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Bubbling Spring (contact proprietor Lincoln Fagan, cell tel. 876/850-1606, 9 a.m.\6 p.m daily, admission US$15) is a natural mineral spring impossible to miss thanks to the bright rainbow colors painted on the compound's outer walls, located along the main road on the western side of Middle Quarters.


1312. Y.S Falls

Y.S. Falls (9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m Tues.-Sun., US$17 adults, US$8.50 children 3-15 years) on the Y.S. Estate is by far the best conceived and organized waterfalls destination in Jamaica. It's been operated by Simon Browne since 1991. The Y.S. River changes with weather--crystal clear blue normally, and swelling after rain in the mountains to make the perfect venue for tubing (US$6).


One of the most beautiful four-kilometer stretches of road in Jamaica, running from Middle Quarters to West Lacovia, Bamboo Avenue is also known as Holland Bamboo.


1314. Lacovia

Just about all that's noteworthy about Lacovia, other than being the turnoff for Maggoty, Accompong, and Appleton Estate, are a few restaurants and a gas station.


Kingmon's Restaurant (tel. 876/966-6705 or cell tel. 876/425-6721, US$3.50\5.50), run by Kingsley and Monica, serves natural juices and Jamaican staples like baked and fried chicken, cow foot, curry chicken, and curry goat.


Tropical Jerk Center (contact proprietor Neville Douglas, tel. 876/845-3814, 9 a.m.\10 p.m daily) serves jerk chicken and pork, food, soup, and jerk and steamed fish next to the Texaco station.


The interior of St. James, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, and Clarendon parishes is rugged terrain, much of it forming part of Cockpit Country, which blankets pitted limestone hills full of caves and underground rivers. As the impassible interior descends to the sea, ridged hills taper down around lush valleys, which have proved some of the most fertile in Jamaica. The Y.S.


Apple Valley Guest House (contact Lucille Lee, cell tel. 876/487-4521 or 876/963-9508) has slightly less basic double-occupancy rooms (US$36) than those at the park, with hot water in private baths and air-conditioning or fans available by request.


Appleton Estate offer one of the most popular tours (9 a.m.-3 p.m Mon.\Sat., US$22 admission includes a miniature bottle of rum) on the South Coast, well within reach for those staying anywhere from Montego Bay, to Negril and Treasure Beach.


1320. Santa Cruz

A bustling transportation hub more than a destination of any note, Santa Cruz can get congested during the day; if you're just passing through there is a very useful bypass around the town center that saves a lot of time. Arriving from the east, veer right off the main road at the Y where the road splits at the Total gas station before getting to town.

