny at the bidding of Princess Alice, first chancellor of the University. The former sugar warehouse was given a new life at UWI, its interior decorated with materials from all the countries the university has served. The coats of arms of these countries are inlaid in the chapel ceiling.
Cherry Gardens Great House
Cherry Gardens Great House (46 Upper Russell Heights) was built by Scottish Planter Joseph Gordon, father of national hero George William Gordon, who was born to a quadroon slave in humble quarters next to the main house. George William Gordon went on to become a successful mulatto businessman who agitated for civil rights until he was executed for taking a stand. A drive up through Cherry Gardens gives a glimpse into Uptown, with concrete mansions covering the landscape. Cherry Gardens Great House is a breath of fresh air amongst monstrosities seemingly built with no regard for the surrounding environment. The great house itself is an architectural masterpiece, where louvered windows keep the inside dark and cool while allowing the breeze to move freely through. Though the house is not open to the public, the owners, Oliver Jones and family, are friendly enough and don't mind people stopping by for a look at the outside.
Festivals and events
Several annual events are worth being in Kingston for, including Bacchanal, which runs February to April; the Reggae Film Festival, held the last week in February; the Observer Food Awards held in late May; Caribbean Fashion Week in early June; and Restaurant Week, typically held the third week in November when participating restaurants slash prices and feature culinary novelties. The Strawberry Hill High Stakes Backgammon Tournament, held in the nearby Blue Mountains, is a must for dedicated fans of the game with an appetite for competition.
The Excellence in Music and Entertainment Awards, more popularly known as the EME Awards, celebrate the best in Jamaican entertainment, with a ceremony staged each year in early February. The brainchild of renowned 102 FM radio personality Richard "Richie B" Burgess, the awards ceremony is filled with pageantry and grandeur a la Jamaicana, with women sporting the latest hairstyles, and the biggest deejays of the day passing through with entourages 20-plus strong.
Jamaica's Girls and Boys Championships, better known as Champs, is an annual track and field meet held in late March that sees Kingston's hotels booked with fans from home and abroad who come out in hoards to watch the competition. The energy at the National Stadium is palpable, with fans screaming and waving for their schools.
Moving Mountains (www.movingmtns.posterous.com) is a three-day house music festival held each year in on the third weekend in March at Strawberry Hill. Held the week before the Winter Music Conference in Miami, Moving Mountains brings house DJs from abroad who ascend to Strawberry Hill for a one-of-a-kind party weekend with a spectacular backdrop of Kingston.
The Jamaica Observer Food Awards, the brainchild of larger-than-life fashionista, food critic, and Jamaica Observer lifestyle editor, Novia McDonald-Whyte, was established in 1998 to celebrate excellence in culinary presentation. It affords patrons an opportunity to taste what's new and different in Jamaica's food industry, with over 60 booths showcasing the country's scrumptious offerings, from the tried-and-true jerk sauces, rum, and Blue Mountain Coffee, to more exotic offerings. Top winners are awarded two full scholarships each year to the Hospitality Department at the University of Technology with 20-odd awards presented to establishments that have excelled. Dubbed "The Caribbean's Oscar Night of Food", the event is held on the east lawns of Devon House in late May each year. Contact Novia (tel. 876/511-2479) for further details and tickets, which usually run about US$100.
Kingston Restaurant Week, staged the second or third week in November by The Jamaica Gleaner in association with Stephanie Scott's SSCO Event Management (tel. 876/978-6245 or cell tel. 876/564-1700) is one of the best times to be in Kingston for those who love to sample restaurants. Prices are slashed by up to 50 percent, and participating venues offer patrons new creations in an attempt to develop loyal customers who will return throughout the year. The weeklong program has extended to other towns across Jamaica over the years, with participating restaurants now spanning the island, especially in Ocho Rios and Montego.
Jamaican art pioneer Edna Manley was honored with a re-creation of her sculpture Negro Aroused on Ocean Boulevard along the waterfront at the end of King Street. It's as good as any a place to begin a tour of Downtown.
Along Ocean Boulevard, anglers casually reel in their lines and children jump off big concrete blocks into the choppy waters of Kingston Harbour. It's a great place for an afternoon stroll or to watch sunsets over the Hellshire Hills.
The free Coin and Notes Museum (Bank of Jamaica, Nethersole Place, between East and Duke Sts., tel. 876/922-0750, ext. 2108, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) provides a history of money in Jamaica from the time when goods were bartered to the present. The in-between period saw the circulation of coins from many countries, including Spain and Mexico. Curators Sandra Moody and Elan Edwards have a wealth of knowledge to share with visitors.
For souvenirs, the Crafts Market (7 a.m.–6 p.m. Mon.–Sat.) at the junction of Ocean Boulevard and Port Royal Street, features some authentic Jamaican crafts, as well as an ever-increasing slew of Jamaican-flag-covered trinkets, T-shirts, and towels imported from China.
Emancipation Park
At the corner of two figures stand resolute, cast in bronze, their bodies thick and steadfast. A strong black man faces a voluptuous woman, their heads proudly lifted to the sky as if at once acknowledging the rectitude of their long struggle for freedom and silently praying for guidance in a new era. The work, titled Redemption Song, was the winner of a blind competition commissioned to give the newly constructed Emancipation Park a meaningful headpiece. It was controversial for several reasons. First, its creator, Jamaican sculptor Laura Facey (www.laurafacey.com), has a very fair complexion. Second, the figures are naked, and the man could be considered well endowed. Some people wanted the sculpture immediately removed, and Facey was the talk of the island for weeks. In the end, artistic freedom prevailed and the sculpture was kept in place, much to its opponents' chagrin.
In late 2006, Facey opened an exhibit at the gallery in the natural history building of the Institute of Jamaica, where the central work was an homage to Redemption Song: a multitude of scaled-downed figures--identical to those on the corner of Emancipation Park--packed into a canoe reminiscent of the way they were brought through the Middle Passage. For Facey, the piece was part of a continuum consistent with the earlier work, which sets those captive souls on a new course to freedom. David Boxer, curator of the National Gallery, opened the exhibit by paying tribute to Redemption Song with the following words:
Q: . . . their heads are raised heavenwards in prayer...
Yes, this is a prayer--the work is a silent hymn of communion with, and thanksgiving to, the almighty. Their nudity is part of their potency.
Redemption Song and the controversy that surrounded it reflect the deep wounds slavery left on Jamaica and the world at large. Emancipation Park is among the best-maintained public spaces in all of Kingston, perfect for reflecting on the past, relaxing on one of the many benches, or just taking a stroll. Events are held frequently on a stage set up at the center of the park and next door at the Liguanea Club or on top of the NHT building.
Half Way Tree
Half Way Tree is the capital of St. Andrew, the parish that envelops Kingston. The bustling commercial area seen today is a far cry from its rural days when it was a popular rest stop for travelers between Kingston and Spanish Town. Several historical sites are wedged between the acres and acres of the concrete, strip mall-covered jungle.
The clock tower
The clock tower at the junction of Half Way Tree, Hope, Constant Spring, and Hagley Park Roads, was erected in 1913 as a monument to King Edward VII of England. It's the classic symbol of Half Way Tree.
St. Andrew Parish Church
St. Andrew Parish Church (free) also referred to as Half Way Tree Church, is one of the oldest Anglican churches on the island. The present church has a foundation that dates from 1692, when the earthquake destroyed the previous structure (which had stood only for a decade). One of the first U.S. Consuls to Jamaica, Robert Monroe Harrison, brother of U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, is buried there, along with his wife. Philip Livingston, a Jamaica-based merchant and son of one of the founding fathers of the United States, was married in the church. Outside there's an old, poorly maintained cemetery.
The Blue Mountains Highlights
Belcour Lodge: This colonial-era home offers a culinary garden tour not to be missed by foodies and horticulturalists.
Strawberry Hill: One of Island Outpost's gems, this boutique hotel boasts spectacular views and a fascinating history.
Alex Twyman's Old Tavern Coffee Estate: This stands out as one of the most spectacular coffee estates in Jamaica for its location and the quality of its beans.
Holywell National Park: Less strenuous to reach than Blue Mountain Peak, Holywell is a pleasant park at Hardwar gap with amazing views and meandering trails great for exercise and birding.
Blue Mountain Peak: Blue Mountain Peak offers Jamaica's top view: Hikers typically set out early to be at the top for sunrise, when skies tend to be clear.
Port Antonio & the East Coast Highlights
Errol Flynn Marina: This world-class facility in the heart of Port Antonio has a sea wall lined with flowers and benches.
Bonnie View: No degree of dilapidation to the remains of one of Errol Flynn's grand hotels can take away its view.
Winnifred Beach: One of Portland's finest beaches also has great seafood at Cynthia's. Winnifred is a popular gathering place for locals and is especially crowded on Sundays.
Folly Mansion: A perfect metaphor for the state of Portland's boom-to-bust tradition, Folly is still impressive even as it lies in ruins.
Blue Hole: Popularly known as the Blue Lagoon, a 55-meter-deep freshwater spring wells up in a protected cove to mix with the warm tide.
Reach Falls: Dotted with caves and crystal-clear pools, the island's most exciting waterfalls carve through a lush valley.
Upper Rio Grande Valley: Home base for the Windward Maroons, the wide river valley has a rich history and some of the island's most unspoiled wilderness.
Bath Hot Springs: Said to cure all manner of diseases, the hot springs and baths are never crowded and provide rejuvenating relaxation.
Tacky's War
On the morning after Easter Sunday in 1760, a slave known as Tacky led a revolt in St. Mary that would reverberate around northeastern Jamaica until September of that year. The uprising became known as Tacky's Rebellion or Tacky's War.
Tacky was an overseer on Frontier Plantation outside Port Maria, giving him the limited freedom necessary to strategize and organize the rebellion at both Frontier and bordering Trinity plantations. A former chief in his homeland of Ghana, Tacky had the confidence and clout to amass wide support for what was meant to be an island-wide overthrow of the British colonial masters.
Tacky and about 50 of his followers awoke before dawn that morning and easily killed the master of Frontier Plantation before raiding the armory at nearby Fort Haldane, where they killed the storekeeper and took guns and ammunition. The owner of Trinity Plantation escaped on horseback to warn the surrounding estates. But with newfound artillery, the ranks of the rebel army began to swell, and they quickly took nearby Haywood and Esher plantations and began to celebrate their early success. A slave from Esher plantation, however, slipped away to call in the authorities, and before long a militia of soldiers from Spanish Town and Maroons from Scott's Hall were sent to quell the uprising.
The rebels' confidence had been bolstered by Obeah men (witch doctors) among their ranks who spread incantations and claimed the army would be protected and that Obeah men could not be killed. This confidence took a blow when the militia, learning of these claims, captured and killed one of the Obeah men. Nonetheless, the fighting would last months and take the lives of some 60 whites and 300 rebels before it was diffused. Tacky himself was captured and beheaded by the Maroons from Scott's Hall, who took his head to Spanish Town on a pole to be displayed as dissuasion for any further resistance.
The legend of Tacky spread across the island, giving inspiration to other resistance movements that would come in the later years of slavery and after emancipation. Many of Tacky's followers committed suicide rather than surrendering, while those who were captured were either executed or sold and shipped off the island. Ringleaders were either burned alive or starved in cages in the Parade in Kingston. It was during Tacky's War that the British authorities first learned of the role African religion played behind the scenes in these uprisings, and Obeah thus became part of the official record with a 1770 law passed to punish its practitioners by death or transportation, at the court's discretion.
One of the world's foremost music producers and founder of Island Records, London-born Chris Blackwell is credited with having introduced reggae music to the world. He built his early career first by selling record imports to the Jamaican market and then by bringing international attention to the budding careers of artists like Millie Small, whose "My Boy Lollipop" topped the charts in England in 1964, giving Island its first hit. Blackwell signed a slew of early English rock artists like Jethro Tull, King Crimson, Robert Palmer, and Cat Stevens. Then came Bob Marley, whose 1973 Catch a Fire album would be the first of many for Bob on the Island label. The deal was a huge hit and brought world recognition to a genre that was gaining popularity in Jamaica but unheard of elsewhere.
While Blackwell was scoping the world for new talent, Jamaica was never far from his mind, and he cultivated his love for the country by buying some of the island's most beautiful properties, including Strawberry Hill and Goldeneye, eventually forming Island Outpost to market them to discerning travelers seeking luxury without hype. His grand vision has set in motion a transformation in Oracabessa with the new villa development on a private island next to Ian Fleming's Goldeneye. The development was designed as an exclusive community where those lucky enough to get their hands on a piece of Goldeneye have access to all the amenities and services the resort offers, with a private villa they can call home.
Blackwell was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001 for his contribution to the world music industry. Blackwell sold Island Records to PolyGram UK Group in 1989, staying on at the head of the Island division. Blackwell left the company in 1997, just before PolyGram was acquired by Seagram and merged into Universal Music Group. A year later Blackwell established Palm Pictures, a film production and distribution company based in New York. Palm sources films from across the world and produced the touring film festival RESFEST for a decade. Palm Pictures was by no means Blackwell's first foray into film however. He first entered the film industry by backing Perry Henzell's cult hit The Harder They Come in 1971, which brought fame to Jimmy Cliff, before going on to produce other Jamaican classics like Country Man, as well as successful Hollywood films.
In Jamaica Chris Blackwell receives a mix of admiration from his peers and disciples and resentment from those who jealously allege he made his millions on the back of Bob Marley. Some who are bitter refer to him as "Whitewell." What is indisputable is that his business acumen and eye for talent and opportunity have made Blackwell one of the world's most creative and successful businessmen. Beyond Island Outpost, Blackwell maintains other business interests that include Island Village in Ocho Rios and recording studios.
Bob Marley: King of Reggae
If you mention reggae, Jamaica, Rastafari, or marijuana, chances are the first thought that comes to most peoples' minds is Bob Marley. The man has become synonymous with all things good about Jamaica and its people, carrying the country's cultural torch decades after his death in 1981. There's no way to measure the goodwill this man has brought the country. Even in times of global economic crisis, Jamaica is among the top tourism destinations in the Americas, ranked tenth in the Western Hemisphere in terms of visitor volume, and third in the Caribbean after Barbados and Puerto Rico. The goodwill Bob Marley has brought the world at large through his intoxicating music, full of uplifting messages, is also hard to quantify.
Born Robert Nesta Marley on February 6, 1945, in Nine Mile, St. Ann, to Cedella Malcolm Marley Booker and Norval Sinclair Marley, Bob grew up a country boy in the small agricultural community before moving with his mother to Trench Town, a ghetto of Downtown Kingston. His father, a white English naval officer and plantation overseer, had a scarce presence throughout Bob's childhood, and died in 1955 at the age of 60. Bob's racial mix set him apart from his peers as a boy, often the target of jeering and name calling, but this same heritage afforded him the distance to approach issues of race and justice from an unbiased perspective, and infused his music with a universal appeal.
While his late mother, Cedella, has said in documentaries that Bob could frequently be heard singing as a youth, it wasn't until he reached Trench Town that he teamed up with Peter McIntosh and Bunny Livingston to form the Wailin' Wailers. Trench Town in the 1960s was the creative epicenter of Jamaican music, where fledgling composers and musicians listened attentively to radio broadcasts of American music and reinterpreted classics on their ramshackle instruments, sparking a swing away from traditional Jamaican music, like mento, that led to the birth of ska, rocksteady and reggae. Bob's early career spanned the development and evolution of these three genres, but it was reggae that became the vehicle for his message at the international level.
While Bob's talent was clearly apparent in the early days of the Wailers to producers like Leslie Kong, who recorded his first two singles "Judge Not" and "One Cup of Coffee," and Clement Dodd who later produced "It Hurts to be Alone," and "I'm Still Waiting," it wasn't until Bob traveled to London and recorded his first full album, Catch a Fire, on Chris Blackwell's fledgling label Island Records that he gained international recognition. Blackwell nurtured the Wailers and helped create a sound that had wide international appeal, without watering down the message.
After recording several albums on the Island Records label, Bob established his own label, Tuff Gong, using the pet name he was known by on the street. Tuff Gong remains a symbol of artistic independence, a departure from the days when musicians were paid measly sums to play on studio recordings while the producers reaped the rewards. Bob's larger-than-life persona outgrew the Wailin' Wailers, creating resentment among fellow founders Bunny Livingston, known as Bunny Wailer, and Peter McIntosh, or Peter Tosh, both of whom left the group to pursue successful solo careers. Following the departure of his former band mates, he renamed his band Bob Marley and the Wailers and went on to tour the world, filling stadiums and concert halls, up to his untimely death at the age of 36. Bob's popularity has only grown since his passing, with his posthumous Legend album going platinum several times over. Countless up-and-coming artists aspire to carry on his work, crowning him with immortality.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey: Black power prophet
Marcus Mosiah Garvey was born in St. Ann's Bay in 1887 to humble but educated parents. After completing elementary school, he moved to Kingston, where he worked in a print shop and became increasingly interested and engaged in organized movements aimed at improving conditions for black Jamaicans. Black Jamaicans, while free from the bonds of slavery since 1838, were far from equal to their white counterparts and denied suffrage, among other basic rights. In 1907 Garvey was elected vice president of the Kingston Union, a charge that would cost him his job at the printer when he became involved in a strike. At the age of 23 Garvey left the island to work in Central America, as many Jamaicans in search of opportunity did at the time. His travels around the region gave Garvey an awareness of the common plight faced by the black race, seeding in him what would become a lifelong struggle to unite Africans of all nations under one common aim. In 1912 Garvey traveled to England, where he became engaged with black Africans and further broadened his vision of seeing black people take control of their destiny across the globe. In 1914 Garvey returned to Jamaica and founded the first chapter of the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) whose motto, "One God! One Aim! One Destiny!" summed up the broad goal of the organization to improve the lot of black people through solidarity and self-determination.
While Garvey's message was well received by his followers in Jamaica, it was in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance in New York City that he was first lauded as a prophet. Garvey is credited as the father of the Black Power movement, which would take Harlem, and ultimately the entire United States, by storm and eventually lead to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Garvey sought to enfranchise black people by generating black-owned businesses that would be linked on an international level. To facilitate this project he established the Black Star Line, an international shipping company that was to promote commerce.
Garvey's following numbered four million members worldwide in 1920, a movement large enough to catch the attention of both the U.S. and British governments. When Garvey began to sell the notion of a mass return to Africa, however, he met resistance at the highest level of government. Garvey was convicted of mail fraud and imprisoned for a five-year term on what his followers considered trumped-up charges. After two years, he was released on an executive pardon and deported back to Jamaica. Local authorities were none too happy to see Garvey continue agitating for increased rights by forming the People's Political Party (PPP) in an effort to bring reform to Jamaica's colonial system. Garvey ran for a seat in Parliament and lost; later he won a seat on the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (the local government) from a jail cell, where he'd been placed for contempt of court. At the time, suffrage was limited to landowners, a class to which many of Garvey's followers did not belong, and his political support was accordingly stifled. Frustrated by the slow pace of change in Kingston, Garvey returned to London in 1935, where he would remain until his death in 1940. In 1964 Garvey was declared a national hero in Jamaica, and his remains were reinterred at Heroes Memorial in Kingston.
Garvey's legacy has been mixed in Jamaica, to say the least. Perhaps the greatest disservice to his teachings lies in the fact that his pleas for universal education have never been answered at an institutional level. At the same time, there is no doubting the impact he has made in certain circles. Rastafarians claim Garvey repeatedly iterated the call, "Look to the east for the crowning of a black king." It was one of Garvey's followers, Leonard Howell, who first cited the crowning of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie on November 2, 1930, as a fulfillment of that prophecy, leading to the birth of the Rastafarian movement. Even today, it is the Rastafarian community both in Jamaica and abroad that has embraced Garvey's teachings to the greatest extent, often comparing him to John the Baptist.
Ocho Rios Weekly Nightlife Schedule
Ocean's 11 Karaoke Night at Ocean's 11 Watering Hole (Cruise Ship Pier, tel. 876/974-8444, 8 p.m. 1 a.m. )
Karaoke Night After Party at Blitz Nightclub (4 DaCosta Dr., a.k.a. Main St., tel. 876/974-4407, 1 6 a.m. )
Pool Party at Margaritaville (Island Village, tel. 876/675-8800, complimentary drinks till 1 a.m. , patrons in swimwear pay US$6 cover charge instead of the normal US$12). The place is hopping till 4 a.m.
Ladies Night at Amnesia (70 Main St., tel. 876/974-2633, US$3-7)
Live Music Thursdays at H20 (Shop 22, Coconut Grove Shopping Centre, tel. 876/795-1728, 332-0035, noon 4 a.m. daily)
After Work Jam at Ocean's 11 Watering Hole (Cruise Ship Pier, tel. 876/974-8444, 6 p.m. you say when)
Girls Gone Wild at Blitz Nightclub (4 DaCosta Dr., a.k.a. Main St., tel. 876/974-4407, US$6, ladies free, 10 p.m. 6 a.m. ), sponsored by Magnum Tonic Wine
Big Sound Night at Margaritaville (Island Village, tel. 876/675-8800), featuring guest selectors and occasional dancehall artists
H20 Flow at H2O (Shop #22, Coconut Grove Shopping Centre, tel. 876/795-1728 or 876/332-0035) features local and international artists
Live Band Night with house band Reggae Oceans at Ocean's 11 Watering Hole (Cruise Ship Pier, tel. 876/974-8444, 8 p.m. 1 a.m. , US$5)
Sunday River Party at Coyaba Heaven (New Seville, just below Seville Great House, 9 p.m. until the last person leaves)
Family Fun Day at Priory Beach (early evening early morning) has a waterslide and sound system
Oldies, Mento, and Ska Night at H2O (Shop #22, Coconut Grove Shopping Centre, tel. 876/795-1728 or 876/332-0035)
Planning Your Trip
Where to Go
Metropolitan Kingston is an energetic city with remarkable restaurants, a pulsating nightlife, and many of Jamaica's cultural and historical treasures. There's no sugarcoating the juxtaposition of poverty and wealth, but their coexistence inspires a prolific music industry and vibrant visual arts scene. Beaches, waterfalls, and cool mountains are just a short drive away. In neighboring St. Catherine, fishing villages in Hellshire and Old Harbour Bay make great day-trip destinations and offer some of Jamaica's freshest seafood.
Straddling the parishes of St. Andrew, St. Mary, Portland, and St. Thomas, the Blue Mountains produce some of the world's finest coffee and afford visitors spectacular views, cool air, and the best hiking and bird-watching in Jamaica. There are two main routes up the southern slopes leading to either Buff Bay on the North Coast via Irish Town, or Blue Mountain Peak via Mavis Bank.
Port Antonio, Portland's parish capital and the biggest town in the east, has an old-world charm that lingers in luxurious villas and hilltop resorts. Despite Portland's claim as the first Caribbean tourist destination, it has, for better or worse, been excluded from the massive development projects of the past 50 years, and the area's natural beauty remains its principal draw. Hiking trips to lush forests, waterfalls, and challenging peaks in the interior can complement lazy beach days along the coast.
Throngs of tourists disembark cruise ships each day in Ocho Rios, and many head to Jamaica's most popular tourist destination, Dunn's River Falls. A maze of duty-free stores and other shops vie for customerson the western side of town, while world-class hotels and villas stretch along thewater's edge. Contrasting the hustle andbustle of Ocho Rios, St. Mary is laid back, with several plantation tours offered among its hills, mountains, and quietfishing villages.
Montego Bay (known as Mobay) is Jamaica's Vibes City, famous for its rebellious past and vibrant present. Beaches and plantation tours are popular attractions, and hotels book up several times throughout the year for lively festivals and events. Rivers along the eastern and western borders offer rafting, and Mobay has an active yacht club with a lively social calendar. Neighboring Trelawny encompasses a rugged inland terrain known as Cockpit Country, riddled with caves and underground rivers.
Jamaica's westernmost parish has the country's most popular beach resort town, Negril. Once a quiet fishing village, Negril is known as the capital of casual, where recreational activities like water sports and cliff jumping complement the inactivity of relaxing in the sun. A wetlands area inland from the beach is backed by gentle hills suitable for hiking and bird-watching.
The South Coast comprises Jamaica's off-the-beaten-track region, where waterfalls, crocodile-infested wetlands, and seafood are the main attractions. Treasure Beach, a string of bays and fishing villages, is Jamaica's community tourism heartland. Mandeville offers cool highland air and the western hemisphere's oldest golf course, as well as several fine restaurants. Clarendon, farther east, is a small parish with swaths of unexplored coastline and a unique ethnic heritage.
When to Go
Jamaica has typically been marketed as a destination for escaping the winter blues, but it can be just as good, or better, in the heart of the northern summer, when temperatures are comparable or even cooler than in places as far north as New York.
Jamaica's hurricane season with regular low pressure systems accompanied by rain, runs from June through October. In the absence of a large front, however, rainfall usually lasts only a few minutes and shouldn't be cause for concern in planning a trip.
The high and low season should be more of a factor in planning a trip, as many establishments set rates according to the typical demand for rooms in any given month. High season runs December 15–April 15, when accommodations can be twice as high as during the low season. Some establishments set their own specific dates, and others vary pricing throughout the year, whether for Easter, Thanksgiving, or the week between Christmas and New Year's. If escaping the winter blues is not your first priority, visiting during the low season can be much more cost-effective. Check with each establishment when planning a trip to see how pricesvary seasonally.
The Jamaican calendar is filled with annual events, many of which are worth considering in planning a trip. A music festival like Rebel Salute, Jazz & Blues, Follow Di Arrow, or Sumfest is one of the best ways to jump out of the tourist box and appreciate Jamaica's culture alongside Jamaicans from all walks of life. If music isn't your thing, there are several other annual events, like the Calabash Literary Festival, food festivals, and fishing tournaments.
Before You Go
Passports and Visas
Jamaica now requires passports for all visitors, including those from the United States and United Kingdom. A tourist visa is required for many nationalities. A complete listing of visa requirements can be found on the website of the Consulate General in New York (www.congenjamaica-ny.org/visas). Visitors must also be able to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover their stay and be in possession of an onward or return ticket or itinerary. It helps to know where you will be staying on arrival, as immigration officials tend to detain visitors on entry until they can provide an address.
What to Take
Most Jamaican ATMs will accept foreign debit cards to dispense cash. The best exchange rates are found at foreign exchange traders like Scotia DBG and FX Trader. Banks accept travelers checks, but typically have long lines and offer poor rates.
Where clothing is concerned, what to take depends entirely on the nature of your trip. Most all-inclusive hotels have semi-formal dress codes (a collared shirt, dress shoes) for their fine dining restaurants; if church or a business meeting is in order, formal attire is a must.
If nobody needs to be impressed, however, Jamaica can be the most casual place on earth, where certain esteemed members of society refuse to wear shoes for greater proximity to Mother Earth, and nude beaches abound at hotels like Couples, Breezes, and Hedonism. However, outside the beach resort towns like Negril, entering a place of business without a shirt will be frowned upon.
Cool, light-colored cotton clothes are best for the heat and humidity. Obviously, so is your favorite bathing suit. For cool evenings, pack a long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
Many travelers to Jamaica are surprised to find that Jamaicans rarely wear shorts on a normal day, while jeans and full suits are common everyday attire. It is not necessary to buy an entire wardrobe of Hawaiian shirts before your trip, and in a pinch plenty are sold in gift shops across the island with the requisite "Jamaica, no problem" printed across the front.
You'll definitely want to bring your most flashy getup if you're planning a night on the town. In nightclubs such as Fiction and Privilege in Kingston, women are remarkably dressed up; men will come dressed in their shiniest shoes and most "criss" jacket to "flex" in the corner till the dance floor heats up.
For hiking and overnights in the higher elevations of the Blue Mountains, you'll want a sweatshirt, parka, boots, and warm socks.
Explore Jamaica
The Best of Jamaica
Two weeks is a good length for a trip to Jamaica and provides enough time to relax on the beach while also venturing beyond the sun and sand for a mix of adventure and culture. Highlights include Negril's West End, a few days in quiet Belmont, Kingston's culture and nightlife, and Portland's aristocratic history and lush natural beauty.
Day 1
Arrive at the airport in Montego Bay, check-in for two nights, and dine at the HouseBoat Grill or the more casual and every-bit-as-good Scotchie's. Hit up a bar for an evening drink to gauge the scene along the Hip Strip.
Day 2
Take tours of Rose Hall and Greenwood Great House in the morning. Then visit Doctors Cave Beach in the afternoon. Have dinner at Day-O Plantation followed by a play at Fairfield Theatre.
Day 3
Drive west to Negril for cliff jumping by late morning. Visit Royal Palm Reserve in the afternoon to fish and check out the waterfowl, then visit Bongo's Farm for sunset.
Day 4
In the morning, drive southeast to Savanna-la-Mar and then turn inland to Mayfield Falls. Spend the morning exploring the falls and gardens. On the return back to Negril, take the northern route stopping to visit Alexander Bustamante's birthplace at Blenheim before enjoying grilled lobster at Half Moon Beach in Hanover.
Day 5
Check out of your hotel and drive east toward Belmont, stopping at Blue Hole Garden and Roaring River along the way. Settle into a beachside cottage at Horizon Cottages and dine on fresh seafood or fried chicken across the road.
Day 6
Drive south to Parottee Point and head to Pelican Bar, a one-of-a-kind watering hole and ramshackle fried fish joint located a mile offshore on a sandbar. Go snorkeling and enjoy fried fish and a cold beer. On your way back to Belmont, stop in Black River for a boat trip into the morass.
Day 7
Drive inland and take a tour of Appleton Estate in the morning, followed by a stop on Bamboo Avenue for jelly coconut and a visit to Y.S. Falls in the afternoon. Pull over in Middle Quarters for fresh shrimp on the way back to Belmont, where you will spend another night.
Day 8
In Belmont, visit Peter Tosh Memorial Garden in the morning followed by a nature hike with Rasta Bryan. Depart in the afternoon for Kingston, arriving in time for dinner.
Day 9
Downtown sights in the morning could include the National Gallery, a stroll along Ocean Boulevard, and a visit to Liberty Hall. Visit Legend Café at the Bob Marley Museum for lunch and take a tour in the early afternoon. Stop by Hope Botanical Gardens for a juice at Ashanti Garden before heading back down to Devon House for ice cream and shopping. Go out on the town at night in New Kingston.
Day 10
Visit the Mutual Gallery and then head out to Fort Charles in Port Royal by mid-morning, followed by lunch at Gloria's. Take a boat to Lime Cay for a swim in the afternoon. Dine at Fisherman's Cabin before returning to Kingston to go out on the town and hit the hay.
Days 11 and 12
Drive northeast from Kingston into the Blue Mountains for hiking in Holywell and two nights at Woodside. Stop at Strawberry Hill and splurge on a beer to check out the view--it's well worth it.
Start the next day with early-morning coffee and birding at Twyman's Estate, fueled by a fresh roasted pea-bean blend, the connoisseur's choice. Have lunch at The Gap Cafe, followed by an afternoon swim in the spring-fed pool at Woodside and then a home-cooked dinner.
Day 13
Leave for Port Antonio via Buff Bay immediately after breakfast. Check in to your hotel, take a swim and then a nap. Wake up for lunch at Cynthia's and a swim on Winnifred Beach. Hit Roof Club, La Best, or Cristal Night Club in the evening to scope out the local scene.
Day 14
Get up early to head west towards Montego Bay for departure with time to stop by Somerset Falls along the way.
Roots and Culture
These are the must-see historical sites and must-do events for those travelers wishing to delve into the pulsating cultural milieu that shapes and defines Jamaican society. Keep tabs on the weekly events calendars in Kingston and Negril to plan your time in these areas. The roots of Jamaican popular music will become vivid with this tour, which touches on the island's evolvingmusic industry.
Day 1
Arrive in Montego Bay for one night at Richmond Hill. If you arrive in the morning, visit Greenwood Great House or Bellefield Great House for a step back in time with a stop at Scotchie's for jerk either before or after the tour. Visit the Gallery of West Indian Art for some inspiration before dinner at Mobay Proper or The HouseBoat Grill. Hit Margaritaville to catch the pinnacle of Mobay nightlife if you still have energybefore bed.
Day 2
Hit Doctors Cave Beach in the morning and then head to Negril in the afternoon to catch sunset and dinner on the Cliffs at LTU or Pushcart Grill & Rum Bar. Check out the night's live reggae band on the beach or at Negril Escape on Tuesdays.
Day 3
Make a loop from Negril to Roaring River and Blue Hole Garden or Mayfield Falls before descending to Half Moon Beach along the Hanover coast. Head back to Negril for dinner at Whistling Bird, Kuyaba or Chill Awhile.
Day 4
Leave for Kingston in the morning, stopping in Belmont to pay your respects to a reggae legend at Peter Tosh Memorial Garden. Make a pit stop in Middle Quarters for "swimps" and then in Scott's Pass, Clarendon, to meet the Rasta elders at the headquarters of the Nyabinghi House of Rastafari.
Day 5
Hit Kingston's cultural sights, or any combination of the Bob Marley Museum, Tuff Gong Studios, Culture Yard, and the National Gallery. Call Rita at Vynil Records to arrange a stop to buy the latest 45s. Have dinner at Hellshire Beach or at Gloria's in Port Royal before a night out on the town at Quad or Fiction followed by a street dance.
Day 6
Leave in the morning for Jamnesia Surf Club in Bull Bay. Spend the day surfing and hanging with Billy Mystic and family.
Day 7
Spend the morning sampling the ritualized Rasta life at Bobo Hill if you're in the mood for some serious worship. Visit Reggae Falls in the afternoon before heading back to Kingston in the evening for dinner and another night out.
Day 8
Leave in the morning for Port Antonio, checking in at Great Huts, Drapers San or Goblin Hill. Spend the afternoon at Reach Falls or on the beach with a quick visit toFolly Ruins.
Day 9
Depart first thing for Ocho Rios stopping in Charles Town to meet the maroon coronel to take in some history and vision. In Ocho Rios, visit Reggae Xplosion at Island Village before dinner at Tropical Vibes on Fisherman's Beach.
Day 10
Visit Blue Hole Falls in the morning before a transfer to Montego Bay for an evening departure. Stop by Time 'N' Place or Culture Restaurant in Falmouth for a bite.
Hidden Beaches and Hillside Hikes
Hikes, bird-watching, secluded beaches, and mangrove tours are indispensable to a greater appreciation of Jamaica's natural wonders. Jamaica is a relatively small island, and can be traversed in about five hours without stopping, but the diversity and ruggedness of the island's landscape makes it exhausting to try to fit in too much.
Transportation is an important consideration when planning an eco-vacation, as many of the less-visited sights are remote and require a rental car or driver. Excursions into remote parts of Cockpit Country and the Blue Mountains require a four-wheel-drive vehicle, but for most places SUVs are not necessary and the expense is not justified. Barrett Adventures operates island-wide, and is the best charter outfit for helping to coordinate transportation for part of or an entire trip.
Day 1
Arrive in Montego Bay and head directly to Good Hope Plantation in Trelawny. Spend a few hours on the beach at Silver Sands or Harmony Cove before a relaxing dinner in the great house.
Day 2
Explore Cockpit Country on horseback in the morning, with lunch back at the Great House. Head to Burwood Beach in the afternoon for windsurfing or kite surfing, before a casual dinner at Time 'N' Place nearby.
Day 3
Depart in the morning for Negril, stopping at Half Moon Beach for lunch and a dip. Continue on to Tensing Pen to spend the afternoon jumping off the cliffs and relaxing by the pool.
Day 4
Depart for Belmont stopping at Bongo's Farm for a jelly coconut, hike up the hill, and eat lunch at the Black Star Line before heading to Roaring River and Blue Hole Garden. Spend the night at Horizon or Culloden Cove in Belmont or Whitehouse, and squeeze in some snorkeling before sunset.
Day 5
Depart for the Blue Mountains, stopping in Black River for a morning kayak or pontoon boat safari to see the crocs, then stop by Y.S. Falls for an early afternoon dip, before hitting the road. Overnight at Forres Park in Mavis Bank, Lime Tree Farm, or Whitfield Hall.
Day 6
Rise early for a hike up Blue Mountain Peak. Descend by early afternoon and head to Woodside for your last two nights.
Day 7
Hike the trails of Holywell, or visit Cinchona Botanical Gardens in the morning, then visit the Twyman's Old Tavern Coffee Estate for a tour and to pick up some beans to take home. Have dinner at The Gap Café, Strawberry Hill, or back at Woodside.
Day 8
Rise early for the drive back to Montego Bay, stopping in Ocho Rios for a dip at the Blue Hole on the White River or at One Love Trail on the seaside, followed by a garden tour at Coyaba Gardens. Leave Ochi in time for an evening departure from Mobay's Sangster International.
Kingston has a tendency to consume time, so it's perfect for those who like to idle about and soak up local culture. Skylarking, or idling, is in fact one of Jamaica's favorite pastimes. For visitors looking to hit all the important historical and cultural sites in a rush, at least two nights in a two-week visit to Jamaica should be dedicated to Kingston, and certainly more during a longer stay in order to adopt the local pace and enjoy the sights, food, and nightlife. Most of the historical sights downtown can be seen in one day. Uptown attractions tend to be conveniently concentrated in the Half Way Tree/Hope Road area and will consume another day if you wish to fit in Devon House, The Bob Marley Museum, and Hope Gardens, with a little shopping and eating in between. The noteworthy attractions in Spanish Town can all be seen in half a day.
Kingston didn't become an important city, or a city at all for that matter, until well after the British captured Jamaica from Spain in 1655. It wasn't until the great earthquake of 1692 left the nearby boomtown of Port Royal almost entirely underwater that Kingston's population grew to any size--thanks to the survivors fleeing from across the harbor. A subsequent disaster, a devastating fire in 1703, left Port Royal virtually abandoned and sealed the town's fate as a literal backwater. Prior to this, Kingston's Downtown area was dominated by a fishing and pig-farming village known as Colonel Beeston's Hog Crawle.
The parish of Kingston encompasses what is today referred to as Downtown, as well as the Palisadoes, a 16-kilometer-long, thin strip of land that runs from the roundabout at Harbour View to the tip of Port Royal.
Kingston is a city of nearly one million people, the vast majority of whom know poverty. It is important to keep in mind that people will say and do just about anything that gives them the opportunity to eat, or "nyam food." While some may use physical intimidation to get what they want, a more common occurrence is for someone to pretend to know you or yell aggressively from across the street, "Come here!" When you get the feeling that an advance of this sort may lead to an uncomfortable situation, go with that inclination. It helps to keep petty cash on hand to ease tensions when strategically necessary. If you're driving, there's almost always someone nearby to help direct your parking and then volunteer to watch your car while you go about your business. When you return to the car the helpful volunteer will certainly expect a tip. While you don't need to be intimidated by these everyday occurrences, a bit of change or a small bill will put you in good stead for the next time.
Kingston's main draws relate to Jamaica's history, heritage, and culture as opposed to the natural features that form the basis of the tourism economy concentrated on the north and west coasts. Given the progression of development in uptown Kingston over the past several decades, most of the historical sites of interest, as well as those associated with the Institute of Jamaica, are located Downtown.
The more popular hangouts, as well as most restaurants, bars, clubs, and shopping plazas, are located Uptown. As Jamaica's music scene has decentralized over the past decades, thanks in large part to technological advances, the Downtown production studios of yesteryear that gave birth to and controlled the industry, like Sir Clement "Coxsone" Dodd's World Disc, or his even more successful Studio One, have been replaced by scores of modern studios scattered around the residential suburbs, often based at the homes of the artists and producers who run them.
Invercauld Great House
Invercauld Great House along the waterfront between town and the hospital is the most striking structure in Black River, with well-preserved Georgian architecture. The great house was built in 1894 by Patrick Leydon. It was for many years a hotel but has fallen out of use and sits idle within its gated compound. Not recommended as an accommodation, but worth a peak if you're a history or architecture buff.
Invercauld Great House
Invercauld Great House along the waterfront between town and the hospital is the most striking structure in Black River, with well-preserved Georgian architecture. The great house was built in 1894 by Patrick Leydon. It was for many years a hotel but has fallen out of use and sits idle within its gated compound.
Luana Orchid Farm
Luana Orchid Farm (admission US$5) offers formal tours by appointment only to check out the 150,000-odd local and foreign orchid plants at the 1.5-acre farm. Dr. Bennett has bred several new varieties himself. The farm is located on the northern outskirts of Black River along the road between Black River and Middle Quarters, opposite Luana Sports Club and quarry.
Performing Arts
Jamaica has a vibrant tradition in theater, pantomime, and spoken word performances, with annual shows and competitions sponsored by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (www.jcdc.org.jm). Events are held throughout the year but come to a head during the weeks around Emancipation and Independence in early August.
Little Theatre Movement, the Little-Little Theatre, and the National Dance Theatre Company (4 Tom Redcam Ave., tel. 876/926-6129, www.ltmpantomime.com) share a property on the edge of Downtown. The Xaymaca Dance Theatre also performs here in late October. Plays run throughout the year; call for details on performances. Pantomime performances run December 26–early May, with school plays after that. The National Dance Theatre performs July–August. Henry Fowler, Rex Nettleford, Barbara Gloudon, Louise "Miss Lou" Bennett, Oliver Samuels, and Ken Hill are some of the founding members of the Little Theatre Movement.
Centre Stage Theatre (70 Dominica Dr., beside New Kingston Shopping Centre, tel. 876/960-3585, annual performance series info 876/968-7529) is a small venue where productions tend to be family-oriented musicals in a mixture of English and Patois. Centre Stage usually holds two annual performance series, August–November, and December 26–late April/early May. For further information contact Rosie Williams at Jambiz International (876/754-3877, www.jambizonline.com). The cast usually includes renowned Jamaican comedians Oliver Samuels and Glen "Titus" Campbell.
Green Gables Theatre (6 Cargill Ave., off Half Way Tree Rd., 876/926-4966 or 876/929-5315, www.jamaicastages.com) is the venue for Stages Production plays, which typically run at 8 p.m. Wednesday–Saturday and with two shows at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sunday.
The Louise Bennett Garden Theatre and the Ranny Williams Entertainment Centre (36 Hope Rd., tel. 876/926-5726, hrd@jcdc.org.jm, www.jcdc.org.jm) host occasional plays and concerts as well as bingo, book launches, and barbecues a couple of times a month.
Phillip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts (UWI Mona, tel. 876/927-1047) puts on UWI productions, including those of the student dance society. The building that houses the arts center is architecturally impressive.
The Theatre Place (8 Haining Road, 876/908-0040) is Kingston's newest theatrical venue, opened in late 2009 and run by Pablo Hoilett (cell tel. 876/364-4752, themediaplanet@gmail.com). The theater typically puts on comedies and other plays (admission US$12).
Ward Theatre (North Parade, Downtown, tel. 876/922-0360 or 876/922-0453) holds occasional plays, pantomimes, and special events.
Pantry Playhouse (2 Dumfries Rd., tel. 876/960-9845, admission US$12–15) features comical productions throughout the year in a quaint outdoor setting in the heart of New Kingston. Plays usually run for three months, and performances are generally held Wednesday–Sunday. Me and Mi Chapsie, a play about older women going with younger men, was a popular play performed in 2009 and a good example of the comical lean to most of these productions.
The outdoor amphitheatre at Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts (1 Arthur Winter Dr., tel. 876/929-2350) hosts poetry readings on the last Tuesday of every month starting at 7:30 p.m.; regular dance performances are held in the indoor theatre next door.
Betting and Gambling
Gambling was, until recently, illegal in Jamaica, while "gaming" was not, so long as you are 18 and over. Off-track betting (OTB) is supported by nearby Caymanas Park racetrack with OTB outlets across the island carrying local as well as overseas races. Video Gaming Machines are found throughout the island thanks to Supreme Ventures, with a few locations in Kingston to play the odds against a machine.
Planning Your Time
If your goal is to hit the main sights and take in a bit of the South Coast culture, a night or two in Black River, a few days in Treasure Beach, and a night in Mandeville is probably sufficient. Treasure Beach is one of those places where a certain type of person falls into the groove immediately and finds it very difficult to leave. Others find that the area is too popularly off-the-beaten path and prefer seafront communities that are even more sedate, like Black River, a few kilometers away, or Belmont and Little Bay in Westmoreland. What is certain is that Treasure Beach has a unique feel with a land and people unto itself and the length of time visitors deem sufficient depends on how easy they are entertained by the rough-edged natural beauty that gives the area its charm. The immediate surroundings of Treasure Beach lend themselves to long walks, hiking in the Santa Cruz Mountains, boat rides, and cautious swimming.
Most people visiting the South Coast choose Treasure Beach as a base, making easy day trips to surrounding attractions. This is probably the best option with the most varied accommodation options, a hip-cum-chic vibe, and several beaches and unique scenery to enjoy. Decent accommodation options are also available in Black River farther west, but it's not a magnetic destination for most. Mandeville also has a smattering of decent hotels, and for those set on getting as much curative power as possible from the hot baths at Milk River, the hotel on-site has basic affordable rooms. Clarendon's capital, May Pen, also has a few decent hotels, but there is little here that draws visitors.
Both Treasure Beach and Black River make convenient bases for exploring the interior with attractions like Accompong Town, Appleton Estate, and Y.S. Falls all within about an hour's drive. Apart from laying low with the alligators and hanging out at Pelican Bar, there's little to keep visitors long in Black River.
Thankfully, Jamaica's South Coast is a welcome respite from the hustling that goes on in virtually every other area of the island that participates in the tourism industry. The most important dangers and annoyances in the region are accordingly more nature-oriented than human-related. Beaches along the South Coast are commonly deserted, and swimming alone is therefore not the safest activity, especially in Treasure Beach, where every year the list of drowned anglers seems to grow. The current and undertow in all the bays of Treasure Beach can be quite dangerous, and it's wise to ask the locals about conditions before getting too comfortable in the water.
Also related to the sea, there are times when jackfish contains high levels of toxins. It is better to avoid this fish altogether to be safe. Lobster is widely available on the South Coast and is the specialty at Little Ochie restaurant. Nevertheless, spiny lobster has a designated closed season (Apr.\June), established to protect the species from over-harvesting. The ban on lobster fishing during this time should be acknowledged and supported first and foremost by visitors to discourage any potential breach of the seasonal ban by fishermen--who ultimately are more prone to respond to the market rather than government regulations. It is illegal to land lobsters smaller than 76.2 millimeters, the established minimum size for a mature female.
Black River to Parotee
An important economic center in years past, especially for the export of logwood and mahogany, Black River is today a quiet literal and littoral backwater parish capital, with the main tourist attraction being the river at the heart of town that serves as the entry point into the Great Morass. There are a few popular tourism attractions within a half-hour's drive and plenty of forlorn stretches of mediocre beach just east of town along the coast toward Parottee. A few minutes west, Font Hill offers great swimming on a beautiful small tract of sand surrounded by coral reef. A few interesting buildings around town are worth a look, most notably Invercauld Great House.
Carib Cinema plays Hollywood films (Cross Roads, box office tel. 876/926-6106, movie times tel. 876/906-1090, www.palaceamusement.com, typical show times 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. daily, admission US$6).
The Cineplex (shop 47a Sovereign Center, tel. 876/978-3522, movie times tel. 876/978-8286, admission US$6) is also owned by Palace Amusement and has more of the same Hollywood films.
If you'd prefer to stay in and watch a movie, Movie Shac (inside Loshusan supermarket in Barbican Centre, tel. 876/978-SHAC, 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Sat., 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Sun.) has a mix of classics and new releases on DVD.
Port Antonio and the East Coast
The parishes of Portland and St. Thomas form Jamaica's easternmost region and contain the island's least exploited natural treasures. A quiet town in the center of Portland's coast affectionately known as "Portie," Port Antonio boasts some of Jamaica's most secluded beaches among a handful of other stunning natural wonders. The world-famous Blue Hole, or Blue Lagoon, where ice-cold spring water mixes with the warm waves lapping in from the sea, is surreal beyond measure and reason in itself to visit the region.
Navy Island, an abandoned little paradise in the middle of Port Antonio's twin harbors, is surrounded by coral reefs and sand bars. Steep, lush hills rise from a coastline dotted with beaches, inlets, and mangroves. Reach Falls is a nature lover's paradise, where local guides take visitors by the hand along trails that only they can see through the middle of the river. In Bath, natural hot springs have a mineral composition that is said to cure almost any ailment. When one of these destinations occupies top priority on your daily agenda, life just seems to flow at the right speed. Perhaps the languid pace of this side of the island is just meant to be, and as a visitor you won't be sorry for the lack of crowds.
Located about 65 kilometers from Morant Bay around the eastern flank of the John Crow Mountains and about 95 kilometers east of Port Maria, Port Antonio is the largest town in Portland, and the parish capital. The fact that the area attracts only a minute fraction of the three million or so visitors Jamaica gets each year is either the way it should be or a crying shame, depending on whom you ask. Those who depend on the tourist trade complain the area is not marketed to its potential, while it is said those who own the area's most extravagant private homes prefer it just the way it is.
Some say Port Antonio is a place time forgot. What's clear is it's an easy place to fall in love with, and despite the languid pace, it's impossible to get bored. You'll want to give the area no less than three days to get in all the main sights without feeling rushed, but if you go there at the beginning of a trip to Jamaica, it's possible you won't want to see anything else, unless of course you're unlucky enough to be there for an extended period of rain, which is not uncommon.
Port Antonio is small enough to fit in two main activities in a day. Folly Mansion is a good morning activity, when the sun lights up the side facing the sea, and is nicely complemented with an afternoon at the beach. The dusk hours are best spent on a bench at the marina with a Devon House I Scream ice-cream cone in hand.
If you're planning on heading into the higher reaches of the Rio Grande Valley, it will take up at least a day there and back if you're to fit in a hike to the falls and at least three days round-trip to hike with Maroon guides to the site of Nanny Town, higher up in the Blue Mountains.
Port Antonio did not develop until Portland was established as a parish in 1723. Originally called Titchfield, the town was concentrated on the peninsular hill dividing the twin harbors that still retain the town's original name. Port Antonio, like much of the eastern side of the island, was not developed in the early colonial period thanks to the rough terrain not suitable for sugar, the principal cash crop during the slavery period. To further dissuade European settlers, the Maroons had their eastern stronghold inland from Port Antonio up the Rio Grande Valley.
Port Antonio was completely transformed, starting in 1876, by the banana trade, which turned the hills into lucrative plantations in a way sugar never could; the area grew further in recognition when the empty banana steamers returned with New Englanders who'd heard about paradise in Portland, Jamaica. Steamer captains George Busch and later Lorenzo Dow Baker basically invented the lucrative banana trade by encouraging local farmers to plant the "green gold" as they fed an exploding, almost accidental demand in the northeastern United States. Jamaica dominated world banana production until 1929, when Honduras took over as top producer after blight destroyed Jamaica's crop. But this was not before Baker was able to invent a new trade in tourism, building the Titchfield Hotel, one of the most extravagant hotels in the Caribbean, which enticed the world's early steam-set to discover Port Antonio. Tourism dropped off during the Great Depression, but the area experienced a brief resurgence in the 1950s and 1960s when it became a chic destination for Hollywood stars, with the likes of Errol Flynn and Ian Fleming making it their preferred stomping ground. Some of the world's wealthiest people visited and bought property in the area. Since then Portland has been somewhat overshadowed in promotional efforts by tourism developments in Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, and Negril.
The town of Port Antonio is easy to get around on foot or bicycle, with the farthest-flung attractions being no more than a few kilometers apart. For all nature attractions you will need a ride. While the main road (A4) along the north coast passes through Port Antonio, it follows many different streets before coming out again on the other side of town. Approaching from the east, the A4 first becomes West Palm Avenue, then West Street going through the center of town, before joining Harbour Street in front of the Royal Mall, which later becomes Folly Road and then finally once again simply the main road (A4). Harbour Street and William Street together form a one-way roundabout circling the Court House and the Parish Council.
Titchfield Hill, the old part of town, sits on a protrusion next to Navy Island, which divides the East and West Harbours. Titchfield has several interesting gingerbread-style buildings and a few guesthouses, with Fort George Street, King Street, and Queen Street running the length of the peninsula parallel to one another. In town itself, most of the action is on Harbour and West Streets, where the banks, a few restaurants, two nightclubs, and Musgrave Market are located. From Harbour Road, West Avenue starts up again, wrapping around a residential district and becoming East Avenue before reuniting with the Main Road, at this point called Allen. Red Hassell Road, which is the delineator between East and West Palm avenues, is the route to the Rio Grande Valley.
East of Port Antonio along the coast are a series of hills dropping gently down to coves and bays, which help delineate the districts of Anchovy, Drapers, San San, and Fairy Hill. Farther east lies Boston and then Long Bay. The main beaches including San San, Frenchman's Cove, Dragon Bay, and Winnifred are all located on this stretch of coast east of town, as is the Blue Hole and Reach Falls just past Manchioneel.
Jamaica National Heritage Trust
The Jamaica National Heritage Trust is based Downtown in the historic Headquarters House. The Trust can provide information on Heritage sights across the island.
Survey Department
The Survey Department sells all kinds of maps. Contact Patricia Davis in the business office. The Survey Department is a division of the National Land Agency, based on Ardenne Road.
Doctor Bird Expat Services
Doctor Bird Expat Services (contact director Adrien Lemaire, drbird.ja@gmail.com, tel. 876/376-1426) is a concierge service offering just about anything an expat or visiting heads of state, celebrities, and business executives could want while in Jamaica, from private security and armored cars to shipping and customs clearing, chartered aircraft and boats, party planning, villa rentals, and sourcing of domestic help and tutoring.
Countrystyle Jamaica
Countrystyle Jamaica, led by Diana McIntyre-Pike, is an organization that promotes community tourism under the slogan, "where the beaches end, our countrylife begins." The organization leads culinary, cultural, and study tours, arranging itineraries, transportation and accommodation.
DaVinci Jamaica Vacations
DaVinci Jamaica Vacations is a Kingston-based travel company that specializes in intimate, off-the-beaten-track roaming tours of the island. DaVinci sells all things Jamaican, all places in Jamaica, and the full cast of Jamaican people; if it is safe, legal, and their clients want to experience it, they’ll do it. Pre-set packages or customized vacations are offered, emphasizing Jamaica’s cuisine with a unique food tour of the island and "The Bohemian West and East" food mini-tour weekend packages. Accommodations are arranged based on the budget and taste of clients.
Police stations
Police stations are located at Half Way Tree (142 Maxfield Ave., tel. 876/926-8184), Downtown Kingston Central (East Queen St., tel. 876/922-0308), and Constant Spring (2–3 Casava Piece Rd., tel. 876/924-1421).
Passport, Immigration & Citizenship Agency (PICA)
Passport, Immigration & Citizenship Agency (PICA) is responsible for granting extensions of stay and processing the paperwork for visas, granting residency and issuing Jamaican passports.
University Hospital of the West Indies
UWI’s University Hospital has a good reputation and is probably the best public hospital in Jamaica. Tony Thwaites is UWI’s private facility (University Hospital, Mona
Medical Associates Hospital and Medical Center
Medical Associates Hospital and Medical Center (18 Tangerine Place, tel. 876/926-1400) is a private clinic with a good reputation. It also has a pharmacy at the same location.
Eye Q Optical
Eye Q Optical (9am-5:30pm Tues., Wed, Fri, 10:30am-6:30pm, Thurs., 10:30am-3:30pm Sat.) is the best spot in town to get your eyes tested or pick up a pair of prescription glasses with locations in New Kingston and Manor Park.
Andrews Memorial Hospital Pharmacy
Andrews Memorial Hospital Pharmacy (open 8 a.m.–10 p.m. Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Sunday.
Andrews Memorial Hospital Pharmacy
Andrews Memorial Hospital Pharmacy (open 8 a.m.–10 p.m. Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Sunday.
Andrews Memorial Hospital Pharmacy
Andrews Memorial Hospital Pharmacy (open 8 a.m.–10 p.m. Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Sunday.
Liguanea Drugs and Garden Centre / Lee's Family Pharmacy
Liguanea Drugs and Garden is a business place where all sorts of pharmaceutical durgs can be purchased at a low cost.
Jamaica Information Service
Jamaica Information Service (58-A Half Way Tree Rd., tel. 876/926-3590; TV Div. 37 Arnold Rd., tel. 876/922-3317) accumulates all kinds of data and statistics, as well as archival television footage.
Public Library
The Public Library (Main Branch) has a decent collection and allows visitors to check out books by leaving a deposit. Internet is available free of charge at a handful of computer terminals.
Hot Off The Press
Hot Off The Press (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat.) can satisfy most printing and imaging needs.
Waterfalls is a banqueting facility that does functions and is open to the public as a nightclub on Thursdays (9 p.m.–4 a.m., US$6) for oldies featuring Merritone Disco sound, and a mixture of reggae, Calypso, and hip hop from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. It's one of the few places in Kingston that catches the vibe of an old dancehall straight out of the 1960s, with the crowd skanking to ska, rocksteady, R&B, and reggae classics well into the night. The cover charge includes complimentary soup. Known for its older crowd, Waterfalls also offers an all-inclusive Sunday brunch (US$20/person, 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m.) featuring live Jamaican-flavored jazz.
Waterfalls is a banqueting facility that does functions and is open to the public as a nightclub on Thursdays (9 p.m.–4 a.m., US$6) for oldies featuring Merritone Disco sound, and a mixture of reggae, Calypso, and hip hop from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. It's one of the few places in Kingston that catches the vibe of an old dancehall straight out of the 1960s, with the crowd skanking to ska, rocksteady, R&B, and reggae classics well into the night. The cover charge includes complimentary soup. Known for its older crowd, Waterfalls also offers an all-inclusive Sunday brunch (US$20/person, 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m.) featuring live Jamaican-flavored jazz.
Waterfalls is a banqueting facility that does functions and is open to the public as a nightclub on Thursdays (9 p.m.–4 a.m., US$6) for oldies featuring Merritone Disco sound, and a mixture of reggae, Calypso, and hip hop from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. It's one of the few places in Kingston that catches the vibe of an old dancehall straight out of the 1960s, with the crowd skanking to ska, rocksteady, R&B, and reggae classics well into the night. The cover charge includes complimentary soup. Known for its older crowd, Waterfalls also offers an all-inclusive Sunday brunch (US$20/person, 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m.) featuring live Jamaican-flavored jazz.
Waterfalls is a banqueting facility that does functions and is open to the public as a nightclub on Thursdays (9 p.m.–4 a.m., US$6) for oldies featuring Merritone Disco sound, and a mixture of reggae, Calypso, and hip hop from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. It's one of the few places in Kingston that catches the vibe of an old dancehall straight out of the 1960s, with the crowd skanking to ska, rocksteady, R&B, and reggae classics well into the night. The cover charge includes complimentary soup. Known for its older crowd, Waterfalls also offers an all-inclusive Sunday brunch (US$20/person, 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m.) featuring live Jamaican-flavored jazz.
Discover Ocho Rios & the Central North Coast
{japopup type="image" title="Discover Ocho Rios & the Central North Coast" content="images/stories/maps/ochorios/17L_nROchoRiosCenCoast.jpg" width="594" } {/japopup}
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Ocho Rios's Best New Restaurant
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Ocho Rios's Best Hotel
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Ocho Rios's Best Attraction
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Discover Port Antonio & the East Coast
{japopup type="image" title="Discover Port Antonio & the East Coast" content="images/stories/maps/portantonio/13_PortAntonioNECoast.jpg" width="594" } {/japopup}
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Port Antonio's Best New Restaurant
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Port Antonio's Best Hotel
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Port Antonio's Best Attraction
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
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Nisl et urna cursus ullamcorper nunc adipiscing augue dui condimentum Nulla. Convallis consequat Aliquam velit Curabitur Lorem congue ut id felis hac.
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Best New Restaurant
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Planning Your Time
Kingston has a tendency to consume time, so it's perfect for those who like to idle about and soak up local culture. Skylarking, or idling, is in fact one of Jamaica's favorite pastimes. For visitors looking to hit all the important historical and cultural sites in a rush, at least two nights in a two-week visit to Jamaica should be dedicated to Kingston, and certainly more during a longer stay in order to adopt the local pace and enjoy the sights, food, and nightlife. Most of the historical sights downtown can be seen in one day. Uptown attractions tend to be conveniently concentrated in the Half Way Tree/Hope Road area and will consume another day if you wish to fit in Devon House, The Bob Marley Museum, and Hope Gardens, with a little shopping and eating in between. The noteworthy attractions in Spanish Town can all be seen in half a day.
As a place of business, Kingston's inevitable bureaucratic red tape can be frustrating at worst and a challenge to negotiate at best. Most of the island's music studios and production houses are located in Kingston, which makes it the base for those looking to engage in the entertainment industry. Kingston's nightlife heats up on the weekends with stage shows and parties held almost weekly at one venue or another, but there are worthwhile events almost every night of the week, and the most popular regular street dances are all held on weeknights. Theater performances are held several nights a week. It is worth calling ahead when planning a visit if you would like to catch a theater or dance performance.
If you can, plan to spend a Sunday at Lime Cay. Kingston's most popular beach, just off the coast of Port Royal, has become a hub for the city's young and hip.
Kingston is hardly inexpensive in terms of accommodations, and a meal out for two can match New York City prices if you want to flirt with high society. Still, a night on the town doesn't need to cost more than US$20, and there's always a way to get by regardless of budgetary constraints.
Kingston didn't become an important city, or a city at all for that matter, until well after the British captured Jamaica from Spain in 1655. It wasn't until the great earthquake of 1692 left the nearby boomtown of Port Royal almost entirely underwater that Kingston's population grew to any size--thanks to the survivors fleeing from across the harbor. A subsequent disaster, a devastating fire in 1703, left Port Royal virtually abandoned and sealed the town's fate as a literal backwater. Prior to this, Kingston's Downtown area was dominated by a fishing and pig-farming village known as Colonel Beeston's Hog Crawle.
The well-organized city was built to take advantage of the outstanding natural harbor that had put Port Royal on the map in the first place, and it was named in honor of William of Orange, who ruled England from 1689 to 1702. Before long, Kingston became an immigration point for merchants from around the Caribbean seeking fortune from the slave trade and associated commerce. When slavery was abolished in 1834, Kingston's population swelled as many former slaves rejected the rural life that reminded them of a not-so-distant past. Country folk began migrating to Kinston in great numbers in search of a fresh start.
Thanks to brisk trade that continued along Kingston Harbor, the city soon challenged the capital of Spanish Town in economic importance. In 1872, after what proved to be years of futile resistance, the disgruntled bureaucrats in Spanish Town finally ceded power. Uptown Kingston remained predominantly rural well into the mid-1800s, when wealthier Kingstonians began seeking refuge from the swelling shantytowns that sprang up around Downtown. Most areas of Uptown today still include "manor" or "pen" in reference to the parcels of land that contained the farming estates of yesteryear.
In 1907, a massive earthquake destroyed the majority of buildings along the waterfront, further exacerbating the flight to Uptown of those with means. By the 1930s, prices plunged for the commodities that still formed the base of Jamaica's economy, causing widespread riots around Kingston. This was a time of social and political unrest throughout the African Diaspora, catalyzing the Jamaican labor movement and bringing leaders Marcus Garvey, William Gordon, and Alexander Bustamante to the fore. By the time Jamaica was granted its independence on August 1, 1962 (it technically remains a protectorate of the British crown), redevelopment along the harbor was slated as a priority. Unfortunately for the waterfront area, most of the economic development that ensued took place along the city's new hip strip, Knutsford Boulevard, in New Kingston, and farther uptown in Half Way Tree and along Hope Road.
Violent political campaigns in the 1970s and 1980s gave Kingston international notoriety, but visitors today rarely find themselves subject to or even observers of violent crime.
The parish of Kingston encompasses what is today referred to as Downtown, as well as the Palisadoes, a 16-kilometer-long, thin strip of land that runs from the roundabout at Harbour View to the tip of Port Royal.
Originally laid out in a grid bound by Harbour, North, East, and West Streets, the old city of Kingston soon overstepped these boundaries with ramshackle residential neighborhoods springing up on every side. Over the years, some of these areas have seen simple zinc shacks replaced by homes of slightly better stature. Most of the buildings in the area below the central square, or Parade, as it is known, are commercial, with limited middle-income housing in high-rise buildings near the waterfront.
Most of the more bustling areas of Town are actually located in St. Andrew parish. The two most developed areas are the hubs of New Kingston, immediately north of Cross Roads, and Half Way Tree, immediately to the east of New Kingston. Hope Road, where several businesses and sites of interest are located, runs northeast from Half Way Tree Square all the way to Papine on the northern edge of town. From there, Highway B1, which is little more than a narrow, winding road that often becomes impassable on the descent due to landslides, leads into and over the Blue Mountains. Half Way Tree Road is also a major thoroughfare; it starts at Cross Roads, turning into Constant Spring Road north of the Clock Tower in Half Way Tree, and runs to the northernmost edge of town, where it becomes Stony Hill Road, and later turns into Highway A3, leading to St. Mary parish and the North Coast via Junction.
Metropolitan Kingston is often referred to as the Corporate Area and is divided into two regions referred to by Kingstonians as Uptown and Downtown. In a spatial sense, Downtown Kingston is the old city, laid out in a well-organized grid, whereas Uptown encompasses an urban and suburban sprawl with little order, the result of more recent economic development. The junction at Cross Roads forms a dividing line between Downtown and Uptown.
The Blue Mountain foothills flank the entire city, forming a constant backdrop. Along with a handful of high-rises in New Kingston, the hills provide the best natural landmarks for spatial orientation when moving about the city. Kingston's most affluent residential neighborhoods hug the hills from Long Hill in the southeast at the foot of the Dallas Mountains, wrapping around to Beverly Hills, Mona, Hope Pastures, Barbican, Jack's Hill, Graham Heights, Norbrook, Stony Hill, and Red Hills, from east to west.
Kingston is a city of nearly one million people, the vast majority of whom know poverty. It is important to keep in mind that people will say and do just about anything that gives them the opportunity to eat, or "nyam food." While some may use physical intimidation to get what they want, a more common occurrence is for someone to pretend to know you or yell aggressively from across the street, "Come here!" When you get the feeling that an advance of this sort may lead to an uncomfortable situation, go with that inclination. It helps to keep petty cash on hand to ease tensions when strategically necessary. If you're driving, there's almost always someone nearby to help direct your parking and then volunteer to watch your car while you go about your business. When you return to the car the helpful volunteer will certainly expect a tip. While you don't need to be intimidated by these everyday occurrences, a bit of change or a small bill will put you in good stead for the next time.
For women travelers unaccustomed to aggressive men, Jamaica will most certainly be an eye-opener. Shyness is not a strong part of the Jamaican way, and Jamaican men will put on all kinds of charm to seduce women with creative and tactful words. While most of these approaches are harmless, it's important to never let down your guard and to maintain a certain degree of aloofness, taking everything with a grain of salt. Standards for what is considered acceptable language are very different in Jamaica from most North American and European countries, and language commonly used for flirtation in Jamaica might be considered sexual harassment in other places.
In club settings, dancing can be very sexual and intimate, with "whining and grinding" a part of normal conduct. Jamaican women are a tough lot, however, and generally run things, or have control over the situation. When a man displeases them, they have no problem making it known. You should feel perfectly comfortable doing the same--with a degree of diplomacy to avoid offending the suitor's pride.
Crime and violence certainly exist in Kingston, although visitors are unlikely to encounter it. In fact, it would take real effort for a foreigner to be a victim of gun violence in Kingston, perhaps only by making the mistake of wearing an orange People's National Party (PNP) T-shirt while walking through Tivoli Gardens, one of the city's most notorious ghettos and a stronghold for the Jamaica Labor Party (JLP). Political situations linked to sensitive constituencies like Tivoli Gardens can cause these garrison communities to flare up with tension and violence, usually demonstrated by residents barricading the streets in one of the only displays of power they can muster. Should you be unfortunate enough to be caught in Kingston under these circumstances, avoid going Downtown and keep abreast of the news and discuss safety with locals. The U.S. embassy is typically the first to sound an alarm issuing prompt travel advisories anytime such a situation exists. Jamaica has a history of liaisons between politicians and dons, the strongmen who rule many of the impoverished areas of Kingston and Spanish Town, and it's best to avoid getting involved in any way as a visitor.
Generally speaking, the only time foreigners are in the press associated with crime is in cases where they have tried to exit the country carrying drugs. Sticking by the right set of locals and hanging in the right places, Kingston is no more dangerous a place than any other big city in the developing world where wealth and poverty coexist.
Tuff Gong Recording Studio
Tuff Gong Recording Studio operates as living proof that a recording artist can own his music and be in control of his product and legacy. Bob Marley started as a struggling artist much like the one depicted by Jimmy Cliff in Perry Henzell's film The Harder They Come. He was subject to the same producer-artist relationship that made voicing the next tune an economic imperative rather than a carefully planned and executed project. When Marley built Tuff Gong Recording Studio he seeded an empire that continues to earn millions of dollars per year. Today the studio operates as Marley's legacy, with his wife Rita and children Ziggy and Cedella in charge. The studio offers a guided tour, where visitors can see the entire music production process. Tuff Gong has welcomed numerous international artists, among them Senegal’s Youssou N’Dour, who came to Jamaica in 2009 to record a Bob Marley tribute album at the legendary studio. The studio can be booked for recording for about US $40 per hour. A small record shop on-site sells CDs and other Tuff Gong paraphernalia.
Tuff Gong Recording Studio
Tuff Gong Recording Studio operates as living proof that a recording artist can own his music and be in control of his product and legacy. Bob Marley started as a struggling artist much like the one depicted by Jimmy Cliff in Perry Henzell's film The Harder They Come. He was subject to the same producer-artist relationship that made voicing the next tune an economic imperative rather than a carefully planned and executed project. When Marley built Tuff Gong Recording Studio he seeded an empire that continues to earn millions of dollars per year. Today the studio operates as Marley's legacy, with his wife Rita and children Ziggy and Cedella in charge. The studio offers a guided tour, where visitors can see the entire music production process. Tuff Gong has welcomed numerous international artists, among them Senegal’s Youssou N’Dour, who came to Jamaica in 2009 to record a Bob Marley tribute album at the legendary studio. The studio can be booked for recording for about US $40 per hour. A small record shop on-site sells CDs and other Tuff Gong paraphernalia.
Tuff Gong Recording Studio
Tuff Gong Recording Studio operates as living proof that a recording artist can own his music and be in control of his product and legacy. Bob Marley started as a struggling artist much like the one depicted by Jimmy Cliff in Perry Henzell's film The Harder They Come. He was subject to the same producer-artist relationship that made voicing the next tune an economic imperative rather than a carefully planned and executed project. When Marley built Tuff Gong Recording Studio he seeded an empire that continues to earn millions of dollars per year. Today the studio operates as Marley's legacy, with his wife Rita and children Ziggy and Cedella in charge. The studio offers a guided tour, where visitors can see the entire music production process. Tuff Gong has welcomed numerous international artists, among them Senegal’s Youssou N’Dour, who came to Jamaica in 2009 to record a Bob Marley tribute album at the legendary studio. The studio can be booked for recording for about US $40 per hour. A small record shop on-site sells CDs and other Tuff Gong paraphernalia.
Culture Yard
Culture Yard (8 a.m.–6 p.m. daily, US$10) is a project developed by the Trench Town Development Association and offers a museum tour based around Bob Marley's former home in the ghetto of Rima. It has been deemed a historical site. Visiting Culture Yard is a decent excuse to see the slums of Trench Town, which have retained the dire conditions that gave birth to songs like "Concrete Jungle" and "No Woman No Cry," even if the cost for a look-around feels more like charity than value. The area is marked by a large mural of Marley, visible from Spanish Town Road. Visiting Culture Yard is safe, but the communities in and around Trench Town remain explosive, so it's not a good idea to go wandering on your own. Colin Smikle can arrange community tours around Kingston, including Culture Yard.
A few years ago the Trench Town Development Association was established to carry out projects to benefit the community. Another success has been the Trenchtown Reading Centre (Lower 1st St., contact Christopher Stone, tel. 876/546-1559, stonec@kasnet.com, www.trenchtownreadingcentre.com), which moved into a new building in 2000 and was refurbished in 2005. The reading center welcomes book donations.
St. William Grant Park
The Parade, also known as St. William Grant Park, was a popular congregation ground for a host of labor leaders, including William Grant, Marcus Garvey, and Alexander Bustamante, who spoke regularly before large audiences in the decades preceding independence. Originally a parade ground for British soldiers, as the name implies, the park divides King Street into upper and lower regions. The park itself was recently refurbished in an Urban Development Corporation bid to rid it of a sullied reputation after years of neglect, and it is certainly more pleasant today than just a few years ago. Once called Victoria Park, it was renamed in 1977 to honor William Grant for his role in Jamaica's labor movement. Grant was a follower of Marcus Garvey and joined forces with Alexander Bustamante in championing workers' rights. In 1938, both he and Bustamante were arrested for fomenting upheavals among the early trade unions. In the early 1940s, Grant broke with Bustamante's Industrial Trade Union and drifted into poverty and obscurity. Nevertheless he was given the Honor of Distinction in 1974 for his contribution to the labor movement, which paved the way for Jamaica's independence. Three years later Grant died. The St. preceding his name is understood to abbreviate "sergeant," attributable to his service in the military or as a militant member of the United Negro Improvement Association.
Kingston Parish Church
Kingston Parish Church stands on the corner of South Parade and King Street. It was consecrated in 1911 after having been rebuilt following the earthquake of 1907, which virtually flattened all of downtown. The church was constructed as a replica of the original, with the addition of a clock tower. The original church had stood from when the city was planned and built following the earthquake of 1692. Inside there are several pieces of Jamaican art and a few statues gifted by the Chinese (Our Lady at the High Altar) and Lebanese (St. Thomas) governments.
Real Estate
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Know Jamaica
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Discover Jamaica
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The Best of Jamaica
Two weeks is a good length for a trip to Jamaica and provides enough time to relax on the beach while also venturing beyond the sun and sand for a mix of adventure and culture. Highlights include Negril's West End, a few days in quiet Belmont, Kingston's culture and nightlife, and Portland's aristocratic history and lush natural beauty.
Day 1
Arrive at the airport in Montego Bay, check-in for two nights, and dine at the HouseBoat Grill or the more casual and every-bit-as-good Scotchie's. Hit up a bar for an evening drink to gauge the scene along the Hip Strip.
Day 2
Take tours of Rose Hall and Greenwood Great House in the morning. Then visit Doctors Cave Beach in the afternoon. Have dinner at Day-O Plantation followed by a play at Fairfield Theatre.
Day 3
Drive west to Negril for cliff jumping by late morning. Visit Royal Palm Reserve in the afternoon to fish and check out the waterfowl, then visit Bongo's Farm for sunset.
Day 4
In the morning, drive southeast to Savanna-la-Mar and then turn inland to Mayfield Falls. Spend the morning exploring the falls and gardens. On the return back to Negril, take the northern route stopping to visit Alexander Bustamante's birthplace at Blenheim before enjoying grilled lobster at Half Moon Beach in Hanover.
Day 5
Check out of your hotel and drive east toward Belmont, stopping at Blue Hole Garden and Roaring River along the way. Settle into a beachside cottage at Horizon Cottages and dine on fresh seafood or fried chicken across the road.
Day 6
Drive south to Parottee Point and head to Pelican Bar, a one-of-a-kind watering hole and ramshackle fried fish joint located a mile offshore on a sandbar. Go snorkeling and enjoy fried fish and a cold beer. On your way back to Belmont, stop in Black River for a boat trip into the morass.
Day 7
Drive inland and take a tour of Appleton Estate in the morning, followed by a stop on Bamboo Avenue for jelly coconut and a visit to Y.S. Falls in the afternoon. Pull over in Middle Quarters for fresh shrimp on the way back to Belmont, where you will spend another night.
Day 8
In Belmont, visit Peter Tosh Memorial Garden in the morning followed by a nature hike with Rasta Bryan. Depart in the afternoon for Kingston, arriving in time for dinner.
Day 9
Downtown sights in the morning could include the National Gallery, a stroll along Ocean Boulevard, and a visit to Liberty Hall. Visit Legend Café at the Bob Marley Museum for lunch and take a tour in the early afternoon. Stop by Hope Botanical Gardens for a juice at Ashanti Garden before heading back down to Devon House for ice cream and shopping. Go out on the town at night in New Kingston.
Day 10
Visit the Mutual Gallery and then head out to Fort Charles in Port Royal by mid-morning, followed by lunch at Gloria's. Take a boat to Lime Cay for a swim in the afternoon. Dine at Fisherman's Cabin before returning to Kingston to go out on the town and hit the hay.
Days 11 and 12
Drive northeast from Kingston into the Blue Mountains for hiking in Holywell and two nights at Woodside. Stop at Strawberry Hill and splurge on a beer to check out the view--it's well worth it.
Start the next day with early-morning coffee and birding at Twyman's Estate, fueled by a fresh roasted pea-bean blend, the connoisseur's choice. Have lunch at The Gap Cafe, followed by an afternoon swim in the spring-fed pool at Woodside and then a home-cooked dinner.
Day 13
Leave for Port Antonio via Buff Bay immediately after breakfast. Check in to your hotel, take a swim and then a nap. Wake up for lunch at Cynthia's and a swim on Winnifred Beach. Hit Roof Club, La Best, or Cristal Night Club in the evening to scope out the local scene.
Day 14
Get up early to head west towards Montego Bay for departure with time to stop by Somerset Falls along the way.
Roots and Culture
These are the must-see historical sites and must-do events for those travelers wishing to delve into the pulsating cultural milieu that shapes and defines Jamaican society. Keep tabs on the weekly events calendars in Kingston and Negril to plan your time in these areas. The roots of Jamaican popular music will become vivid with this tour, which touches on the island's evolvingmusic industry.
Day 1
Arrive in Montego Bay for one night at Richmond Hill. If you arrive in the morning, visit Greenwood Great House or Bellefield Great House for a step back in time with a stop at Scotchie's for jerk either before or after the tour. Visit the Gallery of West Indian Art for some inspiration before dinner at Mobay Proper or The HouseBoat Grill. Hit Margaritaville to catch the pinnacle of Mobay nightlife if you still have energybefore bed.
Day 2
Hit Doctors Cave Beach in the morning and then head to Negril in the afternoon to catch sunset and dinner on the Cliffs at LTU or Pushcart Grill & Rum Bar. Check out the night's live reggae band on the beach or at Negril Escape on Tuesdays.
Day 3
Make a loop from Negril to Roaring River and Blue Hole Garden or Mayfield Falls before descending to Half Moon Beach along the Hanover coast. Head back to Negril for dinner at Whistling Bird, Kuyaba or Chill Awhile.
Day 4
Leave for Kingston in the morning, stopping in Belmont to pay your respects to a reggae legend at Peter Tosh Memorial Garden. Make a pit stop in Middle Quarters for "swimps" and then in Scott's Pass, Clarendon, to meet the Rasta elders at the headquarters of the Nyabinghi House of Rastafari.
Day 5
Hit Kingston's cultural sights, or any combination of the Bob Marley Museum, Tuff Gong Studios, Culture Yard, and the National Gallery. Call Rita at Vynil Records to arrange a stop to buy the latest 45s. Have dinner at Hellshire Beach or at Gloria's in Port Royal before a night out on the town at Quad or Fiction followed by a street dance.
Day 6
Leave in the morning for Jamnesia Surf Club in Bull Bay. Spend the day surfing and hanging with Billy Mystic and family.
Day 7
Spend the morning sampling the ritualized Rasta life at Bobo Hill if you're in the mood for some serious worship. Visit Reggae Falls in the afternoon before heading back to Kingston in the evening for dinner and another night out.
Day 8
Leave in the morning for Port Antonio, checking in at Great Huts, Drapers San or Goblin Hill. Spend the afternoon at Reach Falls or on the beach with a quick visit toFolly Ruins.
Day 9
Depart first thing for Ocho Rios stopping in Charles Town to meet the maroon coronel to take in some history and vision. In Ocho Rios, visit Reggae Xplosion at Island Village before dinner at Tropical Vibes on Fisherman's Beach.
Day 10
Visit Blue Hole Falls in the morning before a transfer to Montego Bay for an evening departure. Stop by Time 'N' Place or Culture Restaurant in Falmouth for a bite.
Getting There and Around
Regular airlines from the United States and Canada into Kingston's Norman Manley International Airport include Air Jamaica, Spirit Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Air Canada, American, Delta, and US Airways.
Virgin Atlantic and British Airways offer service from London to Montego Bay and Kingston.
Within the Caribbean, Caribbean Airlines offers service to St. Kitts, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and St. Lucia, while Cayman Airways offers service between Jamaica and Grand Cayman. Copa is the only option direct from Latin America, with service connecting through Panama City from most countries in the region.
Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay is the most popular entry point for visitors to Jamaica.
Most accommodations can provide transportation from either airport, and the more remote hotels and villas often make an extra effort to help provide transportation to guests.
Public transportation is readily available and very affordable for those who are patient and adventurous. Buses run between major cities and towns, and route taxis run between even the smallest villages and their closest transport hubs. The inevitable drawbacks include blaring music, long waits, ripe body odor, and reckless drivers. Car rentals, JUTA charters, and internal flights are expensive, but well worth it under the right circumstances. Nothing compares with the freedom of a rental car, and for two or more people looking to explore the island, it can be reasonably affordable and indispensable. Many visitors are thrown off by the fact that traffic circulates on the left, and if that weren't confusing enough to pose a challenge, abundant, deep potholes and dodging the ubiquitous white route taxis careening around every corner leave little time to enjoy the scenery.
Chartering a car is also very expensive; the standard rate of US$60 for the one-hour trip between Montego Bay and Negril is a good indication of typical charges island-wide. A comfortable and affordable coach service, the Knutsford Express, runs twice daily between Kingston and Montego Bay with one-way fare around US$20. Apart from the multiple internal flights that service the route for at least three times the price (US$70), the Knutsford Express is the best option. Public buses and route taxis are the mass transport option used by most Jamaicans who don't have their own vehicle.
It can be challenging to get around Jamaica via public transportation, and you will likely arrive at your destination a bit frazzled by the congested route taxis and buses, dangerously fast driving, and the inevitably loud R&B or dancehall blasting from the speakers. It's important to keep reminding yourself that this is all part of Jamaica's charm.
In and around Kingston, the public bus system is quite functional--with bus stops along all the main roads and the fare under US$1. The two hubs in Kingston are the Half Way Tree Transport Centre and a similar transport center south of Coronation Market downtown.
Route Taxis
Arriving with luggage or backpacks to hike up to the road and hail down a route taxi is perfectly feasible in Jamaica, even if it does make the locals laugh at you. Most taxis will want to give you a charter, however, when you are carrying luggage, and others won't stop. This makes getting a licensed taxi a good idea.
Route taxis are typically white Toyota Corolla station wagons with the origin and destination painted in small letters on the side by the front doors. These cars can be flagged down from the side of the road anywhere along their route and when not operating as route taxis will generally offer private charters at greatly inflated rates. Haggling is a must when chartering a car, while routes have fixed rates that are not typically inflated for tourists except in highly touristy areas like Negril or Ocho Rios, or at night, when fares are increased.
Internal Flights
A few airlines operate internal flights around the island that are an affordable option between Kingston and Montego Bay if time is of concern (US$70 one-way). Routes to smaller, less trafficked destinations are significantly higher priced, but for an extended stay with a small group, a charter from Negril to Port Antonio can make sense.
For those who can afford it and have the confidence and experience, a rental car is by far the best way to get around the island for several reasons, the most important being independence. However, rentals are expensive by international standards and you should expect to pay no less than US$60 per day for a compact car, plus insurance and fuel. Options for different car rental agencies are included in the destination chapters.
Visas and Officialdom
American citizens now require a passport to reenter the United States after visiting Jamaica, as part of a campaign to bolster security. Americans and EU citizens do not require a visa to enter Jamaica and can stay for three to six months, although the actual length of stay stamped into your passport will be determined by the customs agent upon entry. For extensions, visit the immigration office in Half Way Tree (25 Constant Spring Rd., tel. 876/906-4402 or 876/906-1304).
- Britain 28 Trafalgar Road, Kingston 10, tel. 876/510-0700, fax 876/511-0737, bhckingston@cwjamaica.com (general), consular.kingston@fco.gov.uk (consular), ukvisas.kingston@fco.gov.uk (visa)
- Canada 3 West King's House Road, Kingston 10, tel. 876/926-1500 or 876/926-1507, fax 876/511-3491, kngtn@international.gc.ca
- Cuba 9 Trafalgar Road, tel. 876/978-0931 or 876/978-0933, fax 876/978-5372, embacubajam@cwjamaica.com
- Dominican Republic 4 Hacienda Way, Norbrook, tel. 876/931-0044, fax 876/925-1057, domeb@cwjamaica.com
- European Union Delegation of the European Commission/European Union, 8 Oliver Road, P. O. Box 463, Kingston 8, tel. 876/924-6333 or 876/924-6337, fax 876/924-6339
- France 13 Hillcrest Avenue, tel. 876/978-1297, 876/978-4881, or 876/978-4883, fax 876/927-4998 or 876/926-5570, frenchembassy@cwjamaica.com
- Germany 10 Waterloo Road, Kingston 10, tel. 876/926-6728 or 876/926-5665, fax 876/929-8282, germanemb@cwjamaica.com
- Mexico PCJ Building, 36 Trafalgar Road, tel. 876/926-6891 or 876/926-4242, fax 876/929-7995, embmexj@cwjamaica.com
- Panama 1 St. Lucia Avenue, Spanish Court, Suite 26, tel. 876/968-2928, fax 876/960-1618, panaemba@cwjamaica.com
- Spain 6th Floor Courtleigh Corporate Centre, 6\8 St. Lucia Avenue, tel. 876/929-5555, fax 876/929-8965, jamespa@cwjamaica.com, emb.kingston@mae.es
- St. Kitts 11-A Opal Avenue, Golden Acres, P.O. Box 157, Kingston 7, tel. 876/944-3861, fax 876/945-0105, clrharper@yahoo.com
- Trinidad and Tobago 60 Knutsford Boulevard, tel. 876/926-5730, 876/926-5739, or 876/968-0588, fax 876/926-5801, kgnhctt@cwjamaica.com
- United States 142 Old Hope Road, tel. 876/702-6000, consularkingst@state.gov (visa/consular), opakgn@state.gov (general)
- Venezuela PCJ Building, 36 Trafalgar Road, tel. 876/926-5510 or 876/926-5519, fax 876/926-7442
Jamaican food is a reason in itself to visit the island. Home-cooked meals are generally the best so it's worth seeking out an invitation whenever possible. The traditional dishes were developed during the era of slavery and typically include a generous, even overwhelming, serving of starch, and at least a token of meat or seafood protein known historically as "the watchman." In recent years pan-Caribbean fusion has caught on as a new culinary trend, with creative dishes added to the traditional staple dishes.
Ackee is a central ingredient of the national dish, ackee and saltfish. The fruit contains dangerous levels of toxic amino acid hypoglycine until the fruit pods open naturally on the tree, or "dehisce," in horticultural terminology, at which point the yellow fleshy aril surrounding the glossy, black seed is safe to eat. Ackee has the consistency and color of scrambled eggs and is generally prepared with onion and rehydrated saltfish. Dried codfish was the original ingredient, which made an important dietary contribution during slavery when it was shipped from its abundant source off Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Today cod has become scarce and very expensive when available as a result of over-fishing, and the fish is most often imported from Norway or replaced altogether with other saltfish substitutes.
Bammy is derived from the Taino word guyami, which was a staple for the Tainos. Bammy is made from cassava (known in many Spanish-speaking countries as casabe ). In Jamaica, bammy is either steamed or fried and usually eaten as the starch accompaniment to fish.
Bun, or Easter Bun, is a tradition that has become popular enough to last throughout the year, so much so that by Easter there is little novelty left. Bun is typically eaten with yellow cheddar cheese.
Bulla is a heavy biscuit made with flour and molasses.
Callaloo is a spinach-like green often steamed and served for breakfast, either alone as a side dish or sometimes mixed with saltfish.
Curry was brought to Jamaica by indentured Indians and quickly caught on as a popular flavoring for a variety of dishes, most commonly curry goat, but also including curry chicken, conch, shrimp, crab, and lobster. Curry rivals ganja as the most popular contribution from Indian to Jamaican culture.
Dumpling is a round doughy mass that's either boiled or fried, generally to accompany breakfast. When boiled, there is little difference at the center from raw dough. Spinners are basically the same thing but rolled between the hands and boiled with conch or corn soup.
Fish tea is similar to mannish water except it is made with boiled fish parts.
Festival is another common starchy accompaniment to fish and jerk meals, consisting basically of fried dough shaped into a slender cylindrical sort of blob.
Food refers to any starchy tubers served to accompany a protein, also known as "ground provisions." The term has its roots in the days of slavery when provision grounds were maintained by slaves to ensure an adequate supply of food.
Jerk is a seasoning that goes back as far as Jamaica's Tainos. The most common jerk dishes are chicken and pork, optimally barbecued using pimento wood which gives the meat a delicious smoky flavor complemented by the spicy seasoning that invariable contains hot scotch bonnet pepper.
Mannish water is a popular broth with supposed aphrodisiac properties made of goat parts not suitable for other dishes (the head, testicles, legs) and cooked with green banana, spinners, and seasoned with pepper and sometimes rum.
Oxtail is a popular dish that requires little explanation.
Provisions are an inexpensive and important part of the Jamaican diet. The most commonly consumed starches include rice, yam, cassava, breadfruit, dumpling (fried or boiled balls of flour), boiled green banana, or fried plantain.
Rice and peas is the most ubiquitous staple served with any main dish. "Peas" in Jamaica is what the rest of the English-speaking world refers to as beans and usually consist of either kidney beans sparsely distributed among the white rice, or gungo peas cooked with coconut milk and other seasoning.
Saltfish was originally codfish that was shipped from New England in large quantities, with salt used as a preservative. It became a protein staple that helped sustain the slave trade. Despite the widespread use of refrigeration today, saltfish continues to be a sought-after item, even as the stocks of cod have been depleted from the Great Banks of Massachusetts and other salted fish has been substituted in its place.
Fresh seafood is readily available throughout Jamaica, though fish, shrimp, and lobster are typically the most expensive items on any menu. Fish is generally either red snapper or parrot fish prepared steamed with okra, escovitched, or fried. Escoveitch fish comes from the Spanish tradition of escaveche, with vinegar used in the preparation. In Jamaica, scotch bonnet pepper and vinegar-infused onion is usually served with friedescoveitch fish.
The most common Jamaican lobsters are actually marine crayfish belonging to the family Palinuridae (Palinurus argus). Commonly known as the spiny lobster, two species are widely eaten, and, while noticeably different, are every bit as delicious as lobster caught in more northern waters.
Popular breakfast items include hominy porridge and beef liver in addition to ackee and saltfish, typically eaten on Sundays.
Jamaican coffee is among the most prized in the world, Blue Mountain Coffee being the most coveted variety on the island. The Blue Mountain name is itself a registered trademark, and only a select group of farmers are authorized to market their beans as such by the Coffee Board. Some of the best Blue Mountain Coffee is grown on the Twyman's Old Tavern Estate. The Mavis Bank Coffee Factory sells under the Jablum brand and is also of good quality.
Jamaica's coffee industry dates to the Haitian Revolution, when many farmers in the neighboring island fled to Jamaica out of fear for Haiti's future prospects. The cloud forests of the Blue Mountains were found to provide ideal growing conditions that allow the beans to mature slowly, giving the coffee its unique, full-bodied flavor.
Jamaica has, since the days of old when pirates stormed from port to port pillaging and plundering their way to riches, been an important consumer of rum. Rum production in Jamaica was an important component of the colonial economy under the British, and Jamaican rum is still highly regarded today. There are two varieties of Jamaican rum, white and aged. Aged rum has a reddish-brown tint and is smoother than white rum. Jamaica's high-end brand is Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum, owned by Wray & Nephew and produced in the parish of St. Elizabeth. Worthy Park Estate in St. Catherine has been attempting to rival Wray & Nephew's White Overproof Rum with its Rum Bar Rum brand in recent years.
It is said that the number of rum bars in Jamaica is matched only by the number of churches, the two classes of institution equally ubiquitous down to the smallest hamlets across the island.
Sauces and Spices
Jamaica has for centuries been a great producer of spices, from pimento, known commonly as allspice, to scotch bonnet peppers and annatto. The island's historical reputation as a spice island gave birth to several successful brands sold the world over, from Pickapeppa Sauce, produced in Shooters Hill, Manchester, to Busha Browne's Jamaican sauces, jellies, chutneys, and condiments made in Kingston, to Walkerswood Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, produced in St. Ann. Belcour Blue Mountain Preserves, produced on a cottage-industry scale in the Blue Mountain foothills, continues this tradition.
Conduct and Customs
Etiquette and manners are taken very seriously in Jamaica, although there's a lot of variation when it comes to individual concern over proper etiquette. Some people are so proper they might as well be the Queen, whereas others lack manners entirely. To a more exaggerated extent than many other places in the world where the same holds true, manners, etiquette, and speech in Jamaica are perceived as directly correlated to upbringing, socioeconomic class, and social status. Therefore it's important to be aware of the impression you make, especially with language. Cussing, for instance, is scorned by many educated Jamaicans, especially devout Christians. Meanwhile, as is the case everywhere, many people couldn't care less about the impression they make and speak quite freely and colorfully.
Photographing people in Jamaica can be touchy and should be done only after asking permission. That said, media professionals are highly respected and if you are walking with a camera, people will often ask you to take their picture regardless of whether they will ever see it. It makes a nice gesture to give people photos of themselves and is a great way to make friends. Photographing people without asking permission will often garner a request for monetary compensation. Asking permission often gets the same response. If the picture is worth it, placate your subject with whatever you think it's worth. Money is rarelyturned down.
Begging in Jamaica is an everyday affair, from people voluntarily washing car windows at stoplights in Kingston and Mobay, to friends asking friends for money for this, that, or the other. It's important to balance altruism in providing whatever contribution you are able to offer based on your means with the practicality of perpetuating a dependence on others for monetary gifts. The truth of the matter is, underemployment is severely underreported in Jamaica and unfortunately poverty will not be eradicated anytime soon. Nevertheless, in tourist areas begging can be a nuisance, and it's best to discourage beggars by donating your money instead to a local organization or charity.
Tipping is common practice in Jamaica to a varying degree of formality depending on the venue, from leaving a "smalls" for the man who watched/washed your car while you were at the club, to more serious sums for the staff at your villa. It's important to help those on the receiving end differentiate between a tip and a handout, however, as Jamaica suffers from a lack of productivity in part due to handouts, whether in the form of remittances, political favors, or petty change. At the same time, it's also important to acknowledge the fact that typically those who provide a service are working on a salary and don't see the cash you are paying for the service rendered, no matter how expensive it may be.
Many of the more formal restaurants include a service charge in the bill, in which case any further tip should be discretionary based on the quality of service provided. At inexpensive eateries tipping is rare, while at the more upscale restaurants, it is expected. The amount to leave for a good meal at a mid-range to expensive restaurant follows international standards, or between 10 percent and 20 percent depending on the attention you received.
Most all-inclusive hotels have banned tipping to discourage the soliciting that makes their guests uncomfortable. Where anti-tipping policies are in place, it's best to adhere to them. At European-plan hotels, a US$5\10 tip for the bellhop is a welcome gesture.
Staffed villas usually state that guests are to leave the staff a tip equal to 10 percent of the total rental cost. This consideration should be divided equally amongst the staff who were present during your stay and given to each person individually.
Tipping is also common practice at spas, where a US$20 bill on top of the cost of treatment for the individual who provided the service will be well received.
Tour guides at attractions, even when included in the cost of the tour, greatly appreciate a token tip.
Tips for Travelers
The University of the West Indies (UWI) has exchange programs with several regional institutions and alliances with U.S.- and U.K.-based universities.
While work is often the last thing on people's minds on a trip to Jamaica, volunteering can be an immensely rewarding experience. It inevitably puts visitors in direct contact with real working people as opposed to the forced smiles associated with the tourism industry. Several church groups offer volunteer opportunities, while there are also several secular options.
Dream Jamaica (contact programs director Adrea Simmons, programs@dreamjamaica.org, or write to info@dreamjamaica.org, www.dreamjamaica.org), one of Jamaica's best volunteer programs, operates summer programs in Kingston that bring volunteer professionals from abroad and connects high school students in career-driven summer programs with the local business community. Dream Jamaica seeks local professionals who can commit four hours per month to mentoring high school students, and program coordinators and assistance from Jamaica or abroad for full-time volunteer work over the six week program each summer.
Blue Mountain Project Jamaica (contact service learning program coordinator Haley Madson, tel. 920/229-1829, slp@bluemountainproject.org, www.bluemountainproject.org) is a volunteer organization focused on the Hagley Gap community in the Blue Mountains that places visitors to Jamaica in home stays and coordinates volunteer work in any number of socioeconomic development projects it oversees, like establishing health clinics, art camps, adult education, basic infrastructure and ecological projects embodying the group's "Educating and Empowering" tag line. Volunteers pay US$79 per night for a minimum of a week, which covers lodging, meals, and transportation. Longer volunteer stints are rewarded with discounted rates.
The Peace Corps (www.peacecorps.gov) is quite active in Jamaica but generally requires an extensive application process, offering little or no opportunity for spontaneous or temporary volunteer work on the island. Nevertheless Americans looking to make a contribution to sensible development programs have found Jamaica a challenging and rewarding place to work.
Travelers with disabilities should not be turned off by the lack of infrastructure on the island to accommodate special needs, but it is important to inquire exhaustively about facilities available. Most of the all-inclusive resorts have special facilities to accommodate wheelchairs and the like, but outside developed tourist areas, a visit will not be without its challenges.
Despite the stereotypes associated with Jamaica (leaving many who have never visited with the impression of a hedonistic partyland or a gun-slinging Wild West), the island is a fascinating and engaging place for children. Beyond the obvious attraction of its beaches, Jamaica has a wealth of attractions that make learning fun, from jungle and mountain hikes teeming with wildlife to farm tours that offer visitors a sampling of seasonal fruits. The activities available to engage children are endless. What makes the island an especially great destination for families is the love showered on children generally in Jamaica. Nannies are readily available virtually everywhere and can be easily arranged by inquiring at any accommodation, not just at those that tout it as a unique service.
Jamaica is a raw and aggressive society, with little regard for political correctness and little awareness or respect for what is considered sexual harassment in the United States and Europe. Flirtation is literally a way of life, and women should not be alarmed if they find they are attracting an unusual degree of attention compared with what they are used to back home. On the street, catcalls are common, even when a woman is accompanied by her boyfriend or husband; in nightclubs women are the main attraction and dancing can be very sexual. Both on the street and in the club it's important to keep your wits about you and communicate interest or disinterest as clearly as possible. It is more the exception than the norm for men to persist after women have clearly communicated disinterest.
Jamaica depends overwhelmingly on the tourist dollar, and the authorities generally make an extra effort to ensure visitor safety. Nonetheless, if you are a woman traveling alone, it's best to exercise caution and avoid uncomfortable encounters. Suitors will inevitably offer any and every kind of enticing service: Accept only what you are 100 percent comfortable with and keep in mind that local men might make romantic advances because they're motivated by financial incentives.
Jamaica is notoriously and outwardly anti-gay. Many Jamaicans will defend their anti-homosexual stance with religious or biological arguments, and many reggae artists use anti-gay lyrics as an easy sell, often instigating violence against gay men (whether metaphorically or literally, it's hard to tell the difference). Some of these artists--like Buju Banton, who had a hit titled "Boom Bye Bye" which suggested killing gay people--have toned down their rhetoric following tour cancellations abroad owing to their promulgated prejudice, while others, like Sizzla, continue unabated, indifferent to the potential for promoters abroad to affect their careers.
Though on the whole Jamaica is an extremely tolerant society, it is best for gay and lesbian travelers not to display their sexual preference publicly as a precautionary measure. Many all-inclusive resorts have in recent years altered their policies to welcome gay travelers, and still other high-end resorts have a noticeably gay lean.
Health and Safety
There are no special vaccinations required to enter Jamaica.
Jamaica is a tropical country with temperatures rising well above 38°C in the middle of summer. Sensible precautions should be taken, especially for those not accustomed to being under such hot sun. A wide-brimmed hat is advisable for days at the beach, and a high-SPF sunblock essential. Being in the water exacerbates rather than mitigates the harmful rays, creating a risk for overexposure even while swimmers may be unaware of the sun's effects--until the evening, when it becomes impossible to lay down on a burned back. While most hotels offer air-conditioning, just as many have been constructed with cooling in mind to obviate the need for air-conditioning. Louvered windows with a fresh sea breeze or ceiling fan can be just as soothing as air-conditioning, while not putting such a strain on Jamaica's antiquated and inefficient electrical grid. In the summer months, air-conditioning is a well-appreciated luxury, especially for sleeping. If you are traveling between June and September, consider spending some time in the Blue Mountains, where there's a cool breeze year-round.
Jamaican culture celebrates love, romance, and intimacy. While not everyone is promiscuous, keeping multiple sexual partners is common, and infidelity is generally treated as an inevitable reality by both men and women. The obvious danger in this attitude is reflected in a high incidence of STDs on the island, including underreported figures on AIDS/HIV infections. If you engage in sexual activity while in Jamaica, like anywhere else, condoms are indispensable and the best preventative measure you can take apart from abstinence.
Unfortunately, criminal acts are a daily reality for a large number of Jamaicans, from the petty crimes committed by those who find themselves marginalized from the formal economy to high-rolling politicians and drug dons who control the flow of capital, illegal substances, and arms on the island. In sharp contrast to other developing nations with high poverty rates, and perhaps contrary to what one might expect, random armed assault on individuals and muggings in Jamaica are quite rare. The crime that is most ingrained and more or less the order of the day is devious, petty thievery. Almost everybody who has stayed in Jamaica for any length of time has experienced the disappearance of personal effects, whether a wallet or a perfume or a cell phone, one of the most prized items. Stay vigilant and take every possible precaution and you will likely have no problem.
Officially bribery is illegal, and people offering a bribe to an officer of the law can be arrested and tried in court. It's generally quite obvious when a police officer is seeking a pay-off. Phrases like, "do something for me nuh," "gimme a lunch money," or "buy me a drink" typically get the message across quite effectively. Do not try to bribe police when it is not solicited (or even when it is); there are officers of the law who will take offense and could even try to use this to add to the severity of the alleged offense (or required bribe).
There is a department, the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) within the Jamaican police force dedicated to routing out corruption. The office is based in Kingston (tel. 876/967-1909, 876/967-4347 or 876/924-9059) but has officers across the island. Be sure to take note of the badge number of the officer in question if you are planning to make a report.
Jamaica has a well-deserved reputation as a marijuana haven. Contrary to what many visitors believe, marijuana is classified by the Jamaican authorities as a drug and is illegal. Practically speaking, however, marijuana use is not criminalized and it's impossible to walk through Half Way Tree in Kingston or Sam Sharpe Square in Mobay without taking a whiff of ganja, as the herb is known locally. Nevertheless, if a police officer sees a tourist smoking, it often provides a good excuse for harassment and threats of imprisonment. These are generally not-so-subtle hints that a pay-off is in order. It's not generally a good policy to entertain bribes, but some tourists caught in this situation have found that US$20 can go a long way in preventing discomfort for all parties involved.
Beyond ganja, Jamaica has also gained a well-deserved reputation as a transshipment point for cocaine originating in Colombia. Crack addiction has been a problem in some coastal communities where cargo has inadvertently washed ashore. While marijuana use is tolerated on the island due to its widespread consumption and a Rastafarian culture that incorporates its use into religious and recreational practices as a sacrament, there is no good reason to use cocaine or any other hard drug in Jamaica, despite offers that will inevitably arise on a walk along Seven-Mile Beach in Negril.
Information and Services
Prices throughout the book reflect a conversion to U.S. dollars as the best indication of cost. Most establishments not overwhelmingly trafficked by tourists perform most, if not all, transactions in Jamaican dollars, so U.S. dollar equivalents have been listed. In tourist hubs like Negril, Montego Bay, and Ocho Rios, as well as in establishments catering exclusively to tourists, menus will show prices in U.S. dollars. The U.S. dollar tends to be more stable and is worthwhile as a currency of reference, but most establishments will not respect the official or bank rate and set their exchange rate considerably lower as a means of skimming a bit more off the top. It usually pays to buy Jamaican dollars at a cambio, or currency trading house, for everyday transactions. While walking with large amounts of cash is never advisable, carrying enough for a night out does not present a considerable risk. Credit cards, accepted in most well-established businesses, typically incur heavy foreign-exchange fees that will show up on your statement as a percentage of every transaction, and can quickly add up.
The best way to access funds in Jamaica is by using an ATM with your normal NYCE, Maestro, or Cirrus bankcard. "Express kidnappings" (where victims are taken to a cash machine to withdraw the maximum on their accounts) are not especially common in Jamaica, and the little effort involved in canceling a checking account card makes the ease of 24-hour access well worth the risk of getting it lost or stolen. Travelers checks are a good back-up option and can be cashed at most hotels for a small fee. Taking large amounts of cash to Jamaica is not advisable, as it is likely to somehow disappear. Scotiabank offers Jamaican or U.S. currency from many of its ATMs, although foreign bank fees can run as high as 6 percent of the amount withdrawn. U.S. dollars are accepted pretty much anywhere in Jamaica, though restaurants and other small businesses will generally not honor current exchange rates, usually taxing about J$5 per US$1. Currency trading houses, or cambios as they are often called, typically offer a few more Jamaican dollars for each U.S. dollar exchanged, which can make a significant difference when exchanging large amounts of cash.
Jamaica operates on 110V, the same current as in the United States. Power outages are frequent in some areas, but seldom where resorts are based. Most tourism establishments have backup generators.
Fixed-line telephony in Jamaica was until recently a monopoly controlled by Cable & Wireless (C&W). As the Internet has become more widely available, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) telephony has become increasingly important as a means of communicating with the outside world. Netstream Global began offering fixed-rate VoIP service, which compelled C&W to offer their own VoIP product; many households now enjoy this inexpensive way to keep in touch with family members in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Two new cellular providers, Megafone and MagicPhone, offer similar flat-rate calling abroad.
Cellular phones are more important than fixed lines in Jamaica due to the fact that C&W never installed lines in the more remote areas of the country before cellular obviated the need to. C&W was the first cellular provider but was soon overtaken in popularity by Digicel, which currently offers the best service island-wide in terms of reception. Both C&W and Digicel operate on GSM networks and cell prepaid SIM cards, as well as post-pay contractual service (which is more affordable in the long run, but few people use). A relatively new arrival on the scene is the third cellular carrier, MiPhone, which has established a spotty network with CDMA technology, focuses primarily on business customers who are courted by its strong data service, with coverage strongest in Kingston, Ocho Rios, and Montego Bay. The three cellular providers have roaming arrangements with select carriers in the United States, but the fees charged for roaming make buying a SIM card locally (US$5) the best option no matter your length of stay. Prepaid phone credit is sold in different increments, starting at about US$1.50.
The cellular providers penalize their customers when calling outside their own network, and many Jamaicans will carry both C&W and Digicel phones to avoid out-of-network calling. Similarly, calling landlines from cell phones is more expensive, as is calling cell phones from landlines. In order to dial a cell phone from a fixed line you must dial 1 and then the number.
The 876 country code is never used for calls within the country, and calling land lines from cell phones does not require adding the 1 before the seven-digit number.
Kingston has some of the best radio stations anywhere, and it's not just reggae you'll find on the airwaves. Reggae in fact developed with the help of a strong tradition in radio, as young musicians were inspired by American music of the 1950s and 1960s, adapting the songs with a distinct Jamaican flavor. Radio stations of note include RJR, Power 106, Irie FM (which has been referred to as the daily soundtrack of the island), Fame FM, and Zip FM. Radio West broadcasts from Montego Bay, while KLAS FM is based in Mandeville and Irie FM in Ocho Rios. Radio Mona (93 FM) broadcasts from the communications department at the University of the West Indies, Mona. Hits 92 FM is a good station in Kingston for a wide range of contemporary music, from dancehall to hip-hop and R&B.
Radio broadcasting in Jamaica dates from World War II, when an American resident, John Grinan, gave his shortwave station to the government to comply with wartime regulations. From wartime programming of one hour weekly, the station quickly expanded to four hours daily, including cultural programming. Radio would have a key impact on the development of Jamaican popular music in the 1940s and 1950s as the only means of dissemination for the new musical styles coming mainly out of the United States.
Jamaica's main television stations are Television Jamaica (TVJ, www.televisionjamaica.com), formerly the Jamaica Broadcast Corporation (JBC); CVM (www.cvmtv.com); Reggae Entertainment Television (RETV); and Jamaica News Network (www.jnnntv.com). In 2006, TVJ acquired both JNN and RETV, consolidating its leadership in both news and entertainment programming on the island.
The map of Jamaica published by Shell (US$4.25) is the best and most easily accessible island-wide road map, with detailed inserts for major towns and cities. The city maps sold by the National Land Agency are less detailed and lack many of the road names included on the Shell map. The Land Agency does have good topographical maps on the other hand, which are sold for a hefty US$7 per sheet. Twenty sheets cover the whole island and the maps can be obtained on CD.
Handy tourism-oriented business brochures are available free of charge at the chamber of commerce offices in Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, and Negril.
One of the most frustrating things in Jamaica is the lack of a consistent convention when it comes to measurements. On the road, where the majority of cars are imported from Japan and odometers read in kilometers, many of the signs are in miles, while the newer ones are in kilometers. The mixed use of metrics in weights and measurements is also a problem complicating life in Jamaica, with chains used commonly when referring to distances, liters used at the gas pump, and pounds used for weight.
Jamaica is on Greenwich Mean Time minus five hours, which coincides with Eastern Standard Time for half the year (in the northern winter) since no allowance is made for daylight saving time given the nominal difference between day length throughout the year.
The Adrenaline Junkie’s Fix
For adventure travelers looking to jump from one adrenaline rush to the next, Jamaica can satisfy almost any craving.
Based at the Boscobel Aerodrome just outside Ocho Rios in the parish of St. Mary, Skydive Jamaica offers the ultimate adrenaline rush.
Kite Surfing
Burwood Beach, located 20 minutes east of Montego Bay, is home to Brian's Windsurfing and Kitesurfing. Lessons are offered for those uninitiated in this thrilling sport, while experienced kite surfers can simply rent gear.
Tropical Beach Water Sports, located next to the airport in Montego Bay, has the best windsurfing equipment for rent in Jamaica. Chaka Brown, who runs the rental operation, also rents Jet Skis and other motorized watercraft.
Jamnesia Surf Club, located in Bull Bay, east of Kingston, has professional surfing equipment and respectable surf on a good day. A skateboard park entertains when the seas are flat.
Whitewater Rafting
While dependent on rainfall conditions, whitewater rafting is possible throughout most of the year on the Great River with Caliche Rainforest Whitewater Rafting, 30 minutes west of Montego Bay in the parish of Hanover.
Cliff Jumping
The cheapest adrenaline fix in Jamaica, cliff jumping on Negril's West End is one thrill you won't have to pay for. There are several locations suitable for jumping into the azure waters, with Rick's Cafe being the most famous for the highest cliffs around at some 60 feet above the water. Other good jump spots at restaurants in Negril include The Sands, LTU Pub & Restaurant, Pushcart Restaurant and Rum Bar, and 3 Dives Jerk Centre. Hotels on the cliffs good for jumping include Xtabi, Rockhouse, and Tensing Pen. Beyond the lighthouse, the waters tend to be less calm as the waves meet the cliffs.
Mountain Biking
While few may be cut out for the ultimate rush of biking down from Blue Mountain Peak, Jamaica offers world class single-track riding the island over. In Ocho Rios, the St. Mary Off-Road Bicycling Association (SMORBA) hosts the annual Fatta Tyre Festival, drawing enthusiasts locally and from abroad. SMORBA is the best resource for those looking to link up with other riders.
Local Spas and Hot Springs
Laidback Spas
Jamaica has world-class spas based predominantly at the high-end resorts. These facilities are not for those traveling on a tight budget or those seeking an authentic Jamaican vibe. There are several inexpensive local spas that tend to be rough around the edges but can make for entertaining and relaxing visits.
Kiyara Ocean Spa
Located at the luxurious Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, Kiyara prides itself on offering natural herbal remedies at the water's edge. Many of the ingredients used for facials and infusions are grown on property.
Jake's Driftwood Spa
Based at the Bedouin-inspired rustic chic Island Outpost property in Treasure Beach, Driftwood Spa features seaside cabanas facing the water where the surf lulls visitors into a trance as they receive treatments that merge holistic techniques and philosophies from around the globe into a potent blend of Caribbean treatments developed by wellness guru Sally Henzell.
Strawberry Hill
Home of the "Strawberry Hill Living" concept, which marries Aveda treatments and Ayurvedic healing philosophies, this spa features five treatment rooms that include hydrotherapy, a sauna, yoga deck, and plunge pool. It has one of the best panoramic views in Jamaica, high up in the cloud forests of the Blue Mountains where lush vegetation and cool mountain air promote health and tranquility.
The Caves
Nowhere else in Jamaica can you get a massage inside a cave filled with candles and flower petals. Soaking in the Jacuzzi located in a private chamber carved into the cliffs in Negril, with a window overlooking the sea, you'll realize this is the perfect spot for relaxation.
Natural Springs
Several natural springs in Jamaica are reputed to have healing powers and have been developed to varying degrees as treatment centers.
Bath Hot Springs
The best of Jamaica's old-school treatment centers, Bath Hot Springs in Port Antonio has Turkish-style tiled basins as well as more modern Jacuzzi tubs. The mineral-heavy water at Bath exits the hillside piping hot, with curative properties that give it its reputed healing powers.
Milk River Baths
The water at Milk River in Clarendon along the South Coast exits its source lukewarm, but what it lacks in heat it makes up for in curative properties. A minimum of three baths is recommended, but it is not advisable to stay in the water for longer than an hour because the water is highly radioactive -- more so even than the springs at Vichy in France.
Bubbling Spring
Located in Middle Quarters along the South Coast, this informal spring facility is visited mostly by locals looking to ease muscle and joint pain. The spring water is cool and refreshing, and there's a bar and restaurant on the property.
Vital Vittles: Jamaica’s Best Food
Jammin' Jerk
Scotchies Tree in Kingston
Jo Jo's Jerk Pit and More in Half Way Tree, Kingston
Scotch on the Rocks in Ocho Rios
Scotchie's in Montego Bay
Aunt Gloria's in Falmouth, Montego Bay
Father Bull Bar, Jerk Centre and Restaurant in Montego Bay
All Seasons Restaurant Bar and Jerk Centre in Spur Tree Hill, South Coast
Powerful Patties
Yatte Man in Redlight, Blue Mountains
Niah's Patties in Negril
Incredible Curry Goat
Soldier's Camp in Port Antonio
Claudette's Top Class in Spur Tree Hill, South Coast
Howie's HQ in Middle Quarters, South Coast
Sumptuous Seafood
Gloria's Seafood Restaurant in Port Royal on the Palisadoes, Kingston
Cynthia's at Winnifred Beach, Port Antonio
Dragon Lounge in Whitehouse, Montego Bay
Far Out Fish Hut and Beer Joint in Greenwood, Montego Bay
Erica's Cafe in Negril
Dervy's Lobster Trap in Hopewell, Negril
Marcia Williams' Rasta-Colored Roadside Shop in Middle Quarters, South Coast
Little Ochie, South Coast
Destination Dining
Belcour Lodge in the Blue Mountains
Mille Fleurs in Port Antonio
Day-O Plantation in Fairfield, Montego Bay
HouseBoat Grill in Montego Bay
Suggested Reading
Suggested Reading
Internet Resources
Internet Resources
List of Maps
Front color map
Discover Jamaica
chapter divisions map:
The Best of Jamaica:
Metropolitan Kingston:
Downtown Kinston:
Uptown Kingston:
Spanish Town:
The Blue Mountains
The Blue Mountains:
Port Antonio and the East Coast
Port Antonio and the East Coast:
Port Antonio Coastline:
Northeast Coast:
Ocho Rios and the Central North Coast
Ocho Rios and the Central North Coast:
Ocho Rios and Vicinity:
Ocho Rios Detail:
Runaway Bay:
Montego Bay and the Northwest
Montego Bay and the Northwest:
Montego Bay:
Montego Bay Detail:
Negril and the West
Negril and the West:
Negril Beach:
West End:
Mandeville and the South Coast
Mandeville and the South Coast:
Treasure Beach:
If You Have…
- One Week: Visit Negril, Kingston, and the Blue Mountains.
- Two Weeks: Add Ocho Rios and Port Antonio.
- Three Weeks: Add Montego Bay and Treasure Beach.
Most bars have happy hours after work on Friday. Street dances are subject to change based on police activity. Other regular events fall out of fashion and are discontinued with little notice.
Games Night at Cuddy'z (Shops #4 6, New Kingston Shopping Center, Dominica Dr.) starting at 6 p.m.
Uptown Mondays Street Dance in Savannah Plaza (Constant Spring Road, Half Way Tree, 11 p.m. 2 a.m. ) Contact promoter Whitfield "Witty" Henry (cell. 876/468-1742) for details. Admission is typically around US$2.
Hot Mondays at Limelight (Half Way Tree Entertainment Complex, midnight 4 a.m. )
Martini Mondays at Carlos Café (22 Belmont Rd., New Kingston) with free martinis for the ladies 6 9 p.m.
Oldies Night at The Deck (14 Trafalgar Rd., 7:30 p.m. midnight)
Live Music at Village Café (Orchid Plaza, Liguanea, 10 p.m. 2 a.m. select Tuesdays)
Ladies Night at The Building (69 Knutsford Boulevard, New Kingston 10 p.m. 4 a.m. )
Boasy Tuesdays at Limelight (Half Way Tree Entertainment Complex, midnight 4 a.m. ) Contact promoter Blazey (cell. 876/507-7254) for details.
Jazz Night at The Deck (14 Trafalgar Rd.), with occasional live jazz
Weddy Wednesday at Stone Love HQs (Half Way Tree, 10 p.m. 2 a.m. )
Passa Passa Street Dance (Spanish Town Road, Downtown 2 6 a.m. )
Brand New Machine at Fiction Lounge (Unit #6, Marketplace, Half Way Tree), with guest DJs, fashion shows, and art exhibits with an indie vibe
Soca Night at The Deck during Bacchannal season, February 4 April 8 (14 Trafalgar Rd., 7 p.m. midnight)
Latin Night at Jonkanoo Lounge in the Hilton (77 Knutsford Boulevard, New Kingston, classes starting at 7 p.m. , club till 3 a.m. )
Street Vybz at The Building (69 Knutsford Boulevard, New Kingston, 10 p.m. 4 a.m. )
Alternative Thursdays at Club Privilege (14 16 Trinidad Terrace, New Kingston, 10 p.m. 3 a.m. )
Ladies' Night at Fiction (Unit #6, Marketplace, Half Way Tree, 11 p.m. 4 a.m. )
Oldies Night with Merritone Disco Sound at Waterfalls (160 Hope Rd., Liguanea, 10 p.m. 3 a.m. )
After Work Jam at The Deck (14 Trafalgar Rd., 7 p.m. until the last person leaves)
Fish Fry Lyme in the square at Port Royal, 9 p.m. midnight
Krazy Karaoke Night at Carlos Café (22 Belmont Rd., New Kingston, 10 p.m. 2 a.m. )
Karaoke Night at Morgan's Harbour in Port Royal
Club Night at Fiction (Unit #6, Market Place, 67 Constant Spring Rd., 11 p.m. 4 a.m. )
Club Night at Club Privilege (14 16 Trinidad Terrace, New Kingston, 10 p.m. 2 a.m. )
Vintage Live Music at JAVAA (select weeks, or last Friday of the month), at alternating venues (tel. 876/908-4464), starting at 9 p.m.
Something Fishy session at the Capricorn Inn, 10 p.m. 4 a.m.
The Jamaican German Society (33 Seymour Ave., tel. 876/946-1409) weekly drinking session for friends of Germany, 6 11 p.m. or later
Color Me Single at Carlos Café (22 Belmont Rd., New Kingston, 9 p.m. 3 a.m. ), hosted by Dancehall Queen Carlene with games and prizes
Latin Night at Pepper's (Upper Waterloo Rd., Half Way Tree) or in the bar at the Courtleigh Hotel (85 Knutsford Blvd., New Kingston) on alternating weeks, from 10 p.m. 3 a.m. (admission US$7). Contact selector Tony Pryce (cell. 876/294-8074) for details.
Live Music at Jo Jo's Jerk Pit and More (12 Waterloo Rd., Half Way Tree, 10 p.m. midnight)
Lounge and Club Night at Fiction (Unit #6, Market Place, 67 Constant Spring Rd., Half Way Tree), with occasional guest DJs
Oldies Street Dance in Rae Town (10 p.m. 2 a.m.)
Wet Sundaze at Auto Vision (8 Hillview Ave. 6 p.m. 12 a.m. )
Retro Sundays at Club Privilege (14 16 Trinidad Terrace, New Kingston, 9 p.m. 2 a.m. )
Bounty Sundays at Limelight (Half Way Tree Entertainment Complex, midnight 4 a.m. )
Passion Sundays at Kno Limit Sports Bar (1 Hillview Ave., midnight 4 or 5 a.m. )
Downtown and Uptown
Uptown and Downtown are used to describe geographical regions in metropolitan Kingston, but the names are also used locally to describe the social classes that live within each general area. In a socioeconomic sense, Downtown refers to Kingston's "have-nots," while Uptown refers to the "haves."
The bulk of the city's poor population is concentrated in tenement yards and shantytowns, most of which are found in and around Downtown. In recent years, squatter settlements have sprung up throughout the city, however, usually on marginal land around the drainage gullies.
Kingston's wealthy tend to live Uptown where some of the island's most excessive concrete mansions boast spectacular views and cool breeze, even in the dead of summer. The slums of Downtown Kingston stand in stark contrast to the concrete mansions that dot areas like Beverly Hills, Jacks Hill, Norbrook, Cherry Gardens, Red Hills, and Stony Hill. Many of these grand homes lay empty, however, while still others were never completed before being abandoned. It is said that many of these unfinished residences belong to "druggists" (narcotics traffickers) who either fled the country after drawing too much attention with their conspicuous displays of wealth or were nabbed by the authorities.
Downtown Kingston hugs the northern shores of the world's seventh largest natural harbor, which helped the city become one of the most important export centers for Europe-bound goods, as well as a major transshipment port for Caribbean cargo. As the nature of trade and commerce changed over the years, the Downtown area has seen less and less direct economic benefit from shipping, which is today focused between the wharves west of Downtown along Marcus Garvey Drive and the causeway leading to Portmore. The modern wharves are unmistakable, with massive cranes servicing an endless stream of container ships that make Kingston Harbour one of the busiest ports in the world.
Development since independence has been focused almost exclusively above Cross Roads, leaving the Downtown area neglected. In 2009 the government established a tax incentive for companies to relocate their corporate headquarters Downtown, with the mobile phone provider Digicel the first to announce it would take up the offer. Digicel Group CEO Colm Delves said the move reflects an optimism for the area and that immediately following the announcement, property values began to rise in the area. Downtown sees a lot of activity during the day, with many government offices still located there, including the Survey Department, the Urban Development Corporation, the Jamaican Parliament, the Supreme Court, the Institute of Jamaica, and most ministry buildings.
The Bank of Jamaica, with its Coin and Notes Museum, and Scotia Bank both have their headquarters along the waterfront. It's not the best place for a lonely stroll at night, as the business area becomes a bit desolate and the Parade area tends to attract a few vagrants.
A new wave of Chinese and Indian immigrants have set up a slew of retail outlets along King and Orange streets, somewhat reviving what was once Kingston's Chinatown.
Jubilee and Coronation Markets more or less fuse together into a seemingly endless array of stalls west of the Parade along West Queen Street, marking the heart of Downtown. As the name suggests, the Parade was once used as a marching ground for British troops. Today it is a poorly maintained park where domino games abound. The adjacent market has a distinct buzz and thick air that fluctuates with little warning between the aroma of fresh produce and wafting herbs to an unpleasant stench. It takes some courage to stroll through the market and navigate the cacophony, but it's worth doing at least once, as it's an experience unto Downtown Kingston alone. The bus terminal just south of the heart of the market is the principal departure point for routes around the country. Expect overpacked and cramped seats and blasting R&B and dancehall music for the duration of your ride, no matter the destination.
Until well into the 1800s, St. Andrew parish consisted of a handful of large private estates covering the rolling Blue Mountain foothills. When Downtown Kingston began to overcrowd, the land was parceled off and sold to accommodate the overflowing city with new residential neighborhoods, subdivisions, and gated townhouse communities. Many areas of greater Kingston still retain the name of the farming estates on which development took place. Constant Spring, Hope, Mona, and Papine were all rural estates that are now Uptown neighborhoods.
New Kingston is a hub of business activity and nightlife, and has been the focal point for urban development since independence. Some of the busiest nightclubs, bars, and restaurants are found along or just off of Knutsford Boulevard, as are many hotels catering to business travelers and tourists. New Kingston is a small area bound by Trafalgar Road and Oxford Road, which run parallel to each other at the northern and southern ends respectively.
North of Trafalgar Road, the residential neighborhood of Trafalgar Park extends to Hope Road, and from there Liguanea extends west and north to the boarder of Barbican. Barbican is a predominantly residential neighborhood that extends up the slopes toward Jacks Hill.
Directly west of New Kingston is Half Way Tree (often pronounced "Half-a-Tree"), the capital of St. Andrew parish and the city's commercial core. Shopping plazas abound, with the clock tower, Half Way Tree's most notable landmark, located at the main intersection, and the Transport Center in between northbound Eastwood Park Road and southbound Constant Spring Road. The Transport Center is a departure point for public transportation around the city and for major points around the island. Route taxis also leave from Half Way Tree. A few steps west of the heart of Half Way Tree stands the historic St. Andrew Parish Church.
The name Half Way Tree apparently refers to a large cotton tree that at one point before the British takeover of 1655 provided shade for resting soldiers traveling between a base in Greenwich, St. Andrew, and a fort in Spanish Town. The tree no longer stands. Plenty of shopping, several restaurants, and a few notable hotels are found in the general area.
Along Hope Road
Running from Half Way Tree in the heart of St. Andrew northeast to Papine Square, Hope Road was for a time the quintessential Uptown address, one which marked Bob Marley's rise to fame and fortune when he moved there from the ghetto of Trench Town in the early 1970s. Several noteworthy attractions, a few restaurants, and plenty of shopping line the busy thoroughfare.
Must-see sights including Devon House, the Bob Marley Museum, and Hope Gardens are found along Hope Road. The University of Technology (UTECH) is also located here, and Mona, the main campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI), is a stone's throw away just southeast of Papine. On Saturdays, Papine Square comes alive with drumming and singing when Rastafarians from His Imperial Majesty's School of Bible Study and Sabbath Service, based in a squatter settlement in the hills above Irish Town, descend for their weekly Nyabinghi Sabbath service. Barbican Road winds off Hope Road at Sovereign Centre with a few notable restaurants in Orchid Village plaza.
Coke Church
Coke Church is the most prominent building on East Parade. It stands on the site of the first Methodist chapel in Jamaica. The present structure was rebuilt after the 1907 earthquake, replacing the original built in 1840 and named after Thomas Coke, who founded the Methodist missions in the British Caribbean. It is one of the few buildings of brick construction in Kingston.
The Ward Theatre
The Ward Theatre (visitors welcome 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri. or for scheduled events) facing the park on North Parade was also a regular venue for Garvey speeches. The theater, like many buildings in town, has gone through many incarnations, the latest being a gift from Colonel Charles Ward, who became wealthy as the "Nephew" in the rum company Wray and Nephew. The rum manufacturer, still among the biggest in Jamaica, started in the Shakespeare Tavern, which once stood beside the theater. Ward Theatre hosts occasional events, including its famous pantomime performances, some of which are posted on the theatre foundation's website. Renovations have been ongoing at the theater since early 2009, with no established completion date. Call or check the website for an update.
Institute of Jamaica
The Institute of Jamaica (IOJ) was founded in 1879 by Governor General Anthony Musgrave to encourage "Literature, Science and Art," as the letters on the main building's facade read. The institute has several divisions: Natural History, National Gallery, National Library, Museum of History and Ethnography, African-Caribbean Institute, and Liberty Hall. It is directed by Vivian Crawford, a multifaceted man who claims Maroon heritage, and chaired by UWI professor Barry Chevannes. The IOJ publishes an excellent series called Jamaica Journal, which delves into a range of contemporary topics from dancehall music to sea sponges off Port Royal to national heroes. It's a great way to get a glimpse at the introspective side of the Jamaican people.
The National Gallery
The National Gallery (10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Tues.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat., closed Sun. and Mon., US$1.15 adults, US$0.55 students and persons 65 and over) is the go-to place for a concise overview of Jamaican art, from Taino artifacts and colonial art dating to Spanish and English rule, to pieces charting the development of Jamaican intuitive and mainstream expressions. The works at the National Gallery reflect Jamaica's landscapes and its people, and their history, religion, spirituality, and folklore. Artists whose work is part of the gallery's permanent collection include Mallica "Kapo" Reynolds, Barrington Watson, Albert Huie, Carl Abrahams, John Dunkley, and Edna Manley.
The National Gallery
The National Gallery (10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Tues.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat., closed Sun. and Mon., US$1.15 adults, US$0.55 students and persons 65 and over) is the go-to place for a concise overview of Jamaican art, from Taino artifacts and colonial art dating to Spanish and English rule, to pieces charting the development of Jamaican intuitive and mainstream expressions. The works at the National Gallery reflect Jamaica's landscapes and its people, and their history, religion, spirituality, and folklore. Artists whose work is part of the gallery's permanent collection include Mallica "Kapo" Reynolds, Barrington Watson, Albert Huie, Carl Abrahams, John Dunkley, and Edna Manley.
The National Gallery
The National Gallery (10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Tues.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat., closed Sun. and Mon., US$1.15 adults, US$0.55 students and persons 65 and over) is the go-to place for a concise overview of Jamaican art, from Taino artifacts and colonial art dating to Spanish and English rule, to pieces charting the development of Jamaican intuitive and mainstream expressions. The works at the National Gallery reflect Jamaica's landscapes and its people, and their history, religion, spirituality, and folklore. Artists whose work is part of the gallery's permanent collection include Mallica "Kapo" Reynolds, Barrington Watson, Albert Huie, Carl Abrahams, John Dunkley, and Edna Manley.
The National Gallery
The National Gallery (10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Tues.–Thurs., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Sat., closed Sun. and Mon., US$1.15 adults, US$0.55 students and persons 65 and over) is the go-to place for a concise overview of Jamaican art, from Taino artifacts and colonial art dating to Spanish and English rule, to pieces charting the development of Jamaican intuitive and mainstream expressions. The works at the National Gallery reflect Jamaica's landscapes and its people, and their history, religion, spirituality, and folklore. Artists whose work is part of the gallery's permanent collection include Mallica "Kapo" Reynolds, Barrington Watson, Albert Huie, Carl Abrahams, John Dunkley, and Edna Manley.
The Natural History Division and the Museum of History and Ethnography
The Natural History Division is the oldest division of the IOJ and is housed adjacent to the Institute's main building on the ground floor. The Museum of History and Ethnography (10 East St., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Fri., US$4 adults, US$3 for students with ID, US$1 children 12 and under) features temporary exhibits at its headquarters ranging from colorful examples of contemporary Jamaican life to historical commemorations of events and movements in Jamaican history.
The permanent exhibits at the satellite museums include the Hanover Museum, parish museum located at the old prison in Lucea, The Museum of St. James at the Civic Centre in Montego Bay, the Fort Charles Museum in Port Royal, and the People's Museum of Craft and Technology in Spanish Town Square.
The Jamaica Military Museum
The Jamaica Military Museum (US$1 adults, US$0.50 children, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Wed.–Sun.) is a collaborative effort between the Jamaica Defense Force (JDF) in consultation with the staff of the Museum of History and Ethnography showcasing Jamaica's military past, starting with the Taino and the Spanish-Taino encounter, with a few old tanks and uniforms on display from the British period, to the present JDF uniforms and medals. No reservations needed.
Jamaica has a vibrant tradition in theater, pantomime, and spoken word performances, with annual shows and competitions sponsored by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (www.jcdc.org.jm). Events are held throughout the year but come to a head during the weeks around Emancipation and Independence in early August.
Liberty Hall
Liberty Hall (museum hours 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Mon.–Fri., US$1 adults, US$0.50 children) is the latest addition to the Institute Of Jamaica. The rehabilitated building was Marcus Garvey's base of operations in the 1920s and today has a small reference library with a wealth of knowledge related to the man and his teachings. Liberty Hall houses a multimedia museum and resource center as well as continuing Garvey's vision with programs for local youth. Garvey's influence on the Jamaican psyche is profound. Liberty Hall is the best place to grasp his importance as a founder of pan-Africanism, just a few blocks up from St. William Grant Park and the Ward Theatre, a hotbed of Jamaica's labor movement.
Liberty Hall
Liberty Hall (museum hours 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Mon.–Fri., US$1 adults, US$0.50 children) is the latest addition to the Institute Of Jamaica. The rehabilitated building was Marcus Garvey's base of operations in the 1920s and today has a small reference library with a wealth of knowledge related to the man and his teachings. Liberty Hall houses a multimedia museum and resource center as well as continuing Garvey's vision with programs for local youth. Garvey's influence on the Jamaican psyche is profound. Liberty Hall is the best place to grasp his importance as a founder of pan-Africanism, just a few blocks up from St. William Grant Park and the Ward Theatre, a hotbed of Jamaica's labor movement.
Liberty Hall
Liberty Hall (museum hours 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Mon.–Fri., US$1 adults, US$0.50 children) is the latest addition to the Institute Of Jamaica. The rehabilitated building was Marcus Garvey's base of operations in the 1920s and today has a small reference library with a wealth of knowledge related to the man and his teachings. Liberty Hall houses a multimedia museum and resource center as well as continuing Garvey's vision with programs for local youth. Garvey's influence on the Jamaican psyche is profound. Liberty Hall is the best place to grasp his importance as a founder of pan-Africanism, just a few blocks up from St. William Grant Park and the Ward Theatre, a hotbed of Jamaica's labor movement.
Liberty Hall
Liberty Hall (museum hours 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Mon.–Fri., US$1 adults, US$0.50 children) is the latest addition to the Institute Of Jamaica. The rehabilitated building was Marcus Garvey's base of operations in the 1920s and today has a small reference library with a wealth of knowledge related to the man and his teachings. Liberty Hall houses a multimedia museum and resource center as well as continuing Garvey's vision with programs for local youth. Garvey's influence on the Jamaican psyche is profound. Liberty Hall is the best place to grasp his importance as a founder of pan-Africanism, just a few blocks up from St. William Grant Park and the Ward Theatre, a hotbed of Jamaica's labor movement.
African-Caribbean Institute of Jamaica (ACIJ)
The African-Caribbean Institute of Jamaica (ACIJ, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Thurs., 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Fri.) has been run under the direction of Bernard Jankee since 1995. The Institute's mandate is to "collect, research, document, analyze and preserve information on Jamaica's cultural heritage, through the exploitation of oral and scribal sources." The ACIJ has a memory-bank program in which oral histories are recorded around the country and then transcribed, as well as an active publications program featuring the ACIJ Research Review. There is a small library at the office where the Institute's top-notch academic publications can be browsed and purchased. The ACIJ also runs an outreach program in schools and does presentations in universities in Jamaica and abroad. The ACIJ has a tradition of collaboration with individual researchers and institutions. Projects have included studies of traditional religions like Kumina and Revival, and research on the Maroons.
National Heroes Park
National Heroes Park, which encompasses Heroes Memorial, occupies 30 hectares below Cross Roads on Marescaux Road within the large roundabout known as Heroes Circle. The roundabout surrounds what was once the city's main sporting ground, later becoming the Kingston Race Course. The park was also the site of several important historical events, including Emancipation Day celebrations on August 1, 1938; the jubilee celebrating Queen Victoria's reign in 1887; and the free Smile Jamaica concert where a wounded Bob Marley offered the people of Kingston a 90-minute performance in defiance of his would-be assassins in 1976. Heroes Park is also said to have been the battleground where warring factions from East and West Kingston would face off in organized skirmishes.
The memorial, located at the southern end of the park, commemorates Jamaica's most important historical figures and events. Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey rests here, as does labor leader Alexander Bustamante, who formed the Jamaica Labor Party, and his cousin Norman Manley, who founded the opposition People's National Party. Norman's son Michael Manley, who gave the country its biggest communist scare for his closeness with Cuba's Fidel Castro, is also interred here. Paul Bogle and George William Gordon are also honored for their role in the Morant Bay Rebellion, which was at the vanguard of Jamaica's civil rights movement in the post-emancipation period. The most recent icon to be laid to rest at Heroes Memorial is the cultural legend Louise Bennett, referred to lovingly by all Jamaicans as "Miss Lou," who died in June 2006.
Headquarters House
Headquarters House (8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri., free admission) is home of the Jamaica National Heritage Trust, which oversees the country's heritage sites; it dates from 1755 and is a good example of Georgian architecture. Merchant Thomas Hibbert built the house in a contest to see who could construct the most ornate edifice with which to impress a local girl. There's a nice gallery on the ground floor with antiquities. It is also called Hibbert House. The Jamaican Parliament was housed at Headquarters House until it outgrew the small confines of the main chamber.
Gordon House
Gordon House was built in 1960 to replace Headquarters House as the meeting place for Jamaica's House of Representatives. There's not much to see, but visitors can drop in and experience Jamaican political wrangling at its most civil in a House of Commons or Senate session.
The building is named after labor leader George William Gordon (1815–1865), born to Scottish planter Joseph Gordon, who owned Cherry Gardens Estate, and a quadroon slave. Young Gordon taught himself to read and write and became a successful businessman while still in his teens before going into politics. A champion of the underdog, Gordon was not popular with his peers in politics who represented the landed elite. After being elected to the Assembly in 1944, he failed to regain a seat until 19 years later when he was elected to represent St. Thomas-in-the-East, where he owned substantial landholdings. Gordon was a vocal opponent of the Custos, as well as the Governor General Edward Eyre. At the same time, he allied himself with Paul Bogle, another champion of the poor, both in politics and in religion. (They were both Native Baptists, seen at the time as a lower-class religion.) When unrest in St. Thomas culminated in the Morant Bay Rebellion, Gordon was held responsible and swiftly court-martialed and hanged. Bogle was hanged shortly thereafter. Both were made national heroes when the Order was established in 1969.
The Jamaica Gleaner building
The Jamaica Gleaner building, home to the country's longest-running newspaper, is on North Street, with the cricket grounds of Sabina Park a few blocks to the east. Also nearby, on Duke Street, is Jamaica's only synagogue, the United Congregation of Israelites, which dates from 1912.
The Ba Beta Kristian Church of Haile Selassie I
The Ba Beta Kristian Church of Haile Selassie I, led by the Abuna Ascento Foxe, is located on Oxford Street in front of Coronation Market and is worth a visit for its colorful service on Sunday afternoons. Women must cover their heads, wear dresses, and sit on the right side of the aisle. Men should not cover their heads. The church sponsors community initiatives as well as the Amha Selassie basic school located next door.
Jubilee and Coronation Markets
Jubilee and Coronation Markets sort of fuse together starting at West Parade and running along West Queen Street and Spanish Town Road to Darling Street. It's certainly worth a visit to mosey around and browse through the stalls, renowned for touting the best bargains in town on produce and just about anything else. Not the place for high-end gear, but the experience is gritty Jamaica at its best--with all its accompanying smells. While it's most comfortably enjoyed accompanied by a local, there is no danger to going unaccompanied as long as you can handle unsolicited attention from hagglers seeking a sale. If you're a woman, it's guaranteed the market men will display a typical lack of shyness in approaching you with romantic interest.
Marcus Garvey Community Center
Marcus Garvey Community Center is the present-day venue for meetings of the Marcus Garvey People's Political Party (MGPPP) (6 p.m.–8 p.m. every Thurs.) which certainly had a stronger following when its iconic leader still attended. A fish fry is held on the last Friday of every other month (Oct., Dec., Feb., etc.), accompanied by a sound system, of course.
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Holy Trinity Cathedral (Sun. service, weekday mass at 8:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.), presided over by Father Kenneth Richards, replaced the old cathedral on Duke and Sutton, which was destroyed in the earthquake of 1907. Trinity has been center stage for several important national events. Archbishop Samuel Carter is buried on the site, and Michael Manley's funeral--attended by Fidel Castro and Louis Farrakhan, among a host of other dignitaries--was held there. A relatively small-scale earthquake destroyed the stained glass on the cathedral's south face in 1951; it was subsequently replaced with clear glass. In the years since, mischievous children have broken many of the panes by throwing stones. The original mosaic tile on the north wall has been uncovered, and a Spanish restoration team is set to restore the rest of the mosaic walls, which were at some point painted over with white. Caretaker Craig Frazer leads tours of the building and points out interesting details. A generous tip is sure to make the pious young man even more devout.
Sanaa Studios
Sanaa Studios (10 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Sat.) offers classes in ceramics, drawing, painting, art photography, and jewelry making. A small gallery has a steady flow of exhibits by students and others. Drop-in rates are US$20–35 for three-hour sessions.
Amai Craft
Amai Craft (10 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Sat.) sells paintings specializing in Jamaican intuitive, or self-taught, artists. Belgium-born Herman van Asbroeck, the proprietor, founded the gallery i n 2000 but has been living in Jamaica for more than three decades. The gallery is located upstairs from the unassuming framing shop Herman runs on the ground floor.
Grosvenor Gallery
Grosvenor Gallery has contemporary art exhibits and occasional crafts fairs that brings artists and craftspeople from around Jamaica. Call for upcoming events.
The Art Centre
The Art Centre (9 a.m.–5 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Sat., free admission) is housed in a uniquely designed apartment building commissioned by A. D. Scott in the 1960s. Inside, colorful murals adorn the walls and art is displayed on the upper two levels as part of the building's permanent collection. The gallery uses the ground floor space for its transitory exhibits. Rosemarie Thwaites is the gallery director. Paintings start around US$100. On the same compound there is an art supply and framing shop.
Mas Camp Village
Live music and stage show performances in Kingston are not as frequent or varied as some would expect given the prominent role music plays in Jamaican life. Nonetheless, there are a handful of venues that feature somewhat regular acts. Stage shows are held routinely and there are large events at least once a month at Mas Camp Village, located on Oxford Road at the southern boundary of New Kingston. Jokers Wild and other promoters use the popular venue regularly. Mas Camp is a massive venue that holds occasional stage shows and has been the site for Bacchannal, Kingston's version of carnival, with parties every Friday from February to April. In 2009, Sandals boss Gordon "Butch" Stewart's Jamaica Observer newspaper announced the hotel chain would build a Sandals City on the site. The announcement was followed a few months later with news a Marriott would be brought to New Kingston, but a timeline for these developments was not defined. Neighbors don't appreciate the noise and have challenged use of the area as a concert venue, which could bode well for it being put to an alternate use. But if partygoers get their way, Mas Camp will be around for some time to come.
Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA)
Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA) holds occasional shows at the Pegasus Hotel or smaller productions at other venues (admission typically US$15–20). JAVAA carries the torch for Jamaica's early music from the 1950s to the 1980s, from lovers' rock to rocksteady, ska, and roots reggae. The organization was formed to bring recognition and financial support to these artists, many of whom participated in the formation of Jamaican popular music, as they reach their golden years. Tickets are available from JAVAA members and at the JAVAA office.Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA) is located at 7-9 Hagley Park Road Halfway Tree Entertainment Complex next to the York Plaza.
Jam World
Jam World is a large venue in Portmore that hosts Sting, an annual Boxing Day event.
Festivals and Events
Several annual events are worth being in Kingston for, including Bacchanal, which runs February to April; the Reggae Film Festival, held the last week in February; the Observer Food Awards held in late May; Caribbean Fashion Week in early June; and Restaurant Week, typically held the third week in November when participating restaurants slash prices and feature culinary novelties. The Strawberry Hill High Stakes Backgammon Tournament, held in the nearby Blue Mountains, is a must for dedicated fans of the game with an appetite for competition.
Jamaica's Girls and Boys Championships
Jamaica's Girls and Boys Championships, better known as Champs, is an annual track and field meet held in late March that sees Kingston's hotels booked with fans from home and abroad who come out in hoards to watch the competition. The energy at the National Stadium is palpable, with fans screaming and waving for their schools.
Moving Mountains
Moving Mountains (www.movingmtns.posterous.com) is a three-day house music festival held each year in on the third weekend in March at Strawberry Hill. Held the week before the Winter Music Conference in Miami, Moving Mountains brings house DJs from abroad who ascend to Strawberry Hill for a one-of-a-kind party weekend with a spectacular backdrop of Kingston.
Quad is Kingston's longest-standing Uptown nightclub, with three levels. Christopher's Bar and Lounge is on the ground level, with Oxygen Nightclub on the second floor, and Voodoo Lounge on the top level. Patrons frequently go from one floor to the next throughout the night depending on the genre of music and vibe on each level entry into Quad is only (USD $12).
Club Privilege
Club Privilege (open Thurs., Fri., and Sun., admission US$12) is a slick club located above Treasure Hunt gaming lounge that prides itself on being the most exclusive venue in town. Bottles of champagne and Moet adorn two bars, with lounge furniture in the cordoned-off VIP area overlooking a large dance floor. Privilege is the only club in Jamaica that stocks Ace of Spades champagne, Black Hennessey, and Patrón tequilas. The club features U.S. alternative music on Alternative Thursdays (10 p.m.–4 a.m.), club night on Fridays featuring reggae and hip hop, and oldies on Retro Sundays (9 p.m.–2 a.m.). On the first Saturday of every month, Reboot features funky house with visiting DJs from all over the world. Drinks range from US$5 for a beer to US$785 for a bottle of Ace of Spades champagne.
Limelight is a popular bar that hosts several promoters each week for independent parties which typically run from midnight to 5 a.m. Bounty Sundays is promoted by veteran dancehall master Bounty Killer, Hot Mondays is hosted by Fire Links, Boasy Tuesdays, a.k.a. Blazey Blazey, is hosted by dance master Blazey, and Expression Thursdays is hosted by the Dance Expressions troupe.
Club Escape
Club Escape (open 24/7, US$6 for men, US$5 for ladies after 9 p.m. Fri. and Sat.) is an outdoor bar and nightclub that often has heated dominoes games in the early evenings, plus a mix of music that includes hip hop and reggae. Lunch is served 11 a.m.–4 p.m. daily except Sunday, with items like chicken, oxtail, curry goat, and pepper steak (US$3.50–5). Light items like kebabs and grilled and jerk chicken are served in the evenings until 3 a.m.
Club Escape
Club Escape (open 24/7, US$6 for men, US$5 for ladies after 9 p.m. Fri. and Sat.) is an outdoor bar and nightclub that often has heated dominoes games in the early evenings, plus a mix of music that includes hip hop and reggae. Lunch is served 11 a.m.–4 p.m. daily except Sunday, with items like chicken, oxtail, curry goat, and pepper steak (US$3.50–5). Light items like kebabs and grilled and jerk chicken are served in the evenings until 3 a.m.
Club Escape
Club Escape (open 24/7, US$6 for men, US$5 for ladies after 9 p.m. Fri. and Sat.) is an outdoor bar and nightclub that often has heated dominoes games in the early evenings, plus a mix of music that includes hip hop and reggae. Lunch is served 11 a.m.–4 p.m. daily except Sunday, with items like chicken, oxtail, curry goat, and pepper steak (US$3.50–5). Light items like kebabs and grilled and jerk chicken are served in the evenings until 3 a.m.
Puls8 is an open air bar at the Pulse Entertainment complex that hosts weekly events as well as Pulse models during their many annual events and after parties. Light bar food is served.
Puls8 is an open air bar at the Pulse Entertainment complex that hosts weekly events as well as Pulse models during their many annual events and after parties. Light bar food is served.
Chateaux Vino
Chateaux Vino is a cozy and well-appointed wine and martini bar that opened in late 2009.
The Pub
The Pub at the Mayfair Hotel open (9 a.m.–1 a.m. weekdays, till 2 a.m. Fri.–Sat.) has a nice ambience by the pool.
Kno Limit Sports Bar
Kno Limit Sports Bar (kitchen open 11:30 a.m.–9 p.m., bar open until you say when Mon.–Sat.) has a nice outdoor courtyard space with a flat panel TV behind the bar. Kno Limit is perhaps best known for Passion Sunday (midnight Sun.–3:30 a.m. Mon.), a popular street party held weekly. The kitchen serves traditional Jamaican fare, including fried, baked, and roast chicken, plus tripe and beans, shrimp, conch, lobster, and cooked food (ground provisions, or tubers). The bar was opened in October 2006 by entrepreneur Junior Cox right before the start of World Cup Cricket in 2007, with Donna Hibbert managing.
Moulin Rouge
Moulin Rouge (4 p.m.–you say when Tues.–Sun., admission US$4 Thurs.–Fri.) is a rooftop billiards hall. Thursday night is oil wrestling, Coyote Friday sees waitresses dress up in Western-inspired outfits, with young talent showcased on Sundays (9–12). Contact supervisor Lilly Labarr (cell tel. 876/866-3393) for upcoming events. A kitchen is open during the day (9 a.m.–6 p.m.).
Medusa (4 p.m. until last person leaves Mon.–Sat.) located on a second-story wood deck built by proprietor Jason Lee in 2005, is the perfect spot for an evening drink. Patrons dance the night away for Latin Night, held every other Saturday. The Wednesday evening (6 p.m.–1 a.m.) all-you-can-drink special is very popular (US$12).