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The St. James Interior extends from the coast inland as far as the Trelawny border, where Cockpit Country begins.


Caliche Rainforest Whitewater Rafting (tel.


Mountain Valley Rafting (Lethe, tel. 876/956-4920 or 876/956-4947, 8:30 a.m.\4:30 p.m daily, US$45 per raft) operates bamboo pole rafts along the Great River for a meandering rather than thrilling ride.


Great River Rafting (US$20) is offered on long bamboo rafts along the lower reaches of the Great River and out onto the tranquil bay where it exits into the sea. Immediately after crossing the Great River, turn inland and back to the river's edge, where several rafts are tied up under the bridge. Ask for Hugh.


Rocklands Bird Sanctuary and Feeding Station (Anchovy, tel. 876/952-2009, noon\5:30 p.m daily, US$10 per person) was created by the late Lisa Sammons, popularly known as "the bird lady," who died in 2000 at age 96.


Rocklands Cottage (US$150\200 for up to six people) is a cute three-bedroom on the property that has one king-size bed, one queen-size bed, two twin beds, two bathrooms, and a kitchen with a big living and dining room. The cottage has air-conditioning and hot water.


East of Montego Bay proper, Ironshore and Rose Hall cover the coast with hotels and housing developments that range from middle-class to super-luxury before reaching Greenwood, a small community once part of the Barrett estate that sits beside the sea, bordering the parish of Trelawny.


1028. Falmouth

Trelawny's capital, Falmouth, is today a run-down shadow of its short-lived former Georgian prime. Nevertheless, noble and much-appreciated efforts are under way to dust off years of neglect and shine favor on the town's glorious past by restoring its architectural gems.


The Baptist Manse (Market St., cell tel. 876/617-1060) was originally constructed as the town's Masonic Temple in 1780. The building was sold in 1832 to the Baptist Missionary Society, which had lost many buildings in raids of terror and reprisal following the slave rebellion of 1831, in response to the Baptists' fiery abolitionist rhetoric.


Falmouth Courthouse was built in 1815 in classic Georgian style, destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in 1926. The building stands prominently on a little square facing the water just off the main square at the center of town.

